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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1918)
PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918. re MANLEY STATE BANK MANLEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE BANK MURRAY, NEB. BANK OF GASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. BANK OF COMMERCE Louisville; neb. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. 8 ft r j :o:- :o:- :o:- :o:- -:o:- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $13,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $15,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $80,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $23,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 310,000 :or- -:o:- :o:- :o:- :o:- OFFICERS FRANK STANDER AUGUST STANDER AUGUST FAUTSCH THOMAS E. PARJIELB WM. J. RAU. ' DIRECTORS - CIIAS. C. TARMELE, President. FRED NUTZMAN, Vice-President. W. GLEN EOEDEKER, Casliler. OFFICERS CIIAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCIl THOMAS E. PARMELE R. F. PATTERSON. P. G. ECENBEIICEK OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE, President. CIIAS. C. PARMELE. Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD, Cashier. RALPH It. LARSON, Asst. Cashier. Of F1CERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. W. II. LOIINES, Vice-President. THOMAS E. PARMELE, Director. ur Facilities EosbSe Us f Handle Your Business in this County Promptly and EsissieaiSy and on this Bssis We Invite Your Patronage. FLATTSMQUTH LOAN AND BUILD ING ASSOCIATION HELD MEETING LAST NIGHT AT rARMERS STATE BANK ELECTED OFFICERS of the buildings. On returning he stopped at San Antonia, Texas, at which place he spent Washington's birthday and witnessed a parade of fifty thousand soldiers in one line, at the same time there being forty five aeroplanes in the air. SHIPS 1,000 STEMS TO OMAHA l"l"'u T.i. .- .lay's IMiiy. List evening at the ollices of the Ii.ittsuiouth Loan and Ruilding as s;k iat in. in tii? Farmers State bank, v.;is held the annual meeting of the asi-ocialiu'i. at which time and place otr.ct-rs wore elected for the ensuing year. The oi'.cers to he elected were thrt'.' members of the Hoard of Di rectors, whose term of oluce had ex r'r:nl and one by resignation on ac count of the director having moved from the city, this latter one being Dr. E. . Cook. The place made va cant by the resignation of Dr. Cook w:-s filled by the election of E. H. Sehuh'oiT. while those terminating by expiration of theft terms o? of fice were T. J. Janda. T. M. Patter son and J. M. Ley da", all of whom were re-elect e-il for the coining term. The twenty-third annual statement f ike condition of the association by the secretary, T. M. Patterson, showed the association to be in good shape. There are now 175,10 shares of stuck in force, which have been ruu from six months for the lowest number to IP, 2 months, the highest, and which mature this month. The capital stock in the different series i olT.'.l 0G.0O, while the dividends declared amount to $49,S29.34. There aro now 17 5,10 0 shares of stock in force, which have been rnn:iir.g from six months or the low est number to 102 months the high .?. and which matures this month. The capital stock in the different series is $17.;, 100.00 while the divi Vi.l declared are ?49,S29.34. The Ascciation had made and have now in force loans to its mem bers amounting to $247,0G4.34, have real estate amounting to $G,24S.OO with three thousand dollars worth f liberty bond-, and nearly seven thousand dollars in cash. Slaking their assets aggregate S2G4.009.9G. This association is doing a good huMuess as to the benefit of all its members get from it, those who are investor only are receiving a good rturn for their money, while those v.-ho are. borrowers are securing homes on easy payment plans much 11 ir.e paying ot rent, ana are t'lr. enal.h d to have a home and pay l'or it they are using the same. Fieri Tuesday's iaily. Lyle Mullis shipped yesterday one thousand stems of sweet peas to Omaha, these steins some contains three or four blossoms, while a few containd as low as two blossoms, and at the time when he began to pick at his green house yesterday morning there were over fifteen blosems out. and the air was really laden with the sweet perfume, to get a snif from the beds, was like getting a breeze from the far off land of Florida. To the lovers of the' flowers, go ou and see the place, it is really a paradise, and good walks all the way Buy some for the table, and a bunch for the sick room of the many people in the city that are sick would be a fine thing to do. WELL WORK TEAM IN.SCOT ' TISH RIGHT MASONRY KERF ARE SEEING THE NORTHWEST. l"i'- ;n Tii.'.-.l.i; "s Iai!y. T!.i- afternoon Robert Troon and Re-i Han! inson departed for Crooks ton, where they will view one of the farms of Mr. Troop, which has been farmed by Nick Rauingart, and which Mr. Troop is now negotiating for a sale. Mr. Ifankinson is looking over the promises, with a view of eiiher making a purchase or renting the same. THE 01TH WAS COLD At SO IV'.MI Tuesday': l:Hy. J .units ElUgei nM returned this lut ruing from a three months' stay in !'.e K'juth, he;ng at Corpus Chris ta, Te::s. and is looking strong and as h'-al'hy a) an ore. Mr. "Fitzgerald t .; ing and fe-ling much .better i".: - i vhtn lie went away. He tells of I;-ivinr; experienced some very colo weather for 'hat climate and cob' ru.-yr-sh. in ' for any place, for lie says they had zero temperature villi icicles hanging froiu the eves From Tuesday's Pari! v. In Masonry there are two route.-? of ascension, commonly known as the York and the Scottish right?. The York rite is the route over which most Plaitsmouth Masons have trav eled and includes the Blue lodge or Master Mason degrees, the Chapter, and Commandry. whereupon one is eligible to become a Shriner. The Scottish rite begins back at the Blue lodge and ascends regularly through separate and individual degrees to the ISth, 22nd. 29th and 32nd, as stopping places in the work. There are at present in Plaits mouth but three Scottish rite Ma sons, they being C. C. Parmele, Win. Baird and A. Y. White, but there are many York rite Masons here. To the end of increasing the Scottish rite membership here, the Lincoln lodge, under whose jurisdiction is the ter ritory south of the Platte, will come here to conduct a class through the work to and inclusive of the thirty first degree, leaving the thirty-second to be given at the time the Shrine degrees are given to such members of the class as do not now, but wish to belong to that part of the order as well. The work will commence Wednesday night, but it will take some little time to complete it. It is estimated that there will be a dozen or more local Masons in this class taking the Scottish rite work. A BIG WOLF HUNT PLANNED FOR FRIDAY, MARCH 8 FARMERS WILL TRY AliD COR RELL THE VARMAKS THAT HAVE EOTHERED. Concerted Extorts to ExleiirJn?te the Pests Will Ec Maue Over A Wide Area This Week. Arrangement:- are in hand for the making of a n: -u:-' ro'.: ; drive o:-i the wolves that infc -t this, neighbor hood next Fri.;:.;-, M?rch Mb, co:n- menc: hunters arc t j : will begin at i ) : ;K; o The territory ; j 1: o i'ck, when extend five ml! and the hunt .lock, covered will l-i direction from Piatt ir out!:. For particulars regarding the K:- of territory or about the hunt mi general call the following named men: North line, P. A. Ilild. . Olio WolforL;:. A. A. Wetencamr. Gv.y Kiser; K-.i.-,t line. W.'M. Scy"..oh'.;. l5ert Young. Xicl: Frederick, ,'; .1 (Tapen; South lino. Ben Dill. Jim Hill, Far Young. Fee Brown; V.'i f 'in.-. lass Brown, !'!:il lip SchaeiV-r. Ott.) Scliof-fior. .T.-.nv.'.-Terryberry. All inii-ro- -d ;n this !"?it( all those liv?:;- within the ;.re -"-i!.-ed territory should be interested) IT SOUNDS GOOD TO US. Frmn 'l'l; ;ir.- !.iy':; :ii!y T:i roference to Father M. A. Shine's address the type--? made us say yesterday "That sounds odd to us"'. The rendition snould have been '"That, sounds Cood to us." For there is nothing odd about the mat ter of ones patriotism. We .must be loyal to the l;;;-t drop of blood, and when one shall have mide the asser tion in iine with loyally. It sounds geod to us and it h; good. WILL VISIT IN MISSOURI. "! .. i I'it.tay's i ::i!y. :.!r. A. A. Shore and Htile!or. wl;o b.rive l.-toti isit itig in this city f:-r some time at the heme of Mrs. T here's parents John Hr.n'y and v, i f o ('.epurt'.vi thii for their houK1 v.- Xorhcrne, Mo., end were ac comp ; i by Mrs. John Brady, w ho will vr-it wjiii her ttn;"rb t ;r for seine n';::t', and will take baths at J'xcelsi-T S;-rir-t.-s. n ?ich is near, for : "c fir.: ' i !. ;::stat i'rnt. Mrs. t'rady will ex jjec to remain v t ti e heme of her d.o;.ht' r f;r some t Imc. OltDItlt TO MI(V CAl'SK VISITS MOTHER. In the lo'striet Court of Cas coun ty, XelirasUa. In the matter of the A pnj i-n t ion of Uerlha I.. Stanilley, Cuardian of 1 1 1 1 hert Staiithey, Irene Sta ml lev. Main I Stan.llf.v and Vtrna Hi :i ml ley, all Minors, for leave to st'll rt-al estate. on reading: and tiling the petition, duly verit'nd, of l:n-tha I.. Standley, ;i:ardi;:n of lluLeit Standlcy, Irene Suiiiilloy, Mai. el Siandly and Yerna tandley, :!! minors, for license to sell the following tle-crihed ri al cstute: of Lots Two Ci and Three (" in LUetU 'i'M :.'). in the fity of t'nivei sity I', Lancaster eonnty, Nehras-l-.a. as the sasne i shov.-n upon the pub lished ami recorded ;lat thereof, for Hi,' purpose of pi;Ui'i'-V the proceeds tl:er of tnit at Interest er investing )!1 j-ollie productive stock. It is tiier lore ordered that ih" ne'.i of kin of said minors, ami all persons inteiesteil in the estates of said Illinois .:.ptpr l.foie in" at ciamleis in the t't.iirt to'Ks.- in t);e city of 1 'hi t tsjnou t h. t'j'.is co.uf.ty, Nebraska, on the li'.tii day of Mr.ret, A. J .. Itils, at ten o'clock a. m.. to ?.." c.iu--e. if any ft here Iy, why litense s!;otil.i rot l.e granted to sahl P.ertha I., .-'ruii'lley, i ua rra n. to sell s.iM real estate for the purpose above set forth. .Sn.l it is furtle'r orderctl that a copy of this order he puh'ished once each week for three successive weeks in IW' Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper cir culating: in said coei.ty of fass. Ii.t'eil at i I nnil'cis in said Cass count v tliis llth tiav of Fehruarv, A. l., I Jib. .i a Mi:s t. i !!: v. Jmluo of the Jiistrict Court fls-:',w Cass County, Nebraska. and Clayton Inyrwerson, minors, for li cense to sell the Interests of said minors in the foiiowinur tlcseii lied real estate, to-wit: The west half (wV.) of the northwest ii:urter nw4) of Sec tion twent y-ciht s) in Township eleven (11) north, of Banire nine !) east of the I. M., and Lot t iirht (s in I'.lock twenty-ftiur J I in the Vil lage of Kaple, all in Cass county. Ne braska, for the purpose of raising tunths with which to educate said minors ami for the purpose of putting: out at interest the proceeds from said sale or investing them in some pro ductive stock, and it appearing: f i o?n said petition that each of the said minors is the owner of only an un divided one-eitrhty-fourl li 1 -S I of poratlon shall l-e T.-n Thousajcl 1 ,' lars ($10,000.00) in shares of One Hun dred iJoilars S1(M).0)) each, to be fully panl JukI non-asscssab!.-. .trtirle V coximi;.'c;;mi:. t ani tkuminw- TI). JU'SLNKSS: Tlie exiManec of this corporation s!:a!l commence when Three Thousand Hollars ( $::.ci0.r,!i ,f said stock is sold ami continue ti'irin. the period of twenty-five veers. Arliele VI iN'hi:i:Ti:i.;:ss: tiu- outstanding imU-iiteil nt ss of said coi pe: at ;on :--h.)! not at any time exceed the sum "i Three Thousand Iiidiars ( J.:,r'xii.n.' i. Arliele VI! i:o.i:i tir iti:i;ct Tin- . ness ot sail corporation ::i;au ne eon- t;o icai estate, aim mai me in com i!i;ct'o bv a board of five .: i ret t I be clot-ted by the stockholders: suc't therefrom is small It is therefore orderctl that the next ef kin of said minors ami all persons interested in said t states appear be fore me at chambers in the Court 116usc In the City of 1 'la t tstnou t h. Cass countv, Nebraska, on the :irt dav of -March. 101S, at 10:00 o'clock n. in., to s!hiw cause, if any there I.e. why li cense should not he granted tosaid Charles K. lnwerson. vuardian, to sell the interests of said minors in said real estate for the purposes above set forth, and It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served on ill persons in eresTed in sail estates by beins pub lished three successive weeks in the l'lrutsmouth .Journal, a newspaper printed and published in saitl County of Cass, Nebraska. Hated at I !a 1 1 sniou t h. in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, thi.i 15th dav of l-"t bru .ry. mis. .iamls t. i:i:cli:v. fls-;!w Judge of the Dist. Court. take plat a l -Uc:l ti"t will VHi:r i" 11 the above .mc-u- PURCHASE A FORD ONE TON TRUCK From Tuesday's Dally. The Nebraska Lighting company yesterday purchased a one totj truck of the Ford Station here through the T. II. Pollock Auto Co., which they will use in their work on the line in and out of this city, and which they will also use in delivering ice during the coming summer, for the Plattsmouth Ice and Cold Storage company. gentlemt-; fcr s'.srdgnir.ent and br sure and get out and assist in por ting the wnivn. The only vfy get rid of the varments is to get out and get after them, and thereby -cp their raids on the young anim:! and the poultry yard. With to on tire populace going after the rrop- sit ion at and the same tinu the line can be made of such close for mation that no wolf can get awav. From Tuesday'i; Daily. Jehu Woo-t : r, ot ,iIeiSjuce, : rrlr.i in thi.:. city Friday short visit with his mother, S. !.. for a Mrs. Josephine. Woosi r. Mr. Wooster is fp.rmin.:-.' in the r.orth and' is nmking Lis mother a visit before the Spring rush comes on. Almost a Yoiir.r Man Arain. RECEIVES FRIGHTFUL BURNS AND INJURIES Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents" to Foley &Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. Vou Avill receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey find Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. Sold everywhere. "The Red Cros.3 moy bring liiro ack to you." From Tuesday's Daily. Eugene Deltour, who is known by many here is responsible for story of the injury of one of Platttmouth's former citizens. Mrs. O. K. Feed. It will be remembered that O. K. Feed was the manager at one time here for the Monarch Engineering Company, who had contracts for briJging in Casss county. ' The Feed family, had moved to the east, and were living in Indiana, working out or Indianapolis, both Mr. and Mr Reed being on the road as salesmen. Mrs. Reed was -being driven from one town to another with an auto mobile, and coming to a crossing a train was standing on the track, but cut so as to allow passage the car was drive through the cut in the train and on the ether side switching was being-done, the cars of which struck the automobile, crushing it and igniting and exploding the gaso line tank, with the result that the driver was killed, and burned to a cider, while Mrs. Rood was thrdwn clear of the wreck, the impact rend ering her unconscious. M the same time gasoline was thrown upon her burning her hair, face, neck and breast severely. She was tal:?n to the hospital and was unconscious for thirty-six hours. She is recovering but is still not entirely recovered. Mrs. Reed will be remembered by many former friends in this citv. F. R. Whitehurst, R. V. 1). !, Nor fJk. Va., wriic;: "I had been suffer ing i'or more thn . y?ar, but since taking I-Viey Kidney Fills I feel ;T1-fTio-'t a young man" They and heal weakened or diroril. rvl kid iry, .stop sleep-disturbing bladder ailments, Vjnish backache, rheumatic p-.Mnr., stiffness, .orer.ers. Sold everywhere. The Journal deliver! at yoar door 'ot only Id cents a week. i.i:; j. ti'; in !! District Con: t. of Cass coun ' y, 'e ': .:.- h;i. William I. Foltz. Plaint iff, vs. .l.un -s .Jenkins, et at. Defendants. To James .Jenkin--: John Noish; John Vish (whose ita! name is John Neis'i) Jt-oru'e Jenkins: Abraham Ni.-h: .tlam . Jenkins ; Andrew NVish: Dickson i1 Mi'ler, a co-pa l t nersh i i composed of Robert Dh;kso:i ami William Miller: Patrick Keiley: Mis. Patrick Kelley ( llrst ii.i! name rnknowni wife, if liv ing antl if tlct-e.-iscil. v.itlow of Patrick KcIIcy, (leeeased; James Kane; James Keane: .Mrs. James Ken no t first real nntne cnUnov iii wife, if living ami if i lect a se.h iOW stici-: !' P!M.IC ITI. tx dj:i:i l'(Ht P'armers, mecjlianics, railroaders, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclec tic Oil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruis es. Should bo kept in every home. 30c and GOc. Parred Rock Cockerels lor .sale. In quire of.- C. 1j. Wiles, Phone No. 3421. 2-23-tiwkly To John I). Frederick: Von are noihj...l that November L'C. Pir.. 1't s in p. lock- p,n; in City ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska, was sold to I . Ctdtlln. for ta del i nti:t it for vo:ws 1 !(.- t. and im Imlinr it'll. The Coun ty Trea.surer ivsuetl tax seh tfrlilicate No. -I7n:i to pureii.'iser. wIm on Decem ber l', 11117. a.'.si.vri.e.l sam - to j:ron Cdditisr. .fer three months from March HI, pus. the assim e will ap ply for tleetl of said property. Fated this -:;rd dav of February, PJl.s. BYRON COI.DI.WI, Assignee. MITII'i: 1'OJl I ! !0 A 31 1 ( In the I'ounty Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the mutter of the Fstatc of Mar tha yiiefff-r. Deceased. To all Creditors, Heirs and persons interested in the estate of Martha Shelter, 1 loceascd. Notice is horebv Kiven that on the DM h day of January, 1!)1S, Samuel II. Lotler tiled a verified petition in the County Court of Cass county, Nebras ka, setting forth t lint Martha Shclfor died intestate in Cass county, Nebras ka, on the 17th (iav of August, 1S91 seized of the following descri bed real estate, to-wit: The Southwest cpiartcr (Sv , or Section Fifteen 1.) Town ship Twelve (!') North, Range Nine CD Fast of the tith I'. M.. in Cass conn ty. Nebraska: that they are now the Owners of all of the aforesaid lands and that they required title to all of the- aforesaid real estate through neeus of conveyance. duP" executed ami ac knowledged, from the heirs of Martha Khehcr, deceased: that no adniinistra tio.n of the estate of the said Martha Sheffcr has been had in the fdate of Nebraska, antl that not more than two vcm-.s ho.s expired since' her death; ihey pray for a determination of the time ami place of the death of Mar tha Shelter.' a. determination of the heirs of said deceased, their degree of kinship and the right of the descent f ahl real estate and that the credi tors of Martha Shelftr he forever bar red, and enjoined from asserting any ciami upon said real estate. Said petition will be heard before said County Court at its rooms in the Citv of Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 18th day of March, 1018. at 10 o'clock n. m. (Iiy the Court) ALLEN J. BEESON, (deal) fil-Sw. County Judge. James Keane, de- c-ased; 1 'u!'!'.1 W. Wharton: Mrs. Ceorge W. Wharton (first real name unknown 1 wife, if living and If de feased, widow of tleorge W. Wharton. I' -cea.' ed ; :P" unknown heirs, devisees, bcatees. personal representatives an nil other persons interested in the es tate of James Jenkins, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sona! representatives and alt either persons interested in the estate s ot John Neish, tieci sisctl : the unknown heirs, ileviscex. legatees, personal rep resentatives antl all ether persons in terested in tl state of (loorge Jeii- ifiiis. deceased: the unknown heirs. . ........ e. i. evinces, legatees, personal ropi escuia- m lives antl all other persons interested in the estate of Abraham Neish. de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees. Icuri t ees. personal representatives antl ill othr persons interested in the es- tate of Adam Jenkins, deceased: thei.W unknown heir::, devisees, legatees, per- ( .sonal representatives. and all other: persons inlcrcsien in tne estate oi -Mill lew Neish, deceased. Defendants. Von and eaeii of you are hereby noli Jie.l that on the ISth day of February, P.tlS. the plaintiff in the foregoing en titled cause, tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Ne braska, wherein each and all of yon j are matie fiat ties uciemiani, i ne oo i ject. purpose ami prnver of widt h said j peliti n is to obtain a decree from 'saitl Court removing clouds from and itjuictiiv-r the title to the following tie- s -ril"d real estate, m Planum, w ll- ; liam I. Foltz, to-wit : The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; the southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter; the cast half of the south west quarter ami the west half of the southeast quarter, all in Section Thirty-three ( a."D. Townsh i p Klevcn (11) Norths In Pange Twelve (1.) Fast of the th 1. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, as against you and each and all of ytMi. ami to exclude ami enjoin you antl each and nil of you from ever as serting or claiming any rinht, title, estate or interest in and to the real estate before described antl as set forth in saitl petition, adverse to plain tiff, by reason of Plaintiff's adverse possession of said premises for more than ten years prior to the commence ment of saitl action, ami for such eith er and further relief-as may be just ami equitable. This notice is given and published pursuant to an order entered by said Court. You are required to answer said pe tition em or before the 1st day eif April, 1KIS, or default will be taken against you therein. WILLIAM I. FOLTZ. Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LEY DA. flS-tw His Attorney. MtTICf.l.'S I( OHI'Olt VTION of the Farmers Flevator Co., of Cul lom. Nebraska. Known all men be these presents: That we, the- undersigned residt nts of Cass county. State of Nebraska, do associate ourselves together for tiie purpose tif forming and becoming a corporation omier the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the transaction of the business hereinafter described. Article I NAME: The name of the corpora tion shall be The Farmers Fdevator Co., of Cullemt. Nebraska. Article II PLACE OF J'FSINKSS: The princi pal place of transacting business shall be nt Ciillom. county of Cass, and State of Nebraska.- Article III CENEKAL NATFRE OF UFSINFSS: The nature of the business to be trans nctetl by said corporation shall be the buying ami selling of all kinds of grain antl coal. the operation of an elevator and the erection ami main tenance of such buildings ami struc tures as may be deemed necessary hi carrying on the aforesaid businers. Arliele IV AMOFNT OF CAPITAL STOCK : The authorized capital stock of saitl cor- e'et t ion and to he conduct, d in such m-inti 'f as shall he prescribed by the Uy-Lav. s of saitl corporation. Artiele III AMKN'llMKNTS: These Articles of Incorpoi alion may be amended by a majority vote of stockh !leis of all of the stock sold of saitl corpora t io i:i such manner as may be pr.vid"i, for in the 1 5 v-La vs. CliAS. T. PEACOCK, J. MEISINCKi:, LOl'IE BO I IN. P. A. HOBN. A. B. FOUND FF. Witness to Signatures: 11. A. SCHNEIDER. State of Nebraska. Connty of Caps, ss: On this 'Tt's day of October, 1!I17, bt -fo'-e mo, a Notary Public in ami for Cass county. State of Nebraska, per sonally appeared the above naned, Chas. T. Peacock, .1. '. Mcisingcr, Lon ie Born, P. A. Born ami A. B. Portion", who are personally knoe.n to nit to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above Articles of Incorporation." as parties thereto, and they severally acknowledged the. in strument to be their voluntary att r. ml deed. Witness my hand and notarial seal the dav antl year last above written G EO. . 1 OY I : V. (Seal! Notary Public. My commission expires Sept. 5, l'JIO .MiTirt: or iji,ic ti. tax ii-:i-:i poll To 'race D. Copelaiol: You are uotitied that Nt ei l.t-r "''.'i. I.d 7 in I'.lock HI, in City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, was sold ( D. Itobling for tax delinquent for years 11I0." tt ami including I. Coun tv Treasurer issut tl tax sale certiti eate No. 170 ." to purchaser, who. e; Deeeinber "Ii'17, assiglictl the s;'iii. to Rvron Cobling. After th.ree months from March 1 . P.US, the assignee will apply for a tleetl of saitl property. Dated this L'Urtl day of February, 101 S. BYRON GOLDINt . Assignee. Concer Case "-mwiii irMrMmai itMnirM r1 ning that of Winter unci erwea b- r'i,,fr'i'Tli'ft 1 n !:. 'i show cum: In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the Application of Charlea E. lngwerson, Guardian of the persons and estates of Orville Inswer son, Klmer lngwerson. Alma lngwer son, William lngwersem and Clayton lngwerson. Minors, for leave to sell real estate. On reading and filing the petition. duly verified, of Charles E. lngwerson. guardian of the persons and estates of Orvillfe lngwerson, Elmer lngwerson, Alma Injjwerson, illlam lngwerson About January first we secured a case of men's heavy fleeced union suits at the same price we bought them for a year ago. We knew that ordinarilly we would not sell that amount of winter underwear this season and we expected . to carry it over till next fall. We of fered it to our trade at $1.35 for next winter's use and to our surprise we have sold about Yz of this case already. Now we know the people of this com munity believe in preparedness and so we are going to. leave the balance of this case on sale at $1.35, so you can lay in your supply if jou want to. You 11 believe us when we say that we could not. buy a car load of this same underwear today as cheap as we are offering it to you. Men's heavy blue bib overalls at $1.75 are getting scarce! C. -EJ. Wescott's Sobs 'EVERYBODY'S STORE,'