The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    P1QE TWO.
rtATTSMoirrn semi-weekly journau
TliUJlSDAY, MAY 16, 1013.
Tlie Final Score was 6 to 5 in Favor
of Visiting Aggregation Mc
Carthy Makes Fine Catch
From Monday's Daily. '
Practicing one of Shakespeare's
popular plays was the cause of the
loss of the game of base ball yester
day at the Red Sox ball park by the
home team. The line-up was all
ri?ht. and the boys as a general
thing were doing good work, but a
bunch of errors coming at just the
wrong time allowed the visitors to
make two run$ in the second and re
peat the performance in th fourth.
This gave them a lead hard to over
come and made our boys tighten up
which they did uicely, holding the
visitors to a ten inning battle.
. The Holmes' White Sox, one of the
bet aggregations in the Greater Om
aha league, came down in force and
a clever set of ball players they
were. too. While they played good
ball, the Red Sox put up an equally
good game and but for the soft spots
in the second and fourth outplayed
the visitors in our opinion. The Om
aha boys put up a good clean, whole
some game all the time and didn't
try an j" stunts with the single ex
ception of the visiting second base
man trying to run over the ball in
order to keep Stimpson from get
ting it, for which he was penalized
by the tunp' for his deflection from
the rules of the game and from cor
rect behavior.
The visitors took the bat and the
first man up, the second baseman,
Clarke, got as far as second, where
lie died when Lav.ier lost on sec
ond and Murphey and Balderson did
not get to first. McCarthy struck
Hotel Wagner
Thursday, May 23, 1918
Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Brings the Knowledge of a Great
Medical Organization and
Their Experience in the Successful
Treatment of
'Thousands of Chronic Disease Cases
Offer Services Free of Charge
Licensed by the State of Nebraska.
The I'nited Doctors is an organi?a
tiun of reputable, licensed, physici
cians for the treatment of certain
They are all specialist The Unit
rd Doctors treat, without Surgical
Operations or hypodermic injections,
diseases of the blood, skin, and all
internal organs, rheumatism, sciatica,
tape-worm, leg ulcers, weak lungs
and all long standing, deep seated
Thirtj--five years' experience and
the complete records of thousands of
cases successfully treated prove that
the methods of the United Doctors
re right. They were among the
first to be called "Bloodless Surg
eons." Kach member of the United Doc
tors etaff has at his command the
knowledge and resources ot the
whole organization.
Many people go on suffering from
m diseases that can be alleviated just
l ecause they cannot afford to go to
liigh priced specialists at a distance
from home.
No community has a sufficient
number of sufferers from the diseases !
nien'ioTU'd to support special hospit
als for their treatment and cure.
The United Doctors have solved the
problem. Their highly trained spec
ialists travel from placa to place.1
They diagnose and prescribe a course
of tr.-trr.ent for the sufferers in each
coznniur.ily and teach them how to
t?V caro or m--i--'yv 3t home.
v."orr.-or H. n'M ".-ii men or
v'.. 'i. "'.viv ii - .tn r aliment
ir.y 1; matter v you ' have
Vreit told, or the ex pa rim you hav?
with other phytic hi If.y.-ir
jiu.- -- - ,
ase is incurable they will feh yc-: t
lo. Consult him upon this visit. I? j
costs nothing.
.Married. ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with their
narrnt?. ,.
out for the Red Sox, Boaling was
walked and got to second, while Ed
wards fanned and Herold went out
on a grounder.
In the second Kemp and Zinc got
started, each on a single, and were at
third and second respectively, while
Carroll and Lacy were struck out.
Baker got a swipe at the ball and
brought the other two in while he,
himself, got to third. Clarke then
struck out, but two had scored be
fore this disastrous inning had been
The Red Sox went out in regular
order not getting to first in the next
three innings, while the visitors got
two more scores in the fourth, mak
ing the tallyboard read 4 for them
to get some for us.
And get some we did. Mason to
bat, with one strike and two balls.
Then the globe came rolling along
looking pretty gay, right over the
plate and Bill gave it a poke that
started it for Happy Hollow, with
Zinc, the visitors' right fielder, after
it. But the ball disappeared over
the fence towards the spring down
below and amidst the hilarious
shouting of thousands (more or less)
of fans. Mason made the first home
run of the season. Grassman was
fanned. Krecklow let drive and sent
the ball over near the fence, hust
ling safely to second, and while
Gradoville was being fanned he ac
quired third by right of eminent do
main. "While Stimpson was at bat
he made a strong dash and slid safe
across home plate, making, the score
at the beginning of the sixth 4 for
the. visitors and 2 for the Red Sox,
with the hopes of victory rising.
In the sixth there was nothing do
ing and the seventh was the same
for the visitors, while Mason made
another run for the Red Sox, mak
ing the score 4 to 3. . The eighth in
ning was productive of another for
the Omaha aggregation and the tally
showed 5 to 3.
In the latter half of this inning
Herold got to second and Mason
lammed the ball, brniging Herold
home and reaching third himself,
But when he tried to make home, he
was caught. Grassman followed and
succeeded in circling the diamond
for the second score of the half in
ning and the one which tied the
visitors, 5 to 5.
The ninth inning showed noth
ing for either side, while in the
tenth, Kemp of the Holmes team ad
ded another run and our last half
was baren of results, so the contested
sixty per cent of the gate receipts
went to the visitors.
In the eighth -inning McCarthy
made a fine field catch, which clos
ed out the visitors and saved a run
Smith was the ump, and while some
thought his decisions were somewhat
drawn, they were just and proper,
and the spirit on both sides was ex
The main features or the game so
far as the home team was concern
ed, were the excellent batting of
Mason, who not only made the first
home run of the season, but also
drove out a three bagger one other
time to bat, and the pitching of
Stimpson, who had the ball under
perfect control and with a little bet
ter support would have won the
game in a walk-away.
The crowd while increasing each
week is yet falling away short of
what it should be. There is nothing
so encourages the home team as a
good turn-out at the games and if
we are to have a winning team this
summer we must lend them our support.
The score by innings of the game
yesterday was as follows:
13 KS
ESSUriKY, iiararSSH
Holmes' Sox
I ted Sox
.02020001 0 1
.000 0 20120 05
Constipated people often complain
about weariness for which they have
no explanation. But the cause is
very simple. The toxins generated
in the intestines produce headache,
lassitude, depression and a tendency
to despondency. As ' soon as the
normal condition of the intestines is
restored, the lassitude disappears,
and for this purpose vegetable reme
dies are the best remedies. One of
the most reliable of all is Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. Its
ingredients, bitter herbs, roots and
barks of excellent medicinal value,
clean out the stomach and restore
normal functions of the digestive
organs. Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine is a remedy which nev
er disappoints. Price $1.10 at drug
stores. For rheumatism, neuralgia,
lumbago, sprains, etc., use Triner's
Liniment, 35 and 65c at drug stores;
by mail 45 and 75c. Joseph Triner
Company, 1333-1343 S. Ashland
Ave.j, Chicago, 111. m!6.
V -
I !" Brnninh egg fors hatching
' " - "0 for Zf5Q. lOO for
$li.5U. ilr. Johu W. Stones, My.
nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mosw
Flags at the Journal Office.
From Monday's Daily.
Ben "Windham, who has been on
one of the United States ships ' for
most of the duration of the war with
Germany, has written letters to his
father, R. B. Windham, here, and a
recent letter tells of his experiences
and his work. Ben is located on the
Battleship Montana, and writes the
letter from which we take the fol
lowing, under a New York date line:
"I am once more back in the Unit
ed States after three months chas
ing around the Atlantic. Have made
six trips convoying troops to the
other side, but did not land, turning i
around and putting right back to
Halifax, Canada. Halifax is an Eng
lish port and hilly like Plattsmouth
and is about the size of Lincoln. That
is what is left of it. You will re- j
member they had a hig explosion
there. As you saw the Omaha' tor
nado, I need not dwell on the disas
ter further than to say it was much
worse. Life on the old 'Monty' has
been about the same as described in
former letters. Nothing but work
and water. We have the record for
convoying, having covered 2,000
miles more than our nearest compet
itor. I expect a furlough within the
next month or so as we are going to
the Navy yards within that length
of time. Well, L have seen a little
of New York. Just attended the
best picture show I have ever seen.
It Avas by Griffith, the man who put
on the Birth of a Nation, and is on
the European war, being called "The
Heart of the World."
Gemiiise, elicio3is, Foainiiig, Sparkling Mall and Wmm
J. ' jT cnrp
1 Q-irvth
Make , It
From Monday's Daily.
This afternoon at two o'clock was
held at her late home in this city
the funeral of Mrs. Kate Oliver, who
has lived in Plaitsmcuth for the
thirty-three years. Mrs. Oliver i.?
well known to all the people cf
Plattsmouth. She has been sick for
the past year, ut not serious rm!ii
within the last few months, and her
case .had only afsv.raad the most grav
ity during- the pp-st few week?. The
end was expected and the chi'dren
surrounded the bedside as she in
peace breathed her last short breaths
and sank into that sleep .-which
Knows no awalcemtig here, but in
that other wcrld. The funeral was
conducted by Rev. H. C. McCluskcy.
pastor of the 1st Presbyterian church
of which she was a member. The
interme'nt was made in Oal: Hill
cemetery, where the mortal remain"?
will stay until the sounding of the
trumpet by, the Angel on the resur
rection morn.
it Your (Own Home
Minnies, Front a
lire Half and Hons Extract
v These are the days of temperance drinks.
Although non-alcoholic malt beverages, "near
bee3," etc., are now being sold in bottles every
where, they all lack a certain indescribable snap
and flavor. But you don't need to miss these de
sirable qualities. You -don't need to put up with
these flat, tasteless, lifeless substitutes.
It is not generally known that a genuine mait
and hops brew non-intoxicating, but with all the
cheer and invigoration can be easily made at h ome.
Most people think that such a brew can be made
only by a brewer. But a wonderful new process
enables you to make, at small expense, as palatable
and satisfying a drink as you could wish for. just
get a package of
If Elf
from any druggist and follow the easy directions which
accompany it. You mix the Extract with 7 gallons of
water and you produce, at small expense, a most
delicious, sparkling, temperance lager, entirely unlike
the usual insipid substitutes.
It satisfies the palate' perfectly. You will like it bet
ter than you did the eld saloon beverage and it will
be far better for you. Malt and hops make the most
J, ' - J
fflPi" Extras! S
healthful drink. Your homemade temperance lager
will be rich in nutritiousyproperties, and you will life
it better than anything you" ever drank.
You can keep it in bottles to be used freely by
your- family and friends whenever you like. And
think how cheap it is! You can make this tasty,
"tang-y," foamy, invigorating temperance lager for
only .
A package cf Peerless Malt ar.d Hops Extract enough to
muke a brew cf 7 gallons will cost ycu but $1.50. Where
could you ever cct a perfect beverage as cheap as that?
Try it now! You will be delighted. Remember, you w.ill
like it better than injurious alcoholic saloon stuff. Yes, ju
will like it better. YOU WILL LIKE IT BETTER!
Call on your druggist today. It he is sold out he can
quickly get more for you from his wholesaler.
tf KATSOKTAEi PRODUCTS CO., 1224-1228 S. Western Ave., CHICAGO
' .... -
G5SZ23SH Vi&TZZT TC7-rii tg-rorerjrg xtm43iimmamfiqti nROT MlHimMLWl FSCrSffrSSH yS&ZSSSTZZ HZS3S3E5K!
From Monday's 1';iilv.
John E. Johuson, a blacksmith f Jiav''j'rfn"
sori.- I ;itereslol in saiil in:iltT r;" 11!')-; till, (.ass county, uraMa, uiraii me i rii'Mm-ni, i ivt-i n-Miirm, run vm..
lisi.fn a i-opy of this order f n t he i payment of t lie balance ot Ihe punliase I aml 'IrMsmrr from tiioir limn i-or.
price in a. romance wmi me cunuari irs uu.bM j i iiuvi ir , 1110 mi
entered into between tiie plaintiff and ('rrMprned have hereunto s-et their
the faid tleotKe J. nldiiam, during his 1 hands this ISth day of February, A.
l' Journal, a sciiii-v.eekly
lifMVspaper printed in said county, tor
weeks prior to said
Lipcoln, was a, visitor in the county
From Monday's Daily. ccurt this morning, where ho wns ar-
Yesterday at the rifle rang.; north raijrncd for having and transporting
of town machine gun practice shoot- whisky. Johnson who has a family
ing was engaged in for brief inter-1 of wife and five children went to
vals at stated times. The machine j Lincoln, where a hoot ledger got a
gun entrenchment occupies an im-jhold of him and sold him two pints
portant and commanding position on of whiskey for five dollars. He im
the hillside above the range and is biiie-d rather freely and on rettirnlng
heme had one pint cf the stuff, which
was found on him as he was quite a
bit 'how-corae-you-Eo' and was taken
by the police. He was giver ore
hundred dollars and costs by Judrc
Beeson when he pleaded guilty.
One new Satley corn planter, all
Two registered Short Horn animals
one j-ear old.
Also some youns mules and
horses. Inquire of
a8-tfw.) CHAS. T. PEACOCK
connected with an ammunition 'dug
out and camouflaged to conceal its
location and identity. The trench is
connected with those on the range by
a field telephone outfit and every
thing arranged to get the best results
from target practice.
A large number of Plattsmouth
people visited the range yesterday
and many of them were rewarded by
getting to see a machine' gun in ac
tual operation, sending out bullets at
a lively rate. Some night shooting
is being done, by means of luminous
rockets much the same as .those used
by the armies engaged on the battle
front and all in all the boys are
gaining a very realistic idea of the
j-v,- ., 4. I The ?tate of Nebraska, Cass coun-
vr ui n. ciictu n 111 uunuiii lucui uvci I ty, fe.s:
thara " I Jntlie County Court
in i:ie inuner 01 me j.siuu: 01 .ui
Another large detachment is duel Una I'lestrnn. Deceased
IO Come UOWn irom Ort UrOOK tniS You are herohv notified. That T will
wool.- nnI -n TiiooIo nin-Vti v, a c.l-lit at the County Court room in iMatts-
...fa..- "'v month in said f-mintv on tbe Sth dav-
diers have rented the Coates hall and j of June, iois, ami o'n.the sth day .f
. .. . . . . September. 191 X. at 10 o'clock a. rn. o
secured tlie Kroenier orchestra lor each of said days to receive and exam-
tho nnrnnsa r.f irirlner o rrro r,,l mtn. in all claims against said J.state
with a view to their adjustment and
tary ball to Which they invite tlie allowance. The time limited for the
... " I presentation of claims against said
PUDllC. I Kstate is three months from the 8th
jday of June, A. 1). 19 IS. and the time
limited for payment of debts . Is otie
year from said fcth dav of June. 1918.
Witness my hand and the seal of Fa id
County Court this 4th day of May,
A. 1918.
(Seal)-m64tv. County Judge.
I 'liU-d .May .:,
aki.kx .i. r.i:i:s-,
(Si;;l)-mi;-:!tw. r Coni'ty Jm!"o.
Mirier: to cnKniToics
State of .'elrasku, Cass iihmi-
1 n the County Cot:rt.
In the matter of the Kstaie of Wil
li;ni IUidiir. Iecea?ed:
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the CvJVliity Court room in IMatls
iiiouth in said civiniv, on lhe""7tli day
tf r:;:y, mis, and the Stti dav of
AuKiist. 191S, t : 'o'clock a. m. of
each day to receive ani examine all
claims apainst said Kstate. v.illi a
view to tlieir adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for presenta
tion of claims against sa i-1 lOsi.ate in
three nior.ths from the l'7th day of
May. A. I . 1!MS. rnd the time limited
for pavment "of debts is one year from
iaid rah day of May, 1!1S.
Witness my hand and the :ea! of
said. Countv Court- this '1 ttli day of
April, 191S.
ai.lkx j. bi:kson.
(Scali-u9-lv County JuUe.
MtTicn to cRi:irroits
Good For the Whole Family.
Every family requires a safe and
reliable cough and cold remedy. Mrs.
John Potter, 20 Shupe St.. Mt. Pleas
ant, Pa., writes: "I have used Foley's
Honey and Tar for colds for years
and highly recommend it to all fam
ilies." Contains no opiates.- Checks
bronchial and. . grip coujrhs, croup
and whooping-cough": Sold every
where. -
Most disfiguring, skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are
due to impure blood. Burdock Blood
The State of- Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
in the matter of the Kstate of Gal
lant Itakes. deceased.
On readinar and filinir tlie petition
of Callie I... Hakes, prayins that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to petitioner as Administratrix;
Ordered, That May 51st. A. D. 1918.
rt 10 o'clock a. m.. is assisned for
liea rinar said petition, when all per
sons interested in said- matter may
appear at a County Court to he
Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is in and for said County, and show cause
" ' why the praver of petitioner should
well recommended. 1.25 at all not be granted: and that notice of the
stores, v
pendenev of said netition and the hear-
ing thereof shall be elvea to all per-
u the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Xehraska.
State of .'Vebraska, Cass county, ss:
To all persons interested In the
rotate of Andrew Jiill. 1 etased :
in reading: the pctitioji of Benjamin
lill, Admitiistrator, pre.j ir.jr a final
settlement and allowance of his ne-
cinint tiled in this Court on tlie litis day
of May. 191S. and for the distribution
of said estate and hi. "discharge as
sn-h Ailmini.stralor:
. It is hereby ordered, that you and
all persons interested In said matter
may, and do. appear at tlie County
Coirrl lo he held in and for said coun
ty on the 2th day of May. A. 1 . 1918.
at 9 o'clock a. in., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of tin
petitioner should not lie granted, and
that notice of tlie pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
B lven to all persons interested In "aid
matter bv publishing a copy of this
order in the J'lattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in. said
county for two successive weeks prior
to said ilay of hearing.
in witness whereof, J have hereunto
set mi-hand and the Seal of said court
this 6th day of May, A. L. 1918.
.SeaU-mlS-L'w County Judge.
l,F.(i A L OTICK
To T'auline Oldham, as AdministraT
rl.x of the Kstate of George J. Oldham,
I let-eased; TUchard Conway Oldham,
Cuzza J. Uaker, Laeuna Connally. Paul
ine Oldham. Fay Oldham. John J. O d
ham,, Jessie IX Snyder. Ellison I. O d
ham. James W. Oldham. Vera 11. Old
ham Polly Oldham. Mary U Craig, and
all . persons interested in the estate of
Jackson ." Oldham. Deceased, includ
ing creditors and claimants:
You are hereby notified that on the
4th day of May. -iai-8. plaintiff filed a
petition In the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, praying among oth-
thinsts ror an oruer iu cm.
tlie court directing the adminis-
e l.o sttp OI UrOlKB J. urn-
ham, deceased, to convey to plaintiff
the Northwest Quarter of the North
west Quarter of Section thirty-one (31)
Township eleven (11), Ranee fourteen
life time on the 15th day of January,
You are further notifiea, there will
he a hearing upon said petition, and
on the allegations thereof, before the
Judge of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in the District Court
Toom at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the
L'Und day of June, 1918, all of which
a:n tlie allegations ot tlie petition you
will take due notice.
C. A. It AWLS.
Tlie State of Nebraska, Cats coun
ty. s.:
In the County Court.
In the "Matter of the Kstate of Km
ilv A. Latta, Deceased:
To the Creditors of said Kstate:
You are hereby notified. That 1 will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth. in said county, on the Jlst (by
of Mac, 131S, and on the 2th day of
August. 1318, to receive and examine
all claims against said Kstate with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said Ks
tate is three months from the 21st
day of May, A. D. 1918. and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 1'lst day of May. 1018.
Witness mv nanu ana me n-ni oi
said County Court, this 1.1th day
April, 1918.
County Judge
(Seal)-a22-4w. Clerk
D. 191.8
AT(5 HO 1 1 N KMKIKIt,
HAKVKY i:. t:asp
km 1 1. i :oi:n km kiki:
KUAN K I H'C. 1 1 E l!TV
K. )'. Ht'RLpTTT
n. s. I!oi:ni:mi:iki:,
j. K. TAYl.nn.
SEXTS: That we whose names are
lu.rofn ultufiicd. have associated our
selves togetlier for tlie purpose of be
coming a Co-operative Association
under the laws of tlie State of Ne
braska, and for that purpose, do here
by adopt these Articles of incorpora
mTttcle T- The name of this Cor
ooralion shall he tlie Farmers' Union
Co-Opratlve Atsociatlon.
ARTICLE II: The principal place of
transacting the business of this Cor
poration fch&ll be at Aivo. iseorastca.
and such other places as the Directors
shall elect. , ,
AUTJCLK II r: The general nature of
the business to be transacted by gain
I'npTinpntlnn . slinll he the buying and
selling of grain, seed, hay, live stock
and all products of the farm, .also
morclinndlse of all kinds and to ac
quire by purchase or lease such real
estate as may he necessary for the
transaction of the business.
ARTICLE IV: The At-aoeiaiion shall
continue for a period of fifty (00) years
from date of Incorporation, which
shall he February 28, 1918.
- ARTICLE V: The amount of Capital
stock of this Corporation shall be
$50,000, which shall be divided Into
1000 shares at $50.00 each. $6,200.00
shall be fully paid in at the time of
commencement of business. Thfs stock
shall be non-assessable. The highest
amount of indebtedness to which this
Corporation shall at any time subject
itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
the paid up capital stock.
ARTICLE VI: The affairs of this
Corporation shall be conducted bv a
Board of Seven Directors who shall be
elected - annuallv by the ; Stockholders.
Th Board, cffDIrestoia thsdl filMt 3
tntc of Nebraska)
Countv of Cass ) ss:
On tlie 1'Sth day of February. J ! I S.
"Vi before mc, S. C. Boyles. Notary Public,
personally appeared the above gained.
who personally are Know n to bo tin
Identical persons whose names are af
fixed to the above Articles of Incor
poration as parties hereto, and they
severally acknowledge the Instrument
to be their voluntary act and d.-ed.
Witness my ha-nd as aforesaid.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Com. expires July 6. 1320.
State of Nebraska)
Secretarv's OiTice ) .
Rect ived and hled'for record March
12. 1918 ;nd recorded in P.ook SI, .Mis
cellaneous Incorporations.
Secretary of State.
r$y Hugh L. Cooper. Deputy.
lion iE
We buy Rags, Rubber,
' Iron and Metal!
Second Hand Furniture
of all Kinds!
S. GHfiSEfJ, Panager
Eighth and Vine Sts.,
Plattsmouth, ftebaska
TEL. 608