The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 191 S. pLATTSMotrrn SEM1-W1TCELY JOURNAL. PA OR THREE. Time to Secure the J kings You Want at Splendid Savings at is c J in ON ACCOUNT OF UNFAVORABLE WEATHER AND BAD ROADS WE WILL CONTINUE THIS SALE UNTIL 3ii i wo lliT mM Mh Hi If5 H ft Bin lis E t, r -v ; - . Ci P. ti tif fc r - U' c r c-- The people who accumulate money are those who who buy at tho RfCHT TifrlE-namcly when prices are low. This is such a time at our store for not only are prices a good deal lower now than they have been, hut they are far below what prices for the coming Spring are likeiy to be on a great majority of goods. There still remain on our floors numbers off surplus lefsef seascnsb!e goods, which must be gotten rid of, to make room for our Spring lines, to be displayed for the Easier season. To accomplish the riddance of these odd lets quickly, we have attached to them prices lower than the prices that goods of similar lines have been offered for in the early stages of these economic events, 3nd have extended the sale a week longer so that all may share in THIS GREAT MER CHANDISING EVENT. WOMEN'S HOSE, 11 CENTS One lot Ladies' iio., b' and tan. Clearance sale price, pair 11c FOR IVlEN Rockford Sox per pair .11c Men's Heavy Wool Sox (a per pair 14c EMBROIDERIES 17 inch corset cover embroid ery, hih grade goods, fine patterns. Per yard 19c One lot of Embroideries from 3in. to corset cover T ! R R5SBJ pnesa fctc asrj g25 te tKX3 & ; &S3 p23 TM h .9 If h. .-Ml ro price, per 3 ara 1 1 r WASH GOODS A tableful! of wash goods, such as batistes, lawns, tissues, poplins, organdies, plisse crepe, vcile, etc., to go in three lots: 10c Ladies handkerchiefs, while the' last, each 5c 50c Ladies corset covers, while they last up each 29c $1.25 and $1 .50 midd blouses, while they last (a each. .73c and 89c Lace insertions, while they last, (a) per yard lc 1 21 ?c ard 1 5c laces, while they last, Oj) per yard 8c 7c and 6c laces, while they last, (j.) per yard 4c Silk Petticoats at $1.93 and 98c REMNANTS AT ONE-HALF A tablefull of remnants of dress goods of every description to be closed out (like in the good old times) at exactly One-Half Price I Let N; per yard 7c '.a per yard 14c .;) per yard. 21c The dlffererirc :elveen bu2.-i:ig now and buying later means uses. And che sa'inrr of dollars in these (j - 6 and 7 fet long; value price, year choice (a each. goou s up to .29c dollars siv.'-C- t cr c?r:er times is c crii. imcort2.n-:e- -.o ihe individuals as well as to the r .t this rrer.t Ckarinir Sale. JUSTRITE CORSETS All our $1.25 and $1.50 quality Justrite Corsets, medium bust, sizes 24 to 30. Clearing sale price, your choice each 9Sc $2.00 and $2.50 quality Justrite Corsets. Clearing sale price, your choice (Td each $1.53 BOYS' UNDERWEAR One lot boys' Balbrigan shirts and drawers. Clearance sale price, garment. .19c CHILD'S HOSE, 9 CENTS PAIR One lot of Child's black hose, sizes 5 to S2- Price per pair. . . .Sc MEN'S BALBRIGAN UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers, mostly small sizes. Clearing sale price, ycur choice (a) per garment 37c SUSPENDERS Our very best dress suspenders, finest quality new goods. Clearing sale price, special, per pair only CURTAIN SCRIM One lot of curtain scrim of every description, to clean up per yard 11c It f - FEstfsmouth, r - - .' t. 0 Nebraska VW4ii rrfV'iir T-JPA3 J--l VW W-''W - - rfWWV ALVO. ( : .l1 ill a T'r (: 1 i:i Mrs. L. I.av.rit F! r-. ir r v.-.-r. Jop I: i rtl cinil i l.;t Xo. IT. r vivitv! : r: Om:iha .he lirto fhnw were eighteen ladies at the lied in Omaha and while there atteude:'. Cross rooms Tuesday afternoon. the show. .Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Grove rnd Mrs. L. 1). Mullen and danr-hter. tive.s and friends here Saturday Sun dav. LU iS ALL GAS EK'oIKES HZRE. :!Iss LaXita left Mr,:: . lay r.n-1 Frif.ny. h friends. n ar.d !lr. Alfred ninlia Tuesday, tht'r V.'arren Bird fe Tu-sday evinir.;; i'n-.i'.y Ktn.-r.ic i r-!act in the L. La-;ri' f)rvillf llohorts-.'n sh'ppd a car r.;i.-l rf cattle to tiie S;)ii;h Omaha rarketr Monday. Vvi'.i 1 !r.a ferr.'.r'y t-acher at the vi'ii: ;-d Sunuar with Wyoming. t her Id 1 Sunday L. TCefer zru family. Jr-.dd Weavi r of u:l: J. er ot KanF. tr I.av.T''':''s leeff-r is here from To r.'r.. Mich., cn a brief vi?it and is I for a ne,v location. IVppite the cold weather there j ?irs. Xora IS" arc and two sons of Rear-icy vi?ited her brother Chas. GodT)ty and family from Friday till Tupsday. Mr. Lnd Mrs. V.'ra. Tvlinfcrd of Lin coln attended the Ilall-Bornmeier weddin:; returniiuT to their home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carr of Lin coln were in town on business Sat urday and trek dinner with Mr. and Mr. Geo. Curyea. Mrs. llattie Strain and little daughter of Eethany visited over Saturday and Sunday with her iiunt Mrs. D. A. Vincent. Chas. Injrwersoti is loading his household jrcods and farm machinery to ship to Pawnee county. He ex pects to leave the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Jordan return ed Sunday evening from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Casey y cn ..i). i . :md j for their new home at Ch;:r;v-!1. Xebr. Mr. Mullen having: go:i? with th; ir car of gocdr la;t week. Dinner guests at the Chas. F. Rosencw home Sunday were .'.r. I'r.-.m M.-ii-Ah,- Gr !V. naity. r1 r" t ,i' ti.e is i-inir t Imv a fnni v :ir, t c!: : ct L::;k' t- inw. W e can supply the car now but cannot r anv k-f.niie uuure period. e have cars h: wv In-rc to have cars next week and next month ami '"im after that, i'ut these are uncertain times. These times. "L'ncle Sam" tr.av wan lil' -to . 'ivt to use the factories - . .iti i- car iii.i XT. i in t ici rx), h vim warn a us order without delav. W'e will e;ie entr n to , ur t br Yon o:-G t ar more ami more everv l an .U'l ! u.-e fu Ine: T 1 ' tiul make quick deliverv. day : need it tor the in your business; need it because an eta ns:ieu ec n niv. i nen (ion i wan, mace o;u order i"diay and make sure of delivery. W e follow the sale of every Ford Car with ail "after .r ':''.""" tliat is efilcieut. prompt, courteous and economical. i'i-d owners are always sure of the use of their cars every d.w of the ear. WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS Brin your Fords to. Us for Repairs H- Foliock Ayto Co., Omahp, where he is":! in buiiness, today :aade purchase tf all the r:as engines vLi-:"!1 the V.'estern JIachine and T7IKTEH IS L00SE2JING HEP. HOLD r. 1 Mrs have had of there 1!1 bein? Foundry Company ::ock. On account j such a volume cf business in other ; 'ine:;, which pay Letter and for ' v. hieh they are equipped, thti ccm i pan;. will build no more pas engines. ev will make renairs. on env kind 3Irs. Henry Miller and son Ly!, and Mrs. Sam Cashnor ar.-.l Mary Skinner and son John. The Red Cross chap:c:- si. fho'r Ffhrnnrv nnrfn of 17,0 ha irs. 100 sttU cotton pads. - live- ! of oxups. Ras or otherwise, as they yard rarze roll- to headviunrt . r.s ' TV hav ihe facilitie:; f;-r all kind:; of Omaha last week r.nd 27, shot hairs tc the countj- chapter at Plattsmou h. On Wednesday Feb. 27. If.:?, oc eurrcd the marriage of Miss Marjorie Hal!, daughter of Mr. and Mr-., r.o Hall to Mr. Ludwisr Dornen:-. 'or of Murdock. Tiiey will he at home r.f tr March 1", on their frrm nf:r Murdock. Sam Jordan cf Kendrick. Trio., who has been visiting hi? paren?, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jordan Saturday end Sunday left for ('snip Funston Sunday evening to report for crmy service, havinpr been drafted from Lincoln countj. Colo. The Alvo High School na?kt hall team consisting of Iialph Connel!, Floyd Dickerscn, Boyd Edvrards, Guy Hinds, Elmer Rosenow, Oliver Tay lor and Walter "Wood left Tuesday evening for Lincoln to pariicipite in the state tournament beginning there Wednesday. Mrs. J. McDowell and her dauch ter, Mrs. Roy Perkins visited from Friday until Monday with the form er's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jor don. Mrs. McDowell and husband will make their home at Central City, Xebr., and Mr. and Mrs. Perkins will reside at Cairo. wor":. Mr. Greenburg will ship the engines which he lias made purchase to Omaha, where lie will dispose cf then. The Machine shops here have-such a vast amount and variety that it keeps the force busy a'.l the time at the work, and. more could be used. j and are being hired whenexer they I can be secured. WILL FAEK IN COLORADO. FORD Authorized Sales and Service Plattsmoiith, Nebr. Sixth Street - - - Telephone No. 1 RED CROSS MEETING March 8th, Friday afternoon, at Cedar Creek, Xebr.. in the A. O. U. W. Hall. Please let everybody be present at this writing. m2-2td-2tw Cedar Creek Chapter. WE MSKE IT OUi cPF.C IALTY TO DO THE HIGHEST . - GRADE OF . - U'7TERI0R DECORATING IX HOME. CHURCH, TIIEA- J- . TRE. ETC. SKETCHES A PRICE FOR YOUR ASKING. FrTti t ii rhi y's lni!;.'. W. S. Ransom, who a few days ago lepr.rted for the west with W. R. Llryan, returned last evening and will arrange as soon as he has h?d his sale to move to the west, having rented a farm near LaSalle, Colorado, where he will make his home. Mr. Ransom has lived in this city for ome time and has made a good citi zen, and we wish him good fortune in the west. Dvspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion. normal weight, good health and purify the bloc d. use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price $1.2o. TIRED OF LIFE Constant Backache and Rheumatism Foley Kidney Pills fixed up Texas bruemtn so be' good aa ever. Almost down and out with kidney trouble, nt'.eumatipm so bad he could scarcely pet up wlit-n he fat down. Back ached all the time. Xo wonder Mr. T A. 'Woclcy, brake man on tho road from Dallas to Jack son. Texas, "was tired of livlnp." '"J --aw Foley Kidney nils adver tised." he r.aid, "I took sums and after a short time I was thorousrhlv cured and ara having no more trouble. Your kidney ills will disappear and with thorn tho backache and rhou- i matiiim, by the use of Foley's Kidney i Pills. Once your kiunevs become V i strong and active, achrs and pains . : will disappear like music. Saturday's Daily. -The ice in the Missori river, v. hich has been a most pronounced cign of the reign of old Boursa. and which has held all winter the river eloiing early, and just now ejiving way again to the milder temperatur es. Well good bye old Winter, we are glad to see you depart, but we expect you will give us a few more rousing hugs before you really make your get-a-way. WAS A GUEST CF THE GERING'S From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. T. B. Carpenter of Cedar Falls. Iowa, who has been spending the winter in the south, stopped on her way home for a short visit with her school mate Miss Barbara Gering, and the others of the family, depart ed this morning for Omaha, where she visited during the day, and this afternoon Miss Mia Gering departed for Omaha to see her friend off on her departure for her home in Cedar Falls. RETURN TO CAMP FUNST0N. From Monday's Daily. Louis Baungart and Christ True, both well known here who went with the Cass county contingent to Camp Funston last summer, were visitors at home over Sunday, and departed last evening for the camp again. A large number of their friends were at the station to bid them God Speed in the work. SAWING LUMBER. Any one having logs they desire sawed into lumber, bring them to Elbert Wiles farm, (old Walkei place), now. as the mill will soon be moved. R. L. Propst. 2-lS-tfd&w LOST. Monday evening. March 4th, be tween the Glen Perry country home and Plattsmouth. an overcoat. Find er will confer a favor by notifying Glen Perry. 3-C-2tdltwkly ta : t i. xiiviivr c-JurHiur, - i There's nothing to equal the penu- Ivlurdck. Tetr. ' Ine-. ViUh-lcy case of iidcev or btaddpr 1 trouble not beyond tne reach of medicines. , Coiitan no barailui ciroc. Trv tiism. "SOLD EVERYWHERE." W. a. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. n-aaf "1 i . V 4 4 4 East Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Fl-cr Journal Want-Ads Payi LOST A FORTY DOLLAR CHECK. EGGS F0?t nTCIIIKG. From the best Reds I ev.-r owiwd. ?7.."' per 100 or tier S'ttir." ihis morning Robert Troop lost a Have a ,.avo inruh.tor a!u, J)rt)f:,'.r "roin Sat u y's I a i!y. W. P. check for forty dollars, drawn mo m,ui aim Cio"tru ii. A. I I UUI. Ifect COIHlitiOIl. PIlOPC 40"1 Tl. . .j i j ! i lit- tuetiv was iiui euuurseu ana porter Mvnard Nebr wouia be worthless to anj- one un less it was signotl. Mr. Troop took steps to stop payment on the same. Subscribe for the Journal. Mrs. F. W. Olinger and daughter were passengers to Omaha this after noon, where the- are visit i-.g v i'li friends for the dav. X- ' tr It- I wmmmm ppsm Spring Shirts! Your bosom friends want to see you. They just arrived all colors, sizes, sleeve lengths and patterns, starched or soft cuff; with or without collars. You'll say they are a swell gang of shirts. Priced $1.00 to $6.50 Some very specials at $1.50. We are now showing our Spring line of Heidcaps and Stetson Hats! A hat or cap for any head and a snap for your pocket book. A glance into our east window will suggest something C i 2 -tc -X - r -6-. -r: - fc K -X k X X -k -9t -tr -it -te a -t -t n -k j - -tc -s -t - A u H fx