PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1918. MUBPHY-BI ITS LIVE OP T9 THEIR NAME SO QUESTION BUT WHAT THEY PLAYED BALL WITH THE EED SOX SUNDAY. A HUSKY BUNCH OF FLAYERS Take the Home Boys Into Camp to the Tune cf 12 to 2 as Evi dence of Their Ability l' Monday's Daily. Jack Patttr.-on. a soldier boy from tin- rifle raus;e acted as umpire at, tlie hase- Lull same here yesterday, an.! did a sood. job of it, with but litil men during the ninth and one in the latter part of the eighth. Hushenberg, the catcher for the visitors, got foxy in the ninth in ning, capering around First Base man Stimpson and .was sent to the benches for interference with an op posing player. ' A number of complaints came 'on account of the failure of the games to begin on time. With the con tinued wind blowing Platte river sand into the eyes of everyone, as it has done the past several Sundays, the siege of sitting through nine in nings is tiresome enough of itself to say nothing of a long wait for the game to begin. Stimpson, while not being at his best, fought under adverse condi tions and put up an excellent game under the circumstances. Joe Mc Carthy, while missing one in ' the field, did good work there. A double I play was made by Kd wards assist ing Holing, who parsed, the buck to Crassman. eliminating two from the bases. Gradoville-'-r.ijiiie, a number of I ..... 1 . . . 1 . niil via i-t rn nl- w l t li o chafiir.g coming to him from . . either side. He tried to be mi- head winune njinMuie nmmnS u. ncr.tlv fair ii his decisions and' wa ; first base- Kdwards grabbed a fly or ,, ; .. , '- '- ! two near third while Mason -win pod all of t hat. I . The game, which was one of large two on the field. Kreeklow missed score, was played to a rather small a fair one, but otherwise did good crowd of spectators who tried hard work. t heer the home boys on to vie-J Cody, of tlie visitors, who played tory, but without avail, as the strong second, was taken off, and Hay, who Murphy-Did Its proed their ability pitched for the Red Sox last year, to pl.ty umler the name that Irts'wa-J put in his place. Hay made a h.n given them, and really and number of good plays, and assisted HOW THE WAP, IS AFFEGTi! THE RAILR CHANGED CONDITIONS CALL FOR CHANGED MEANS OF OVER COMING THEM. seriously considered by Omaha busi ness men has aroused the interest of parties in nearby cities. At Tues day's meeting of the Executive Com mittee request was received from Plattsmouth that the Chamber get behind a definite movement to in augurate this r.ervice. There is no question as to the number of cities within a radius of twenty-five miles that could recti re quicker service by motor trucks if a terminal depot were provided v.o that all small ship ments of freight could be gathered at one central point and be ship ped and received at certain hours of the day. At the present time there are numerous independent motor trucks operated by individuals which would be available for regular ser- Good Roads and a Plan of Hauling! vice if this plan was worked out. The subject has been referred to the In dustrial committee to folow up." MOTOR TRAFFIC A SOLUTION to Advantage Would Do Won ders Just at Present. truly the Murphy-Pid-Its did it.'thr Omaha boys in the making of Following is the Score by innings Mm ity-li.!-Jts t;! s.x . i, r. ft a) o i o 4 o 1 . o i l A o o o REPORT OF TUP: CONDITION OF TIIK FARMERS STATE BANK of Plattsmouth. Charter No. ltr.O in the Stale of Ne braski- at the close of Imsiness on Ma tt'tli, 1U1S. There is n question about the fact, the dozen tallies they scored. as a glance at the core card would read ily prove. T' e game was called . with the vi-i:. rs to bat. and they saw fit to Duke two runs in the first inning, adliiig five more in the second, ore in il:e .Lth and four in the eight, licttini; Lh'in an even dozen. Our lo; s batted against heavy odds. Fd v. arils was able to get safely across the pine in the fourth and Wind-bc-:- tallied another in the fifth, th:; !u iig the sum total of the lionr !' accomplisl.iiient , ami at the end lh-- ga?r e stul 1 to 2 in favor ot Ihe "Did-lts." A: 'east : nuntable for the ono :!! of the game if not tlie loss tb. n i.f. the fact that the Platts l ;i :Mi ii .ua was badly crippled ami v. ,:r i; with a lot of their regular I...r ab cut. lUrold was away, S!.:.t.u in. able to play on account f a lick from a ear putting him out ? :; .:: s .inn ;i,id Crassman playing i t j o .r form on account of an injury lie r crivcii during the week. .'M'.ub "t'tv.r" .Martin was slipped into'short at-.d did w. il for his limited prac tice hut u.-nt ()!1t in the first half 'f the fifth, his place being taken by YYii'!-. umt. a s'ddii r from the rifle Tin--.--. Vindbegcr changed with Ciraiiiaii. plaving first while (Jras- i:.n plaved f!ie remainder of t he ; stat of Net. task i taic in Ins old position of short - Loans and Discounts $ 1 Jt,s 1 4.!'. i iverdra fl-: Sl'L'.;!' H.Mi'ls, securities, judgments, claims, .t. .-.U'.Ot iHhcr ;iscts Liberty Ponds l.Oii'U'O llftnkiiii; house, f tirniture ami 'ixtures , J1."JS. t'nrrotit expenses, taxes and in'cic-' paiii . . . : .N.'.o.t'.s I'ash items 0 inie from National and Stute l.anks 0 !. 7 f 'iirrency 3.7.". l.nO ('..hi coin ur.ri.iM Silver, nickels and cents.... r.e.i.12 TOTAL. $215.2 1 1.3 l.rAUII.lTIKS Capital stock tiaid in $ r.O.ono.Ort I'tidi-1.1e.t prolits ... 4,19".0 Individual deposits suliject to i i ck ""line cert ilica t es ef dep4iujt. ;:.:!'Ji. t I'jsliii r's checks outstanding J.oni 0 !: to national and state hanks 11, :?.". 1 depositor's truarantv fund.. 2.0f"'.0i. T T. L $2tr. 1 1 1 1 1 o' i'.iss i ss: 1. T. M. l'a;l-isou. I're.-idctit of the '.:". 1 11 v' i:;itors tound the hai I' ;' ''"v nanod hank, do h-'reiv surir .. ... o. : i.i . . . . !t!i;'t t':e a hove statement is a curni t .u; ,. u.1ni1:l l,.,;1iuiuiiv.llllf'n;!il;.n.! tine copy of the report made the s-tate Itanlvin. Uoafd. : i '. Iiiti reven sirii.e ouis credited to l::rii:u- the eighth innin.n. 'l .1 till Wiiulhemer trade I !;;; and as a r"-rt!( there were .... ,, ,, , . . .. . , ... , ... I Sah.-cri I .-d jmd sworn to lie fore me ' :'!. .i.tlioiiii inn Vi ,.,y of May. i:!s. T. M. I'ATTKIISriX. President. .f.l:i WIIITK, Director, i:. V. I.ITZ, Director. iiew man in the l..-.x walkol three' (Seal) U. A. liosicNci: ns. Notary I'utilie. J Do Vot WASTE 3 Ci nefm - . -' . i -k.a a !tL f' i ' WWW' OVER WHY OOFS unycne VORK HARD FOR MOHFY AHD-THFM WASTE IT? WHAT YOU WASTK. IF IT. WERE PUT I TO T' F BAHK, WOULD. PlLt U RO FAST YOU COULD FINALLY INVEST ITIN SOME SUBSTANTIAL THING. 1 iMV"1 THAT MONEY YOU ARE WASTING NOW WOULD MAKE YOUR OLD AGE COM FORT AULhlAND HAPPY IF YOU HAD IT IN OUR PANK. A" CO ML III AND SEE US, WL WILL CHEERFULLY ADVISE 501' AT f.NY TIME. "L VC PAY 3 1-2 PER CENT ON 3AVINGS DEPOSITS. COME TO OUR BANK. s State Bank THE NEW BANK.J OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 7 TO 9. That this proposition, like the coming of the automobile, is des tined to see wonderful development and go a long ways toward solving the transportation problem in years to come is quite certain. It is past the experimental stage already, and for some time has been operated with suecess between many eastern cities and towns. In fact, right at Omaha, it is proving profitable to men oper ating independently, as attested by the following article which we clip from a recent issue of the Bee: "A number of cities within the radius of Omaha trade territory are urtrinsr the local Chamber of Com merce to encourage the interurban motor truck freight service. "Since early this spring a number of motor truck lines have been start ed, operating between Omaha and towns and cities out 20 to Su miles The service is as yet irregular, and a move is on foot to bring about the adoption of regular running schedul es in order that shippers may know when to have their consignments ready. "It is said many of the men oper ating trucks are making money This is especially true when they arc able to load in both directions.' Charter No. 1!HI Kes. rve Idst. 10 UKrOllT OF TIIK CONDITION' of Tin: nnnr iiiTinu i! n iim NK5I riAllUKAL UAK At l'latlsmoutli. in tlie State of Ne braska, at the close of business en May 10th, 101S. SS'Jl.SO.VOT 2,S 1S.40 41,000.0') J. 200.00 5, 000. 00 5,000.00 Kesetve uh- 9i.oeo.oo 11,200.00 From Tuesday's Daily. The next time you go down the street or out onto the highways, the scenery, the conditions and the busi ness may have changed a lot, to say nothing of the changed state of so ciety, etc. To meet changed condi tions, changed mehod.s of overcoming them, must logically be employed The I mted States entered into this war with one hand tied, so to speak, through a record of cones'ei railroads, .made only the worre by shortage of freight cars, and with coal and food -movements taking up largely the available hauling facili ties of the lines. Our entry into the war created these same new condi tions that confront us on every hand from day to day. For once we join ed hands to defeat the Kaiser, it be came necessary to divert much of our transportation facilities to the haul ing of troops and getting supplies to them and to, the Alantic seaboard for shipment overseas. The situation be came no better fast and soon the gov ernment had to take over the rail roads of the nation, which it did on December 2Sth. Some of the prob lems confronting them at that time have been overcome, while others have grown only the more aggre vated with the passing of time and its increasing demand made upon th roads as the wants ot a nation at war have increased. And so Ihe fact remains, that de spite the best efforts of the road working together in unison, there is still a marked congestion of freight trafic. In many places motor truck are being resorted to as effective aids to the movement of nierchan dise, and,' given good roads ove which to travel, they are proving wonderfully efficient. Tlie disposi tion at present is to confine their usefulness largely to the short-haul business, thus relieving cars and train crews to engage in the Ions er aim more necessary hauls. It is conceded that if they can go loaded both ways, journeys into the conn try over a radius of a hundred miles can he made profitable to the opera tors of such a system of transportation. A movement is on foot to have at the center of such circles or zones of transport, a central truck freight depot or assembling station, from which the loading of trucks can be done. Then. too. alone th route of travel, smaller collecting and dis tributing facilities can be provided quite readily. The road problem is c.-r-eni ia. i hi i ne working out oi a time schedule, especially at some seasons of the year, but at others it is o? little consequence, as there art times when all roads arc good. l'p possibilities of the truck are almost unlimited. As to just what it can do, we accept as evidence of ibility it own testimony laid bare on the witness stand of perfonuance, when it sas: "I am the motor truck; I came out of the necessity of orourei'.s: I was bom to follow the will of wisdom ind fake burden.", from the tired lacks of beasts; I brought speed to raffle and economy to busines;;; 1 take the place of three horse-drawn vehicles in our lane:-, of commerce. t hua. saving space in our streets; I ighten taxation by keeping those highways clean; I carry raw niater- al to manufacturers who must of needs stop for patriotism's sake with out my aid; I take the hardships from embargoes; I save worthy men em financial wreck; I carry milk o babies that wan faces may bo bright; I bring coal in winter and ce in summer; I bring comfort, pro gress, luxury, but above all I bring the aid which will crush the'&e'f-! I T1 f . . proposed despot and elevate right- ery lamiiy requires a sare ana I ...r.l I.. 1. ., eons, interronrrr. hMu-on,, nation : -uuKii aim com remeuy. airs. A TJit. -p.,,,. John rotter. 20 bhupC St. .Mt. Pleas " "3iiuum lww ant.1 I'a.. writes! "T 1iva used FnW ' Regarding the growing propo:.i- , - ' . - ' , ' " I tion and the future in store for it. , , , ',. , .. , , A, , , and highly recommend it to all fam- the Journal of the Omaha Chamber 1Hcg Contuins nn oniflps rhprks of Commerce has to say: , n " A recent suggestion originating aud looping -couch. Sold every- with the Industrial Bureau of the where. 1 haniber that interurban motor truck service was possible and should be pgg at the Jounlal Office. fT I 'I KKS il' Kt'Kri Koanx ami iliccunts (mrilrafts, secnr'il, none u nseu ret I'. S. liomls tlcios iteil to secure cir culation (:ar vaF ue $00, 00 0.00 I". S. I.omls aii'l cert Mica tcs of in e lit eil ness 1'leilc e'l to secure 1'. S. lcpos i t -. i.i r v.i I ne I .i licit Ij'f.x u liomls, .'! '-j a I per rent, II II plcilireil ....... I'iiymcnts a turilly male on I 1 1 per cent liomls I'.onils other than I'. S. I.omls. ple.ljr eil to secure tuis tal savings depos its Seen l it ics o t h r than t". S. lion. Is, not inclml. stocks, v lie'l II n pleilifeil . Stock of Federal hank ;".i tier cent of si r i pt ion Value of hanking house.... I'urniture and Iitures Ileal estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Uesere bank Cash in vault and net amount due from National banks.. Flocks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank Fltecks on banks located out- sf.le of city or town of re porting bank and other rash items Kedcmptiou Inn. I with F. S. Ireasurer and due from IT. S. Treasurer D L E Famous For Its Marvelous Motor St ' -. ! II Why Women OKoose The CHandler WOMEN choose the Chandler Six quite as much for the ease with which they may drive it on any kind of roads or in any kind of traffic, as for the grace of its body designs, the comfort of its deep-cushioned seats and the beauty of its finish. They choose the Chandler, too, because of its mechani cal dependence, its ever-readiness . Thousands of women drive Chandlers; and, even though they may not know the why of its mechanical excellence, they know and appreciate the extraordinaryquality of this great car. Chandler body designs offer a pleasing range of selection. SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Scvcn-Passengcr Touring Car, S1595 Four-Passenger Roadster, 31595 four-Passenger Dispatch Car, SI 675 Convertible Sedan, S2295 Convertible Coupe, S2195 Limousine. S289S .All prices f. o. b. Cleveland) Come Choose Your Chandler Now Plattsmouth, Nebraska CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO VJ 2, -.".0.00 i, 110.00 210.00 LT.,451.43 3 1', 5 8 0.J0 4,005.52 y, loi.oo i', i.i I. IM PLICATION' in the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass. To all persons Interested in the es tate of William A. Brown, deceased: n reading the petition of James H. Hrown praying that the instrument filed in this court on the lstli dav of May, l!Hs, and purport iner to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the 1ajt will and tes- iment of William A. Hrown, deceas ed; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Kmaline Hrown, as Kxccutrix; It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter. may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 10th day of June, A. 1 . litis, at i o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any there be, whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed, and that notice of the pendencw of aid petition and that the liearintr thereof be wiven to all persons inter ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in tlie lMattsmouth Journal, si semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my band and seal of said court, tin's IStli day of May. A. I. 1918. ALLEN .1. IlKKSON. (SeaD-mJO-otw. County Judgre. XOT1CK OK ADMIMSTHATOH'S SAI.K In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of John I. Sattler. as Administrator of the estate of Kva K. I'rettij?, deceas ed, for a license to sell real estate to pay debts. to all persons interested: notice is nereny Klven that in pur suance of an order of the Honorable James T. Henley, judpre of th dis trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the 15th day of May, A. 1 ). l'JIS, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public auction to the hipiiest bidder for cash, at ihe South front door of tlie court bouse In the City of I'lattsiuonth. in said count v. on the 10th day of June, A. 1. 1'IIS, com mencing; at the hour of two 2 ) o'clock p. m. (new time) said sale to be open for one hour, the , following described real estate: The north half (nt) of Lots live and six (5-6) in Hlock one hundred, slxty-eigrht (IfiS) of the original plat of the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Nebraska. Dated this IStli dav of Mav. 1918. JOHN P. SATTLKK. m20-3tw. Administrator. XOTICK TO CRF.niTOItS I.FtJAL PfllLICATIO.V The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: In the County Court. In the matter of the Kstate of Chris tina Piestrup. Deceased: To the creditors of said Kstate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in sall county on the Sth dav of June, 1U1S, and on the !th dav of September, lit IS. at 10 o'clock a. ni. of each of said days to receive and exam ine all claims agrainst said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tlie time limited for the presentation of claims againsi said Kstate is three months from the Mil day of June, A. D. 1 1 S. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said Sth day of June, 1018. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 4th day of May, A. D. 1918. ALLEN J. KKKSON, (Seal)-in6-4tw. County Judge. LKGAI, TlCi: Total Kesourccs .f OS, 3 25. 4 3 LIAUILITIES apita! stock paid in $ 50. 000. 00 MirpliiN I iiixl 25,000.00 i iHiiviiied profits.. s i.;t.s i.;u Less curre nt exps.. ml. and taxes pd. ."..I.II.SS 4.SI'I.7.r Fj icula t i notes outstaml'g; 50,00a. 00 .Ml amount due to banks. bankers, and trust comp'ies 110. 3S 1 nd is id I deposits, subject check 212.500.SO ellllleales ot deposit due in less than :;o days (other than for money bm rowed i . 2I,C,67.S: 'cililicatcs of deposit (other than lor money borrowed I . 20S.1 7 J. fin S:i liiirs deposits 2..V' 07 War loan deposit account... 7.0.5011. 00 For any itchiness of the skin, or skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try Doan's Ointment. GOc at all drug stores. CASTOR I'A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Biccnature ot ' Tlie State of Nehraska, Cass coun ty. s: In tlie County Court. In the matter of the Estate of Gal lant Hakes, deceased. On reading and filing; the petition of Callie L. Hakes, praying- that ad ministration of nmUl estate may be granted to petitioner as Administra trix: Ordered. That May 31st, A. D. 1!1S, at 10 o'clock a. ni., is assigned for hearing: said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof shall be given to all per- I entered into between the i'otal Liabilities . $l0S,o25.-U State of Nebraska! Fount y of F;.iss ) ss: I, r . K. Schlater, Cashier of the i bo e-named bank, do solemnly swear hat the above statement Is true to he best of my knowledge and belief. K K. SCH LA TK II. ;ot rect Attest : Cashier. ;-o. i ). Dovey, JQ. N. Dovey. A. Cole, Directors. .Mi h.-cri bed and sworn to before roe this IStli day of May, 1!ilX. ANNA W A1IF, A. (Seal I Notary Public. (.'dy commission expires Dec. 26, 1322.) Good For the Whole Family. For Omaha OEIMRV For all kinds of heavy transferring from here to Omaha, or the surround ing country, call phone No. 3120. Prices very reasonable. L. L. WADE, THE TRUCK MAN sons interested in said matter by pub lishing a copy of this order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said j day or bearing. Dated May 3. 1!1S. ALLKN J. BKESOM, (Seal)-m6-3tw. County Judge. To Pauline Oldham, as Administrat rix of the Kstate of George J. Oldham. Deceased; Hichard Conwav Oldham. Cuzza J. Haker. Laeuna Connallv. Paul ine Oldham, Fay Oldham. John .1. Old bam, Jessie D. Snyder, Kllison L. old ham, James V. Oldham. Vera H. Old ham. Polly Oldham. Mary I Craig, ami all persons interested in the estate of Jackson !. Oldham, Deceased, includ ing creditors and claimants: You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of May, 1!1S, plaintiff tiled a petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, praying among oth er things for an order to be entered by the court directing the adminis tratrix of the estate of George J. Old ham, dec-eased, to convey to plaintiff the Northwest Quarter of the North west Quarter of yection thirty-one (31) Township eleven (11). Hange fourteen (14), Cass county, Nebraska, upon tho payment of the balance of the purchase price in a. .'oniance with the contract daintiff and LKC.Ui .OTICE In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cars county, ss: To all persons interested in th. estate of Andrew Dill. Deceased: On leading the petition of Benjamin Dill, Administrator, prayn-g a nna' settlement and allowance of Ins ac count filed in this Court on the 6th day of May. 1918, and for the distribution of said estate an 1 hid discharge as such Administrator: It is hereby ordered, that you and all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at tlie County Court to be held in and for said coun ty on the 29th day of May. A. D. 1918. at D o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be, why tlie prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that, notice of the pendency of said Detition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter .by "publish ing a copy of tlds order in . then Plattsmouth . Journal, V semi-weeklv newspaper printed In said county for two successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said tout this 6th day of May. A. D. 191S. ALLKN J. lil'JKiSU.N, (Seal)-ml3-2w County Judge. the said George J. Oldham, during his life time on the loth day of January, 191S. You are further notifiei there will be a hearing upon said petition, ami on the alienations thereof, tiefore (he Judge of the District Court of Cass county. 'Nebraska, in the District Court room at Pl-ittsmoufh, Nebraska, on tlie 22nd day of June. J!1S, all of whicli and the allegation:, of tlie petition you will take due notice. FRANK J. LILLIK. Plaintiff. C. A. RAWLS. NEBRASKA JUNK IIOUS We buy Rags, Rubber, Iron and Metal! Buy a Liberty Bond, and help lick the Kaiser. Second Hand Furniture , of all kinds! PAYS BEST PRICES! S. CUASEH, nanagcr Eighth and Vine St., ' Plattsmouth, Ncbaska TEL. 60S