The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 28, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Warn Owners of Chickens and cf
Dogs to See that Same are
Kept on Premises.
Prom Tl.ii i s.l.i v's Paily.
Last evening the city council all
with one accord were at the place
of meeting and took up the work
with a Rood relish, as it was coming
time when it is not known who will
be in the work for the coming year.
For the Burlington Wm. Baird ask
ed that a bridge be placed between
t'lara and Cass streets in order that
the street which is to be closed might
bo used by the Burlington, and their
tracks extended in order to faciliate
their work. The matter was given
into the hands of the Streets, Alleys
and Bridges committee.
raving; Warrants Again.
A letter was then read fjjom t lie
treasurer of the Western States Con
struct ion company, asking that the
warrants he chanced to read interest
layb!e annually, instead of allow
ing the interest to follow and be paid
at the time the bonds are paid. The
matter went to the finance commit
tee for action on a unanimous vote.
Bills Paid.
The report of the finance commit
tee on the matter of the semi-monthly
audit showed.- one bill referred
to the claims committee, while the
remaining all but one other which
was the hill for the street lighting
for th" month of February, which
created a good deal of discussion and
finally was kept out of the ones ord
ered paid, the one for the electric
lih'ii. cMiipany being $205.09, and
wh?eh is to he taken up at another
i inie.
Mike Luiz. salary $ 40.00
James Wynn, street work t4.00
John ,Tes:.;up. street work 9.C0
James KIuYr, street work otJ.OO
Win. Heiner. street work 16. .r0
( K. Farmele. street work.. 41.40
C. A. Kiwis. Atty. fee and
exp.-nse to Lincoln lOti.a!
J. K. Duiiglas. expense 7.14
Clepp -oartlett, printing" l-.li7
A. L. Brown, feed prisoners... 15. SO
Lilit City Hall .50
Hartford, coal 7.75
J. V.. Mason, livery 7.25
I'oetcl. bury dogs 1.00
Cummiugs. same .50
John Zitka. street work 21.00
The American Flag:.
Old (Jhiry, as it appeared behind
i!ie-ieks i-i the Mayor and clerk on
the wall in -i de a remarkably fine ap
pearance, and we were more than
pleased to see the display, as it chal
lenged the members of the council
i. their best endeavors for the city,
for the country, for their homes,
and society in general.
Haneinjr Out the Wash.
Then came a ij iity from Harris of
th Fifth., as to the matter of hang
ing out the family wash, when there
was small pox in the family and as
sole." one had complained that his
lamily bad done that he had written
to th" heal;!i department of Nebras
ka at Lincoln, the reply to which
w;is read, and which doubted if the
lis- ase could be communicated in
Hat way. On the other hand the
1 iter said get vaccinated and one
en:!:' safely sleep with a patient who
had the small p-jx with impunity.
Eorrd cf Health Report,
'li e i i.,'. r reported "t hat Hie
1' ;;! of Health was getting along
jiifely wjth their work, and t hat
there v. i re more cases being released
than there were being placd under
iuarantinc. and that epidemic was
sw'.MMim, and that in a short time
it was cxc;iectcd that it would be en
tirely stamped out. He also said
Wc buy Rags, Rubber,
Iron and Metal!
GKASE&, fflsnager
F.ighth and Vine ! ,
wsrnou?!?, Webaska
that they had forbidden , children
under, fifteen years attending the
picture shows.
The Claims Committee.
The claims committee reported it
was. their finding that the flowing
claims should be paid:
Jess F. Warga, supplies $ 5.00
"Weyrich & Iladraba, medicine
small pox patients 12.27
F. It. Gobelman, red paint .35
Looking Out For the Garden.
The time has arrived for the
planting of gardens and the govern
ment has asked that everybody raise
a garden, and assist in the winning
of the war that way. The matter of
the neighbor's hen and her brood was
brought up and a notice was asked
to be published warning those keep
ing chickens, against the matter of
allowing them to trespass on the
gardens which are trying to be rais
ed. When the motion came to in
struct the chief of police to issue the
notice, on the matter of chickens,
some one slipped the dog into the
issue, and they both went through,
so watch out for your dogs and
chickens, for they may come up,
with a few shot in them some nice
sunny day.
The Side Walk Ordinance.
The side walk ordinance which
provides for a 20 foot walk on Main
street from Second to Seventh streets
a five foot walk on Chicago and
Washington avenues, and a twelve
foot walk on Fourth, Fifth and Sixth
streets between Pearl and Vine
streets, and four foot walks at all
other places, all the walks to be four
inches in thickness, and specifying
the proportions of the mixing of the
materials and fixing a penalty for
violation, of the ordinance f which
shall not exceed a fine of one hund
red dollars was passed.
The matter of the Lincoln Avenue,
which is the only thoroughfare cut
of the city towards the southwest,
since the blocking of Chicago ave
nue last fall and Lincoln avenue has
had to sustain the double traffic, on
that account has gotten into an aw
ful shape.
Harris offered a motion that the
street commissioner be instructed to
put the grade on it and fill the holes
which are a fright for sure as Harris
said. There the discussion opened
and some advised filling the holes
with a slip, as they claimed that it
would take a number of loads with
the slips to fill some of the ruts This
evoked a discussian on the matter of
the street commissioner getting after
the matter of the streets, and hiring
an inspector for the paving, and
Harris offered a motion which after
discussion was voted on and lost four
to six, to a point one.
Wants Alley Fixed Up.
J. M. Vordran offered a suggestion
for the fixing up of the alley running
through block 41 and abutting on
lots 1, 2. 3 and 4. The work was
ordered done.
Councilman Ileeson called atten
tion to the matter of a culvert which
had been ordered last June, and was
not in, and which he said the lack
of, had flooded the garden of a resi
dent of south park last year three
times, and as "gardens are to be
gardens," he would like to know
when the culvert would be put in. To
this Bestor said no material could
be gotten and Lutz the street com
missioner said no order from the
government had been received and
that he could not hire teams to do
the work.
Mayor Sat tier had prepared a res
olution vacating some streets in
south portion of the city, he claim. ng
that he had arranged with Wm.
Schwab, for the trading of George
Street fcr enough land to widen out
Gold' Street. A motion was made
for the adoption of the resolution,
but was fought so strongly by But
tery and Johnson that the motion
was amended to lay the matter over
until the next regular meeting, for
as Johnson said this land is valuable
and he did not believe in granting
privileges or vacating streets until
it had been thoroughly investigated.
Election Boards Appointed.
A call was made by the mayor for
the recommendation for election
boards, and the boards were recom
mended by the different wards and
appointed as follows:
P'irst ward. Judges, John Cory,
W. I). Messersmith, Wm. Hassler.
Clerks, Fredv Black, J. V. Hatt.
Second ward. Judges, James He
bal. Clause Boetel Jr., W. B. Rishel.
Clerks, Jesse Brady, George Weid
man. Third ward. Judges, C. C. Ue&pain,
J. It. Kelly, T. W. Glenn. Clerks,
J. J. Cloidt, Ed. Roman.
Fourth ward. Judges, Alfred Edg
erton, John Weyrich, John Kirkham,
Clerks, George Tartsch, A. Nitka.
Fifth ward. Judges, J. B. Higley,
Aug. Bach, Fred Ileinrich. Clerks,
Ben Hyde, L. H. Peterson.
Then was read the resignation .of
M. Mauzy as a member of the city
council from the First ward, to take
effect at the end of the present year,
action of which and tlfe appointment
of a succ-r was deferred until the
ih-x? meeting.
Subscribe for the Journal,
French are Holding Their Positions
Nicely No Violent Fighting
on American Front.
London, March 25. In a message
to Field Marshal Haig, David Lloyd
George, the British premier, says
that the men necessary to replace
those lost are either now in France
or already on their wa'- All guns
will be replaced and still further re
inforcements of men and guns are
ready to enter the battle.
The premier's message follows:
"The British cabinet wishes to ex
press to the army, the nation's
thanks for its splendid defense. The
whole empire is filled with pride as
it watches the heroic resistance of
fered by its brave troops to over
whelming odds.
"Knowing their steadfastness and
courage whenever the honor of their
country depends on their valor, the
empire awaits with confidence the
result of this struggle to defeat the
enemy's last desperate effort to tram
ple down the free nations of the
"At home, we are prepared to do
all in our power to help in a true
spirit of comradeship. The men ne
cessary to replace all casualties and
cannon and machine guns required
to make good all those iost. are eith
er now in France or already on their
way, and still further reinforcements
of men and guns are ready to be
thrown into the battle."
Battling lV,r every point oi van
tage, giving ground oy when over
whelmed by nuiiibfr.' and exacting a
frightful toll el" live;: for every font
of ground abandoned, the L'riti.ii
line in Picardy is rtill intact.
While the German onslaught gain
ed ground ;rt a number of points on
Monday there no sign of dis
integration in the British forces,
which at many points, especially on
the northern end of the long line oi
battle are standing firm.
From Tuesday's liaiiy.
F. R. Cunningham of Xeliawka,
and Misses Louise and .Martha Ya!
lery of Mynard. motored to Itnnran
uel hospital in Omaha Sunday to
visit Miss Florence Vallery who re
cently was operated on for pelvic
abscess. Mrs. Cunningham who lias
been at her sister's bedside return
ed home with her husband leaving
Mrs. Vallery and Miss Grace at the
hospital with the patient, where they
have remained since the operation.
The patient is doing nicely for the
From Monday's laily.
Dr. Caldwell, who has been prac
ticing dentistry in Plattsmout In but
a short time but who has met with
good success in his profession, has
concluded to institute a suite of
modern, up-to-date set of dental par
lors. To this end he has secured
the rooms which were formerly oc
cupied by the Busch Tailoring es
tablishment in the WagnA hotel
block. His intentions are t7 install
three dental chairs and an X-ray ma
chine for use in taking pictures of
the work completed and making
photographs of severe and unifMial
cases which will require special at
tention. Much work of this char
acter has come to him from people
in this vicinity lately and he reasons
very aptly that it is best to have the
equipment to take care of any and
all practice than to have to send or
take patients elsewhere to gel. it.
The public should, appreciate the
efforts which Dr. Caldwell contem
plates putting forward to institute
(his modern dental parlor in our
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money,
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foley
& Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
III., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
i Service Flags at the Journal Office.
From Monday's Daily.
The Mynard Red Cross chapter
are alive to the propositions which
confront them, and will on April (ith
in the evi-ning hold a meeting of the
three school districts, numbers two,
three and four they being known as
the Horning, Jean and Snyder dis
tricts. Will hold a joint meeting in the
evening, in order to take up the next
Liberty loan the Red Cross will give
a supper in the evening. District
number three which is the Jean
school had $4, GUT of the baby bonds
to raise, and when the cards were
counted in the end of the meeting it
showed that they had subscribed for
$5. 300. 00. Those people in that dis
trict are a patriotic bunch, and peo
ple which can be depended upon in
any emergency. .The school board
are to be commended in the way
they handled the matter and the
gojd results which they had to show
for their work.
From Monday's laily.
The first time for some six months,
yesterday Uncle Henry Kikenbcrry
who lives southwest of the city was
in town. He has been feeling rath
er badly for the most of the time,
but during the past few weeks has
been gaining, and yesterday was able
to be down town, coming with Mr
Joseph Johnson and wife, and was
greeted by numbers of his friends.
We are glad to see Uncle Henry out
uuin iititt ii li.v i i " f-.
Prom .M.'iid.i IV. ity.
While working I:"d S.iturday on
the Washington avenue paiug con
tract, Frank S. SiP'.iir.iu had th.
misfortune to drop his :-"old watch
or.i of his p eke: In: ing it. Aliiioucih
he conducted a scan h for the mis
sing time piece vh--Me he had been
working lie war; uiv.ib'.e to find it.
The watch is i valuable one and i -one
which. Mr. Sitv.'i an h:;s bad for
-one time .
From li'iimi;;; V : ai!y.
The people in and Vrmut Lr.ion
are rhowii.i: a Lrre.rt ileal of patriot
L: in in all line--, and while they have
been going over the in- i:i all of the
subscriptions, they are not :-at e-fe-d.
and are now organizlngt'a company
of I'onie Guards, and will have a
rousing meeting Friday evening for
the purpose of e'Veciing the reor-
gauiazticn. C. A. . Raw!: will be in
attendance at the meeting rind assist
in the organ izat ;;?. Last evenin..
C. L. Graves had a petition -:g':'d by
sixty-five who were willing to he
come members of the company
Fl'i'tl Monday's l';,;'v.
The sev: ii boys who have been e; ll
cd to go to the training camp an 1
whose names were pnblir-lied some
days since. have been called for de
parture on March 2 0 1 li to go on the
early Missouri I'aci'ic train at t) : 1 7
of that dny. They will meet in time
to go forward, the notices of such
call were sent out tod a v.
Spring Is Nice, Bat
Lack of fresli vegetable rood and
interrupted, changing habits mak(
these trying weeks for anyone in
clined to constipation. Foley Ca
thartic Tabletsare just . the tiling
for indigestion, biliousness, gas on
stomach, furred tongue, headache, or
other condition indicating clogged
bowels. Cause no bad after effects.
Sold everywhere.
From the best Reds I ever own" !,
$7.."0 per 100 or '$1.50 per .setting,
some home grown seed 'corn, of the
Iowa yellow dent variety, tested seed
for sale. Phone 1021. W. B. Porter,
Mynard, Nebr.
Wanted Green Hickory an J Oak
Wood. Phone or w rite Morton Greg
son Co., Nebraska City, Nebr. 2twkly
Keep &q Children Well
To keep the little ones well, sturdy
end happy, free of coughs, colds, croup,
liitlo fevers and inflamed throats, use
Foley's Iloney and Tar.
It is carefully made of selected rem
edies that lobsen and break up a cough,
etop croup end ease aa aching inflamed
Ih'vct, and it is clean cf all narcotics.
The prompt use of I' oley 's Honey and
Tar is very helpful for whooping cough,
and the restless fevcrioh etute thai attends
children's diseases.
M. T. DavL, r.i: rtv;!ic, V. Va, write:
One of my jinrrcns had a mall c!iild takea
vr'nii crcuri. T'-cy c:ijnt? to iny store and bovight
-borIs of Foley's Hooey and Tar and bef ire
r-,or.-:-,J 'js rhild va tr.tirclv recovered."'
Persistent, attacks with strong
forces of infantry -and lavish use of
artillery have not enabled the Ger
mans to break througli the British
defense, and, after four days, the
great offensive blow in northern
France has not yet brought, a deci
sion for the attackers. Heavy light
ing is in progress around liapaume,
near Peronne and where the British
and French fronts join.
Field Marshal Haig's withdrawal,
previously planned in case of a heavy
attack has been executed in a man
ner described as masterly and great
credit for its success is given to the
small units which, sometimes out
numbered eight "or nine to one, clung
to their points and impeded the Ger
man advance. The British have
made few counter attacks, but every
one attempted has been successful.
British efforts are centered on with
drawing as occasion requires and per
mitting the enemy to wear himself
out before the British defense.
Sunday the fighting forces In the
north reached the battlefield of the
Sommc from which the Germans re
treated a year ago. Again Bapaume
and Peronne are the centers of the
most bitter lighting. Bapaume is the
key position between Arras and Al
bert and Berlin reports that a 'gi
gantic struggle" is being made for
its possession.
The capture of Peronne is clainiet
by the Germans but heavy fighting is
taking place north of it and south
ward along the Soninie river. Be
tween Bapaume and Peronne the
Germans have reached the Tranlov
Combles-Maurepas line where they
are held by the British.
On the southern end of the great
battle line where the ranguinarv
-t niggle has not halted for many
hour?, the German-:' have re: ;hi--
Chauny. an important, point on th-
Oise river southwest o'l" La Fen
lice, however, their advance lias no
been :-o great west of St. Quentin
whore they, have pro? more
than ten miles. The British and
French battle lines meet near Cluv.niv
in dlh'e French lines along the
Chi min-Des-Danies and eastward
toward Rh.einis would be menaced if
the Gerrur.ns advanced as far a.
Compeigne, on the road to Pari?. Bu
Comu'-igue i; a good twenty miles
sou i h vest of Chauny.
The intensity ot the i-trurgle i
shown bv the o.Trcial announf emeu
that Briti-h aviators on Saturday
brought down fifty-four enemy m
chines. The British lest only nine
In addition to carrying out their
work in the fighting zone. Britil
airmen again have dropped bomb:
successfully on Mannheim, Germany
"Many people 'nave blamed me for
not getting married.. Since child
hood T have suffered from stcmae'n
and liver trouble, never being able
to get any medicine or doctor to help
me. Now that Mnyr's Wonderful
Remedy has entirely cured me I am
anxious to get a wife." Tt is r simple
harmless preparation .that remove
the catarrhal mucus from the in
testinal tract and aliays the inflam
mation which cruises practically all
cto:naeh. liver and intestinal ailments
including appendicitis. One dose wi!
convince or money refunded. YVey
rich & Hadraba.
The huge problems of our days an
breaking in every household. The
bnrden which we mu'-t bear requires
an unheard-of development of cfhri
ency whheh is unthinkable without
perfect health. Triner's American
Flixir is just the remedy which h
iouay excteding-ly useful. ( oust i na
tion, indigestion, flatulency, head
nth'--, megrim, nervou"nc:;s, lack of
energy, general debility, and all
other troubles connected with .stom
ach disturbances will stand out of
the way, if you will take Triner's
American Klixir. This remedy cleans
the, stomach, aids digestion, restores
appetite and fortifies the entire sy.
tern. Price $1.10. Al drug stores
Triner's' liniment, which is without
equal in cases of rheumatism, neu
ralgia, lumbago, sore muscles,
strains, swellings, etc., should be
nlso always at hand in your home.
Prices :15 and 6: cents at. drug
tores; by mail 4" and 75 cents.
Joseph Triner Company, Mfg. Chem
ists, 1333-134:3 S. Ashland Avenue,
Chicago, 111. m-2S
Almost a Young Man Again.
E. R. Whitehurst, It. F. D. 1, Nor
folk, Va., writes: "I had been suffer
ing for more than a 'year, but since
taking Foley Kidney Pills I feel al
most a young man again." They
strengthen and heal weakened or
disordered kidneys, stop sleep-disturbing
bladder ailments, banish
backache, rheumatic pains, stiffness,
soreness. Sold everywhere.
Journal .Want-Ads Pay!
From Monday's Dally.
Last Saturday evening Edward
Ripple .and - wjfe received a, letter
froniutiwalrVjtfm; Eddie, who is with
1, jM' if
the Rainbow division in France, de
scribing the boys as getting along
well, and saying they were all in
good health but had not heard ''-,T"
home since before Christm . .
Mr. Ripple has written every L...--day,
not missing a single week since
Eddie has been away. This letter
which came Saturday was of course
written before the recent battle, but
his company, which is Company I,
had not yet then been engaged in
the light from front line trenches.
A rumor current upon the streets a
few days ago that some of our local
boys suffered loss of life is consid
ered to be without foundation, al
though it did serve to cause needless
worry and anxiety to their parents
and friends.
From Monday's Daily.
J. S. McFadden who is moving
from Omaha to Peru, having purchas
ed fome property there and go'ng to
ntake his home at that place, was
camped near Union yesterday, when
a white horse strayed away and can
not be found. Mr. Fadden thinks
that the horse was stolen and is
making efforts to find the animal.
Light Bramah egg fors hatching.
15 for $1.-5. 50 for.$.'5.50. 100 for
$;.".). Mrs. John V. Stones, My
nard, Neb. 3-ll-3mosAr
Take Children Out of Eaneer.
If you saw a child on a railroad
track you woultl endeavor to remove
the little one from danger. When
a child is "snuffling" or coughing,
isn't it your duty to get him out of
danger of severe consequences?
Foley's Honey and Tar gives relief
from coughs, colds, croup and whoop
ing cough.. Contain no ooiates. Soid
Hives. eczemo. itch or sale rheutn
sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch
of your elothng. Hoan's Ointment
is line for skin itching. All drug
gists sell it. ;0c a box.
um:i: or m:uix;
in IVti'ion for poi n t !iiti t of Ailmin-itlr;;toi-
or Administratrix.
'i'lio Stute of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In t - !i:itti r of the Kstale of .lames
'. Ken lie' I v. lx en soil:
On loa'linp: and the petition of
William isereitiiy ami .lames Kennedy
'r;' v i n;r tlriit Administration of said
Kstale may I"- uranted to N"ia Ken
nedy, as Administratrix;
Ordered. Tiiat Monday. April S. A.
1 . r.'ls. at in o'eloek a. in., is assigned
for riearin-; vrijd petition, when all per-snr:-'
i :; teres tMl in said matter mav
appear at a Countv Court to he he'.d
in :wd for said Comity, and show
eause why the prayer of petitione
should not he granted: and that notice
of the pendeiey of said petition an
tin- l.earinir thereof he niven to all
persons interested in said matter ly
lu 1.1 ish inn' a copy of this order in the
I'laltsiuont h .Tournal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three suecesive weeks, prior to said
dav of hearing.
liiited Aiaivli It. 1 !1 S.
.M.I.KN .1. HKKSoX.
(Seal) ml'S-nw County Judj;e
oitoKit or ii i:ium;
and Notice on Petition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County tjonrt of
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nolwaska. Cass
To all persons interested
tale of Nancy Kli.a bet it
eased :
n readim;' -the petition
K". Wiles. Administrator,
ass coiin-
eon n t y.
in tin
Wiles, K
of Thomas
i'uiai settlement and allowance of i i j
account tiled in this Court ion the L'lst
day of March, I ! I s, and for a deeret
assjmnvr said estate ami the dis
charge of said administrator;
Jt is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do appear at the County
i ohm 10 i.e lit-in in ami ior sain coun
ty, on the Mil day of April. A. 1 1.,
t ! 1 s. al lfl o clock a. m., to snow cause
i! any tle-re lie, why tiie prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition, and the hearing thereof be
jriycn to all persons interested in said
natter by puhl ishi tit; a copy of this
orcer iti the I'lattsmouth Journal, a
enii-weekly newspaper printed in said
county, lor one week prior to said
tlay of heaiinr.
J :i witness whereof, I
have hereunto
Seal of saitl
March, A. 1 .,
hi:i;si IN.
set my hand and th
Court, this iMst tlay of
1 : 1 S.
AM.KN .1
' Sea I 1 - in.'.".- 1 w
County Judge.
.Mint i; roit m:iti-w;
In the County Court of Cuss coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of Mar
tha Sheffer, leeea.sed.
To all Creditors, Heirs and persons
interested in the estate of Martha
Sheffer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that on the
19th day of January. PUS. Samuel H.
Lotler tiled a verified petition in the
.ouuty Court of Cass county. Nebras
ka, setting forth that Martha Sheffer
lieu intestate in ("ass county. Nebras
ka, on the 37th tlay of August, 1&91,
seized of the following described real
Tested Seed Corn!
I have Lad my coin tested at State University. General run 77',
strong, ;; I am off e ring this corn rot- sale at
$3.00 Per Bnshc!
Purchaser to pick it from the crib on J. W. Thomas farm near the
Burlington bridge.
estate, to-wit: The Southwest quarter
(SW',-4) of Section Fifteen (15) Town
ship Twelve (12) North, Ilangc Nine
(9) East of the tith I M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; that they are now the
owners of all of the aforesaid lands
and that they a caul red title to all of
the aforesaid real estate through deeds
of conveyance, duly executed ami ac
knowledged, from the heirs of Martha
Sheffer. deceased; that no administra
tion of the estate of the said Martha
Sheffer lias been had in the state of
Nebraska, and that not more than two
years has expired since her death;
'py pray for a determination of the
.. e and place of the death of Mar
tha Sheffer, a determination of the
lieirs of said deceased, their degree of
kinship and the right of the descent
of said real estate and that the credi
tors of Martha Shelter be forever bar
red anil enjoined from asserting an.r
claim upon said real estate.
Said petition will be heard before
said County Court at its rooms in the
Citv of I'lattsmouth. in seid county
on "the ISth day of March, 191S, at
10 o'clock a. ru.
(ly the Court)
(Seal) fi'l-'Jw. County Judge.
oitmiit or m:icixi
tin Petition for Appointment of Ad
ministrator or Administratrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of Em
ily A. I.atta. Deceased.
On reading anil tiling the petition of
Samuel G. l-atta, praying that admin
istration of saitl Estate may be grant
ed to Petitioner, as Administrator:
Ordered, 'that April t.. A. I.. PUS.
at ten o'clock u. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter m-iv
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said County, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted: and that, no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be givt.ii to
all persons interested in said matt-r
by publishing a copy of this order in
the I'lattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said count ,
for three successive weeks prior to
said dav of hearing.
Jiatetl March :M. PP.
(Seal) miTi-oW Comity Judge.
Sealecl bids Will lie received at tle.i
office of the County Clerk in I'latts
mouth. Nebraska. up till Not N on
Monday. April Sth, i:T, for building
wood, steel, and wood and steel bridge.-,
concrete arch and box culverts, and
other concrete work, such as wings
and abutments, for the year PUS, as
provided by law.
Plans and specifications now on Ii!e
in the office of the County Clerk at
PI a tt sin out h. Nebraska.
Separate bids may be tiled for each
class of bridge work ;.'nd for concrete
arch and box culvert work.
All bids to be opened on Tuesday,
April !ith. PUS. at eleven o'clock a. m.
The Hoard of Comity Commission -?rs
reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
The Hoard of Commissioners reserves
the right to build all culverts and
bridges costing ?."i".0i or less..
A certified check for $.")'. 00 must
accompanv each bid.
(Seal) mll-4w. County Clerk.
Mirit i: or PETITION
In the County Court of Ca:-s coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of John
W. trillion, Deceased.
To Mary E. (JuHion. James C. Cul-lion,-
olive Cullion, his wife, and to
all other persons interested in said Es
tate, creditors antl heirs:
Vmi anil each of you are hereby no
tified that on the !M h day of March,
PUS, a petition -was tiled in this court
by Howard J. Cramlich, wherein lie
alleges that one John "W. Ciiillion, thea
a resident and inhabitant of Cass comi
ty, in the State of Nebraska, died in
testate in said county on November
21, 1S!U. That at the time of his
death he was the owner of the un
divided one-half of following de
scribed real estate to-wit: The south
west quarter ( S W It I of Section Twenty-seven
J7). Township Twelve t 1 ,
North. Pange Nine (!)l. East of the
Sixth P. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska,
subject to the dower right therein i f
Mary E. C.ullion, as in said petition
set forth. That said petitioner. How
ard J. Uramlich. hiis become the ow
ner of the above described real estate
by sundry mesne direct conveyances
from the heirs of said deceased. Said
petitioner prays the. court to enter a
decree establishing heirs of said John
W. C.ullion and to enter a finding that
all of the debts of the deceased have
been paid, including funeral expenses,
and for such other orders as in tin:
premises may be proper. That said peti
tion is set for hearing in this court
on the 15th day of April. P.MS, at 10
o'clock a. in., at which hearing you,
or any of you may be present - and
object, if on so desire.
Date. I at Plattsmout h, Nebraska, on
this rut It nay of March. PMS.
I" Con nt v Jutlite.
ELOKENCE WHITE. Clerk. (mil-
(iiuiKii or tin
on Petition for Apointnn-nt
istrator or Atlmi n ist ra t ri x-
of Nebraska, Cass
ty, ss:
In the matter of the Estate of
Ceorge J. Oid!:am, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Mary L. Craig praying that Adminis
tration of said Estate mav be granted
to Pauline Oldham, a Administratrix"
Oi-der. d. That Tuesda v, April It
D. PUS. at 1 n o'clock a. m.. is assigned
lor healing said petition. wl,en all poi
sons interested in .said matter ma e
appear at it Countv Court to be held
in and for said County. and slow
cause w hy the praver of t i,,,.-
should not he granted: a mi fio.t
oi the pendency of said ptitiori
the hearing thereof be given to
persons interested in said matter
publishing a copy of this order in
t hi:
Plattsnioutli Journal. a scmi-wci
newspaper printed in said i-onnfv
three suecesive week
prior to
day of hearing.
Dated March It. mis.
(Seal) tnls-Uw Countv .Ind"
" 1 . l.l.JJU.ll,
i-iii- T i" "'ittmond liranrf
1MIU in Itrd n t t;M B,-,iii
:;.,VP selt wtth P.luo RiM,on.
m. wner. OUT of wnnv
m.ii. i iriiAVu en i m ; :.;-
i't f 1 1-4 'f I K
, . 11.1., t r
j -.-... ut;i,i,,icil, Alwayt K o-I jr.- le