The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 14, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAECH 14, 1918.
i Murray Department
i Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
8 r CFt
1 lljl
Tlu- war i. c..tiiiK th'J I'liiteil States ? 1,000,000 an hour.
To ofltc: t! is sot curly :ml tremeiulous drain upon the nation's
n--o irci-s, there mubt he a corresponding stream of dollars
owins inio the national treasury.
T!j-it"t stamps and war savings stamps offer the people an op-
iiunity to deposit their daily, weekly or monthly savings with
.e government.
In return the government will repay the principal with 4 per
r.t interest, compounded quarterly. As an example of how the
. eter" -. n:: ey will grow, sixteen war savings stamps, costing 25
-nts eaci'. it i-!.0'j in all. with 12 cents added, will entitle the
pu.-itor to ?.".00 cn Januury 1, 10211.
A an investir.ent. safety considered, there is nothing better
i tin1 mariut today. All the resources of the richest government
l earth are Inland the stamps. x
11 Z
.Mr-. ). A. Davis and .Mrs. I. S.
v.-t-re coiniiy seat visitors Tues
day afternoon.
Tiiore are nu:e new hooks at the
: Tary. Kead ycur favorite hook be
I'ure the spring work starts.
The Oldham Stock Farm skipped
;:r.,tlur exira good mai" hog to the
western part of Xehra-sku Tuesday.
.Mrs. W in. l!r:ivii departed l'cr her
):. in far.i'.da Monday, after a few
ias visit with" friends and relatives
in and near the old home.
Mr. r. Mr.;. Welt Il?vd re-t-.irneu
to their home in I'laltsmouth
a:vr a few days visit with Mrs.
Il.'td's parents. Mr. and Mrs. McKey
v.o. C.. M. Good l:as soi l his idaeksmitli
bo-n.e-.- in Murray to Walt. Aliment,
of Omaha, and Lie new owner has
already taken chtrue. The work has
b.-cn too heavy for Mr. Good, and his
hea'f Ii.condit hjts.demanded a chnti'-e
of (limate. He expects, to move to
oiorado Ui the very near future. Mr.
Ameiit. the new blacksmith comes
to Murray utll recommended, and
i. an excellent mechanic in every
- of the term. He w!! tin doubt
continue the business on a prosper
ed b;.si-
;'. jeirti'- li,o ing t Itetiielves :t-,-.
I t.'d to the Mvrray Horse Go., will
1 i t -; ; - i cti!! at 'he Murray State liunk
ar.d s-'T'-e ar-e. where you will
"- pr-.p tIv rteeipted tr the same.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near
Telephone 1511 Hurray Exchange
-ptHiul examples ,,f nia-'cr ile-infr's art. Don't let
' make u 1 I : c!ki; make incm all t v.:
'f'ii. 'e's a nci'ti ;. annri hn here f " y . h is ;:
, ,,-,r (-;,,! niTon! t. jay. -"ery feature in tiiee skirls
p.leasttre l" the u carer. SlmuMer seams in the
:' :.:,;,: jiiuuv -i" n"m at ike elbow; anv,)!e room at ike
ijo-: e.;!i.-!r alwav ftts com fortalile : live luitlons n tlu
t, )'-" cui't ;( wrong n llcau Bruinuwls:
!;-;;:;.;..(.': : hirts. veri latest sliades in Helio, bin. black.
I white, red a::'! comhinations $1.59
v hau! i 1 . 1 i j): 'term. it. un u's soft collar shirts, $1, $1.25, 31.40
" military eo!i'.r percale shirts, neat stripe patterns 75c
' r.i.-e waists, button bonds ami draw string, made of
-. . t:i ei!i:t ant! :,iripe patterns 25 and 50o
you m
James Deles Dernier made a busi
ness trip to I'lattsmout h Tuesday of
this week.
Miss Uartiett, of Imogeue. Iowa,
has been here for the past few days
vsiting with her brother.
Ghas. Garroll went down to the
farm home of his son near Avoca.
this week, where he will shell out
his corn crop.
Wm. Ilice went to Piattsmouth
Wednesday afternoon to get h"s new
Ford car that he purchased through
the Pollock agency.
Mr. and Mrs. Koht. Shrader and
family from South Omaha, were last
Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs.
Shrader's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lone.
Mrs. .Gassie Lloyd has been quite
sick for the past few days, suferinr
from u severe attack of inflammatory
rheumatism. She is at the Ttc-rger
E. T. Wilson and family have mov
ed to their new home and are com
fortably settled cn the old Kobt.
Good place east of Murray. Mr. Wil
son bought the Good farm and it will
sure lie made his future home.
Grandpa White has been quite sick
at the home of his daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. Glem Whitehead, south of Mur
ray. Mr. White arrived just a few
days a 2:0 from his late home in Ore
gon, and expected to make his home
with his daughter. lie resided in
this county twenty years ago.
Mr. W. A. Brown, who has keen :--
seriously ill for the past week, suffer
ing; with heart trouble, has ben im
proving slightly for the past few
days. Owing to his advanced aire
and the seriousness of his condition
last week liis strength will return
very slowly, but friends anil rela
tives were entertaining every hope
for his future recovery at this time.
Having sold my blacksmith shop
in Murray, I take this method of no
tifying all patrons knowing them
selves indebted to me to please call
and settle at once, as I wish to leave
this part of the country.
Mrs. I lower Yard ley lias keen
numbered with the sick for the past
I week.
j Porn to Mr. and Mrs. John Shef
field, a baby boy, on Thursday, March
, 7th.
i Mr(s. G. H. Giimore and daughter
! Helen, were visiting in Omaha Mon-
The Htt'e son of Mr. and -Mrs.
Itobbins has been quite siek tor the
past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Y. II. Puis were vis
iting with friends in Omaha on Ved
nesday of last week.
"Fred Lutz shipped a car of cattle
and hogs to the South Omaha market
Tuesday of last week.
Mrs. Kobt. Wilson war quite hadly
hurned this week by letting a cup
of hot coffee fall upon her feet.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam tii'il. of Phi'.r -
mouth are in Murray this week
visiting at the home of their daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Puis.
Mrs. Homer Miller who has been
here for the past few w-eks, vi-dtiuu:
with her father. John Kdmoud.s. re
turned to her home iti I'iainview lat
Th tirsda v.
All". Nickels, who has keen num
bered with the tick for the past i"vv
v.eeks. was ahl to drive o er to
Murray Tuesday afternoon, and srind
a few hours with friend-.
Harley Pul- the little son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. II. Pit';, who has h..:i
very ill for the pu:;t few weeks. v'?'.f
fering with pneumoir'a. rest it:--:
along vory nicely at this time.
Th" Murray schools have !,. n
closed down for two Tveek--. nviivj to
the scarlet fever, measles rnd other
contagious diseases i'u:t h-ve b---.-u
prevalent in this community f r the
past few weesk.
T rs. John Heitdricks. who?" re
ported as being very siek last v.-eel;
has been improving for : ;te past few
days very rapidly. The special nur
has been d;eharged. and returned
to her homo in Otiieht1.
Ghi"keri feed hts been s-'.:i:'.., !';-'
on the Murray market tl,i w e, V.
the d:tmie.ed grain 'he !i;;rni!
eievr.tor is being soH ! f'e loeal
feeders for ck.ickens aiv' ',.i-,s, and
it been moving rrpidly.
The excavation for the new home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pvibt. in Mur
ray. has beer, cot:: pie? vd a!id th"
foundation vi!l be laid this wi-.f.
Mr. Thee. ItmtM.r, the carpenter and
contractor of the j...b wi!l in t-e1
busv and oe.e of ti e tin.
-t ar.e. e'ot
modern residences in M u rra v
will i..
un-ler course of cont hh,; i-
?.Irs. M. A. Graic of Gardner. Kan
sas, and .Mrs. 1 1. E. Snyder, of I'air
f.eld. Iowa, and Mr. and Mr. J. ie.-s
Oldliani. of Onuika. were all in
Plattsmoutli to attend the funeral
of the late George C-Mham. and theii
accompanied Pauiine and Fay M.i
ham to Murray fur a few day.--, visit,
all bur Mrs. Craig departing for their
homes last Saturday evening, who
will remain at the Oldham home for
a few days longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lovt her. w ho
have made this section of ('ass coun
ty their home for a great many ears
departed from here Tuesday morning
for their new home near Wayne. Neb.
Mr. Lowther loatl"d out tin ir good
last week and accompanied them t
Wayne, and re;urr.ed for Mrs. Low
ther. The Journal joins with, their
many friends in t.hi section
count v in wi.-hing then: all kinds of
good luck in their new location
Yesterday great excitement pre-vaib-d
in the city of Murray for some
two hours, while the citizens were
lighting the lire liend. in their en
deavor to save the First Congrega
tional church from burning.
Sei?.'d with the spirit of the
springtime, and washing to assist
nature in her doitnirg of her new
1 otK's. J. W. Edmonds thought he
would add by trimming Lis ever
green trees and burning the nrtis'.;.
lie did so. The sparks soaring high,
settled upon the roof of the church
building, and the roof wa- set afire.
The whole town was immediately at
the scene, and doing all in their
power to put the lire out, one; man
went up the ladder and fa id it was
no use km L. H. Puis mounting the
ladder with, pail of. water dashed
it over the blaze, end receiving en
couragement from the effects of this
single pail of water, more was d!i
ed upon the flames, and this enabled
the workers to pull oft" the shingles
so that the spread of the. fire could
be retarded, and after some heroic
efforts the work rewarded by
the extinguishing of the. fire. Much
water was carried and used, with the
result that the plastering was soak-
cu, iinu iiiucii 01 u uu, a wen s conuii ion. v.itti ttie contents was
much injury done otherwise from I from twelve to fifteen thousand dol
the water. I lars. The elevator was operated by
I J any of the readers if the
Journal know of any Mortal
event nr itfoa of iiitre.-a in
t.'iis vii'ini'y. am! will rv.atl
Bairn to this oRire. ii wili u!
Par urnler this heaUintr. We
want all uewsiteirs EiMTOfi
W. J. Piiiipott un;oatied a car
of stock here last Saturday that were
driven to his home for feeding. There
were ".0 head in the car.
Henrietta Creamer, v.-ho has been
ill for the past few days, suffering
with scarlet fever, is still very siek,
;;u :Tert;:g with mastoid abcess.
Will I'rown arrived in Murray
last Saturday from his home in Can
ada, being called here owing to the
serious illness of his father.
Miss Pauline Oldham and Mrs.
Craig were Piatt smooth visitors yes
terdav afternoon.
In Memory cf Mary Creairer.
i'.xpre-sing the esteem in which
sk. was held by her schoolmates and
ck-..-: nia.'es.
We .hall meet, but v. e shall miss her
A friend and schoolmate dear,
A'oho angels above have called
We would love to have her here.
!l-.r place in the schoolroom is vacant
Her tin ties and kind words are gone
Put Ike deeds and kindness she has
Will forever in our memory live on
We !oed her. yes we loved her.
Put angles loved her more.
And ilie have sweetly called her
To yonder shining shore.
And we hope that wi:en our journey
Thru this life has ke-n complete.
We auain may mee t and creet her.
Ar und the Savior:- judgment seat.
Written by one of her classmates.
I've. F-osdeker Returns Home.
A. 11. Opp. from near XehawKa.
an.! Mrs. Illmer Poechker, his sister,
from near DuPois. Wyoming. w-re
! i:',t'-:i' witii riimitv :! t f fur
f-.-w iiours Monday al'tentoon. and
i.,;v j
lice for
a I .t'li
the Journal of-
lriei" visit. Mrs. Koedeker
ii visiting with !:cnie folk-; in
md itt'ar Xehawka and Murray for
the past
1 e v.-
week;, and departed
for her heme
She has many
munity where
the e.)i.
;!u'J most
frie Tii-- iti
she - re
all lee
I ways
in Cass
her back to the oh
Good Farms for Sile
I7o a ' re
ir.e, op o
. goe I lions,, and well im
1 farm atel sioel; pn-posi-
knov.-u as the Goos farm just
- ou.!i .f Piat t: rno:; !t.
Al-M . 1 cere;- a.e.j.duing PniiMi on
wet. all goet! n-rm land, and a
-.oo.i seven ro t;;-; house. l'ossessio:;
can b
Al. o s'vral other Ctiss count v
farms.--Prank Yallery. Murray, Ne
braska; phone - , Murray exchange.
ll eryhody has a pleasant rememb
rance of a letuedy which helped him
yot.erdijy. He knows that it will
hcip kin.i loday or to-morrow, if the
trouble .should reappear. Mr. John
Xlatoklavek, Pysart. Ia.. annexed to
hi-- order of February 2. 11 IS. the
following remark: 'Sixteen years
ago when I wont through a seriou
sickness of more thin six weeks in
New York, Triner's American Elixir
iasj,)f p.iner Wine recovered me almost
instantly. Therefore I have again
recourse to Triner's re meelies." Trin
er's American Elixir never fails to
help in constipation, indigestion,
l ie. i u!cnce, headache's, insomnia,
nervousness,! debility, etc.
Mr. I rani: Lycka wrote us from Lan
sing, Mich.. Feb. 11, II) IS: "I recom
mend Triner's American Elixir of
Pitter Wine to all my fellow-countrymen."
After a trial you will do the
saui' Price $1.1. At drug stores.
Triner's Liniment has no equal for
rheumatism, neuralgia. lumbago,
sprains., swellings, etc. Price "J." and
C.'c at drug stores, by mail 4." and
7.-.c. Joseph Triner Company. Mfg.,
Chemists. 1 J rj -1 :j 4:1 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, Ilk
F:o!ti Mn!'!;;y'K liaily
T'ue middle elevator a! Murrey
known as the Mont iiobb Elevator,
and owned by the Jones Grain Com
pany of Nebraska City, was burned
to the ground thhi morning consum
ing 4.000 bushe's of corn stored
therein. 700 busheh; of wheat and
some other grains. It is not known
ho-v the fire : tartcg', but was discov
ered burning at about six o'clock
this merging and with a stiff bree.e,
,vas soon consumed. The loss for the
building, which was old but in good
the owners' and D. J. Pitman of j
Murray was the manager. The
Jones Grain Company have another J
elevator at the place, and will be ;
able to care for the business just the '
same as if this one had njt burned.
The loss of the grain, which is
needed just at the time, and the
building falls heavily upon the own
ers and it is not known whether
they k.ave it insured, and if so how
much is being carried. Just now no
idea has been put fourth as to the
origin of the fire.
fl'uHI y.ninl," 1 il i I v.
Pobert Wailing who lias been ac
cepted in the aerial division of the
army departed this morning for
Omaha, from where he goes to Ft.
Logan. Colorado. Ujt a short time :
and from there to some point in
Texas, where he goes into training
as a member of Pncle Sam's fighting
force in the army.
Robert is a fine young man, a fine
specimen of physical manhood as
we!! and should make an ideal man
in the army, which we are sure he
will do.
I'n m .Me,.hi y's 1 il v.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray llitchman are
rejoicing over a new baby boy, which
arrived at their home Sunday morn- j
ing. March loth. Mother and little
son are getting along very niceiy.
whip P.rownie is the happiest man
in -his town and is wearing the smile
that wtu'.'t come off. Mr. and Mrs. C.
N. Peverage too. are very happy over
the arrival of the little grandson.
i "- in .V 1: iil;i 's 1 ;; i I y .
At Camp Funston one hundred
and twenty of the selectmen have
been chosen to form a special Engi
neers corps, of experienced ra'Iroad
men and of this number but two
of Cass County were taken, they
being- Anton Rys and Clifford Fcrbe.
They are to be transferred elsewhere
from Camp Funston. and will go
-in. 'Irs. Anna and Josephine Rys
has expected to depart for Camp
Funston via the Pnion Pacific, and
arrive at Army City in the morning
going via the iiurhlngton to Kansas
City and arriving a.t Army City
which is Camp Funston at two p. m.
ye-'erday' (Sunday).
Secretary of War Paker. the first
American cabinet officer to visit
Europe in any official capacity since
the Pnited State's entered the war. is
now in Prance for conferences with
General Pershing and an inspection
of the American troops and the posi
tions they occupy on the front be
tween Soissons and Alsace. The sec
retary's mission is purely military
and has no diplomatic significance.
On board an American cruiser.
Secretary Paker and his party elud
ed German submarines and arrived
yesterday at a French seaport,
whence he departed for Paris. After
a few days in the French capital,
where lie probably will meet Presi
dent Poincare and Premier Clemen
ceau. the secretaary will visit the
American troops in the field.
Increased activity, especially in
the artillery on the western front
has not yet resulted in any determ
ined attack by either of the oppos
ing forces. The Germans are more
active on the Pritish and Pelgian
fronts than elsewhere. Near Kippe.
in Flanders, the Belgians have driv
en the enemy from parts of trenches
he tool; several davs ago.
Recent German attacks on the
Pritish lines in the Ypres area were
Checked through British knowledge
of enemy plans gained from desert
ers and prisoners. The enemy in
tended to take inipejrtant positions
south of Uoutholst fore'st but heavy
Pritisli artillery fire prevented a
major effort and the strong Pritish
defense threw back the strong local
attaclvs the Germans carried out.
On the American sector northwest
of Toul the artillery and aerial activ
ity has increased. American gun
ners have shelled effectively various
wiemy targets opposite the American
trenches. The German reply was
without result. German airplanes
have attacked American trenches
with machine gunfire, while French
gunners within the American lines.
Progress is being made by the
Pritish armies in Mesopotamia and
Palestine. Kighty miles west of Bag
dad on the Euphrates river, the Brit
ish' have occupied Hit. the Turks re
tiring without opposition. Advanc
ing northward in Palestine, General
Aileuby's forces have gained ground
immediately west of the Jordan and
along both sides of the Jerusalcm
N'ahulus road. The Turks resisted
strongly in both places. In the
Jerusalem-Nabulus road the British
advance was two or three miles uu
a front of thirteen miles.
Our &rw
You Can Avoid Costiy Buying Mistakes
Instead of Buying Blindly from Pictures in a Catalog You Can See
the UesJ Implement Before You Buy.
This is the best year you ever
saw to buy good implements,
and the worst year you ever
saw to buy poor one's.
Crop prices are sure to be
high. All that you will have
to do to make big money will be
to raise big crops. And getting
big crops will depend largely
upon the kind of implements
You can't afford to risk any
implement uncertainty. Infer
ior implements will mean the
lois of the extra bushels and
extra tons that the use of good
implements gives. Remember,
the extra bushels and extra tons
will mean a lot this year
much more than enough to pay
for good implements.
Hurray Hard wars
Washington. Marcii 1:1.
cve of the gathering at M
the Rusfiau congress of
ets.'.i is !,- pass judgment on the
German-made peace, accepted by the
bolsheviki at Brest-Litovsk, Presi
dent Wilson has sent a message of
sympathy to the Russian people thru
the congress, with a pledge that the
Pnited. States will avail itself of ev
ery opportunity to aid them in driv
ing out autocrac-v and restoring
Russia to her place in the world
complete sovereignty and independ- !
The Pnited States now
no government in Russia, but the
president cabled his mosst'ge to the
American consul at Moscow for de
livery tomorrow to the congress,
wlich is made up of soldiers" and
workmen's representatives and
speaks for at least a considerable
part of the Russian people. The
message, made public totPght by the
state department, was as follows::
"May I not take advantage of the
meeting of the congress of the So
viets to express the sincere sym
pathy which the people f the Pnit
ed States feel for the Russian peo
ple at this moment when the Ger
man power been thrust in to in
terrupt and turn back the wolo
struggle for freedom and sube'titu'e
the wishes of Germany for the pur
pose of the people of Ru-sia. Ait ho
the government of the United Stages
is. unhappily, nor now in a position
to render. I beg to assure the people
of Russia thru the congress that it
will avail itself of every opportunity
to secure for Russia once more com
plete sovereignty and independence
in her own affairs and full restora
tion to her great role in the life of
Europe and the modern world. The
whole heart of the people of the
Pnited States is with the people of
Russia in the attempt to free them
selves forever from autocratic grv
ernment and become the masters of
their own life.
From MiM.luys I;ail.
We are in receipt of a copy of
the Clark County Courier, publish
ed at Clark. South Dakota, in which
is an account of the death of George
II. Galligan. a half brother of Miss
Lelia and Mr. Lee Bennett, who have
made their home in Plattsnioufh
during the past winter.
The body arrived at home on last
Tuesday and was buried on Thurs
day. Lee Bennett, the half brother,
lias enlisted and gone to the service
as a member of the coast artillerv.
Miss Lelia Bennett, his sister, will
soon return to her home here.
Stationery at the Journal officeT
, . anaathetic ud. A enre guaranteed in every cesn icr ot-i
lor treetmont. and no money to he paid uaii I rrred. Write for book oa Kecta 1 Disuses. wUa name
and testimonials of more thac rrocincnt people who have been persen?ctiy cured. e
Drs". Fvlach & Mach, The Dentists R
R r yv Tlie largest and best equipped dental ofScss in Orr.aha. fa
See before you ky. lie sure
liiat an implement is what you
want before you let it uerk for
you. Avoid: the expensive de
lays of sending an uu. at i.-d"uc-lory
implement back to some
distant concern a:M getting iti another of- unknown
,nalit y.
Our service pr"V.;its costly
buying mistakes on your part.
You can come- to our store, take
full advantage' of our Mock
study ihe implt-mt ut.s. get iui
y ace: -.minted with their very
feature, and buy judiciously.
Tiiat way of buying will h. -::
you get the most from the "nig
year that P coming.
Prop in the next time you
are in town and see our stock.
and irnpismoni Co,
:-.:.. M e:.i:;. K.ot, .
Mrs. Sam I Sean, who ha- made her
home at La Platte ior oi. jime pa.-;
was in the ci'y today, and departed
for Lit PL.tio thi- afternoon, but v.ul!
! in a few days departed for Poetitello.
! Idaho, v here Mr. Per.n has ir o::e a;.d
w lie re t'.:-y wili make tleir h.ene.
Mrs. pea n in speaking of ;ne coun
try out there says Mr. l-a:i j peaks
highly of it. Mr. Dean wiil work for
a large beet'. r factorv there.
i g v fj Ji 2-Ui?C;'
it . .
J'-- Jr.
'Jit- S-J V.-
1 ff
Bars Out Bad
Come m and slip-on one of
these line, v. ell-maele. LTOod
lookhig Rayr.sters. Ie! how
snug r.::d comfcrtaliie it i.
Yes, fir; here's z. line cf storrp
coats you can't l)er-t ar any pr:e
anywhere, ivladebythc Unitrd
States Rubber Con-pony a:-? 1
soli with the rar.-e a -.ur;'.noo
cf value that coec wi::i everv-
thtn' vou buv here. Come ir.
, and try-cn a Rsynater.
Prices ranging from
$3.50 to $10.00
Puis & Gansemer,
Murray Nebraska,
pK Te
i !
". til Mf
Fisiula Pay Vhsn Cured
other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, wuhrnt a severe sur
gical opwa:ion. No Cn'omform. L'lhw or ether c!rr8l
Experts in charge of all work. Ladj' attendant. flod-
crate Trices. Porcehin hllings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after usinj.