The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 14, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1018.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal. Readers
i unit Stamps
Tin- WAV i costing tht- l.'niud Wtuics ?1, 000, 0 0 0 an hour.
To offset tliis steady and tremendous drain upon the nation's
iarh re'owrivs, tin re must be a corresponding stream of dollars
tiowjng into the national treasury.
Thrift sta:r. pa and war savings stamps otTer the people an op
pcrtuiiity tit deposit their daily, weekly or monthly savings with
i he povernr.ient.
In return the irovernnient will repay the principal with 4 per
cent iuiercc,:. compounded quarterly. As an example of how the
i"csT..r's money will grow, sixteen war savings stamps, costing 2j
a nis each, or 51.00 in all, with 11! cents added, will entitle the.
depositor to $..U0 on January 1, 1 9 1! C
As an investment, safety considered, there is nothing better
:i the market today. All the resources of the richest government
on earth are behind the stamps.
Murray State Bank,
Crandina Corbin is very ill at the
ii :u- of her daughter Mrs. Harmon
Remember the Josephine Dominick
Concert Company will be fix Murray
Thursday evening. Feb. 21st.
.Master Richard Rrendel has been
on the sick list for the last lew days,
'u' improving at last reports.
W. 1; Ranning of Vr.ion. was look
ing alter some matters of business
in Murray Wednesday afternoon.
A. Ij. I'.aker and Jim Tilson went
to I'lati.smouth Wednesday evening
for a few hours visit with county
seat friends.
For Sale Sixteen ( 1 ('. head of
C'jV:' ng two-year-old heifers, and one
pure bred White face bull, all in
i-ooil c)v.ditio;i. Oldham Stock Farm.
The Oldham Stock Farm shipped
t v o erat" of pigs to Missouri and
Jowa Wednesday. Also received two
Irel :ilts from T. J. C'urricut, of
nildreth. Neb.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. Rit
?i. an who are spending the winter at
Long Reach, Cal.. are receiving earns
of greeting from these estimable old
people, and they report having a
great time enjoying the sunshine and
many places of interest in this sunny
United Presbyterian Church.
10:Od a. m. Sabbath School
11:00 a. m. Sermon by the pastor.
At 7:-0 p. in. this congregation
v.:i! meet in the union service at the
Christian Church The sermon in the
evonii;4 v.iil he an attempt to ans
v. er an important question.
w. r. mum
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Hurray Exchange
;r Gov'.-rnmeiit urges you to conserve on many of the things
'hifh you h;v 1. ?! used to seeuis on your table every day. Do
i i t." hasty with your criticism, hut give thought to what con
ratM ;; NOW means for the future. It is better now while we
' --iv.', t ioii hunger later. And don't forget that the small sacri
vhui! von make at home is nothing eonioared with the s:if-
ii.''"" ;h
!-,v ; mad" who has
I:!. :rl d corn syrup and sorghum. 1 gallon buckets ? .sit
i"i!d: u :.rn syrup and sorghum U gallon buckets . I'J
:'w Ori'-ans moiasses. No. 2 can .17
While forn syrup, per 1 gallon bucket .!)')
t.r fo-n syrup, oer 1 gallon bucket .SO
Ran;- Superior white fish. G-Ib. buckets
Salmon, tail can red
Salmon, tall can
Salmon, fall can pink
Oil sa mines, :) boxes for
M'.isi:, rd sardines, 2 boxes for
White corn meal, per C-Ib. sack
Whpi- ciTii meal, per 12-lb. sack
Yellow corn meal, per fj-lb. sack :
Oatmeal. large sie box
Rice, p-r lb.
If It's Good You May Know
Mi nit
Clel. the little son of Mr. and Mrs
Alf. Gansemer, has been on the sick
list for the past few days, but im
proving at this time.
Mrs. E. S. Tutt departed Saturday
night. tor Kansas City. Mo., where
she will visit her sister, Mrs. Emma
Ximms and family for the next two
Alf. Gausemer went up to llailam
Nebraska, last Friday for a visit with
relatives, before they departed for
their new home in Colorado. lie
returned home Wednesdav morniirg
Lecture Course. Next number
will be Thursday evening. February
2 1st. The Josephine Dominicl: Con
cert Company will appear that even
ing and will be the last number of
the year.
L. il. Puis is busy having the cx
cavating done for his new residence
on Main St., next to his garage, and
wheu this new building is in place
it will add greatly to the appearance
of this part of the town.
Mrs. J. F. Rrendel, Mrs. R. F
Rrendel, Mrs. T. J. Rrendel and Mrs
Will Seybolt entertained the Ladies
Aid Society and a number of guests
of the society at the home of Mrs.
B. F. Rrendel Wednesdav afternoon.
The Wm. Homan family who have
been having such a siege of pneu
monia three of whom were confined
to their beds at the same time, have
all recovered sufficiently to again be
out, and the little girl is again in
Saturday evening the Murray
Branch of the Red Cross held a meet
ing in the Library, at which W. G.
Roedeker. the treasurer and Miss
Marirey Walker, who has charge of
the surgical dressing work, made full
and very encouraging reports. Miss
Walker made a strong appeal for
more helpers in the work which she
most faithfully and efficiently super
vises. Officers for the year were
elected as follows: viz. President, Dr.
Jackson: Vice President, Lloyd
(lapen; Secretary, (). A. Davis; Treas
urer. W. G Roedeker. This organiza
tion has a membership of over two
shouldered a gun. Help" hiTii
It Came from This Store
Cen Dill was visiting with county
seat friends Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Durman were
Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday.
George Oldham was in Murray a
; few days the past week visiting at
i the Oldham home.
J. W. Edmunds was attending to
business in Nebraska City Wednes
day of this week.
Mrs. E. P. Lutz of Plattsmouth
was a visitor at the L. 1). Hiatt home
Friday of last week.
Frank Reid is moving to the Min
ford farm this week, where he will
make his future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leonard took
their little son to Omaha this week
to have his throat treated.
Mrs. Gertrude Long spent a few
days in Omaha the past week with
her sister, Mrs. Rob;. Shrader.
Mrs. Cuzza Raker visited for a
few days the past week with her
brother. George Oldham, in Platts
mouth. Mrs. John R. Fitpatriek of Weep
ing V;tr was visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice Saturday of
last week. .
Mrs. Ora Hall and little son. of
Ashland, arrived Tuesday ami are
visiting at the home of her 'Tother.
Earl Rarger and family.
Young & Scotton went down to
Union Monday and bought a Ford
auto, that they will convert into a
truck for their carpenter work.
Mrs. Oua Lawtor. was called to
Lincoln Monday to nurse Mrs. (J. M.
Minford. who h: been in very poor
health for the past few weeks.
Miss Hazel Larger of Memp'.r's.
arrived in Murray Tuesday and is
assisting Mrs. Earl Rarger as tele
phone operator at the locnl o'liee.
Mrs. Elmer Oldham from Alberta.
Canada, who has been visiting with
the family of .Mrs. Sadie ()!di:am. de
parted for her heme in Canada. Mon
day. Mrs. T. S. Harrows and son
Charles were visiting relatives and
friends- in Omaha t lie latter part of
last week, returning home Sunday
We have been informed that Roy
Howard had contemplated the erec
tion of a pne ne barn in the early
sprmg. but the accident of Wednes
day will necessitate its construction
at once.
-Mrs. . . s. Smith. Mrs. Will Gil-
more and Mrs. Jos. Cook entertained
he Ladies" Missionary Society last
ruuaj. in spite ot tne siorm
here was quite a few ladies present
Piin tne usual goou time was enjoy
ed by all.
W. G. Roedeek
er is about the bus-
'est man in town now days, answer
ing questions as to the income tax.
which seems to be going to swell
Uncle Sam's wa fund.. High prices
of farm products has td.-rd muiiv
nneis oi me sou in tne income
:fi ..
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen enter-
ained Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cook and
family and Mrs. Eliza Young at din
ner last Sunday. This date was the
birthday of the three ladies, and mi
annual celebration of this class is al
ways looked forward to by them all.
Mrs. Kliza Young was seventy years
of age on this da v.
There came near being a very
serious eccident, but at the same
time a lucky one. occurring at the
farm home of Roy Howard, about
four o'clock "Wednesday morning, at
which time his old barn fell to the
ground. This old striK-mre wyi imttt
fifty years ago. by J. R. Merger's
father, and in its day was no doubt
one of the finest in this localitv. It.
was erected on a rock foundation
with a basement, and by the frost
coming out of the ground at this time
lie foundation gave way and the en
ire structure collapsed. There was
on.y one cow unil cntr ;.. 1
...... in iii- I ci
1.... .....i ...
iv.n, ami wmie they were pinned
down, they came out of the accident
uninjured. The unner m.rt ,,r ti,,.
barn contained corn, oats and hav
also three teams. .f i.r-,.1- u . r
... uui .-,-.-. .Ill . i I
which came out without a scratch.
The neighbors and residents of Mur
ray went out to help get the slock
out and otherwise lend assistance to
Mr. Howard.
A married man for (lie vear round
ob on a farm. Write or see Sarl
Davis, Murray. Neb.
Complying with the request of the
State Cruncil of Defense the follow-
ing places of business in Murray,
will close each evening at ::J0 p. m.
except Saturdays.
If any of tlio rranprs of the
Journal know of any social
event or item uf iiiiT-.ti in
this vicinity, ami will mall
same to this ofii;,rl. it will ap
pear under this iiradinu. We
want all uews Upd.h Elitor
Washington, Feb. 1. How Rus
sia's complete withdrawal from ihe
war will affect the allies ami the
1'nited States in a military way can
not be accurately estimated at this
time, officials here believe, despite
the fact that on p;per the Russian
toilapi.e would seem to give the
Germ a:; 3 a great numerical super
iority of troops on the west front.
O'licially there is nothing to be
said on the subject, because the gov
trnmei has no ofiitial information.
Probably no definite official announ
cement of how it a'-Tecis the situa
tion could be made any way with
out agreement among all the co
belligerents and that is considered
unlikely. Military men. however,
conlklent that the :.ll;ed !in' on the
western front will hoid against ary
German fore' that can he thrown
againsl it. profess not to regard the
Russian separate p.vco as the men
ace it would appear on paper.
The fact that J.r.oo.oyo German
prisoners will be freed to return to
Germany is regarded with no alarm
all. Military men say they could
not i.iiu i.iy iiv retM-gauizcu into ei-j
tic ient military
! its.
c pinion here is that Gen
be more interest ol in 1
prisoa rs in Ktmsia ti...n in having
them carry boL-ncviki doctrine back
to Germany.
Th- 117 Austro-Geriiian and Rr,l
gar divisions on t he Russian front
V !l :(
will entirely
e peace, are
Laving be. u
be r. !
regarded :
; t r;pped of
re.o: v
t he, I
i' iv.
ikvs 1 1. rough largo r.umb-'r.-
i i t :elr rank Laving been transfer
red ;-j the western front. Military
experts say in addition thai Ger
many wouhl be obliged io !.'.-;) son.:'
of these 1 ! 7 divis:ons i:i the va; :
co: (jaeii ; territory for garrison pur
poses.. The one outstanding fact is ti;;:'
the military experts are sure the r-. -ir.forcet-ieii's
the Germans can draw
from the Russian front cannot over
whelm the we.-.era line.
Russia at this time owes the FnU
ed .States $1.7,77IJ.0('(. advanced for
supplies which already nave gone to
Russia. For that sum the govern
a.c.t holds Russian bonds. Whether
this vast sum will be a total lo-;;-. to
the Tuited States depends on wheth-:-r
the ultimate government in Rus
sia decides to repudiate the deb'. A
credit of oim.Umm) was estab
lished at the treasury for Rusria.
but only $1 S7. 0'0. 000 was used
when pavments were stopped.
New York. Feb. 12. Announce
ment that the food license of R.
iaff & Son. Inc.. of this citv, whole-
ale poultry and egg dealers accus
ed of proiiteering. has been revoked
for the period of the war by the na
tional food administration in Wash
ington, was made tonight.
This is the mosl drastic order y--t
issued against New York food deal
ers and is based upon the charge
that, the Raffs sold egg-; for .".1 eei.t;-
duen when the govern me:ui iix-
'. d price was 4 0 cents.
Vashinirton. Feb. 12. The ad-
mi n ist rat ion bill, already passed by
I he senate appropriating ST.O.OOO.OOO
t provide housing facilities lor em
ployes of shipyards engaged in gov
ernment work, was passed by the
house late today without a roll call.
The house adopted some minor
amendments, which the enate may
accept to obviate the necessity of
sending the measure to conference.
Fnder ihe bill the shipping
board's emergency fleet corporal km
may purchase, lease, requisition or
condemn any land, houses, buildings
or similar facilities, mav construct
houses on laud it acquires, and sell,
lease or exchange these houses and
n,ay make loans on adequate secu-
'rit' and for nut exceedin
ten years
to persons, lirnis or corporation
baild houtes for shipyard workers.
Advocates of the measure laid
special emphasis on the necessity for
.'additional houses at Fparrow'a Point.
:Md., Hog Island, near Philadelphia.
and at Newport News, Va. During
the debate there was sharp criti-j
cism ot the alleged extravagant
spending of government money ia
building the Hog Island yards.
St. Paul, Feb. 12. Attorney Jas.
Meiuhan reached St. Paul from
Lakelield today with the statement
that he had been ordered out of the
town by the sheriff despite his plea
that he was counsel for Joseph Gil
bert, nonpartisan league official, now
on trial on charge of unlawful as
semblage. According to Mr. Manahan, he ap
peared on the streets in Rakefield
last night and was met by a crowd
comb.tiv.g mainly of youths, who
cried., "here's the man we want,"
while some member hollered "get a
Al this juncture deputy sheriffs
arrived and "rescued" the St. Paul
attorney, driving him to Heron Lake
and instructing him not to return,
saying they could
safety, he said.
not insure his
oiiic communication with
Lake!:eld was interrupted today.
The warrant issued last night fori
A. C. Townley. president of the Na
tional Nonpartisan icague, had not
t;e. u serveu, l owniev temg m
ii!' warrant charges him with
conspiracy to discourage enlist
James, .uanalian lormeily lived in
Lincoln. Neb. lie was a democrat
ic candidate for congress in the Firjt
icngressioital district on several oc-
I fa; ions.
Loinii;!i. Ft b. 1 2. Germany's d;
ciininu faith in victory is described
y a "well-to-do natural medical
man who lately left Germany after
iivin in Augsburg during the war
paricd." Writing from Berne to tiu
Dii'y .Mail, he declared that thougl
rtill believing that Germany could
not lie bea'cn. the German people
had long since become war-wearv
aim l:aa given up hopes oi the so
called German peace.
"The masses." he continued, "are
i'.i an hysterical state, one minute
1 raying :or peace at any price am
;!( next ander the influence t)f some
;.: -ee of news, some well-organized.
patriotic concert or kinematograph
.xnibition 'got up by the fatherland
(annexationist i party, at which they
.ill be shouting wild applause and
liier A lies.'
"The fatherland party is justly r
rallied by many people as the chie
obstacle to peace. In Ravaria- it
propaganda is unceasing and is ad
vancing by leaps and bounds. The
narty has unlimited funds and good
business men to spend the monev
judiciously in cultivating the Ger
man "will to power.'
"On the other hand, this junta of
government oflicials. country squires,
ronr.iasters. admirals and big manu
facturers exercises an odious tyran
ny on all the people dependent on
it. Woe betide the village constable,
ihe concierage. the factory hand or
i ? .ricult ural laborer underling who
dares refuse his monthly gift to the
fatherland party's fund.
"As for all the fuss about demo
cratization, I think it is mostlv
moomh'iiie. manufactured for the
benefit of the romantically inclined
English radical.
"There is discontent simmering ut.
and down the country, but to quiet
t a pound of butter a week would
go farther than any promise of po
litical reform. The riots that take
place in the towns from time to
time are the work of women whose
iiustianus have long been away in
the field, and who have got out ef
hand. Mobs of half-grown lads run
wild and get into mischief, and even
worse than mischiet.
"I:i Ravaria the emperor and Rer-
in. never popular, are now poj
mar than ever. Bavarians are un
moved by William's choice of voi
Hertling, as there might have been
something in it, but he is a Hessian.
"In Ravaria. as elsewhere, the em
peror has been completely overshad
owed lv Hindcnburg, who to the
average German is the war incar
nate, and is putting the emperor
and the royal princess entirely in
the shade. On the other Land. Hin
denburg came with the war and will
go with the war. In Ravaria, and
elsewhere, the dynastic sentiment is
so strong that nothing can root it
"As regards the food position, I
should say that it is only acute for
people of small means. They are
the only ones who suffer the pangs
of real hunger, especially the small
oflicials, the police, the school roas;
ters, the ministers of religion, and
We want to call your attention this time to
our immense line of
arness and
We handle only the best quality and highest grade
harness and collars, manufactured by the well Ifnown
Marks Bros., who guarantee every stitch and strap
that goes into them. Our spring shipment has just ar
rived and we can show you some of the best prices to
be found anywhere.
Don't forget that our implement line is full and
complete. We have the John Deere, Moline and Janes
ville disc harrows; John Deere and Bain wagons. In
fact we have a full line of all standard makes of farm
implements. Come in and look them over and get our
prices before buying elsewhere.
aroYifare ah?
people living on small salaries or an
nuities or savings."
The county agents constitute
American agriculture's first line of
They are the men in the first line
trenches, zealously guarding the
farmer's interests and bringing to his
attention all that is of immediate
practical value in our scientific
teaching, and fortifying this with
result, from the experience of the
moL successful hard-headed prac
tical farmers of each county.
At a time like the present, when
the nation is engaged in a great
war wherein food production is of
vital military importance, the value
of the county agent to the Govern
ment can hardly be over emphasized.
Since the I'nited States became
a belligerent, the county agent has
done valiant war service. In counties
having agents, it was possible during
the past summer to secure truly
wonderful results, in quickly and
adequately meeting a difficult labor
situation; in locating available seed
stocks: in arranging for farm credits
for the purchase of machinery anil
fertilizer: in supplying tractor pow
er, and in other forms of elective
been the practice to select a day be
'wecn the 12lh and 22nd of Feb
"uary, for the celebration of the
birthdays jointly, making it a Washington-Lincoln
day. and it is up to
he people of this city to do some
thing which will show we appreciat-
d the true sterling worth of such
'broad minded Americans as these
men. The Grand Army of the Re
public, has been having charge of
his matter and now have, but with
each year their ranks grow less, and
the work must devolve on younger
hands, of which we should find plen
Saturday, February 16 th
We will serve hot lunch and the famous Queen's Taste
and Golden Days Coffees free all day.
Special prices on coffee for this day only. Get your
supply at the low prices.
Puis & Gansemer,
r anesthetic used. A cara guaranteed in every case accepted
lor treatment, and no money to be paid uotil cored. Write for book oa Rectal Disease, with names
and testimonials of mors ttaa 10W prominent people who have been permanently cored. A
aS P Vft V al f a m v mm m m m a at at a mm. ai
DRS. r.lACI! & r.lACil,
SThe largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts
in charge of all work. Lady attendant. MODERATE PRICES.
H after using.
Horse Fittings!
mpiement Go.,
ty that are willing and will take
hold of this matter and make- it a
success. We are expecting some one
to do this. ik not wait for nowe one
else, but get to the matter at once.
Washington. Feb. 10. No effort
will be made to call up the woman
suffrage court it utional amendment
in the senate until sufficient votes
for its adoption have been assured.
When this will be. Senator Jones of
New Mexico, chairman of the wom
an suffrage committee, today refus
ed to predict, but declared that at
present sentiment in favor of the
resolution was being permitted to
crystalize and its ultimate success
was assured.
Senator Jones discussed Ihe reso
lution with President Wilson this
week and it was understood the con
clusion was reached not to bring
the measure before the senate for
debate at present. The president
approves it, as he did also when the
house passed it.
Supporters of the resolution al
mit they are still short four votes
in the senate.
J. I. Falter was called to Omaha
this afternoon on some business and
was accompanied by C. ( Parmele.
they both looking after some busi
ness there.
E. Bignall of Lincoln '.a- .-Hiking
after pome business for the Burling
ton in Plattsmouth today, and de
parted for Omaha on the afternoon
Fistula-Pay When Cured
t . . . L. n.
other Recta 1 Diseases in hort time, without a severe tur
cica 1 operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other fetrerat
"C 7