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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1918)
TKURSTKY SIa?CF 14. 1S18. ' PLATT5MOUTH EVENING JOURNAL. PAGE THr.EE Vv--l.-J-.--- w jxfc-O --V jtV -0 ---V jvC ,jC v-C ,-VoC ---"C JJUT t-V vfcC j--vC iU."oC wv" .-C-" JwwV jjt" jjwt" JjivtU.M."JM.M. -"77 - r, STANLEY, NEB. GflPITAL AUD SUBFLUS 513,000 OFFICERS frank stander AiJjrST STAN'DER Al.CUilT PAL'TSCH THOM AS K. I'AHMEI.H V.7.T. J. RAlJ. MURRAY STATE BANK MURRAY, KEB. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 -:o:- DIRECTORS CHAS. C. PARMELE, President. FRF.D XUTZ.MAN, Viee-Pre:: blent. W. CI.K.N BOEDER EE, Carhter. BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTir, HER. tot- CAPITAL AND SUBFLUS $80,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $23,000 :o:- OFFICERS ClfAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TEITSCH THOMAS E. PARMELE E P. PATTERSON'. F. C. EC F.N PERCE It OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE, President. CIIAS. C. PARMELE, Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH R. LARSON'. Asst. Cashier. -:o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000 :o:- BANK OF COMMERCE LOUISVILLE, NEB. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. XV. II. LOHNES, Vice-President. THOMAS E PARMELE. Director. Facilities Enable Us to Handle Your Business in this County Promptly an conomicaSiv and s Basis We Invite Your Patronage. ALVO. !; weeks, but w:s able to go to her I.'"." lini:!' this Vfk. Mr. 2 !.'.. Noel Foreman spent ! C, t .-.1 . .- ,..rli. ntwl t'llli.l.lV I !f- l: ' a- ill i .! .1 i: . - j coin with ?drs. Foreman's parents. I for appeiii'.ii-iris. hut was not doinu so well and as taken laek to the ' "" I Litti'. (5e-rcfa Pursel; was brought v, a a: Eli.iv,-r.o. ; S:iir :luy c.-:i No. is. by his p:ir- ::: ;:' j e:,ii-. .Mr. ;!.-.i .Mrs. J. II. Purs-H. af- lrl : v, :s wi'h 3!rs. ht.-::;-.; in the h.-.-spital at Lincoln. : I'-'.:. r-: i l :. ! v.-i:ere i:e v. .is operated i:pou for ap- t . . t -. .'If.-. A. ! ! . M .!. R. El!;, r- : p Hi'f:tis and found to he in a very sf-iiT.s eondttion. I!e is reeoveriir-i !:iv!v at t !.;.- writini;. i a ! . i- ' i : a v. :. i.j i n- ..: .5- Fi i i'it t re' ur::-d - i -.v.. V.':- !!!. v.-i?..-r.- .-e ha . v-;y . if. ::ry R I' e reive Letter from Sn Mrr. F. V. -MeC'iruy are i;. r'(-eip; : a iett -r from their so'i. .'.ii;r:;;. n iL M'iirdy. written i'nr.' j son lias playt-il in t::e tournatueu rrTun.eti Saturday from Duaiap. r thret' years and has a well orira- lova. u iu-re they visited relatives. i::i-d and exieriencd team. A this I .Miss L-on't Ria.h home from is ;!( first year that tlii Alvo hoy.-- j Li:;eo!n over Sunday. la- jIayed bashet hall, they ha'.i i Chas. Sji,i!eider returned Saturdav !'e:,! v. v.'Ci rd of which t hey may fr-- nt Sioux City. Iovv a. veil "of tiro-ol. Tiie member:- :f the ! Herman Cast is nm.iji able to he fain are Ralph Coe.mdl ( i 'a pi a i n : . j f o t alter several weeks' illness. A'aller Wood l.!a!ia?-r; i B'-yd ! S- veral l'rom attenoed the I'd ward. Elmer Rosemo.v. Coy ilind. j auto show in Omaha last w-f-k. Floyd Dickerrn and Oliver Tayi .'.j M.-s. Ed Urn nkiiw ami son Willard Several of tiie Ilich sciiooi i visited friends here Thursday afier- r- at the t:irnani'nt to br .sr !'o.- : noon. their team and incidentally to .- j ;,lrs. W. (). returned on some of the other uames. Tho-se pre--; Friday from her visit at Fairmont, ent v ere Dorothy cI::!I:cm. Marie Xebraska. Protny. Flossie Jordan. Milf'.red Cod- j .Mrs. Ma Thimpran is home after i'-y. Lois Keei'er. Charles Fi)renu-ia. ; spendin;? two w eh, with relative? Cil-.-i:n Foreman. Err.'. st l:'urii ; j:; country. and Clara Diehers'.m i Miss lio.- Am.uwert. of Council is spend: mr ? he with o:: i U' rant-"' umu-r -. i?i which !:- writ- - .i l.i!:CO::.. .t.: reiaf.' 'I Fei'ru.are .Mot1., r and Father: I wit! w 'ie yi i ft-w iines to !. t you knov :. .: ! am wci: am! hope this v. iii :;..' ; . the Was sure glad t jet v.ur letter vfs.ter.iav anl : - , ! !; !: S-iii ia . r-:urni:: hou.e : ,,(,r th:,- yr..i were ail well bad e ing -uay. ;,,.,. j have not yet reccdvMl any ii vs 1 ; ;;i tamoi'd. of Fre:nr,'.:t . will the boxes v--u have s-mt hvt ex it y clvb Wed- j p -'U th m -evrry day, as t Jiey ar be- ! !. at hr- ( 'om:. -i 'y ",( a! !:.; i.n "The War in En- : " " i !. ? ; rrive now. We hav "- lie S.;V ;;. i ;.' iroi bed ana mattresses now. l r. ;:a;n Ca.-hner o." T n iver -"':: y lai.-.l !"' sure ar- tine to sleep on. j'i.te. (;;; down Sa ' u r; ... ' to ;-L. -.;:( v."-- ha ve go,.l eats too. They have a wi- ci.usin. A'rs.. K. ?,h'a hin V. M. C. A. h ere an-l enter- S: u.e and : her r-'a: ivt s. iainm'-nt-: nearly every night. 1 Mrs. .h'hn Foi-em;- ;j returned on v. or'.: ny trade eiery day now. S.mday friun Li:. col:.. vhere . and w hat spare time I ha', e I spend .-pe': .--v'-ral da - wt;i: parent:;. Ma boxing, wroiling ana playinc h r 'atiit-r l av;:. a been siek. lb- is b 'lh 1 l;k it fine over here, but of ii.. proving cf : hK '. ririnr. ! -f :urse would like to tie with you. Mr-. !'. II. W.-hhrat: rt-ceiv-d the How is the weather over there? It ad !:. s-aae S.i : r.rday that ht r is j i.'T lie spring here. Where is b-'.i ) lhiii;e v i: v. died, j Orvii Prouty? I wrote 'o him but M ; .... .'-its. V.'ei.:i:::n and ei'.iidrcn i re" v-d e.., answer. Has Ralph Par iefi tsi! ur lay eveti;!u' to attend the ; jjined th- army yet? I would : .:..!. -like to s.-e him. Dol any of tiie Mrs. .) Arm::' ro-ig i- aaaiti at ; Mvrphy h ys i e drafted yet? ; u.e after a severe a;"aek of toni- j Well folks. 1 will s ay good-bye to lit '-. while she !? in C:ree!iv. t od, : you for this time, as I must answ er !. dping to cere for her tia-th-r. Mrs. J .-.n:e o'hef letter-,. From your son. liuribut. The latter is a'.-o impvov- j Monmn (I. McCu.rdy. 4!2 Aero C'on i.:a" in health. i .-.t ruction S'iiiadron. American Expc- Mr -. (e'.irae I : c 1 1 i ' r ard se n. M i 1 - i i; iona ry Forces, via New York." k rd. b-f! Friday f"r t!:cir new h'"i-e a' Albion. N'ebr. Mr. lkjbitt left j Alvo Team in Tournament. Kansas with, their goods on Thurs- i This y ur t!s Alvo Consolidated !.;. . l.ii' had not r ached A'd?n yet ! school toek pari for the first time r. .'-'iielay morning. jthe annual hich school basket Lai! 'rville Quellhorst moved to the to un au"nt of the pi ate. conducted farm he boutlit west of town on lasi j by th.e Nebraska Athletic associa-Tu--!ey. Mrs. Quellhorst bus been Hon. Although Alvo was defeated ill at the home of her parents, Mr. J by a score of lu to f by Culbertson. and Mrs. J. 1 Rou-e. the jast two they are not discouraged. Culberi- PS s2 t I will sell at public auction the articles listed below, on the Lee Allison place, z mile east and 5 miles north of Union. 1 mile east and 2 miles soutth of Murray, be ennningr :;t 10 o'clock, on mm - k ' liii I C . I . i. . j .f !.-s Pelle Huliisi. of South IVud MURDOCiv. V'sp-nt Sa'ttrday evening and Sun- ( Special Correspondence.) v1,;,,- .Vith relatives here. Frank Melvin was in Lite,, .-i.i ' u.r ' v E. E. Marshall is quire sick wi pneumonia. Mrs. Harold Tool v. as shopping Oinahu Monday. Miss Trout f-pent Sund.iy vl Inum.' folks at Lincoln.. 'i here ar.- still'al ecu s v'. Moonvv reiurnet! on Tuesdav , from ?dic!igan. v here ;u- was ealh ": 'by the death of "air, mother, j Emi! Kuehn lef: Sunday after ; !:;."): for Detiel cc'r.ity. where h ; v ii: io:.k after his land interests. I The boys' basket hall team went to Lincoln Tuesday evening, where they will play durini.v tiie state totir nainent. Mrs. Maa'lahne Fanhoriii is visit ing her sister. Mrs. Jacob Coeiiry. 1 but will leave her,- in a few weeks Crirdon F.locl: an 1 liarre .:;,, ; to ao to Wisconsin went to Ashland Sunday. Fmil Kueh.n and Art Dorm returned Friday from Dneui i.nivry. Orville Renford, of Counc il llnf : . Iowa, spent Tuesday with Pad Anm wert. Harry Williams and wife. f.-om Elmwood. visiied relatives here ( ; Sunday. Miss Esther Run visited v. i;h mr motlier. Mrs. Schnt on Sum'.ay aftfrnoon. Mrs. Jerry Mellugh and ehtlc'reu returned Sunday after a tew day.-.' visit in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea. of Alvo. were visiting relatives here on. Monday afternoon. Mrs. Homer Hess, of Maahato. Xan'as, is visiting her paron's. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Mooney. Mrs. E T. Tool was quite su-k last week. 1)U t is some better at the present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Ovcar McDonald and son. Robert, spent Sunday nfternoru with John Arries and wife. Mis-se; Seima Branch le and Marie Edward Jumper left on Monday evening for Kansas City, and from t here will go to Texas. He expects to be gone about ten day?. Miss Viola Everett is again in the store of Bauer H Kraft, after be ing absent from her duties for a time on account of an attack of the measles. ? .Mrs. Lawton arrived on Sunday from Davenport. Iowa, and visited her son Homer and family till Wed nesday, when she left for her home in Wabash. Nebraska. Our H. S. basket ball boys team went to Louisville last Tuesday ev ening, where they played a very close game which resulted in a score of 1'." to t!4 in favor of Louisville. The Knox Concert company gave the last number of our lecture course last Thursday evening in the hall. A large crowd was present and th? program was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Fred Boklemati and family left last week for their new home in Duel county. Their many friends S.-rhmidt went to Omaha Friday noon. I here will miss them, but wish them pairs gauze covers, 2.1 comfort pillows. 12 inch; comfort pillows, 10 inch; 50 pil low ease--, lit inch; 30 pillow cases. 1 C inch; - feather pillows, 11 linen tray cloths. 7 wash cloths, 24 hot water bottle covers. K N ITT E D C A RMENTS 1 muffler, '1 pairs of sox. 4 of wristlets. SFRGICAL DRESSINGS 12", cotton pads, Sx24; ?, compresses, 4xS. FI XANCIA L STAT E M ENT Money on hand $ al." f Wm. iJourke, cash 3.00 Memberships H0.00 Total Receipts $224. T,3 Disbursements Supplies and material $ 03.70 Balance on hand 1H0.S3 $224. r,3 We still hope to receive other members. There were 17 new mem bers for Fbruary and headquarters urgt-s every one to become a member by April 1st. Don't wait for per-.-.omil solicitations. If you have a Jollar to give, give it and help. Through the courtesy of our fel low townsman. Max Dusterhoff. a beautiful card of welcome decorates our wall at the M. XV. A. hall in which we hold our meetings Tues day and Friday afternoons of each week, having outgrown our former utarters. Mrs. L. Ik Goerty is the Junior Reel Cross chairman for this pre cinct and we wish that every school would soon enroll as an auxiliary. Parents should assist in this as much as possible as it is an education "in those lessons on unselfish love and service" which must be a part of every child's education, if this re public endures as a Christian nation, and remains the haven of Freedom. We are sorry to note that our sec retary. Mrs. J. E. McHugh. is under quarantine, as she was a regular at tendant and willing worker. We are anxiously waiting her release from quarantine. Miss Colby's pupils gave 60 min utes Friday in sewing and snipping for Red Cross. Even some of the boys knew how to use a needle. Ac cept our thanks. Any one who has an hour's time to give is asked to attend the meet ings, as a busy time is nearing and we hope to keep our quota filled. This work is yours as well as ours, so don't wait for a personal invitation. STILL MORE BUSINESS. Frem Monday"? Tr. P.y. James H. Short, foreman of the Western Machine and Foundry Com pany departed this morning for Omaha, where he will look after some business for the company, in the line of securing some more need ed machinery for the plant here. Additional orders for more of the steering devices which is a patent of Mr. Sharpe and a specialty of this company, having just received an extra order for 5,000 in audition to the ones which have been under con tract before, and additional machin ery and men must be had for the tilling of the orders. KICKED BY A HORSE From Monday's 1 tail v. .' Last Saturdaj" evening while lead ing a horse out to water, the ten year old son of Mrs. Fred Geunther, Gordon Wilcox was kicked on one side of his head, which rendered him unconscious and which condition he has remained since. The horse which he was leading was one very gentle and did not manifest any bad tend encies, but in a playful mode kick ed up its heels striking the boy with the results. Two doctors worked with Gordon, during the whole of Saturday evening, but could not re store him to consciousness. A VERY PLEASANT GATHERING. From Merid.i s T;ii' . . Yesterday a very merry orou 1 wended their way to the cozy home of Mrs. Iua Thompson for a socuii time, anci also a surprise. The tine was spent in social entertain!;. and games, in wliieh the ladies very much enjoyed. After a sumpf uou lunch the ladies departed revret'it.a very much that must leave and !: p ed to be soon again to eatjif.r and. encjy another like occasion. Th"-" present were Medames J. M. Ou-.-ninnham, J. W. liaie. c. C. Coiner. Edward Boggs, C. 1. Richards, Ceo. Luchinsky, Nell Jay and babe. Mary Thompson. R. C Muliis, also Charles Richards jr., Clarice and Gerald Cunningham. Margaret and Charles Sherwood. Edith and Earl Mu!!b, and the guest of honor Mrs. Iua Thompson. RETURNS TO HER WORK. l't'tTi M-a-i.s i;.:;v. Miss Laura Meisimrer who is the superintendent of the long di-ranee department ot the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company, at David City, and who has le-en home spend ing a few days with her parents in this city departed this morniu'-i for i her work. FOR SALE. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 60c at all stores. Early Marquis Seed Wheat $2." per bu. This wheat yields a - hiah as 72 bushels per acre in Canada and made more than 2." here hist ear S. O. Cole. 3-1 4-4t kly iviona&v, iiiarcn Oil 3 Head of Horses, f 14 Head of Cattle, 28 Head of Durcc Jersey Hcgs, Good line of Farm Machinery and Household Goods. Lunch Will Be Werved at Noon! E. E. LEACH, Owner R. M. YOUNG, Auctioneer l . J. HALL . Auctioneer returning Saturday evenina'. Jerry McHugh and family and Mr. nd Mrs. Jacob Goehry were Sun day guests of Harold Tool and wife. The basket ball team came 'some Thursday noon from Lincoln, where they took part in the tournament. The boys played with Ansley bo.1 lost 2 2 to 12. The Bunnell family and Jerry Me Iluph and family were release from quarantine the lar.t of the weeh ai d we are glad to state there are no new causes nf scarletina. Harry Gillespie and Emil Kuehn sob! their Ford cars last week to th" Ford Auto company of Lincoln. Mr. Kuehn will purchase a Ford Sedan soon and we didn't learn just what .style of car Mr. Gillespie will buy. (Too Late for Last Week.) Fred Brunkow has a new Dodge car. John Gakemier went to Ithica on Tuesdav. Emil Kuehn was in Lincoln last Friday. Fred Stock shipped cattle to Om aha Monday. Miss Eva Soriek spent Sunday with home folks. the best of luck in their new loca tier.. Mrs. Herman Kuehn and children are visiting her parents, south of Elmwood for a few weeks. They will soon move to their new home near Milford. N'ebr.. where . Herman has "nought a farm. Mrs. Lena Lett and son, Kennetl returned to their home at Council Bluffs Sunday, after visiting a few days. here. She was accompanied home by her mot, Mrs. L. Aum wert, who will remain a week or more. Lottie Bornemeier and Miss Mar gery Hall, of near Alvo, were mar ried on Wednesday of last week and will be at home soon on the farm just east of town. May their happiness never grow less, and the best luck they've had, be the worst that is coming to them. Red Cross Notes Following is the report of work from January 2."th to February 25th. inclusive: HOSPITAL GARMENTS 21 bed shirts, 8 pajama suits. HOSPITAL SUPPLIES 27 towels, IS linen napkins. 91 Mr. and Mrs. James Swift and son j handkerchief substitutes, 106 cup INTERIOR DECORATING OF HIGHEST ARTISTIC QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP. MAX DUSTERHOFF. Interior Decorator, Murdock. Nebr. 13 EC VISITED AT FUNSTON SUNDAY. From Monday's T;iily. On the midnight train last Satur day Harry and George Forbes de parted for Camp Funston, going to see their brother Clifford, who was to go away yesterday, and were two hours late, as the train which carried Clifford away had departed just two hours before their arrival. They returned home this morning. arriving on the early train, not being able to see their brother nor to find where he was transferred to. For regular action of the bowels; easy, natural movements, relief of constipation, try Doan's Regulets. SOc at all stores. Flags at the Journal Office. P Clothes isn't a side line with us so giving clothes satisfaction is a big thing here. KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES 15 makes that satisfaction absolutely certain that is why jj tney re nere. Lome and see tne Spring Models on Display suits for every man and young man, priced within his easy reach $22.50 to $35.00. I ac fea.