The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TirUKSDAY, ATRIL 25, 1013L
Cbs plattsmou tb journal
Knt. n il at l'o.-toiTi e, riaitsiiioutb. Neb., as teconJ-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Kaily day next Friday.
The day for a bond drive
i i:s ill rally around Old Glory.
I.riad and buns will beat the Huns.
: o :
-True patriotism is what does the
n ines.
Moths never bother a nun with
lAl one suits of clothes.
: o :
?i;ins most reliable friends are jii
-'d dog and plenty of money.
l iiiil you hear the other man's
Mry one tide ij just as good as '.lie
t.i her.
1! is just as eusy to carve a fortune
a , il i- to carve yoine of these roasts
u 1 uy. "
V I:av noticed in life'o wi rk
i! . r-- ;:rc too pj-.'iiy who fudge on ev
ery prop'it ion.
VP t!- belligerent nations want
i,. .., imt t lit Teutons do not like
tb. cheek the allies save them.
If the world in all its inactivities
had never done anything excepting
in t'i- way grandfather did it, where
w:u!d the world be now?
Gubernatorial "po-oihiljtk's" are
the noticeable Johuny-iump-
ups tl:is spring. They are blossom
ing ut in all the expected and
rnu:!ih;s incx-eci. ed places in Ne
br:. I n.
S. Joe. Mo., must be enjoying a
preat trade on booze. There has
b"on enough stopped here in the past
months enroute from St. Joe to Oma
ha, to supply tho state of Nebraska,
r.'it -v:n co'intinK those cars that
bar. cod to get through on other
mutes, and they were plenty.
Tito next time you wake up flat on
your back in the middle of the street
with a pain in your slats and the vi
sion of a motor car dashing on out
f f sitht. it will comfort you greatly
to reflect that the courts recently up
held again the theory that the pe
destrain has the right of way.
We have sent a half-million sold
iers across 3,000 miles of ocean to
France in shorter time than it took
to send 'Shafter and 15,000 men
across ir.o miles of salt water to
Oiha. in l.SDS. Yet there are some
who snarl because the administration
ha not progressed at a more rapid
rale. ,
When we hoar people talking
a'HMH being willing to cat corn bread
to help out the country it makes our
bloMl boil to think of the boneheads
that are unable to comprehend a
glorious privilege when they see it.
i "on found 'cm, they ought to be made
Jo hare their heads and kiss the
Any man who pays that Richard L.
M-tcalfe has charged the farmers of
Nebraska with being disloyal is eith
er painfully ignorant or a most ac
complished liar. The farmers of Ne
braska are loyal, but in proportion to
numbers their ranks contain as many
traitors as any other class of our pop
ulation. They are neither better nor
worse than the rest of us.
Sttt of Ohio. City of Tole.lo.
I.ucaj County, ss.
Frank J. Cheney make oath that ha
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney &. Co.. doing business in tho City
of Toledo. County and State aforesaid.
ttrA that paid firm will pay the sum ol
a-ji every case of Catarrh that cannot be
njrJ bv the use "J HAt.IVS CATARRH
Sworn to before me end subscribed In
my presence, thi3 6th day of jDecember,
Srsl) Notary Public
1 talfa Catarrh Medicino Is taken in
trrnnUy and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send
Jcr teEtinionials. free.
F. J. CHENEr CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by al! dru.crista, 75c
HtiTs Fairily luile ror constipation.
Congressman should be half way
Uy some inadventure the boozeless
day has been overlooked in the food
adni in ist rat ion's schedule.
If all the Mrs. Nat Goodwins got
together they probably could swing
the next election in New York.
Prepare to do your ALL Less will
do too little. Invest in Liberty Bonds
and bring Victory to American arms.
When a man says he'll bet hi head
or. anything the probability is, that
he is wavering the smallest thing
lie has.
Mayor Thompson of Chicago seem
ed to have figured too high on the
number of Chicago voters will. Ger
man sympathies.
Within four hours of the opening
of the Liberty I drive Henry
Ford had subscribed six million dol
lar! Ford is a fighter now.
:o: -
Count Czerniu probably knew from
the first that no man can serve two
masters. Czernin's difficulty was in
his indecision as to who was master.
"Winter lingering in the lap of
spring" and an inch of show cn 'the j
ground may not be a healthy occurr
ence but it will prove a good thing
for the wheat.
:o: :
"For convenience to the public."
the movie men are trying to recuro
the coinage of a 15-cent piece. The
same result would be obtained bv put
ting the 5-reel picture show back to
ten cents.
This is one of the other kind of
years when, on meeting a man who
happens to be polite, you can safely
afford to snub him on the reasonable
assurauce that he is a candidate for
Anyhow, turning disloyalists over
to the army for justice probably
would not result in any encourage
ment to disloyalty, as has the too
gentle justice some have received
from civilian hands.
Lieutenant-Governor Edgar How
ard who is a candidate for United
States Senator, has a very short, but
a splendid platform address, and here
it is: "Loyalty to my chief, the presi
dent of the United States!"
"Absolutely true to life" is what
the press agent says of almost every
film. And yet; when a movie star
gets into domestic difficulties.' he
never seems able to squirm out so
easily as he does on the screen.
"What have I not done to pre
serve the world from such horrors?"
said the kaiser on a recent visit to
the front. Wasn't the kaiser think
ing of his six promising sons, in
stead of the world, when he made
this remark?
Don't worry too much? To date
Germany's only victories in this war
have been scored against unfortified
cities, Red Cross hospitals, defense
less passenger boats and helpless Bel
gian women and children. Just bear
in mind, please, that the little Bel
gian army, aided by less than eighty
thousand British soldiers, held back
the German millions until unpre
pared, but always virile France
could get into action. And . with
peace loving France in action the
German rush was stopped and then
thrown back. Now aroused Amer
ica is in the game head over heels,
and America aroused is America un
conquerable. :o:
There is only one argument that
Germany understands. That argu
ment. as tho president said in his
Baltimore speech, is force force to
the utmost.
The appeal for peace by negotia
tion, which the president has tried,
has been ineffective. There is rea
son to believe that the Germans mis
interpret such appeals. Such com
ment as that from the German news
papers printed yesterday indicates a
conviction that America hopes to w'n
the war without fighting.
The only effective reply to such
comment is the reply which the
United States is making now, in
I pushing its war preparations, in in-
creasing the flow of men to the front,
in hastening- the training of a larger
force at home, in speeding up ship
When this country speaks in terms
of two million men on the western
front, with all their equipment. thn
Germany will understand. K. C
There is no reason whv the move
ment recently started by the Ameri
can defense society to re-christen all
American cities, towns and streets
hearing German names should not be
successful. The propaganda that
promoted the giviurr of German
names to American places has ever
been un-American. There is no more
excuse for the continuance of the
names-than there is for tbe contin
uance of the propaganda.
Very little good will conic of the
movement, however, if Americans
are satisfied to wipe out such super
ficial evidences of Prussianism, and
fail to go to the very roots of the
matter. Every outpost of Prussian
ism In this country should be
leveled. The German American Al- j
liance and kindred organizations I
should be put out of business. Ger
man language newspapers that arc
not wholeheartedly American in
spirit should be suppressed. German
aliens who are not in genuine sym
pathy with our national ideals should
be Interned or deported. Teachers
of the German language in the
schools who seek to belittle America
and glorify Germany should be dis
missed, while the teaching of Ger
man In the grammar schools should
be discontinued altogether.
seekers with German sympathies
should be overwhelmed at the polls.
In short, wherever Prussianism rears
its ugly head in America it should
he ruthlessly struck down.
The measures here advocated are
drastic, but so long and so cunningly
have German propagandists worked
to establish Prussianism in tnis
Get One for Deposit of $1.00
Nobody saves in large amounts.
Everybody can ' save : in' small
nounts. .
Comppund interest has made
more people wealthy than spec
ulation. -
interest paid on savings
accounts. ;
Farmors Sfatp Bank
' Plattsmouth,: Nebraska T
Country that only drastic measures
can be counted upon to be successful.
Germany propaganda has ruined
Russia. It is trying to destroy Amer
ica. We must fight this' propaganda
at home no -less than its , sponsors
abroad. Jackson (Mich.) Patriot
President Wilson's Baltimore
speech was thoroughly pleasing to
Americans, .lie touched , the true
note of American sentiment, but
peace proposals behind and set Ii is
face toward the future with an ex
pression symbolic of the country's
determination in this war.
And his address was correspond
ingly unsatisfactory to the Germans.
A Berlin statement and everything
oiuciai emanates from Berlin savs:
"President Wilson now calls for force
to the utmost and in so doing at last
cieariy uescriocs the policy or ..lie
a 1
Americans and their allies: namely,
force against everything that opposes
them. Germany will not suffer frm
this yoke of force."
The object of such a statement is
of course, obvious. It is one of the
subterfuges of the Germans to read
11110 every statement made by an
enemy country that which will best
serve them in their own predicament.
"Force against everything that op
poses them" is a phrase, for example,
intended to impress the German peo
ple that we have joined an aggressive
force that took the initiative against
Germany. et all the world at
least that portion of the world still
able to think logically and maintain
a true sense of proportion knows
that Germany took the initiative,
has maintained the aggressive and
seeks to establish world dominion.
Any doubt we ever had of Ger
many s intent was long since remov
There are men and groups of men
in Germany who begin to understand
that Germany's greatest error has
been in reaching out to the western
"We thoroughly misread American
sentiment," says the Kreuz Zeitung.
The Taeglische Rundschau says
Germany lost her chance to keep the
United States out of the war when
she "failed to prevent President Wil- It gives the radical patriots assur
son's re-election because of his anti- ance of the power of the law and the
German leanings.
From all of this we draw that Ger-
many whatever the crown may say
is not entirely satisfied with Amer
ican participancy in the world war.
Scoffing at presidential speeches,
then, really means nothing as reflect
ing the true German attitude, and
we may continue in the assurance
that Mr. W'ilson's Baltimore speech
"struck home" across the Rhine and
that the German people begin to
understand the meaning of the
phrase "force to the utmost." Buf
falo News.
The prompt conviction and proper
sentencing of one pro-German under
the new espionage act in Dodge coun
ty ought to have a salutary effect. It
ought to be a warning to those who
entertain simliar sentiments that si
lence is a virtue worth cultivating,
if they prize. their liberty and do not
wish to invoke the scorn of their
neighbors. To be sure, men who feel
a sympathy for Germany in that
country's war against civilization are
not going far enough in merely with
holding speech encouragingy to the
kaiser and his cause. But that helps
some, for utterance of sedition ha3 an
injurious public effect, and if not
checked, leads to conflagration. And
when pro-Germans suppress their
sentiments it will be easier for them
to eventually understand the deadly
menace Germany is to the United
States and every principle of gov
ernment we cherish, and they will be
the better able to embrace senti
ments of unreserved loyalty without
which no citizen can be a true Ameri
can. That there are still: many in
this section of Nebraska who ere
yet offended when, a harsh word is
spoken of the kaiser and his murder
bund is perfectly - obvious to him
that hath eyes to see and ears' to
hear. To amalgamate our citizenship
and make it 100 per cent loyal is a
Kill Friction and
Insist on
tremendous task and. calls for wis
dom, for such amalgamation is a true
test of government and statesman
snip, borne subjects are amenable
1 only to force and these must feel the
I power of the law compelling loyalty.
Most of them are susceptible to
knowledge and the suasion it im
pels, and such "as these are to be
dealt with in charity and due consid
The sentencing of an offender with
promptitude does one other thiag:
purpose of the courts, . and that
I there are a law and a spirit operating
1 Jf - ft.
Xil'lMlliHW t 'it inn wt$
iiiim'ii"f 'mini. , j ,n 1, , n ,, ! M M,i w in m i i m 1 1 m Jti i i i - i , , .. , , ,, , ,
A Apto-Power jTraesmifciLer
-PATENTED':'' . ' :
One of the Products of the AUTO POWER AMD fVfALLEABLE MAWU
FACTURING CO.," Whose Plant Will Be Located at Plattsmouth
A simple attachment for your Fbrda farmer's best friend. Used for power every
where -operates feed grinder, corn shelter, pulper, fanning mill, straw cutter and alfalfa
concrete mixing, small thrasher, wood saw, hay press, pump, etc. Does the work of 50
men, increases the value of your Ford and will pay for-your. Ford.
, . ' ,j
This attachment is covered by basic patents, owned and controlled solelv hv THF
Over 3000 sold to date; hundreds of unfilled orders.
Save flic Car
FRICTION is the deadly enemy of your
motor. Kill it with Polarine. With Polar
ine in your crankcase,' summer and winter,
you" are assured perfect lubrication. Polarine
flows freely at zero ; it doesn't . run thin or
break up at the highest ' heat generated by
your engine.
Polarine conserves power; is acid-free will not
pit the cylinders or eat away the piston rings.
Burns up clean, minimizing carbon.
lira 1. nffifci T
always. Get it where you see the sign.
Red CrOWn Gasoline takes you farther on
a gallon makes hill climbing easy.
(Nebraska) OMAHA
to mete out Justice to those who
traduce the flag or show disrespect
for their government. Thus the
tendency of an impatient people to
introduce mob law for the orderly
-processes will be checked. Fremont
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. '
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foley
& Co., 2S33 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley, Cathartic Tab
lets. .Sold everywhere.
:'Jt f f I
- A i fvlfel ism
1 ys iir5
I if
m fit
mm 3 lilt
H!lifi trl
1 IWi ii
Five good, large work horses.
Mark White, Plattsmouth, Neb.
This Wonian Found Relief.
Backache, sore muscles, stiff or
- swollen joints, rheumatic pains, diz
ziness and like symptoms are caused
by disordered kidneys and' bladder.
Mrs. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery,
R. F. D. 3, Ind., writes: "I doctored
months without relief. I commenced
using Foley Kidney Pills and got re
lief. Eight bottles cured me." Sold
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic constipa
tion. Doan's Regulets operate easily.
30c a box at all stores.