The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
PLATTSMOUTH semi-weekly journal. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 19 IS. PAGE FOUR. Cbe plattsmouth jfoumal PrBUSHGD HEM1-WEEKI.T AT PtATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Catered t roetefflee at Plattsmouth. Nb.. an vecosd-claes mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher CBSCKIPTJOM PRICKi Americans are fighters. :o: Everybody push and push hard. :o: Pass the strawberries only CO Cents a quart. :o: When in doubt, kick the doubt aside and push ahead. :o: Not a particular bright outlook for Faster. March came meeker than a lamb late from Wall Street. :o: A merchant can set along with out advertising: and so can a wagon without grease, but it goes hard. :o: In the meanwhile do not forget to chip in and aid in buying for some American soldiers in France ami Flanders. -:o: Prrsuiiibahly instantaneous glue is :o named because when there is need ft r i; yu'i instantly discover that the crk if- lost and glue is dried up. Of course the real genuine farmers will test their s-ed corn nel'ore p!:n!i.ig tin:? without furtner re minders f it by bankers editors, merchants and lawyers. :o:- Farmers who object to receiving city boys us Ir-'p on their farms seem to forget how graciously the citi'-s have been making room for retired farmers all these years. :o: As soon as you have finished pay ing for this winter's coal, b.ettir be gin saving for next winter's. It looks ais thought the fuel is going to be ad ministrated much the came this year as last. The males are certainly getting the werst of it in this war. The federal order to stop killing hens un til April :J0. compels the roosters to sacrifice themselves on the altar of their count rv. :o: The scheme is to make the "stay-at-homes suffer as much as the sold iers. " says an exchange. Of course, Jhey should suffer some but none who know the hardships that a soldier gois through would thus express themselves, because it is an impossi bility. :o: Farmers in many places in the state are buying incubators for the first time in their lives. They say they do not propose to allow the hens to quit their jobs of laying high pric ed eggs to set. but take charge of the setting business for the hens themselves. :o: There's some satisfaction in the knowledge that no matter who may be nominated for United States sena tor by one's political party, one doesn't have to vote for him. Any American citizen who is giving par tisanship any attention these days ought to take something for his ailing patriotism. :o: Pell A. Harrows, Lincoln corre- spondent fcT the Omaha I5ee is being mentioned in connection with the republican nomination for lieutenant governor. Mr. Iiorrows is so thor oughly well qualified for such a posi tion. He was once a citizen of Plattsmouth, and we people down here consider him "all wool and a vard wide." S1G0 Reward, C1C9 The readers o? this paper will bo released to learn that there Js at least one dreaded disease that science ha3 been able to cure in all its stagej and th..t is catarrh. Catarrh heint? preatly InHuenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and arts thru the liiooa on tho Mucou3 Sur-fr-"t-3 of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving- the rat'ent strength by buildm? up the cor. 'ti'ut'on .nd i::s;?.fncr nature in rtoinits v ork Tho proprietors have fo tthjcIi t'-i'ti' in the curative powers of Haifa Cktarrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred ! oaar for nny a3 that it fails to ft"-o F'-nd for V.t of testimonials. Vl-!"r, I J. eHE"F.r & CO.. Toledo. Oh'o. $td by all DrussU, ?c. PKB TEAR 131 ADVANCE The grasses whisper to the wind. The maples to the rain; Light-footed spring goes whispering In meadow and in lane. :o: And may she continue so to the end. :o: The last snow winter. the best of the :o: Paper from corn husks is the lat st proposition for making paper. :o: Get ready to give what you can to the Red Cross. Another drive soon. :o: More conservation and les conver sation is the need of the present age. :o: Onion sets and garden seed on the market some.indications that spring is near. :o: Germany should understand that Uncle Sam is pretty near through counting one hundred. :o: "nance in Sunday School? Why not?" asks a La Crosse, Wis., pas tor. Well, probably the floor isn't any good. -:o: "There Is nothing more frightful than active ignorance," wrote Goethe, thus giving u perfect de scription of kultur before its arriv al. -:o:- If the Germans had waited, and issued their no conquest declaration from Peirograd we would at least have credited them with a sense of humor. -:o:- It would almost appear that the Turk?-, fleeing from Jericho ran clear -into Trebizond. It is doubtful whether even a Ilussian ever set such a pace. :o: A landlord is a person who yields to your demands for decorations about ten days before it is time to begin showing the place to prospec tive new tenants. : o : The French patriots may kiss each ether, but they don't put sp'es in comfortable jaiks on full rations. They give 'em ready punched tick ets to Valhalla. :o: We hope Germany is depending upon the Kussian wheat crop this year to pull her through another sea son of war. She's welcome to what little there will be. :o: The letters the packers wrote couldn't have come back to them with greater force if they had been superscribed with tho fateful old words, "Pe sure and burn this." :o: If wife can hate husband real good during a quarrel and for sever al hours after the quarrel is over, it is a sign she loves the old wretch almost as much as she did when she married him. :o: Red Cross workers are anxious to secure the assistance of every mem ber to sew. The articles they are making are badly needed by the soldiers and all are asked to come and do their bit. ;o:- Merely as a gentle hint, we sug gest that the list of duties devolving upon the shoulders of the members of the supreme court does not in elude selecting our candidates ' for state officers and for United States senator. :o:- BEWARE THE LEECHES.! In ordinary times the purchaser of highly speculative and "blue sky" stocks was his own worst enemy. Hut today he is, unwittingly, the enemy of his country. In ordinary times the concerns that emitted s.uch stocks, the shady agents that peddled them, and the newspapers that advertised them to their guillible readers, were preying on ignorant and unfortunate individ uals. But today they are preying on the national strength and secur ity, at a time when every dollar of wealth is needed for legitimate pur poses. The National Vigilance Commit tee of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, in a special bul letin, sounds an impressive warning. It says: "As a means toward helping win the war, it is the patriotic duty of advertising mediums to discourage the exploitation of speculative se curities. "The government is asking that the public invest in Liberty bonds and War Savings stamps. "Every dollar that Is diverted from this course to the pockets of promot ers of speculative enterprises at this time, is equivalent to a contribution to the cause of our enemies. "Newspapers have a special op portunity to serve our country by refusing to publish the type of ad vertising which is now being used so largely in oil promotion. j "No advertising medium ought to be available for the promotion of se curities that may not he regarded as "compatible with the public inter est." "No purely speculative enterprise can be cf help to the government at this time. The advertising of such concerns is usually misleading and ultimately proves to be an imposition on the readers of the publication in which the advertising appears. "Owners of newspapers and other advertising media owe their co-operation to the government to the extent of declining to accept adver tising about which there may be the least doubt." In Denver, where by liberal ad vertising and persistent promotion the sale of fake stocks, particularly oil stocks, hud attained the propor tions of a public scandal, the city eouncil has taken drastic action. It has enacted an ordinance providing fine and jail sentence for promoters or advertisers of fradulent stock schemes. The ordinance is said to be the most drastic and sweeping law adopted by any American city to rid itself of the pest of fake stock peddlers. It would be a mark of patriotism if councils in other cities would take ; imilar measures to conserve the re rourees of the people. Where they fail to do it, enlightened public senti ment should make itself felt in a way effectually to discourage the promoters of swindling or gambling securities and their newspaper part ners. It is not only our government that needs the money these leeches suck from the people. There are legiti mate industries, industries essential for our war strength, that need it also. There are industries and busi nesses long established, well and honestly managed, sound and pros perous, whose stock is a gilt-edged investment, and that require funds to extend their operations. They find it doubly difficult to place their securities. It is not only because the government is absorbing billions of our national wealth. Put be cause the sellers of dubious stocks, by attractive and misleading adver tising and by promising high profits, are duping investors and taking away from them the money that would otherwise bo available for legitimate enterprise. This newspaper urges its readers to be very careful and conservative in their stock investments. Remem ber that the Liberty bonds and Thrift, stamp.; are'nafc and sound, and that every dollar you put into them is a boost for your country's cause. Remember, if you desire still ether investments, to fight t;hy' of fly-by-night concerns and irresponsi ble peddlers and glaring advertise ments. Consult your banker, ask the advice of experienced and con servative business friends, go to any established and reputable flroker, seek investment in enterprises that have a record for success and honest management. Put vour rann tr J work jwhe're it will not only earn you safe dividends, but where it will strengthen your country, and preferably the community' in which you live. There was a time when the Coun try did not suffer particularly if you chose stupidly to tjirow your money away. But that time is not now There is work honest work, clean work, profitable work tor every honest dollar. Every one of them is needed. Be warned in time, gentle reader. Protect yourself and help protect your unwary neighbor. World-Her ald. :o:- WHY WE FIGHT. It is the people who still do not know why the United States is at war who identify our cause with France's hunger for Alsace-Lorraine, or Italy's for her "lost territories, or Great Britain's disposition to hold on to some cf the captured German colonies. It is a mistake to charge them with being "unpatriotic" be cause they raise this question, but it is entirely justifiable to charge them with ignorance. there is nothing unpatriotic about failing to sympathize with land-Tiunger, wheth er justified or unjustified, on the part of any of our co-belligerents. But if any American thinks that it is for Trieste or Alsace-Lorraine the Unit ed States is expending its blood and treasure, and spreads that belief among his neighbors he is, in his ig norance, doing great harm to his country by misrepresenting its cause. It is the United States we fight for. It is for our own liberties, our own rights, the sanctity and safety of our homes, the happiness of our own people, that we are ending our boys to France. Bruce Barton of "The Vigilantes" tells the story plainly in the publi cation. "Every Week." After citing the official documents to show the terrible indignities that were visited, by the invading Germans, on men, women and children in loth Bel gium and France, he says: "I do not often ask you to read unpleasant paragraphs like these. I do it now because, when it. comes to writing about Liberty bonds, I feel !ike throwing aside all the fine words and telling you the whole truth as it appeals to me. "And the truth is I am not buying a nickel's worth of bcnOs to give Trieste to Italy or one single added colony to England or Alsace-Lorraine to France. "I buy Liberty bonds because there is a 2-year-old boy in my homo as there was in that nameless home in Malines. "And because, so small has the world become, that Malines is only jut across the street from where I live. "I ask myself over and over again, what use to my youngsters are food and clothes, if the spirit that fired Malines comes cut of this war unrebuked? "What sort of parents are you and I if we send our children out into a world where children may still be bayoneted and women ruthlessly slain? "I hate war. If we were at war with England and France, I would fill this column so full of cries for a peace conference that they would put. me in jail for doing it. "But this is not a war of nations. It is a grapple of ideals. "The ideal that respects pledges, ami the lives of women and hild ren, battling with the ideal that counts pledges and the lives of wom en and children as mere pawns in the game of empire. "I do not know how it may be with you; but with me, this third Liberty loan will cut down through tho luxuries into what vc used to think were the necessities in our household. "And we make the sacrifice gladly for the sake of the great necessity. "The necessity for establishing safety in the world for little childy rcn. "For making it clear onca and for all that while women tire being slain, no men can ever again with impunity continue to drink and sing." we President Wilson exhaustd all re courses trying to get Germany to re spect the rights of non-combatant humanity and the rules of civilized warfare. He failed. To serve its own purposes Germany slew our own women and children, our own lieu tral citizens, on the highways of the world. When our presdent protest ed he was met for awhile, with promises, but finally with the bold challenge of unrestricted and whole- sale submarine slaughter. No nation on earth with an ounce of self-respect, no nation fit to sur vive, could ignore such a challenge and submit to such indignities That is why we Might. The deeds that have been done in Belgium and France, the wholesale plundering of a nation that we see in Russia to day, would be in store for us if Ger many could get at us. It is the thin, battered and bleeding line of French and British and Italian soldiers, it is the storm-worn British navy, that hold the enemy at bay and keep our own shores, our own homes safe. It is to strengthen and support these who are fighting our battle a? well as their own that we are send ing our boys away, that we are fev erishly building ships, that we are spending our billions of wealth. It to make the world safe not alone for democracy, but for women and children our own women and children first and foremost. World- Herald. -:o: HOUSTON CALLS ON CITY FOLKS TO HELP FARME? Washington, March o. Secretary Houston of the Department of Agri culture today issued a call to urban people to study the farm labor sit- tatiou and to render assistance to farmers during the coming crop eason. "If soldiers are willing to serve in the trenches and risk their lives,'" leclared Secretary Houston, "many civilians can well afford to save a part of their time to serve in the furrows and in the .harvest fields. In many towns and cities there arc nen who have had farming experi ence, who are able bodied men and who doubtless would be willing tc serve the nation in the field of agri culture at this time. Especially for the seasonal strains of planting, cul tivating and harvesting, it will not bee too much to ask such men to aid the farmers in the necessary under taking of maintaining and if possi ble, supplementing the food supply in order to feed the armies and tc ustain the civil population behind the men." GERMAN EEBT IS VERY LARGE. Amsterdam, March 3. Germany's national debt has risen to nearly 1.000,000,000 marks. the rcich- tag was informed yesterday by 'ount von Posadowsky-Wehner, the former vice chancellor. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY of Plattsmouth, Nebr. Charter No. f. M in tho State of Ne braska at the eloso of Imsiin'.s on February 15, l'JIS. i:i;somci:s oa ns and Discounts.... . $G0 l.r. Ji'.r. !l Iverdraf ts 1G0..S'J 1S.C00.00 !."00.00 10.01S.77 1S.4!J 7 i.r.os.r.o A,::7.6: :;.) :::.:. oo tonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc tankiior house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate ' Current expense, taes and interest paid ' 'ash items ue from National and State banks 'hecks and items of excli'e 'nrrency old coin Silver, nickels and cents.... TOT A .$731,2 H.0S I.I.MUMTIIOS 'apital stock pa hi in.. . . $ r.o.oofl.oo Surplus fund Undivided prolits ..... c,:: 7.i J Individual deposits, subject to check 277.9.ifi.!-' Time certificates of deposit. :::;. 90S. I I Cashier's checks outstanding 0,010.5 Due to National and State hunks Ifi.'J.-l.l 1 Depositor's guuiaiity fund... 5,70S.L'l TOTAL $751. -M 1.0 St:ttc of Xr-liruskii) County of ("ass ss: J. J:. F. Patterson. Cashier of tli; iiliovo named bunk tlo hereby .swctir tliat tlie above statement is si rurrert and truo copy of tlie report made to the Ktate liankinir Boanl. n. f. i'ATTi:r:soN', Attest: Cashier. CM AS. C. PAKMKLK. Iirottor. JACOIJ TKITSC11. Director. Sitbseribed and sworn to before me this ."ith lay of JIareli, 1!)1S. ANN 10 C. HASbKl:. (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. L'2, lt'2j. Journal Want-Ads Pay! Here is the truth as to why fight. QMMreit Cry mmff&M III "J ffltw 5?bc Plind You Rave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne th3 signature of r, and has been made under his per CzX rZA&?7' sonal suPervision sinco its infancy. ftUrfv. Allow no one to deceive you in this! AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Exprin-cnta that trifle with and endanger the health of Jniant; and Children Experience against Exocrine nt. c What IsCASTORIA Ciistorja is a harmless substitute or Castor OiJ, Paregoric "jDror-s an--! Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains 3ic:;her Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Is re is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has fcsea in constat uic for the relief of Cocscipatior,, Flatulency, Wind Colis ano. Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishcess rri-inrr ihc-j-clron, and by regulating the Stomach and Bo wejs, aids the assimilation cf Feed; giving healthy and natural re. 'he Ch;ldrcr.'o Far.xea The Mother's Friend. mumz CASTORIA always Eears the i he &lnz Yviz Have Always BcugSit HAS A NEW CLERK TOIL OFFICE. From Mondcy's Daily. Miss Mario Xovotny lias just ac cepted a position with the coal office of C. G. Fricke, having resigned the position with Mr ..Frank Gobelman which .she has held for some time. Miss Xovotny is a competent and ?fhcient clerk, and will make a good assistant in the coal office of Mr. Fricke. Take Children Out of Danger. If you saw a child on a railroad track you would endeavor to remove the little one from danger. When 3. child is ' snuffling or coughing, isn't it your duty to get him out of danger of severe consequences? Foley's Honey and Tar gives relief from coughs, colds, croup and whoop- nig cough.. Contain no ooiates. Sold everywhere. SUBSCRIBES FOE THE DAILY. From Tuesday's Daily. Carl II. Cole and wife of near Mynard drove to this city yesterday afternoon to attend to some business matters and visit friends for a short time. While here Mr. Cole called at this office and had his Plattsmouth Journal subscription discontinued and subscribed for the Daily Journal in order that he might be kept post ed on happenings every day. Subscribe for the Journal. S Vv . - i y;s rxr Tfei THAT v V . , v :vl- v.."... .: V . : v.- .-n. U I n WE HAVE ALL HEARD OF THAT RAINY DAY." SINCE CHILDHOOD WE HAVE HEARD OF "PUTTING SOMETHING ASIDE FOR A RAINY DAY." THAT RAINY DAY COMES VERY SUDDENLY TO SOME PEOPLE. IF YOU HAVE PUT SOMETHING ASIDE, HAVE IT SAFE IN OUR BANK. FIRE CAN'T BURN IT, BURGLARS CAN'T STEAL IT AND YOU CAN'T LEND OR SPEND IT SO EASILY. BE PREPARED WITH A BANK ACCOUNT. WE PAY H PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS, AND 3 PER CENT ON XMAS SAVINGS CLUB. COME TO aimers STHE2NEW BANK.! SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES 50 CENTS PER YEAR. for FJe4chesiFs Signature of WILL MAKE HOME IN THE WEST From Tuesday's Daily. Peter Campbell who has been one of the pillars in the citizenry of the neighborhood of Rock Bluffs for the past half century and more is load ing out a car today for Imperial in Chase county where he is to make his home in the future with his family. This family will be missed by their neighbors and friends in this city and in the vicinity where they have lived for so many years. Ye hope for them in their new home, happiness and prosperity, which we are certain will come to them for they will merit both. A Short But Strong Statement. Women with backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints or other symptoms of kidney trouble should read this statement from Mrs. S. C. Smalt, Clayton, X. M. : "Foley Kidney Pills have done me mors good than all other medicines." They strengthen weak kidneys and banish sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. Sold everywhere. Servic Flags at the Journal Office. CHICHESTER S PILLS XtBfilrfl! AW yonr mfrugg Imt for- . hl-he-tcra lHumond it rand I'lIU in Red and irold nrtailicS hoxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. TftLe no other. Hut of toiip iMAAiar.o i;km fjusf ss yeirs khotu as Best, Safest, A iwcys Kelinl le SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE - XW: OUR BANK. tate Bank frir 3 wmt