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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1918)
PAGE TWO. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY MARCH 11. 191S Yh it ycu want is quick relief. Here's a f.lrv year old remedy that ha3 proven bM;ct:ci .l for million?. Try it yom self, pe- Jj JZ?' gSold ly all dnitrpsts. for Coughs s Colds Dizzy?" Bilious? Constipated? Pr.Km's New Life Fnlscausea healthy i'o-v of Bile and rid your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting 1-viy prions. They are a Tonic to your Stomooh and Liver and tone the general svrfem. First dose relieves. Get a bottle tod.iv. . . alt druggists. 355TH REGIMENT BAND WINS GOP AT GAMP FUNSTON HOY HOLLY MEMBER OF BAND WHICH WINS THE LOVING CUP AT FUNSTON. -, r. :.'.;;. i . Y! e ri .--imental hand vC 1 1 : e :5."i" th t a a ' ! i i which :a ro.ii p sed mostly i .W'r..:-l.a 1' ys. a i of which Koy M i- ;i n'-rii'ur. in the contest i i Ii The n i.t-r band-, were the v:n-i..r.- i l ?i:e tn.phy. which was a sil- .- !"v;-:- cap. The j nl-.'s were: JTii'. Harry llrn'.i m and Miss Helen H h of the i:.uio department of ' Lar. i: A eric. lit nral so- : y. 'l i e a ost m" the tnomliers of ". .-. ir 4 bund v. ere from Xehra? . .. alo ! ;!; of tUe regiment .r This also. The points for!i' ..ire fifty on the : --: :" bard and the same . of 1 1, . ir ..-inging. -vimr:;; hand will sc.n make .. r o-.. r th-- ..:!. of Kansas and N ' -a V.... v i concerts and Mr. K ; li. v s- a y he is endeavoring to I I i:.-m -.!(': p':: o!i the tour, i . v. e nay have an opportunity to ' ..r ma EZPARTED LAST EVENING. i.a-" v. .Hi-, :r. Charles Oradoville. . ; 'r;1 for Portsmouth. Va., where ' e :.: i.i i' his s.iu Ci.arle?., who i - T: . .v ir: t he hospital at that place. t rioij-dy ill with pneumonia .-..;..; i v. h i b- i a he service in t lie . . "! . -";. ha- h.i i.k for some ; . o w .o h ;. j.'.k r,!M."!iia. and o' . ..." ' 1 .. ' i !eT' i ; A'.a'r.imt. and a- a -."-( t ! : in'-. t rn ti.-ferred 'o th'-.-itai a: !.-t r.iout h. .Mr. Cra 1 a ii'.e .'.' ::..t arrive at the : ' "it:-. 1 is v.;n is ur'il Hatur : .; v :: i i: HAYING SU:INER IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN .'r-.. h'.: ;.t. r.r:--K.--. has jut re- i i : !.': I -. "i her sail John Jr s - i.o i; a na ::-:hT of t lie Coas-t ; y, :.!! who is located at 11a ' . '- ;.a l writes that he is lik- iau t i..- --r'. ie.- t'MTe lint-ly. There t 'a- w. a?h r i warm 1 ike our suni v .-r. an 1 th:. ; . are .trrow-jni; all the 1 r .:'.; 1. Jo:',' and t!i' other ' w - re !::'. nii; a irreat time. airs l'r.L.i.s al o is in receipt of a letter ?: : a;, is.!. ?'rs. Julia Kin's", who i . ri .,.- i :n u;e states, and wi:o i; a lri.ivi of the soldier hoys, hav- i .-! hit i!':-!.anu ami r.aviiiR a i.i'-pe u;n of money, she makes her ' vv" a h mi... for the soldier hoys, l. r ! t i;a- i iulc, boolcp, and pa l --s u hu-h ir.ako a nice home for t'.a J-oys v. h are away from their "v ti h !a.-. UNITED IN :.!AHP.IAGE SUNDAY. ' ' C-Mir.j.l h lal er, a - aii'l very popular youm i ' '" f-r a h-n:? tiin w as a resi ' it - f thi-. (ity, ;.nd wiio lias a ho:-t of !: vils 1 ' :e. Wtt united in mar- li a-- at C!:appe!!. to Miss .Margaret '. i f iikr.h. .Miss lay. t lie bride i- ti..- .!-t,:--hter of Uoherf A. Day, I r.v i'i'-nt of tho Hank of ()hkosh. is !!: partner of Mr. Connie .-- !.!:i'r. TJi - hrhie is uti acc'(-m-T :i he-i : ouiisT lady of the sweetest t a y.o-e-n an-i praci ot manners, v;.i';.l in the city a uumht-r i : ';:. e at the ho n" of !;er friends a'i -'s ;!irie and Opal Fitzgerald. Th l ev. ly wedded couple are now ir t..jr way to the I'a'jitic coast, v h-re tl ey will May for name three ii: at !hs and ;tftr which they will rtur:i to niuKe their home at Osh-l;.-.h. IS SHOWING MUCH INDUSTRY. From Friday's Daily. Aubrey Duxbury, who is studying law, and working at other times to make a living, is demonstrating much energy and perseverance in the matter of getting an education, and is a jolly good sort of a. scout besides. Yesterday we noticed him work ing at the Register of Deeds office, preparing notes for an abstract which he is making. Go to it, Aubrey, you can dig it out and make a suc cess. Here's hoping. ARE MAKING APPrvAISE- MENT OF THE LAND From Friday's Daily. John F. Wehrbein, Luke L. Wiles, B. V. Livingston, Will llummell, A. A. Wetencamp and Ralph Haynie, representing the council of defense for Plaitsmouth precinct are work ing on the ascertaining the value of the property in this precinct, for the purpose of establishing a basis on which to work, for making requests for the various funds which are authorized by the government, such as the Red Cross, the Y. M. C. A. and kindred association. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. l'rcn. Friday's Daily. William Lau. to L J. She hanSW'i f.-l 1-1 1. Con sideration W. D $ 10,000 Alhertina Ost, to D. R. Frans. X'2 XF.'i- Con sideration W. 1) $ 1 1 , ; 0 0 Nettie M. Miller to Emma C. Miller lot 9, block 50, city. Consideration. W. 1) $1 Sheriff of Cass County to . J. H. Orr, lot 9 and part 10, Mock 2 Ritchie Place. I'lattsmouth, Sheriff Deed $400.00 Henry Lahoda to P. A. Mc Creary S1, lots 4. 5 and G. block ICS W. D $900.00 A. P. Pool to Wm. Kraup. KU XKU K 1 SKU 27-11-10 W. D $2S,000.00 H. F. A. Joehiin to David Straub SHU 2-11-11 W. D. J $27,000.00 David Straub to W. H. Mendenhall SF'i 2-11-11 W. D. $:JO.000.OO F. P. Sheldon et al to V. V. Straub X Xi:', 24-10-12, K'i sf:u 1:1-10-12 , W. I). $25,000.00 A. 1). Hawthorne to Karl Keller Fi SEU 27-11- ft V. 1) $12,000.00 L. II. Loder to J. S. Living ston SW'i SH NW'i ."-! 2-1 9 W. I) , $r,1.000.00 TWO OF FLATTSMOUTH'S YOUNG MEN ENLIST GAS A w k i-or hdzzts and Children ?n tSsc For Cve;-SO Years I'i eai l-'i iil iv'.v Daily. Aubrey anrt M"ariou Duxbury, brothers, two of Plattsniouth's lin- est young men, were at Omaha this morning and both passed the physi cal examination resuired, and have enlisted and been accepted in the Radio service. They returned this afternoon and are now awaiting the call to the service. Thev do not know as yet where they will be sent, but think either to Mare Island near SanFrancisco or to 'the station near Chicago. These two young men are both young men of good habits and high ideals of character, and will make good servants for the country in the line which they have chose, and can be relied upon under all circumstances. GOES TO VISIT WITH DAUGHTER. From Friday's Daily. Tlis morning Louis Leiner, living west of the city departed for Lin coln, where he goes to visit with his daughter Miss Caroline Leiner, who is in Esther Hospital at that place, having undergone a second opera tion for relief from injuries receiv ed in an accident some time since. RED CROSS NOTES. Fi' Friday's Daily. We have asSlired two more large Tine working tables for our workship which were placed in the Red Cross rotns today. These tables make ex cellent work tables. We are very much indebted to Mr. Henry Zuckweiler and Mr. Earl Stanfield for their kindness in do nating these tables to the Red Cross for their work. ' Anyone" having any kitchen or dining room chairs, they are not using, could be used to good advan tage at the Red Cross rooms. If you do not have any way of delivering them, call the Red Cross rooms Xo. 449 and they will get them. We have made large shipments of articles for medical use and during the past week, shipped the February quota. The March quota is about nvuly for shipment, so you see they are workinu: ell the time. The Workship is being rearranged in order 1o have more room for the workers, in fact, it is being treated to a spring clean-up; in order to make the room more convenient for the work. Mr. Roy Smith, the photographer has kindly donated $5.00 to the Red Cross. Chances at 10 cents each are being sold and the one holding the lucky number will have the privilege of having a dozen photos at $5.00. Mrs. J. W. Bookmeyer has donat ed a beautiful doily to the Red Cross and 10 cent chances are being sold on this doily, the money deriaed from this sale, to be used for Red Cross work. We are very much indebted to Mrs. Bookmeyer for her kindness. The market will be held tomorrow Saturday at the room. LOCAL BOARD EXAMINING LAST OF CLASS ONE From Friday's Daily. The local board at this place, have just about cleaned up the examina tions for the class one, so that when the call comes all will be in readi ness, there are perhaps one or two which will in all probability be ex amined at some other place. Among those to take the examination this morning are, Rcy Hawkins of Green wood, operator for the Burlington, and formerly having worked here for a few days, but whose home- is at Salem, Illinois. Benjamin E. Hap lim of Elmwood. Bur Pdggs of this city, Claude Riggs living just out of the city on a farm. Martin Welch of Gretna. Harvey Burke of this city. Louis Boedelsk. Ben Huffman and Thos. Boyles of Elmwood. Fred Towle of Wabash and Charles Cham plin of Eagle. HELP OFFICERS ENFORCE LAW. From Thursday's Daily. The fact is with u a large amount of contagion in the city and some people are resisting the efforts of the board of health and (he oflicers to enforce the health i ll W; Same people are sore because th Chief of Police tacks the rod eard and notice to the building-. All citizens shettid give what aid they could to the offi cers in the handling "f the matter. RETURNS TO HER HOME. Fi e'ii Frida ' - a i' ' Mrs. Eli Sivay. of Flam in;;. Cdo . who has been in this city for the past winter, ami who Las bet 11 mak ing her home i "1 her son. Frank Sivey ami family, departed this mor ning for her mm-a ;n the west and was accompanied i s far as Omaha by her son an! family, who went to bid iier good-bye ara' also to look after some bust" n;. s at ''oe.ncil P.Iuffs. .Mrs. John Kopp and dp. lighter Maria ;.I.o accompanied Grand in a Sivey as fa as Omaha, and visited there durini I he day. RE POUT OF TDK CONDITION' r Yin-: ANK OF OHOOGK of Iuurdock, Nebr. TUT 2 JRiVie- Thomas A. Edison, the master inventor, through the Edison Laboratories, has granted us the privilege of an Edison dealership for Plattsmouth and vicinity. We have become an outlet to the public for one of the most wonderful and successful products of the Edison Laboratories "THE PHONOGRAPH WIT H A SOUL" No doubl you have heard several dif ferent kinds, styles cind makes of phono graphs, talking machines, etc. Suppose, when you had listened to a record of some ,reat singer, tome one should have asked you if you thought ycu could distinguish between the record you had just listened to and the singer who made the record, if you heard the inside by side. You would be highly indignant, would you not? Co'jldiVt Teii Voice from Edison Re Creation Would 3 uu icci indignant if we were to U 11 you. that you cr::v.;ot distinguish tho voices of jiving ai lifts cr the music of h u :mn-play c ; mctrurncitis fro mthe New Edison's Ro-C. cation of them? You might be juidinei in teciing so untij we confirm ed the statement v.ith ihe information ih:l upwavds cvt a million music lovers ; v.d the musie clitics of more than a 1 i a ci 1 it 1 mn tnou ;r.r.c: n " : . , --: r, 1 i' - - :cr,m entatiie Aaiciican news- J:., . d.nitted that tliev could not minutest difference between living r.rtis: and the New Edison's Re-Cre-ticn of il.eir art. These music lovers an.1, critics have h.eard thirty Edison ar tis!:s put the New Edison to the supreme t;i:d conciusive lest of direct comparison fi! mm: i i ll EfiJH n.'liiL't!! !!5iN''?l mmmmmrn 1 fcili 1 U1" 1 Official Laboratory Model Chippendale Design) S3 by singing or playing side by side with its Re-Creation of their voices or the music of their instruments. Come Hear for Yourself. If such testimony' does not convince you, come to our store and hear the New Edison for yourself. If it does convince you, come and let the New Edison con firm your conviction. Edison Re-Creations cover a magnifi cent range of music; the musical master pieces of the world rendered by the su preme artists of the world; immortal mel odies played, by individual artists of re nown or by famous organizations of mu sicians; old favorites and new favorites of all kinds and classes of music all of these are found among the Edison R.e Creations. New Edison Stands Alone Discriminating musicians and music lovers of the highest culture and refine ment acknowledge that the New Edison is without a peer among sound-reproducing inventions. Music lovers of Plattsmouth are most cordially invited to attend demonstrations of the New Edison which will be given daily in-our Edison Department. Charter N'n. liiask i ; ell ;7 la the Mai" m I he ele e 1" eu i iiess r '! ua i y 1 a 1 s. i: i:si u'F.t 'i :s I,..;il;s ;iiil I 'i.-ecMI nts l.lialls tl'iiel.:. s.m ii i i t ies, ji. .lumen t.s, !nims. ete Mankhrr ! eise, furniture ami fixtures Currer:' expenses, taxes a'el interest nai.l Due from National and State hanks . . $1 tf'h." 1 I F: Checks anil items of eyeliantre ..... F.I.CS Curreitey r..' Cold eoiu i:i7.."a Silver, nickels and cents 1,(.".k.i':: TOTAL aei.i'. ' :. 'm 1 ,::.".'.'! .iaM"h"'i 1 1 i .:. i di.i:ifitd:s 'aital stock paid in ? I .".."'I'M"! Siiinlus fund Fndivided ju-olits ;:,i)7"..07 1 n 1 1 i i.i ua I deposits sui.ject to ch -k. .si''.:: Time certificates of deposit 1 I, 'as.".::.-. t 'ash ier's r In ck.s "'ifi.Ofi :; I 7,nr-T.r.s Icpositor's iiara lit - fund... J ..." !.::' TOTAL . .sv. ! i.oi fy iii m&H lip Pff no Ik flllli lid. Edison Diamond Amherola FSaffsrnouth, Nebraska WILL MAKE HOME IN WEST tiiiu- and place- of the death of Mar in ! '. .;! Ft :.!:.;. V ' ; ! . Kd. Levis v, h has lavn v.cst for sote.e thr " wc-hs, where he is farming near Imperial, nr-ived here day before yesterday, and this morning departed for tiieir bonn in the west this jufirnint; taking v.ith Iiim the family. They will make their home at Imperial, where they will farm,. having entered into a partnership with IJert l'hibmtt. itha SheiVcr, a determination of th j heirs of saiil decvased. tlieir decree of j kmslijp and The ritiht of the descetit (p..-. i' t" said real estate ami that the crcdi- I mi s ni .miii u .i Mirnri oe iorcer mu ll .1 aim en.iome.i irmn iissriung any claim u;ioii said real estate. Sriid petition will h- Jieard heforo said 'ou:ity Court at its rooms in the Cilv ef . I'lattsmontli. in said county, e., t!,.- istli !ay of JIarcli, 1!)1S, at 10 o'cloi-lc a. III. (15y the Court) allion .i. i:i:i:son. (Seal) fJl-oW. County Judge. -! ici: Ol' M'lM.IC VM. t im;i:i lint Slate of N'eloaskat 'oiiaty of Cass ) ss: i. II. A. .u t i ina mi. Cashier of the a hove nameil hank do her-l.y swear I hat tin- ilium, stati-ment. is a correct aim ? rue copy ot the report made to the State I.a liking Hoard. II. A. (U; TJI. VI ANN, Attest: Cashier. .1. I-:. ;i'TH.tANN, Jdrector. JiKNKY A. Tooi,. itireetor. S'lhscrihed arid sworn to hefoie Ii this Itli day of March. Fits. ii. v. Mcdonald, (s"'ll Notary FuLlic. Try This Tor Sour Stomach. Kat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly. Eat but little meat and none at all for supper. If you are still troubled with ottr stomach take one of Chamberlain's Tablct3 before going to bed. F0H SALE. 2" head or good young horsf i-,. All broke Can be seen at the Tom Til- son farm home. For particulars, see Vallery & Tilson. 2-18-d&w Barred Rock Cockerels for sale. In quire of C. Li. Wiles, Phone- No. .'5421. 2-US-tfwklv To Jr.. I, n . Frederic; : Von are notilied that No -. . i n l.- r 2''. rt l.".. Lot s in F.loi U l'.'i in City of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, was sold to D. Ouidjjji; for tax ie!inp'.-iit for yems Fn.". to and in. Indian Fill. The Coun ty Treasurer is-e.-.l tax sale c at i !l a i e No. 17o:i to pi; rcha: '-I', who on ln.eiu- ln-1- ti, 1917, as:-iuMicd same to livroii Coldintr. After three month.-: limn Match 1:. laD. t!ie assignee will ap ply for deed of said irope-v. Dati d this n::rd day of F-It la r.v 15VKO.V COLDINTi. .ssi '.-, nee. .oti i: i-'oh ii i:im.m; In the County Court of Cans coun ty, Nohtnak'i. in the matter of tin; Kstale of Mar tha ShelTi r. Deceased. To nil Creditors, lleirsi and person interested III estate of Mattlul Shefic-r, Deceased. , Notice is herrhv friven that nrl the mth ilav of January, FJK. Samuel II. Loder filed a Aerified pel 11 ion In the County Court of Cass county. Jx'el ins ka. settint,' forth that Martha Sli-fler died intestate in Cast county, Nohrnx ka. on the 17th day ot August. 3 S ! I . neized of the following desitlhed jetil estate, to-wit: Tin- Soulliwest ouintor (SW. o? Section riftcrn (l- Town ship Twelve (U" North, Kaim'o Nhi" CD laist of the 'Uh 1'. M.. in coun ty. Neliniiikii: that they nro now the owners of all of tlm aforenaid IjiihIh and that they acquired tltlo to all or the aforesaid real estate tiirouyn uecu of conveyance, duly executed and ac knowledged, from the heirs of Marina Sheffer, rleteased : that no administra tion of tt estate of tho said Martha Sheffer has been had in the stat of Nebraska,' and that not more than two vears lias expired since her death: they pray for a determination of the ! i;; i. .Mrrin: in il.- D: tii.t Court of Cass coiin- t V. Nehlusk.l. William I. l-'ollz. Flaiatffl'. vs. .lames .Llihilis, 1-1 al. Defendants. To .lames Jenkins: John N'eish: John Wish (whose real name is John Neislo I ;-..! Jenkins: Ahiaham Neisti: Adam Jenkias; Ataii'-w N'eish; Dickson x Miller, a co-pa ri tiers ii i P composed of L-oherl Dickson and William Miller: Patrick Kelley; Mrs. Patrick K el Icy Otist real nnnie laikiiow in wife, if liv ing and if decens. d. widow of Patric k Kelley, deceased; Jaiecs Kane; James Keane; Mrs. James Keane (first real name iiiiiiiiiiuiil wife. If livint;- and if deceased, widow of Janus Keane, de ceased; Cent.-;!- Wharton; Mrs. Ceoine W. Vliarton (liit real name unknown wife, if living and if de ceased, widow of C.eore W. Wharton, decease. I; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represon la tivi-H and nil other persons Interested in the es tate of JanicH Jenkins, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal i epi esculatives mid all other persons Interested in the estate of John .Wish, deceased; the unknown helr:i, devlseeM, lefs.itces. personal rep resent a I I vis and all oilier persons in in tin' estate of George Jen kin, deceased: the unknown heirs, devl-scex. legatees, personal representa tives nnd nil other persons interesteu in the cmIuIo of Abraham N'eish, de- ieni.e.1: the unknown heirs, devisees lenHter. perwotial representatives and .ll other norsons interested in me os liiie of Adam Jenkins, deceased; the n.Ui. own heirs, devisees, legatees, per- x.n.i.t reniesentatives, and all other pethoiis Interested in the estate of An drew Nelsh. deceased. Defendants. Yon and each of you are hereby noti lied Unit ou the 18th day of February, P.MS. the plaintiff in the foregoing en titled cause, tiled Ids petition In the District Court of Cass county. Ne braska, wherein eaeli and all of you lire made parties defendant, the ob ject, purpose and prayer of which said petition is to obtain a decree from said Court removing clouds from and quieting the title to the following de scribed real estate, in Plaintiff, Wil liam T. Foltz. to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; the southeast quarter of tin- nortlLwest quar ter; the east half of the south west quarter and the west half of Ihe southeast quarter, all in Section Thirty-three Cw)..ToHiisliii Fleven ill) North. in Kane Twelve (1) Fast of the th J '. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, as against you and each and all of you. and to exclude and enjoin you and each and all of you from ever as fscrting or claiming any right, title, estate or interest in and to the real estate before described and as set forth in sanl petition, adverse to plain tiff, by reason of Plaintiff's adverse possession or said premises for more than ten years prior to the commence ment of said action, and for such oth er and further relief as mav be just and equitable. This notice is yiven and published pursuant to an order entered by said Court. You are required to answer said pe- .i.i . - . . iaiun on or ueiore me 1st ilav o t.t-H 1.11V .... .1A.-....1 ...:n . . -.1-..., , 'u uuill will l"C laKC against you therein. WILLIAM I. FOI.TZ, Pla int iff. Fy JOHN M. LKYD . fIS-lw II is Attorney. NO RED CF.0S5 DANCE NOW. On account of the amount of con tagion in the city at the present time and other things which were una voidable, it has been deemed best to postpone the Red Cross dance, which had been planned for the near fu ture, has been postponed and more definite notice of the affair will be given in the future. Those inter ested will please watch the Journal for the announcement of the dance. 0D NEWS FOR THE W T (iciKMai asurancc is authorized that all ockv Mountain .Nation al Parks, Pacific Coast and Western Mountain Resorts will be open for visitors, as usual, the Summer of 1918. A general scheme of Summer Tourist Excursion I-arcs will soo., bo- established. This news of mtn-li itiuw.i-o..,,.,. i 1 1 ,.. . ... , i""""11,'- ouoiiiiour 1 IP W esl will permjt thousands to make definite plans for a Summer sojourn in YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PAUK, GLACIER NATIONAL PARK ROCKY InIOUNTAIN-ESTES NATIONAL PARK THE BIG HORN MOUNTAINS, THE BLACK HILLS THE ABSAR0KA MOUNTAINS Along the Cody Way to Yellowstone SCENIC COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA. PLAN EARLY-; j,ive us your names for de scriptive literature, tourist fares and in formation. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Jccnt 1,004 Farnam Street rwL pyiiiTjnni