The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 181S.
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
Thrift &tsin.irc-
The war is costing the United Stales 51,000,000 an hour.
To off sit thie, steady and tremendous drain upon the nation's
cash re umrc'js, there must be a corresponding stream of dollars
fowiiig into the national treasury.
Thrift stamps ami war savings stamps offer the people an op
portunity to deposit their daily, weekly or monthly savings with
the government.
In return the government will repay the principal with 4 per
cent interest, compounded quarterly. As an example of how the
investor's money-will grow, sixteen war savings stamps, costing 25
cents each, or "$4.0 0 iu all, with 12 cents added, will entitle the
depositor to f..00 on January 1, 1923.
As an investment, safety considered, there is nothing better
on the market today. All the resources of the
on earth are behind the stamps.
Win. Puis, sr.. was visiting with
unty eev.t friends hist Saturday.
Wm. Troop and V. C. P.eedtkcr
went to Omaha lust Thursday to at-
tend the unto shuw. was called!
'e.;:e.e from near Wyoming. Xebre.sV.ii.
taii week to take cere of her father,
v. ho has been very l ick with heart
N ek Friedrirh and Jehu Ferri;
'were in Omaha last Thursday, where
they bought a couple of cars of hay
that were i l -j.-a to turray tins
.to i-b!j-ped to Murray this
week. - ,
Will Pice loaded his car of goods
thi? wetd
d -..ill move t'
liome iu the future en
"Es aecompanie.l by Joh.n l.owther,
who v ill also re.-ide near Wayne in
ti!" future.
Mr. and Mr?. John HobiCheid:. of
Plultsniouth. have been visiting at
the home Oi' their sou. John, for the
V:st few dry-. They came down to
: e their y.n at b:g grrndson. who
et present ir the ruler of the Hob
eel:ei:i! h.oree.
L. Furlong, the mayor of Rock
Bluffs, lias. be u fullering from a
: cf the I' miii'.is for the past
xS 0 x 1 U-.
k rowing themselves in
Murre.y Perse Co.. will
the Murray State Bank
me, where you will
All parties
dehted to the
please call at
r.v 1 ret! !e sa
be properly receipt'
.1 for the1- same
nonsi: co.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Hurray Exchange I
By prolcction we refer to your feet and your health,
which is made possible by wearing a pair of the best rub
ber boots made Hiprcss Red Rubber and Ball Band.
Saving we refer to the price, as well as the shoe
leather you save during the rainy season of Spring which
is bound to come.
Hipress Red Rubber Boots (look for the red band
around the top) $D .2d
Bail Band Black Rubber Boots, absolutely first
quality, per pair
Ladies' High and Low Heel Rubbers, nrst quality,
per pair
Men's Rain Coats, double texture cloth, extra heavy,
and well n?ade just the kind for auto or rough
Men's Dress Rain Coats, good values at last year's
prices $2.50 and
We are still selling genuine indigo blue overalls at
below market price
richest government
J James Drown made a business
trip to Omaha Tuesday evening.
j L. I). Hiatt went to Plattsniouth
j Wednesday morning to have some
'cental work done.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Tilson was quite badly
burned from a hot cup of coffee last
OIlie Wilcox moved his family from
Rock Bluffs to' South Omaha last
Sunday, where he will work the com
ing summer.
The telephone comper.v !ave had
a number of men in this locality for
tno past few- davs. doing some very
j much needed repair work.
Mrs. A. Schafcr. residing west ol
i Murrav fp!I lrwn t he eellar strr)3
hist Sunday, and injured ber arm.
She is getting along very nicely at
this time.
Robt. Good has moved his family
to his new home near Murray. It
will be remembered that he purchas
ed the old Loughridge homestead a
few weeks ago.
Mrs. Jos. Sans and two sons, mov
ed from their late farm l:o:n to
Murray this week, and for the pres
ent will make their home - in the
Berger proneriy.
Luther Cock, whom we reported
as being taken to Omaha last Tues
day, where he was placed in the hos
pital in that city for an operation
for bladder trouble, died last Sun
day. He was not operated upon af
"all. his condition being too week.
Miss Mary Creamer, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creamer, has.
been quite sick for the past few
days, suffering with
li scnrlet fever.
r from the same
ndition is not
Will is also suffering
trouble, but his con
rearlv so serious as Miss Mary.
The Murray State Bank are giving
their customers a very neat little
account book, simplifying the finan
cial a H airs of the farm, and placing
your business where it will be easy
for you to make out you annual in
come tax statement. It is free to
I the cuseomers of the bank, and one
is coming to you. ju:;t ask the genial
cashier. Mr. Poedeker for one. You
will fnd it very valuable.
$1 .75
James Brown shipped a car of
cattle to South Omaha Tuesday even
James Tilson and A. L. Baker were
in Plattsniouth for a few hours last
Sunday evening.
! A. L. Baker was in Omaha a couple
of days this week attending the Mer
chants week carnival,
j Herman Gansemer shipped a car
: load of hogs to the South Omaha
j market on Friday of la':t week,
j Alf. Nickels, who has been quite
sick for the part few weeks, is re
; ported some better at this time.
; James Russell moved to thr Jack
: West place last week, where he will
i work for Jack tha coming summer.
! Mrs. Ed. Gansemer went to Omaha
, last Saturday to spend the day with
her daughter, Miss Fern, who is at
j tending school iu that city this wint
Mrs. PorbiLt, who has been very
ill at the heme of her daughter, Mrs.
II. Peck, west cf town, is improving
at this. time.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Georsre Kdmunstcn residing down
Imoar Union, has been quite sick fr.r
i the past few day:. FV.fferiiig with
Mrs. Louie Shoemaker lias h en
very tick for the past few days. She
was taken to the hospital in Omaha
Wednesday morning whore rhe will
receive t reel meat.
Ted Barrows-. P. S. Tut find O'ms. i
j sai'.s went to Omaha Thursday, where t
they will attend the big c'.r:iis
the auditorium, in connection v.
the Merchants Carnival week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf.
T.-..1 V-
little son. and Mr;-.
went to Omaha ' T.ieday ev-nihe,
where they attended the festivi
ties of the Merchants Week cer. :'-; .
Parley Puis, who has beer, r-
ing from pneurucnia for t'-e past fe
days, and was improving nicely,
suffered a relapse the pa-t f ; v.- dr.y".
and was again very sick, lie
proving with every indi-nttion
his speedy recovery.
The Standard Oil men :xp:-rie:
some difficult"-- in reaciii nsr .Mm;
this week with his uruil st-jed-
oil. The miK
:e was stuck
two. and did :
v. e s
erv heav
e ; ; :.r.r- or
t'h rPi!t-ra v. un
til in the at'termK n. He hud f
good inuU 3 en the v. agon. tco. Th
.re a.-mos
in-, passable
C 1
Scon Have I'
The Xebrm-kv. Lighting C
reoort that thev Lave receiv;
d word
that the po!"i U.r the laying cf the
v.ire from Plait:-m!'.tb. to Murrev.
liave been -!h. ipjel.
here most any day.
ex pec
Other nuil -rial0
have alreadv rrrived at (hi
and i almost :;ee.r..; lighter in ana
around Murrav right new. The com
iany have promised u- light bv the
I . . ' .
! first of .day. Ttie Murrey pnr!
' ... . , .
: are now getting anxious f.r ebw-
j, ...... , ,
trieify in their homes and upon the
streets. The sooner it arrKes th
better they will be pleased.
Suffered relays.
There bar. been a young fellow in
Murray io- a couple ,f dr.ys thi".
week that is sure up against a pretty
tough journey. He started from
Omaha Sunday morning. - und for
Oklahoma in a Ford cer. 7 To arrived
as far south as the Wiles corner,
just south of the Murray Pne. when
he landed to the ditch by the 'f ide
of the road and needed a :-is'.a ece to
get otU. Be was helped to Murray
that evening where he remained un
til .Tuesday ;md attempted the jour
ney acain only to turn beek after
reaching the first low spot just emt !
of town. He will remain with us
few days longer.
l,.n !
! Very Sick My.
J Mrs. John Hendricics has
j very ill for the past few davs
nemorrnages of 1Le lungs. She -"as
taken ill Sunday, and it required
some time to check the flow cf
blood, and at one time her condi
tion was considered very critical.
Tuesday she was improving and
friends and relai: ves have hopes that
sue v, hi continue Hi imm-ove f-niTh!
j curse was called from Or,i-ha to tu'ke '
care of her.
Good ams for Sate
170 acres, good hous nwi wi ;-.!f life- As sho was i'.rir.g death
proved, good farm and stock pro-wi-
lion, known as the Goos firm ju-1
south of Plattsmonth.
Alva rl acres adjoining Tnion on
the wed, all good farm land, and
good seven room house. pDsscrrion '
can be had immadhPclv. f
aiso -everat (ass county,
farms. FraaK aliery, .Murray. Ne-
braska; phone 27, Murray exchange. ,
IT any of tiie readers ff viie
Journal know of any social
rvm or item of in
th ricin'ty. nnd will mail
iar.'i' to this oflir?. li. will a.i-I-ar
uinier ill's iie&tlintr. We
want t.U Df wsiit'Dis EeiTtu:
3Irs. Pen Speck has-, been quite
sick for the past few days.
II. G. Todd shipped .seven cars of
cattle to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evening.
Wm. Rico and family have moved
to the Mrs. S. O. Pitman farm, north
east of Murray, where they will make
their future home. Mr. Rice and
family formerly lived on the I. M.
Davis place where they have resid
ed for the past fifteen years.
Mr. W. A. Brown has been very
ill for the past few days, suffering
from an attack cf heart trouble.
Tuesday was renting easy, but his
condition has been very critical, ow
ing to his adve.irced atr. Will Brown
hi" ron, has been called to his bed
side. Mr. Brown resides in Cancila.
and is expected to arrive here, with
in a few days.
From those who have been travel
ing the roeds ar
d Murray for the
re informed that
cm vs. v.v
then are a number of culverts need
ed in th.s commuii.ty.
needed juct v eet of the
One P bet
uford cor-
r leading Into
t rou'h cf the
lurrey. and one
corner. Tlurc
is considerable
::re.i't':i:j needed at
these rio:v.s h! o.
poe-dhle to get thr
these jdaces
even with I'eht keb-. The road
i overseer and c-: imisr-ionors rhw:M
j get together and rernir the-e place?
i just tj oon as the weather will p:r
Unite! Tres-b' terirn Chi
11:0 o ;
4:':e p
in. Sab
ni. Serm
in. Prh
:i !i School,
i by the pasd--r.
service in thi;
it-; y
35 rs.
will r
a f tern
r v it
fer tii-'
year are to le
aTiee of m.-mvuT:
j !ee'ou
is urn
i tre-r? !
i full i t :.-.
1. end all i
rre a-ked to be
rk. tht bu'ii'er;
- 2: CO o'el
may be tranac-te e before the pre
JTrs. Em
Si.. jn.:a.
Pnslly .!i:i erson v a:; b'Ti
:ict. 2 7, IS 41 r,-er the village c.i
t'rosr Creek. V,'a.-'ington Cot: .it y. Pa
1 ,
Ki'i th. ere grew to won- inhooJ. re
eiving a goo-i educ-:tiee firsi :n lh
uii'iic sfii'-ds of the vicinit v, end in
i widely Ipr.v.T. -4!,';ijty fcr
sad; as rt e -Li ee ' oi. i'e.. then an d
for uri-iv vc-i rs T.nder the verv r'.
I o-tt. supe: inter: ance of Mrs. S. R.
i . . i tan !ie.. (i''c or lee reeoei: !7e(! euu-
t eetio-rr:! 1 .iders of th
:t pi
-io-I. I.a-
er she ;;h-o rCteueed
LO'r .--'.:nn-
nary located at St eiKben vii!
in :'. : jo- ren e
"'tiicr, .Tae:e-:. w?k
Xebraska and !.-:r-;;t(!
est wi'h her
t Reel
thi- re:
y. and
she rerun ir--d
chotit two
ears. She
th.en refe.rn-
c-d to her home4 in Pennsylvania, and
l .uP." 2 4. 1SG." was mrrried to St:n-
Pel C. Latta. After some months
. .
they located on a farm i,t Roek
. ....
1 Le tuwnsejp. te-ur miles northeast
of the' rite of th" present village of
Murray, and lived there until 1SS.".
when they moved to where the vil
lage of .Murray wan later establish
ed, the village being located partly
on their farm. That has ever since
been their home.
Ihi'dy in life Mrs. Latta made pro-fes-don
el' her faith iu Christ as her
Saviour, r.i'd became, a member of
the Presbyieriati congregation of
Crosa Creek. Pa., of which Dr. John
Sfocl:ten. a somewhat distinguished
minister w;l3 When par.tor, a position
t he fi'iPd for fifty-two years.
Feb. ISU-d she transferred her
membership by certificate to the
; United Presbyterian congregation of
hurray, Ae:?.. m
i v.oie-ii s:ie nas urn ;:er church isonic
for fifty-two years. Her husband
united with the congregation bv
pfofeH-ion at the same time she
-!c ' 1,0:1 !l-v I'-'ttPf, and they at once
esitaiMiMiou a ramily ,-;ltar. which has
i b?en ree.intained all these years.
i heir membership in the congrega
tion of Murray antedates that of anv
other:; now in the church by more
Han thirteen yenrs. A a member
of the church. Mrs. Latta never as
piree' to v leading nart. hut w;e al
ways recognized as a onset, faitl:ful
aI,rl ievof'-d fo"OT;P" of It
vu.e r
, au'i Lord. She loved her church,
j attended services regularly v.hea
jel.le to do so and maintained a deep
! inter':-; in the church unfit th f'.vn
i '- gave ret. ewe
hcj'e end truit ,-.
assurance o. her
n Chri'it at her per
Por many years (he
::r id K;
ministers supplying the
cemgreg i-
ticn when it was 'without, a settled
pastor were always hospitality en
tertained in the Latta home, and she
; hiMuy regrettca when fading!
ctrot?th nmde it no lonsrcr possible
for her to render this service to the
congregation. She was the last mem-
. ihpr nf her father's familv to ba call-
ed away by death, and is survived by
her aged husband "and only son,
James I'. Latta and by a large num
ber of relatives.
The funeral services were held
Sabbath at 11 o'clock in the church
where she had so long worshipped
and were conducted by her pastor,
Dr. J. B. Jackson, assisted by Rev.
D. L. Hughes of the Christian
Church. The Interment was in the
Young cemetery northeast of Mur
Fi-ceii itonday's )ailv. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baas of
P.eemer, arrived in this city last
Saturday evening this being one
point on their wedding tour, they
having been married at Beemer last
week, and came to Plattsniouth for a
vi'it at the home of Mrs. Baas's sis
ter Mrs. E. C. Hill and family. They
departed this morning for Beemef
which will be their home where Mr.
Baas is engaged in the banking
From M.'ie;ty's Haily.
Mrs. C. II. Va'Iery has entered the
business of the sale of motor cars and
has selected the Commonwealth as
fhe cne, her eon A. V.'. Yaliery has
charge of the selling, and is becom-
an expert
the driving of th
new wagon. The Commonwealth is
a beauty, as to eppeerauco and runs
finely, developing an almost unlimit
ed amount of power, and as ncise
less as a sewing machine. The car
over all freight, war tax and list
nrice sells for $ OP 5.00.
In product ing so remrka'de a
oc((;.tle "Cleopatra." in wliich
Theda P-e.ra irs s.iid to give a glar
ingly eiTective portrayal of thisj
I-igy'tian beauty, mere art oaishitig
in its de op f meat of love and pas-
:i than he? evor before been p.-r-.
rayed on the rcrocn. 'Villien: Fo?:
has revealed th.e limits of motion
jicture production. There have been
eley.-,. rlso pictures, that have aim
ed to disci -jse the motives and cau-e?
leading to the downfall of women,
wit!: th avowed intention of warn
ing then of Ho ni-falls that are al
weys open for them to full into, but
hre is an ilUe-t rat ion tiint great too, are unite as easily led
away from duty and their wive-,
when p bewitching weman determin-
.o v.-in t k en over to herself. Julitn-'
C':erir, Mnrc Aniotiy e.nd P'-eron, the
'ereilitary king to the Pevptian
rhr r:e. who had sworn to pi'l Cleo
ratra. are th? ti
e l i lustrations o: i
iH-.-s of man that are used
the wen
in this
oieiure ;;rc:'io.eiioii. .-v.iu
modern men were never so tntre.i
ed by tire dPplay of masiHcenee. the J
crorz -"on -necs oi surrounr.mgs. tne
fete-, aid fe3is given in their t on or.
is made by Caesar and Ar.tonv
sieves. Cler.petra v,as t::e arch sir
en of the world and arj; sr. eh she will
be personified by Mis Bar? in 'Cleo
patra" at th Gem March 12 and 13.
- if Tin:
cf Jlun-ay, Nebr.
i 'na i t i i- Ne. r.T s
in the St.nte of
Inse nf lilts i IM'SS
i'liiska ;t Hie
n i"i i r:
ii. I li--
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e , Ms . . . .
e!its. sctoriti
j miirim-n t .-
l:on.'. !
V';i r Sii -. iio; s ;n i,s
.i !. i 'it;' huiise, fiu-iiituri- ;ii!l
ii rrerit rxjii'iist's, tuxes and
i il teres t ;i i i!
oi-.- frem Nil ! i.OKil
awl .-state !.ajS:s. .$ ! l,"ii.ig.
i. iie. us tinil Hems
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lleJ tllH
copy of the report i::jee to
11:. ii ' i 'ig Lii ttr'i.
v. (;. i:ki:i:.
' 'tis 1: if r.
r. i' r:.i i-:m-:. i ho-.
f.. xi"r..g,.v. :o-ci vo-.
! : ;i: I sworn to l.ei'.o jne
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t i i i s i t i .
ie.v,'i t . wkst.
i i No .it-.- l"i ',!.'-. j
iiiiniisr inn expires Jan. 1 ti, !:' i
A. L. Connor of the JJurlington
shops i-j compel Lei to 'a of from
his work en account of an attack
of the grip. .
Anton lioman, who has been laved
up for the past two or three davs
with the grip, will return to his work
on tomorrow.
6mm tn O
We want to call your attention once again to our
wonderful values in Harness. We have for your inspec
tion a complete line of Harness and Horse Fittings at
prices that wili sure sell them. If you are in the market
we know that we can sell you anything you may need.
If you aie from Missouri come in and let us "show you."
Farm Implements!
Now is the time to anticipate your needs in Farm
Machinery and place your orders early. We handle all
staple lines of Farm Machinery in quantities that defy
competition in prices. Let us know what you need we
can deliver the goods.
In the District Court
tv, Xebraska. In the
? matter of the
application cf Nera A. Powers.
Guardian of Marvel E. Hale, miner
to sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of James T.
Icy, Judge cf the District Court cf
Cass County, made o:
of November, A. 1).
sale of the real en,
described, there will
the 2Sth day
If. 17 for the
:e 1 'rcinafter
ie celd at toe
south door of the court homo in.
j i ,au :iiiui i:, ..tLi'i.t -.ti, lui i - - v . i lii
day of March, IfUK rt 10 o'clock a.
m.. at pubMc vendue to the high
est bidder for cash, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit:
rt be
er t r. r of lot five in Porter Place end
additie.i to the Citj- of Plattsniouth
Cms cruuty, Nebraska, thence rur-
nirr; Pe :t along the North line there
of C77.f.r. feet. ti South paralb 1
with th. c K.i line of r id Lot 74
fee:. tl.:nce 'v, -.1 i-arullcd with the
Nrrth l:n TC0.-?. feet to the West
Pne cf raid let T. thenc Northeast -
erly el'-'-n sr.ul '"' -t line to the place
cf .beginning: AP-o the following
i trerr--. emm-- nring at the Northeast
I c-rner cf reid I't Z in said Porter
Pl.-.ce. thence rve-nir.r
. o
t, thence Seuth. parallel with ti:e
l l. oc
i the
r1 '-n Pt 1-15.70 feet
ice Ea-t p
trrllel with Ih.e North
! line
f ?ef .
: .
f"et to the ef he-;-uing. in
Pla; t m P. Ctit C uuty. rTs-brasV.a.
Szid Sale- wi' remain r;e:i oa
hour, the right i- reserved to refuse
any and all bids.
U. B. WINDHAM. Guardian.
Alt cm :v.
Worry is destructive to r.etlth. It
prevents the normal muscular action
of the stomach and intestines and
paralyzes digestion. Often seme
simple means are suthciwit to get
away from this habit, and Triner's
America Elixir of Bitter Wine which
stimulates the intestines to normal
action and helps digestion will be
a dependable ally in your fight with
worry. If you clear your body of
poisonous substances accumulated in
your sluggish intestines, the tired
feeling and irritability will disap
pear. Triner's American Elixir i at
the same time a very palatable
remedy. Price SI. 10. At drug
tores. Triner's Liniment for rheu
matism, neuralgia, lumbago, etc..
and Triner's Cough Sedative for colds
. ... ..
ana coughs, nronctntis, astnma. etc.,
tire eouallV reliable remedies. Now
I is the time to keep them always at
j hand anil to prevent ferious sick-
,.,... Ti, ,i-.. -r-.- v-
, iiv?i. i i it t tit ii: ti c?i til i - . i i ii;v: c:
Liniment .'15 and C"c. Triner's Cough
Sedetive 25 and 50c. By mail al
ways 10 cents more. Joseph Triner
Company, Ma nufecturing Chemists,
ir.33-1343 S. Ashiend Ave., Chicago.
Stationery it the Journal oftce.
F. j , -J...'J otner hecta
iii ti
L Xi-' j'J' fiical operation. No Cidoroturm. Ether or othr '-n.r
fr.r . - . aaasthetic uw l A cure guaranteed in every cae srei;-d
;rat- ?DOrn m,We to.HpB,,: cntt J Vrltelor bl on Ptat Dieses with nlm
B,'a teSviaoiuaJs of more CZ.aa 100J rronanent oeooie wbo have been nermanentlv rurH m.
MS. & hIACIi,
' The largest and best equipped
r- - - - w. ...
1 i-ort
.cin tuitnss just like tootn.
r usmcr.
W Kt
' Si
?' 7"VeV-;.-?
'.: . ft:
-! - '
1 m:m
. Y 1 . By
:. k'WM it
Bars Out Bad
Come in and slip-on cue of
these line, well-made, "od
iooking Raynsters. Ft.' hew
snug r.nd cemfor . ' x : is.
Yes, sir; here's a lir f turn
coats you can'r beat i . r.r.y pr;:: Made hv the United
States Rubber Com:
sold with the same
of vaiue that goes with every
thing you buy here. Coi:iw iii
and try-on a Raynster.
Prices ranging from
$3.50 to $10.00
Puis & Gansemer,
Murray Nebraska,
name Doan's inspires conti-
uence Dean s tviuncv i'liis I ,r kul-
T-.ev 111 M. fill i iliTit'.-i'iit lnp i"
t . ", . " ' . , " , ...
itching. Doan s Kegulets for a imP
Sold at all drug store.
My 12 acre tnicf, north of tm:.
Por particulars call or write C. II.
Pdggs. ml-lud.
WANTED IP- married man. a
place on a farm, capable of handling
any farm or machinery. O. Sarrau.
It. F. D. No. 5 Nebraska Ci'v. Nebr.
M 1!
p 5?i 1
i ft
- i t
Fistu!a-Pay Whsn Cured
S5ia PK a mild system of treatment that cares Pile. Fistula acd
I Den8a m a short time, withnnt a m.
denial offices in Omaha. Experts Z
nvjtuii, iuuui.An A it rrviio. 1-4
Instruments carefully sterilized H