The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 10 1918.
Commissioner Weigel Says if Plant
is Closed. Company Will Lose
It and Franchise, Too
I-riii Friday's Dally.
1 toa trice Sun: The gas company
sent notice to its consumers yester
day that the plant would be closed
at midnight June 12. giving as a
reason that the present rate charged
, ., ,..,..,;.,, c(u :
. i
and the citv commissioners
persistently refuse to advance the
A statement will probably come
from the citv ball as soon as the forced to discontinue operation at
commissioners have considered the1 least for the time being, commenc-
. . . .,' ng with midnight on the 12th day
new situation. Commissioner Weigel ofhe present month.
said that the company is bluffing.) in this connection, we desire to
that it will not close dawn, that clos- thank our patrons for the way in
ing its plant would be a forfeiture which they have generally stood by
1 , , it , . us in our efforts to continue in busi-
.f its franchise and that the plant npsg aml 5,erve them.
ph-s with the franchise. The samel Dated June 1, 191S.
interests, said the commissioner, own The Gage County Gas. Lgiht and
,i 'Power Co., by Thos. Rice, Its Man-
loth the gas company and the com- "er
panies from which the raw materials a '
are produced. They boost raw ma- J -gQUT THE STORM
.fr.a. uS. I
uemanu gas rates 10 meet me nigg
er prices.
The commissioner said that the
government is demanding that la- njghts since, to come to the center
boring men remain at work even c( the city, to see if there were any
though they ask for higher wages, danger of the heavy rains doing
Why shouldn't the same thing apply damage to the property on Main
to corporations? They may lose nion- street," which has suffered so greatly
ey in one year and make up for it from similar storms in the past. A
in other years. His attention was nviniber of very disastrous floods had
called to the fact that the govern- resulted in the past when the sewers
ment had increased freight rates and were put in and the overflow was
it was not likely that municipal op- J sufficient to cause much damage,
t-rat ion of the gas plant would re- The paving had also teen put in and
suit in lower price to the consumers. 1 as in other places the center of the
The government control of railroads, city' had been crowded until it was
he replied, was a scheme of the rail- nearly as high as the curb on the
roads to get their rates advanced, rides, while this made a high dry
He was not in favor of the city tak- center when it rained, it did not
ing the plant and operating it if the provide sufficient capacity to carry
city had to guarantee the owners of off a rain like last evening. A num
the cas plant a certain income, as'ber of times the cellars were filled
the government guaranteed the rail
roads. Apparently the commissioners have
i,o plan for meeting the situation. '
but are relying upon the fact that
the company is bluffing. "If the com
pany closes its plant, it will forfeit
its franchise." said Weigel. but he
did not indicate whether the com
missioners intend to take charge of
the plant and operate it.
Following is the company'3 state-
To Our Gas Consumers: On ae-
fount of unavoidable causes bevonu
its control, the Gage County Gas.
Lipht and Tower company is, and
for some time has been, unable (ex-
f pt at a great and rapidly increas
ing loss to furnish gas to its pat
rons at the rates which are now. and
for several years last past, have
been in force, and as the city coun
cil of Beatrice has neglected and re
fused to grant the company an in
crease in its rate for gas, the com
pany has boon forced to decide to
hut down its plant, at least tem
lrarily and until conditions are so
fhruiged either by a sufficient in
crease in gas rates by the city coun-'
fii r ny a reduction in the cost of
,11.J,ri.1i, ..,,,1 i.i ..
the production of gas to enable the ,
"Keep the Home
company to resume the operation of
its plant.
In order to cause as little incon
venience as- possible to its patrons,
the company will operate its plant
and furnish ga3 at the present rate3
until midnight of the 12th of the
present month (June), at which
time the gas will be shut off to all
j Owing to the extraordinary war
(conditions and the great and contin
lual increase in the cost, of materials
'and labor it has been for some time
known to the city council and to the
public generally that the company
was operating its plant at a loss.
The actual cost of furnishing gas to
its consumers exceeds and for some
time has exceeded its receipts from
the sale of gas, without taking into
consideration the depreciation of its
plant or the payment of interest
upon its indebtedness.
As Is generally known, the com
pany is, and for years has been fur
nishing gas to its consumers at low
er rates than those in other cities
of the size of Beatrice, situated in
this part of the country. Notwith
standing this fact, in such other cit
ies, the local authorities of these
other cities have recently generally
granted very substantial increases
in gas rates.
The company and also a majority
of its patrons, have urged upon the
.present city administration the jus-
tice and necessity of granting such
a reasonable increase in gas rates
ne M-rnl:l bt fnir hntli to thp rnm-
a reasonaoie increase in gat
. i 1 1' nitrrtftc o tl 1 mialllp t ll
Jl.wi unit u,i vi.o. ....i.
company to continue in
These efforts have been wholly in
vain and there being no relief in
sight, the company is reluctantly
From Friday's Daily.
Many people left their beds a few
with water, but much damage was
done to stock and buildings. Henry
Gering. W. W, Coats and Robert
Sherwood took up the matter of
lowering the streets, which was done
after much opposition. The flood
last night would have resulted in on
of the old kind of damages to the
whole of Main street if the paving
had been crowned as formerly, for
as it was the street was filled to the
i top of the curb, and in some in
stances the water ran over hem.
I lie people ui loua.v navv i maun.
thoge wlu) gomc voars ago fought for
. . . ,
,hat change, even against much op-
There wi'l be a social dance given
in Murray, on Wednesday evening.
June 12th. at the Puis & Ganscmer
Hall, for the benefit of the Murray
Home Guards. The music will be
furnished by the Kroehler orchestra
Plattsmouth. You arc most
.... . . . , ,
cordially invited to attend this
Fires Burning
9 9
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday the Defence Council met J
at the Wagner Hotel in the shape of
their Executive committee, and took
, up a number of things which was
before them. There were a number i
of delinquencies, in the matter of
the Red Cross and the Third Liberty
Loan bonds. The people who had
been delinquent were called before
the committee and the matters talk
ed over, and they mostly when the j
matter was properly presented to .
them, saw the justness o." the kxri- ;
tion of the council in the matter,
j and complied with the suggestions of
1 the council, in the matter. There
were two men, well situated as re
gards to money and lands, who neg- j
lected to comply with the sugges
tions of the county board, and a re
port of the circumstances was made
to the State Defense Co uicil, who
' will take the matter up with these
( two delinquents and endeavor to
know why they should not do their
part for liberty.
"i-ini Friday's Da 11 v.
The Bach building on lower Main
street which workmen have been
busily engaged in tearing down,
now completely nf.ed and the ma
terial salvaged therefrom is being
taken to the farm which Mr. Hach
recently purchased from Thomas 11.
Stokes on the river bottom. The
walls are leveled to the floor and all
the material will in a short time be
removed, thereby making the ground j
ready for the new malleable plant
toon to be erected here.
Yesterday At Her Home South of
This City A Good Woman
Passed Away.
From Thursday s Dally.
Mrs. Frank R. Good nan. who was
born in this city some thirty-eight
years ago. a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter I). Rates, passed to her re
ward after some two weeks of in
tense suffering, occasioned by an ac
cident which befell her in falling
down the cellar stepj at her home
south of the city. This resulted in
an injury to one knee and which
was supposed to have ltleen getting
along fairly well, but later resulted
in blood poisoning, while at the
same time she received internal in
juries. which produced peritonitis,
made a complication which va? the
most difficult to treat or combat. Dur
ing the time Mrs. Goodman has been
a patient sufferer notwithstanding
the pain has at all times been most
intense. She has had the best of
medical attention and careful nurs
ing, which has aleviated to some ex
tent the suffering, bu? could not pre
vent the coming of the end.
Mrs. Goodman was a member of
the Christian church, a worker in
the church and Sunday school hav
ing at the time of the accident a
j very interesting class of young giils
who thought the world of their teach
er. A consistant worker in tiie
, church, an excellent wife, and a
mother which could not be surpass
ed, of three children, one a young
man. Robert Goodman, and two
younger. Genevieve and Charles, be
sides the husband, making a model
family. Siie was a sister fo Mrs.
Charles M. Hiatt. a daughter of Mrs.
P. Rates ok" this city. In the passing
ef Mrs. Goodman this family have
lost one whom nothing can replace.
I the neighborhood. Mie of their mem
bers, which all will mourn and the
church and Sunday school to which
she was connected a worker which
cannot be replaced. There appears;
elsewhere in the paper a notice of
the time and place of holding the
From Tliiii-Klity'K Dailv.
John Juronek. while ompn.yed in
Mm Riirlingtou shops, wnrkin;, on
the car repairing department, was
engaged in driving out a bolt from
a piece of time, which when becom
ing disengaged, impaled one of hi'
fingers, between the frame of the car
and the end of the rod, breaking the
finger, and mashing the flesh. The
finger has been dressed and while he
can save the finger, it will he some
time before he will be able to return
to his work again.
To Prevent Belchiner.
.Make a regular habit of eating
slowly, masticate your food thor
oughly, and you may have no further
trouble. If you should take one of
Chamberlain's Tablets immediately
after supper.
TTT1 I I 1 4 4 4 lit'
Eit cf Rilay Hi
Cwtes BlfcV.
Scood Floor
I ,...lT.,pt-frtt
From Friday's Dally.
Will Meisiujjer living west of
Mynard had his attention attracted
by a peculiar and beautiful marked
animal, insect or bird, which' It had
all the georgeousncr.T of a butU'tly,
and with- markings on its wings
which measured s-o.icthing over ;;ix
inches from tip to tip, and with the
body as varied in bright colors. He
captured the brute or boast, what
ever, in a large lantern globe and
enclosing it in a riason fruit jar
brought it to the city for identifica
tion, which upon examination prov
ed to be a Lepedopteron, a member ,
of the lepedopterous family of in- !
sects. j
Mr. Meisinger gave the animal its-:
liberty after a thorough ex," ininat ion
had been made to ascertain just svhat ;
it was.
The Doctor Away From Heme When
Most Needed.
People are often verv ni'.i.i disap
pointed to find that their family
physician is away from home when
they moaf need his t.erice: Dis
eases like pain in the stomach and
bowel?, colic and dierrlona
prrmpt treatment, and have i:i many
instances proven fatal before medi
cine could be procured or a physi
cian summoned. Tlie right way ;." to
keep at hand a bottle of Chamber
lain'o Colic and Diarrhoea llimedy.
No physician can prescribe a better
medicine for these disease:;. Ry
having it in the house von escape
mu:'h pain and suffering and all risk.
R;:y it now; it may save life.
m:; i. rt vriot
In t!"' District t'l'.irt of Cass -.unty,
X. aska.
1 'n-. V. r;mv Nil. (1M:.
I : I K I :
Id i' npl u a t ion of Kilwanl .1. T.
Vnin-ly t' vest anl tiansft-r the rea!
saT- of t 1 1 Mi-t luli.t I'pisi p:i 1
t-l:ii it-1 i of Mynai'M, NVl-ras-ka in ami to
tlif .W I Task a Annual ( 'on f i-reneo of
the Met ''! ist Kyiseopal (hr.reli in the
l'aitrl States of Ameri.a:
.V petition liaviii.: ! r'ii tileil in the
jdiove eniitietl entire hy l-'ilwa rl .1. T.
lYmielv a-:kin;r that a trustee he ap
pointed ami !ji-ee'.eil to transfer the
following (ieserihe.l real estate situat
ed in t'ass comity, .ehra.-ka. to-wit:
Lots Twenty i'i ale! Twcn t y-one
(L'1 ia Lonu s Is! AiMi t i n to Mr.arl.
Nebraska, from the M-t h-,il ist Kpisco
pal church of Myiiiinl, Nebraska, to the
Nebraska Annual t'.'ti ference of the
Methoilist l-;;iseopal ciiuriii in the
I'nited States of nieriea. unon the
.anr.inil th;t saiil Met hoiiist l-:piseopal
ehureh ef My pan!. X'-'i r; ska . has -eas-e.l
to eisi anl has ceascl to tnainlaiu
its orj4a ;i i.a t ion. am": therefore the saiit
Nebraska At:!iiial 'on feri'iice has the
rij-rht to l::i vc sail! Vial estate trans
feree to ai.l vesieil in it. it is unit to!
by the Court t! at saiil letition be
lieanl tn the -Hii !ay of June. 1 ! 1 s.
at lit o'clock a. ri. and all persons interest-1
ill shIiI l (Tal estate of in saiil
Methodist ehun-h at Mynard.
Nebraska, are hereby directed to ap
pear and make objections thereto, if
anv tlev h;'e. and if they do n.t ap
pear and make such objections at said
time such trustees at such time may
!' appointed and ordered to transfer
said real estate as proposed in sai-i
petition. It is further ordered that a
eopy of this notice be published in
The i'h' t tst.jout h for three
weeks prior to said time, and a ;;,
of this pot tee be posted in three prom
inent public places within the Count v
of Cass. Nebraska. for three weeks
prior to said time.
j;;-;:tv. Jude of Pistrcit Court.
Mrncr: o- m:ni(i
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss:
In County Court.
In the matter of the Kstate of Fran
cis S. White, Deceased:
To all persons interested in said Ks
tate: Creditors and heirs take notice that
A. W. White has tileil his petition al
leintc that I'ran-is S. White died in
testate in said county ou the 7th day
of January, 1!11, beini; a resident and
inhabitant of said county and owner
of the following described real estate,
to-wit: Lots l. and :; in !!Imk ill.
ami the XU of Lots 11 and 1J in
llloek It. all in tiie 'ity of l'latts
ntoelh. Cass county. Nebraska, and
leaving as Ids sole and only heirs at
law. the following persons, to-wit:
I Warm l-Mei ton White, widow: W.
.1. While, now deceased: Kosa A. Leon
aid: Krancis I-;. White: A. C. White:
Florence White Ledfern. now deceased,
children i" said eineased: Anna IS.
While, wji'.i-.v of John II. White, a de
eascd son: Charlotte AV'liite, Janet
While. Lsther White, cliildicn of the
-aid Joint II. White, deceased: and
iiraxin- for a decree, barriiiK' claims
::d ibt crm i n i 'it;' heirship f said de
ceased as above named to b- the sole
and only lu-irs at law of said deceas
ed, and that the hearing be had on
the Jlth day of June, 1 ! 1 x. at ! o'clock
a. in. of said day. at the County Court,
in I Mat tsmoii t h. in said county.
l-at'd at I'lattsmonth, Nebiaska, this
JTth dav of Ma. 1'Ms.
t .v't ;; 1 l-j::-;:tw. County Juile.
If you are in need of any. larni
implement:; in the line of cultiv;'tois,
read what Mr. Johu F. Gorder says
lie has in the cultivator line.
Itand-McNally war maps for sale
it the Journal office.
VVc buy Rags, Rubber,
Iron and Metal!
Second Hand Furniture
of all kinds!
S. CHASER Manager
Eighth and Vine Sts.,
Plattsmouth, Nebaska
TEL. 608 '
SnWtO Kfcjp u
YOU can replace any part of your truck that wears
out at small cost except the motor. Proper lubri
cation is the most important detail in its care.
Lubricate the engine with Folarine. Minimizes friction
maximizes power. Absolutely pure and acid-free; always
uniform. Best for summer lubricates perfectly at all
engine heats.
Look for the Polarine sign it's a safe guide to a safe oil
that safeguards your motor.
Use Red Crown Gasoline the fuel that's all power
and mileage.
From Friday's a ily.
Allison Flynn departed this after
noon for O'Neill, where he will
spend six weeks, at his old home
town, and will be accompanied by
his aunt. Mrs. M. V. Nicholson of
Valentine, who has been here visit
ing at the Flynn home for some
time. Mrs. Flynn and Damicn were
passengers as far as Omaha to ac
company Allison on his departure.
From Ki ii.i y's laily.
lour larse troop trains, pass
through here near noon hour, from
Fort Crook, presumably for Camp
Funston, but no one krovs for sure
just where. The boys were very
jubulent, as they passed through and
seemed to be enjoying themselves
hugely. Two letters were dropped
off for two of the young ladies in
riattsmouth, written no doubt by
yome of the boya who were at a the
camp north of thv city a short time
Lame Back Relieved.
For lame back apply Ch;.tnberlins
l.inimnnf ti'irn ? fl :i v nlltfl lil:lsx,l',n
JI1IIIIIV 111 .-... ... I .11... I
the muscles of the back over the seat
of pain thoroughly at each applica
m:; i. im ATio.v
Tin- Stato of Nflnaska, Cass enmity
ss :
In County Court.
In the matUi- of 1 1 1 1 Kstato of .In
scpltine Agnes I :u if ncr. I irrcascil :
To tin- ircilitors of saiil Kstate:
Yon arc lii'i-i'liy notifli-il that I will
it at tin- Coiuit.v Comt loom in 1'latts-
riimirh. in sni'l -iiintv. on tin' Mh ilav
of ,lnl-. tills, anil on tin- Mil day of
Oitolx-r' litis, at 1 o'clock a. in. of
each ilav to receive ami examine all
i-iaims against sanl instate, with a view
to their ail inst merit and allowance.
The time limitcil for the irescnt a t ion
of claims against saiil Kstat" is tnret
months from the Mh ilav of .Inly. .V
I . li'ls. ami the time limitcil for pay
ment of ili tits is mi" year from saM
Nth ilay of July, lilts.
Witness my iiaml ami the seal of
saiil 'oiinl"v Court, this ;jlst ilay of
Mav, littS. .i. i:i:i:so.
Seal ) -j.'I-l t w. County Judge.
m:;i. oTifi-:
To I'anliiK- hlham. as Ailminisl ra t
or .f the Kstate of Ceorre J . llil ha ill.
Iicii'iisod; Kichaxl ('"tiway Ohlliam,
Ciizza. J. IJaker: l.aomia Coniially,
Pauline Oldham, l'av Oldham. John .1.
Oldham, Jessie I . Snyder, Kllison I,.
Oldham. James W. Oldham. Vera. J I. Old
ham. . I 'oily Oldham and Mary l,. Craig:
You are herehv notified that on the
JJnil 'nv of May, 11. -plaintiff, filed
si petition in the Idstrict Court of
Cass county, Nclniiska, praying among
'titer things for an rouer to he filler-
f-il lv itic couii uireciin me aumin-
istratrix of the estate of George J.
Oldham, deceased, to convey to plain
tiff Lots one 1 and two (J and ail
of Lots three t :! and four (41 not
taken lie Chicago avenue, in Clock one
hundred sixty-four (ICil City of 1'lutts
innuth. Cuss count v. Nebraska, upon
tiie payment of the balance of the
purchase price in accordance with the
contract, entered into between th
plaintiff and the said George J. OM
hain, during his life time, on tlie 10th
dav of S-ptember, 1:117.
You are further tiotitie.i that there
will be h hearing upon said petition.
and on the allegations thereof, before
the Judge of the District Court of:
Cass county, Nebraska, in the District
Court, at I'iatlsiuout Nebraska, on
tlie ftth day of July. liUS. all of
vhi(.:i and the a li tjra I lou of tke pe
tition you wilt tt;l:e due notice.
JU.1XN H. HALLSTliilil. j
C. A. IiAWLS, !
m7-(itw.) . Attorney. I
From Friday's 17aily.
This niornins there arrived in the
city a company of folks who came to
spend the day with former instruc
tors of their school days. The com
pany was composed of Mrs. Icwis,
Misses Sybel Lawrence ami Jean
Wattles, of Omaha, and Miss Kliza
beth Quinn. of Council Muffs, all
former students of St. Catherine's
school, at Davenport. Iowa, in which
school both Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur
Leete were members of the fac
ulty of the school at the time the
ladies were students there, Mrs.
Leete as an instructor and Mr. Leete
as chaplain. They are having a re
union at tlie Leete home and are
enjoying the old days at school once
more through the faculty of happy
iight r.ramah egg fcrs hatching
15 for $1.25. 50 for ?3.50. 100 for
6.f0. Mrs. John W. Stones, My
nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mosr
Chronic Constipation.
Perhaps you have r.ctcv thought
of it, but this disorder is xlue to a
lack of maisture in the residual mat
ter of the food. If you will drink
au abundance of water, eat raw
fruits and take lots of outdoor exer
cise, you may be able eventually to
overcome it entirely. In the mean
time use the most mild and gentle
laxatives. Strong and harch cathar
tices take too much water out. of the
system and make a bad matter worse.
Chamberlain's Tablets are easy and
pleasant to take, and most, agreeable
in effect. Give them a trial.
The Truck You Have Been Looking for
The Denby Truck
The Truck for the all-purpose man. One of the best
on the market and sold at prices that are right.
Just Look Over a Few of the Best Points found in a Truck and
call me for a Demonstration and I. will Show You the Rett.
Detailed Specifications for One Ton:
Capacity, 2,000 pounds. Body
allowance 900 lbs; total ca
pacity, 2,900 lbs.
Wheelbase, 124 inches.
Road Clearance, 12 inches.
Also Two Ton and
L. L. WADE, Local Dealer Piatt siiioutli, Nebraska
Call Phone No. 3120.
coi'V or aotici: to rici-:iuToi:i
The tate of Nebraska, Ca.-s coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Chalfanr. 1 ecease! :
To the creditors of s;hl Kstate
You are hereby uotitii-'l that I
sit at tlie County Court ;i.oii
i'lattstiiout h hi said county, on
L'.'th dav of June, li'ls. and the
jt;t li
dav of September. 1 it 1 . at 1" oVI
a. in., on each day. to receive and ex
amine all c'aims against said Kstati
with a view to their adjustment ate
allowance. Tie? time limited for pre-
.t lilt: l l"'ll .1.111.1.-. i:.imn.-i ....
tate is three months from the l'"th da.
.line, . . 17. iiriii iue ion
iteil for iiavnient
di-lits is one yt
of .tune, litis.
from saiil rt!; lay
Witness my liand
said County Court
and III
ti is Jl
si a i
May, l?li.
ALl.KN .7. i:i:i:si V.
lSeaI)-iii-7-ltv. County Jinlyc.
I.IOti A I. MITK't:
To 1 'an line Oldhani, as Atlniin i.t i ; i -
ix et the J-.state oi Lieorge j. i iiii:aMi,
1 tcceasi d : llichard Cotiw.iv Oldham,
Cuzza .'. linker, l.aeun;i Connally. Paul
ine Oldham, Kay oi.iham. John J. ohl
liam, Jessie I . Snyder. Kllison I., old
ham, James Oldham. Vera II. old
ham, l'olly Oldham. Mary I.. Crai. and
all persons interested in the estate of
Jackson 1. Oldham, Deceased, iin hid
ing creditors and claimants:
Yon are herehv notified that on the
1th day of May," litis, plaintiff tiled a
petition in the District Court of Cnss
county, Nebraska, praying anionic oth
er things for an order to be entered
by the court directing tlie adminis
tratrix of the estate of George J. old
ham, deceased, to convey to plaintiff
the Northwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section thirty-one :'. 1 i
Township eleven (11). Kangc fourteen
(111, Cass county. Nebraska, upon the
payment of the balance of the purchase
price in avoidance with the contract
entered into between the 'plaintiff ami
the said George J. Oldham, during iiis
life time on tlie 1,1th dav of January,
You are further notlfifu there will
be a hearing vpon said petition, and
on tlie allegations thereof, before the
Judge of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in the District Couit
room at I "la 1 1 smou t h, Nebraska, on the
i-nd day of June, litis, all of which
and the allegations of the petition you
will take due notice.
.... .-, v
Ltr.i.i i-:.
C. A.
Do not let that dollar rust. Undo
Sam can use it. Invest it in a Liberty
Brake Horsepower, as governor
speed (1300 r. p. m.) 25.
Frame, Pressed steel, 4 deep
by 4 wide and 3-1 G thick.
Speed, 1G miles per hour.
Three Ton Trucks!
Motor Co.
i r