The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Vlbz plattsmoutb journal
Wfr& at Peatefflc at PlatUmoutb. Nb., aa aeeoad-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Our rime's a shame.
Our feet are lame,
Hut what care we,
Spring has came.
I'.race up and clean up.
The "honking" season here.
The older the debt, the harder it
is to pay.
Optimism keeps some people In
good humor.
Good cheer is a. lubricator. It oils
all life's machinery.
Old March Lion appears to have
control of the air valve.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness,
re member.
The man with a single purpose us
ually gets double results.
: o :
The man behind a scheme goes
hungry oftener than the man behind
the plow.
: o :
1 to!'. ire this war is over the loyal
b gion of cranky dyspeptics will rise
up and call Hoover blessed.
- : o :
Cu d rouds is the coming agitation.
Iurt agitate too long, but act as
t;!'.ickiy as possible in the matter.
: o :
Old ;ge should be respected, but it
depends upon whether it is an old
man r an old woman, or an old hen.
Siberia is a territory larger than
the I'nited State.-. The population
is hardly as large as that of New
York state.
Figures may not lie, but occasion
ally a shoe dealer will use them to
deceive a particular woman as to
the size rf her foot.
"".Make a garden!" pleads the gov
ernment, and straightway starts a
campaign urging people to keep
chickens. liaising chickens and a
garden at the same time don't go
good together.
You can't truthfully say of cats
that they never come back.
The French general who decorated
'iipt. Archie Roosevelt also kissed
him on both cheeks. However, don't
overlook the fact that Captain Roose
velt was wounded, and flat on his
back in a hospital.
We don't know of anybody just
now who is compelled to sit up of
night worrying about how to get rid
of his money. Not while lie can in
vest his surplus money in War
Stamps or Liberty bonds.
: o :
Ferhaps it is well that the con
sumer and the producer aren't clos
er together, .o long as both are in
their present state of mind. So long
as w must have middlemen, let us
s' that they stay in the middle,
where the blows arrive from both
direct ions.
:: -
Governor Neville has named Fri
day. March 22. as Nebraska Wax-Saving
Day. On that day meetings will
be held in every school house in this
city, ar.d it is the duty of every
patriotic citizen to attend and help
along with the good work in every
way possible.
A court has just assessed a heavy
Tine against a jiumj for forcibly ex
tracMng a kiss from his own wife.
Serves the citizen right. Very few
men will brave such dangers, and
most of them decline such luxuries
even when they are freely offered. A
man who will force a kiss from his
b-tter half should be given the jag
3100 Reward, $100
Thn readers of thl3 paper will b"
pleased to learn that there t3 at least
rTij dreaded disease that science has
Yt-rt ble to euro in all Its staged and
that is eatarrh. Catarrh being greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions
r-q'jires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Medic ine is taken internally and
H' t3 thru the Illood on the Mlk-ouh Sur
Twr of tl.fl System thereby destroying
fi foundation vt the disease, giving the
jnUfnt strength bv building- up the con
r Hit.-ii ami assisting nature in (loins Its
work. Tho proprietors have so much
faith !n the i urative powers of Hall's
catarrh MedlHne that they ofTcr One
IT i iidi IV.:ii.rfi for any ease that It fallj
t- fire Kr.d for Pt of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo.
Ohio. Sold by all Drutt, 75c
m t - '
Draft labor for farms and shops
just like we draft men for the army
Spend, but spend wise! Save, and
save earnestly! Huy War Savings
Solitude is the place where most
men encounter their most deadly
: o :
You may not admit, but the fact
is we are all looking for the best
of it.
There is always a heap of moral
backbone to a candidate just before
Trotzky has resigned. The Fnit-
ed States will try to bear up under
the blow.
Why not ask some of the men who
stay at home and do nothing, to knit
for the Red Cross.
If you have reached the age of
sixty and there is anything you don't
know, ask you son.
- :o:
A very large number of autos were
in town from the country Saturday
and the largest crowd of people
that has been for some time.
Human nature cannot be defined,
but it is the stuff that makes a man
boost a total stranger and knock on
a successful citizen of his own town.
A Kansas woman believes she has
found ground glass in a can of black
berries. Why should anyone waste
ground glass in a can already filled
with deadly seeds?
Those pacifists among the Allies
who want an inconclusive peace may
be blocked by the German military
leaders who say they will insist on a
German peace.
There are two kinds of patriots,
those who just talk about the glory
of dying for their country and those
who actually go out and do the dying
and not the talking.
The kaiser is in for auother bad
inning pretty shortly. The high
school graduates, it ia understood,
are going to attend to his case in a
great many orations.
Holland insists that if we take her
ships we must, be careful with them.
We will be as careful as possible con
sidering that we are going to sail
them on the ocean.
Local, state and national candi
dates are getting into the game here
bouts and county candidates are be
ginning to drive an occasional nail
In-the fence as well as in the cam
paign lie.
: o :
The Bolshevik! are the world's
greatest improvers on eld proverbs.
They peered outside and found the
stable door locked, and the horse still
safe. So they unlocked the stable
door and threw the lock away.
When steel ships were first, at
tempted the experimenters worked in
a storm of jeers, for whoever heard
of pieces of iron floating in water?
Concrete is not noted for its buoy
ancy, either, but this is a different
Senator Reed, silent for sometime,
has again grasped the hammer and
is knocking the food administration.
The Missouri senator makes the start
ling charge that Mr. Hoover has
spent one-third of a cent for each
family in the United States in ad
vertising the need of food conserva
tion. This particular form of adver
tising to which Mr. Reed finds ob
jection is lapel buttons. In his at
tack on the food administration, the
senator shows an ignorance of arith
metic, psychology and the object of
food conservation.
If Mr. Reed would pause to figure
the amount of advertising required
to reach the twenty million families
in the United States, be would learn
that one food pledge button for each
family at one-third of a cent each
would mean about $70,000. If the
critical senator would likewise use
his pencil to figure the cost of print
ing and mailing circulars, and post
ers, he would soon realize that Mr.
Hoover has not "been reckless with
the people's money."
The problem which confronted the
food director was this: America must
save food, must save huge quantities
of it. The people must not only
know this, but they must know why
and how. It was one of the biggest
tasks any man ever faced. After in
forming the people, the food director
had to encourage food saving. This
could only be done bv continually
impressing upon them the need of
saving. It was a lug psychological
prooiem. Aim Herein is an answer
to the charges of recklesslv spending
$70,000 for buttons. A button or a
food card will not in itself feed a
oldier in the trench. But this
gentle reminder, this symbol of good
faith, will encourage the individual
to save food for the soldier in the
trench. The vast majority of peo
ple will not intentionally violate the
wheatless and meatless rules, but
many will forget them. A card or
a outton is a reminder to the
SENATOR REED CRIES a11 forms of competition and the dis-
EXTRAVAGANCE ! tribution of excessive dividends, all
tend to create popular unrest.
The reputed utilization of govern
ment war agencies to promote the
inteersts of the packers is an offense
that borders dangerous near to trea
son. There must be a summary and
decisive stop put to all such pro
ceedings. There ought to be severe
punishment for such offenses as seem
to have been committed. It must
rest with the government to do it.
It is believed that tTie president
wants it done. The people are in
hearty accord with him. The citi
zen must be given to understand that
he may avoid criticism of the gov
ernment without loss or jeopardy.
Charles M. Schwab, the steel man
ufacturer, gives express to the spirit
that will unite the American people,
when he says that "this is not a time
to think of accumulation of fortunes,
but rather of how much we can
give," and that SO per cent of the
cost of the war is gSing to be paid
from income and war profits taxes.
"Not a dollar I can borrow or
pledge will I fail to give the govern
ment to win the war." said Mr.
Schwab, and the name makes the
declaration doubly significant and
encouraging. His prediction that
the aristocracy of the future is to
be made up of those who work with
hand, machine, heart, brain or ener
gy in any form.
At such a time one hates to pub
licly discuss those who disregard the
national crisis, or utilize it, in pil
ing up great fortunes through ques
tionable methods and conscienceless
extortions. It can only be justified
by a conviction that the government
er and an inspiration to these who
see their neighbors obeying the vol
untary food laws. Mr. Reed mav
object to Mr. Hoovers methods, he
probably would have sent garden
seeds, but the purpose of this ex
pense cannot be questioned.
The purpose of saving food in Un-
American home is to increase the
ivailable supply to be sent abroad.
If one dollar's worth of wheat or
meat can be saved bv spending one
cent for advertising, it is wise to
advertise. The hundreds :f tons of
grain and meat saved, as shown by
the government's statistics, prove
the food director's wisdom in adopt
ing a gigantic advertising campaign.
Mr .Reed has put his linger on an
expense item, and without reason
ing, has cruel extravagance."--
Lincoln Star.
Most persons have the wrong idea
about buying thrift stamps. They
think they are doing something to
help the government. Incidentally
they are. But mainly they are help
ing themselves.
The American people have had
mighty little notion of saving. It is
so much easier to sptnd!
Now comes the government with a
really brilliant idea on helping peo
pla to save. That idea is the Thrjft
Stamp. It is on sale everywhere.
Father, mother, son, daughter, any
body with a spare quarter, has a
chance equal to that of the million
aire to make an investment. Safe as
a government bond. Interest at 4
per cent.
It is the hardest thing in the
world for young men and women to
get in the way of saving. There are
so many chances to blow in the
money. So they never get that first
hundred dollars. The first hundred
is the hard hundred to get. After
that the habit is established and sav
ing conies easier. But for lack of
that hundred many a young fellow
has stayed in a job that he wasn't
jit ted for because he couldn't finance
a change.
To these young men and women
Uncle Sam comes particularly and
says: "Put your quarters in my keep
ing. First thing you know you'll
have that hundred. Of course, I need
the money for the war. But you
need to save it on vour own account
even more than I do to get it."
What a wonderful thing it would
be for Kansas City if a hundred
i; NV.t Contents 15Tluid Drachm
:.T" -
:c3 - a
.r v.-
!jlWJHSP9 j For Infants id Children.
Mothers Know That
Gsnuine Gastoria
AVcelablc iVcparationforAs -; by Ke$ula-
' Thereby IVoraoiin Dnjcslion
' Clicc rfalncs r.nd ResLCofnaw
i neither Opimn.Morphinc ncr
' Mineral. Not Nakcotic
1 jPampf m j
Jf it-rhtUe SuiS
I ''jp.'.'-.n.'nt
ISniwrn ilainr
K hrliifiil Remedy for
! Gcnstipalion and Diarrhoea
1 and lYvcrishness and
1 Loss of Sleep
i rcsuUinithcrcfrotnjn
! rac Simile SilLof
Uiz Cl-ntacrCompan
Bears the
or Over
i hirty Years
Kxact Copy of Wrapper. T,.c -tN.UK COMP,MV. ew 0- CITT
Fron Tiifsilay's Iaily.
J. It. Vallery departed this morn-
will take steps as quickly as possible thousand families should each buy. jnK for Omaha, where he goes to see
to make such discussions in future
unnecessary and impossible. Lin
coln Star.
Army oMicers complain of the prof
iteering spirit they meet in buying
their supplies It is said they fre
quently have to pay two or three
times as much as the material is
worth. One officer had $;ino .saved
up for certain winter supplies, for
which it was said ?..0n should have
"been ample. Vet $50 was charged
liiim. He concluded to iret alon:
with what he had. At last accounts
he was wearing his summer stuff.
A great many people living near
army cantonments who hnd bouses
to ren or supplies to sell have charg-
eu prices out ot all pronortion to
w.'iat would lie asked m time of
peace. The nations great emerg
ency was .simply to them a chance
say, one thrift stamp a week.
That would mean a saving of 1 VI
millions dollars a year. It would
mean a habit that would be worth
indefinite millions to the commun
ity. K. i . Star.
MAN LANGUAGE Vallery hopes to find her somewhat
his daughter Miss Florence, who is
in the Emanuel hospital at that
place and where she some days since
underwent an operation for the re
lief from the suffering, and to secure
the cure of a rupture in her side.
Since the operation Miss Vallery has
been very sick, and was not feeling
as well Sunday, but was probably a
little improved on yesterday. Mr
An otitsttier coming within our
ranks can see many evils and sug
:est many changes which prove in
valuable to the progress of the Unit
ed States in the war.
Harry Lauder, the Scotch comed
ian, w no is touring the country, is
one who is able to help the honu
army combat the foes in our ranks
One tiling wheh Mr. Lauder attack.;
viciously, and quite rightlv, is the
teach in
the better. Most of the household
have been at her bedside, and doing
what they could for her.
'It Sure Does the Work "
Mrs. W. II. Thorton, C323 W. 10th
St., Little Rock. Ark., writes: "My
little boy had a severe attack of
croup and I honestly believe he
would have died if it had not been
for Foley's Honey and Tar. I would
not be without it at any price, as it
From Tues-la Daily.
Mrs. T. X. Julian and daughter
Hilda, with the remains of husband
and father T. X. Julian arrived last
evening and were taken to the home
of Mrs. Julian's brother J. E. Bar
wick, where the remains will rest
until the funeral tomorrow morning,
when the funeral will occur from tho
St. Luke's cshurch at ten o'clock.
Almost a Young Man Again.
E. It. Whitehurst. It. F. D. 1, Nor
folk, Va., writes: "I had been suffer
ing for more than a year, but since
taking Foley Kidney Pills I feel al
most a young man again." They
strengthen and heal weakened or
disordered kidneys, stop sleep-disturbing
bladder ailments, banish
backache-, rheumatic pains, stiffness,
soreness. Sold everywhere.
It is no time for an American to
be found whining. Every complaint
and every cause for complaint tends
to dispirit the American public, and
to awaken indignant dissension just
it a time in which there should be
heartiest accord and co-operation.
Hie citizen whose eagerness to serve
his country in the existing crisis is
as great as his selfish aspirations
will hesitate to give utterance to
complaints against profiteers and
avarice in the nation's war business.
But in order to enable the people
O JOIII heart llv in pvprv iii.p'K:irv
war activity those who direct the
government must lav renrovinir
hands upon all who my be found
exacting unjust profits or exercising
questionable expedients for increas
ing their gains.
Disclosures are being made of the
conscienceless methods pursued by
the packing combine which justly
excite indignation well calculated
to shatter the morale of the people.
The employment of men high in
party councils, the corruption of
public officials to avoid exposure of
its methods, or to influence wrong
fully the administration or laws
enacted for public protection. the
reaching out of octopian tentacles to
absorb as profit feeders all forms
country. It is a inightv tool which
the kaiser wields in this country
ucriiKin ideas and Oerniau praise
to make monev out of the govern-I are easily disseminated when the
nient. young and old in America are allow
The people who are trying to work I otl to read the German language and
off these big prices should have a converse in the German tongue
care. fliev will find first that as America is fnr AmiTiraiK Slip
Mion as me nrst niii ot war prepara- cannot live if her citizens are not
iion is over inc government win not Americans. Her ideals of Gemoc-
permit this profiteering. It will get I racy will never grow or bloom when
after these people with a big stick, mingled with Prussian sentiment
Other arrangements will be made Americanism must be pure and un
for supplies. Those who seek exorbi- adulerated, or it is not Americanism
taut profits may get left with big I There is no half-way thing about it
stocks on their hands. An American is either an American.
The vultures may take money I or he is not an American
temporarily by preying on the na- j When Mr. Lauder, at a local
tional externiity. But of what use I theatre Friday evening, attacked the
will their money be to them? Wealth I teaching of the German language in
is of -little value if one has gained this country, the audience broke
the contempt of the community. J forth with wild approval. It is hop
What use are handsome automobiles I ed that those same people will go
and lavish houses, if the people who J further than the approving of such
ure does the work." Best remedy
of German language in this I known for coughs, colds, whooping
cough. Sold everywhere.
From the best Reds I ever owned.
$7.50 per 100 or $1.50 per setting.
Have a Itayo incubator and brooder
for sal cheap, used two years, per
fect condition. Phone 4021. W. B.
Porter, Mynard, Nebr.
Headquarters for Light Brahma
eggs for setting. Exclusively last 10
years. Mrs. L. E. Gilmour, R. F. I).
No. 1, Plattsmouth, Nebr. wkly-t
Pure genuine Red River Early
Ohios from Clay Co.. Minn., $2.00
bushel, sacked. Delivered in two
bushel lots or more. Six weeks $2.
Johnson Bros. Nebr. City. 20-ltwkIv
own them are social outcasts?
sentiment, it is hoped that they will
For Tired Women
With Aching Heads
Any man who attempts to use I lie (heir oest to stamp out every
present situation to make money un- trace of the German language in this
reasonably is an enemy of his coun- land of ours, this America, the home
try. He should be made to feel that I of democracy. Lincoln Star.
he- is an outlaw from decent society,
and that patriotic people do not wish
to associate with him.
. :o:
The four minute women have ac
knowledged that they cannot say
what they want to say in that time.
Most of their husbands will acknow
ledge that, too.
. :o:
Men would do lots more knitting
if knitting could be done with the
hands in the pockets.
: o:
Some men are like rusty needles,
the best way to clean and brighten
them is with work.
Where there's a will, there's a
of food products, the destruction of dozen waiting for it to be probated, j
"They help mo so much and I find
relict as soon as I begin taking your
Foley Kidney rills." Mrs. Frank P.
Wood, Morrill, Maine, R. F. D. No. 2.
Sometimes it seems as If you can't
stand the pain across your back. It
is Just making' your lifo miserable
and robbing you of all energy and
strength. Whn you are constantly
tired, head always aching, nerves on
edge," kidney action painful and burn
ing, then Is the time to start in at
qnre on Foley Kidney Pills.
They strengthen tlie weak, ailing
kidneys, improve their action, enable
tiu-m to throw o(E the Doisons that
cause your trouble. Vour nerves grow
peaceful, sleep becomes sounder, nerv
ous headaches disappear. As Mrs
Wood says: ."I find relief as soon as I
begin to take your Foley Kidney
Pills." Be sure you get the genuine
Foley Kidney Pills, for they are
purely medicinal ana coutaiu no
liar Lot ul drugs.
WE PAY H PER CENT ON TI MF ncpncnc Hun r
1 r. " m
s statft