The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, APRIL g9 19' 8.
nr .
rLAiTSMotrrn soii-tveeklt journac.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
i::it. r.l at 1'ost office. 11a ttiinioiitli. Neb., as second-class muil matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
The people very glady
Will follow his advice
If he'll show 'em where to buy it
And where to get the price!
Don't wait!
1V it right now!
Buy a Liberty Bond!
. :o:
Success to you, Mayor Schneider.
It's as good or better than gold.
Hurry up. Von Hindenburg; that
Paris dinner is getting mighty cold.
" I.r old Judas was a piker, His
thirty pieces of silver would have
meant precious little to Colo Pasha.
If we have the luck to capture any
cf the 1'ohcnzollern boys they ought
t. ! e brought over and interned in
That Non-Partisan League may be
lojal insofar as its rank and file are
concerned, but its leadership is sad
ly i'i need of disinfectant.
The average German family now
ha; only cents a month to spend
on amusements. But It still costs
rn; to indulge in the morning
! a .o.
Mr. Hays ts trying to make the
I-phart. and the moose lie down
together nt a time when they both
ou-rht to be loaded with w ar supplies
anl headed for the front.
The New York yeung man who
married his mother-in-law to escape
the draft was evidently a real con
yt -iem ions objector. There seems to
be no cowardice in his make-up.
Guatemala hasn't formally declar
ed war against the Central Powers,
but it has announced that it occu-pi-
the same position regarding
tl.m as that occupied by the Unit
ed States. It is believed Germany
will find this sufficiently explicit.
The attempt of the Long Island
railroad to make its grade crossings
fool-proof will be watched with in-n-rc.-t.
A few viaducts and subways
might help, except in some cases.
There are motorists, however, who
pc-em so eager to tangle up with a
train that they would drive off a via
duct or miss a subway just for the
Koiiumber when the traveling com
pany brought the first moving pic
lure machine to the old home town.
and you were convinced it was a
fake, but you dug up a dollar and
look your girl, and after the show
you talkd it over with her and de
cided that the moving picture busi-
r.e;s would never amount to any
Whenever Germany gets the worst
rf the argument Berlin immed.-atcly
Harts a movement to stop the argu
ment. She is now wishing to sop
the use of gas in the trenches. Ger
rnany's desire to stop the war has
ix-n common Knowlerige for some
time. Later on if she tries to intro
duce her cut rate merchandise into
the world market and fails she wil
want to stop all commerce.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo,
I.ucm County, us.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
In senior partner or the firm of . J.
Cheney & Co.. doing business In the City
cf Toleao. County &nd Stats aforesaid.
anri tha 8ii firm will pay the sum of HUNDRED uuLLAKa for eacn
and cvry case of Catarrh that cannot be
cxrd by the use rf HALL'S CATARRH
Kaom to before mo and subscribed in
n,y presence, ttls th nay cf December,
A. r. liAi A. W. ULAbUn.
fSa!) Notary Public.
Haira Catarrh HcJIcInc li taken In
t rr..-.ily and wets ttinyi,7h the Blood .on
the M'ico-jji Furracea el the System. Bend
i r t?r.monidl3. free.
r. 4. CHENEY i CO.. Toledo. O.
f--1d all iruieii3t. 5c.
Uall's Taadly Villi Icr canstlcatloa.
Buy Liberty Bonds.
Let your dollars do their duty.
Your money cannot, be neutral.
Are you for or against yotir gov
ernment. No more monkey business In this
city council.
Owing to the increasing demand
for yellow paint the price thereof is
constantly increasing.
Before w e begin wondering wheth
er the war. is going to end we had
better make sure that no new Avars
When the American soldiers cap
ture towns on the west front they
will not be compelled to pronounce
The place for loafers is in the
army not on the farm. Farmers
haven't time to maintain a steady
disciplinary force.
Germany has swallowed Russia,
and small boys have swallowed green
pples. But there is such a thing as
acute indigestion.
:o: :
If you are determined to make
your future home in one of tne
livest towns in Nebraska, prepare to
come to riattsmouth.
Remember next Friday is recom
mended by President Wilson for a
holiday drive for Liberty Loan
bonds. Prepare for it.
France has just Bolo Pasha, but
lot of German propagandists in
this country still seem to be regard
ed as good insurance risks.
Women's dresses are going to be
ighter than ever; which will make
t possible for pigeon-toed girls to
cquire Charley Chaplin stumb'e.-
Kaiser Bill says we are a nation of
'dollar chasers." Well, we'll chase
about twenty billions of them into
action against Bill all right and
then have plenty more left, alright,
No people of any city in Nebraska
are working harder for the Red
Cross than the ones here in Platts
mouth. And the ladies (God bless
them!) are doing more than their
share of this work.
' :o:
The buying of Liberty Bonds is a
special privilege offered the man who
has money to invest and, like any
good thing, should be accepted with
out urging. The man of smaller
means and with demands upon him
elsewhere is the only, one who must
consider the amount of his purchase.
:o: -
Spain has made October 12, the
date of the discovery of America, a
national holiday. While on the sub
ject of the discovery of America
shouldn't the Spaniards also knock
off on May 1, each year and sing Eu
gene Ware's hymn: "Oh Dewey, was
the morning, upon the firft of May?"
. :o:
The man who is trying to be neu
tral in this war simply confesses that
he is going as far as he dares .n the
interest of the other fellow, and if it
were safe for him to do so he would
openly declare against us. There Is
no ground upon which an intelligent
resident of this country can "be neu
Several cities have gone to the
polls over the question of keeping
hogs in town, and have voted against
it. That needn't discourage the hog
industry, however. . The retired
farmers . who were going to raise
hogs in town will find on experiment
that the hogs will grow just as well
out on their farms.
When It conies to a controversy
over matters of fact involving the
veracity of Vienna and Paris, nobody
outside the central empires will have
any difficulty in knowing which to
believe. Both Berlin and Vienna
have so forfeited all fight to cred
ence that it is only necessary for
either of them to assert anything as
true to satisfy most of us that the
contrary is the actual truth. Den
ver News.
An Omaha-traind officer has been
decorated for gallantry under fire in
France, which will not surprise any
who have" closely watched the work
that Is being done at the big balloon
school here. The truth is that Fort
Omaha has quietly been sending to
the fighting front a mighty fine lot
of well trained and thoroughly effi
cient specialists, whose work is listed
as among the most important ele
ments of modern fighting. The bal
loon man may not be so spectacular
ly prominent as the "bird man," but
he makes a lot better target for the
enemy, who invariably tries to put
the "sausage" out of business, for
he knows what it means to his plans.
Omaha Bee.
Here is one of the many news
items of the day, all of them disclos
ing a temper that will not be trifl?d
The Winterset News reports:
"Some persons broke
into ihe
Winterset High school building last
night, gathered up all the German
text books, carrro1 them out on the
campus and -burned them. Nobouy
knows who they were, nobody wants
to know and nobody cares. Several
wee"ks ago protests were made to the
school board against teaching Ger
man in our schools, but it refused
to discontinue it because some of
this year's graduates would lose
credit for a college course. If this
is true the graduates will probably
lose the credits. The teaching of
German has been stopped in the
Winterset public schools."
No matter what anybody may
think about it, the German language
is abolished from the schools of this
With the German language is go
ing German music and art, and with
language music and art are going
German manufacturers.
It has been a matter of slow years
to build up the international comity
witnessed by the more than friendly
relations between America and Ger
many. How many years will it take
to rebuild that comity? Nobody now
living expects ever to see the same
eort of friendly relations restored.
Germany had made the greatest
conquest a people ever makes. It
throws away the substantial meat
for a vain shadow. For the con
quest it is now trying for has never
proved anything but ashes in the
mouth of victory. "
Nobody can begin to measure what
it will mean to the Germany cf the
future that patriotic Americans are
burning books in German. Dcs
Moines Register,
No matter what happens on the
bloody slopes of Messines or in Pic-
ardy, Germany cannot win this war,
Every temporary advantage she ob
tains now serves to stiffen the de
termination of this country to e'e
stroy the Potsdam theory of slavery
We are a united peoplfc. Our man
power has not been touched. The
soldier is still the exception in our
streets. We are merely beginning to
take off our citizens' 'clothes. We
should have begun long ago, but the
delayed job is at last beginning vo
interest us acutely, and we, shall
never, if it take 100 years, lay down
our arms until Germany is beaten
and the little and big peoples of the
earth restored to their own. So If
there are discouragements in the
present situation, we must permit no
more delays, think rather of the
main task ah"ead of us, and realize
the certainty that uow and then the
Prussian autocrats must have
glimpses of oncoming America. If
by the sacrifice of 1,000,000 men
Germany should get even to Calais,
what then? Does anyone think that
General Pershing and his men would
be dismayed? Would New York?
Would Indiana? W'ould California?
It is inconceivable that ary loss that
the allies might sustain will in the
least cause the United States to
swerve one point of the compass from
its determined course. Germany
might as well realize this. If she
did and were wise, she would .suc
cumb now. But she is not wise; she
is flushed with the raw blood that
she has drunk, and so must be
beaten dovn to the ground by the
free men of America who love liber
ty not for themselves alone, but for
mankind. Haig stands with his back
to the wall, a gory heap about him.
But at last "we are coming, Father
Abraham. Indianapoli3 News
:o: s
Just what are we fighting? We are
fighting Williamism, according to
Irving Bacheller in "Keeping Up
with William" in the Red Cross
Magazine for May:
"Young Bill Hohenzollern began
life with a swelled head and an over
whelming sense of inherited super
iority. There are two kinds of
superiority real, and inherited. All
the troubles of this world have come
of inherited superiority. Of all the
defects that flesh is heir to, a sense
of inherited superiority is the most
deplorable. It is worse than insan
ity or idiocy, or curvature of the
spine. There are millions of acres of
land in Europe occupied by nothing
but a sense of inherited superiority;
there are millions of hands and in
tellects in Europe occupied by noth
ing but a sense of inherited super
iority, while billions of wealth have
been devoted to its service and embel
lishment. "Germany was inebriated with a
sense of its mental grandeur and
moral pulchritude. Now moral pul
chritude is like a forest flower. It
cannot stand the fierce glare of pub-
icity; you cannot handle it as you
would handle sausages and dye and
fertilizer. Observe how the German
military party is advertising its
saccharine morality 100 per cent
pure, blue ribbon, spurlos 'versenkt.
bonest-to-God morality the kind
that made hell famous.
"Now is the time when all men
must choose between two ideals:
That of the proud and merciless heart
on the one hand, that of the humble
and contrite heart on the other; be
tween the Hun and the Anglo-Faxon,
between Jesus Christ and thp devil.
Faced by such an issue. I declare
myself ready to lay all that I have
or may have on the old altar of our
common faith."
When the drummer's trunks have
been cut down so they can't be
smashed, the railroads will be able to
use the baggagemen in other lines of
:o: :
A man's place of business is not
the place to ask a favor. of him.
V - "
'sL4 . V ':. -
Registered French Draft
Weight 1,800 pounds. Will
make the season of . 1 9 1 8 at
mv home one mile south of
Cullom every day of week.
TERMS: $12.50 to insure colt to
stand and suck, at which time ser
vice fee is due and payable imme
diately. When marcs are disposed
of or removed from the community,
service fee becomes due and payable
at once. All care will be taken to
prevent accidents, '. but owner wil
not be held responsible should any
occur. ,
V.- :
'calls for Polarine in the motor. When you want speed the
Polarine lubricated cylinder lets the piston slide rapidly up
and down without friction. And if you need power that
same thin film of Polarine seals the gas above the piston
makes a giant out of your motor.
You can get Polarine wherever you go a thousand miles
from here. It's the safe oil to start with.
Look for the sign it identifies a good dealer and a depend-
able oil. '
Red Crown Gasoline is best for the long run speedy, .
powerful, economical.
A farmer out in the state writes a
letter asking: "What is the real con
dition in regard to ships, and is it
possible to get an, American army to
Europe in time to save the world
from disaster?" It is' pretty hard to
answer that question even though one
had read all that has been published
on that question. The facts that
are nokw nor that the government
has commandeered every sh'.o not
engaged in other vitally necessary
service. It has taken over a large
number of Dutch ships that were
found lying idle in our ports, Japan
has turned over all the ships she can
spare, Cuba has furnished some and
Drazil quite a number. Thev arc
all engaged in sending food, supplies
and soldiers to Europe.
For future use there arc at prc-s-
ent 130 shipyards working full time.
Southern and eastern yards expect
to launch eighteen wooden ships,
aggregating 63,000 tons, for the gov
ernment by May 1, and 20,000 more
tons under private contract. Chair
man Gary . of the United States Steel
Corporation said at the shareholders'
meeting on Monday that the corpora
tion would launch its first ship for
the government by the middle of
May, and that thereafter one com
pleted vessel would be turned out
every ten days. Eighteen steel shins
of 9,600 tons each are to be built at
a new government shipyard at Wil
mington, N. C.
The President has approved a bill
recently introduced to appropria'f.e
$50,000,000 for building concrete
ships which can be constructed most
ly by common labor and supplied
with Diesel engine, which can be
built in one-fourth of the time of
either wooden or steel ships and not
take a man from the present ship
building yards. There has been a
complete reorganization of the ship
building department and Mr. Schwab
has been put in complete control cf
it. From those facts every man will
have to draw his own conclusions.
We have some good bargains in
Land Trices. Right with good terms.
Otoe Co., Gage Co., Pawnee Co. and
Johnson Co. land, Southeastern Ne
braska. Mockenhaupt &. Curtain
Land Co. Sterling, Neb. 28-lmowkly
Mr. Farmer It will pay you to
drive to Sterling. Nebraska, in your
car and Buy a Farmjaf Mockenhaupt
& Curtalu. Ste'rlingr Neb. 28-lmow
A day of work,
A little piay,
A little prayer;
Take time to hope
But not to mope
Xor to despair.
A movement is on foot to stop the
manufacture of autos for one year.
: :o:
There is a lot of sentiment in a
squeeze of the hand of the right per
son. ' :o:
A country worth fighting for is a
country worth saving for. Buy
Thrift Stamps.
The least duty that we cn per
form is to loan every dollar we have
or can save to our government.
The United States can fight for
eight years more before the per cap
ita debt is as large as that of Ger
many. :o:-
It Is always best to he a patriot.
The,traitor In any country Is a despic
able wretch and shunned by even the
Do You Sleep Well?
To be at his best a man must have
sound, refreshing sleep. When
wakeful. and restless at night he is
in no condition for work or business
during the day. Wakefulness is of
ten caused by indigestion and consti
pation, and is quickly relieved by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Try a dose
of these tablets and see how much"
better you feel with a clear head and
good digestion.
The Tourists Triangle Tour
Note the Burlington! Map and Its Three Western Trunk Lines :
Note the geographical triangle formed by these Burlington Iiuea
and -what a comprehensive northwest tour they : offer ONE WAY via
Denver, Scenic Colorado; ONE WAY via Rocky Mountain National (Este-3)
Park with, 700 miles of mountain panorama, from Denver to the Yel
lowstone, and to Glacier Park, the climax of the Rockies' rugged gran
deur; ONE WAY. alongside the Big Horns and the Black Hills This is
CasDer main line makes Doaslhlp this rlfniit tmK that , ,
If ypu suffer backache, sleepless
nights, tired, dull days and distress
ing urinary disorders, don't experi
ment. Read this twice:told testi
mony. It's Plattsmouth evidence
doubly proven.
Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh &
Pearl Sts., says: "For several years
I had been bothered by my kidneys.
My back often pained me severely.
Headaches and dizziness were com
mon and. my sight became affected so
badly I couldn't read. I was alro
troubled by my kidneys acting irreg
ularly. I got Doan's Kidney Piils
from Edward Rynott & Co.'s. Drug
Store and they benefited me greatly
in a short time." (Statement given
April 10, 1912.)
On February 22, 1916 Mrs. Brink
man said: "I still consider Doan's
Kidney Pills a fine kidney medicine.
I gladly confirm my former endorse
ment." PFice 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Brinkman had, Foster
Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
For Bilious Troubles.
To promote a healthy action of
the liver and. correct the disordem
caused by biliousness. Chamberlain's
Tablets are excellent. Try them and
see how quickly they give you a rel
ish for your food and banish that
dull and stupid feeling.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
' " .v.i vuiupruucnus the
east siop or the Continental Divide from Colo
rado to the British boundary.
W. R. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1,004 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska