The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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'fnTTifs TterV in Continuance of
Service With the Burlington
Through Score of Years
From Tuesday's Dnily.
John M. Shirk was born in this
city in 1SS0, being a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Shirk. The father wa3
a machinist for the Burlington years
ago, and later engaged with H. M
Soennichsen and alro with George
B. Lehnhoff in the grocery business.
While his father was engaged in
making a living for the household,
young John was a little boy about
ten vears old, going to school, and
when he was 11 years old he moved
with his father and family to Have
lock, where the father again became
an employee of the Burlington and
he himself later engaged with the
road, learning the machinists trade.
While here John was a student in
the Columbia school building, that
being at the time it was first erect
ed. Now Mr. John M. Shirk who left
Plattsmouth a boy "comes back" a
man after an absence extending over
a period of 27 years. He has been in
the employ of the Burlington twenty
of those 27 years' and was for eleven
years at Alliance. In returning, he
brings with him a family consisting
of a wife, three sons and one daugh
ter. We congratulate this 11-year
old boy who departed from Flatts
mouth 27 years ago, and returns to
us now as foreman of the Burling
ton machine shops, who has success
stamped on his brow. To have fought
lifes battles and won so admirably is
a token of the making of life a suc
cess and one worth living.
Fmm Tuesday's Daily.
All slackers are not the men who
have an adversion to war. but there
are people who have an adversion to
work, and the man who Mill not
work is a menace to society and good
government at any time and double
to noM
There are a half dozen people in
this city who are a carbunklo and
eating ore upon the back of indus
try. They are not doing anything
for their country in a time of need.
They have a voracious appetite, and
gratify it to the limit. Walk around
the streets with nothing to do or
care about producing anything for
some one else to eat, and still eating
what others produce, and which
should go to seme which are cToing
their part. These animals should be
rounded up like thx? cattle without
any brand on them, and branded
and put into some production group,
on the industries, which are essential
for the winning the cause of human
ity, and for the feeding of the world.
While they are not working they are
whining about the conditions, and
are putting their influence on the
other 6ide rather than with the gov
ernment. One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regualrly a mild
laxative. Doan's Regulets are
recommended for this purpose. 30c
a box at all drug stores.
Make yoir
a better and more attractive place to live in.
Our class of work will add that touch and
refinement so essential to the well appointed
Let us make an estimate on your
Home Decorating WW
lYIurdock, Nebraska
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. J. P.
Taylor and Mrs. Con O'Connor of
Lincoln departed for their home af
ter having been in this city attend
ing the funeral of Mrs. Kate Oliver.
At the station, the ladies who we-e
former Plattsmouth people, Mrr. Tay
lor not having lived here since 1887,
and Mrs. O'Connor, having moved
away in 1889, spoke of their former
life here, when Mr. J.' P. Taylor was
the roadmaster for the Burlington
during the eighties, and from here
moving to Lincoln, and later to Cen
tral City, where. Mr. Taylor died
something over a year ago.
From the Burlington Ktation Mrs.
O'Connor viewed the home where she
lived for a number of years and
which is at this time the home of
F. H. Hawkenberry. Mr. O'Connor as
engineer of the Burlington brought
the first ) train into Plattsmouth
which'came over the Burlington. Mr.
and Mrs. O'Connor are making their
home in Lincoln, where they have
lived for many years, and for a long
time were engaged in the Hotel busi
ness there.
From Tuesday's Dally.
C. H. Lew-is received a message
yesterday telling of the seriov? ill
ness of his son Edward Lewis, who is
at Imperial, where he is operating
farm for Bert Philpott of Weepir
Watpr and that Sunday he was
suddenly taken with acute appendi
citis, and that yesterday he under
went an operation, the results
which have not as yet been ascer
tained. As at the time they were
talking to Mr. Lewis here Edwan
had not yet come out from under
the influence of the drug. He wa!
operated upon by a local physician
and is at his home as there is in
hospital there.
From Tuesday's Daily.
P.. A. McElwain who has been
having much trouble with liis s?tom
ach for some time departed this af
ternoon for Omaha, where he enters
the Methodist Hospital, where he
will receive treatment for ulcers of
the stomach, and hopes that the
treatment may be able to effect a
cure, within itself, and thereby he
may avoid having to undergo in cp
During the past ten days he has
been at, the hospital a number : of
times, and has consulted with the
physicians regarding his trouble, and
now goes to begin a course of treat
nient to the end that he may secure
relief from his trouble and that he
may have his wanted health restor
From Monday's Daily.
At a special meeting of Mt. Zion
Commandry No. 5, Knights Templar,
held on Thursday evening, May 9,
1918, the following officers were in
stalled for the ensuing year:
William A. Robertson, command
er; Nelson Jean, Generalissimo; Ed
ward P. Lutz, captain general; Luke
L. Wiles, senior warden; Fred T
Ramge, junior warden; Oliver C,
Dovey, prelate; Carl G. Fricke, treas
urer; John C. Petersen, recorder;
John F. Wehrbein, standard bearer;
Glen Perry, sword bearer; Michael
Mauzy, warder; Albert D. Despain,
Past Commander James M. Robert
son acted as installing officer.
After the installation of the offi
cers of Mt. Zion Commandry, Wil
liam A. Robertson, commander, act
ing under instruction from the Grand
Commandry of the State of Nebraska,
installed Sir James M. Robertson as
Grand Captain of the Guard of the
Grand Commandry of the State of
Mt. Zion Commandry is now rep
resented in the official personal of
the Grand Commandry by two of Its
Past Commanders. In addition to
Past Commander James M. Robertson
who was installed as an officer of
the Grand Commandry, Hon. Sir
Francis E. White, Past Commander
of Mt. Zion Commandry, is Grand
Recorder. -
From Tuesday.'s Daily.
That Plattsmouth is growing is
proven unmistaKeauiy in tne iaci
a . J A.
that neither rentable or purchase-
able property is to be found readily.
Nearly every available house in town
is occupied and with the coming of
the new malleable plant and the in
flux of workmen concurrent with
its establishment here it Is very plain
that additional living quarters must
be provided. The new apartment
house recently constructed here has
been filled constantly since early In
tiie fall and has a waiting list of
prospective tenants now: It would
seem that another suclv apartment
building would be a good paying in
vestment and doubtless with a con
stantly increasing demand for resi
dence property local or outside cap
ital may be induced to put up a
second apartment here.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Muriel Ilenton was born near Pa
cific Junction, Iowa, Sept. 1, 1893.
She was left motherless nt the age
of four years, since which time her
home has been with her unci? ami
aunt, W. F. Gillespie and wife, near
Mynard, her father having died about
eleven years ago. In her adopted
home she was as dutiful and lovin
as a daughter could have been, and
her place can never be filled. She
was of a lovable disposition and by
her conscientious life and conduct
endeared herself to all who knew her,
She sufTered from nervousness, but
sought to hide her -suffering from
even her best friends. She departed
this life about ten o'clock on the
morning of May 9th, 1918 at the age
of 24 years 8 months, and 8 days
She is survived by two brothers, one
sister, two half brothers and two half
sisters. A large number of relatives
and friends mourn her departure.
The funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon from the home of
Mr. Gillispie. Rev. E. H. Pontius
officiating and theremains were laid
to rest in the Horning cemetery.
From Monflay's Dally.
This morning workmen were busy
tearing down 'Jake's Place,' the
house in which Jacob Heinrich and
wife thirty-one years ago began
house keeping a restaurant, and
where they have maintained a home
for all those years, raised a f?mily,
seen them come one by one, and like
wise departed the same way out into
the world,- where they are bui.ding
homes for themselves.
This house which has made a
shelter and a home nest for this
family for nearly a third of a cen
tury, and before was a portion of a
thriving city, a score or more years
before. So for more than a half a
century has this place domiciled a
family of Plattsmouth, being leveled
to the ground, for the purpose of
furnishing a site for the Auto Power
and Malleable Manufacturing Com
pany to building their big plant.
From Monday's Daily
A letter from Washington to A. M.
Arries tells of the arrival of ilyron
Arries who is a member of th? Mu
rines, across the waters, in safety.
The submarine zone has bee navigat
ed in safety, and Byron Is there to
do his portion and there is no doubt
but he will do it when the occasion
comes. - 1
From Wednesday's Daily.
This morning there were sir hund
red additional men arrived from Ft.
Crook, at the Rifle Range north of
the city for machine gun practice.
which makes a- large - crowd, and
ively times at the camp. The place
which they have for their practice,
as far as giving the soldiers practice,
is what would be actual service is
While when the Rifle Range was
not - used for some time, it looked
ike it was of no use, the close
proximity to Ft. Crook, mr-kes ?t in
valuable as an adjunct to that place.
Found On Main St., a steel fan
belt belonging to automobile. Find
er may have same by calling at this
office aud paying for this advertise
ment. 6-S-tfd
From Wednesday's Daily.
E. C. Twiss of Louisville vas a
visitor in the city this morning, com
ing to look after some business at
the county court.
Miss Patty Metzgar of near Louis
ville was a visitor in Plattsmouth
this morning, where she was looking
after some trading.
Jacob Beuchler of Cedar Creek
was a visitor in the city yesterday,
looking after some business and re
turned to his home last evening.
J. A. Darrough and wife from near
Nehawka, were In the city this morn
ing looking after some business here
and returned home near noon.
Charles Chrisweiser of Nehawka,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth last
evening and this morning departed
for Omaha where he is looking after
some business matters.
JacDb Hild and family were in the
city this afternoon from their home
southwest of Mynard, coming to see
Sergeant Emil J. Hild before his de
parture for Camp Funston.
J. W. Edmonds of Murray was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth last
evening driving up with his car and
after having attended to his busi
ness returned to his home.
John Parkening and wife from
near Cullom, were in the city this
afternoon, coming to see Sergeant
Emil J. Hild, who is a brother of
Mrs. Parkening depart for Camp
Yesterday there was over from this
place to. the meeting of the council
of defense at Weeping Water, Luke
L. Wiles, Fred Wagner, C. C. We?
cot and George Luschinsky, they go
ing in the car of Mr. Wiles and re
turning last evening.
Peter Gakemeyer of near South
Bend was ill the city today looking
after some business jit the court
house and departed for Omaha this
afternoon, where he will also look
after some business before returning
John L. Smith of Nehawka, who
has been at Blobmheld, cilled there
Ladies' Toggery
FRED P. BCSCH, Manager
Home of Virgidia Dare Dresses
Economy Combines With
Smartness in These
America-r irst
al m -r-mm m
The quaint beauty the pic
turesque charm of the Colonial
Delle, Virginia lJare, are renect-
ed in the very beautiful dresses
jr. i
History tells us that
Virginia Dare was
America's FIRS Tlurday and was met at tne statIon ty
di . i finer Drotner wm. Jennings, wno
a tighter born or live, west of tow where she
white parents. ' .
All . ,
na tnese dresses are very fitly
named because they are
FIRTS in Style
FIRST in Quality
FIRST in the Hearts
of American women.
Smartness in Dresses for
$6.50 and Up
and let us remind you that
ONLY at The Ladies" Toggery
can these fascinating dresses be I
purchased in Plattsmouth.
by the illness of his brother V. T.
Smith's wife, returned home 'last
evening and reports his sister-in-law
as being somewhat improved,
but not well, she Having leakage of
the heart.
Charles Erhart and wife with Mrs.
C. R. Erhart, all from near Louis
ville, were In the city this morning,
coming to look after some matters
with the local board regarding the
getting of a furlough for three
months for during the cropping sea
son for Win. Bowers who is at Camp
Wm. Otterstein of west, of Mynaid
was looking after some business in
the city this morning.
From Tuesday's Dallyl
Leonard Maybee departed this af
ternoon for Bellevue, where he goes
to look after some business for the
Jacob Hild and family from west
of Mynard were visiting in the city
late last evening and also looking
after some business.
W . S. Sherra and John 'Smith of
near hock uiuns were visitors in
Omaha this afternoon, where they
are looking after some business for
the day.
Edward Bockey of Omaha, former
ly of Essex, Iowa, has accepted a
position with the T. 11. Pollock auto
company, and will make his home
here as soon as he car. find a house
to live in.
J. II. Palmer of Nehawka, was
visitor for a short time in Platts
mouth this morning, coming down
from Omaha, where he has been
looking after some business, and
stopping until the morning train
south on the Missouri Pacific, to go
Rudolph Spahni, who has been
with George W. Snyder, during the
summer has enlisted as a fireman
with the United States navy, taking
the place which has been assigned to
Dwight Prcpst, before he enlisted in
the navy. Rudolph will go to. the
service on next Saturday with three
thers who have enlisted for special
Mrs. A. W. Hallam of Lincorn
who has been in the city for some
days past on account of the death of
her mother the late Mrs. Kate Oliver
departed this afternoon for Omaha
and was accompanied by her s'ster,
Miss Carrie Oliver, where they will
visit for the afternoon. Mrs. Hallam
going to he rhome in Lincoln, this
evening from Omaha.
George McDaniel . - while - at, his
Carborundum wheel grinding plow
shears, had the misfortune to get his
arm against the wheel with which he
was worlvinsr. erindinsr in to the
fleshing portion of his arm. The
wound was of such seriousness that
he had to have the attention of. a
surgeon vho dressed the . injured
member, which is getting along as
well as could be expected, though
still very sore.
From Monday's Dally.
Ed. Huston from near Union was
a visitor in Plattsmouth this after
noon coming to look after some busi
ness for the day. .
Miss Beunita Porter who i em
ployed In Omaha was a visitor over
Sunday with her parents.
W. B
Porter and wife at Mynard
i -
I Troy -Wiles from north of Ced&r
ness in Platsmouth this afternoon,
having driven in with his car,
J. W. Edmonds from Murray was
a visitor in Plattsmouth last Satur
day evening, driving up with his car,
and looking after some business dur
ing the afternoon
Mrs. D. t Kiser or Bancroft, wno
has been visiting in this city and
near Cedar Creek with her daughter
Mrs. Troy E. .Wiles for some time
past departed this afternoon for her
Andrew Schoeman of Louisville
was visiting relatives and attending
to some business matters in this citv
today. He was a pleasant caller ht
this office
Mrs. Annie Collier of Glenwood,
Iowa arrived in the city last Sat
I visit for a few days
I a - .a vti aiiu hilc ul
Bluffs, accompanied by Mrs. Stoddard
mother of Mrs. Card, arrived here
last evening coming to attend the
funeral of Miss Mearle Hinton, whose
funeral occurred yesterday
C. H. Warner one of the Platts
mouth precinct's most prosperous
farmers was in the city last Saturday
and speaking of the planting of corn,
said that what had been planted was
sprouting nicely and indicated a good
V. S. Gleeson of the Lincoln Tele
orronli onH Tolonhnno fnm nn n V whft
has been at Murray for some days
Past installing a new line of cable
and a new switchboard for the com
pany, after having completed the
work departed this morning for Lin
coln from where he Is working
M. D. Fisher, of San Antonia, Tex
as, is in tne city visiting at me
aveyoiar coat &vesi
These times demand t
practical economy. To save money
spend wisely.
If you need an extra pair of pants don't fail to look
over our new stocks of
Dutchess Trousers
10c a Button; $1.00 a Rip
We address critical men individuals who have yet
to be entirely satisfied when it comes to trousers.
Dutchess Trousers are known everywhere for their
wearing qualities. The choice fabrics and fashionable
cut will surprise you.
.The money-back warranty, 10c a button; $1.00 a rip,
means trouser insurance.
Prices $2.50 to $6.00
C E. Wescott? s Sons
home of his friends. Miss Marjory
and George Brinklow, Jr. This is
his first "trip to the north and he
thinks this is a great country. In
speaking with him, he said it was
very warm in the south at the time
of his departure for here.' -
Mr? Clarence Leivan who former
ly lived here and who enlisted in the
army was sent to an Auto schcol at
Kansas City, where he has been
studying, has now been there for a
month, and likes the school well.
Last Saturday evening Mrs. Leivan
departed for, Kansas City and will
remain a week with her husband.
The Farmers Union here are en
deavoring to assemble a carload of
hogs, or live stock of any kind to be
sold for the benefit of the Red Cross.
Any one that will contribute please
notify Mont Robb, Chairman of Com
mittee. The Committee is, out so
liciting, but this takes time- phone
in your name quick and advice will
be given as' to the day to assemble.'.
Lawyer. .
East of Riley HoteL
Coates' Block,
Second Floor.
war ounkw
aw coouo
IM.i junu
WO BCLT3 ''a: -,
r j TXOtMATC 'mZmJ
if tONO-UVlO 2'Slm '
if i
l-,,r n ... ,.iiim,,.in,'irv
V" . mm 1-NT-T -W T TITIT T1 1 A 111 -1 I
-i ijiimii iiwnmn i i ii- ;r
Cut This Out It Is Worh Mgney.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foiey
fc Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. Youwill receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs
colds and croup, Foley Kidney Fills
and Foley Cathartic "Tablets. Sold
The yellow variety, testing 95 to
97, at $4.00 per bushel, all picked.
Carl Cole, Mynard, Nebr, Phone
4003. lwd:w
Do not let that dollar rust. Uncle
Sam can use it. Invest it in a Liberty
Ice Cream and Cake
For the benefit of the .
At the Woodman Hall
Given by the Fanners Union
(Anybody that will contribute
a cake, please notify commit
tee.) ' .
L " J."
Increases Farm Efficiency
Fifty thousand Delco-Light plants in opera- f
tion on American farms are saving- at the J
most conservative estimate, an hour a day f
each or over 1 8,000,000 work hours a year.
That is equal to an army of 60,000 men
working ten hours a day for a full month. J
Delco-Light is a complete electric light
and power plant for farms and suburban
homes. fjj
It furnishes an abundance of clean, safe, J
economical light, and operates pump, ft
churn, cream separator, washing machine J
and other appliances. d
. 4
It is also lighting rural stores, garages, p
churches, schools, army camps and-rail-
way stations. fj
Omaha, Nebraska fJ
Tba Domtic Engln rin Company, Dayton, OKI- i
- : i . -1
Q-imr- 1 " '"'"'"" f 1 r V"wX