f PAGE TWO rLATRSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOUHNAli THURSDAY, APRIL 18 1018. DOLLARS MUM in ' STOP J?m FAST SGOUT SHIPS TO SEEK TRACE OF MISSING COLLIER IN AS BiG DRIVE " FOR LOAN GOES ON UCKS Tin V." MtS SWCflSiJTffpRTR n rat it equipped with the Patented "Curved Disc" Bowl, will soon pay for, itself with the butter fat which it saves and which would be lost in the use of the ordinary straight disc Separator. .The Curved Disc Bowl of the "IOWA" gets all the butter fat, whether the milk is hot chilled or cold. Cf Butter 'fat selling at 50 cents a pound $1,000 per ton is the most valuable product on the farm. You cannot afford to lose one single drop of butter fat. Cjf Increase your cream check every week hy using the "IOWA" equipped with the Curved Disc Bowl the only Cream Separator that gets the last par ticles of butter fat. 9 IV? Y WARD, NEBRASKA LOCAL MEN INTER ESTED IN U. S. CARBURETTER EEVICE TO BURN COAL OIL FOR POWER PROVES A GREAT MEANS OF SAVING With Conservation of Gasoline the Order of the Day It Should Fill Long Felt Want. J-rMii Tuesday's D:iil Sunday as we were passing along the street, we noticed a car going by which was almost noiseless in its operation, although going at a speed that bespoke of the expenditure of mere power than was apparent. As it flashed by, we noticed in letters n the side of the car Coal Oil Car bureter used. We thought to in vestigate this manner of using coal oil instead of gasoline, but the car Mas away and out of sight before we could hail it. However, we later got in touch with it. What We Found . We found it was a car equipped with "The United States Carbure ter," which on inquiry we found to be a kerosene or coal oil carburet it. producing more power out of kerosene than others have been able to prodr.ee from gasoline. As the m1 oil is cheaper than the gasoline and the carburetor saves a good por tion of that, it is figured that the universal use of this carburetor, would effect a saving of over a mil lion dollars per day. What the Carbureter Will Do As a fair test of what this car buretor will do, we found that three gentlemen living in Omaha, during a recent trip from Florida to Omaha, traversed a distance of 2-iSO jniles. over all kinds of roads, some muddy and some dry and good. The dis tance was made at the trip rate of "7.4 miles on a gallon of fuel used, which was mostly kerosene. There was used on the trip 85 gallons of kerosene and 5 gallons of gasoline, as at one place they needed fuel and it was net possible to get the coal oil on Sunday, so gasoline had. to be u-rd instead. Six quarts of lubricat ing oil were all that was required to bring them safely home. This remarkable feat was per formed with a 1917 Ford car and with a load which .made the w-eignt over all equal 2S50 pounds. The to tal cost for fuel and lubricating oil was eight-tenths cents per mil?, or. a mile and a quarter to the cent. This trip was made by Dr. J. Stanley Hill. W. II. Calder and T. I Durrance, ?11 of Omaha. ' ' A Plattsmouth-Omalia Company This company is composed of four gentlemen, two from Plattsmouth and two from Omaha, but all being formerly residents of Plattsmouth. They are Dr. C A. Marshall and Henry F. Uoos. of Plattsmouth and Henry R. Goring and Thomas Mnr phey, of Omaha. These men are-putting this carburetor on the market and are selling them at from $ 3 6.00 to $100.00 each, depending on what kind of a car they are to be used on. The shares of stock in the company which represent at par value a hun dred dollars each, are selling now at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per share. This in itself speaks well for the carburetor. We are hoping that the people Plattsmouth and former Plattsmouth citizens who are behind this nev. device, may realize handsomely in return for the time and money they have devoted to getting it placed on the market. It certainly looks to its like one of the best investments one could make to equip- their rar Sviih this fuel saving device. " i MANY CITIES ARE-ALREADY AN NOUNCING QUOTAS OVER .'SUBSCRIBED NOW. Washington, April 15. The na tion has raised jts pledges of Lib erty loan dollars to $691,611,800. This, the total at the close of busi ness Saturday,, is $113,000,000 mere than lnd been reported to the treas ury I eiore today. A large proportion of the sum represents subscriptions by individ uals for comparatively small sums. Many messages to headquarters to day said banks in some districts arc withholding their pledges, until late in the campaign when they can de termine better what they need to fill orders of customers. By banks, the item of interest on initial payments also is considered more closely than by individuals and thisis one of the factors causing them to hold back their subscriptions. The situation is considered en couraging, since it indicates a big number of subscribers and better distribution of the country's finan cial burden. From the Minneapolis district to day, where the campaign had just opened, came reports that farmers were buying liberally, and that com munities with large German popu lations had shown particularly good records in the first day's canvass. KISS RUTH PABMELE SETTE V.T Krim Tuesday's Piiily. Miss Ruth Parmele is reported as being somewhat improved, though still rather sick. MUs Utah has ben very sick for pome time pnst. She had not been ferling the bes', and wan attending fchcc-I at Omaha, nut on account of the hard studying she was doing did i.e. ; irk up with her health, and waj This did not rcl.. was therefore takr :ijt from 5"hoo". The simplest and best way to stop coughs, is to take Foley's Honey and Tar You fjet the curative influence of the pine balsam together with the mollifying effect of the boney, miJ other healing ingredients. It L-aves a soothing coat ing on the inflamed ficLiing throat, raises phlegm easily and nuts a quick end to hri'd wearing toughs. R. P. Halt. Ma'je. W. w rites: "Orte -ott!e of Foley's Honey mid Tar storped a trou'.'lr ruiiie bronchial civign and irritation th;it had boihereJ mc for l'lcea yearn." our deulPr sc-its it. Try it. ' "SOLD EVERYWHERE." CYCLOPS COMMANDER A ' GER MAN BY - BIRTH APPRE-. HENSION IS FELT. TO VISIT SCHOOLMATE. Theory Advanced Enemy Agents May Have Got Control of the Ship in Some Manner. Washington, April 15. Unremit ting search of trade routes will be carried on by American and French naval and merchant vessels until every possible hope of finding some trace of the missing naval collier Cyclops has been exhausted. Secre tary Daniels has ordered additional fast scouts detailed for this service. From Tuesday's Daily. Navy officials frankly confessed Rev. J. II. Steger was a passenger I that no theory yetr advanced to ex- to Omaha this morning where he j plain the disappearance or the Cy- goes to meet a schoolmate who stud- clops from March 4,, when It left ied at school in Germany with him, Barbados, seemed plausible in the some thirteen years ago. The friend's face of the facts. name is Henry DeWald. and was J While it was true that one engine born in Texas, find lived there until was out of commission, enough pow- he was a young man, when he stud- er remained to drive the big ship ten ied for the ministry, and took a knots an hour. course in the school in Germany. Mntinv Theorv Advanced. Rev. DeWald is. located invWiscon- Enemy agents might have gained sin at this time, and ha just been control in a midnight mutiny, but to West Point, Neb., where he cven jn such a well nigh impossible preached last Sunday, and is now on event( iack Gf Coal would have prc- his way to Texas, where he goes to I vpntpd an atteniut to start on a visit with his mother. TOO. CAMP FIRE. FOR SALE One new Satley corn planter, all attachments. Two registered Short Horn animals one year old. Alsa some young mules "and horses. Inquire of a3-tfw.) CIIAS. T. PEACOCK lie Can Rest Fins Now. I suffered greatlv from kidncv and bladder trouble," writes F. B. Fairbank, 53 Grand River Ave., W. Detroit, Mich. "Had to get up six or seven times during the night Foley Kidney Pills have worked wonders and I can recommend .them as the best medicine I have ever tak en." Tonic in action; quick, sure Sold everywhere. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From tip best Reds I ever owned, $7.50 per'lOO or $1.50 per setting, some home grown seed corn, cf the Iowa yellow dent variety, tested seed for sale. Thone 4021. W. 13. Porter, Mynardj Ncbr. The Celebrated Perchcron Stallion 104027 Will make the present season at the D. C. Rhoden barn Nebraska, very day in the week. at Murray, M;ix i ellent, iron gray L'ercheron stallion, having been thojr-o-iiiiy rs-- i ly the State Sanitary Doard and fouDd sound in every iv'"' i i'Minpr I'-4:t(ii. He Vas foaled May 15, ID1.5. bred by "oun ryma i l?r : tiis, Nchatvks, Nebraska, and has an excellent repu- ta' iu as a foal "titer TcRWS;?l.").'' to insure colt fo j-taad and s""k. If mare is dis or miDOvrd fnun t i-c comiuuiii'ty, service f-'.ebec omes due nnd j.t r-h'p innr.pdialfly. Al! care will betaken lo orvrnt, accidents, but ..i of hore will not be held responsible should any occur. MARK WHITE,. 'Owner rc IC'T honlt'i, lie Li to Omaha, where for the re moval of her tcnril-.i "vliic-i were hurt- ln: her he;'l;i. nr.:! not beinjr very strong. ho ):s I; ad r serious time but at thi; tin: is Showing scire recuperative ftronsith. wlx'cli is pleas ing to Iier p'rin):.: uiul'irrauy friends in this city. It is hoped that .ch? will soon i :;; tho h:.'H:va " to com plete and la.-'t i'TT recovery. I'-rttm Moinlny's Iaily. From tlte Patriotic Fund, lite Camp Fire Girls have been able to buy and present a flag for ti.e Li brary and for the Iliverview Park on the north side. Besides this, they are aide to buy a bolt of gauze now and then to be used in Red Cross work. As soon as flag poles, nr; erected, a sr.anbie flag raising cere mony will be given. Toka Camp Fire will meet Wed nesday evening vilh Mrs. Stanficld for a business meeting, biruuling Committee will report at 4 c'clrel:. (.'amp Fire Girls will be g'ad to call at your home for beous or maga zines for the soldiers. trans-Atlantic voyage. The possibility that a sudden hur ricane not infrequent in those wat ers, might have first disabled and then engulfed the collier, was ad mitted, but again it was pointed out that tome evidence of the aisaster 'must have been left in this case Moreover, there has been no report of a hurricane. As to a report that a member of ?i f crew bad written relatives in S Baltimore regarding an explosion on the Cyclops several weeks ago. it was stated at the Navy department that nothing of the sort had besn : reported by Lieut. Commander G. W. Worlsy. TID tfOT ALLOW 3L&TTER TO EE GIVEN A TPJAL WEE llXJLi IED LAST EVETTI2CG. Frmn Ti'fsil.iy's I;iUy. Last evenirg there hopped off i iu train a ccur.le Irailing from the nortliiaiid, whose appearance and actions denoted the npproach cf mar riage celebration. Nor were the in dications wrong, for they wended their way to the olHce of the county judge, and there made application for a license to wed. The young man gave his name as John A. llallcstetla aged 2 6, and the young lady, as Vtra Pearl Vroman, hailing from Cor nova. South Dakota. The permit was issued, and the judge pronounc ed the ceremony which made them man and wife. The witnesses being Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray and J . Holmes of this city. Apparently. they were entire strangers in this city, but the young lady was boin here twenty years ago, atd her moth er is making her home, whom the couple surprised afterwards, when they went to the home of Mrs. Lil lian Baker, whoso daughter the bride is. The father being O. E Vroman who died here a numl'er of years ago. I'rom Momlny's lailv. some time ago i.ew loung and ?on. Parr, purchased a horse at iale ol one Andrew Poulsen, which proved to not bo as represented, ac- corning as i., avereu iv tncsL men, and when the defects wh:ch they d?- ci" re i-i' "(vn Kept covered, were observed, the hore was not taken, but The check had been issued, and v. nen it was asKea !;ac;. a promise was riven but .not complied with. Therefore Me-.-.rs. Young were com pelled to cnteiv.suit to obtain the money, 33 the cheek lial been cash ed. C. A. Ruwls appeared for Mes- .".s yemg. and instead of the mat ter coming to trial, MrT Poulsen sent a chock covering the amount and ccsts of the suit. Commander Earn in Germany San Francisco, April 15. Mrs. A. M. Angermann of this city, a sister cf Lieut. Commander G. W. Woriey, commanding officer of the missing naval collier Cyclops, paid today her brother was born in. Germany, but m ... . came To this Mr.a try wnen a cnnu. He enlisted in the navy when a youth, she said and had served in it continuously, working his way up to a commission. LICENSED TO IIAKRY i'lem MoiiiUiy's la;Iy. Last Saturday a permit to marry was granted wiiuam immar, ji., and Hattie Kiechhoft'. of near Weep ing Water. They are young people living in that vicinity and among the best young people of the com- munitv. They will continue to mane their homes there and will engage in farming. We have contra fcr the County Agency for REPUBLIC TRUCKS and hereafter will sell and dis tribute Republic Trucks in Cass county along with our other business. The Republic Truck is too well and favorably known to need any (introduction to the people of Cass county. Until our first order of Republic Trucks ar rives we will be glad to take any one interested to Omaha, where we can show the full line. c PRICES AS FOLLOWS: 1, 500-Ifc Truck $ 895.00 Special 24 "Ton Truck.. ; . S35.00 1 - Ton Truck 1295.00 f Kz-Ton Truck 1650.C0 2-Ton Truck i 1975.00 3!2-Ton Truck 2350.00 PRICES ALL F. 0. B. FACTORY 3 per cent War Tax and Freight Jto be added here. For full particulars we invite you to call at our office. T. H. rPoliock Aut Co., Telephone No. 1 PLATTSMOUTH DKDKlt OK lti:AIit(; on lVtition for Appointment of Ad mini.st r:i tor or Administratrix. T!ie State of Nebraska, tfass t-outi-ty, ss: In the County Court. Jn the matter of tho Kstate of Chris tina I'olstrup, liecraseii: n reatlin and 1ilin;r tire petition of Andrew lVistrup pray in? tliat admin istration of s-aid cstnte may be grant ed to himself as Administrator; Ordered. T!:at May 4th. A. I). 191S, i;t 10 o-look a. in.. is assigned for licarinj? said petition, v.-licn all per n;ns intt lesloii in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said comiiy, ami sliow cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be K-iven to alt persons in terested in said matter, by publishing: a copy of this order in the IMattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, tor three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hearinf;. l'ated April 12th. 131S. ALLK.V .1. UKKSO.V. Ooiintv .luilc. r.y PLOr.KXCK WillTK,' tSciiH a 15-3 w. Clerk. of mitick to ( ictnir: nits The ttate of Nebraska, Cass conn t y, ss : In the County Court. In the matter f the Kstate !eorc J. Oldham. Deceased. To the ere.Titors of sail estate: Ton are hereby notified. That f will eii ?.t tlie County court room in I'!ats inonth in said county, on the 11th ilav of iiay and the 15th clay of August. 191S, to receive and e.amine all claims against said Instate, with a view to tiuir iuljusttitent ami, allowance. Tl. time limited for the presentation of la mis usaintt raid Kstate Is three months from the 1 lib iav of Mav, A. 1 . lfis. and the time limtied for "pay ment of :elts is one year from said 11th day of May. 1H1S. Witness tnv hand and the sea! of saiJ 'oi;nty Court tliis 3th day vf Ap ril, 13IS. alLkn .t. ni:;:sox. fount v Juilso. tiy ri.(tl!KNC'i: WIUTM, (leali al5-iw Clerk. This Womr.n Found Relief. CARD OF THANKS. CARL ANDERSON BUYS A CAR. From Tuesday s Dailv. Carl Anderson, a machinist in the Western' Machine and Foundry coiu- luuiy, and a graduate of the School of Automobile practice of Omaha has invested in a car. lie bousrht one from his fellow workmen, ,iames Yelick. The car i3 a MaxvelJ and from it Mr. Anderson and wife ex pect to derive much pleasure. Cut Tliis Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this fdip, enclose with five cents to Foley Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicaso," 111., writinsr vour name and address 'clearly. You will -receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Ilor.ey and Tar Compound, . - for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. FOR SALE Light Uramah egg fors hatching. 15 for $1.23. 50 for $3.50. 100 for $C.f0. Mrs. John "W. Stones, My nard, Neb. 3-11-Gruosw The surest investment is a A per cent Liberty boad. V.'c desire to take tliis method of express! off our must heartfelt thanks. to all who were so kind to us curing the hour cf sorrow, the der.th of our darling little daughter. Christina. Especially, do we wish to thank you for the beautiful floral tributes. "We, also, wish to thank the Mechanical Girls o fthc C. D. & Q. shops and Mr. George Luschinsky. MR. AND MRS. C. C. MURRAY. Dackache. sore muscles, stiff or swollen joints, rheumatic pains, diz ziness and like symptoms are caused by disordered kidneys and bladder Mrs. Thos. II. Davis, Montgomery, R. F. D. 3. Ind.. writes: "I doctorcfl months without relief. I commenced using Folov Kidney Pills and got re lief. Fisht bottles cured me." Sold everywhere. Pon't let It Lirrcr. A cough that "hangs on" wears down the sufferer, leaving him un ble to ward off sickness Jos. Gil lard, 14S Fillmore St., Nashville, Tenn., writes: "I was suffering with a dry hacking cough and a pain ir my chest, but since taking Foley's Honey and Tar Compound I have been relieved." It soothes, heals and cures. Sold everywhere. Journal Want-Ads Pay! NEBRASKA ix Tin-: ror.vrv cm ut of C.-iss county, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County or -u.s To all norsons interested in the es tate of "William IJuUI-jt, dcccuswi. nn read in ir the petition of Johanna s:u.lio- T-.rMvintr that . the instrument tiled in this court on the 22nq nay ot March, ltux. and purportinfT tovi tne hi will and testament Of the SH Ml ie- . 1 .1 - I I i.-n.l ceased, may ue proven nun anuwi-u, and recorded as the last will and tes tament of William Buuisr. ueeeaseu: that, said Instrument lie admitted to nrnimtp. and the administration of said estate he granted to Johanna Mud 1,?, as executrix. It is hereby nrT dered that you, and all persons In terested in said matter, may. and do appear at the County Court to be held in anil for said county on the 22nd dav of April, A. D. 1U18, at 10 o'clock a. in., to i-how cause. If any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition, and that the heat-ins thereof bo Riven to all persons interested in said matter, by publishing a copy of this Order ip the i'lattsmoutli Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed In said county for three successive -weeks . prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, anil seat or saiu court, tliis 26th day of March, A. IX. 1018' ALLKN J. BEESON. (Seal)-al-3w County Judge i. Tin: liisnucT cmur of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of John 1. Sattler, Administrator of the Kstate of Kva K. I'rettijr. Decease.' for license to sell rial estate. oiihKi: I'pon reading and tiling the duly ver ified application of John 1. Sattler, Administrator of the Kstate of Kva K. I'rettig, Deceased, playing for a license to sell the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: The North half of Lots No. five (j) and six ( of Block one hunJred and. sixty-eight (16S) of the original plat o'f the City of , l'latt.'-mouth, in Cass county, Ne- ' 1 bra:;ka, for the purpose of paying the debts, funeral expenses and costs of admin istering the estate of said deceased. and it appearing ttat said deceased had not sufficient personal property to pay all of the debts of said de ceased with the costs of administer ing her estate: It is therefore Ordered, That all persons interested In the estate of Kva K. I'rettig. deceased, appear be fore me in chambers, in the court house at I'lattsnioutlf, in Cass conn ty, Nebraska, on the ir.th day of 1.1 a v A. D., 191 S. at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause, if any there be, why 11 cense should not be granted to the said John 1 . Sattler, Administrator, to sell said above described real estate. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published four succes sive weeks 'in, the 1'lattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper of een- eral circulation in said county. Dated this 30th day of March. A. D., 1918. JAMKS T. nrcoLiov. al-Jw. Judge of liist. Court. -if ; t-. .- -aril -4 tfi' ..1 J Buy a Liberty Bond, and help lick the Kaiser. Registered French Draf Stallion! Weight 1,800 pounds. Will make the season of 1918 at my home one mile south of Cullom every day of week. TERMS: $12.53 to insure colt to stand and suck, at which time ser vice fee is due and payable imme diately. When mares are disposed of or removed from the community, service fee becomes due and payable at once. All care will be taken t prevent accidents, but owner will not be held responsible should any occur. LOUIS KEIL. We buy Rags, Rubber, Iron and Metal! For any pain, burn, scaid or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. . Two sizes 30c ScCC4ld Hand Furniture and 60c at all drug stores. ;Urof all kinds! H'H-fr 'X,'I',I"I"I' I"M"I"II I"I"WI !aioriH-, hrtr- PAYS BEST PRICES! S. ' GE3ASEH, Manager Eighth and Vine St?., W. A. BOBEETSON, Lawyer. j Fiattsmouih, Hcbaska TEL. 608 Za.tt ct Riley HoUL CoaUa' Block, Seceai Flttz .- The Tourists Triangle Tour Note the Burlington. Map and Its Three Western Trunk Lines: (1) NEBRASKA-BILLING S', GLACIES PARK. (2) NEBItASKA-DENVER-COlORADO, WEST. - (3) DElTyER-BILLLNGS-YELLOWSTONE, NORTH. ' . Note thd; geographical triangle formed by these L'urlington - Iim-s and what 'a comprehensive northwest tour they offer ONE WAY l i Denver. Scenic Colorado; ONE WAY via Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park with 700 miles or mountain panorama, . from Denver to the Yel lowstone,. and to piacier Park, the climax of the Rockies' rugged gran deur; . ONE, WAY alongside the Big Horns aud the DIack Hills V, truly , a THREEtPARKS-QN-QNE-TKIANGLE TOUR. The new Dnv-r-Casper main.line. makes possible this circuit , tour that, comprehends the .east siope o the Continental Divide from Colo- rado to the British boundary. W. R. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W.-WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent . " Omalia Nebraska Klll!ll!!(HlJ 1,004 Jarcam Street