The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 14, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
FAQE TV70 PLATTSMOUTH KEMMVELKLY jouhnal. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 101S. LilELY MEET uuuw- ilL LAST EVE PULL OF LIFZ FEO:-I START TILT CVLH SMALL FOX SPREADING 03JECT TO JOURNAL GBiTiCiSM Puss Resolution Clr-iiuiiig Thrust cf Paper at Unnecessary Delays Was Uncalled For. l-r.-m T:i. sda.Vit IV. My. Kvcry member of the city council v; i:i-hi- place when the Mayor tailed i': r ike reading of the min nvs of i lie previous session, to which when road there were ro reject io:i. JVrmis-Mon was given t (To-ir-e M. Ili'.il to construct a s.'wer from Iris place to connect with I ! ( " :: ica Avenue M'-ivcr, and was : .::; j-anl'-il by a boa i of one liumT-r-d d, -liars to indemnify the city in (.. of any damage resulting from j s construction, or afterwards. ( '. Revert on Occurs tian Tax. ( ;! Co $ ,".0.00 rbm.-t-1-i K.iilroad Co "t'.OO :! 1'vstr,-. c. ::o.oo !i. Ch .--n. re:. a ' .ry let ... 10.00 .1. C:ri ,' -or'. p: ig !ex '17. 40 Cc:.e!iv ler. :RU. 10 K el i Jr. -.sMiri-r : :i n !"'.':, w.-d t he report net v !: irk show o,l t he Ei:i5 Paid. Co. !c i'-.r.l. :.--ry ik.g I. "'H' :. .:i-::r;i!K 0 i J ahiry . R.-roh.y. .-alary 1 Ih.rri--' i:. work .":.'. e. w .rk . i ic'll.-r. v,.-h st reel K. I'.irnitlo. drae-iir. g cf the i !: V;. i :. labor '. 'alary ;:':d labor ; ii'.U h. "-n. supplies to ! ; x a: jail Han-en : ' r-: i at ' . -,:7')rV r ,! i,i- -: In. $ 4.0 0 .-"') 17.40 ;.". oo 7.",. do 4. SO 4. SO o.oo 2.4 0 l.or. ::!. o :i3.4 0 !!.70 1 7.1-2 ::.oo :;o.oo S!.S1 h iy rc port r ; !M" whicli coditiou of i-1 . t;o:'. ir, !.lJ7.7'.i - :.-t w, I in- ? I S, 4 7 1.0!) 4.222.7 M.;i7.0l r i' rc;: i"" !;; iaiss was il ' i: ' i I ! i I ' :" di t hi- (-.;! Jg- h i- prr vailing ia the chy, :.-kt to attention of the . ! -. v. i ;;uT! t' t!e r " h- s-siil. that 1 ' -or ir.ui; rn.-d. I!... folks shut " ':m: o ;l of I iM- lioire. i 1 ' P a. : ne svi"(li. or t!;i i v o, i.. -.t!( !1!!VP DlTll i'O r:i' ' ; - y are at this time :- i. mii.i Mie piiyfiioian ' 'h ! f i !lO!!!f ;i!l! -asHP-I ' f h:s ihn-hirr who ;r :!: ral hnihiinir. ti e 'or -.!:! V.-a ;.i:-ljt this small :' (' : :ra! huihlin.. and ' : ' 'i n i i:ere. t ouncil- II arris --'T,!s very hitter ahout ; conducted, and :.l J . X. T la list n wiu is: ' " ' v J- ! V II h a ( ;:-.r. 0f Hna!l ' "i f''-:i out on the streets ' : ' ' ', w nen Ik- war. snn- I I ! !.;;V heI! TofJced up, with ': ! ;; .". I: t hf. discission, whic h 5' l:-.-.v .f. j? r;rr.ear-1 tlu-tt there were vi'i fa-"- at t f-jty jail. o:i" rluTf : .!: jf, (iiv ;i ,j oiher. the " - ' f Mr. Ha:i.--e:i v..;:; cdi'irz.ahie i:. rjiMitv. as lo- had Lien lr ':v!:t from th" ffi;?:try. Saltier :.:d. tht f!,,, i ; -io-.-rrs ." rt refused tn - :" r Kan-'-f;, and that he told !:?-doner I'ita. t!,at unless lie n:i 1 fT h;. ard prevrnted liim r v : ir are;:. l the city, lie would iv t' e r.-,ii::;ii-ci' r.'rs arrested, and I an :. c-f-eTiient as made whereby 'i' ci'y 'h'.nM fare for him at the I : V. ' 1 e en; ;i t ' re-cts 1 ' tic e r,-e;iffp.s. This was ruled out cf order by the mayor. Harris then offered a motion, asking that the board of health take the matter up, which received a sec ond and was carried. Mayor reported that there were over a thousand eases of small pox alone in Omaha, and that we were not so had. It was reported that Hastings lias closed her schools. It was reported that the picture shows and pool halls were beins required to fumigate each evening after clos ing. Councilman Luschinsky recom mended that the board of health se cure the services of a visiting nurse, which would examine every family, and quarantine such as exhibited any symptoms of contagion, the Mayor said that the board of health would take the matter up. Report of Fire Chief. At the fire on the premises of C. IT. Higgs, which resulted from a de fective flue, and at which place Ily ron Reed lived, it showed the build ing to be valued at ? 1,200 and to have an insurance of ?1,000. the loss on the occasion, being $4.25. Report of Chief of Folic?, showed one arrest, one cash fine. Report of Police Judge showed one fine ten dollars and costs four dollars. Water Rill For Contractors Use. Some time dnce a bill was pre sented for water used for the mix ing of concrete, for the use on the avenue, and which the city was to I ray. The bill amount to $ 135.00, and the amount of Avater consumed being 74:?. 000 gallon. The estimate cf the amount of water needed was less than that by a good deal than 100.000, but to be fair it was sug gested that loo.ono Avould bo gener ous. It Avas decided that the city would pay the bill, and a motion prevailed to that effect, and charge the difference to the contractors. Councilman Harris offered a mo tion that 100 Evergreens be purchas ed to replace thoe Avhich had died at the cemetery, and Avhich Avere to cost ten cents each, the motion prevailed. The Lighting; Committee. T'nder this call. Mr. Fay Smith. Avho is the superintendent of the Ne braska Lighting company in this city. Avas present and was asked if he had anything to say. lie told of having some line trouble. Avhich short circuited the half niuht line, burning oot ;-.l! the iamps and. the following ni.uht the same occurence transpired, Ahich so exhausted the stock cf lamps, that they had not enough to replenish the ongs burn ed out. lie also stated that they had gotten all the lamps from Red Oak, and they were used, but that more lamps were expected soon, then those not burninir Avould be replaced. I.usihinsky called attention to the dumping of brick, glass and iron on Richey sirre whic-h Mr. Smith ex plained Avas done by mistake, and would be removed. He then said that he Avould like to have privilege of spreading ashes from the ire plant Avhich the lighting plant had acquir ed Avhich was given, and then the ( .minlmon from tn various portions of the city asked to have renders hauled to their wards for filling holes. Those were ordered. Harris aked that the special committee on coal be discharged. Weber asked that the road to the cemetery be put in condition for travel. R.estor asked to have the catch basin at the O. K Parage lowered and that McMakcn be allowed to pave a portion of the street near the garage. This was granted. Lm-chuisky asked to have some grading done near the Winter stein Hi!! school house, Avhich Avas denned necessary by the council and ordered. Buttery complimented .1. H. MeMaken for his keeping 10th ami 11th streets north of avenue dragged and arked to have crossings cleaned on avenue. On motion by Rest or, a permanent walk was ordered from seventh to ashington avenue on the north nde of Oak street, abutting the. prop erty ot the Dovey estate, also a cross '"s cm 001 n seventh and Eighth streets. Ttm, : 4 ... ...v . n. i ,is nisa ruci en to give sixty cays notice or the city Avould r.l.iirt 4 1... - 1 1 t-iiov: in.- waiKs ana assess the amount to the property. T'nil r r. 4 .1 itrjiwiiiMi me entire com pletion of the Chicago avenue sewer and recommended the paying of the balance Ayliich was .something oA-er two hundred dollars, of the contract price Avhich had been held back until the completion and inspection of the work. 3 Mothers Thank U Keep yourgrowing girls free from colds and weakening coughs and you are help ing them to heal thy vigorous womanhood. Thousands of mothers have written let ters of thanks, telling what Foley's Honey and Tar lias done for their daughters in ridding them of coughs that 4hung on" and weakened them just ot the age when the young girls required oil the physical strength they could-command. Foley's Honey and Tar is noted for its quick effect on coughs, colds and croup. Mrs. A'da Sanders, Cottentown, Tenn., writes: "We use Foley's Honey and Tar aj our best and only couh remedy. I: never foils) to cure our two iria whoa tbey have colds." "SOLD EVERYWHERE." ARE MOVING TO THE WEST TODAY a contractor has failed to comply with his contract. Now somebody is to blame for this. Who is it? Who is getting paid for this delay?"' After the mayor had finished his address, and asked for expressions of the .members, Wm. Weber arose Avith a smile, saying, Avell, Ave haA-c been a long while Avith the avenue in this condition, and we should get after this matter and have the contract completed, but I do not think anyone has received any money to keep it from being done. C. A. Johnson. Avith a smile on his face, broad as the autumn moon and evidently tickled about something, said. "I. like Mr. Welr. think we should have gotten after il: is matter of the failure of the co '.tractors to complete the contract a long time since, and this Avil! periia?-: help-us in getting the contract finished, still I do not think there are anyone re ceiving money for the contract not being finished." Restor said. I was astounded when I read the article, and I womb red Avhat it could mean. He explained the difficulty Avith a. hich the con tractors labored with in securing material. Johnson and I that three w'.r-i w eat her v. re i the force v,t.- t: and used else a ! was piled in f ic Luchinky so i have been d- everybody k n .". t he art icle .. ;; contract called ninety days. : incut the cp;;v: il unctions flc to com pier o time. The Mr.yor them pay t o time conies ... Stfe 7-!k Crcin?nre. Then r-u.:- th- readint; of the rdinance. or lailier tl:e a;.;eii'!e I ordinance whV:. speciik-d fh "vidtli. and construction oi t le walks -sj;er-ially on main strceis l.-etv.een rnd and Eighth streets. Avhkh shall be twenty feet in width, and the cross streets. !).-hvn-:! Vine ;i;;d j-,..iri Avliich should be riuht feet in width. A fine of one hundred dollars Avas designated to be assessed for an yon o violating this ordinance. Ruttery called attention to t! matter oi placing stop cocks in tkv gas supply pipes leading into tniiid- ings, as the lack of one caus-d i'.h 1 1 t ! ry ioti. rrp'k-d ek-s f g)od away, brcause .';:,i this city wii.T. : i:::ri a I ' ago," ;i!l:i th-'f " . hut he thought :-.fber Tic for '(mpb'f ion in :; ti:e time of .ettle- : Id see t iia t de be made for failure ;!";".:: on sp.eeifie'i From Monday's Daily. Ed v.ori: who for . nearly fifty years has made his home near Rock Rl tiffs, Avhere he grew to manhood and married, and now has a familv growing up around, had disposed of his interests here and Avith Iiis fam ily today departed for Haxton, Colo rado, where lie some time pur chased a farm. Mr. Worl in leaving here is going to a new country to make a home, and Ave are sure he with his family Aill make a success in the west, the country is good there and the opportunities are ex cellent, and Avithin Mr. Worl and the family there is an abundance of en ergy arid capacity for good hard work which Avill tell in the Avinning of a home in the Avest. We are wishing them good fortune there and that they may like their new home. SCHOOLS WILL SELL wl 11 (&L mpany WAR SAVING STAMPS Cro'ii Monday's laijy. Through the efforts of Wf.rd M. Rurgess who has state sale of the War Saving Stamps in hand, the state superintendent of school.; has issued an order to have all county superin tendents of schools issue orders for the elo-dng of the public schools on I riday March 22. Ahich day is to be devoted to the making a drive for the sale of War Saving Stamps. ( ounty Superintendent. Mis Alpha Vtersrn l;as issued ;ui order o the schools of the county to cloe o 1 that .)., .. , I. . . . r. i. . . ..i t 10 li'llli'i .Villi I lie school boards of the various schools. !... !,...- ..T. : : .. .. .1 i mo.v i, ,i m'lh in iiiiIM'.I li ilie of i!-( i!i-iv. 'i t w t. i-.. a ('.iy in which will be ei.Iisud the work, liucsmri! and e:n ;;u.oa.oi:, and th( patriots of the venti: of t! nd for the eause of America. It is state v id', an I it is o;- o c! n,.;! tht'ir wi'i beovtr two huu.iri".! !i:mis- St amps ng tio- for -.i tnd sales made. T! school sch of V.Vr Saing t idea of i n 1 is iar:- in t.:is drive At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced, correspondence taken from the private files of Swift & Company, which showed that the Company had been con sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sev eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company's net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: Sales $5D,UUU,UUU. E&i Profits $34,650,000. This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his cattle, or the consumer would have saved only ont-quarter of a cent per pound on dressed beef. Swift & Company, U. S. A. rrr ...... !!l : y a a:: 1 nma 1, r y is he -i e '. . r i s 1 1 t: 1 ool . i. ; ; o ;a : ; ' t '. of the cai'.nt rv. one Avort h' of "i aieu',' i ne t ci i v. expo dtday ' ' ,: ! K"!'! 'II ' ; i o ma ;: hen til. r'iLL TAKE lAi'IZHT. W hen baby suffers with croup, ap- !'. i anu l'.r. e Dr. il;..oi;is ?-.rI-t-t ! Oil at once. S..fe for children. A tie tvc c:: a long way. V.t)c and (pie at ail drug ;-tores. mi " : :' m his n-in -!;t-..- ( i :u a. :i -. ii i- j lie st .: i l iave to yo to !e."!o- , r. Minn us : . v. ii) i- h; daughter ill Jos. :'e.ri:!'r!;v who is :ro-;M-l v.'here 'ie tic.u if ; if not viil hay '.I"'' Op'Tllt i'O! : "'!: f.i;:y :: Miss W;!--. ro will rn:,np! ' iia' she I t roat t'.i':i o. a i a fit1-; . : ; i wit h o" Mr. Mi-s Crace Wilis, v i ' !i a is, i ' or ;i in! aave toe goiter nt u :il su :::(. ;ind il.'Ve tio icc's- )V.I 11 ti: . oi no lo-im-r ; rs. ( has. I ': u . h. . an:l v :. ":i:crfiil ;: ir oy. o.t Rut Strcns: Siatsmcr.t. :e t r.r- c. . The Journal Editorial. At this junction the Mayor, said that he had read an article in the Journal, Avhich has reflected upon somebody, and he Avanted to say that ic had lived in this city for over twenty years and that no one had a right , to question his honesty and that he thought that the councilmen were the same way, he asked, did any of you get any money for not : hp ving the Chicago avenue contract '::arant:-v '" ! !'."":, six j finished. Thg article Avhich was r' t fe- . f i- .' asls j taken exr"t:n to reads: "The Jour- r -ii!:' ! "ri-i. Harris offered nal marvels at its patience when it r !h coun'-il di!- t hs j considers tiint it has remained quiet ?1 - s ; ;;d the schools, nntil ; a - whole winter, Avhile Chicago ave- seconu lire at Zuckweiler &. Ruix store. TIi is was ordered. Johnson called the attention of the council that a long time ago a flag had been put. on the city hall, and nidi n was time to put up another nd offered a motion to that effect. which Restor included a small one to be hung behind the desk of the Mavor .. .i . , ... . .hoi t.iiTK. mis prevailed. This completed the businos.; of the even ing. v. ; pa ins, ot her should S. S :;;;:ll. ('!: ton. X. M. : "Rolev Kidnoy Rill.-; lia'v done me more good than :!! :l;.-r m ;'i"iii" Thvy . ! r tigtlicn weak kidney.- and banish sb ep-iii url-ing bladder ailments. S.iM ev. ry wliere. EGGS FOR HATCHING. I "rem the be ! Rods I ever ovn-ed. per ion or :? I...0 per setting. Have a Kayo incubator r.nd brooder !"or s :l c keep, used two years, per fect conditio:!. !"ko'e lol. W. R Rorter, Myuard, Xe-.r. GUAEDXAN'S SALE. In !!: District C( iiit of Cass -oun- 'y. .seiov i -' a. In the matter of the application of .Wra A. Rowers, Cuardinn cf Marvel R. Halo, ininor to .''!! real estate. -VoticL is hertby gien that in pur am e of an order of James T. Reg- iey, Jucge el tio- District Court of Ca -s County, mad" en the 2Mb day of November, A. D. 1 il 1 7 for the : -ale of the real -?a:e hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south door of the court house in ....... .... . ' V . ... f.,1, M Ltl oay oi ..larch. 1H1S at 1 o'ebn a. :n., at public vendue to th" high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Commencing at riie Northwest corner of lot Jive in Rorter I'laee and addition to the City of IMattsmouth f ciiiivfynin'c, duly txccutol and ac-lt"stat' i;i a;.l e.oii;t' or: N'.aci::! knovh i!i.c.i, fi.mi the heirs of Martha ! -1. IN" I . That at ti t- time ,,t'r, il'-i'i'i'.n'il : that no jouiiinistra- 1; a t !i I i- was tin nwiiee of t!-" i-n of t!i- t state of the said Sfartba j tlivhled :,e-l ;.!f of t!:.- f...l!..v.-;!.g s..o.! r eas n j;j.i in lie stale in seri ! real es-taie to-tvil: i e- sou; , - j Net'iasUa. a:el that not mure than two i west jaart"i- tSW'., of '.'tion Tw. a j yoais has t.'.pire-l sinee her dr-atlt ; j t ''-. ven 7i. T''Aii.-hip 'Pwei-.. j thi-y pray for a riot erminat ion of tl.t X-oth, Kaag" Nin- !'. Kjtst t' . i tine- ami ptaeo of tie death of Mar- S'iMh I'. M.. :u Cass -oii i, ' , ,, lu-a -kn . ! tli.l S'!:e!';' r. ! t e I M 1 i n a t i on of tiie sait-j.-et to lii" dower lag!.; t ! : t ' f i f I loos of .'aid do. eased, their d-groe of Me re t'.. liiillion. a in said petition i K.n.-hip sin. I tee right of the deseeti t , el forth. That said pet i i.eier. Ip.w ! of said real i tato aad that the eredi- aid .1. f.iaiali' i,. )-,s hi-.-oir,.. ti:o t -! tors of Maith.a. Slii'lTcr le forever Par- m r of tin- al-ov, de.-eri 1-e.l real esteio I red and enjoinetl from assert intr any ""V samii.. i.o sae i:iet eo .1 in -; jtlaiai upon said real estate. from 1 1; heirs of said d.-eea ed. Sa i I v.itu raekaehe. rh- urna i ir museb s, st in join!:; or joom ; rd kidney trouble d (ois statement from .Mrs. Cass loimtv Xelr:isU-:i tiwooe run ning Hast along the North line there of ;77.!;r fee, thence South parallel with the line of said Lot 71 Said petition will he heard Pefore said Comity Court, a t its rooms in the City of I '!a 1 1 sinou t h. in said eomity. en the iMii day of March, l'.US, at 10 o'clock a. m. ' (Lty the Cnurt) AM. 1-kS .1. RKKSi )N. tSeali fjl-tlw. County .ludg mitii i; or i nt v.w im:i.i oh To .loli n I . !'- eilel iel; : A on are notified tiiat Nnvcinl vr i:l.". Lot v ia IUoeti i''i; in City of I 'la 1 1 sniou t ii, Nehraska. Was sold to 1 . Codding fo- tax deli ii'iuen t for va is I'M!.", to and including- KM I . The Couri tv Treasure:- issued tax sate eertitieate N'o.. J7e; to jui rehaser. who on I i. -!-Per , 1!M7. assigned same to J'.yreii CoMinu-. .After three months from .ATaieh :. It'P, the assignee will ajt ply for deed of s;dd property. Mated this L'oid dav of Kol.ruarv itMS. ryi:on UMI.. Assignee. I'ftitioner .:;-.ys It:.- onit to nor ,t dferee .-ta ldishing heirs of said .loi.n W. tlultion an-l to ent.-i a Pa-iiau- t:.. I all of tie- del. Is "f the deceased ha e J Peeii paid, including funeral expenses, land for such other orders as in the premises may he pioper. That . aid peti tion is sei f r oeariag ia t i : : s e..i; i on the l.-h day of Apii!. :!1, a' Til o clock a. m.. at wlii.-h healing yo ;. or . Ii- of oa inac he pi cat ee l oi.jeel. if on o i!cii-i-. !at"d at i '.'a 1 1 snoot I h. No' ra .-!:a . e.i til is Ma dav of Mar.!:. 1 :i I s .m.i:n .1. i;i:i;si x. Ry Coo'itv .lad"". fi. i:i:. ;: wiirn:, ci,i.:. .mil-: I.IMiAI. MlTUi: M) i i i; in ( (iatii nuts Sealed lu'ds will lf received at the dfiee of the Countv Clerk in I'latts- motith, Nehraska. up till N'OHN' on Mom-ay. .April Mh. KM N. for luiildinrr eel, lueuee West parallel with the woo.i, steel, ami I and steel liridg. Nf-rih !iee TOO'!:! foot to tho W;..a "ll i",M a"" 'K,x euixeris. ami " I oilier concrete work, sueli as wiiiks line or said lot a. thence Northeast- I and alaitnn nts. for the year KMX, as I : . I . . . 1 i .- . i - . . ...... 'lo Mlfii I . .1. :i; III ,.i iiliv (O ,nc lo.'ec . 1 1 a a -J;iiii.'s i n of begiiiiiiii! Also !ie VISITED WHILE THE SCHOOLS V7ELE CLOSED l-'roni Monday's Daily. About two weeks since, the schools were closed at Alliance on account of the prevalence of Scarlet Fever, and while it was so closed, Mrs. ( v ,.,..,!. no. i uiu cniKiren came down here for a visit and have been U.e guests of both the parents of Mrs. Grass, H. T. Ratton and wife, and the relatives of Mr. Grassman, iurs. v. II. Mann and other rela- t irn r rr .1 mm- iuuay p.irs Uras.sinan received a message saying that the schools nau opened this morning, so this s-f. ternoon they departed for their home in the northwest CASTOR 8 A lfor Iniants and Children 3rs Use For Over 30 Year: Always bears tf fr- """""rl u Almost a Young: Kan A-ain. thcxrcason wc sell so much bread? That's easy it's good! Ask those that ii3e it or better still order a loaf with your meat or groceries. War Bread, 10c E. It. Whilehursf. R. R. R. j( Xor folk, Va., writes: "I been Juffer- ing for more than a year, but sine taking Foley Kidney Rills I feel al most a young man again." Thev strengthen and hcar'wx'akened or Victory Loaf, 10, 15 and 20c Srii Rf Bread. 10 and 15c backache, rheumatic pains, stiffness soreness. Sold everywhere. Get the latest war wan' af-m.. :kor :d be stamped out. nue has remained blockaded because j Journal c5ce. TIlS Eand-ycNally HA XT I'latis and s pet-i tiea t i ns now on lih following I 5,1 'Oli. e of the County Clerk at I l I I v'li. in I li -V 1 ..-.I w laeis. chiini.'m-iir; ;.t i no .Muiueasi Separate I. ids may he tiled for each corner o. said lot in said Fort er I eiass oi in iuge work ami lor eonerete ., . ,. larch :i;d lio.v calvert work. tiaie. intiice running westerly . ,n i,;.is to he opened on Tuesday feet, thence S"Uth parallel with the A'"il 1!,,s- J,t "even o'clock a. iii. .. . .. . I The Hoard of County Coinmissioii- r,a. :i line in s.iio i;u leei. ers t esi rves the light to reject any thence liast parallel wit li the North '",ls- . . I li:. II (II , Oil i III SV Hill t'l'tf rni.i...r. line ;j'0 ieet, llienr-e Aortll H.mU tin- r glit to imil.I all eiilveits n.i In olges costing J.iiMI.OO or less. A certilied he-k for t.'iniilin.' mui i iai tsiuoiii ii. t ;iss i o.iuiy, .enrassa. I a.-eompany . a.-ii I ni. KKA.NK .). MIIKKSIIAL can: rsue win lemaui open one , sV.i I I m 11 - w. County ci.i k hour, the riglit is reserved tw rcftme any and all bids. NORA A. I'OWKItS. feet to the place of bginnin; in oiiiMiit M' hi:im; and Notice on I V-1 it ion for Settlement o .x.'coiint. I.. ,1.. .......I.. . 4 ... ..... i? i! w ivmi AAt c,.,,.n:.,,, .""o.- "n ass totin- iv. i. n iimm uu h vi uai wiu ii. xiMU'iIf m i - At ( oriiov. I Stat of .Wlii'iiska, 'ass unt v. ss In the liOJis-nt-I;i ami all persons inieresleil or llie tslate of i;iahetl MJMi: HI-" Vl' IIO roll lalitnmds, J)eiease.l: 'V m:i:i) reatlmg the petition of .lohn v To Craie I i. Ceneland: ii.oniunfis praying a final settlement u are i.otilied that a;. I ami allowance ol Pis account tiled in I'M".. Lot 7 in Hloek til. in City of 'ins umii on tae .tn day of Matah, I'laltsuioiith. Neluaska. was sold to I I tM s. and tor assignment of estate. I. tPdilmg for ta del tr i ue.i t fori " is i.eioio oruereu tnai you i,v. vears l!u)."i to and ineituli.ig KM I. :un-la" I'ei.sons inieresleil m said matt. ty Treasurer iasued tax sale eei t i fi - may. and do. appear at the County ejite No. 170.i t; purchaser, who. on com i i- neiu in and tor said cnun. I i.e.-inlier r.ft. KM 7. assigned the s;,mc 'V. mi the l.sth .lay of .March. .. t t?v-"M Moli'inir. Afler three inonlhsl I !M S. at in o clock a. tn.. to show canst Ti om March 10, KM S, the assignee will apply f"r a deed of said property. )ated this 'ttrd day of r ebi nary. ttMS. I!Vi:tN' t JO LI INC.. Assigrtee. .MITKi; I'Olt Ilf:ltl.(i In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nehraska. In the matter of the Instate or Mar tha Si i offer. Deceased. To all Creditors, Heirs and persons interested in the estate of Martha Shelter. Deceased. rvotite Is lie re by given that on tlie Kith dav of January. 191S. Samuel JI Loder filed a veritiod petition in the "ounty Court of Cass county, Nebras ka, setting forth that Martha Sheffer died intestate in Cass county, Nebras ka, on the 17th day of August. 1891, seized of the following described real estate,to-wit: The Southwest quarter SrU) of Section 1 if teen (13) Town ship Twelve (12) North, Xlange Nine y) Kast of the tli r. M., in Cass coun ty. Nebraska; that they are now the owners of all or the aforesaid lands and that they acquired title to all of the aforesaid real estate through deeds if any there i.e. why the inmcr of the petitioner .should not bo granted, find that, notice of the pendency of' said petition and the hearing thereof b given to all persons interested in said manor ny mi bushing a copv of this order In the I'la t tsniou t h Journal, a weekly newspaper printed in said county lor one week prior to said dav of hearing. in witness whereof, I- have hereun to set my hand and the Seal of said Court, this 7th day of March. A. D 1918. ALLIJN J. RKKSOX. (Seal) County Judge. MiTicu ok iMrrri'Hi.v Ifi the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the Kstute of John V. Gullion, Deceased. -To Mary K. (lullion, James C. (Jul lion, Olive Gullion, his wife, and to all other persons interested in said Rs- tat,e, creditors and beirs; You and each of you tire herebv no tified that on the 9th day of March. 191S, a ietitioi-was tiled in this court by Howard J. Grainlich, Avhereln he alleges that one John VV. Gullion, then a resident and inhabitant of Cass coun ty. In the State of Nebraska, died tn- n the District C-mit of Ca ty. Nebraska. AVilliam I. Kottz. KlaintilT. Jenkins, et al. Defendants. To James Jenkins; John Neish: J w isii (whose teal nam.' is Je'in NVKhi George Jenkins; Ahiai on Ne:sh: .datu Jenkins; Andrew Neish; Dickson .V Miller, a co-pa it a.rsh i p c-iinoosed o:' llohert Dickson and William Miller Patrick Kelley; Mrs. Patrick K'ellev (t'ust leal name unknown i wife, if li -irig and if .1. ceased, widow of Patrick Jveney, deceased: Janus Kane; .lain.- Keai-.e: ..Mrs. James Keano (i:st real name unknown wife, if living ami i f deceased, widow of James Keane de ceased; CeoT-e AV. AVharloTi: 'ills. CJeorg,; A A". Wliar (lirst real name unknown) wife, if living and if d.- ee,,s.M. widow of George AA'. AVhartoti, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and' all other persons interested in the es tate of James Jenkins, deceased; the unknown beirs. devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all ether persons inieresleil in the estate of John Neish. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives nt-.d sMl other persons in terested in the estate of George Jen kins, deceased : the n n k n on- o i..-,;,... devisees-, legatees, persona representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of .Abraham N. ish. de ceased: the .unknown heirs, d, visees legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate ot Adam Jenkins, deceased; the unknown hciis. devisees, legatees pel . sonal representatives. and all '..the persons interested in the estate or el drew Neish. deceased. Defendants on and each of you j. ,e herebv noli, bed that on the ISth dav of Rehn, irv IMS. the plaintiff in the i oreeoj ... ', ' fitted cause, tiled his petition ia fl. District Court of Cass . count v N. braska. wherein each and all n' Co i are made pal tits defendunt n... . . ject. ptiii.ose arid prayer of vhiel. .....i'.T pent ton -is to obtain o. r' v i:d l'o....f . : , . '' ' i:om ' ..oo..,i:i; eioillls rrolll -ilol Uiueting the title to the f o! iowi ,11 , , scribed real estale. i Plaintiff Wi ' liam I. l-'oltz. tf.-wit: The .southwest .piartcr of UMilei of the northwest ouar ter; the cast half of the so nl -Avest una iter and the west b.-f of the southeast ouatte. .. n .- TwHvef (, Kast'nf the M.. m (ass county, N. !,-aska as against you find ,,,., , . . you, and to exclude a r V A . i f and each and all of vn .''L " "i'h " ' I I .. I ... i . ic. I III I II IT ji .. ,.: ,r . .... estate or interest in and , ' ,H" estate before n..Jufl .,0. 11,0 ' forth in said oioi. " ,,r,u. a -"et , ...v.,,, IIH( S. f r -. i I ..M or I ' ri i n 1 1 rf . . - " "'ilillll N tiff. Plain- possession of said adv Oftfj than te , " .1 :' " s lor more ment of sa i act on and r? toni"'nee er and further ,1 f..r sur" !.- and equitable. rt be J"st This notice is irlv 1 1 1.' is Coin You are reini(..i . in i 1 . " l" ' .i nun ,iri ..r April. 191S. or against you mis notice s given ,.! . ,,. mrsnant to an ordtV c,; " ' i,,,;I,,,i,,''"' "ourt. -nu led t(y sajll luired to answer said ne before the 1st ! 1 default will . iay "r therein ,U ,,e ken ns-iw AVILLIAM I. FOLT2 By JOHN M. LEYDA' His Attorney.