The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 01, 1918, Image 1

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    TO -VC
No. 82.
Born Here in 1S59 and Resided in
This City Constantly Except
Two Years in Louisville
Frem S:i t unla y's T;ii!v.
This morning at about G:..0 Mrs.
Elizabeth Guthman passed away at
the home of her daughter, Mr. G.
II. Olson, in this city, of a compli
cation of dropsy. erysiRelas. blood
poisoning, etc. During the last davs
of her life. Mrs. Guthman
intense pain and death, rather than
being cruel to her was kind in
it ended the suffering of this good
Miss Elizabeth Ripple, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Ripple, was
horn in Plattsmouth June 18. 1S50.
and would have been fifty-nine years
of age this coming summer. In Oc
tober 1ST), at the ate of seventeen
the was united in marriage to Or
wold Guthman. from which union
tliere were two children born. Mrs.
Mary Olson, at whose home she died,
and Conrad Guthman. who is a ma
chinist at Pittsburg. Pa. Mrs Guth
man has lived in this city during
the entire time since her birth, with
the exception of two years spent in
Louisville, when she and her hus
band were engaged in the bakery
business at that place, and two yea's
which she spent at Rock Springs.
Wyoming, with her son, Conrad.
The husband. Oswald , Guthman,
died some years ago, and i-ince then
Mrs. Guthman has made her" home
with her children, the most of the
time with her daughter. Mrs Ol
son, at whose home she has boeu
staying for ome years.
Mrs. Guthman was a patient suf
fered, and strove to bear up under
the load of sorrow which was her"-.
She was a member of the Presby
terian Bible school during her girl
hood, but never attached herself to
any church organization, though
living a strict, conscientious relig
ious life.
Resides her children she is surviv
ed by two brothers. Edward Rip
ple, of this city and Joseph Ripple,
of South Omaha.
Funeral services will be hell
from the home of her daughter. Mrs.
G. R. Olson, Monday, April 1st. at
one o'clock in the afternoon. Il-r
son. Conrad Guthman, who is at
Pittsburg, has been wired for, aud
is expected to arrive here Monday
There has been released seven
cases of Smallpox, and two of scar
let fever, during the past two days,
while but one case has developed,
which is putting a great better aspect
of the condition to the fore. Those
to be released from the smallpox,
and who have been fumigated and
pronounced cured of the malady, are
Rennard on Winterstein Hill, W. A.
Rouse, Bert Tulene. Connor, F. W.
Warren. Lincoln Denson, and Otto
Pitz, while the two cases of scarlet
fever which have been released from
quarantine are E. S. Orphanage and
a family by the name of Sage
is all for the day nine cases cured,
with but one to be quarantined.
From Saturday's Daily.
Considerable speculation is being
and has been indulged in of kte re
garding the new time schedule that
becomes operative after tonight, as
to just how it will affect the
ious activities of people.
i ne jour
nal feels certain it will not change
the status of anyone with respect to
his or her work or social activity.
In the middle of the winter when w
go to work at 7 o'clock (before sun
up) we think nothing of it, so whv
should we now, when the sun is
well above the sky line -now at six
o'clock (seven after today) and the ; Treasurer of Sunday School Miss
days constantly growing longer. If .Margaret Hodgert. Assistant Secre
we were to follow sun time literally, I tary Miss Ada Mann. Organist
we would arise with the sun to be
gin our daily labors and work near
ly twice as long in the month of
June to complete a day as during
December. The sun and its rela
tive position are only matters or
comparison so far as their relation
to our time of getting up, going to
bed or doing our work are concern
eu. j;esiues, we go to bed mv oar
watcnes ana ciocks, not ny tne sun
or tiie moon. even o ciock now
under the new rule of things should
set m no earlier to the workman or
housewife than seven o'clock did to
them six weeks ago when the su.i
remained hidden from view later in
the day than it now does. It is only
by relative comparison we are able
to notice any difference at all."
Turn your clock ahead tonight up
on retiring along with the millions
of other timepieces that will be ad
vanced one hour and forget about
the matter. The daylight saved at
the close of your day's work will be
sufficient to permit you to work at
home in your garden a most health
ful exercise, to say nothing of what
you will he able to raise from your
And you young fellows who cell
on girls don't let the change con
fuse you as to what time to go homo.
Make your exit from the young
lady's home at 10:30 your usual
timeinstead of thinking it is but
9:30 according to the old schedule,
leastwise stern papa make his ap
pearance and inform you different.
Last evening C. E. llaynie return
ed for a trip to Winner. South Da
kota, where he went on a land trans
action, and says he was well pleased
with the trip, seeing some very nice
country, and also some which was
very rough. Speaking of the town
of Winner, he sad it has a popula
tion of about 1.S00 and with that
have electric lights, water works,
and free delivery of the mails. Why
should not Plattsmouth have free de
livery as well with her population
of 5.000. There xmist he a cause
somewhere, for this.
Prom Saturday's Daily.
John Rrady who a short time since
went to Lincoln to look after a posi
tion in the extra session of the leg
islature, returned home last evening
and will remain until Monday morn
ing. Mr. Rrady was tendered a posi
tion in the senate and accepted,
lie has been working there
but on account of the fact th.t the
legislature adjourned Thursday even
ing until Monday noon, he came
home to await until the recess was
over when he returns to his work.
Fnm Saturday'." Daily.
Ed. L. Creamer who is attending
the Sweenev Automobile schrol
at !
Kansas City, Mo., arrived in this city
last evening and will spend over
Easter with the folks at home. Ed
is making good progress at the school
and will get through in a few more
months. He reports the conditions
in Kansas City as being very grave
on account of the strike which pre
vails there at this time. Since the
beginning of the strike there has
been a good deal of rioting, three
people having been shot and killed.
Ed will go back to take up his
studies and work again the first of
next week.
From Saturday's Daily.
On Wednesday evening occurred
rhiStne Annual Meeting of the congre
gation of the Presbyterian church.
Reports were read from the Treas-
urer of the church, the Session, the
Woman's Missionary society, the La-
dies Auxiliary, the Q. Z. society, the
Senior C. E. and Intermediate C. E.
societies and the Light Bearers. All
reports showed flourishing condi-
tions. The Missionary Benevolences
j showed an increase over the year be
1 fnr.a
The following officers were elect
ed: For Elder for 3 years Mr. F.
D. Shopp and Mr. A. G. Cole. .Trus
tees for 3 years John Gorder and
Frank Cloidt. Treasurer of the
Church Mr. G. L. Farley. Sunday
School superintendent Mr. Yarhor
ough. Assistant Superintendent
Mr. A. G. Pole. Secretary and
Miss Mariel Streight. Assistant
Organist- Miss Helen Roberts Li
brarian Miss Estelle Baird.
Feat Seldom Accomplished Beneath
Rays of a Shining Sun Our
Boys Did it. Though.
With the American army i
France, Thursday, March LS. Two
officers and four men went over the
top today in broad daylight, a feat
seldom accomplished. Although the
un was shining and the sky was
clear the Americans decided not to
defer any longer their determina
tion to learn definitely whether the
Germans were present in large num
bers in an enemv firing trench.
When dawn came there were faint
clouds showing back of the enemy's
lines and the Americans delayed fjr
a time, hoping for rain and fog. but
when the clouds disappeared, the
two officers and four men decided to
make the daylight venture, although
they would be under the eyes of the
enemy, and were in a place where
even pistol bullets might find their
Machine guns were posted, and
the Americans, with grenades swing
ing at their waists, and with rifles
in hand, clambered up from the firt
positions over the parapet- They
slid head first into the nearest shell.
hole and the journey was on. Moving
from shell hole to shell hoie, taking
advantage ot the slightest rise :n
the terrain, the patrol proceeded. In
the trenches behind them their comrades-
stood with fingers on their
rifles ready to fire the instant any
Germans might show themselves.
Into Enemy Trench
From the American lines the pa
trol members were seen to force
their way through the enemy wire,
and. one by one. disappear into the
German front trench.
During the next four hours the
men in the trenches waited anx
iously, hearing nothing from the pa
trol, who, during that time were in
specting six hundred yards of the
German trenches.
Prepared for instant battle, the
six Americans made their way from
one trench to another, going into
each dugout with the muzzles of J
their rifles preceding them and,
travelled COO yards. Returning to
the point from which they had
started on this inspection. they
searched the trenches 300 yards in
other direction. v hue four
hours may seem a long time ior
this work, it must be kept in mind
that every bend and every dugovit
ruav contain an overwneiming en
jemy group and tb(re was no assur
ance that the Germans had not dis
covered what the Americans were
doing and that tttey had not con
cealed men in places to meet the ir
vaders. Return to Lines
It was noon when first the head
of an American was observed above
an enemy parapet. The watchers in
the American lines breathed easier,
but at this moment the Germans
discovered the patrol and rifle bul
lets began to smash against the
trench sides and 'bottom.
Discovered, the six Americans lot
no time in moving out. Unscathed.
they returned to our lines, bringing
all the information thev had sought.
j This attracted the attention of an
enemy sentry who fired a glare, fore-j
ins: the Americans to dron to the
ing the Americans to drop to the
' ground and they crawled hurriediv
. back to their own lines as the flare
died away.
From Saturday's Daily.
Charles Boedeker of Murray was
in the city this morning, and is look
ing fine with a pleasant smile for all
he meets, a good type of a gentle
man of sixty-six years of age, for
today is his birthday, he having seen
nearly two-thirds of a century. Mr.
Boedaker was born in Wisconsin,
and crosses the Missouri river at this
place just fifty-three years ago to
morrow. He was thirteen years and
one day old. That was March 31st,
1SG5. In 1S7G he purchased the
farm some four miles west of My
nard for ten dollars per acre or $1 -600,
but a short time since he was
offered for the sam4 farm ?250.00 per
acre or $40,000. Some advance in the
price, but this was made possible by
his hard work years ago, in assisting
in the development of this country.
rrmti S:i t ti t il y's I ; I -
Clarence Stenner. who has beep
in the west for some days, returne.l
home last evening. While away I.e
viewed a large portion of the west.
He went to Sand Point. Idaho, at
which place he has some relatives
living, and there looked over the
country, with a view to making t h:t
particular section his residence i ti
the future. He found there a very
beautiful country, and one with rich
lands. His impression is that it ;s
one ot the most nejutiiul countries
it has ever been hi-; lot to see, and
with soil as rich us can be found
anywhere. He speaks of the land,
which is just cleared and without
any improvement wiiatever. selling
for one hundred anu fi It v dollars an
acre, the same price as one can buy
iniproved land here for Stump
land, from which the timber has
been cut, but not cleared or grub
bed can be bought for from twenty
to fifty dollars per acre, but it will
cost nearly a hundred dollars per
acre to clear it. While the country
looked beautiful, i. did not excite
Clarence with an ambition to be
come a resilient of mat part o. tn:
F. S. under any circumstances.
Frem Saturday's Ii! .'.
Albert H. Wolf, of Eagle, was in
the city last evening and whil - h-re
bought a license to marry Miss
tha Vance of that place. The couple
are of the bet famaMes of the neigh
borhood in which they live, and will
make tUeir home - txt that place,
where they have a large number of
friends who are wishing them joy
and prosperity through life.
From Friday's P.illy.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Mei'dnger
and family were visitors in the city
today, coming to do some shopping
and look after some other business.
Mr. Meisinger is the renter of rue of
the farms owned by Mrs. J. M. Rob
ertson and he comes to confer with
Mr. Robertson as to some of the
business on the farm. Mr. Meisinger
and family have occupied this place
for a number of years and have
made the farming of a success for
both themselves and Mr. Robertson.
From Friday's Daily.
Ralph Marshall left last evening
for Davenport. Iowa, in response to
a long distance telephone call offer
ing him the management of a con
cert company "The Maryland Sing
ers." This company is one of the?
best concert companies playing
orpheum and eastern "Big Time"
Mr. Ralph Marshall is a musician
of considerable ability, and has had
much experience in the matter of
concerts, and plays of the higher
i class, and will surely make good in
, the position which has been tendered
From Friday's Daily.
Mrs. Earl Terryberry has taken a
step in a direction which cannot be
mistaken as meaning that she puts
patriotism and the welfare of the
Red Cross and for the cause for
which its members are laboring above
; an eise. sne nau tenaereu nis parior
. all else
to the Red Cross for use for its
' meetings, and place to work, which
has been accepted by the Fa'rview
Red Cross Chapter. They will hold
their meetings there hereafter for
the Red Cros3 work and the surgical
This is accepted in the spirit in
which the tender was made being
that of patriotism and fidelity to the
principles of Liberty.
S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. C
White Orphington eggs for hatching
at $1.25 per 15. $6.00 per 100. A. O.
Ramge, phone 3513.
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
Is Without Word from Pershing of
American Troops Participating:
Expects Reaction Soon
asiiiiigion, .;urcn in a
statement tonight Major General
March, acting chief of staff, assur
ed the American people that there
is no cause for alarm in the advances
made by the Germans in the great
battle now raging in I'icardy. and
expressed confidence in triumph of
the allied arms.
General March said: "Whatever
may be the present ground held by
the Germans; whatever sacrifice of
men the situation must entail, the
allies will see it through and will
win ."
Late tonight the general st5ll
was without word from General Per
shing concerning the American
troops participating in the battle.
General l'ershing's report today and
tonight dealt entirely with the posi
tions of the opposing forces yester
day, as described in the British and
French official statements.
Expects Counter Assault
Announcement by Field Marshal
Haig tonight that the German war
machine along the whole British
front iiad been beaten of! today with
heavy losses, gave new zest to specu
lation here as the allied counter as
sault officers lee! certain will not
long be delayed.
War iepannient officials generally
appeared to be satisfied that sub
stantial American forces would en
ter the battle lines with the French
when the signal for the counter blow
is given.
Among the new divisions identi
fied on the German front the war
department is advised are four thit
have beeu brought back from Rus
sia to participate in the great of
fensive!. ,
Frcrn Thursday's Dailr
Last evening concluded the series
of meetings at the Fnited Brethren
church at Liberty, a few miles south
o flhis citv. Rev. S. Harvey of York.
who has been here assisting Rev. E.
II. Pontias with the meetings depart
ing this morning over the Burlington
for his home in the west. The meet
ings while not as largely attended
as was desired were very successful,
and a number of additions will come
to the church on next Sunday.
Frr.m Thursday's Daily.
William Hiers and F. A. Stock of
Murdoch, were in the city this after
noon, coming down to take the ex
amination, and to visit some of their
friends. All of their friends could
not be found, as the family had re
moved. So the boys took a picture
of the cannon on the court house
lawn and other places of interest and
would have liked to have taken the
cannon, only it was fast.
From Thursday's Daily.
The wateT in the Missouri river is
raising considerable during the past
few days, but not to that extent at
the submerging of the bottom lands
is eminent. It is claimed that there
is much snow in the mountains this
year to melt, which promises much
high water later on.
From Thursday's Daily.
Fred G. Dawson has broken into
the ranks of the automobile owners,
and has secured a truck, with which
he will expect to do a business with
the farmers in this vicinity, and out
for some distance, as he will go out
and collect eggs and produce from
the farmers for his house. He will
expect to keep the car in the coun
try most of th time.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterdav at his farm two and a
half miles from Union. Winfield
Swau, while assisting in shelling
corn, had the misfortune to get one
of his hands in the gearing of the
shelter, mangling it badly. The
member had immediate attention by
the physician of I'nion. and while
the suffering has been relieved to
some extent the hand is still giving
Mr. Swan a great deal of grief.
From Friday's Daily.
James V. Sweenev. well known
monument maker of Omaha for
nearly forty years, died suddenly at
Elm wood. Xeb., yesterday morning,
where he had gone to erect a mon
ument in a cemetery. He was about
58 years of age, and single. He
lived at the Loyal hotel.
Sweeney was seized with an at
tack of heart trouble while working
on the monument with a companion.
and died before help could reach him.
The body will be brought to Omaha
today and taken to Ihe undertaking
rooms of Heafey & Heafey. Funeral
arrangements have not been made
Sister Mary Liola of St. Perch-
man's academy is a niece of the dead
man. A brother in Wisconsin also
survives. Sweeney was a member
of the Omaha Elks lodge, which will
probably have charge of the funeral.
He was also a member of St. Philo-
mena's parish.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday Earl Leesley departed
with a car of his household, goods.
and farming implements together
with his horses and stock for the
west and will locate southwest of
Broken Bow, at which place lie has
purchased a farm of one hundred and
sixty acres. Mrs. Leeslev departed
last evening for South Bend with
the children and will visit with her
sister Mrs. Charles Campbell, for
some time, or until Mr. Leesley has
gotten through with the car and
stock when they will join him in
the new home. We are wishing
them an abundant of prosperity in
their new home in the we?t.
From Friday's Daily.
Miss Timmons. a nurse from Oma
ha, who has been at the home of .Mr.
Fred Ginter. west of the city, caring
for the young man Gordon Wilcox,
who was kicked some three weeks
since bv a horse which he was lead
ing to water, and of whose recovery
it was thought there was grave
doubt, departed for her home in Oma
ha, after having successfully nursed
him through the dangerous period of
his illness. Young Gordon is making
good progress towards recovery at
this time and it is hoped he will scon
be well again.
Flags at the Journal Office.
Hi ' -v
often tell us that they've been advised to open
their accounts here by pleased patrons of this
Appreciation of this character stimulates u;
to still greater effort? we'll leave no stone un
turned to continue earning the approval of
our satisfied customers whether old or new.
Call upon us at any time, and let us serve you
BRIGHT at the bank that operates under
the Federal Reserve Uncle Sam's system for
financial safety and preparedness.
First National Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Washington. March 2S. Th cam
paign for the third Liberty h;n will
be opened on the f,th of April. 11S.
the first anniversary of the declara
tion of a state of war iKf.veen the
United States and Germany.
This date will forever be a conse
crated day in American history, and
it seems peculiarly appropriate that
the opening of the second year of
our participation in this war for tin
honor and rights of America and 'he
freedom of the world should be cele
brated with a nationwide drive f:r
another Liberty loan.
The campaign should begin wi'h
great demonstrations of patriotism in
every city, town and hamlet in the
country, that will truly express ,'nc
spirit of aroused America.
On this flate every American
should pledge anew to his govern
ment the full measure of hi resourc
es, and resolve to make every requir
ed sacrifice in the same fervent spir
it that impels our gallant sons in
the trenches of France and on th
waters of the Atlantic to shed their
blood in America's sacred cause.
To carry forward America s -v-
senial part in this waror righteous
ness and justice, every man and
woman in the country niut lend
their available means to the govern
ment; and I know of no more fitting
time for such a patriotic response to
the call of duly than the beginning
of the second vear of the war.
I earnestly hope that parades and
patriotic meetings will be hold in
all parts of the country. The treas
ury department will endeavor to
make the bservance of the anniver
sary of the declaration of war z
memorable as was the patriotic ob
servance, during the second Liberty
loan campaign of Liberty day, Octo
ber 24, 1917.
From Thursday's Daily.
Mrs. M. W. Smith who ha'- been
visiting at Portland. Oregon. lor
some time past returne.l home tin
morning. having been traveling
since last Saturday morning, which
makes a long trip. Mrs. Smith v a-;
at that place to visit with her fath
er Phillip BatehoJor, and with her
two sisters Mesdames I. F. Wood and
A. G. L'uhman and their familie.
Mrs. Smith reported having had a
good time while in the west, still
Plattsmouth looked pretty good to
her on her return.
Dennison's crepe paper at the
Journal office.