The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 191S.
PLATTSMOUTII semi-weekly journail
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ili-icr Copy oT Wrapper.
PLATTsriouTir ror nd ia. girl
TV-. '! . t V; iiMin.. -i ..j.'lhor-
mv f.-r il'
T.i.. :t ri'ii r 1 t - n:mt h Imv, ami
Mi N ri I'r.riftt an Iowa .'Mil.
'Y.- vnt . !i,;i!ia aiul were there.
utv.'-i! ;:i inarri.i.U''. ruri'ri-i!i their
t 1 i :i 'ir i';i;tn limine. Chest-
r '! ' -v i.t a TMiii'.'-rr of years was
c .'. -i 'i" IM-nt -Tii.vjth. ::( 'to
: ! . 5 to. :miiI siiu e i;;in to Iowa
! l.iMi.. It tn the matter of
f.iri ;-.!: a:.! 1: T e! " n;;. at. the same
lir.-o U ot jnt what the most of
iM'vir-. Well witli the wife on
ih-Jwir it. FCLens that the farm
life vu- I 1e more pleasant. Che: ter
is a 11"" I'ov. aiivl we are extending
t i! o ;,-v ly m.irrio.I eo:ipie our he?t
I- r-r their !i a ipi !is- ami pros
I eriry.
1-?...-, ..-.. v .t:!-
T'ii 'r"!"" in "ii'eial e; -
v:i' :'.y.f :)VV';V f i i 1 - to
? .! ' -Mh. : !io ''y,' eliiirr Audit-
T ' : ' :'' ! i ii mii v. ;t t: he:: dq'i:! rt -r
i: (':-. i! a. Vayne received hi;
: ' j '"''-io 'i'. a i : :!,. ; a.::o and wa-:
;' .i -', .. i' U r y. t -rday. H"re
I 1 he 1 :'s oi'; 'lnied the s;.!ie
v. " a ii!i lie;.!.juartrs P(U!n. P.-fore returning home. Mrs.
r " ii;;ir.g the rout hern ' J"' vvill b( in the cast for a num-
.,.r, j : ,f hm witti the work i ,,or "t weeks. Mr. Hoot returned to
1, r- i - i -: more terntorv, an t ai o '
: Ii I e! : er i i; :u in all I -
w-.".. and hi- Vrothcr ci
v.i'.- fnt ir ; H' t'ts J . .iu-ph ami
., .-.-(I y ;ir a.'.-o. W"n to"nla.
v ... r.- , ;..i;:;.iv acted a- po - t -
rr-. .r r..r ft;,, j,..--fniVtce d ep r: vi w i .
Th" '- .-it'ter :.iyit'ir tor a siiort
tl'.ne re'iirtli'I Wetktlor . n the i'ltr
1m,: ':i p !: re f..r a year, which
v-a :l.i-n !:!, i-; ago. In de
pict iti" t' 1"-;e they lpvo i.nfh
a:'1 - good, and Wayne is now hold-
When Company Comes
are you ashrmed to invite them in because
yonr walls and woodwork of your home
Jot.ks shabby or do you delight in having
friends visit you became you know the in
terior finishing is in such correct taste that
it wiil add a touch of cheer and brightness
to the occa?ion?
Think ii over and call on us to give
jo.i cifSi.t3tions.
p. ft. S
ml &
si A
TF B 5 in ra f rf
C j iy i4 8 w t. 9
t i .irv v tan nm m Mnm w :i
Per Infants and Children.
t m lain -
IMiers Know That
Genuine Gastoiia
Bears the
Signature fa k
f AM
or Over
Thirty Years
j5 a i -W' UtAUW (J
TMC Cntu com, rwocrr.
ins; a lueretive and very responsible
position. Clyde, his hrother is at
Camp Custer, in .Miehiuan, where
he is with, the army, mid is also
enjoying a good position and life
to ao to that. The parents F. A.
Murphy and vifo are at Chicago,
where Mr. Murphy is army post
F1..111 Tu.s'l:ivs laily.
Mrs. Crank Kehal received a let
ter from Frank yesterday saying
that he would soon have to depart
for the coast, and that for her to
come over to Chicago to see him be
fore be departed. . Mrs.. Kcbal de
parted this morning tor Chicago,
and' will meet Frank there before he
departs, and will afterwards visit
with her lister Mrs. Charles Kopp,
for tome time.
Fi eri Tn.'cl.i v's l;ii!v.
1!. . Koot of Murray with lti-s
wife wer; in tb;.; city this morning,
ci Tiling to i i . t the early train for
t i e ea ' t , hii h Mrs. p. not is ta!;i;ig
for Cliicago. where she will visit lor
seiii" time with friend-'. aHer that
going to Michigan to vi it at a num
ber of point.-, and then to Canton.
t!:-1 home at Murray.
Ranrl-McNally war maps for sale
at the Journal office,
f ,,f,.TnTi - .-.-.. r r .t r
4 it I ir I I i 4 J I
Eaitt of Riley FTcrl
Cortes' Rlock,
SfHrord Floor
S S I trr! ft :
s ;.
m cr o ? ?r n
it u Im. Li 2 ff'
ft J
KrcJ It
p p BHBssil
tr - . ia wii r i kvsj r
1 ti p
Visitors Threaten to Quit but. Con
tinued the Game and Edward
Gradoville Hit by Ball.
rrnin Monday's lnlly.
Yesterday witnessed a good ball
game, and one that would have been
much better had it not been for a
cli.'igreement and the subsequent re
porting' to diplomacy and for the
fact that Edward tlradoville was hit
on the side of the head by a ball
thrown by the second baseman in
tlte latter part of the game. Fddie
hail just been put out at second,
when the second baseman for the
visitors, C.ernaudt, attempted to
throw the ball to first and struck
lM ward on t lie side of the head.
Other incidents were when they put
up a bluff to quit because they could
not turn the ump, Ed Long from
stajing a decision lie had made, ar.d
when 11. Stacey, the captain, played
the baby act by pounding the ground
with his bat when he was struck
Stimpson pitched an excellent ball
game and had to his credit fourteen
strike outs and one out by tagging
Dyck when he was trying to make
The game opened with a two ba.;e
hit by the right fielder of the visi
tors. II. Stacy, while Stitts, the short
stop, was grounded and Stacy pur
loined third. Gernaudt got a single
ami Stacy scored. Dyck went out -n
a fly, Xorgaard got first and (ler
naudt second, while McAndrews was
put out by Edwards. With us Mc
Carthy fanned, Crassman singled to
first and on a passed ball went to
second, Edwards was out at lirst
and Herobl flew out. One. two. three
Xorgaard, E. Stacy and Nelson went
down before the perfectly controlled
ball of Stimpson and in our half of
the second Mason flew out, (Grado
ville was put out on first and Mar
tin fanned.
In the third, H. Stacy,
and Stitts all beat the air and our
boys tried it again. Krccklow lo--t
on a fly, while Stimpson cracked the
ball and found his way to second,
McCarthy lost on a fly and Grass
man was fanned.
In the visitor's half of the fourth,
l)ck went to the benches on a fly,
Xystrom was fanned, McAndrews, got
a hit and also second, while Xor
gaard . was fanned out.
In half Edwards soaked it for
two bases, Herold was hit on the
foot and given first. Mi-son was giv
en a walk, filling the bases. Grado
ville followed, but was fanned and
Martin was given a walk, making
Edwards a run. Krecklow went out
jii a fly and Stimpson struck a safe
grounder but Hubbins could not
make second and lose before Herold
could reach home plate.
At the opening of the fifth the
game stood one to one. E. Stacy and
Xelson were tanned, while 11. Stacy
was given a walk, Stille was able to
set? first and Gernaudt went out on
a fly. McCarthy was fanned, Grass
man grounded out and Edwards went
out on a fly.
In the sixth Dyck got to second
on a fair hit and later made third,
being picked up by Stimpson on the
line to home. Xystron next got a
tafo hit and with Andrews and Xor
gaard following the bases were full.
Herold caught Xystron at home,
and Stimpson fanned E. Stacy, pull
ing the home team out ot a hole in
that lniuif. Herobl grounded, Ma
son Hew out and Gradoville ground
ed out.
In the seventh Xelson was fan
ned, K. Stacy made first on a sing!e,
but lost on an attempt to steal sec
ond and Stitts singled for first, but
was caught on the back run by E'l
w arus.
Our half of the seventh was not
able in that Martin, Krecklow and
Stimpson all lost on flies.
In the eighth Dyck swatted it,
Nystron pounded it and McAndrews
lambasted it, with the result that
Dych and Xy;;tron scored and McAn-df-.
v. i reach: i Xorgaard went
out oti a ;ly to M.'io'.n. Gradoville
light McA r.-!re.vs on third, or off
'f.-'f. ;nl hf had to go to the bench.
E. Stacy was able to get to second.
"i'l- 'A X"l.on vp tit on' on a fly to!
Herold. On. our sHe McCarthy was
struck- out, Grassman' got second on j
a" ball 'when there was no one ut
i n that
looked like a nice clean catch, and i
(Grassman pause;! at second until the
ball was missed and then tried to
make third, arriving a second too
late. I'M wards kept on going to sec
ond, but without avail as Herold
llew out and the inning was over.
In the lust' inning U. Siacy ai the
visitors could not "find" Stimpson.
and acted like a spoiled child, pound
ing the ground with his hat, for
which he received the roasting that
was coming to him. Stitts and (Ger
naudt went out on flies and their
portion of the earning season was
over. The game now stood three to
one in favor of the le'clins and the
Red Sox had an inning coming.
M oor. ent to grass on a fly,
Gradoville made a single and on
Martin's grounder was caught at
first, while Martin was car.rht on
Krecklow's grounder and the game
was over.
l-'rotu Tuesday's fi.iily.
Geo. K. Staats and wife have jusl
received a letter from their son
Clarence V. Staats, who is located i-t
Denting. Xew Mexico, with which he
enclosed a picture showing him-elf
just as he returned from a"i eight
davs hike, of the hot day which
amounted to '22 miles, with, a load
of 2 pounds to carry. The band
to which Mr. Staats belonged
out for the eight days, and that was
a portion of their requirements.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mrs. Ida I). Fields of Columbus,
Ohio, who has been vMting for somt
weeks at the home of her brother
J. V. Edmonds of Murray, was in
the city flits morning, accompanied
bv her brother, he having driven
his sister to this city In his car, to
make the train for the east, she go
ing to her home in Ohio.
From Tuesday's I'aily.
Mearle Kainey, who but a short
time since took over the lte-Xcw
Tire Co., the institution which was
formerly conducted by Fred fl. Daw
son before he departed for Chicaeo,
is making some needed changes in
the arrangement of the machinery
and adding conveniences here and
there which will in the end bring
better results, and help in the doing
of better work. Mearle is gelling
in shape to do anything but make a
new tiro, and could do that if it were
necessary. Section work is one of
the strong features of the institu
tion, and they are doing some line
work in that line.
i.i'ji i. im atio
In tie l.istli.t I'oiirt of 'as.-; nullity.
N.loa -U.-i.
Doe. V, fa-e -"'. Xo. est:.
i!:di:i: 1
In re a ftd i a t i'O! ot' I'..! ward J. T.
'i i ii i;i'l ;. to v st and trai'-ler tie real
(-t.'ile n' the M.-l'iodi-t !'oiseo;'a I
elnnih of Myiiard. Nidnaka in and to
tin- N'e I ia .- I a Annual t o n ft-ronee of
tlx- Met U,,,i ist I ?pis. ! ia 1 ilini'cli in the
t'nitid States nf America:
A (leiitioii lavinir been tiled in the
ahovc entitled eau:-e )y IMward .1. T.
'o!inily asliiiiir that a tru-ioo he ap
pointed and d i ii'cted to iran-drr the
following ilescriheil real estate situat
ed in ('ass enmity. Nehraska. to-wit:
Lull Twenty :.' and Twent -one
"J1 in Lout's 1st Addition to .Mvn.ird,
N'i hiaska. from t!o- .Met In n i is t l-'nisen-T
al eliuieh of "1 ynard, Nehra s U.i, to the
N'e I it a lia -iiniial ( '! feroiiee nf t he
Metl odist Kpiseiijal ehnreli in the
I'aitcd States of Aineriea. upon the
ground that said Methodist Kpisenpal
i linrrli of .Mvnanl, Nebraska, has eea-:-ed
to evist and has ceased to maintain
its or'-ra n i;:e t ion. ami therefore- the said
Nebraska Animal ( 'on fereneo lias the
li:-'lt to 1 :ie said leal e.-tte traiis
leied o and vested in It. it is m-ili'i-eil
by the tVurt that said petition he
heard on the L'iJtl; day of June. J'.MS.
at 1 o'clock a. in. and all persons in
terested in said leal estate or in said
Methodist Episcopal church at Mynard,
Nebraska, ale hereby directed to ap
pear and make objections thereto, if
any they have, and if. they do not ai
tiejir and make such objections at said
time such trustees at such time may
be appointed and ordered to transfer
said real estate as proposed in said
petition. II is further ordered that a
copy of this notice be published in
The I 'la 1 1 moil t h for three
weeks prior to said time, and a copy
of this notice be poste.l in three prom
inent public plaecs within the 'ouiity
of i 'ass. Nebraska, for three weeks
prior to said t inn-.
JAMKrf T. r.Ei'LKV,
j::-::tw. Jud.- of Distrcit Court.
mitk i: o- iii:m:in;
Stale of Nebraska, Cass comity, ss:
! a CoiHily I'uiirl.
In the matter of tie- Estate of l'"ran-
S. White. Deceased:
To all persons interested in said Es
Creditors and heirs take notice that
. W. White l.;,s tiled his petition
''-'iim' that I'ra ii is S. .White iid j rt
'es'ate iii said county n tie- 7th dav
ef .!; nr.a i y, 1 ! 11 , beirirf a resident aim
ha! itant ol said coahty and owner
of tie following described leal estate,
t'.-w;t: J.'.ts , -j ai:d oi Hlock in,
iibd the N1'. of Lots 11 and 12 in 11. all in the City of Clatts
i'"iith, Ca.s coiiitt.", .seiiiaskji. aid
bain'-;' as l is soie and only heirs at
!-, tie : oi low i mi' persons, to-wit:
Diana Euivert on White, widow: W.
.1. ihiie. r.ow oece.iscd: i'osa A. l.eon
aui; !' ram is i:. Whit.-; A. C. White;
I h i. ii e While lledfcre, now deei ;tsi d,
ebi'iireii of said ti- ceased: Anna. II.
'.''! ile, V'. iii.iW ol .Jul h II. While, a d'--...iised
him: Charlotte White, Janet
White. EstJn r While, chitdieti of the
-aid .li.J.n It. Wi ile. ! and
.ra;.hi-: si decree, barring -claims
a;e' oe(i i T, j i heirship of s:'i,! de
ceased as aboye named lo be the sen
am! u.ily heirs at law ef said deceas
i 1. am! that II" hearing be had on
the "Mlli day of June. 1'H-. at !t o'clock
.". in. of .-aid day. at the County Court,
I I :' i 'smooth, in said county.
I J a? I 'I'll ' : m.ont !;. Nebraska, this
- i tii ca-.- ot r.i.''. :i.
I Seal;-jo-:Uw. County Judge. .
Stationery at the. Journal office.
home. Edwards bit into
' ; s
Column l- l
I .oen I I'-nrmiiiK hilirr.vl
Spraying; Totatocs.
In spraying potatoes use l'aris
green or arsenate of lead. If the
adult beetles themselves are abund
ant and doing much damage, use 2
lbs. of Paris green and 50 gallon of
Xow is the time fo (lie third
orchard spray, 10 days to two weeks
after second spray. This will atcli
the new brood of codling moth.
IJoys and girls wishing to join the
Tig Club write to the office or see
your precinct committeeman of the
Fig Club.
Head Lice on Young Chickens.
Head lice on young chickens can
be destroyed by t,he application of
equal parts of lard and sweet oil
or vaseline, according to tin poultry
department of the College of Agri
culture of the -University of Nebras
Feed Potato Surplus to Chickens
The poultry .section of the Ext en
sion Service of the University of
Nebraska, advises feeding of potato
surplus to chickens. Potato cull
and peelings should be cooked and
fed. Even the little chicks like and
thrive on a little cooked potato. Old
chickens do especially well on pofa
toes. If you find you are going to
have more potatoes than you can use
or potatoes that are of not good
quality for human consumption, rook
them up in big batches and feed
little along every day to the chick
ens. L. K. SNIPES,
County Agent
i, ii m.ic i io
The State of Nebraska, Cass county
In County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Jo
sophim- Amies Enlfm-r, Deceased:
To the creditors of said Estate:
Vmi are hereby notilied that I will
it at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth, in said county, on the sth day
of July, 1'i. and on the sth day
. to be r. lilts, at to n clock a. tit. o
each lay to receive and cN.imiue all
i-i inns av.ainst said Estate, with a view-
to their adjustment and allowama
The time limited for the presentation
t claims a-ain: t said Estate is thief
mouth-: from the Mil day of July, A
D. I ! I -. ami the time limited for pay
on nl of ib ht is one e;i r from sai
M h da of J uly. 1 1 S.
Witness my hand and the seal
said County Court, this olst day o
May, li is.
i Seat )-j:;-Uw. County Jude.
In the District Court of Cass cmni
ty. NebraskH.
In tin- matter of the Application o
loiin 1 Sat tb-r. as Administrator e
the . state of Eva K. ITctli-, dot eas
ed, for a license to sell real estate to
pay debts.
To ail persons interested:
Notice is hereby uiyen that in pur
suanee of an order of the Honorable
James T. Ibejoy, jiiibre of tho tlis
triet court of Cass county, Nebraska
made on the day of May. A. D
lliis. for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described. there will b
sold at public auction to tho hi.uhos
bidder for cash, at the South froii
door of the court house in the City
of I Ma 1 1 mon t h. in said county, on tht
D'tii day of June. A. D. HMS, com
memiiir at the hour of two t 1' ) o'clock
l. in. (new timet said sale to be open
lor one hour, the tollowintr describe!
real estate:
The north half Oi'.'. ) of T.ots five
and six I. -i'i! in l'.loek one ' liu ml red
sict -cifrltt (tits t of the original plat
ol the City of I'lattsuiouth, in Cass
t-oatitv. Nebraska.
Dated this 1Mb day of Mav. 101S
tn i'0 -: t w. A tl i ii i n is t i a to r.
To Paulino Oldham, as Administrat
or of the Estate tit Ceorne .1. Obthatn
Dt censed; Cichaid Conway Oldham J. ,1 taker: l.aeumi Connally
I "a ii line Oldham. I'av Oldham. John J
Oldham, Jessie D. Snyder, Ellison E
ol.lham. James W. Oldham. Vcni 11. Ol d -
ham. I'ollv Oldham and Mary E. Craifr
Von are hereby notjlicii that on tht
L'2nd day of May, I'.HS. plaintiff tiled
a pet H ion in the District Court of
ass county, Nebraska, piayinc; amoni.
! her thinns for an roder to he enter
ed bv the court tlirectin! the admin
istratrix of the estate of C'eorKe J
Oldham, deceased, to convey to plain
tiff Lots one (It anil two c2 and all
l.ots three l .'! atid four (Il not
taken by Chicago avenue, in Illoek one
hii ml red si t -four ( 1 ti I City iif rlutts.
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, upon
the payment of the balance of the
purchase price in accordance Willi lln
contract entered into between the
la i nt iff and the said tteorre J. Old
ham, duritiK his life time, on the 10th
daV ot Se id em her, 11117.
Yon are further notitieil that there
will be, a liearinc upon said petition.
and tin tin; allegations thereof, before
the Juiln of tht; District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, in the District
Court, at I 'la 1 1 sniou I h, Nebrtiska, on
the Kith dav of July. 1:1N. all of
which and the a I lera t ions of the
titioa you will take tint; notice.
John ii. n.ij,.sTi;oji.
c. A. i:awes.
nil'T-Glw.) Attorney.
i.i:; i, ii iii.icatio.v
In the County Court of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William A. Urovrii. deceased:
On rcadine; the petition of James If.
r.rtiv.n pr.iyiiiK' that the instrument
(ib-d in this court on the isth day of
.May, 1ft IS. ami t'"'l'ort inr to be the
!.j.-t will and t est a ment of the ::stid
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
::!id n i;ordt d as the last will and tes
tament of William A. Jtrown, deceas
ed; that said instrument be admitted
;o probate, and the a d m i n is t ra t ion of
said t slate be granted to Emaline
Itrowp, as Executrix: .- -v
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested jn said mutter,
1,1,-iy, ami do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, tin the EUh day of June. A.
! . 1'J. at 'J o'clock a. m.. to show
cause, if any there be. why the prayer
of trie petitioner should not be grant-'
ed, airl that notice of the pendency ef
s.iid petition and that tho hearing i
thereof be jriven to all pors-Ons inter-j
tstf-d in sfiid matter b publishing n.
cope of this Order in the IMa t tsmou t h
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper'
. .Your
America's greatest need is for
more ships.
Every available vessel is being
in government service.
Many ships that have been carrying rubber from
Sumatra and Brazil have been taken for active
transport duty. The number now left to bring
rubber to this country is extremely limited.
This will necessarily force a temporary curtail
ment of tire production.
So, make the most of the tires you hove.
Use good tires.
Take good care of them. Keep them in perfect
repair. See that they are properly inflated.
Increase their mileage by careful driving. Keep
out of car tracks and away from
bumps. Don't scrape the curb
or apply brakes too suddenly.
Get every mile your tires
have in them.
Only in that way can you be
assured of your car's contin
uous service and remember,
your tire is a vital war-time
So again,
take care of your tires.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
llf if fmMmmi
printeil in said county, for three suc-
cessive w-eks prior to said day of
Ilea ritiLT.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court, this lMli tlay of Mac. A. 1 . 1IUS.
.ij.i:n j. i:ei:son.
Seal ) -ni20-Jtw. County Judye.
( lll'V til-' mitici: TO 'H I JIi rilKX
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Chalfant, I ct eased :
In the creditors of said Estate:
You .are hereby notilied that I will
sit at the County Court room in
I 'la 1 1 smou t h in said county, tin the
2.1th day of June, 1!HS. and the L'6th
day of September. 191 s. at 10 o'clock
a. tn., tin each day, to receive and ex
amine a.M claims aprainst said Estate
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the '.Titli day
of June, A. D. I'.US, and the lime lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from said I'.ltli day of June, l!i'.
Witness my hand ami the seal of
said County Court this 21st tlav of
May, l'JIS.
lSeal)-ni27-4lw. County Judtjc
Do not let that dollar rust. Uncle
Sam can use it. Invest it in a Liberty
The Truck You Have Been Looking for
The Denby Truck
The Truck for the all-purpose man. One of the best
on the market and sold at prices that are right.
Just Look Over a Tew of the Best Points found in a Truck and
call me for a Demonstration and I will Show You the Rest.
Detailed Specifications for One Ton:
Capacity 2,000 pounds. Body
allowance 900 lbs; total ca
pacity, 2,900 lbs.
Wheelbase, 124 inches.
Itoad Clearance, 12 inches.
Also Two Ton and
L. L. .WApE, Local Dealer
Call Phone
Uscn ' Tread
m:; ii. otk i:
To Pauline Oldham, as Atlm i r 'st ri t
rix of the Estate of Ci-mw J. ohlham,
lic'-eiseil: Kichanl Conway oidham,
C'izz-l J. EaUer, Lacuna Connally, Pauline-
oidham, Kay Oldham. John J. obi
ham. Jessie D. Snyder, Ellison I., t ld
hatn, Janus W. ohlham. Vera II. oid
ham, Polly Ohlhat.i, Mary L. Craiir. am!
all persons in 1 crest ed in the estate of
Jackson tl. Ohlham. Deceased, inclild
iiiiT creditors and claimants:
Vou are hereby tndiMed that on tin
1th tlay of May. 1!HS, plaintilT tiled a
petition in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, prayinc anions oth
er things for an order to be entero-l
by the court directing the adminis
tratrix of the estate of Ci-nrsi' J. old
ham, deceased, to convey to plontttC
the Northwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section thirty-one t t
Township eleven (11 , HaiiKu four'.eeii
(It). Cass county. Nebraska, upon tlnj
payment of the balance of the purchase
price in a .toda nee with the contract
entered into between tin plaintiff a ml
the said Course J. olJham, during hij
life time on Hie day of January,
You are further notified there will
be a heariii'-r vpoti said petition, and
on the allegations thereof, before tno
Judge of the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, ia the District Court
room at Plat lsmoiit,h. Nebraska, on tics
i .i - l..... 4 iniv .ill ,,f v-bi,-li
no n,i i ot. .nil" , .... ........
:iti.l the alleuations, til tlie Petition J JU
vill taiie uue nonce
. , . - . T
C. A.
Brake Horsepower, as governor
speed (loOO r. p. in.) 25.
Frame, Tressed steel, 4 li; deep
by 4 wide and C-1C thick.
Speed, 1G miles per hour.
Three Ton Trucks!
Motor Co.
. Plattsmoutli, Nebraska
No. 3120.
ft?-? ,i;.T.''l
I f I . f I I
ifl'.4 1
R3'-!,:S.Sa i
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