The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1918, Image 1

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    uJetrcs'k?, State Histori
cal Society
No. 95.
Yesterday Cass County was Appor
tioned 15 Men as Her Share
Now Will Take More.
Washington, May . 13. The bill
changing the basis of draft quotas
from state population to the number
of men in class one and doing away
with allowances for ' voluntary en
listments, was signed late today by
Vice President Marshal and Speaker
Clark and sent to President Wilson
for his approval. This measure has
been before congress for several
months. It will be pat into effect
as soon as signed by the president
as plans are ready for making the
May drft, already ordered, on the
new basis prescribed in the law just
The above' dispatch foretells a
change in the q-aotas ascribed to Ne
braska counties by the governor's of
fice yesterday, and which called for
1T men as Cass county's share of the
week of May 2Sth draft. Credits on
volunteer enlistments had placed
Omaha and Lincoln beyond reach of
the call under the former law, but
under the present enactment, the lat
ter will furnish some 400 men and
the former over 1.000. Just how
many men are credited to this coun
ty on Voluntary enlistment and bow
the percentage of registered men
here compares with the state in gen
eral is not known well enough to
forecast the effect the new law will
have in regard to our quota, prev
iously set at IS. It will probably
be increased, although due to the
small per centage of class one men
in the county it might possibly be
decreased. In this day cf manipula
tions of the draft law one never is
able to tell just where they're at.
Otoe county, which was scheduled
to furnish but two, now will probab
ly be called upon for nearly fifty on
account of the large number of men
in class one in that county, there
being aproximately 47 per cent of all
registered men in class one, while in
Cass the percentage is about 17.
Claude C. Smith, of the Rexal Drug
Store Appointed to Receive
Local Enlistments.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Claude C. Smith, of the Rexall
drug store, has been commissioned
by the government to act as recruit
ing agent for the U. S. merchant
marine, in accordance with -a plan
proposed and worked out by the
United Drug company sponsors for
the Rexall line of goods. Mr. Smith
has received all necessary blanks,
etc., and is authorized to look after
having men examined by a local
physician for this branch of service,
after which they are sent to Boston
to go on a training ship plying up
and down the Atlantic coast for six
to eight weeks before entering ac
tive service in the great merchant
marine engaged In carrying supplies
overseas to our soldiers and the al
lies. During the period of training
they are paid $30 per month and up
on entering active service the scale
of wages runs from $35 upward with
bonuses to those serving on ships
traveling through the war zone. It
is necessary that recruited men pay
their railroad fare to Boston, but
.upon arrival there the same is re
funded to them and if upon a second
examination they are rejected for
physical disability the government
will issue them transportation back
to the place of enlistment. All reg
istered men who have not received a
Pink card of notification in current
draft are ellgibl to try for this
branch of service' and if accepte
the U. S. shipping board will secure
their release from future draft calls
so long as they continue service in
the merchant marine. Enlistments
are made for the term of the war
Anyone contemplating entering
this branch will do well to drop in
and see Mr. Smith as he has all de
sirable information and is empower
ed by th government to accept en
Plattsmouth Young Lady Wed South
Omaha Young Man, Both
Are Fine People,
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning at the Holy Rosary
church in the presence of a number
of their friends was solemnized the
nuptials of Miss Josephine Sabatka,
a young lady of-sterling qualities,
born and growing to young woman
hood in the city, having a host of
friends here, and Mr. Charles Shup-
sky of South Omaha, a young man of
excellent habits, and who is employ
ed with the Cudahy Packing Com
pany of that place. The ceremony
was celebrated at the Holy Rosary
church of this city, the Rev. J. Vlcek
A bridal reception dinner was held
at the home of the parents, Frank
Sabatka, sr., and wife of this city.
The newly married couple departed
for their home at South Omaha, but
will take a trip, of which they will
not tell the whereabouts until they
return. The Journal with their many
friends here join in wishing the
happy ' couple a joyous journey
through life, and that they may be
prosperous, to the extent of their
fondest desires.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Miss Lenoe Dean end Sergeant
Ralph R. Miller were married at 9
o'clock this morning, in Omaha. The
bride wore a pearl gray silk suit with
hat to match and carried a bouquet
f bridal roses, while Sergeant Miller,
true to his country, wore his marine
suit. The bride has been private sec
retary to the President of the Y. M.
C A. of that city and is well known
and prominent in social circles of
Omaha. She is a graduate of the
Lincoln High School and has a host
of friends, who will miss her from
their midst, but whose best wishes
will ever attend her in her new home.
Sergeant Miller is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Levi Miller of this city and is
well knownthroughout this vicinity
and has a large circle of friends,
who extend best wishes. Sergeant
Miller is a graduate of Harvard Col-
ege, Mass., and has been in he U.
S. Marines for twelve years. He has
traveled throughout the entire Unit
ed States and has had foreign ser
vice, j
His mother and oldest sister
Leafy Miller were in attendance at
the wedding in Omaha this morning
and saw the bride and groom start
on their journey to St. Joseph, Mo.
Sergeant Miller has been stationed
in Omaha for the past few weeks, but
recently was transferred to St Jos
eph, Mo. Sergeant Miller and bride
will make their home in apartments
there while Sergeant Miller is sta
tioned at that point.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Dorse Jordan who was buried on
last Friday at the cemetery, west of
this city, and a son of J. M. Jordan,
was born in Douglas county just
north of Gretna, and with his par
ents moved to a farm south of this
city, where they lived for five years
and then for eight years on the
Roberts farm north of the city, a
year ago, moving to the place, where
he passed away last week. The
young man was twenty years of
agei and a young man of exemplary
habits, and leaves a host of friends.
Wants To Help Other Men.
M. W. Taylor, Calvert, Aia.,
writes:' "To Whom It May Concern:
I recommend Foley Kfdney Pills, the
beFt I ever used. I tried different
remedies, but none gave me relief
like Foley's." They restore regular
action of kidneys and bladder and
relieve .backache, rheumatic pairjs
stiff joints, sore muscles. Sold every
For earache, toothache, pains
burns, scalds, sore throat, try Dr,
Thomas' Eclectic Oil, a splend!d
J remedy for emergencies. ' -
Drafted Men Who Will Go to Camp
Dodge, Near Des
From Wednesday's Daily.
The following is the list from
w-hich the men will be selected for
filling the quota- of fifteen men
which are to be sent to Camp Dodge
on the 25th of this month, which
will b? one week from next Saturday.
Some of these men hae been in
the service before and were discharg
ed on account of what was then as
signed as physical disability. While
that was the case under the enlist
ment, in the case of the selectmen, it
seems other status of examinations
apply. There are sixteen names from
which the selections are to be made,
and it may be that other changes will
be made later, which may require
an additional name or so to be added,
then again, by ruling it might not
require as many as has now been
asked for, the only way to obtain the
correct information will be to await
developments as different rulings
come into operation.
Order No. Name. Address.
526 Vern R. Shepler, Greenwood
645 George Trunkenbolz Eagle
7 Julius Merwick, Verona, Pa,
659 H. L. Clapp Jr. Elmwood.
700 George Cssenkop, Louisville.
70,0 Louie Rot b man, Platsmouth
728 Guy H. Shreve Elmwood.
7S5 Jay Alia way. Eagle.
742 Ed. N. Aagaard, Minneaoolis.
77 . Frank M. Rice, Plattsmouth.
80 G. Hawkenberry, Plattsmouth.
866 C. Schmldtmann, Plattsmouth.
871 Wm. A. Core, Louisville.
S72 James I. Blakes, Nehawka.
8S8 Glen E. Dorsey. r ouisville.
894 Irving S. Eager, Louisville.
From Wednesday's Daily.
There is posted at the office of the
local board, a few-additional calls,
for a few men each. Order number
430 is for two men, and is for rail
road car repairers. Order 543 calls
for 5 gunsmiths. Order 506 is to 25
railroad brakemen. Order 508 is for
10 enginers and firemen whil 53S
s for 12 veterinarians. Anyone de
siring to enlist in any of these speci
fied industries can make application
at the local board.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Corporal Emil J. Hild, who has not
been in Plattsmouth for some time
until this short five days furlough,
which he has Just concluded, depart
ed this afternoon for Camp Funston
going via Omaha, and the Rock
Island from there. Emil who is
looking fine, says he Is feeling and
likes the life so far very veil.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening being the fifth anni
versary of the wedding of Mr and
Mrs. Jean Mason a crowd of their
friends gathered to assist in the prop
er celebration of the event. Music
and games . were indulged in and a
lunch was served to which all were
pleased to partake. In token of the
love, and respect in which the couple
were held by their friends, they
were presented with a. fine rocking
chair, which the folks will receive
much good from. At a late hour
those present departed fueling that
they had spent a very enjoyable
Itching piles provoke profanity,
but profanity won't remove them
Doan's Ointment is recommended for
itching, bleeding or protruding pilt
60c at any drug store.
White Seed Corn. Call Phone No
253-W. R. C.'Cook. 4-22-2wkswkly
From Wednesday's Daily.
There was an interesting meeting
at Weeping Water last evening of
the county council of defense, which
took some positive steps on some
things among which were the matter
of the churches continuing 'to .hold
services in German. The matter of
holding services in German, has been
creating considerable concern 'n ac
count of the tendency when so done
that there is suspicion that things
are being done which should not be,
and to avoid this .suspicion ihose
who have been doing it should have
discontinued it without any action
being necessary. We are now at war
with Germany, and one his to f Ither
be an American or not an American,
and if he is loyal to the ideals of
American institutions he canno- bor
row -the language of an enemy to
convey the thoughts which express
the highest ideas of patriotism. If
we are at war with Germany cast out
all which savers of that country and
be a Loyal Patriotic American in ac
tion and in thought. Notices are be
ing sent to all the ministers who
have been delivering their disourses
in the German Language that they
are forbidden further to do so.
By a resolution the county council
of defense, disclaimed any action at
all whatsoever in the distributing of
the corn which was distributed from
the cribs of L. C. Stull just recently.
They also arranged through a
committee to have a meeting some
time in the near future with the
War Relief Committee, to take up
the matter of the cases of those who
have neglected to purcnase their
quota of bonds.
From TVednesday's Daily.
Just at this time Mrs. J. J.
Wrebbitz and children, who have
been making their home t Auburn,
are visiting at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Rose Kirvonek, while the
household effects are being moved to
Long Pine," where ,er-xr'li make
their homein the future and Mr.
Wrebbitz. who is a mail clerk is now
running between Long Pine and
Chadron on the Northwestern Rail
From Wednesday's Dally.
John Liesman, who is teamirg for
a bridging company here, was in
Omaha a few days since, and while
there had the misfortune to run on to
a bootlegger, where he secured some
ntoxicating liquor, and when he got
home was in a state or intoxication.
He was arraignd before his Honor
Judge M .Archer, and was given ten
and costs making thirteen, which he
paid, and went to work a little viser,
If not happier.
From Wednesday's .Dally.
A. O. Moore the efficient manager
o fthe Western Union office here and
worker of the first trick at the rail
way office for the Burlington at the
passenger station, is nursing a very
sore ankle, on account of having
stepped on an uneven place on the
ground with the result that his
ankle was sprained. While he is
getting around, it is like one of the
old style engines working one side.
We hope that he will be well and
able to drill with the home guards
in the near future.
From Wednesday's Dally.
G. E. Young and Ben Noell of Ne-
hawka motored to this city yester
day afternoon to attend to some im
portant business matters. While here
Mr. Young took time to call at this
office and renew his subscription and
ordered the Plattsmouth Journal sent
to Young & Hostetter at Grant, Neb.
Mr. Young has just returned from
Grant, Neb., where he has been look
ing after his- farm interests, in that
locality. He says they have had
plenty of rain in that vicinity and
that wheat looks fine. He expects
to return to Grant in a few days.
She Got Good Results.
This honest testimony from a
woman who has suffered should be
heeded by all' aflicte& with bak-
ache, rheumatic pains, or any .symp
tom of kidney and bladder trouble:
"I have got such good results from
Foley Kidney Pills that I sleep much
better. Mrs. Chas. Gray 270 Sixth
J St., Detroit, lich." Sold everywhere
Has Lived in Plattsmouth for More
Than Thirty Years Resided
in Bellevue Before Thst.
From fondav's Dallv.
At the age of 79 years, 1 month
and 24 days, surrounded by loving
relatives, Mrs. Kate Oliver passed
from this life at 5 o'clock in the ev
ening of Saturday, May 11, 1918.
Thus another of the pioneers has
gone to her reward.
Kittle Quirk was born March 17,
1839, in Tipperary county, Cork,
Ireland, coming to the United States
with her parents in 1847, arriving
at New Orleans, La., where they re
mained but a short time, moving to
St. Louis, Mo., where her parents
died during the cholera epidemic.
leaving to her care two small sis
ters, one cf them now Mrs. Anna
Miller, of Fort Crook. Nebraska, and
the other Mrs. Julia Baker, deceased.
When but 17 years of age, she,
was united in marriage with Dr. W.
A. Rice and to this union one child
was born. Mrs. D. P. Aj-lsworth. of
Kansas City, Mo. Shortly after their
marriage, Dr. and Mrs. Rice left St.
Louis, traveling by boat up the Mis
souri river to Omaha, in search of
new fields. They remained in Om
aha but one night, when they jour
neyed to the beautiTul city of Belle
vue, then the metropolis of this sec
tion of the west, and there settled
down to life's duties as pioneers to
aid in building up this great area.
Dr. Rice sickened and died in 1S57,
eaving an infant child to her care.
July 7, 1861, Mrs. Rice again was
united in marriage, to George A.
Oliver, in Bellevue, and unto this
union six children were born, Carrie
E. Oliver, of Plattsmouth, who has
remained at home and ministered, to
her in her declining' years; Mrs. C.
D. Eads. of Omaha;. Mrs. D. C. Mor
gan, of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Morgan
Schrack. who departed this life Sep
tember 18, 1900. leaving a daugh
ter, Katharine, who has been cared
for by Grandma Oliver; Mrs. A. W.
Hallam. of Lincoln and William Ol
iver, dying in infancy.
Mr. Oliver was a carpenter by oc
cupation and in this line of work
was essential in building up ths
great commonwealth. He enlisted in
Co. D, 2nd Regiment, Nebraska Vol
unteer Cavalry on October 15, 1852,
and served nine months under Cap
tain H. L. Edwards, as a Sergeant,
being honorably discharged at Oma
ha City, N. T., on the 18th day of
September, 1863, . mustered out by
Major Burbank.
Thus, side by side, Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver shared, not only each other's
burdens and hardships, but their
country's as well.
The deceased has resided in Platts
mouth since 1880.
Mrs. Oliver was a member of the
Pioneers' association and a member
of the Presbyterian church. The
funeral is being held as we go to
press today, at her late home and in
terment will be made in Oak Hill
cemetery, west of the city. Rev. H.
G. McCluskey, pastor of her church.
is officiating at the funeral.
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon was hela at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gil-
lespiej the funeral of their niece Miss
Mearle Hinton who died so suddenly
last wek. The funeral ceremon" was
conducted by the Rev. E. H. Pontias,
of the United Brethern church, south
of the city and the burial made at
the Horning cemetery, south of the
city. A large number of friends and
neighbors were in attendance aswell
as friends and relatives from away.
Eli. Peter and Winton Birdsall of
Missouri Valley, Iowa, were in at
tPnrianrA as well and one of their
brothers from near Louisville, they
all being uncles, of the deceased.
Wanted Laborers for Packitg
House work. 40c per hour. Address
Supt. Morton-Gregson Co., Nebraska
City, Nebr. 5-13-3tw
From Monday's Daily.
J. W. Murdock of Nehawka motor
ed to this city Saturday morning to
attend to some business matters and
visit friends for a short time. While
here he took time to call at this of
fice and renewed his subscription and
that of the Plattsmouth Journal go
ing to Lieut. Jas. W. Thomas at Lon
don, England. Mr. Murdock says
he has received letters from Lieut.
Thomas in which he states that he
is feeling fine, which will be pleas
ing news to his many friends in this
From Wednesday's Dally.
Arrangements have been perfected
for the game for next Sunday, when
the Red Sox will be booked up
against the "Murphy's Did It." ir.d it
will be remembered that when they
were here last year they were ,able to
put up an excellent game, we may
expect a good game at that time.
While these are good teams, we know
that the Red Sox have got good stuff
in them, and to play a good hard
game all together will g:ve them a
winning chance. With this clis-s of
players, the base ball enthusiasts
should show a good crowd. Come
see the game for next Sunday.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety of the Methodist church, of this
district of the state are holdng a
meeting today at Nebraska City.
Last evening, a number of ladie-' be-
onging to the society here depjrttd
for that place to be in attendance
at the sessions of the convention at
this place. Those to go from here
were Mesdames. E. C. Hill, Jl. B.
Hayes, C. .T. Peacock, George A.
Kcffenberger and T. A. Truscott.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Thjre Is being held in Murray to
day and this evening a meeting of
the district Sunday School Associa
tion, for this portion of the county.
The program will extend over the
afternoon and evening, and is of a
patriotic character. The matter had
not been very well advertised, as it
was scarcely known in this citv un
til this morning.
-Helps To Keep Fit.
When the digestion Is out of ord
er, it throws the whole physical being
cut of gear. B. B. Hayward, Unauil
la, Ga., writes: "Foley Cathartic Tab
lets give me quicker relief than any
thing I have ever tried." They re
lieve biliousness, bad breath, bloat
ing, gas. indigestion and consti ra
tion. No griping or nausea. Soid
Subscribe for the Journal.
Local and
When you trarisact our banking with a Na
tional Bank you have the assistance of the
most dominant financial force in this locality.
For a National Bank is a member of the
Federal Reserve System- the most dominant
financial force known to the world.
The benefit of a direct connection between
your business and this powerful financial
dynamo should not be underestimated. Bank
with .us and you can bank on us.
First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Sarp Goes That Just One Better
Omaha and Lincoln are Both
Over Top in Volunteers
From Monday's Dailw
Unless the new law denying credit
on volunteer enlistments be put into
effect immediately on the president's
signing it, and the war department
ordering that the new rule be fol
low, the "quotas figured out by Gov.
Neville's office during the past few
days for the different counties will
stand in force and e'ffect for t lie big
May draft of 233.000 men. of which
the state of Nebraska is called upon
to furnish a net quota of 1.C28. The
gross quota was 12,4 90. but credit
is given for 7,S7S enlistments and
2,984 inductions, the latter heitg
for special branches of service.
Eleven counties in the stat have
credit on volunteers of more men
than their quotas call for and are
therefore exempt from furnishing
any men on this call unless an elev
enth hour change be ordered by the
War department. Omaha lias over
volunteered its number and is ex
empted unless the change be order
ed, when that city would be called
upon to supply over 1,000 men and
Lincoln, also being overvolunteered,
would "have to furnish 4 00.
In the apportionment given out ', ,
the governor's office. Cass county Is
scheduled to furnish 15 men. while
Otoe county is drawn upon for but
2 and Sarpy countr goes them still
one better, having to furnish but a
single man as their quota."
When the June drafts are called
it is probable the new law prohibit
ing credits for volunteers will be put
into force and a much different ap
portionment will be in evidence.
This Widow Was Helped
Mrs. A. Walden, 460 Glenn vr..
Fresno, Cal., writes: "I bad a fevor
and it left me with a cough every
winter. Foley's Honey and Tr
helps me every time. I am a widow
66 years old." Nothing better for
bronchial, grip and similar couj.:s
and colds that hang on. Just f.uo
for croup and whooping cough. S-.Ul