THURSDAY, JUNE 6. 19 IS. FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLT JOURNAL. PAUE FIVK. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding , Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Be Ready For dWL &n Opportunity One often hears, "If I only had a little money I could make a fortune,'0 Why not be ready when op portunity knocks at your door? Plan to place in the bank a certain percentage of your sal ary or business profits. . Then when the main chance comes along you'll be ready for it. Banking in every form. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. FViURRAY STATE BAISC ; Duck ejya for sale at 50 cents a fret tin:;. Oldham Stock Farm. Tom Til so ii and family spent Sun day at the C. II. Tilsoi. home Mrs. Lee Farris was looking after business iu Nebraska City last .Mon ti ay. .Mis:; I.ora Far is is able to bo out attain after having a severe attack of tensilit is. Mrs. John llemlrieks is battlim: with it soirre of the Liberty incasies this week. Harry Creamer and family ami Mrs. U. C. Creamer were Nebraska City visitors last Friday. - - - Miss Margaret Span:;ler has re turned homo after spending a we"k visiting with relatives at Malcolm. Miss Yilla Capen is spending hor vacation :it home after closing a very successful year of teaching at Uni versity riacc. Charlie Chaplin seems to be the main attraction at the moving pic ture shows at the Puis &. Cansno mer hall this-week. Lester Lee Long suffered a very painful accident a few days ago when he bad the misfortune to run th tine of a pitch fork entirely through bis foot. Mr. J. V. Kdimmds was a IMatts nioutli visitor Tuesday morning, driving up in bis ear to iT(nu p;niy his sisier. Mrs. Fields to the train as she was departing for her homo in Ohio, after spending the pa si month vith her brother and other relatives and friends. The entire eighth grndo class of the .Murray school succeeded in pass ing t iio county examinations, and will all enter Hiuh School next y;ir. This sp aks well for the work done by tne students as well as by Mi.s Kliea the teacher. The (lass was eom pised of Chester Shrader. Oustav Ifmiten, Jack Long and I'earl Rentier. Summer Underwear! .... i. m.mumw '!WB3M IT i.i,'V-j"i .... ".'.'..J'Sa The time of the season has arrived when you will want to dress for real comfort. We surest you fill your needs at once, owing to uncertain deliveries in this class of merchandise. Few merchants arc overstocked on union suits, and while we are not, we have a fine selection to offer, in strictly first grade garments. Gentlemen's unions, short sleeve, ankle lengths, all sizes, suit Gentlemen's genuine Chalmers Poros Knit uuions, suit Gentlemen's P.-V-D unions, per suit Centleruen's Richmond make, very fine weave, extra quality.. Poys" Poros Knit unions, sizes 1! G to T.4, per suit Ladies (unify Cut V nick vests, each : Ladies extra quality, large size vests, a quarter seller, each Ladies Cmufy, hue- knee unions, regular sizes Ladies me: h unions, first quality and worth more than we uk. La das ti.-'bt knee unions, good quality and undepriced, suit Mits- o vtits, a lirst quality garment at old prices, each iatt MURRAY, Mrs. Long and Mrs. Tubbs, both of Mynard, were visiting friends in Murray Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I lee llostetter were calling on the Murray merchants Saturday evening. Miss Mae IJarker, piano instructor met with her class in Murray on Wednesday as usual. I!. C. Creamer and wife and daughter. Miss Alice and Allen Dart let t were Sunday dinner guests with Miss Etta Nickels. The Women's Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. Harry Todd on Friday, June 14th. All members arc invited to be present. Mrs. V. A. Kennedy arrived home "Wednesday after visiting a week in Sioux City, Iowa, with her son Chas.. who is employd in a garage at that place. Chester Minnear has returned from an extended visit in the east having visited relatives at Lafayette, Ind., and I5rownsville. 111. On the return trip he spent seme few days taking in the sights of Chicago, and alto gether his trip was inueh enjoyed. Miss Marie Davis who has been leaching school at Morsland. Nebr.. returned to her home and will spend the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis. Miss Davis has not yet decided whether she will, accept and offer from the western school for coming term, and will no doubt teach nearer home next year. Misses Lydia and Helen Todd re turned home from IVru State Nor mal last week where they have spent the past year, ard where Lydia was a member of the graduat ing class this spring. Miss Lydia was delayed a few days owing to the heavy roads, ac she wished to drive her new roadster home which was a recent gift to her from her father, and which she has been en joying during her leisure hours at Peru the past few weeks. .$1.00 . 1.35 . 1.00 . 1.45 . .50 . .20 . .15 . .65 . .50 . .50 . TT0 . Tutt, NEBRASKA Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mrs. E. S. Tutt autoed to riattsmouth Tues day. Dr. and Mrs. Gilniore and Mrs. J. A. Walker drove to Omaha Wednes day. Mrs. Rex Young came home Tues day from a few days visit with friends at Louisville. D. A. Young and Chas. Uoeueker are having their houses wired this week for electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wchrbein and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sans. Mrs. Robt. Shrader, of Omaha, came down this week for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long. Mrs. D. A. Young and Mrs. V. A. Kennedy departed last Saturday for a. few days with friends and rela tives in I6wa. Al. Partlett met with the misfor tune of running a pilch tine into his limb Monday that caused a very painful wound. There will be services at the Lewiston church Sunday, June 23d, at 3:00 p. m. Preaching by the Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union. Mrs. W. E. Dull and Gladys Mrasek were Omaha visitors last Saturday. Gladys remained in the city for a few days vi.sit with friends. Nettie Connelly came down from Omaha to look after some business matters in Murray. She reports Mrs. Connelly very sick at her home in Omaha. Monday Dr. Jackson received a telegram announcing the death of a lister at her home in Apollo, Pa., at five o'clock Sabbath evening. She had been sick for some time. The funeral was to be on Wednesday, but Dr. Jackson did not feel that he was able for the long journey to bis na tive place about fifty miles beyond i'it tsburgh. Monday morning Rev. A. L. God frey with his wife and their four rhildreii came up in their Ford from Dunbar and visited at the United Presbyterian parsonage. In the af ternoon Mr. Godfrey took Dr. Mc Nary -and w ife and -Dr. Jackson to Plattsinouth. where the McNarys took the Burlington train to Omaha .-in their way to Loveland, Colo. The quota cf Red Cross sweaters for this place is about completed and most of them have been turned in which shows what splendid work the Murray ladies arc doing. While speaking cf knitting we have heard of two great knitters who are well known here and we believe they de serve special mention. Mrs. Prenuel rports that her mother known here as Grandma Parr of Ind.. has knitted fifty pairs of socks during the past few months and Mrs. Spangler's mother, Mrs. Perry of Mynard has made thirty-four pairs of socks and three sweaters. These two good ladies arc certainly doing their bit for Uncle Sam's soldiers and it is no very small bit, either. Dr. W. P. McN'ary and wife arriv ed from the east la-st Saturday morn ing and visited at the United Prer. byterian parsonage until Monday af ternoon when they left for their home at Iovcland, Col. Dr. McN'ary is a brother of Mrs. Jackson, and they are the last survivors of a large family. He is now seventy-nine and retired from active work in the min istry some years ago, but consented to preach Sabbath morning, and gave an interesting sermon on the resur rection, basing it on Rev. "0:15. While he had been in attendance as a representative of his Presbytery at the General Assembly of the Unit ed Presbyterian Church meeting last month in Pit.sburgh. Pa. Mrs. Mc N'ary had visited relatives in Xenia, Ohio and Urooklyn, N. Y. Home Guard Notice The attendance of drill Tuesday evening was the largest for some time. The officers now have their commission and under Ihe new rul ing of the War Department, we will get some equipment from the state and with the amount allowed tis by the county will be pretty well equip ped. Every member should attend drill at lei'.st once each week in order that we may be ready when our arias and uniforms arrive. The merchants have igreed to close the stores each Tuesday even ing at 8:30, so they may drill with I us. This may mean some loss of J business for them, but as they are j'drV'tbis we diopethcLr-.ciio-' tomersVwiiybe. patriotic ''enough 'to do their trading early on Tucsady evenings. ' The llome Guard will ap preciate your co-operation in this ; matter. j A dance will be given for the benefit of the company in Puis & Gansemer's Hall in about two weeks. If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail satue to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all news items Editor Mrs. Jos. Cook and daughter Nita, were Omaha visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and daughter, Miss Viaal spent Tuesday with friends in Avoca. Mrs. C. I). Spangler and Mrs. W. S. Smith. Mrs. G. H. Gilmore and Miss Margie Walker were visiting with Plattsmouth friends Monday. Mrs. W. E. Dull, Pauline Oldham and Frank Condon attended the Decoration day exercises at Platts mouth last Thursday. F. T. Wilson and family motored to Omaha last Saturday, where they spent the day in the transaction of some business matters. Walker Gilmore went to Perkins county Wednesday of this week, at which place he will be employed on the Philpot & Gilmore ranch for the summer. Mr.s Lulu Loughridge came up from her duties as nurs at the Woolsey home near Wyoming, Mon day, ami spent the day with her mother, Mrs. lirown. Rev. Lovell Massie and wife re turned to their home in Vermillion, South Dakota, last Friday, after a few days visit with Mr. lassie's parents, friends, and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Urown went to Omaha last Saturday, and while there bought a new Yelie car thru the Puis agency of Murray. The new car is right up to the minute, with all the new devices of a perfect car. They returned home in the new one. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Campbell from near Imperial. Neb., were here tb latter part of last .week, visiting with their many friends and relatives, re turning home last Saturday. Mr. Campbell reports everything looking fine in Chase county for th? time of the year, and they erpect to have the uual wheat crop, should all conditions be favorable to the end of the season. They are well pleaded with that part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. James P.rown were in Plattsmouth Sunday afternoon, driving up to meet Mrs. Lou Trimpey of Omaha, who wits coming to Mur ray for a short visit it the Drown home and Iter many friends here. Mrs. Trimpey just returned home from a trip to Deming. New Mexico, where she visited with her brother Valdon Drown, who is in the army stationed at that point. She met most all of the Cass county boys, and reports them all feeling line. Next Lord's Day, June 9, is to be a big day for the Christian churcfi in Murray. In the morning at ten o'clock sharp, we are going to organ ize a strictly young men's class in the bible school. 1o bo tuaght by the pastor. At eleven o'clock a section is to be reserved for every young man in the community. The morn ing subject will be "Christ as a Young Man. or True Ideals.' The entire morning service is for young men, so tell them about it, and boost by coming, bringing and sending all you can. Our Children's Day pro gram will be given in the evening and will take t lie place of the regu lar preaching service. A good pro gram is assured and everyone is working hard and faithfully, so the program will be given well. We want a full house at each of these services, and a hearty invita tion is extended to all. Come to the church that has a message and a welcome for all. C. E. 1 1 ANNAN, Pastor. United Presbyterian Church. Next Sabbath, which will be Children's Day, the Sabbath School and the morning church service will be combined. The Sabbath School will meet at the usual hour, ten o'clock, and after a short session of the school program for the day will be carried out. In this the children will have a large part. There will be good music in which the choir will lead. The pastor will not preach, but near the close of the pro gram will have a brief message to the children. As the profTaiu will begin before eleven o'clock it will be well that those not in the classes be there by half past ten. A full at tendance both of children and adults is expected and desired at this ser vice. In the evening the pastor will preach. The church is now fully equipped for electrical lighting, and there should be a good evening aud ience. Every one is ifivited'to these services bot h of t Iwj '"'-ujcifrn i jig . ', an d evening. - ? Congregational ' prayer meeting is held in the church each Wednesday evening. Communion services will be held in this church June HOth. at which time the pastor expects the assist ance of his son, Rev. W. M. Jackson of Topeka, Kan. Pauline Oldham and Albert Young were Omaha visitors last Saturday. Lee Brown shipwd a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Hansen, who lias been so seriously ill for the past few we'oks, is improving. Mrs. II. C. Long, who has been suffering from the effects of a rusty nail penetrating her foot some time ago, is improving very nicely at this time. Silas Patterson, of South Bend, well known to many in this commun ity, is in the Clarkson hospital in Omaha, where he is receiving treat ment fcr heart failure. A new girl baby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith Wednesday of last week. The little lady is about the finest in the land so the happy daddy says. Both the mother and little one- are doing nicely. There was a little new ladv ar rived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schater last Thursday that will add all that is possible at. this time toward making the Schafer household one of the happiest, in the laud. Fred says it is the handsom est lady in the land as some of the ladies claim she looks just like her dad. May every day of her life bring as much joy to the proud and happy parents as the first. Visiting With Their Mother. V. E. Perry and family and Chas. Perry, from .Malcolm, Nebraska, visit ed a few days the past week with their mother, Mrs. Petre Perry, in Eight Mile Grove precinct. They drove down in tiieir car and return ed ' home Sunday. The Perry boys were for many years among the niist substantial farmers of Cass county, and a host of friends here who are always pleased to see them. Yerner oniv recently moved to Malcolm, rtnd has not really ac customed to the new home. Perrys In the Army. Harold Perry, from Alberta, Canada, arrived in Murray Monday of this week for a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Peter Perry, and other relatives before entering upon his duties in Uncle Sam's great army of fghters. On his way here he en listed in the coast artillery as me chanic, and will soon be sent to Fort Logan, where he will be assigned to Ins future duties in the World's War. Mrs. Ferry is also in receipt of . a letter from her son Walter Perry, of Orange, Calif., in which he states that his son. Maurice, has just com pleted his third year in college, and in company with fourteen of his classmates went to San Francisco, where the entered the officer's train ing camp, preparatory to entering the army of fighters to down the Kaiser. May success attend these young men is the wish of all friends back at the old Cass county home. llrs. Theresa Spohn. Theresa Nipp Spoil n, daughter and oldest child of Joseph Nipp and Francis Ames, was born in Hiid vheim, Hanover, Germany, October S, 1S3C, and died at Superior, Ne braska May 2Slh, 191S, at the age of eighty-four years, seven months and 20 days. As an infant, she came with her parents to Pike county. Ohio. Here she grew to womanhood and was married to Mathias Spohn, June 30. 1S59. She and her husband immed iately came to Nebraska, as pioneers tirst settling near Plattsmouth. and in 1S7G coming to the farm near Su perior. Since the death of her husband, she has made her home in this city. Her children, George, Mary and Will and grandson Vilas, survive her; al so one sister Mrs. Eliza Adams of Colorado. The funeral was held at the home Friday May Cist at ten o'clock. Rev. J. N. Hamilton of the First Presby terian church having charge of the services. A Iarge number of friends and acquaintances were present to pay their last respects to one whose life was an example to emulate, in its kindliness, industry and devotion to duty. Interment was made in Evergreen cemetery. Superior Sun. Mrs. Spohn settled in this county when she first came west, living for many years at Old Rock Bluffs, and many of the older settlers -will well remember her. She has a number of relatives residing in this county at the present time. W. R. YQUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE. ALL. CALLS Telephone 1511 Murray Exchange Mr. Cream We Have Concluded to Buy Cream! Our prices will give you complete satis faction. The certainty that you will be pleased with our treatment gives us the confidence to make you a guarantee of en tire satisfaction. Our desire is to buy your cream and we will merit it if you will give us a trial Our prices for butter fat par pound, f. o. b. Murray, is: 43c cash; 45c in trade. ills & MURRAY, Jack West was a Plattsmouth vis itor Wednesday afternoon. John llcndricks and family were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday. R. R. Nickels went to Omaha on Tuesday, from where he took the train for Imperial. Nebr. Mrs. John Yardley is spending a few days with her son, Omar and family, near Cedar Creek, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robbins are the proud and happy parents of a fine baby boy, which arrived at their home this week. TEACHER LEAVES FOR HOME. Froni Monday's laity." Miss Mabeth Reach, who has been one of the teachers t the high school during" the past year deported last Saturday for her home in Lin coln. Miss Reach lias made a very efficient teacher, and had done good work with the scholars, and espec ially the younger girls of the hiuh school. At her leaving, the girls were like the early Christians with the apostle Paul, they were con strained to go with her as far as Oreapolis, to say good-bye. GOES TO BROOKLYN. From Monday's raily. We are in receipt of a communi cation from Uncle Tom Kennish, who has been visiting relatives and Our Service And What Sf Cleans to You You Appreciate Econemy You Get It Here THE ONLY REAL ECONOMY ECONOMY THAT "PROVES OUT" There are two kinds of ecen omy in buying farm imple ments. One' is seeming economy; the other is real economy. One looks mainly to first cost; the other looks mainly to final results. One makes you think you have practiced buying economy when you pay the first cost of an implement; the other makes you know you practiced buy ing economy when jou count the profits that the use of an implement has paid you. One is usually false economy; the other is alwajs the kind of economy that pas. We offer you the real econ omy in buying the kind that is safe the kind that pays. The implements we sell car ry a trade-mark that is firmly MURRAY Hardware and MURRAY, 3 A miJd for treatment, and no money to re paid cntil cared. Writefor boot on Ketta 1 Diseases, witii and testimonials of more tiiau 1000 prominent people who bav: teen permanently cn-ed. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Beo Bulldlne OMAHA, NEBRASStA DRS.'MACH & MACK, The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES. 1 Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using. Producer: Ganseme 6 NEBRASKA friends at Jolict, 111., for the p. t few weeks. He Mates he is baf -v: Joliet and going to 15r.okln. N. V. That he is feeling II. Hi I;, ki n in all the sights of little N' v York and next week would bi working t r our Uncle Sam. WILL SPEND SUMMER IN EAST Ki!M M-niliyV I:tily. Miss Marie HauKsv.orth who h:n been leaching in the city h-'.pm.Is here duri.l'J the past year. v. ,t':i the closing of the school, di parted t'"r her home at Rurlinuton. and uas oe companied by her aunt, Mrs. I. Hawksworih, who will visit Co-re ft-r seme time, tben po to Rock 1-I.i !, where she will visit with her daugh ter Mrs. E. W. Cook and with io-r sen Joseph E. Hawkswort h. b 'h of whom are making their bom.- tli-re. WESTLEY L. BLAIR ENLISTS. I'l'iini Wednesday's .!'. West ley L. Flair of L u v il a grandson of Judge J. W. Fr..b- t de parted today for Ft. Logan, in re be is entering the coast. artillery. West ley before made application for enlistment with the navy was Umi light by two pounds and was refus ed on that account but at this time ho has been accepted, and goe-s to I he Colorado camp for the presci' and to what point later he does not know. established, wherever farm im plements are used, as an assur ance of special CjUality. Tie ir general use i; due alone to the fact that farmers everywhere find real economy in using tin hi. Their success is based eatire lys on the better lesults they give in actual use. Our service puts you iu the closest possible touch with tlne better implements. We keep .1 stock of them right here !;:- to your farm, where oii cm in vestigate each implement thor oughly before you buy where you can get what you want when you want it. You don't take a chance when you take a buving trip to our store. You take the straight road to real implement ceotion.y. Come in and see lor your.-el?. We invite your patronage. implement Go., NEBRASKA . Fistula Pay When Cured system of treatment that curp Piir-3. Fistula nti other Recta IDisea"S in a short time, w ithout a severe sur gical operation. No ChJorotorm. Lther or other fierier I Annftf hti lisH Ari!riiiipflntr(iiTI v,nr... b...i. THE DENTISTS "THipn FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCX, OMAHA