PAOE TWO- flattsmoutii semmvelkly journai; MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1918. KCAJ SLIPS FROM LOAD OF HAY, BREAKING HIS COLLAR BONE WAGON OVERTURNED AND UN FORTUNATE MAN DOESN'T LIGHT JUST RIGHT. William Tritsch Injured at Home of His Brother, Edward Comes at Bad Season of Year. i Fnin Thursday's laily. While assisting in hauling hay on the farm of his brother, Edward !1. Tritsch. William Tritsch slipped from the wagon when it overturned and was thrown to the ground, striking his head and shoulders with groat force. The collar bone was fractur ed, and William will have to be laid up for a number of weeks. With the busy season here is is a great mis fortune to Mr. Tritsch that he should be injured at this particular time." William is staying at the home of liis brother, Ed, where he was at the time the accident occured and is setting along as well as could be reasonably expected. MORE HUNDRED PER CENT JUNIOR RED CROSS l'jfiin Thursday's laily. With every passing week there are a number of the schools who have advanced to the one hundred per cent efficiency in the Junior lied Cross contributions. The competi tion is an added stimulas, to the al ready patriotic motives for the hund red per cent work. - This.week adds to what, have been previously been reported: Mauley district, 96; Miss Tighe and Mrs. Colborn. teachers. Carl Cunningham district 70. Minnie Southcrland, Dis trict 2?.. Floyd Lyle, District 50, Marie Neuschaefer, District 78. Maude Baldwin. District S3. Wilbur Ilolton, District 21. Blanche Sayles, District 2S and Weeping Water Schools both the "High School and 4,... J... . v Mr. Farmer It will pay you to drive to Sterling. Nebraska in your car and Buy a Farm of Mockenhaupt & Curtain. Sterling, Neb. 28-lmow The Celebrated Percheron Stallion K ,i . T i 4. ? V TEDDY R. 97686 Teddy K. is a fine Percheron Stal lion, black with white hind fet-t and right front foot white. He was foal ed March .10, 1912, and weighs 1800 lbs. His sire was Morton, 720:j; by Epateur,- .11836 (64349); by Bolivar. 401 1 1 ( 46462); by Amilcar, ( 19979); by Sultan, (4713); by Bayard. (9491; by Estraba. 1S7 (736); by son of Jean Le Blanc, (739). The Celebrated Young Jack, Siindors is an excellent young Jack, coming 7 years old, weighing 3 000 ihs., plenty extra heavy bone. Mack with mealy points. Saudors. (T.298) was foaled June 2, 1911. His hire was San Salvador 2d, by Salva dor, imported from Spain. Sandors was bred and owned by Frank Busch, f Villa Ridge, Mo. He has been inspected (his spring by the State Inspector and is sound in every way. Teddy It. and Saudors wi 1 make the .season of 19 IS at our home, six jniles west of Murray and six miles at of anley, every day in the" . week, but only a limited number of mares will be taken care o? by Teddy R. on account of his age. Terms for Both Teddy R and Candors! ?12.50 and i IvJUi to insure olt 1o stand up air! suck. Parties dis posing of marcs or removing . from the locality, service fee becomes dnn nnd must be paid immediately. All r:irc will be taken -to prevent p-Ti'Vuts. but owners will not be held responsible should any occur. A. J. SCHAFER t - . , -T SHE SPILLED THE RICE From Thursday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon at the time of the departure i. of the 3:20 train for the. west, "Sirs. Roy Knorr, bein anxious to show all honors to her friend, formerly Miss Myra Stenner but then Mrs. E. I?. Chappell by but an hour's time, was at the depot to see the happy couple depart. She ha secreted in her handkerchief some riee. and when she attempted to throw if, it all went on the pave ment at the .-station. The merry crowd who were awaiting the arriv al of the train were all taken with a lively titter, not at the expense of the winsome bride but of Mrs. Knorr herself. Mr. ami Mrs. Chappell depart? for Lincoln, where they will visit for a short time, and then go to Os mond, where they will visit at the home of Mr. Chappell's mother and later return to Lincoln, where they will make their home. BESTOWED WITH HONOR. From Thursday's Daily. At the last regular meeting of the Boy Scouts, Scoutmaster Sprecher liari tho nipasnrft and nrivilege of 11UU V V, f - M decorating Geo. Sehmidtmnnn and Geo. Thomas with medals attained in the second liberty loan dri.e. In nrrlpr to obtain one of these medals a scout is required to sell liber;: bonds to at least ten different indivUl uals. Both boys sold more than was needed to win the medal. These medals are given by the gov i.rnmpnt iii anoreciation of the sir-mits' natriotie service. They are - ' w w . made of bronze and are very attrac tivelv desianed. Troon No. 1 is Very proud of these scouts and ,vo hop that many more scouts may have the honor of wearing one of these inert als after the present drive. TWO NEW FLAGS. From Tlmrstlay's Daily. Last evening we notict d t wo bright new flags floating m t!ie i evening sunshine, one from the win dow of the workshop and warerooivs of Mavor Sattler, the other from t! rooms over the store o Dovcy & Co These are an addition to thos? just recently floated, and makes the v.treot look better. There is room for some more on Main street. VISITS OLD HOME HERE, From Thursday's laily Max Adams, who is making hi bump ne;r Ilannebrog. brought a car of cattle to the South Omaha mar ket, being there yesterday, and after having disposed of bis cattle, came down here for a visit with his par ents W. T. Adams and wife. Max has been in that country for some time now, not having been here bu two times in four years. Mrs. W. T Adams, his mother is 'eturning with him for a visit. Miss Ma'ile Adams is one ot the teacners in me purine schools at Dannebrog, and ' Jacob Adam, a brother is a clerk in the bank at that place. WORK GOING AHEAD RAPIDLY From Thursday's Pailv. John Simmons of Lincoln, who has been putting in the plumbing for the new T. H. Pollock i building has about completed the work, as far as it can be done at this time. And this mora ing departed for his home in Lincoln. .The lathing or. the build ing both-with the wood and metal lath is going forward, which will in sure the plastering in the near fu ture. The remainng plumbing, a;".d the setting of the heating appiratus will not be dene until after the nlast- cring has been completed If I Were a Farmer. If I were a farmer I. would keep at hand a few reliable medicines for minor ailments that are not so ser ious as to require the attention of a physician, such as Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. Chamberlain's Cough Hemeey for coughs, colds and croup. Chamberlain's Liniment for sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Tablets for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipa tion. By having these articles, at. hand it would often save the trouble of a trip to town in the busiest season or in the night, and vould enable me to treat slight ailments as soon as they appear, and thereby avoid the more serious diseases that so often follow. . GOOD FARMS. We 'flififfi Koinf I $9f i K bacsa ins i n Land. PrifsHiUt with good terms. Otoe Co., Gage Co., Tawnee Co. and Johnson. Go landSoutheastern Ne braska. Mockenhaupt fc Curtain Land Co. Sterling. Neb. 2Slmowkly Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose nd expec toration easy. It is excellent. HOLDING EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINA TIONS THIS. WEEK CHILDREN dlVEN OPPORTUNITY TO DEMONSTRATE ABILITY TO PASS INTO II. S; Over Thirty Take Exam Here This . but One of Sixteen Places In ' Which May be Taken. From Tlmrsdny's lai1y. At the otlice of the County Super intendent there is being held an ex amination of eighth grade scholars today and tomorrow. Besides the examination at this place there are like examinations being held at fif teen other places in the county, in order that all who care to can takle the examination and tests. At the court house there are a large number taking the examina tion and when we dropped, in this morning, they were working like beavers on the papers, filling he large room full. There were over thirty this morning, they -being: Hose Liepert, Raymond Todd, lia ble Miek, Emma ItichVmlson. Esther Karris, John Hild. Elvira Born, Lucy Stava, Helen Warner. Vern Hen dricks. Ethel Born. Helen Jl. Wiles, llarve Livingston, Oscar C.r.pen, M.i rie Otterstcin, John Louis Heil. Rose Reed. Ikay Meisinger, Joseph il. Johnson. Everet Clifford Heil, Jen nines Seybert, Marie Wagener. llel en Heed. Herbert Campbell, Will A Park, Clarence Keil. Grace We; ner and Catherine .Mae Wiles LOSE TO THE VISITORS. Ii. ni TIi ii i sla y s i; In the debating contei held at the- HUh Sch-x-l between the high iviiool team co-uiFtin.7 of Kc'r ivaymrtn;! Cn-;. ::v.l I'tn old. and tLiat of Li-ico'ii. which w a vesterday (te':: t Kroehlor rv R. Her which co sisted of Ro'.-.rt McArtimr. ri'"rt' lamp':cii sml y.uur, I ruiiKeljtc:n t!ie visitors ciirrv.vl :iv;-.y the iroii'.nes Tin viviting ! :o v. -ere awc' i il by Homer HewM! of I while the grooniin.r for the !roin' team w-i done by Prof c" -;chMrdson of th city High M!:col. 1?'. 'his contest in which t hey de'vi I ed t he quest inn. R solved, we : ivmld have compulsory military tr;;i:;nr. Iii" visiting team had (lie aiTir?:-:'. ; w. 'I'lie hinK te: put up a rir.fMi i:i :r article m llieir contest th :ui hcrel t.l'ore, and were pitted a'ii' :; a -troivg team. Til visitors wer."- -"y polite and rouit eons, bu; tin y came l debate ;:i'l they did ii. (;". Professor E. !I Wells of Liaci In was the judge HOME GUAR E 3 TO ORGANIZE From Thwrsiliiy's l;ii!y. Arrangements are being pei'fect"d for the organization of the Horn G minis at .Murray, and they luv called a m a ting to be held at th Puis &. Gansemer hall there next Sat urdav evening for that nurnose. c A. Rawlt?, who is ctiptain of ti Home (Juards at this place, will go down and mak'e a patriotic ::d In and assist in the organization of the company there. TWO NEW MEN AT WORK. from 'I'll m rsdav's I;iily. When we passed last evening the Western Machine and Foundry coin pany, we tound two more of Platts nioutn s young men nau en listed in (he service of this institution whose object is to make the name of Plattsmouth echo around the world. Earnest Milburn and John McCreary were each operating a machine in the factory, which' is making goods to sell, to Asia, Africa and South America, a;s v.-ell as in our owu land. , For EiPous Troubles. To promote a healthy action of the liver and correct the disorders caused by biliousness,-Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Try them and see how quickly they give you a rel ish for your food and banish that dull and .stupid feeling. HE BR ASK A 1 M' HOUSE!- - ' ' ' ' ii i m i Wc buy Rags, Rubber, Iron and Metal! S. OKSSEs", Manager Eighth and Vine Sts., Plattsmouth, Ncbaska - TEL. 603 Got it? Heresthe remedy. It's helped millions. Has a halt century record of use. First dose brings relief. Try it. 'W f sold by all druggists. 1.7 for Coughs s Colds Kesp Bowel Movement Regular Dr. King's New Life Pills keep you in a healthy condition. Rid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your comDlexion by keoDine-.tne Ilas'-ds regular. Get a bottle from your druggists today. ISffective but mild. THE E0Y SCOUTS RUSTLERS. Kiom Thursday's laily. The boy scouts have been much interested in the sale of bonds and stamps, and of all they have found a marget for both of nearly ten thousand dollars worth of these se curities. When the boy scout comes to your place asking for a subscrip tion for bonds or the. purchase of stamps. Do not turn him away if it is possible to give him an order. Strain a point if you can in order to take another bond or another line of stamps. They are a good invest ment, the need is great with our Uncle Sam, and the bov is dt ing a meritorious act in the endeavor to assist his country, cannot you join him on the effort to win this struggle for humanity. HAKES PURCHASE OF SHOP LOCATION From TImrsday's Daily. George McaDnicl, who has been operating a blacksmith shoo at fi.c intersection of Pearl and I'-uirth streets, just opposite the Western Machine and Foundry Company, for some two or more years, has pur chased t'rje site upon which t'lie shop stands, and will conclude lie is a fixture The ground on which the irhop stood has been the property heretofore of J. K. McDaniel. but no".- becomes the property of George McDaniel. in tim: in t cm it r f i'.-'.-s toiintv. ."V I r.i ska. .tati" of . In :iska. County of ( ass ;!! i-i-isons of Willt.-'U) iliTecest.-d in the tii t.e n im.Hi ii-ail'iitr t ! p.-tition of .loluinna rn! i us." that tlif instrument fill d in this l onrt on the L'l.'iid day .VnrHi. 1!MS, :ii.! pnrportiii to le the last will j i : 1 t t-stamoa t f t ho saiil lo- i;t,-il. may he prv"d arul ;illiweil nml iciiiiilcil as hie last will :ml l-s- i;-i:i. lit of William I '.ml if?. . tU-ivsiseil t.:ai sanl I lis 1 ip.eii t aoii! 1 1 1 tl to prol.;it-. and t ' i o a 1 m i n is t ra t io.i of cstaii' Ik' granted t .lo'iaana I'uilig. as i'c n t ti x. It is lit-re by nr- li'n 'I that vim, aii'I all persons In li'i'i si l i ;i s;iiil innUi r, mav, anil !o aiip.a;- at t!u' t'otitity 'oiirt to l hi ld in a:i'i for said niiinlv on the 21'nd lay of .pril. A. I . HI 1 S. at 1 I o'l l-n k l. in., to sli.iw i-aiisi'. if any there !o. u!;'.' tin- i-.!.vcr of the lu-t i I ioncr should no! !' ;.'ra p I d. ati.l t.ial notice of tin u'iiiU'!!i' of mM pi'tition. ami that the he.irhir; tl.ereoi lo j;iveii to all ;iitso:is ii'.trr"stcl in saiil matter, by rmblisliirii; a nipy of this Order in t.lie I 'la i t : lnoiit li .loprnal. a sc pii-weok- ly printed in said rmiiity tor tlin-e sneei.'ssix e Weeks pi ior to -aid day of hearing. Wjfness my hand, and seat of . s.'iiil "oiut, this null day of A'areh, A. !., .Mdjox .t. i:i:i:s(i.v. Si;ill-;it-"v County Judge l Tl!ll lilSTIIlt r I Ot U T if Cass i.ouity. Nebraska. Ill tiie r.ialttr of the .pp!ieation of lolin';'. Saltier, AdiP in istra tor .of the K.-tale of l)va N. I'rettig. Deceased, for license to srdl real estate. u!;ii;k l'pmi readiair and liliiiK' the duly ver ified application of John I'. Saltier. .Vdini nisi i tor t)f the lOstalo of Kva K. I 'rot tig. I'ceased. praying for a license to sell the following describ ed ii'ii i esiale, to-wit: The North half of T.ots No. live ') and si ( t I of I'.loek one lnimlred and s h. t y-eig ii t tltiSi of the original plat of the City of J'lattsmouth, in Cas; county, Ne braska, for the purpose of paying the debts, funeral expenses and costs of admin istering the estate of said deceased. ami it appearing that said deceased had not sufficient personal property to pay all of the debts of said de ceased witn the costs ot administer ing her estate: It is therefore Ordered, That all persons interested in the estate ot lOvft K. I'rettig.. deceased, appear be fore me in chambers, in the court house at I'lattsinoiith. in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, on the 15th day of May A. -!., llllS, at 10 o'clock a. m. to how cause, if jiny there be, why li cense should not be granted to tne aid John .P. Sattler, Administrator, -to sell said above described real estate. It is furtlier ordered that a copy of this order be published four succes sive weeks in the i 'lattsmoum jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in said county. Dated this SOtti day of March, A. IX. 1!)18. JAMKS T. B KG LEV. al-lw. Judge of Dist. Court. Do You. Sleep V7ell? - . To be at his best a man must have sound, refreshing sleep. When wakeful and restless at. pight he is in no condition for work or business during the day. Wakefulness is of ten caused by indigestion and consti pation, and. is quickly relieved by Chamberlain's Tablets. Try a dose of these tablets and see how much better you feel with a clear head and good digestion. . EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. C- White Orphingtoneggs for hatching at $1.25 per 15v $6.00 per 100. A. O. Ranige, phone 3513. tfw SPECIAL MOTOR TO BE USED IN SHARP DESIGNED TRACTOR POWER PLANT DEVELOPING 0 H. P. AS INITIAL ONE BE ING PUT IN SHOPS. Will Develop 'Power for Operating Machinery There Preliminary to Becoming an Output. From TImrsday's Daily. The tractor which is in process of manufacture at the W'estern'Machine Works will have its special Sharp designed power . plant" thoroughly tested out under actual working con ditions as one of the engines intend ed for installation in the new trac tor is being installed in the machine shops, where it will be used for gen erating power to operate the num erous machines. As we visited this busy institution this morning the new engine was being connected up for the purpose of testing it out. Fred Wynn was busily engaged in look ing after the matter and had the mo tor running at the time we were there. The smoothness with which this specially designed engine runs Is of itself a good demonstration of itfc ability to perform the labor requir ed of it. The engine is a thirty h. p. motor, and when t has shown iL fitness to develop power for the ma chines in the Western Machiue shops it will have given a good demonstra tion of its ability for use in the new tractor. The tractor will lie out one of the contemplated items of output from the new institution which is to be erected here this summer by tho Auto Power and Malleable' company, when it takes over the present op erating Western Machine works. At the Western this morning, we also, found them busy completing what is known as the Illanchard vapor bath cabinet. The one ueiug com Dieted is to go to the Grand Id- land Sanitarium. The cabinet is so arranged that the thermo electric heater almost in stantly causes the vapor to be gene rated upon the touching of a button which connects the electric current. With this kind of a portable, cabinet any kind of a medicated bath can be given and at any desired tempePa.-' ture. Thomas Rlahoney is doing the finishing of the cabinet in white enamel. FATHER JOHN IIALMES IN TOWfl Fimii T!iuisl;i..-'.s 1'aily. .loan Ilalmos who lives sonic six miles west of the city, was in the city yesterday, and one would think he was an electric light the way his lace shone with a smile. v We spoke a few words to him, about the crops and so forth, he taying everything was getting along fine, and when We asked about the folks, the snie became broader and we knew f-ome- thing had happened. We just said boy or girl and John said girl. Then we knew. Mother and the wee bit of humanity doing the best and John, well he will be all right whon the weather gets warm. DISTRICT BOARD DECISIONS inn TImrsday's Itaily. Yesterday the District. Ltoaid, passed on amount those of many other counties, the following from this Cass county. Some are changed and others are left as they were by the local board: John P. Nickel, reclassification. Wesley, J. Kalasek, reconsidera tion, 1-A. Ed. Kalasek; reclassification, 2-C James M. Quinn, reclassification, -J. Edward Wegener (on appeal, 2-A), Lester W. Rouse (on appeal, 2-D.) Laborers Wanted: 32c per hour and up. Those engaged now and re tained will receive further advance in May. l'acling House work. No labor-troubles here. Morton-Greg- son Company, Nebraska City, Nebr. FOR SALE. Registered Duroc Jersey boars. In- quire of Philip llirz. 4-9-2td2tw FOR SALE One new Satley cdrn planter, all attachments. Two registered Short Horn animals one year old. Also some young mules and horses. Inquire of aS-tfw.) CHAS. T. PEACOCK FOR SALE Light Bramah egg fors hatching. 15 for $1.25. 50 for $3.50. 100 for $6.50. Mrs. John V. Stones, My nard. Neb. 3-ll-3mosw The surest investment is a 4 per cent Liberty bond. i We have contract: ii 'r.r the County Agency for REPUBLIC TRUCKS and hereafter will sell and dis tribute Republic Trucks in Cass county along with our other business. The Republic Truck is too well and favorably known to need any introduction to the people of Cass county. Until our first order of Republic Trucks ar rives we will be glad to take any one interested to Omaha, where we can show the full line. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: 1,500-tb Truck ...$ 895.00 Special 34Ton Truck 895.00 1- Ton Truck 1225.00 I Jz-Ton Truck IG50.C0 2- Ton Truck 1975.00 ,32-Ton Truck 2050.00 PRICES ALL F. 0. B. FACT OH Y 3 per cent War Tax and Freight to be added here. For full particulars we invite you to call at our office. T. H. Pollock Auto Co Telephone No. 1 STATEMENT. Statement of the ownership, manage ment, circulation, etc., required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912- of The Plattsniouth Journal, published daily at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, for April 1, 1918. Publisher R. A. Dates, P'atts- mouth, Nebraska. Editor M. A. Dates, l'lal Umout h, Nebraska. Managing Editor It. A. Uatcs. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Business Manager R. A. Dates, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Owner R. A. Dates, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Known bondholders. mortgagees. and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities. Mergenthaier Linotype Co., verago number of copies of each is sue of this publication sold or dis- trioutea, through the mails or 'otherwise, to paid subscriber1? dur ing the six months preceding the date shown above 1010 R. A. KATES Dusines Manager. Pub'ishcr and Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of April, 1918. (Seal) TIIOM WALLING. My commission expires Feb. 13 1919. FOUND A stock of handsome new wall Papers, baine can be seen for selection at Frank Goodman's. Frank Gobelnian is very popular now. His new wall papers are in and every lady wants to see the latest W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. 4. East of Riley HoUL Coates' Block, Second Floor "I"M"I 'T"I lMl.4-l"f-M"M-T' The Tourists Nte the Burlington Map and Its Three ( 1 ) HEBKASKA-EILLLNGS. GLACIER PATiTT (2) ' NEBR ASKA-EENVF.R-COLORADO, WEST. (3) EENVER-BILLINGS-YELLOWSTONE, NORTH. Note the geographical triangle formed by these iiuriington liner what a comprehensive northwest tour thev offernvi-: w.w and Denver, Scenic Colorado; ONE WAV mountain lowstone. and to Glacier Park, the climax of the Rockies' rugged gran" deur; ONE WAY alongside the Bighorns and the -Blank unit , .. truly a THREE-PARKS-ON-ONE-TRIANGLE TOUR. The no' x,".. ' Casper main line makes possible this ltt01 bl"ie oi.ino Continental Divide rado to the British boundary. W. R. 1,004 Farnam ; IMot ! -1 UCKS B5 PLATTSMOUTH SPECIAL TEACHERS' EXAMINATION There will be a special examina tion in county certificate subjects April 20th at the following points in the county: Plattsmouth, Weeping Water, Louisville and Elmwood. All Friday subjects will be given Saturday morning and all Saturday subjects will be given Saturday af ternoon. ALPHA C. PETERSON. County Superintendent. Wm. Mutchilott departed tlii morning for O'Neill, where he Imm some property interests to look after.' '-.-iNat ' ... " Registered French Draft Stallion! Weight 1,800 pounds. Will make the season of 1918 at my home one mile south of Cullom every day, of week. TERMS: $12.50 to insure colt 1o stand and suck, at which time ser vice fee is due and payable immc- of or removed from the community, service fee becomes due and payable at once. All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but owner will not be held responsible should any occur. LOUIS KEIL. Triangle Tour Western Trunk Lines: via Rocky Mountain National (Ede- panorama, from Oenvnr t circuit tour that comprehends th" from Colo- CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent Street Omaha, Nebraska