The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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She Kind Ycu Eave Always Bought, and wlilch has teen
in use for over thirty years, has borne the tsignat-jre of
' and has been made under his pcr-fs-
sonal supervision sirrce its infarcy,
MrvVi 'wvCi Allow no one to deceive ycu in tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Expcriinents that trifle with and endanger the health 'of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A -
Cactcria is a harmless substitute for Castor 0:1, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It cc:itrJss
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
ego is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it hns
hcen j.i constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
TVind Cciic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcriskncsscricin'j
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aiij
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sicp
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
JBears the
Is Use For Over M fears
The Kind You Have Always Be u 3 ht
J"n" 1 M'!i1.iy'. lailv
John Clialfant died April 15th,
3 : 1 S, was born ia Wa jnesboro. Fa.,
IKi. Dili. 1S3S. John Chalfant, son
of James Chalfant and Marbara
Hiillogrlly) Chalfant, at the age of
rightetn years came to Nebraska,
vith Ins parents who preempted a
quarter section, near Rock Uluffs,
where he lived Avith his parents from
is.", until in the sixties, when he
purchased a farm for himself, which
cciiMsted of ninety acres on s-ction
one of Township 10 Range, where he
has lived since purchasing it in 1S67.
The following spring April 19. lSGS,
he- was united in marriage to Miss
Lena M. Gantt, the daughter of the
Lite Chief Justice Gantt. On this
rlace they have lived cince, first
moving to it. .Mrs. Chalfant was a
woman of rare abilities, and for a
number of years taught school, be
fore lier marriage. To this union
were born six children, three hoys
ami three girl.
They are Mrs. Alice Wolf. I.usk
"Wyoming. Mrs. Nolle C. Johnson,
pearf:h, S. 1)., Danied G. Clialfant.
Luslr. Wyoming. Mrs. Harriet Nich
las. I Vad wood, S. I)., Thigh E. Chal
fant, Lusk Wyoming. and John Mac
Clialfant, I'nion.
Mr. Chalfant died at the home of
l is youngest son, near Union, at
th? age of 79 years and several
months. Mr. Chalfant was an cx
rellent citizen and has enjoyed the
honor and esteem of a large circle
of friends in and about this county
for more than a half century.
The funeral was held atMt. Hope
church and was laid to rest in the
cemetery of that church last Tues
day, among friends who had known
and honored him so long.
White Seed Corn. Call Tlione No.
r;.C-W. K. C. Cook. !-22-2wkswklv
The Celebrated Pcrchcron Stallion
4-: --mMiMm
Wiil tnake t i; ' prnsent season at tha D. C. Rhodon bai n
Nebraska, every day in the week.
Max ii "c-ilcnt. iron gray Perchernn stallion, having been Uior
oi"Klv OJxi'-' ' !,: ' by the Stale Sanitary Board and found sound in every
xXjt"v jiijt n fnV P.IO-'IL lie was foaled Maj 15, 191:;, bred by
oMptrvnnt'V I'rirbe.-s, Nehp.w'xa, Nebraska, and has an excellent lepu
t.viun a- vm getter. -
T?RMS: 1.".P0 o i'.:i;-!'' et)i!, j stand r,pd If n;ire is dis-
- or removed f"";a f' i'ouiiuunity, sen iti r-jbecmijes duo ;nid
i'o immediately. All 'ire wilJ betaktn to ti-,;vnt accidents, but
., 0f riors - will not bsi held responsible should any occur.
Signature of
From Monday's -I'aily.
Mrs. John Iiutlierl'ord, who for
the past ten days has been visiting
at Camp Tike, which is situated v.t
Little Rock, Arkansas, where she
went to visit her ton. Fred, return
ed home the latter part of last week
and reports the country very warm
down there, and the hoys all look
ing fine. She brought home a photo
of Fred, which shows that, lie is on
joying army life and looking well.
From ?.lom!ays Daily.
Last Saturday evening Aubrey and
Maricn Duxbury departed for St.
Joesep. Mo., where they Avent to
spend the Sunday Avitji their father
Frank Duxbury, who Is working in a
machine ships at that place; They
go at this time, because they have rc
ceived a call to report at the Great
Lakes training station on April 26tli,
Avherc they enter training as mem
bers of the Radio Telegraph :n the
signal service. They enlisted some
time since and have been awaiting
for the calL until this time.
These young gentlemen are excel
lent young men, and of whom their
parents have reason to look upon as
being able to make their position in
the Avorld one of importance.
. Best For Children.
Experience proves that Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best family
medicine for children for coughs,
colds, croup and Avhooping cough.
Mrs. M. E. Schlarb, 55G Oakland
Ave., Ashland, Pa., writes: "When
my little girl gets a cold T give her
a dore of it and it always relieves her,
I cannot praise it too highly." Sold
Read the Journal Ads It Pays
From Monday's Daily.
The patriotic service at St. Luke's
church yesterday morning Avill re
main in the hearts of the people for
a long time. After morning crayer
had been said, a service flag Avas un
furled during the singing of Amer
ica. A few appropriate remarks
were made and prayer offered for 6ne
bless boys.Avho are in the service of
the country. Those who are repre
sented bf the four stars o'n the flag
are in order of their enlistment:
Charles Dovey, Frank Smith, Mat
thew Herold and Byron Arrics. The
flag was unfurled by Edward Patter
son, one of the ocolytes, avIio is a
nephcAv of Charles Dovey. The Star
Spangled Banner Avas then sung, dur
ing which the Silk FUg, given to
the Church -school so long ago by
the Women's Relief Corps, was ele
vated before the Altar. The sermon
subject Avas "A World Made Ncav."
It dealt first with the dangers cf our
situation in this great Avar. First,
The Danger of Spiritual Despair and
second, The Danger cf Imptuousness.
Then upon the more postive einue,
first, the need of a keener conscious
ness of sin. Second, The End of
Isolation. Third, The Splendid of
Accepted Sacrifice. Fourth, "The
Finding of Reality, and lastly, The
Ideal of the Earth Renewed. The
last part gave the text Avhich hud
not appeared before. 'And I aw a
new Heaven and a new earth. I saw
the Holy City, the new Jerusalem,
coming down from God out of Heav
en, and He that sat upon the throne
said: "Behold I make all thinks new".
The climax Avas reached in tho clos
ing Avords: "He that sits upon the
throne said: Behold I make all things
new." Not our human contrivances,,
nor our human and selfish ambitions,
can make the new world fit for the
souls of men to live in. It cau, be
come sueli only if the power which
sittcth xtpoii the throne of our
thoughts, of our dcrire; and of nvr
choices, shall be the Living God.
The battlo hyma oi the republic
vas sung as we' I :r; Onward Chr:?
tion Soldlero. Tin' cV.i.'r Avas aug
mented by th Junior Auxiliary and
the Church School r. tended the rcr-A-ice.
From AIon!;iyV ) :! i ! .
Editor Jcruri:
The pa v tag .;' ractors m r not
out of brick, llir.'o i; plenty of. ma
terial to exto::t! the paving as far as
Marble street. There is a possibility
that it might complete it as far as
Rock street.
The conli"r-:. r. should he com
pelled ' to. compU ?c this work as iar
as they h"vc :,-,iter!al to work with,
it is not nccexs'-ary for them to vujt
until they h:ve received the full
amount of the brick, for there places
Avhich would relieve (lie congested
condition of travel if it Avas com
pleted. The people have been very
patient, in this matter Avhile th'1 con
tractors, have been very negligent i.i
the manner i:i which they have
conducted the work of filling their
contract. It is the duty of tho city
council, to require that the work is
done v.t once a3 far as the material
on hand Avill go. The recent storm
and the excessive travel has made
the roads in such a condition, that
farmers are scarcely able to come
to town.
It looks like the people should be
entitled to some rights in the mat
ter, the contractors have kept the
Avenue closed to travel, for months,
and there is no good reason why a
portion of this avenue should not be
finished and turned over to the city.
This arrangement Avould help some.
Should Ave allow the workmen io de
part at this' time Avithout finishing
the work,-no one there i? no assur
ance Avhen Uiey would be here again
to finish the Avorl;. It dees not look
like they Aere trying very hard to
get the material Avhicli they claim is
needed. The people or this city and
the traveling public should have
some right' and be protected in
them. . W. II. NEWELL.
Why Not Be Good to Yourself?
If you awaken weary and unro
freshed in the morning, or tire early
in the day, arc bilious and "blue,"
with coated tongue and bad breath
if you are suffering from indigestion
or constipation you will find Foley
Cathartic Tablets quick to relieve
and comfortable in action. They arc
wholesome and . health-giving. Sold
Single Comb White Leghorn eggs
for hatching. $5.00 per 100. Call
rhone No. 2203. Mrs. A. E. Eatchrll.
Plattf-inouth, Neb. 4-1-lmowkly
h - , Lawyer:
V East rf Ililey Hotel.
Coins' Block. 4
4 - Second Floor
His Back Hurt
When He Stooped
"Jal Ih Ohe bnx. of FoV Kidney f.
Laved my backache. J. AY. Elix Ktris. Gi.
"Last year I won suffering: with a
terrible backach"."-writer J. AV. Ktrt
of KtriB, Ua! KvtYy tim 1.1 lean
or stoop over or to one fcMde, I'll have
a painful catch in my book just over
my kidney. I trieU mc.iicines with
no prod results.- I boujrlit a bottle of
Foley Kidney I'iHp, nnd just the one
box entirely relieved jn' br.ckache.
It has been some timo t-irpt; I took
them, so I think I am well."
Weakened, overworked, stopped-up
kidneys cause stif j.-jnttf, sora mus
cles, rheumatism, ylcep disturbing
bladder ailmrnt3, billoTiftiess and
various other ilia. Foley XiOney Pills
are a scientific: tnodicint. compoundeii
to clear the kiduc-ys nnd restore them
to healthy action i.y diEsolvins and
driving ' est of tho system the
waste products and poisons that causo
kidney trouble and Madder ailments.
You -will like tln-ir tonic and rtstor
atlvo action, ready, effect and quick.
Sood results.
From Monday's Laily. ; f
At the meeting of the Cass county
Defense Council today, Avhen the
matter of teaching German in the
higher grades of the public schools
Avas being discussed, some one of
fered the excuse that it Avas neces
sary to enable those studying it to
got their credits, and advised Avait
ing until the term is out, that the
proper credits may be given. Frank
Davis, of Weeping Water, could not
keep his American patriotism in any
longer, and springing to his feet, he
shouted, "Wait for nothing; cut out
the German in the schools and cut it
out at once. Give the students their
credits, but cut out that stuff." It is
sufficient to say an order Avas enact
ed Avhich cut the studying of Ger
man from the schools a thing that
should have been done long ago.
Don't Let It Lir.&cr.
A cough that "hangs m"' wears
down the sufferer, leaving him un
able to ward off sicknoss .To. Gil
lard, 14S Fillmore St., Nashville,
Tcnn., Avrites: "I Avas suffering AvUh
a dry hacking cough end a pain iu
my chcT.t. but r-inee taking Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound 1 have
been relieved." It soothes, hca's and
cures. Sold evcrvAvhere.
If you have any Avhitc elephants.
of anv kind that wil make the Avhite
elephant booth a success, call Mrs.
Frank Dunbar and Mrs. Clayton
The Celebrated Pcrcheron
Teddy It. is a fine Percheron Stal
lion, black Avith white hind feet and
right front foot Avhite. He was foal
ed March 30, 1912. and Avcighs 1S0O
lbs. His eire was Morton, G7203;
by Epateur, 01S3( (04:4D); by
Bolivar, 40111 (44G2); by Amilcar,
(10979); by Sultan, (4713); by
Bayard, (9495; by E.straba, 1S7
(736); by eon of Jean Le Blanc,
The Celebrated Young Jack,
Sandors. is an - excellent young
Jack, coming 7 years old, weighing
1000 lbs., plenty extra heavy bone,
black with mealy points. Sandors,
(5298) was foaled June 2, 1911. Hbi
sire was San Salvador 2d, by Salva
dor, imported from Spain. Sandors
was bred and owned by Frank Busch,
of Villa KIdge, Mo. He has been
inspected this spring by" the State
Inspector and is sound in every way.
Teddy K. and Sandors wi .1 make
the season of 1918 at our home, six
miles west of Murray and six mile3
east of Manley, every day In the
week, but only a limited number of
mares Avill be taken carex of by
Teddy It. on account of his ago.
Terms for Both Teddy
R. and Sandors!
$12.50 and $15.00 to insure colt
to stand up and suck. Parties dis
posing of mares or removing from
the locality, service fee - becomes
due and must be paid immediately.
All care will be taken to prevent
L-T:t j?'?-'!-..'. fiU
accidents, but owners will not be
held responsible should any occur. .
From Monday's Daily. -.
A short time since, wc visited the
office of Dr. C. II. Leopold, in the
Coatcs block, where we found the
doctor a very agreeable gentleman,
and Avell prepared to serve the pub
lic in his line in the best of man
ner. .
While he - has been here but ; a
short time, he is rceiving a very flat
tering practice as an Oesteopathic
physician. In addition to this line,
the doctor la also registered under
the medical laAvs of Nebraska as a
practitioner. He has taken many
additional studies having to do vith
such closely allied matters to his
profession, as Gynocology and Proc
tology, besides a regularly prescribel
course in Eye, Ear, Nose andxThroat
In his office, Dr. Leopold is well
equipped for the handling of any or
all cases Avhich may come to him,
he having just installed a neAV treat
ing table, Avhich, Avith its many and
divers adjustments, is capable of
holding a person to any desired po
sition Avhile being treated. This neAV
table is one of the latest in design
and with many , added appliances,
helps to make Dr. Leopold's office
one of the best equipped in this part
fo the state. In another column Avill
be found an announcement of the
various lines of treatment he specia
lizes in and an invitation to visit the
doctor's office.
The Stale of Nebraska, Cass co'in-
ty. s.s:
In the t'ountv mrt.
In the Matter of the Kslate of Km-
ilv A. latta, deceased:
T lho rirdilnrs iif said Kstte:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County C"oirt room In l'lalts
moiitl'. in said eonntv. Mi the Ist. day
of At:i., 1 li 1 S. and on the 2Stli lay of
.Auu-it. ins. to receive and exainine
ail claims trains! i.siaii' ivuii a
view to tlieir :id just ment uinl allow
ance. The time limited for" the pre-
cut:itio:i of claims against said Ks
tate is three months from the tllst
day if May, A. 1). 1D1S. and the time
limited for payment f dbts is one
voir from said ":Mst da-j- of Vay, 131S.
Witness my band and the seal of
said tVinily C.H'rt, this l.'th day of
April, J'Jl.V-
allkn .i. i:i:i:h).v.
('diint'' .hi'luc
r.v kiai:!:.c:-: whit:-:.
(Seal Ivv. Clerk.
utiii i.j;s or ncoiircii vnns
SKNTS: That we whose names ai
hereto attached, have associated our
selves top'cthor for the pnrjioye ot ne
coining a Co-Operat ive Associati"!
under the laws of the Stale of N
hravka. and fnr that purpose, do here
liy adoj.t these Articles of Incorpora
t ion.
U'.TICI.i: !: The name of this ;".).-
'k. ration shall he the Farmers' I'nion
Co- incral i ve .t s-oeiat ion.
AKTICI.IO II: Tiie principal place of
tranracliiiff tne business of tins tor
poraiion shall ! at Alvo, Nebraska
and xuch other places r.s the Director
siia'.l elect.
AKTICLi; Hi: The treneral nature
the business to te tiansaeted by said
Corporation shall In the buying and
sellin.i? of Riain. seed, hay. live st.ick
and all products of the l.inu, also
mi'itjiaiu'.ie of alt kinds and to r.e
oii.'ie bv purchase or lease such real
estate ;i m:iv be necessary for the
transaction of the business.
ArniCI.I-: 1V: The Asseeiation shall
continue for u period of fifty (u0 yeai
from date of incorporation, which
lsh::ll b I'ebrnary JS. 191S.
AUTICLi: V: The amount of Capital
stock of this Corporation shall he
.$f0.0iiP. which shall be divided into
lOOt) shares at ST.D.OO each. SS.l'OO.OO
slial! be fully paid in at the time of
commencement of business. I his sloe:
shall bo non-assessable. The liishes of indebtedness to which thl
Cororiration sl:::ll at any time subjee
itself shall not exceed two-thirds of
t lie- paid up capital stock.
AllTICLK J: The affairs of thi
Corporation shall be conducted by a
Hoard of Seven Directors w:io snail ne
elected annually by the Stockholders
The Hoard of Directors shall elect a
l'r solent. iee-i'resioeni, secretary
and Treasurer from their number.
IN WITNESS Wlli;t:i:OK, Tl:e un
di-)-siirned have hereunto set their
hands this L'Sth day of February, A
I. 1H1.S
V. A. K.l:l iXOCK
ai;; luiuNEMEiEi:,
AVM. KlTZI'.h,
S. C. H.ltINOCK.
O. I). tilT.KIJ.l.HtnST,
ELM Ell KliYV Ell,
Stale of Nebraska)
County of Cass ) ss:
on l he 2Sth day tf February. 13 IS
before me, S. C. Doyles, Notary I'ublie,
personally ujipeared the above named,
who personally are known to be the
identical persons wuose names are mi
to the above Articles of lncor
poratlon as parties hereto, and they
severally acknowledge the instrument
to be their voluntary act ana ueeu.
Witness my hand as aforesaid.
(Sal) Notary I'ublie.
Com. expires July 6, 1920.
State of Nebraska)
Secretary's Office )
Received and filed for record March
i 1918 nnd recorded In Book 34. Mis
cellaneous Incorporations..
1 1 A 1 1 Li iv. r w. rouii,
. Seeretarv of State.
By Hugh L. Cooper, Deputy.
of Cass county, Nebraska.
in tha matter rif the Annliratlon of
John P. Sattler, Administrator of the
Estate of Eva K. Prettigr, Deceased,
for license to sell real estate.
TTnnn roo.llno- O n H f 1 I i n T ttlA dlllV VfT-
t ( 7 1 1 ,IUV.0 M" . " ' ' - -
Ifln.l onnHootlnn nf .Tolltl P. S.-l.ttlt-l.
Administrator of the Estate of Eva
w UrAtt i or nrii sf-d ' iiraviiiff for a
license to 'sell the following: describ
ed real, estate, to-wii:
The North hair or jots io. nve i
(5) and six 16) or jjiock one- i
hundred and sixty-eight (lfi8) of ,
the original plat ot the City of
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmacammammmtmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmaKmmmmmm'mmmmmumimiuiim -Tgfl!.
y ,
1 Take Care of the i
The farm tractor will win the war against
food shortage. 1 500 have been sent to
France. Thousands are fighting for food
victory in America. To make yours do
its full share, keep it properly lubricated..
r.-?. -r--. ':-rJ
Gas Engine Traclor Oil
is especially manufactured to meet the unique
lubricating requirements of heary duly, kero
sene and heavy fuel burning tractor engines.
It has the body and the lubricating qualities
that keep compression tigh deliver the ut
most power to traction wheels or belt. It will
keep your engine running smoothly.
Fill your oil tank with Stanolind Gas Engine
Tractor Oil and cut down your carbon troubles.
Find out what your tractor can do when it is
properly lubricated.
I'lr.ttsnjouUi, in t'afrs county, Ne
braska, for the purpose of payin:? the debls,
funeral exotn.'-es and rusts of ndtnin-i.-terin:
t!:e estute of said !eiased.
and it- jrppearing: that said d-eeased
had n(t sufficient personal property
to pay all of the debts of said de
feased' a, itli the eots of administer
in sr her estate:
It is therefore Ordered. That all
persons interested in the estate f
Eva K. l'rett itc. ' deceased, appear be
lore me in chambers, in the court
house at I !a ttsmont h, iu Cass comi
ty, Nebraska, on the lTth day of May
A. 1., l'.HS, at IU o'clock a. in. t
show cause. If my there be, why li
cense should not be jrrantcd to the
said Joint 1. Sattler. Administrator, to
sell said above described real estate.
It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be published four succes
sive -weeks In the I'lattsmonl'i Jour
nal, a ser.ii- ec-kly newspaper of gen
eral circulation in said court ty.
Dated this SOtlt day of March, A.
1, 1318. ...
al-Iw. Judge of list. Court.
m:di;u or hi:aki;
on Petition for Appointment of .d
;;iir.istrat'r or .lministratri.
The JState of Nebraska, C'iiss coun
ty, ss:
I ;i the County Court.
In the matter of the instate of Chris
tina IVistrup. eeeased: 4
t.n reading- and tilimr the petition of
Andrew I'eistrup ' pray ins: that admin
istration of said estate may be grant
ed to himself as Administrator:
Ordered, That May 4th, A. 1). 131R.
at 10. o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear al a County Court to be held iii
and for said county, nnd show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
-endMicy of said petition and the hear
ing: thereof be given to all persons in-
' " "TV 'Vryrrmvt
repubilic mormn tmucks
Wc hac contracted for the Coui-ly Agency for
; REPUBLIC TRUCKS and hereafter will sell and dis
v tribute Republic Trucks in Cass county .along with our
other business.
The Republic. Truck is too well and favorably
known to need any introduction to the people of Cass
county. Until our first order of Republic Trucks ar
rives ve will be glad to take any one interested to
Omaha, where we can show the full fine.
HM- . . . j w - -
1 ,500-lb Truck $ 895.00
Special -Ton Truck. . . . 095.00
1- Ton Truck . . 12i)5.C0
I J-Ton Truck ........... ......... 1650.00
2-Ton Truck . .... 1875.00
34-Ton Truck .... . .-. 2950.00
. 3 per cent Var Tax and Freight to be added here.
For full particulars we invite you to call at our office.
T. IKL-Pollock
Telephone No. 1
teicstcd iu said matter, by pe 1! is: ! n i
a copy of this order in I !ic I Ma t ! stoen t n
Jooinal, a f-erni-w ekly - n'wsp-i per
printed lit saidc'inty. for tlnw su'--cessive
wi ck; 'prior t saiil day of
Jiea riii??.
latrd April li'th. !!Hv.
am.i;n .r. !:!:! iN.
" Count'.' Judge.
r.v fuki;nci: whiti:,
(Scal)--airi-::w. - Clerk.
'.OTH'i: TO H!'.!MTOl:S
The State of N-hiaski, Cass eomi
ty. ss:
in the Conntv "ourt.
in tli
matte ;
f the Ivtule of
5eorge J. Id!ij:l. I 'eccased.
To the crelitors of :ah estate:
You pre hereby notified. t .i!l
sff at tin County e mit ro im in I'.'ytts
iooulh in said cmnly, on the llll: d.iv
of May and. the l"itii day oi"
1 !) I S, to recelv and examine all claims
against said lOstate. wit Is a view t
llnir adjust meat and allowinee. The
time limited for the presentation of
.-1. tit-i..? ..tro l.-.-f..,.. ,1
months from the 1 !t!i day of Ma- Al'
I). 131S. and the time limtied for pa -r.ient
of dbts is one vear from said
ll'h day of May. litis.
Witness inv ha:nl and the se;il of
said Cou:ity Couit thiy !'th dav of .i
ril, IIHS. .!. hi:kson.
I "hi: n t '' .lodge.
(Sciilt ai;.-I.' CI eik.
Iowa JoM Mine. Kxtra TS
per cent teat. At 3.00 per l-.i.;l:el
J. E. Lancaster, Nchawka, Nob. 4t av
Will S. D. Pcrie and Avifo Avrro
Aisitory in Omaha this moriiids.
where they so io visit aHU friends
for the day.
' i'.T-:--'
5 ry-