The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY MARCH 11, 1918.
r r-jrarr, ri,-.r n-fTr -t-
Our Facilities Enable Us to Handle Your Business in this
Economically and on this Basis We Invite Your
Fred Huff, another Louisville boy.
Las been called to the colors. He
l-ft Tuesday for the training camp
;it Funston.
Thomas Stander, who is in the em
ploy of the Lincoln Telephone com
pany, is at home this week for a
short visit.
Dr. E. H. Worthman has been
suffering: from a severe cold this
v.t-ek. which settled in his vocal
ords. causing him considerable
hoarseness and discomfort.
"The band boys will give a three
days' fair at the Opera House, March
In. i'j and 20. There will be prizes
given to the most handsome lady
and the most popular gentleman.
Tom Fisher left last week for San
Fruncisco to enter the IT. S. Naval
training school. He enlisted in De
cember, but was not called into
training until the last of February.
Chris Metrgar. of Omaha, drove
through Louisville Sunday enroute
from Cedar Creek to Meadow, where
he took the Rock Island for his home
;r. Omaha.
William Diers. cf Gresham, who
has been attending market week in
Omaha, came down Monday for an
overnight visit with his uncle, W.
F. Diers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mallau have
returned from a short visit with Mr.
Mnllau's sister and family, at Ftiea,
where they went, combining busi-n-;s
and pleasure.
?Irs. S. C. Keckler has returned
from a week's visit nt the John Pe
tersen home at Pleasantdale. She
r. ports a little daughter that arriv
ed at the Petersen home about two
eeks ago.
Henry Ileil has moved his family
to town into the handsome bunga
low which he purchased of Mr. and
Mrs. II. T. Wilson. Mr. Wilson has
purchased the house west of the Mis
souri Pacific tracks formerly owned
by Mrs. John Kahler and they have
moved into it and are fixing it up to
make it more attractive and comfor
table. UNION
Miss Lyda Clark left Saturday af
ternoon for Falls City where she will
visit for a short time with the G. P.
Barton family and other friends.
We were informed that from now
on there will be no electric power
during the day except Tuesday mor
nings until the storage batteries
have been repaired.
Lemuel Barritt, who is now one
of the mail carriers has been com
pelled to make the route on horse
hack the last few days owing to
the poor condition of the roads.
D. R. Porter left Saturday after
noon for Tarkio, Missouri, where he
went to attend a sale of Duroc-Jersey
hogs. Mr. Porter has several nice
specimens of this breed and intends
to raise more.
A deal was closed the latter part
rf last week whereby C. W. Clark
became owner of the hotel which
he has been operating for several
years. The building was owned by
Mrs. Ida Davis Goldsworthy of Oat
man. Arizona.
Last Wednesday evening a recep
tion was held at the M. E. parsonage
for Mr. and Mrs. Silces and family.
On account of the weather and bad
roads the crowd was small, but yet
in spite of the weather and no elec
tric lights there were about forty
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President.
FRED NUTZMAN, Vice-President.
Frank Boggs, who recently start
ed to install fixtures in the building
vacated by the postoftice now has a
real neat restaurant and should do
a good business. The restaurant fix
tures were moved from the hotel and
now it is being operated as a hotel
Len Thacker, who has had charge
of the Standard Oil trade here for
some time was transferred to Platts
mouth the first of the month where
he will be for some time. Roy
Yonker of this place has accepted
the position held by Mr. Thacker and
is now skinning the mules to a good
Herman Swanson received word
last Friday that his father had died
at a hospital in Omaha and he with
his family left at once for that place.
From Omaha they went to Osceola,
Nebraska, where his parents live and
where the funeral was held. Mr.
Swanson's friends were grieved to
hear of the sad news and share the
sorrow with the familv.
Bert Reed was an over Sunday
visitor in Elmwood with his wife.
who has been sick at the home of
her parents, but is getting much bet
W. J. Philpot. Lee Brown, Ed.
Boedeker and Ed Gansemer, farm
ers north?st of town, shipped some
cattle to the Omaha market Tuesday.
George Bennett and wife arrived
Wednesday night from the western
part of the state and will make their
home on his father's farm southeast
of town. '
Mrs. Jake Shafer, northeast of
town, who was quite seriously in
jured last week by falling down the
cellar steps, is reported as getting
along nicelv.
George Reckard and family mov
ed back to Weeping Water again
last week from Auburn, where they
have been living. They have locat
ed in the Philpot house on the hill
in the southeast part of town.
Wayne Switzer, who had been here
a week, returned Sunday evening to
his home at Verona, Wyoming. H?
has sold out in Wyoming, and will
move back to Nebraska and locate in
Cedar county.
Dick Kirchoff. southwest of town,
says he thinks the wheat is in fair
ly good shape, although it may be a
little thin in spots. The weather
and the moisture of late has been
very beneficial to the wheat.
Louis Anderson and his two sons
left Tuesday night with their emi
grant car for Ceresco, where they
have rented a farm. Mrs. Anderson
and the smaller children went to
Omaha to stay until the car arrived
at the new home.
Tom Fisher, who left February
22 for San Francisco, where he en
tered the navy as an enlisted sea
man, is now stationed on Goat Is
land. He is one of the sons of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Fisher and enlisted
some time ago, but was not called
until the latter part of February.
Walter Olander, who left at the
same time is in the same company
with Tom.
Miss Agnes Rough returned Sat
urday evening from Galveston, Tex.,
where she went to visit her broth
er, Arthur, who is serving his coun
try and is stationed there. : She re
ports her brother in good spirits and
getting along nicely. Miss Rough
was at the wholesale house in Kan
sas City when the idea came to her
that a number of miles carfare would
be saved to visit her brother at this
time so went rather unexpectedly.
J. D. Powers met with a serious
accident Sunday afternoon while
helping to load some railroad rails
at the cement bridge up by the old
mill site, when he stepped back
wards off the bridge. At first it was
thought that Mr. Powers was very
seriously hurt as it seemed that a
fall oi that distance and then to
light on solid concrete would injure
him. He was taken to a Lincoln
hospital on the evening train aul
on arriving in Lincoln was take?i
through an X-ray examination which,
showed that his most serious trouble
was a broken head and some bad
Mrs. C. II. Longacre was called
to Greenwood last week on account
of the serious illness of her mother,
Mrs. Sarah Hohan.
Clarence A. Herrick and wife an
nounce the arrival of a fine boy at
their home on March 3, They are
receiving congratulations from their
Private Everette Smith arrived at
home on Tuesday from ('amp Green
leaf. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., for an
eleven day furlough. He is glad to
be among former friends.
Fred Leidig has purchased the
property in the north part of town
occupied by George Trunkenbol
Jr. He will take possession soon.
W. S. Campbell, of Lincoln, was the
former owner.
Henry Spahnle, who it at Camp
Funston, had the instep of his foot
fractured several weeks ago by a
kick from a mule. He has been laid
up but expects to get a furlough
Miss Dessie Hursh of Broken Bow
was in town a day or so iast week
looking after her property here. Her
new business property on Main
street is completed and is now occu
pied by Longacre.
Arthur Gardner, of this city, is
the proud father of twin boys which
arrived at his home Saturday even
ing. Arthur thinks they are a good
pair and is glad they have taken up
a permanent residence at his home.
Herman Bergman was enabled to
leave the Lincoln hospital Saturday
and is now at home with his fam
ily. It is hoped he will have no
further trouble from the malady
which has had the better of him for
six months.
T. S. McMaster, of Nora, Neb.,
has leased the old Vanlandingham
home of Frank Lanning and will
move his family here in the near
future. Mr. McMaster is a carpen
ter and contractor by profession and
will doubtless prove a valuable ac
quisition to our little city.
Word received by his parents
states that Henry Renncr has arriv
ed in France. He writes that he
landed all right and had a fine trip.
He likes France fine and will' write
his impressions of that country at
another time. He is allowed to send
one letter a week.
Miss Ida Belle Downey spent last
Sunday in Lincoln with her parents.
Grandma Behrns is slowly recov
ering from a long siege of the la
Gust Nelson, of Frontier county,
arrived in Nehawka Tuesday for a
visit with friends and relatives.
Miss Eva Fowler had. a homesick
attack and hied to Weeping WTater
on the afternoon train Friday.
Miss Dorris Vallery, who is at
tending University at Lincoln spent
the week end here with her sister,
.Mrs. F. R. Cunningham.
Miss Fannie Warden, who has
been making her home in Nebraska
City the past three months, return
ed to Nehawka Monday.
Rev. E. A. Fletcher took Will Al
bion to Omaha Tuesday, Where the
latter entered a hospital. Mr. Albion
is a relative of the Fletcher family.
Miss Basler longed for the gayety
of city life so much that she left on
Saturday for Lincoln, but returned
to her work on Monday morning.
Mr. Roy Kratz realized that the
"longest way round was the short
est way home" last Sunday, when
he went to Omaha via Lincoln, even
though there was no conservation of
time or money in it.
C. Schomaker said to this report
er last Saturday that they were hav
ing an awful time with the measles
at his house. Willie, Freddie, Mar
garet and Redfern were all down
with them at about the same time.
Carl Stone is the first tc report
young chicks to this office this year.
He has a hen with 14 little chick
ens hatched from lf eggs, which is
a remarkable record considering
that the thermometer has stood at
below zero several times since the
old hen commenced incubation.
John Parriott has just returned
from a trip to Wyoming, where he
has been looking at land.
Floyd Morgan came up last Sun
day from Camp Funston and "--pent
a few days visiting with his wife and
other relatives.
Jas. Berry's moved from the farm
near Wabash which they farmed last
year to the Fred Bockleman farm
near Murdock.
Mrs. Mary Reid left on Saturday
morning for Akron. Ohio, to visit her
daughter, Mrs. George .Crawford.
Mrs. Eugine Hall accompanied her
as far as Lincoln.
Mrs. Frank Lenz returned to her
home at Rock Islam!, 111., last Fri
day evening. She was accompanied
by Mrs. Ed Rosenow and her little
daughter, who will make a short vis
it there.
C. Schneider accompanied his
daughter, Mrs. Frank Lenz, as far as
Omaha on Friday evening on her re
turn to Rock Island, 111. He remain
ed until Saturday to attend to some
business matters there.
Mrs. John Colbert and Grandma
Colbert came up from Weeping Wat
er last Friday and spent the day vis
iting with friends and relatives here.
The latter called upon her old time
friend. Grandma Hollenbeck.
Wm. Mendenhall has purchased a
fine 160 acre farm near Manley, Ne
braska. The farm is known as the
Yokum farm and is one of the best
in that section. The price paid was
$185.00 per acre or about $30,000
for the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stolz, of Mil
ford, Nebr., are here on a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bornemeier. Mr.
Stolz is a brother of Mrs. Borne
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Stolz were mar
ried a week or so ago and are tak
ing the opportunity to spend part of
their honeymoon here.
Last Saturday Tom Osborne, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne, was
taken sick with appendicitis and was
taken immediately to Lincoln, where
an operation was performed. He pass
ed successfully through the opera
tion and his father, who went with
him stated that he was getting along
I a 1 J.. fwnr-. ,.
nne recovering mteij num ni; ch
ects of the operation.
Mr. Rogge has announced that the
Union Lumber Co. will build a new
CIIAS. C. PARMELE. Vice-President.
RALPH R. LARSON, Asst. Ca.diler.
elevator at this place and at present
thinks that the elevator will 1m
ready for use for next year's cro,).
In all probability the elevator will
be buil of cement or steel and made
absolutely lire proof. This will b'
of interest to all who will be glad
that thev have decided to build.
Mii'ict: ei' jm:tithn
In the Ciimiiy 'ou rt Cass coun
ty. Xehraska.
In the jnatLer of the Kstate of .John
V. (lullion, I ( asd.
To Mary It. bullion, .larues ('. bul
lion, 't'i'.e (Iiillioii. his wife, arid to
all other !' isi,ns hiteieste.l in sahl K.--end
i: ois and heirs:
.You and e.i :'! of you are lorehv no
tified that on the :ith 'lay of
a petition was (ile ;n this -our!
Lv Howard .1. ; rain! i-i, wherein he
alleges tnat one John Y. lMhrn. l!: a
a resilient and irihahitant of t'ass eoun
tv, in the State of .Whiaska. died iti-le.-taf-
in said eouiity on N'ovi-m in-r
Jl. :i. That at ti- lime i
diiitii i-e was the owner of the un
divided one-half or the foliowjpg ii. -seril.ed
real estate lo-wit: T!,.-' south
west Olialtef ISY', ) of Stetiou Twen-tv-s.veii
To n s h i Twelve l'i.
North. Ihtii-;e Nine (lit. Kas? of i ie
Sixth I'. -M.. in 'a-s eiMinty, Nehrnska.
suLjiit to Ihe dowel" rijrl.t therein i 1'
!Marv ! Culhon, as in said petition
set foitli. That said petitioner. How
ard .1. (IramUih. has hf-enme the ow
ner of the ahove deserihed leal estate
hv siiT:i!iy mesne dirt el eo n ve y a in t
from the In-irs of said deeeased. Said
T'etitjener urn en t'o eourt to enter a
deeree establishing heirs of saiil John
V. Cnllioti and to enter a tindinir that
Til of the del.ts of tile deceased have
been paid, iinludinic funeral expenses,
and for such other orders as in the
premises may be proper. That said peti
tion is set for hearing in this eour;
on the I. Mis thiv of .piil. )!1n, at T
o' lo( k a. tiv. at which ht-ai intr ou.
or any of you may be present aiaJ
o'l.iect. if on de.-il'e.
Imted at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on
this Mill dav of March, lulv
,LU-:x .r. !!Ki:sn.v,
I5v Count v .ludire.
ki.m:knci: yyhiti:. cuu k. imp.-::
MtTicr: to covntACToit
Sealed Litis will be receive. 1 at the
office of the County Clerk in I'latts
mouth, Nehrnska. up till NO' N ui
Monday. April sth. UH. for building
wood, steel, ami wood and steel bridges.
Concrete arh and box culverts, and
other concrete work, such as winus
and abutments, for the year as
provided by law.
l'hins ami specifications now on fib
in the office of the County Clerk at
I'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
Separate Litis mav be filed for each
class of bridtre work and for concrete
arch and box culvert work.
All Lids, to be opened on Tuesday.
April toil. 151;. at eleven o'clock a. in.
The I'oanl of County Commission
ers reserves the lisht to reject any
or sill Lids.
The Hoard of Commissioners reserves
the riyrht to hiiild all culverts and
1.,-i.hi-es costing S'tOO.Ort or less.
A certified check for f.'.iei.OO must
accompany each bid.
fkank .1. Mi:i:i:sii. h.
(Seaii mll-lw. County Clerk. in' iii:hi:
and Notice on l'etition for Settlement
of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss:
To the heirs-at-!av.- and all persons
: ., t ,. ees I ed in the estate of Klizahcth
It. Kdmunds, Deceased:
On reading the petition of John AY.
I'.l in u oils nravinir a final settlement
ami allowance of his account tiled in J
this Court on the 7th day of March,
CHS. and for nment of estate.
II is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to lie held in ami for said county.-
on the isth lay of March, A. I .
1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause,
if any there he. why the prayer of the
petit loner should not be granted, ami
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof bo
given to all persons interested in sahl
matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the I'lattsmouth .loiirniil. a
weekly newspaper printed in' said
county for one week prior to said day
of hearing.
In witness whereof. 1 have heretMi
to set lwy hand and the Seal of said
Court, this 7th day of March. A. 1 ).
191 S.
Al.l.KN .1. liKKSoN.
(Seal) County ,lud;?e.
I have for sale the following de
scribed land:
1200 acres. Cherry County. Neb.
S00 acres at Edison, Furnas Co.,
160 acres, 5 miles from Tomax,
Custer county, Nebr.
4 SO acres one mile from Calloway,
Custer county, Neb.
These places are now rented, all
have good improvements and can be
bought one third cash payment and
balance 5 year mortgage at G 'per
cent interest. Thomas E. Parmele,
Office in Bank of Cass Co. 9-1 mo
County Promptly and
From Friday's Iiaily.
Louis Henning from nesr Cedar
("reek was looking after some busi
ness in the city today.
Dr. B. . Urenuel of Murray was
called here this morning on some
business coming up in his car.
Thor Iioyles ot KImwoou was a
visitor in this city today looking af
ter some business at the court house.
Ray Howard of near Mynard was
a visitor in this city this morning
and was looking after some busi
Len Hoffman was in the city this
morning Irum Llmwoou and was
transacting some business at the
court house.
1- red Toole ironi Wabash, was in
the citv thi.s morning looking after
some business and was before the lo
cal board for physical examination.
Arthur Crook and wife from near
Union were in the city today doing
some trading with the merchants and
looking after some business in the
James Hesenflow of Cedar Creek,
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing looking after some business in
the county seat, and also some mat
ters to attend to in the city.
K. V. Cole of Mynard was attend
ing to some business matters in
this city vesterdav afternoon and
while here called at this office and
renewed his subscription to the
Daily Journal.
Uncle William Rurke who is sick
at the home of his daughter. Mrs.
Fred Snangler, south of this city, is
reported as being no better, but is
still very sick, and weak from his
long continued illness.
Ren Hankinson returned this af
ternoon from a trip to Crookston,
where he went with Robert Troop
to look after some land which the
latter has there. Mr. Troop will re
main for a couple of weeks.
John Bauers of Clearwater, arriv
ed in the city this morning, and is
visiting at the home of his brother,
Tony Bauers. and at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Tim Wooster living in
t lie southwest portion of the city.
Henry Ost. from near Memphis,
was in the city looking after some
business and returned home last
evoning. Mr. Ost was formerly a
resident of Nehawka. and has been
farming near Memphis for the past
three years.
Will Grebe and sister arrived home
for a short time yesterday, from Eus
t is. where the occurence, in which
the elevator man was beaten up a
few days since. lie says that the
times were rather exciting, but there
was no signs of a German uprising.
Asa Johnson of Avoca, a member
of the firm of Johnson Brothers, who
are dealers in hardware and imple
ments, was a visitor in the county
seat today, having some business to
look after at the court house and al
so in the city. He returned to his
home this afternoon.
Forest Leonard of Beaver City,
who has been visiting with his
brother, southwest of Mynard for
some time and who, was at the hos
pital at Omaha for some time, where
he was operated upon for appendi
citis and is just now recovering,
departed this morning for his home
in the west.
George Smith and son Earl drove
in from their country home south of
this city for a short visit with
friends and to attend to some business
matters. While here Mr. Smith and
son called at this office and ordered
the Plattsmouth Journal sent to
Mrs. W. J. Dalley at South Omaha.
Mrs. Dailey is a daughter of Mr.
W. II. LOIINES, Vice-President.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Xebraska,. In the matter of the
application of Nora A. Powers,
Guardian of Marvel K. Hale, minor
to sell real estate.
Notice is hereb- given that in pur
suance of an order of James T. Reg-
ley, Judge of the District Court of
Cass County, made on the 28th day
of November, A. D. 1917 for the
sale of the real estate hereinafter
described, there will be sold at the
south door of the. court house in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 27th
day of March, 1918 at 10 o'clock a.
m., at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit:
Commencing at the Northwest
corner of lot five in Porter Place and
addition to the City of Plattsmouth
Cass county, Nebraska, thence run-k
ning East along the North line there
of G77.C5 feet, thence South parallel
with the East line of said Lot 74
feet, thence West parallel with the
North line 709.93 feet to the West
line of said lot 5. thence Northeast
erly along said West line to the place
of beginning; Also the following
tracts, commencing at the Northeast
corner of said lot 5 in said Porter
Place, thence running Westerly 52 G
feet, thence South parallel with the
East line of said let 145.70 feet.
thence East parallel with the North
line 52G feet, thence North 145.70
feet to the place of beginning, in
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska.
Said Sale will remain open one
hour, the right is reserved to refuse
anv and all bids.
R. R. WINDHAM. Guardian.
You should write or telephone at
once to A. HOSPE CO. of Omaha for
their list of used pianos and for their
catalogues of new high grade guar
anteed player pianos ranging in
price from $395.00 up. They invite
correspondence and comparison.
WANTED By married man. a
place on a farm, capable of handling
any farm or machinery. O. Sarratt.
R. F. D. No. 5 Nebraska City, Nebr.
Carl Anderson who is an emploj-e
of the Western Machine and Found-
ry Company, departed this after
noon for his home at Omaha, where
fTe 'will spend the Sunday holiday.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Poultry Wanted!
i i'n
w jyv . vi
m n"B v mm lk t.t iyw .
Hens 20c
Springs 20c
Broilers iy4 to 2 lbs. per lb. 20c
Stags "iR.
Old Roosters., J