The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAH 7. SIS
PLATTSMOnrn semi, weekly JOtTSlNAL.
1 A hffl
EiX ' 'A- !.
25 I
,. M.'-
mem e neatre-
Tuesday and Wednesday,
3 S3
:i U t4 H
V I'v3
pt H ft
vJP 3
Caesar Went 1,G00 Miles to See Cleopatra
You Can See Her in Plcttsmouth!
Remember the Dates!
8 IP
: ' ! "
V of Klnnvpoil was look-
I ;:-ii:vss m tl.o cdiiii-
i i -i i r ; to.i.i-. luivin
rrTii. ove r this
i rnin ir.
M;s ?.';.ry W'ttt' of west of
rivn.iril " a a pasff ncor t .1 Ouinha
n.' ri: i wh.T' sht- is visiting
.r Th" day.
!M Kv.-rhart of Wcopin Water
. : - a v: i!'r iti IMat tsnmi.t h today.
! : !r.u oi-rnc oviT to look aftor soiiu
;..''. : ' the county court.
Ira I". froia r. ar Ci iu.r Creole
; ::nt I in il.v city t'ais r.iorr.ii'.u; and
i- ! oki:; after point- business at lh-.'
! 'i::ty and also in the city.
J. Joh.inson cf near Murdock was
r:"t.T some business in this
i;y yes-rday. and at the court
house, doj.artinsr for his home last
tvi r.i:iir.
r or Infants and Children
!n Use For Over 30 Yesrs
Always bffar-j
4. - T -
Hens 20c
Springs 20c
Broilers IV to 2 lbs. per lb 20c
Stags 18c
Ducks 18c
Geese 17c
Old Roosters 12c
Vi- M .
ff 1 .-.K ' j ,""2; y-.-' ti:' y
Daily-2:15 and 8:15 (ZESS
tlls Passions and Pageants of Egypt's
ampire Queen!
how and why one woman overturned
the world!
low Cleopatra conquered the two
greatest men of her time!
You'll Quit Home as Caesar Left Rome to
J. l ?panc:!cr cf Loxiivville v.a? at
tend in sr to some busings:: matters in
t!iis city vest r-rthiy atid wliile her?'
filled at tliir- o '.V. "rt renewed his
saiii-eript ion.
Mr. Wilt A. Olivr depart cd la-l
evening for Louisville. wIkt.' she will
asrdst in .netting the houje'.'.old of
Will Oliver, her son .arranged, thc-y
just having moved to that phic.
K. S. rdcCl 'ary from ur:r Weej.dn;'
Wafr v:.s a husir.-.'s visitor in this
city til is mornir.T, and th parted f..r
Omaha on th.e c:irly train v. h?r ho
al.'o has ri'iv-1 matters fa look after.
Atiuft Ilrr-ian a id Oscar
FOTi were in th" city yesterday Ie-d-!!'.!
'after so;r." matter:"-; in the court
hoi:--c rerrnrdinir a road Weep
insr Water and departed for their
homo last cveuinu:.
h. r. Terry '.. rry and wife from Mrrray v.ere visitors in Platts
r.iorth t hi and departed on
the early train this morning for
Omaha, wher? thc-y are lookinc; after
si)!:'.c husine.-c; for th.e day.
1'.. L. Shoemaker of Tnion was
vnitircr frieR'ls and a'ter.d'ntr to
some important busi:-;es matters in
this eitv yesterday. I?e was a pleas
ant caller at this ofT'ce and while
here renewed his subscription for
a not he. year.
Peter Olson and William Kirhpat
dick from Wepins Water were in
the city yesterday meeting v.jth the
commissoners rogardincr a road fomo
two miles northwest of Weeping
Water. They departed for their
home last evening.
Kalpli U. Mei.-insrer. Ed. Wagner,
Fred Wagner and Henry Wagner of
iear Cedar ('reck came down to this
city on the morning train to attend
to some business matters and visit
friends for a short time. Mr. Meis
inger gave this office a pleasant call
and while here renewed his suhserip
tion. S. K. Wixson. who a few days
since went to Omaha for a tractor,
got as far as LaPlatte and the roads
became ?o soft and muddy that he
thought it best to leave the tractor
there and come on home, went to
I-aPlaf te this afternoon to bring the
machine home, the roads hav;n-r
frozen the mud some dryer.
II. K. Davis and Chr-jdes Pankonin.
both of Louisville arrived in this
city this morning, coming to com
plete the work of making their card
index for the precinct of Louisvilft?
! for use of the Cass countv War Ie-
lief Committee, which is listing ev -
ery person of that place for war
work relief purpose. They had par-
3-. --I T. :-T ;
v ,'Vlr ' v
ially completed their list some days and come now to complete the
:-"r. -:n Tin st;i v's I '-'lly.,
.!o--erh !:. Wheeler near Rock
Bluffs waa loohing after sotne busi
.is3 in Plattsmouth last evening.
?ieek Dav:s from near iliwrav was
a Imslncos vi-;.ior in the eitv yes
terday and returr.eil to his home last
Adam from near Cedar
Creek was call -d to Pla'tmouth this
morning to look after some bu'dneps
in the city.
August Kr?chhv.v of near Manley
was-a visiter in tbis city this morn
ing looking after some business at
the court house.
Ph. Meisinger from near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in this city this
morning, coming to look after some
business in the city.
L. II. Far el I of near Eagle was a
visitor in tliis city this afternoon,
coming to look alter some business
at the county court.
William Dclles Denier, from Elm
wood was a visitor in this city this
afternoon, having some business in
the county court.
Harry Long of South Bend was a
visitor in the city yesterday looking
after some business and returned to
his home last evening.
Mrs. W. B. White of LaPlatte was
a visitor in this city this morning
coming to do some trading with the
Plattsmouth merchants.
John Stander of near Louisville
was a visitor in Plattsmouth this
morning coming to look after some
business at the court house.
Mrs. V. T. Am and children who
have been visiting at Union for some
days past with the folks of Mrs Arn
returned home last evening.
A. A. Irvin of Weeping Water was
transacting business this morning in
the city, and looking after some mat
tcrs at the court house as well.
Martin L. Williams of Louisville
was a visitor in this city this morn
ing looking after some matters in
the city and at the court house
Fred Durham of Avoca, arrived in
the citv this afternoon and is ans
wering the call to go to Camp Funs
ton with the boys on the midnight
.1. M. Patterson came up this
morning from Union and departed or
!the early Burlington tram for 0;n -
U1. where he was called on some
1 business.
j Orin McGrady of Weeping Water
5-" , rm .c-.'M'T
was a visitor in Plattsmouth thi
morning. where he was called to look
after rome husine.-s for the (lav at
the court house.
1). B. Jardine and family who have
been making their home near Ween
ing Water, whore they have been
farming for the past year, is movini.
o their new home near Louisville.
.Mrs. J. M. -Patterson cf 1'r
who has loon visiting in thi ; eitv
:cr tf.o pa.-t lew cava was a n.isj-
enger to Omaha, this aiternoon
where she will vis-i t for the al'tr-
Henry Ueehner who conduct, the
Duff Orri; company elevator at Ced
ar ('reek, wa a visitor in this; city
for a time Monday while on his way
to his work from his home in
Dow Critchfield of Bethany, but
fromerly of Weeping Water, and
where he is interested new. was a
visitor in Platrsmouth this morning
looking after some business at the
court house.
Henry Albert and wife of near
Louisville were visitors in this city
yesterday coming to visit with
friends and were guests at the home
of J. M. Jiroucek and departed for
their home last night.
Mrs. G. L. Meisinger and daughter
Miss Dora, from near Cedar Creek
were visiting with their friends in
this city today, and were also looking
after some business while here, com
ing on the train this morning and
returning in the afternoon.
Mrs. Bessie Gadway. of Miller, a
sister of Mrs. Edward Ripple, who
has been visiting in this city for
some days past departed last evening
for Louisville, where she will visit
with friends and relatives before de
parting for her home at Miller.
Nicholas Limpach. Guy K. Rung
and Walter W. Olson, all coming
from near Greenwood, this mcming
arrived in the city to report for ser
vice to go to Camp Funsfon, with
the last division of the first qiota of
selectnient, which go from Cass
Lee Mayficld the publisher of the
Louisville Courier, was a visitor in
this city this 'morning coming to look
after some business at the court
house, and also to look after some
matters in the city. He was e. call
er at the office of the Journal, for a
short time.
Pollock Tarmele departed last
I).,rinff fnr Cnmn Fnnstnn. after a
two days visit in this city with his
family and friends. Pollock is look
ing fine, and goes back to Camp
r:,.'. "
utision. where ae
is ik'f n. o pi rt
ng to ho transferred to some other
Iacc at any time.
L L. Shumaker from Union who
has been selected by tk-.' Coiivfy
eyiKil ot la-t:-;1 wa
vi :or in
lie city today looking a: trr s oa
on:, ae.l will try and 11 nd enovgh
eed corn that may be li -t rr".i -1
ver the count- tha all may have
tn abundant of -.ood sec 1. f er ot
'his do?' -n'
i he coming cr( p.
n-e"i ?.!..:....-..- Paiiv.
tleibort Thatker v.
to is enrraa'-.
.vorkmg in a tana ju-ar I mor v.a ;
i visiter in this city over Sunday
ind returned to his work last even
ing. Mr. and .Mrs. Philip Leper t. resid
ing just south of this city, are the
nroud parents of a new baby boy,
which arrived at their home. March
J. M. Bauer and wife departed
'.his afternoon for Pacific Junction,
whore they go to conduct the farm of
And Only Here Such Blouses at $1. 00
s Picturing the
four new styles
on sale
(' O where you will the Nation owr and you will nowhere find waists that in real
service giving and value giving qualities, rival the Wirthmor that we and
we alone in this city sell at $1.00. Add t this quality excellence the fact that these
Blouses always embodj' the newest and most wanted style notes and you will
readily understand why the Wirthmor i the most popular and fastest selling Dollar
Waist in America.
H. M.
Call Phones 53 and fM.
- Mar oh S 2.ih and 1 3th.
tSFJS Twice Daiiy 2:15 and 8:15 CSa
... rf-j
Antony Stay tn Egypt? Get Ycur Answer
cl (he Gem Theatre!
This is the life if you
Ii Cost Caesar an Empire to
It Will Cost You 50c, 75c
tafi jtSm frjV
"-' , - V.-r."'j
vr v !
I M. A. 5 'all on the other side of the I months, and when he came attemnt
; Big Muddy. j ed to conduct a shooting gallery,
j Carl l.or-n of near Xehawko was moved today to Louisville, .where he
; aiteaJiiiir som-- business matters j v' engage in the same thing.
it: tit is city Saturday and while here. Mrs. Robert Troop who has been
1 call, d at this o'iiee and subscribed
for the 1 itt. ia; tith Journal.
J. J. Totnah cf nt-f.r Murray was
loo!::::g :!' cr sen.o business matters
r. :.',-. citv Sa, ur-aV.y ami cnlied
rd..v am! called at
otf'? and
enewed 'lis subserip-
to th.' PlaM
h Journal.
Will A. Oliv-r departed la( Sat
urday for Louisville, v here he goes
1 to help his son Wiil unload a car
! of farming machirorv which h has
skinned there
is making that
his home.
John Albert and wife were pass
engers to Louisville last Saturday
afternoon, where they went to visit
at the home of their son John Al
bert and family over the Sunday
J. S. Mann and family who have
i lived in this city for the past four
. 1
( Y,Yi ' , ' "
M ' ' . j . !
V." C;0'
. : t
don't weaken
Sec Cleapatra
and $1.00
The Greatest
Achievement and
Advance in
Dramatic and
Presentation in all
the History of
the Stage!
j visiting at Farnam, for the- past
j three weeks, going at the time to
j care for her brother-in-law Col.
t Bradshaw. Mrs. Troop reports Mr.
Braasnaw much improved, and also
, Miss Mary Troop who has been sick
at that place as well is greatly im
proved. Spring Is Nice, But
Lack of fresh vegetable food and
interrupted, changing habits make
these trying weeks for any one in
clined to constipation. Foley Ca
thartic Tablets are just the thing
for indigestion, biliousness, gas on
stomach, furred tongue, headache, or
other condition indicating clogged
bowels. Cause no bad after effects.
Sold everywhere.
Subscribe for the Journal.
models and
true to their name
worth more!
We Like to Serve.