The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 04, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
! L .i ' "It THUR'SDAY, APRIL 4, 1918. rLATTSMOUTn SEMI. WEEKLY JOURNAL. page nvx 1 .9 i I . " i 'if L V if W' .-)t ..t Mt X 1 ' ? Tl' ! k Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray; and Surrounding Vicinity , Especially for the Journal Readers Be Ready For ST One often hears, ' had a little money I co a fortune. " Why not be ready as portunity knocks Plan to place certain percentage of yo cry or business profits. Then when the main chance cemzs along you'll be ready for it. Banking in every form. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK - MADE - TO - ut-fer-U SVlever have that rich classy look, that smooth perfect fit and snappy up-to-date style desired by every gentleman. A perfect fit every time, regardless of how hard you are to fit or how particular you are. If we don't fit you we don't expect you to keep the clothes. A complete line of samples and styles will be found at cur store and at the lowest possible prices. MURRAY, G. M. Mi ii ford went to Lincoln last Sunday to spend the day with Iiis la uiily. ("has. Engelkemeier, from near Weeping Water, was visiting Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Puts in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehrbein went to Falls City Sunday where they rj-ent the day with Mr. Wehrbein's sister. Mrs. Green. The Frau-en-verein met Tuesday of tli is week at the home of Mrs. Ulo Puis.. There was a god attend ance and the meeting was a very en- yable one for all. -.ark Hiatt MURRAY, I i Opportunity 'If only Wg& uld make tt when op- at your in the bank MEASURE - Clothes NEBRASKA Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley were in Plattsmouth last Saturday. Chas. Good and family spend Sun day with John Thompson and fam ily. Mrs. Sans and daughter, Miss Beu lah, and sons Chas. and John drove to Omaha last Sunday. " Lucille Benedict, of Omaha, came down last Sunday to spend the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Rice, west of town. Ed. Gansemer, A. F. Boedeker and Lee Brown drove to Omaha Monday o fthis week. The trip was made in the car of Mr. Gansemer. Mm Taylor DRESSES! They're the best Ii-juse dresses ever ma del The material, the style, the smartness of every gar ment makes them in a class of their own. You couldn't duplicate these dresses for what they at this store. Si.75 to S2.50 Come and see them! , Tuti NEBRASKA door? Vgh i' Gansemer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Good were Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. "Walt Sans cwere Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday. For Sale: China goose eggs,--at 73 cents for six. Oldham Stock Farm. Mrs. Chas. Fuller has been num bered with the sick for the past few days. Potatoes for sale, at $1.00 y.vr bushel at the cellar. The Oldham Stock Farm. Mrs. Chas. Carroll spent last Sun-j day with the family of her son, Em, near Avoca. Dr. Gilmcre was locking after some matters of business in the county seat Monday. D. C. Rhoden and W. O. Troop were visiting with county seat friends last Saturday. Adam Schafer was looking after some matters of business in the county seat last Saturday. The little daughter of Mr. ami TVtrQ T .pu-ia line V . i been rumoereu with the sick for the past few days. Mrs. Dave Lloyd, who lias been sick for the past few weeks at the Berger hotel, is improving at this time. County Commissioner Heebner is quarantined at his home near Ne hawka with scarlet fever in the family. Jcsit. I'arrnu c ivlin i : 1 1 on .1 i 11 - school in Lincoln, came down home last Thursday and remained until Monday visiting with home foiks. There were four cars of cattle left this station last Sunday evening, shipped by V. J. Philpot, A. B. Boedeker, James Hill and Adam Schafer. Mrs. Vv'ill Hobach. fron south of Union, was taken to the hospital in Omaha Monday, where she will re ceive treatment. She was accom panied by Dr. B. F. Brendel. Rex Young departed Tuesday for Grant. Xeb.. where he has three sales' ... t,.T- n . I ,--. :; t..... Lid I t It i i 11 l I ci I X It lilt' i II O time lie was in Perkins county. The trained nurse who has been in charge of the sick at the Ilenry Creamer" home lor the past fr:v weeks. was released last Sunday, and returned to her home in Om aha. Pcopie in this locality who have land in Perkins and Chase count is report that the wheat crop out there is looking fine at this time of th' year. Albert Philpot writes that j their crop is looking except ionaily fine. The scarlet fever in t Pi is commun ity is almost a thing of the past at the present time. The quarantine will be lifted from the Creancer home this week. Mr. Creamer -was re leased last week, and made a trip to Omaha this week with his shipment of cattle. Fred Hild and family have mov ed to Murray for the present and will make their heme with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Puis until the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Puis is finished. Then Mr. and Mrs. Hild will take up their residence in their own home purchased of Mr. Puis a short time ago. Miss Eckert, of Omaha. trainod nurse, arrived in Murray on Tuesday morning and via the auto route ac companied Dr. Gilmore to the J. A. Whiternan home near Nehawka, where she will remain for some time in "the capacity of nurse over Mr. Whiteman, who has been seriously ill for some time. L. II. Puis went to Omaha Wed nesday morning and returned home with a new Fulton truck, for which he has accepted the agency in this locality. Mr. Puis thinks this one of the best all-around farm trucks on the market, and his territory ex tends over the greater portion of eastern Cass county. NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves in debted to the Murray Horse Co., will please call at the Murray State Bank and settle same, where you will be properly receipted for the same. MURRAY HORSE CO. iv. e. vi AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates -far or near. EATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR K0 PAY! REVERSE ALL CALLS Telepaone 1511 Hurray Exchange If .nyof the leaders of tbo Journal know of any sooia.1 event or liein of i&tprost in this vicinity, ami wii) mail same to this oftioe. it will ap pear under ttata heading. V.'e want all newsitems Koitoh Mrs. Lloyd Gapeu and daughter, Miss Villa, were Plattsmouth visi tors last Saturday. Miss Opha Baker, who is attend ing school at Lincoln, spent Sun day with home folks. A. D. Crunk was called to Deep water, Mo., 'Monday owing to the serious illness of home folks. Misses Laura Puis and Eva La Ku?, who are employed in Omaha, spent Sunday with home folks. 1). Hostetter had the misfortune to have one of his badly cr li pled last Tuesday in a runaway. Mrs. J. Wolever, from Iowa, is spending a few days with her eis ter, Mrs. D. A. Young, in Murray. Mrs. McAllister, of, Chicago, is in Murray this week, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker. Mrs. Clara i cung, wno :s em ployed in the shops at Plattsmouth, visited with home folks in Murray ! Sunday ! m,. Loushridge went down to W;. ouiing Tuesday morning, where she will be employed as nurse at the Woolsey home. Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Rawls, of Plattsmouth were visiting Sunday in Murrav. at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith. Ed. Leach has sold his fifty-two acre farm, east cf Murray, to II. G. ! 1 OUU. 1 IMS IS Kr.OWH as Mie O.U l.Vl' I Alliscn place. Mr. and Mrs. Leach will move to their farm down near Union. Mr. Sole. at one time second trick man at the M. P. station, here has been laid ud in Murray for the past few days ' Waiting for re pairs for his car that broke aown on him near here. K is at present located in Sioux City and lias been dov.n in Kansas. ! L. C. OberlieE and a team from the Coiner University, will be at the i Christian church in Murray next Sun(lav evening. interests of the They come in the Men and Millions i movement Sntcial music and goou speaking. Be sure and hear them Bible school at 10:00 a. m. am preaching at 11:00. Remember, we have turned: iur.-cioJvaliwid. one hour. . Puis & Gansemer are havinu their rtore l.-ui:ding wired tins week :n preparation for the new lights when the current is run to Murray, which they hope will only be a short time hence. Preparing for the ij,e.w light ecems to be the order of nt the rresent time in Murray. Ointe a number of residences are alsu be ing wired. W. G. Boedeker's resi dence is among those being wired this week. L. H. Puis is looking after the work of both places. Home Guards For Murrar. The Murray people have decided to organize a Home Guard company, and a meeting for this purpose v.ll be held at the Puis Gansemer hall in Murray on Friday evening. April, the meeting to be called at eight o'clock: C. A. Rawls and other members of the Plattsmouth Com pany will be present to assist in the organiatizon of the home company. Every one interested in this move ment are requested to be present, aud render all the assistance possible. United Presbyterian Church Notes l'r.Qi) a. m. Sabbath School 11:00 a. m. Sermon by the pastor. As the church cannot be used for evening services until wired am' supplied with electricity, there will be no evening meeting held, but ar rangements may be made for a union service with the Christian congrega tion in their house of worship. The annual election of officers of the Sabbath School will be held next Sabbath morning. The Missionary Society wil' hold its April meeting with Mrs. Oscar Gapen Friday the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Walker of Apollo, Pa., arrived Friday morning and visited p.t the United Presby terian parsonage until Tuesday mor ning, when they left for Red Oak, Iowa, where they would spend the day at Rev. William Murchie's and go on in the evening toward Pennsyl vania. They had been from hoome alitiit seven weeks, visiting' first iu Oklahoma City, Okla., then at To peka., Kansas, afterward at Denver and Ft. sMorgan, Colo., and coming from the last named point to Murray Mr. Walker is a niece of Dr. Jack son. Dr. Jackson went to Omaha Tues day morning and transacted some business that forenoon, and iu the afternoon and evening attended a meeting of his Presbytery. which completed the work of the met ting at a late hour in the night, sj that he tame home Wednesday morning. The annual business meeting of congrega- ii ah Vt r 1 I o c irrrr ov c n r u-cn that the financial condtions are good. More had been contributed both tor the home work and missions than in any former year. All obligations have been met and a small balance remained in the treasury, while the canvass for the new year resulted "try satisfactorily, there being in creased amounts pledged for the lo cal work and for the missionary enterprises of the denomination. Ar rangements were made at this meet ing for repairing and thoroughly re novating the church building, and wiring and equipping both that and the parsonage for the use of elec tricity as soon as the comply is pre pared to supply the current. Chas. H. Doedeker, Sr., J. W. Edmunds, W. S. Smith and Dr. G. II. Gilmore were chosen trustees of the congregation, find will have charge of this work. Grandma Seybolt. v-Mrs. L. R. Seybolt, better knovra by all in this community, as Grand ma Seybolt. died at the home of her son, near Murray last Sunday even in rr. alter an illness covering many mor.'ths. The funeral was held Tues day afternoon at 2:00. at the home, conducted by Rev. P.obb, and inter ment was made in th Horning ceme tery near Plattsmouth. Harriett Amelia Moore was born Oct tth2, 1S35, at Otisville, New York. In the year of 1S53, at the age of eighteen, she was married to Lu ther R. Seybolt. Two children were born to them, Mary A. Mutz, of Piattsmouth and John B. Seybolt, of Murray. They moved to Nebraska in the year of 1SC9, and settled in Rock BlufTs, and in one year later moved to the farm, where her husband pre ceded her in death six years ago, and for many years the Seybolt home stead. Fcr the past six years she lias made her home with her son J. B. Seybolt, up to the time of her death cn March 31, 191 S. The remaining brother and sister have the sympathy of the entire com munity in the loss of a most kind and loving mother. Grandma Sej bolt was a mother whom everybody that knew -her loved her, and will be rreatly missed in the community where she has resided for so many years. . John Hobscheidt was looking af'er business in Plattsmouth last Satur day. Miss Bertha Nickels was transact ing business in Plattsmouth last Saturday. Lilt; umicu jcouj Lti III fflP ifflflipr I nil Km il . I? The Best on the Market for the Price $1420 f. o. b. Factory Where can you buy one of its equal for the money? 3,000 Pound Capacity; Full 30-Horse Power; Extra Large Crank Shaft Bearings, 2-inch by 4-inch; Large Connecting Rod Bearings; Great Water Capacity; Over Size Valves; Housed-in Clutch, a unit with transmis sion and engine being clean-cut simplicity throughout. Where will you find such a power plant in any truck selling for anywhere near the money that will buy the Fulton. Come in and Let Us Show You! You will find one on our 1 2 . . t anu inspect it. Let us today for the money. We Are the Let Us Tell You About the Standard Universal Unit! Your old worn-out pleasure car converted into a 1 or 2-ton truck for $435.00 or $535.00. If you have a good engine you can have a good farm truck for a little money. Wh en You Think of a Truck Think of Us. Are in the Truck Business and Can Save You Money! IT I MURRAY, NEB. i t(v.i ur AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU! You Get Full Implement Performance You Can Avoid the Big Loss that is Caused by Using Even One Faulty Implement. Your farm implements, taken : all together, form a great crop making machine, each, part of. which is dependent on the oth er. The whole is no better than the poorest implement in it. Poor seed-bed making by an inferior plow, fcr instance, will make it impossible for your planter and cultivator to give the profit that they should give. Likewise, inaccurate planting will lessen the returns from the best of seed beds and thorough cultivation. And a cultivator that will not destroy weeds and conserve moisture without injuring the crop plants cuts the profit from the use of your other imple ments. Thus it is with practically every implement on 5our farm. Even a single fault in one im plement will handicap other im plements and mean the loss of Murray Hardware Murray, Wm. Sporer and family were business visitors in Omaha last Sat urday. The Oldham Stock Farm shipped out another fine pair of pigs Tues day of this week. Mrs. Zach Sbrader has been vis iting this week with her sister, Mrs. Taylor, in Plattsmouth. CARD OF THANKS. We take this method of extending our sincere thanks to the many friends who have so kindly assisted us in so many ways during the sick ness and death of our dear mother. We assure you that the many deeds cf kindness will always be remem bered by us. MARY A. MUTZ. J. B. SEYBOLT. THE IDEAL FARM TRUCK floor and we want all prospective truck purchasers to call I i t -i t .1 i . . i .i i . r snow you wny we think it is the Dealer for Eastern Yours for the 1 many possible dollars in profit from your season's work. The purpose of our service to you is to help you get full per formance from every implement. We carry for your benefit a full line of implements espec ially adapted for use in this section. Each of them bears a trade-mark that assures the best of material and workmanship. With none of them do you have to run the risk of experimenting in your fields of letting one implement handicap the service from your other implements. Each is the successful result of thorough experiments carried on br the manufacturers under a variety of actual field condi tions the same conditions that prevail on your farm. Have every implement in your crop-making machinery fully reliable this year. Drop in and study the implements that we have to help you. and Implement Go. Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cat hey were visiting with Plattsmouth friends last Saturday. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes and table potatoes for sale at 51.00 per bushel at the Oldham Stock Farm. NOTICE TO PATRONS. Having sold my blacksmith si op in Murray, I take this method of no tifying all patrons knowing them selves indebted to me to please call and settle at once, as I wish to leave this part of the country. C. M. GOOD. The Journal delivered at yoar door for only 10 cents a week. best truck on tne market Cass County. We Best Auto Service