THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1818. PLATTSMOUTIl SEMI-WEEKLY journal. PAGE FIVE. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People TP 8 1101 The war h. costing the lnited Status $1,000, COO an hour. To offset this steady and tremendous drain upon the nation's carh rowurcp. there must he a corresponding stream of, dollars floving i tit y tlit' national treasury. Thrift stamps and war savings stamps offer the people an op portunity to ueposit their daily, weekly or monthly savings with the ov eminent . Iti return the govei r.r.ient will repay the principal with 4 per cent interest . compounded quarterly. As an example of how the i;ive?:c; o money will grow, sixteen war savings stamps, costing 25 e r.tE-. each, or 4.00 in ril. with 12 cents added, will entitle the dpo-itor to $?.f'0 on January 1, 1923. A? an investment, safety considered, there is nothing better o!'. the market today. All the resources of the richest government on earth are belli ud the stamps. Murray State MURRAY, Mi- Lva Lulinr . spent Sunday v th Mir-s -Ethel Parris. Born, to M and Mr:. Will lio ii. ar. a baby boy, on Janua-y 2rd. t'haries Cnroll returned lioni'. -i ii we k from a vi?it with his s-on i-:rn. near Avecr.. A;- ::iul Mrs. 1?. S. Tir. i went to ! i'lattsniouth l;o-t Sunday, where they sa.nt the day at the home of Mr. ;h Mr;.. l ..:'.. n ii3es. t r :.Irs. Sadie Grwieth was taken to O'urha Monday evening, where she was placed in the hospital for an op eration for appendicitis. Mrs. Ed Ganstmer went to Omaha 3 ::! Saturday in spend the day with her daughter. Miss Fern, who is at tending fchool in that city. The Ladies Aid society dinner and :-uppcr given at the church last Sat urday v.a:; ij'uiie well attended and netted the ladles something over to. Th" ItusterholU sale. held on Mon day of this week was well attended. : It hough the weather was very cold. The i-tock and other goods offered for sale brought good prices. Jo";'.:: Lloyd was in I'ia ttsmouth on Monday of this week, where he was making preparations for his big sale i;t ? held at his farm home on Feb ruary 14th. Mr. Lloyd is selling off a great deal of his farm stock and machinery Drcparatory to moving to his new home in Perkins count y. ':.- family will rems in in Nchawka for ho stimmcr. mm AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dstcs far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! UEVEHSE ALL CALLS Telephone 1511 Murray Exchange Journal V7ant-Ads Pay! 17c lb.-GENUINE RIO Here arc r.oiuc interesting prices for you Because they touch your cost of lrnng. Compare them with out of town, or mail order rric?c. m?kc up jour order and ccruc to this store, where jou arc- eks-c of abf.olr.tely first quality goods. SATURDAY SPECIAL: Genuine Bio Cott'-e. the kind you n . - II ier. h'HT! a 1 price per in 1 y Prim cleaner, as good as Old P- : i h 1-oz bottle for P;.ni Olive roi'M. per bar 1.:--- size sugar cookies, per lb ;". Ai et Corn, 1-lb and 1-oz. size cans, per can :'; ik Mid beans. 1-lb. and 4-oz. size cans, per can l .,.'!! ) can California peaches, ::ai!;n genuine cane sorghum Cream cheese, per lb Prepared mustard, per tumbler Larg" head riee, per lb Large brown beans, per lb Seedieo raisins, 15-oz. package for Fresh C.;i;:eri:ia figs, per package COLP MEDAL Hour, high patent, ::j-gallon stone jars, each Velvet tobacco, per can 1.000 sheets crepe toilet paper, Jumbo size Guatemala coffee, the ray are talking about. 2 lbs. Try Living the Cash Way You Will Never Change HiATT &l TUTT, MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA of Murray and Surroundkis Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Bank, NEBRASKA The Missionary society will meet with Mrs. W S. Smith on Friday of next week. Miss Mary West went Tuesday, where she spent visiting with friends. to Omaha few days H. C. Creamer went to Omaha on I Tuesday evening to see the doctor in regard to his injured hand. Miss Mary Metz returned to Mur- ray Monday of this weel after a few days' visit with her parents in Syra cuse. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kohrell. a baby girl on Tuesday, January 20. Both mother and little one are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sans were visiting.and looking after some coun ty t-eat business matters in Platts niouth Wednesday. The Ked Cross workers have ni"t with Mrs. Jackson the pact two weeks, and will also meet there on Thursday of this and next week. The churches of Murray abandon ed the evening services last Sabbath because of the storm. The union service will be held at the Christian church nest Sabbath. Uev. Jackson will preach. The National War Service commis sion of the United Presbyterian church will hold a conference in the Central church of that denomination in Omaha next Wednesday evening, at which time there will be addresses given by several leading men of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jorgmson. and brother, John Jorgcuson, of near Ne hawka. were in Murray on Tuesday driving up to see Dr. Brendel in re gard to John's knee, in which he had cut a hole while chopping wood. The injury was not very serious but needed the doctor's attention. At the United Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Sunday school will meet at lo:09 a. m.. and the pastor v ill preach at 11:00 a. m. Every one will be welcome to these ser vices. After next Sabbath the sec ond service in this church will be held aJ. 1:00 p. m., instead of 7: C9, ;i means cf conserving fuel. 17c lb. usually pay ccius 17' Dutch, per can $ .OS .10 .11 .19 .13 .ir pT can .69 .60 .42 .09 .11 .14 .16 .13 per sack 3.00 2.93 .10 per roll .12 kind the people of Mur- 4 for Mrs. Joe Deil has been numbered with the sick fpr the past few days. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hounds are suffering with pneu monia. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. St Wixon has been suffering with pneumonia for the past few days. Mrs. Alba Young, of Waterloo. Ne braska, has been in Murray for the past few daxs visiting with friends and relatives. All members of the Murray erap ter of the Ked Cross may secure their mcinbership cards by calling at th ", Murray Slate Bank. Please c them as early as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Todd departed Monday morning for Dakota, and from there, after a few days" visit villi Mrs. Todd's parents, they will take up their journey to their home in Canada. G. M. Min ford returned to Mur ray Monday from Lincoln, where he lias been for the past few days visit ing with his family. H report" Mrs. Miuford, who has lc":i sick for the past two weeks, as improving George Lloyd lost a very valuable horse this week, by setting down in j the barn some during Monday The leg t ipht and breaking his leg was l)roken completely off end the animal will have to be killed. W. J. Philpot was vnriiing with I Murray friends Tuesday. Wc dn not often find "Piliy"' visiting, but ihi?. day we know he was. for he told us I at dinner he ban put in nail f j day without making a cent. He was i sure visiting. Henry Creamer returned home last Sunday moriiing from Ouiaka. where he has beeu suueriiig from an attack of blood poisoning lor the past few weeks, on irom a needle penetrating his hand. He is improving very nicely at this time, out still has a mighty ugly looking wound and hand as the result of the injury and the removing of the needle. Mr. and -Mrs. W. Ii. Puis went H Coleridge, Neb., last Saturday, where they were called owing vo the ser ious illness of Mrs. Fred Dierks. r. sister of Mrs. Puis. Mrs. Dierks hi: beeu ill for several years suffering from a stro.e of paralysis, and waii relieved of her Euffermg-' by death on Monday of this week. Mr. a::d Mr-. Puis remained to attend the funeral. John Farrir, and family and M,rs. Crede Harris went to Lincoln Sun day to see Mr. Harris, who has been in the hospital in that city for the past few days suffering from th injuries he received in the auto ac cident some time ago. At tiie time they left Lincoln Mr. Harris was improving some, but his condition had been quite serious:. Among oth er miuries. he was surtering irem at fractured rib. Frank Vallery and Louis Puis I went to Omaha Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of submitting the contract from the Murray Lighting committee to the officers of the Ne braska Lighting Co.. for running their line to Murray. The contract Ls now completed and ready for the signing by both parties. They were accompanied to the city by Morris Lloyd and Albert Wheeler. Mrs. Al ba Young went with them as far as Plattsmouth, where sh will visit for a few days with friends. For some time past there has beeu a number of children in Murray that seem to have gotten clear cut from under their parents' control, or eise their parents do not try to control them. At least t'ni ; is the complaint hat has come to the publisher of the .lurnal. We have been authoriz ed to inform all parents and child- iren as well, that in case there is not something done in the very mar fu ture in the way of handling such children, 1b" proper authorities will be notified and they will be dealt with accordingly. A little care at this time may save your children a great deal' of grief a little later on. The next number of the Murray Lyceum course will Lc given at the iFuis & Ganscmer hall, cn Saturday evening. February 2. It will be the Chicago Entertainers, pud will be one of the best of the entire course. Do not fail to attend. STORES TO CLOSE. Complying with the request of the State Council of Defense the follow ing places of business in Murray, will close each evening at G:30 p. m. except Saturdays. MURRAY HARDWARE CO. PULS & GANSEMER. 1-1 1 ATT & TUTT. W. Sv SMITH. bmbsbbi w aaaw Tf any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest In thlu vicinity, and will mail same to tLis oflice. It will ap pear under this heading. VVe waa;tail newsUca.h F.ijITOk Noble Kiser has been quite sick for the past few days. Mrs. Glen Ilhoaeu, who has beeu quite Eick for the past few weeks, continues to improve. Ir. Jaite Brendel was called over to Weeping Wat,er twice this week owing to the illness of Mrs. Kale Noell. W. G. Boedeker, the genial eash itr of the Murray Sta'te bank, has been puttering for the past few days with a severe c;ld. i TGLO IG BEWARE GF POISON N COSMETICS hiagton, Jan. 27. Warning to the public to be careful in the use of hair dyes,, hair removers and similar cosmetics because manv of thtm contain poisonous ingredients. I was given by the bureau cf stand ards. "Keuge for cheer.s or lips, has been the cause cf serious mercury poison ins." says the bureau's statement, towing to the presence cf vermillion (mercury sulphide). Hair recovers International News service. The jut;: in general quite corrosive in j court fixed April 1 for hearing argu j character, such as calcium, suiphi-j ments. i drat.e with calrium hydro:;ide anil The supreme court held that the land sometimes poisonous as calcium I secretary of labor has no jurisdiet ion i jbjriroxite with arsenic trisulphiJ". 'Byes i!S';-.i in blackening gray hair ifueraily contain one or more of the .-:aP.a of silver, lead, copper, iron or his-mifth, and can cause serious poi soning when taken internally. It is v.--11 to treat all materials of this character as poisonous." VICTORY LOAF IS NA TION'S STAPLE BEGIN NING WITH TOD Washington, Jan. "7. Bakers will begin tomorrow the manufacture cf the Victory loaf, a war bread con taining a 5 per cent substitute f:r wheat flour, prescribed by the food administration rs a part of ifs 191S food conservation program. At the sari? time grocers v. ill sell to house ho'icrs wheat flour only when the purchaser buys an eoual amount of some other cereal. The percentage of substitute llouri i sed by baking establishments will be increased gradually until a twenty per cent substitute is reached on February 2. As substitutes the ba kers may use either some other cer ( cal or flours made from potatoes or bean;;. j Hotels, restaurants and other pub- lie eating places will be required to ; observe the regulations laid down for flaking establishments. asks mm LAW AT BEMIN3 TO RID THE GITY GF VICE Dtmiug, N. M., Jan. 2S. Charg g lack of co-operation from "some" officials in keeping Dentins free from vice. Mayor M. A. Nordhaus an nounced his resignation tonight with a statement that lie will -make a statement cf conditions for Secretary of War Paker and recommend that the city be placed under martial lav. Cam) Cody is located here. Utlaunin Investigating. Doming, N. M., Jan. 26. William Maupin, newspaper man, arrived here today as the personal represen tative of Governor Keith Neville of Nebraska to prepare a report for the governor on conditions at Camp Cod v. L'hvood Buttery and wife were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where they are visiting with rliends and also doing some trading. U.d Todd of Omaha was a business ' i'.'tor in this city this morning look ing after some business, regarding the renting of a farm, in this ncigh borh'iod. SOCIAL DANCE. at the PULS S- GANSEMER HALL January tjoth. Music by the Desdundes Col ored Orchestra, of Omaha. Given I.y MURRAY DANCING CLUB You know the good time that will be in store for you, io do not fail to come. NO REHEARING IS TO BE ALLOWED DRAFT VIOLATORS : SUPREME COURT WILL NOT DE LAY SENTENCES OF EMMA GOLDMAN AND BERKMAN. Washington, Jan. 2S. The su preme court, by declining to grant a rehearing of their case and ordering the mandate issued at once, today re- : fuse to delay further the carrying i out of the sentences of Emma Gold- man and Alexander Berkman, con victed in New York of conspiring to violate the draft law. The court sustained their convictions on Jan uary 14. Federal court decrees denying the right of the supreme lodge, Knights of Pythias to iucrease assessments on ' insurance of the "endowment class" under its bylaw as amended in 1SS8 ( were to set aside by the supreme ' court. I ( curt decrees holding that in granting school sections to Utah, the government did not reserve mineral lands, were also set aside by the su preme court, in proceedings brought by the government to cancel sales by i the stute in Carbon county. The supreme court agreed to expe dite the appeal on proceedings brought l v the Associated Press to prevent the pirating of news by the to arrest and deport Chinese aliens on the sole grounds that they are found in this country in violation of the Chinese exclusion law, but that deportation can only be ordered by thev United States government or a district court. CHIEF FEATURES OF NEW WARTIME RATIONING FLAN A baker's bread of mixed flours begins today with a 5 per cent aub stitution of other cereals for wheat increasing daily until a 20 per cent substitution is reached February 21. Sale by retailers to householders of an equal amount of substitute" flours for every pound of wheat flour purchased at the time the wheat fiour is bought. i'ale by millers to wholesalers and by wholesalers to retailers of only 70 per cent of the amount of wheat Sour sold last year. Two wheatless days a week ou Mondays and Wedncsdas anu one wheat less meal a day. One meatless day a week Tuesday and one meatless meal a day. Two porkless days a week Tues lays and Saturdays. Manufacturers of macaroni, spag hetti, noodles, crackers and breakfas' foods, pie, cake and pastry permittee to buy only 70 per cent of their last year's purchases. Hotels and restaurants classed af 'oakeries and required to serve tht new Victory bread. MANY RAILROAD ATTOR NEYS LOSE THEIR Ml Washington. D. C. Jan. 2S. Rail roads v ere ordered by Director Gen eral McAdoo tonight to dispense with the services of legislative and polit ical agents and all attcrnejs not en gaged in performance of necessary legal work, and to observe strictl the law regulating free passes. This, the first economy order under government operation tf the railroaels, will cut off large and well paid staffs maintained by many com panies and eliminate from payroll' hundreds of lawyers throughout the country who draw annual retaiue fees;. If it is complied with to the letter, the director general's of fice intends to see that it is. thou sands of free passes now held by elate, county and municipal ofiicials and others will be cancelled. The order sets forth that during the period of possession, operation and government control of railroad? it hi necessary that officers, director and auents of railroad companies bp very carelup in the handling of moneys and in the dealing with transportation matters. Ki'SER HEARS CRYS FOR PFiRE ON HIS BIRTH ANNIVERSARY Amsterdam, Jan. 2S. Yesterday was the kaiser's fifty-ninth birthday If fragmentary dispatches from the German border signify half the things their hidden hints imply, Wil helrn II must have spent the better part of the day with his ear to the ground listening anxiously, trying to gauge the murmurings of his people. Our Service AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU! We Are Here to Help in Real Team-Work! And Team-Work This Year is Going to Count More Than Ever Before. You are planning a big year ou the farm the biggest in your life time. You are considering every factor that will help you get bigger and better crop yields. Connect your plans with our ser vice. We feel that we can help you as much as, or more than, any fac tor other than yourselves in this community. We know that we can help you far more than can any out side concern viiose interest is not particularly iu the welfare of this community, as your interest and our interest are. You are planning. fin.-t of all, for additional implements of high qual ity. We have at your service a sup Murray Hardware Murray, In the big cities, Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Leipzig, Essen and many others, the murmur grew into tumult. There were mass meetings at which thunderous shouts for vent up. Owing to the hermetical i;e.l:ng of the frontiers only these hints filter ed through. The unrest which has b-.-guu to p". eep Germany is the echo, advices indicate, of Phiiip Seheidemann's ans wer to Count Hertiing's hues! ;h. In lb" hearts of miliieuis of Germans who in bygone years cele brated the anniversary of th dr rul er's Dirt li with enthusiastic glorifica tion, the torch of rebellion is burn ing. Seheidemanii'-j speech has light ed it. For the first time, not only i:: t lie war, but in T0 years, doubt of the army's finality and capability as the arbter of the nation's fate has been publicly raised by a. recognized lead er of millions, and more than this, the doubt has been published far and wide in the empire, because the censorship shackles had err eked und er previous socialist onslaughts. Political observers here have long since agreed that any real up. ising in either one of the Teutonic em pires must, begin in their armies mainly because every ahl"bod;ed man is under arms. The root of such a rising, however, they agree, is lack of confidence, the feeling that new offensives will share the fate of for mer ones, will be undecisive and only ntail new terrific losses. L. G. Todd, one of the jurymen was down home to Murray last, even ing ajid returned to this city this morning, to serve on the jury in the iistrict court. We are Receiving and a special invitation is extended to you to call and look them over at this time. A full and complete line of can always be found here! HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE ! 1 O ms ez Murray, j for treatment. rnJ no mosey to be raid nnti I enred. Write f or book on Recta 1 Diseases, witb names aud tsstiriionials of more ttialCUO i rumiuent people who nave beca p.raia-ieatiy cured. A EsR. E. R. TAHRY S4C Bco Drs. Rlach & fiSach, Tha Dentists Th lrgt and bert q-airpd dental ofHcei in Omxb. Spillia t eh&Tfaof all work. Ldy ttadant. Moderate Prlcea. Porcalaia jmt lilt tooth. Instrument carafully utoriined .rter uin. Band lor txbx urn pit oi oaci-iryr ply of implements especially adapt ed to help you realize your plans. They are here for ycur inspection before you buj. Come in and see them now. Get fully acquainted with them. Find cut how well they f;t in with your plans. Even though these implements have a two-name guarantee ours and the manufacturer's there's an advantage in your knowing them thoroughly before you buy them. Come in and book your business up closer with our service for effec tive team-work in the big year now ahead of us. Before you buy, when you buy and after you buy, our ser vice right at your hand all the time will help you get bigger results from the big year that's coming. and implement Co Nebraska h'SE COUNOEL TO fetiDBE PROTEST Gfl ALIEN VOTE PETITION Line- Jan. 1'''. Although no puhiie announcement lias bet n made by the rtate council of defense, it is e..::re;.ieiy r.uiikeiy that any ac tion will be taken r.pon the protect i'"ed by Mrs. W. E. !5arkl"y. state president of the Nebraska E;ual Srf frav.e association, upon the form of the proposed amendment vhich tho council 's submitting thremgh the -..i' ' ,t i e and r f'.'-renduin to dis-r-iranchise "alien enemy voters." vim are Kviing exemption from the draft on the grounds that they are not citizens, but at the same time de sire to vote through a declaration vi intention of becoming citizens. EAST FINLAND IN GRIP Or SERIOUS REVOLUTION Stockholm. Jan. 2S. The bug threatened revolution in Finland, is proeeedinc in the eastern provinces, according to sparse reports reaching Ilaparanda and forwarded here. The railroad station at TIelsingfors is reported to have been occupied by the Russian red guard. Sharp fight ing has taken place at Viborg. Russia soldiers are said to be aid ing the red guard and reinforcements are reported to have been sen, frora Petrograd. Miss Siella Gooding " arl'-J this afternoem for Omaha, where she is visiting with friends for the day. Our Spring Line of lansemer, Nebraska FtsiuJa-Pay When Cured A mllrl svsLem cf treatmf ct thet cures Fu. Fistula anl other Recta J Diseases in a short time. v. ithout a severe sur yieal cp-s-tion. No Chlorcfonn. Kiher or other fteaersl anasthetin r.sed. A cure durrcntocd in every eae accented Bulidins OfHAKA, i jotrnM j-nsnacu.. 3rd Floor Paxicn Block, OMAHA