The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY,. APRIL i? 191S.
Tor.age Being Turned Out a Disap
ointment to Officials Need
More to Win the War.
Washington, April 2. American
shipbuilders were called upon to
night to explain why their output
lor March fell hehind schedule.
Chairman Hurley, of the shipping
board and General Manager Piez, of
the emergency fleet corporation tel
egraphed heads of all the yards in
the United States saying they were
'keenly disappointed" in the tonnage
delivered and placing the responsi
bility of turning out ships squarely
on the men in control of actual
building operations.
"Keynote of present situation is
management leadership," the tele
gram said. "Money, material and
manufacture have been supplied
without stint by the nation. The
American people want ships, not ex
cuses." Suggestions were requested and
the officials said they wanted to
Know if the fault lay in the emer
gency fleet corporation.
'Tlease don't over-estimate," the
telegram urged, after asking for the
prospects during April. It was said
that the March estimate of 197,07",
tons had meen made on the promises
of ship builders who delivered only
100.700 tons.
In discussing the telegram, Mr.
Hurley said he meant to find out
exactly where the fault lay.
"Perhaps it might lie with the
representatives of the fleet corpora
tion, who are co-operating with the
builders." he said. "If so, we want
to know it and promise to correct
"Kvry man engaged in building
ships ought to keep in mind all the
time that he is working to back up
the boys over there and that it is
up to the shipbuilder and ship work
r to feed those boys who are giving
their all i.i this war. If we all could
get the idea, there would be no loss
of production at any time."
IV-.;n Ti:T:lay's Taily.
La?t Sunday morning, at an erly
hour the spirit of John Micin, who
has lived in this city for the past
thirty-five years, after the body had
been rent with pain for some time,
took its fight to that other world,
where the pain and sorrow are no
more. Mr. Micin was born in Bo
hemia sixty-five years ago, and thirty-seven
years since with his wife and
little children came to this country
and stopped in Chicago for two
years. After that time they came to
this city, and have made their home
here since. Mr. Micin entered the
employment of the Burlington rail
way com pans, and continued there
for tvent- years, quitting some fif
teen years ago. Since that time he
Take a Peep
at the
New Spring
1 B HESE bright days every live young fellow
H in town is thinking of a new Spring hat.
Most likely one of the new Stetsons we are
showing now smart to the minute, quality that is
hard indeed to match, and in such striking variety
that we can fit out any man with the right Stetson
Soft Hat or Derby in five minutes
Every well-dressed man in town comes to us
sooner or later for his hats. If you do not know
us already there is no time like the present!
, , -x
- ; - . ' . - '.j it 1 if
has worked about home, gardening
and other jobs, which came his way
He has four children and their moth
er to mourn his departure. They are
Mrs. J. M. Meisinger, John Micin,
MrsVAhna Judy and Frank Micin.
The funeral will occur from the
Holy liosaVy church of which he was
a member at ten o'clock tomorrow
morning, the Rev. VIcek officiating,
Mr. Micin has been stout until some
time since when a tumor appeared in
his lungs, and which it has been fear
ed would cause a severe hemorrhage,
and which was the result, the pain
which attended rupture was severe
and an opiate had to be given, which
eased the pain to some extent and
mitigated the suffering during the
last hours.
From Tuesday's fnily.
The funeral services over the re
mains of Mrs. Christine Knudson
Piestrup, who so suddenly died at
her late home in this city yesterday
noon will be held Wednesday, (to
morrow) morning at 10 o'clock at
the late home in this city. Mrs.
Piestrup was born at Molle, Sweden,
April 27th, 1S4 4, and came to Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa, in 1869.' residing
there for 24 years, after which she
came to Plattsmouth to live, arriving
in 1893, and making her home here
during the past quarter of a cen
tury. Mrs. Piestrup is. the mother
of four children, they being: Harry
F. Xeuman, of this place, Charles
Xeumair of Omaha, Mrs. II. H. In-
man. Long Beach, California and
Miss Naomie Piestrup of Omaha. Ser
vices will be conducted at the late
home on tomorrow at ten in the
morning. The day following Thurs
day, the funeral services will be held
at the Danish Lutheran Church at
9th street and Avenue A, Council
Bluffs, Iowa. Of this church Mrs.
Piestrup was a charter member. The
Interment will be at Fairview ceme
tery, Oakland Avenue, Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
From Tuesday's raily.
Sunday C. C. Parmele, John Par
mele and G. O. Dovey were to Camp
Funston, where they went to see
Pollock Parmele, on his departure for
France. They were there in time to
see him, but he departed that night
for the point of embarkation, and is
supposed to be on the ocean at this
time. On the return trip from Camp
Funston, John Parmele, the son of
T. E. Parmele. did the driving, mak
ing the distance in seven hours.
Don't Let It Linger.
A cough that "hangs on" wears
down the sufferer, leaving him un
able to ward off sickness. Jos. Gil
lard. 148 Fillmore St., Nashville,
Tenn., writes: "I was suffering with
a dry hacking cough and a pain in
my chest, but since taking Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound I have
been relieved." It soothes, heals and
cures. Sold everywhere.
S. C. Rhode Island Keds and S. C.
White Orphington eggs for hatching
at $1.25 per 15, $6.00 per 100. A. O.
Ramge, phone 35 13. fv
Stationery at the Journal ofRce.
him ! 1 7 7, mi H
' n i" ! 1 i 1 1 , 1
From Wednesday's Dally.
A. B. Fornoff from near Cullom
was a business visitor in this city
G. A. B. Hicks from Cullom was a
visitor in this city this morning, com
ing down to look after some business
in the cits'.
David Allen and family were in
the city this afternoon coming from
South Omaha going to Rock Bluffs,
for a short visit with friend? and
Mrs. John Beckman of near Louis
ville who has been visiting near
Murray at the home of her parent's
John Wiles and wife, returned to
her home last evening on the late
Mrs. E. cllill and mother Mrs.
A. J. Spencer of Beemer, who is
visiting with her daughter were
passengers to Omaha this morning,
where they will visit with friends for
the das'.
Mrs. P. M. Nord and daughter,
Esther and son Wol forth, came this
morning from Oreapolis to attend
the services at the home of Mr. A.
Piestrup. over the remains of Mrs.
Piestrup. They all being very close
Edward Todd, of Omaha, and who
is doing some farming now near La
Platte was over this morning and
had two of his plow shears sharpen
ed, which persuages a little farming
operations on the other side of the
Platte river.
S. W. Porter who was traveling
from Sioux Cits'. Iowa, to Kansas
City on motorcycle, arrived in this
city s'esterdas' afternoon, and find
ing the roads very rough abandoned
the cs'cle route and purchased a tick
et via the Burlington and shipped
his cs'cle to Kansas.
From Tuesday's Daily.
County Treasurer Mike Tritsch,
who has been visiting at Louisville
last evening returned home this
Wm. Schlistemeier of near Ne-
hawka was in the city this morning
looking after some business at the
court house.
Frank Vallery of Murray was a
visitor in Plattsmouth this morning.
coming to look after some business
at the court house.
J. C. Lomes'er of Greenwood was
a visitor in this city today having
some matters of business to look af
ter at the court house.
D. F. Tighe of near Wabash, was a
business visitor in this cits' this mor
ning, coming to look after some
matters at the court house.
J. M. Jordon and son Robert came
in this morning over the Burlington
from Cullom and were looking after
some business in the city for the
Banker Thomas Murtey of Weep
ing Water was transacting business
at the court house todas', coming ov
er in a car and returning this after
noon. George McReynoIds, from near
Xehawka, was a visitor in this city
for the day, coming to look after
some business at the office of the
county attornes.
William Troop from near Nehawka
was a visitor in this city today, hav
ing some business to look after in
the city and was visiting with his
friends as well.
C. F. Harris of Union, who is at
a hospital at Omaha, came down to
Plattsmouth for a short time today
and returned this afternoon to
where he is taking treatment.
Charles Murphey and August
Krecklow of near Manley were in the
city today looking after some busi
ness for the day and had some mat
ters to attend to at the court house.
Mrs. C. O. Olander of Weeping
Water was a visitor in this city this
morning coming to look after the
matter of her son Edward's question
blank, with the local exemption
I. W. Teagarden and John Colbert,
both of Weeping Water, were in
Plattsmouth today, having some
business before the board of county
commissioners who are in session to
day. George Lamphaer who is home on
a furlough from the Naval Training
School at Great Lakes, 111., was a
passenger to Omaha on the Burling
ton this afternoon, where he will
visit for a few days.
I. N. Hunter of Weeping Water,
the published of the Weeping Water
Republican, was a business visitor in
Plattsmouth today, having some
business matters to bring before the
board of county commissioners.
J. W. Willis of Weeping Water was
a visitor in this city this morning,
coming to meet with the board of
county commissioners regarding the
matter of the opening of a road just
west from Weeping ,Water.
Mrs. Jesse Brady departed last
evening for Louisville, where she
weut toretUrn ""With- her. little son
Willard, who has been visiting" ' in
that place for some few days with
friends. They returned home this
morning. . ,f;ti
Nels Sogard, Troy Davis, J. I
Corley and M. J. WIchersham all
from Weeping Water were in Platts
mouth today looking after some mat
ters pertaining to the road leading
west from Weeping Water, which is
desired to have opened.
Mrs. S. A. Green of Louisville who
has been visiting in this city for the
past few das's returned to his home
last evening on the afternoon train.
Her coming with the little b'abe,
Robert Elbert Green, was an assur
ance of a good time by the three
aunts who all want him while here.
August Stull who for a half cen
tury was a citizen of this city and
who during the past winter went to
Minneapolis, to make his home for
the time with his son William, and
who has been there since, returned
home this afternoon, and will re
main here for the present. Mr. Aug.
Stull says he enjoyed living in
Minneapolis, and that things are
looking fine there at this time.
From Monday's Dally.
George W. Wall, of LaPlatte was
transacting business in Plattsmouth
W. A. Fight of south of Mynard
was a business visitor in Platts
mouth this morning.
D. A. Young and wife from near
Murray were visiting in this cits'
this morning looking after some busi
ness. Charles Good of Murray was in the
city this morning looking after some
matters pertaining to his business
Duenita Porter of Omaha wis a
visited at the home of her parents in
Mynard over Sunday returning to her
work this morning.
Homer Shrader from south of
Rock Bluffs was a visitor in this city
this morning looking after some
business for the day.
Wm. Venner, of near Mynard,
was a visitor in the city this morn
ing, looking after some matters of
business with our merchants. ,
Mrs. S. E. McElwain. who has
been visiting for some time at the
home of her sister, at Greenwood,
returned home this afternoon.
L. J. Mayfield of the Louisville
Courier was a business visitor in this
city today and was a caller at the
office of the Journal for a short time.
Miss Leta Lair w-ho teaches the
school at Louisville was a visitor in
Plattsmouth over Saturday and Sun
day returning to her work last even
ing. Wm. Diers, of Louisville, was a
visitor in this city this morning,
looking after some business for the
day. He returned home on the early
afternoon train.
Everett Nevotnay of Clarkson, ar
rived in this city last Saturday even
ing, coming for the purpose oZ look
ing over the herd of fine stock own
ed and raised by Luke L. Wile3.
Louis Clarke, of Omaha, was in
the city this afternoon to meet with
the members of the local board re
garding his questionnaire, on which
he wished to furnish some substan
tiating proof.
Mrs. Paul Roberts, of Cedar Creek,
who has been visiting in this city
with her many friends and acquain
tances for some days past, departed
last Saturday for her home on the
late Burlington train.
Gorge Baprich, of South Bend
was a visitor in Plattsmouth on last
Saturday, coming to look after some
matters of business principally, but
taking advantage of his presence to
call on friends for the day. He re
turned home Saturday evening.
W. T. Craig of South Park, was a
passenger to Omaha this morning,
where he goes to consult a special
ist as to his condition of health,
which has been rather bad since a
short time since he suffered a strang
ulated hernia, and which is giving
him much pain and suffering. .'
Fred G. Egenberger is nursing
two pretty sore fingers which came
to him by reason of getting them in
too close contact with a hot stove.
The members; were burned quite
badly, and he has them bound up
today, and hopes to have them in
working order again in a few weeks.
Young work team. Sound and
well broke. Also, 2 year old Polled
Durham Bull. Also, thoroughbred
White Rock eggs for hatching. $1.
per setting of '15 eggs or 5.00 per
100 eggs. Ira Bates, Cedar Creek,
Neb. 3-27-4twkly
I'M ! I'M-I-l'
Cast of Riley Hotel
Coates' Block,
Second ' Floor
From Tuesday's Daily.'
With every vanquished foe, to lib
erty, to every putting aside of the
tyrant, who has ever sought to usurp
the rights of the people, and to arro
gate to himself the powers which
rightfully belong to the people, is a
step towards the people coming into
their rights. Thus every bullet fir
ed by the allies on the western front,
is bringing closer the realization of
the dream of those people in
Bohemia, of the government which is
theirs by right, and which with the
adjustment of the affairs after this
war is over, and which must termi
nate on the side of humanits'. While
the people have not opportunits' in
Bohemia now, on account of the op
pression, there comes a time when
they shall know that thousands, and
yes millions of their former country
men are doing their part that the
country of their birth, and the home
of their friends might live. These
efforts which have been put forth
shall have been made in vain, and
what sacrifices have been made will
count in the final summing up of the
From Tuesday's Daily.
II. W. Walker and wife of Pitts
burg, Pa., who have been visiting at
the home of the uncle of Mrs. Walk
er, Rev. J. B. Jackson at Murray,
the pastor of the United Presbyter
ian church, were visitors here this
morning enroute to Red Oak, where
they are visiting for the day tt he
home of Rev. Mercer of that city,
who is the husband of a cousin of
Mrs. Walker and son-in-law of Rev.
Jackson of Murras. After having
visited at Red Oak, they will return
to their homes in the east.
From Tuesday's Dally.
With seventy other people Robert
Willing who has been sent to Ft.
Logan some time since, was trans
ferred to the School of Ballooning at
Ft. Omaha, the change being made
last Sunday. Robert will be nearer
home, and will be so he can drop
down once in a while and see bis
many friends here.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday at the home of her
daughter Mrs. G. R. Olson, the last
sad rites were said over the mortal
remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Guthman,
who passed away but a few days
since. The funeral oration was said
by the Rev. Truscott and the servic
es conducted at the place where this
good lady had made home recently.
The burial was made in Oak Hill
cemetery west of the cits. All that
remains of this earth now of mother,
is the tender memories, the good
deeds, the love which she cherished
for her friends, and for all mankind,
and which will remain in its in
fluence for good as long as man
shall live on the world, for the per
fume of a good deed, and the frag
rance of a loving act are more
eternal than all the monuments
which might be erected to show
where reposes the mortal remains of
friends, placed there by loving
From Tuesday's Dally.
The Odd Fellows of this city to the
number of about a half dozen visiting
at Louisville last evening going to
take a part in the work, which was
being put on at that place. The
lodge at Louisville has a class .n two
degrees, in the initiators', there was
but one, but in the first degree there
were three, which made it quite in
teresting. From this ledge there
were present John Cory, Thomas
Short, E. S. Setz, J. E. Shutz, J. H.
Short and C. E. Huff, besides the
driver of the car, and M. Tritsch,
going on the train. After the work
was over, and the bos's who had
gone on the car assas'ed to return,
car trouble kept them guessing un
til five o'clock this morning, when
they got away in a bunch, and were
home in a little less than an hour.
George Dovey was the driver of the
car, and how he did make it hum on
the way home.
This Woman Found Relief.
Backache, sore muscles, stiff or
swollen joints, rheumatic pains, diz
ziness and like symptoms are caused
by disordered kidneys and bladder.
Mrs. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery,
R. F. D. 3, Ind., writes: "I doctored
months without relief. I commenced
using Foley Kidney Pills and got re
lief. Eight bottles cured me." Sold
From the best Reds I ever owned,
$7.50 per 100 or $1.50 per setting,
some home grown seed corn, of the
Iowa yellow dent variety, tested seed ;
for sale, fnone uzi. w. v. rorter,
Mynard, Nebr.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The following (Schools have been
accorded one hundred per cent Jun
ior Red Cross schools'as'they have
gotten the 2T cents -per member for
all the memebrship of the schools,
the following is the name of teachers
and the number of the district:
Luella Frizby, 45; J. Smith 51;
Ruth Reeve 101; Dorothy Marks 9.1;
Lotte Penterman 24; Lois Iokman 53;
Josephine II ys 41.
From Tuesday's Daily.
A representative of the Journal
visited the office of the Western Ma
chine and Foundrs' Com pans' and
found everybody" busy as they could
be, and more business being offered.
Yesterday the Fairmont Creamery
Company of Omaha sent one of their
trucks to this place for one of the
Butter cutting machines which this
institution is manufacturing for
them and took it to Omaha. This
machine is so built that it cuts and
weighs 40,000 per day. The ma
chine is arranged to cut pounds half
pounds and quarter pounds, and with
a capacity of 40.000 cuts per day.
For this compans' thes' are making
six of the machines, this one being
the initial one, with five more of the
same kind to follow.
The machine compans are also
making another machine for the
manufacture of a patent en lgate,
for a firm of Thurman. Iowa, known
as the Paul Manufacturing Compans'.
Thes' also shipped one of the ma
chines to Thurman, Iowa, yesterday.
The T. II. Pollock auto company,
S'esterday sold to Fred Warner south
west of Murray one Ford coupelet,
which he is purchasing for his use
and which is a fine car, costing less
than a larger car, but having the
same advantages, and the sterling
properties of all Ford cars.
From Tn-.d.iy'. laily. ,
Mrs. Will Warga is more than
pleased at this time, one thing be
cause she is the possessor of one of
the fine Sedan cars manufactured
by the Dodge Brothers Sedan, and
which is as fine as is made, and
another one, better than the rest, be
cause it was presented to her yester
day by her husband Will Warga.
The wife did the selecting which
Mr. Warga said was right and just
because, she was to do the driving
of it most of the time.
Emil J. Meisinger Buys a Dodge.
Emil J. Meisinger who has "been
the owner of a small car for some
time, and from which he has receiv
ed much use and convenience, has
concluded that he would be better
suited with a larger car and being
of a discrimination term of mind,
selected the Dodge Brothers, hand!ed
bs' John F. Gorder, as the one he
would pin his faitli to, and has made
a good selection.
Box Paper and Correspondence
Cards at the Journal office.
We have contracted for the County Agency for
REPUBLIC TRUCKS and hereafter will sell and dis
tribute Republic Trucks in Cass county along with our
other business.
The Republic Truck is too well and favorably
known to need any introduction to the people of Cass
county. Until our first order of Republic Trucks ar
rives we will be glad to take any one interested to
Omaha, where we can show the full line.
1,500-lb Truck $ 895.00
Special J4-Ton Truck 995.00
Tri?ck. 1295.00
VA-Ton Truck 1650.00
Ton Truck ( 1975.00.
3K2-Ton Truck . . 2950.00
3 per cent War Tax and Freight to be added here
For full particulars we invite you to call at our office.
Pollock Auto o.
. 1 Pi A TTPl m. '
Telephone No
1 1
! I
The man who'has
I on an "GUflT Slip
I on is always ready
I for the sudden shower
I or the chilly wind.
I And more he is well-
H dressed, because lie has a gar-
H ment designed by artists of
1 the highest talent and made
H by skilled, painstaking tailors.
I The reputation of a hip;
H manufacturer is back of the
I "GVtfST' label. You are sure
H of satisfaction in every feature
1 when -that mark is on the
j clothes you buy.
H If you haven't a slip-on you
need one now.
The latest' R & W creation
Spring top coats is the "Warra-a
lite", a knit garment. It will w
your heart. See our street case.
Woscotf s Sons
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DOX'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foles'
& Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
A good milch cow, with calf by
aide. Inquire of V. Belohlavy,
north west part of town. 2S-3td2tw
Light Bramah egg fors hatching.
15 for $1.25. 50 for $3.50. 100 for
$0.50. Mrs. John W. Stones, My
nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mosw
Sub scribe for the Journal.
l u . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiirai