The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ledger ,
Mrs. Mcry Da 1: returned Sundtiv
utl Saturdays. In this way both of farms are up at the .?200 per acre viMt rt Elsie and Marquette before
fuel and light are coii?erveu. The murk. Jusl recently ti:e Que lib or st return, ins home.
order will be in effect fur some eighty and the cbthtv which John John Euscae received a teleeraru
time anil should meet with the ap-. I
proval oi all.
George Thimble, Sr., lias been , are between here and AIvo and are St. Paul, Nebraska, and he left at!
quite tick the fast week ar.d is uoMwo fine eighties. 3. C. Ilcdcs has , once for her bedside. Mrs. Btische is
Theodore llodtwalker.
licit recv.r.;:y purchased w.-re of- Sunday announcing the serious ill-.
fercd ?M.t per acre. These farms nets of his mother at her home in j
u. jw'ao visited his little .son, win
of Crete,
with its grandmother, made the; to hold on to
:i Hi moon rivm a short visit ia Han:
bur-, low::.
Miss Gaosie llabb was down from liltIe fellovv a Present of two Lib
riattsmouth visiting: her parents i ert bondsone for $100 and one
t'ver faunday.
h.n c'gfd y near Alvo which he recent- ; in her seventy-sixth year and has
ly refused $.100 per acre far. Land been in poor health for come time.
in Cass county is L,ure a good thins
! A
, A minor wreck r.ear I'aul caused
tiie iorr.!ng train Tuesday to l.e
about, lour hours late.
Mrs. W. S. Sie.wc-l! and daughters,
Violet. Leona and Ik-ssie. came home
M.uaday ovcnin.s after socral days'
vj-ii with relatives in Omaha and
j lalst on .
Orra Clark has f'.cni confined to
!. r home the ic-t week with an at-i.-k
cf measles, t'he is now sett ins
..tour uieol" and will soon be out
for $50. Theodore, Jr., is only seven
years old. but old enough to have an
idea of the value of the bonds.
a'ea v
ur d again.
!d Td :)i.i't)
bh 'r:;.
Mis.: Ly-h
a him that
pent the
Ked a
e '.' .
a..:. -,
; : -1
; in: :
e ':'
. U.T....
v. i
Ti ;
Victor Coniey left last ' Thursday
for Xew York, where he expects to
go to sea on a IT. S. transport.
A miscolloiieous shower was given
Miss Julia Todd at the home of D.
C. West last Saturday. Quite an
c-i Car: -tar. spent elaborate lunch was also served.
Vest a C lark and Kd woods, who has been elation
lctorred to Cut-, ed at chesstareake Day on the U. P.
, training ship Kentucky, is home on
'a thirty day vacation. He is wc-H
pleaded with his choice of the Xavy.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Todd. of
Strathmore, Alberto, Canada, wer?
guests of Mr. and Mis. G. C. Sheldon
Dorr, to .Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ed Mliier,
on Saturday January IStli. a hi;; u3::
and one-iialf penne b.y.
From the Osxllalu Tribune we noit-
that Mr. C. L. Countrynmn has pur-1 i-uild:nir at Burley
I.ottle Dorothy Lee Davis had the
misfortune to hurt herself very bad
ly while coasting on the hill near
her home the first of the week. She
cot a ragged three inch gash just
i above her knee and it was necessary
j ei cull v physician to sew it up.
Miss Ruth Noyes, who was teach
ing at Rule, has resigned her school
o accept a position in the junior
iilr;H school at Burley, Idaho, at a
salary of ?100 per mouth. The school
is the largest
chafed large interests in the Ciwem,
Bank at OgaKa-a. which 1 daces h'.m
at the head of t he a large con
cern. Mrs. Mary Kr.ckv.vU i-f: Mc-a-.:c.v
evening for Grand Is!a::d. t ) vi?i
and en l usines1-'. From there t". o will
e! '. trt' ally heated building in the
vcihl. There are 450 high school
p.ipiis and lo high school teachers,
teach era in all.
A rtrmrr liown near Plattsinouth
' a rabbit and only crippled it.
The cotton tail ran into a shock of
after i: jo :i where
iiril a:ul Ui:h
. y on thiv her .-e
pas! few weeks,
low.-, who do the
I rr.
; o pay
Jive as
. : P : r:: .r v :
.turar " .n r::o
and a nut a who lultiay. They are making a month"-,
rv; ::u'!de price. v5stt wilh friends and relative.
invir rd array and other places.
In the Red Cross and V. M. C. A.
drive R. C. lVdiurd gave one of his
good tows to the cau.- to be divid
ed "0-5e. The ian.c wiii be so:d at
liis hug talc conducted here Ferru-
, ary ith. Here's ho i:ig she goes
j mighty high.
j V'!.ai Co oil think ci a fe'.iov
liavg;:.:; oh a check for 47;'.CO irr
;i v;;gen ioa-i oi" iioas. Such happea
jtd t'r i- week when R. ii. Chriswi r
: an-! be - bretight it: a lord to tiuy.r
'.eeti c-a-erin;:
a : '-ere attack
at t;
hi r-. ceive treat
ium. Ma. Ilurrir
j share c:t ;"ici:
tr. :.! ir : : .u
da !d b- ar-aue.d
co to Broken Bow to look after her , corn.
i garage property there. 1
Mias Cleo J?:ni:Uj I :'l MoaJuy,
morning for Chicago to jaia a K.d
Cr'ss unit, v. hi Mi will go to ;':: eej;
when it is .-MUd. While .i:ina for '
t a e cadi to Ih anca. ..iis J .-.!-.. v;c a
wiii nurse in the i aesay.e rh.a hoa-;
P'tal. ;
.Tabu 'lurke v:eit ()ra he M -m-
day saoruing to briaa l.'uoe f.I-i ,
(laughter, I-ruf-ie. v.U:o ha - neati 'ti
tiie bo;;
When the farmer readied in
to pv.l! him out he got b.Md of a
ouart of wki? key. This encouraged
ldm to seek further and he found
eleven more bottles. Hov's that for
a '' -it story. And the r:id part of
it 5 ; :ho owner has never shown up
to claim his 'property." ' (This is
a p. u of a lie. but we print, it so
to-; readers may know how big a lie
s. me t i i tors cm tell. Ed. Journal).
ii ie l' eouM
to -for
a shor-
ili uier Frau-a
duti n
; ai. in
Is to leave shortly for
r.t.ivr.t, i.aving enlisted in
i sav;
: - rv:
.::: : welt
e. Mi:;s Zoia also -,,
;or a abort visit. 1
kr.ov. n here ar I !
i lhtlnier i.f nine h-'-ea wein!;iiig it.f
' pounds. This is the high mark 5
one wugoii land hire.
Did you smek'. i lv (r.'cr t
a tin-- i
Mi;,s Bri !:e aa! i .aa to roar:! at'-:
ter two wt:M;s .'or an operation. !
C. B. MeCormkh v -is up fia.-ra
Whiting. Kansas, a ft v da; - th':
week, vhcre tbvy ; v.- ivau
in.-; tke v. ir.t or. He rein rued to War-'
ing on Wedneadry r!s::t to 'ah:;; .
Mr?. Mc oraiiv't or: the b;siy 1 :ed-: '
I!-"-::. ! M r ar i Mr . Loola '
sou. a girl. Wed no.-, da;. . ,!:: vary f 1.
r ( r.: a i: u : ar a oir.u- a
7 '
. is
( hi:
llie i
r. ;
. o. : :
h la
a e :
ta: :i r
M.l r
V"edneoduy fioni our frit :o.
vara on - rai
II. i!a
I ..any frh ra- whh him the beat
a n.iiitarv career.
C. a. bur: etc has an attack of
bowel tr-!;b!a' this v eek. and is ia
dirr -"d c-.o a r--r.!t.
Ihrley Doty, who li;os been wrk
i: -: !vi ti e Trur.konbolz (.levator,
i " T".v.-.dey for his home in Kan-
a,t. .
J e Ivii-rsen and family left on
Ivk'tahv fcr their home in Nebraska !
fi;y. ::-.. v a.'.eral vveeka' visit with;
j i . ' . a : :. !
ai!-' : a'; -g d'en stairs Tues-
di y . veuing. irna Cue had the mis-'
f .r:ara to shp anri fall, injuring her;
:,a- :: our
Gahcmakcr, who announced a girl ; r.-a-baby
I crtt to :!:.: or. Friday. Jan"- ! -vr
ary 13th. It's regulation aire and a f-,r
charming little dams d we dare ?i-.y. iu.
Parents are proud i f their n -w lound j tir.
We v. ere futmi died meagre iuf.-r-maticn
of the marrlaaa of Mias Julia
i C-ua to i-atii i igne on -, eOiie. ;:a;. .
:. B
' ayp.
a ; I-
or 1:
T : .N
: i - t .
.ha.. -Tan. 2-!. The board c:
. il'ar" 1 a reeoinmcrded to
; v louucil that girls and ail
waaue'i vait hout ii.aie escorts be bar
r .ro a j.uidie dance halls after
i ') o'MoM: p. m.
Till, act Mr I'M lows the reaommen-M'':-:
(f council that no girl rr
.' .-'o i -ei aecompanlei by a iuM'
a;or( bt ;-l lowed to enter a pub; la e hall.
M !e t "
la.-;diai ;u Lirordu Toi do.a
be ur.drrv- -: an opera riot:
'.unit's ia. a: aue: ik'o.i. r-r- .. ,,-? ai fj
Port facta -he ho-p;lal bring ; iiirLtsb Hiim H
that lie i , go
of this week. Tie wethlirg took
place at the Manlcy Cathclic church
at t o'clock Wehneshay :ua; inn..-;.
The grocrii is a resident ct .s.atr.ry
and the bride is the daughter if Mr.
an 1 Mrs. L. C. Todd, of NchavCta..
Mrs. G. C. Fiiehlo:: ;a ol Mr.. !h A.
KlrV patrick v.vre in at'i'ut larao :.i
the Woman's Coptic
he! I i:i
Frid.av. It has o' f;; :s
years dd: Mr
M-. ar 0 :!:. .
; a v er-- ;it
.i. .' tr.e fo
ca' the T'io
i i.oir.i y. w ho
. am' Mrs. C.
f U j d Cole. Mr
Mr. and Mr-.
ana po.
Weil ht.
if go
a oie. u
;' :i
far a
:eer sio
vus 2
M. Cola.
S. A.
C. H.
. 'ie. .'a
Mater will no doubt
- f i e;'e::se i p; o:
last Thursday and ;
aoi vaa an Orna'aa vi
i.. v here he wi-iit to
been suggt'.M-d to
this paper that we ought to crgauiaa
a local Woman's Council in Ms
hawka. The M'cman's Council cf
Defense ia- real'y the :r.o?t important
organ Izalicti if woman's vo.-rl: it:
we r and through it all smelt work
aid Mi will soon cat t Mr the.
news that t'r. e wav-M tawn id' MOO!
people i-- sick with starlet f-a-v
ia 'ha
co -e n-owevt r ai a
i.w: is only a p r--
i !e i a. . a
ti:"! ihM a
catiticm The'-e are but j:x Ivmes in
town iuara::Mne I and th lust, hrc e
of ti.e1-" v : e : ":e oriy ore thai are
new tp.j? we--a. a-e n'-me.- rj -jar-n-
should be kandied. Lt the siep be ' tin?d n:
r. :
ocrit - a i Le
vator Monday.
Veracoi "A'(..od
thru wing i:
new Truu
: he acaa'ob:
wa : v.orit
im to l! e
1- or'
eruM: e. ..
. ...uury 1 f
!.ea.d I;
't.s hurt in
og aroutid
1 1: e
ia he:
to or
iiiizc once.
W. Bish.
t "a.oa.o .'d' J.
rteo. A:-kev.r
W. ;
o. c.
ii on.
Lincoln. Jan. rM. There were
'2..:-l recorded births in the sta;c
of Ntbra.ska lat year, or about IT
per 1,000 pcprlat bm, according to
the state bureau of vital statistics
reports made puidic today. Of this
r.itiaVr 1V,.'.:,2 were boys ar.d 12.1G4
v re girls.
In the matter cf ncticnality. the
: racentage records show native
...dors, tll.LOZ; mothers.
j Foreign, 4, lot.; mo i hers,
j 1 iti.
i There .ere six s-ts of triplets and
M pairs of twins.
Two of the acts of triplets were
bora in Douglas county, which had
a toLul of th-'Ol births, of which
2.S! 1 were boys and l.edo girls.
m. A
ia L Ti V 0 0 D
Mrs. L. I). dtrer
Tb." recc; t cd-i v .. at her a:
t!MO'.ghis of an: ny Fb;r'-:a r"' ;
i the
-a: a d
f io;r tow mm
!i Kagie. to :-.:r.
', a be v.
i !!.'.,u re ; iicaovaifiT. vn un-
: f a- arrival, oniercd u dol
ed; a.-i-i a Teddy bear for i
e v . -:: -1 thai he co-aid
j ' a 'ot- j '. a t: ast -r.
d a-' : i - - :' IMg!'- be-
a ii.. : a.-, a.oa. . i-re cio:
. dncodays
Ot'o .S-'f.bbeiidcck had a car ix.d
of cai!e on the Onuiha market M'ed
r.e.May. J. !. f'rit-ill w: tit o Khdug city,
:e'';:ad::i. cm y far
a few days vidt w:ih rvhtivas.
Abe:. Hopkina. who has been rick
for faoa-o time with typhoid fever, is
very a:c-k, having nud a back-set far
the third time.
Those among toe tick this week
are 'he baby of Mr. and Mrs. ?'ee
ichbo John Turner. Sr., Stella Mc
Wickers!; am
mioricu' tta
headed for
until ho boarded t'.a
a;i ,- utrhty ' a u I
So : 'Meraburg. i'lorid :.
Some !aud in en-. a Mr. WiM-erahvu
has In FMrd la might '..uvt- needed o
tetttion by bin:. 1 j:r tie.- :'u-t iloo be
toid the :ov- a' 'do riorc trot la'-y
might toe hitn v..h
Indicated that ho gt
wanting tocon?erw r
M,.rc! Ft.
::t io::i" a:.-:
: f;;;d. 'd: far
the warn; c'daate of FiorMa. A' coy
rate we will expef a 'dg sU.ry abort
fu-hing. bathing, etc.. when be a d 5
hondo-n, Jan. 2o. Chancellor von
j Hen ling's speech was characterized
to:. ay by Lord Robert Cecil, minister
of b!oei:ade, in a statement to The
Aa.-oeirfiteG I'ress as "very warlike,
certainly not a peace speech." He
jadded thai the rpeech had been dic-
ia:od by Lindenburg and Ltieiendorf?
and contained no dexdaraticn of po!-
rj, m "W - iaue , j'.jiik i in ::'.r, oi., nieiia - j
rM-QldPC I loiCl Namee. Mrr. J'red Lenz, Mrs. J. 1L ! ,
IViCidlCOO V S.ji-gge and daughter, (5 race. j j
Moel r ! Mc . ach.
ha u c la ii 1M at :.
!'-.J ti.du per lb. Ml;;. This Cod is
extra ood.
i: Spiced Herring for IZc.
Finnan Hoddba.
M.U !:'(:(-! !hd badmon, per lb. aOc
I'll is is liO'o
Fresh Salmon Id. ;Me.
1'rosh Halibut lb. :;oo.
FresO. DresoCd Hens and Spilngs.
Fresh Oysteio.
Maple Sugar. .
New Horse Kadioh 15c a bottle.
Crimes Golden Apples, per doz. 20c.
Ganc apples COc ytck.
iau-t Saturday, while helping io
out no ice, Karl Laiiey had on- of '
toe lingers on his left, hand badly
?maa!'ed. Tins will cause him some: Mr. and Mrs. J-'iae k Ro.-s are r--in'-onveide:ice
for oome litile time, jr-dviae the cor rjr:d uhitioaa, oi their
W. .. Miuford handed in his res -! i'riends upon the "utrili of a !i::e boy
ieaation as a member of the school t !::. arrived MtMr dime on Srr-bo'jr-1
on Tuesday, owing to the fa Milay, January r. 5 A IS.
11. n t he is goir.g to Lincoln to live, j Guy Seiver, of broken Uow. v!;t
The vacancy will not be filled until has been i i'iag relatives at Moi
at th'i election in AiHdl. jigiette, arrived M ro.d'y for a sir. "t
Aunt Saraii Hall, who is maki'ig visit wilh bis cousin. Hugh Seiver,
b'-r luune at the I. O. O. F. home at end other' relatives in Louirvili?.
V.rk. is quite sick. One day the; )'. C. Slander, ?f the umkrtuhir-g
iirst of the vaaeh Mrs. W. C. hartlott firm id S'an ier itroibers. informs o ;
find .Miss. Anna McFall vac lit to Tori: that they contemplate purchasing
io see her and they report her some an auto hearse in the spring, in
batter at the present time. keeping with the progressive opirit
On Tuesday evening about thirty of the tov n.
of the membars of the Christian , The Curtice Sand company has a
church gathered at the parsonage, large gang of men at work cutting
giving Mr. and Mrs. Voutsy a sur- Ice from their ponds on the north
c v regarding Ue'.gir.m, which he had
aivuivs looked to as a test . of ihe
r o-.lby of any proposals from
other side.
Yea. ue'U rally round the farm, boys
We'll rally once again;
Sboufing the battle cry of Feed 'Em.
We've g'-t tie ships and money
Ar.d iic Iras' of fg!:tii'g nrau,
Skout'g the battle cry of Feed 'Hm
Ti e Onion forever, the beans and
the corn;
Down with the tater it is up the
nexl morn.
While we ritiiy round, ihe plow beys.
Ar.d iebe Foe hoe again.
Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'Em.
Fred Fmerson Broks.
Soon Over Ilis Cold.
Eve r; eme speaks well of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy after having
used it. Mrs. George Lewis, Pitts
field, N. Y., has this to say regarding
so m
Keney Promises Interesting Infcrma
ticn in Levelcpineiits
. o.
Washington. D. C. Jan. 23. Ac
tivities behind ihe scenes in Wa-a-ingtcn
during agifaucn in 191'J for
an investigation into the Ihe stook
and pachiug industry were rovaole.:
today in correspondence taken t'r. u.
the confidential files ct swat 6
of Cf largo, adrewin; the efforts of
big packing Irms to deteat anv
airy into their business.
The correo pi inba-iee wee in
troduced at th: resuo n'hm of h
federal trade comraiss' : s ruvesig i
tion which ois tranaMrr. d ab'-o?-;!:
Zroiii ti e middle wes valo r -doo
Twombly. an aaant ' ceuiat;
Mon. unearthed free1 the . v lit ;'ii -iMcaments
rioard ad a - of suMi en
satioi.a! Import tisat t-ra:;".- i
Meney. rpeciai couiatcl. and hi - u---airiants
hurried hero ivon Cbieagc
to rut the discoveries into the chi
ld a i record.
Situation Serious.
Doring tl a p'-rie.l cover' d by tV
correspondence t here were pe-.-.ding
in congress resolution introduced
!.- I.o. -prosouMt a- Ibriand of Mb--
: ouri and F-oliiib- i I Ham-
poaing i:o;-iry ir; cmdi-ia
Itve rto: k ma'd'Mins: which
i ten Itad charred p'.rniitted -i-c
rs to maritulato the mat he .
elo. : e. A to; m : -ai t or :d
C. F.
i-.x eo-inr.ei
r-v:- yc- fbars ef tor
I believe the -it'tatd
-i o . and rear;. uatool ta -"
e (b.ue in every d:-?rM
n - :: -'
itiai : r o
v -era : .
h-.-rs w
o pn
ea .d
r-;' :0-
. oa " -
tie Co ;
tod ; o-
if'. ' r
on iao prefer;
lieve that aa it
oeuk! t'OJ '-ad.
In ad .":!M:i t
ingtor. the pu
i ;
rr. ! k' b fcjr
The undersigned wiii sell at public auction on the Abe
Becker farm, northeast cf Union, on
Wednesday, February 6
Horses, W3i2les and OaftEe!
and a number of cows that will be fresh soon.
Some No. 1 Seed Corn.
Walch fcr sale bills. v
A L. EeECER9 Owner
COL. V7. R. YOUffG, Auctioneer
icterized as a good man to stay close
tc and recommended thut Swift z
Co.. give his firm some of their Kan
aas City buMneo.
Ci'cs :u--o reported thai advisers
of the president declared h3 e.oocscd
:h liorhiiid resolution as (iirturi)lng
io bu-ines. Att'inicn vaa called
t r 1-jy it. : b.i ooaiostion to the fart
tio arrant l:v. esiigat i,, n was
undertithcn on e.tpresr. ora-.ra if the
president .
Another report s-aki one of the
conditions in fav. r i f the packers
vaa that ilea acntluirtniiien "must
come V e !" .re the corporations shortly
-')? Todiroal atk). aafiiu ieiea us ii.e ten
tent ion ia ; hnisi a! hand."
Hoover declared that no more food
would be sent out of the country
than is saved and that in no event
v ill the American food supply be en
dangered. 'Imperative necessity," Lord
Rhondda's message says, "compels
me to cable you in this blunt way.
Mo one hiiows better than I that the
American people regardless of na
tional and individual sacrifice have
so fa- refused nothing that is needed
far the war. but it now lies with
America to decide whether or not
the allies in Europe thall have
enough bread to hold out until the
I'nited SuMes is abie to throw its
force into tbe field. I have not minc
id words because I am convinced
that the American people, if they
know tiie truth, will not hesitate to
meet the emergency."
for an
Their records. Mi owed they w
infermed of da1 plana -U tio
t.1 National I lv e
b" T. W. Total :n.-. ivcre:;
re .to"
Anv ai
at a. :
i :-,
P"ep.trat iotis te nuliif'
association's work.
r-."! .
rctica.ior: i .- oik t.aut.
In addition. "'-';r.':i! bora'" -e-'
was undertaken ai toe us a; 1- a '
convent ion and euunsd r"ie.rt:a :!''
that ihe packers arsht eou.-rvativ
elements in ti e various aiaocia'akm
to gain control an 1 hu.-h ihe o-ppohi
Immediately afar the korlam
resolution was introduce! It: con
gross, according t the riao-ds. Ar
mour. Swift and Morris arranged f
uprose it. hater Cudahy vas a she
to join them because it wa.-t suggest
i el counsel for that firm had "power
ful acquaintances' in "Washington.
It. C. McMauus, course-1 for Swift
proceeded to "Was it in eg or. to beep i?
touch with developments. If tl,i
resolution could not he hilled i:
committee, the packers propose- "u
draw a herring across the invest iga
iion trail, as Commission, r Murdocl
phrased it, by having the bureau oi
markets commence publication ek
live stock and bee? price data, vhic
they hoped would make an investi
gation uncessary.
Failing in ihat, it was proposed to
have any investigation touch morcT
the economic phases of tiie industry
and be conducted by the bureau of
markets, rather than the federal
trade commission, though the com
mission was preferred to a congres
sional committee as likely to be les.
influenced by political considerations.
it: "Last winter mv little boy. five
prise and bringing along many use- Bide of the river, which is loaded into years old, was Kick with a cold for
ful articles for the new pat tor. A cars and shipped to Omaha. The ice (WO or ireu weeks. I doctored bin?
pleasant evening was spc-nt by all. i.arvest will last about two weeks. anti USej various cough medicine:
and a royal welcome was given them Mrs. Edward Fiddock and child- but nothing did him much geed un
to our city and all wished them ren left for their home at Elsie, af- til I began using Chamberlain'-,
much joy in their work here. ter a visit with relatives in Louie- Cough Remedy. lie then improve.
From all indications land viduos vilie. She was accompanied i'y her rapidly and in a few days was over ' men, especially his friend K-.amtor
are on the going up line. A number bister. Miss Edith Shryock, who will Lis cold." j Thompson of Kansas, whom he char-
Geo;: I'r.n to Stay Close.
In co sin cetion with references to
an effort to obtain gcvemmo?ital pub
lication of price figures furnish-'d by
themselves through an amendment
to the agricultural appropriation bill
Mr. Ileney announced this matter
would be the subject cf "very inter
esting" documents to be introduced
According to tbe evidence as time
for hearings on the norland resolu
tion dreva near, tbe Doobttie re-i'du-tion
having bean dropped, many
emissaries were sent to 'Washington.
Senator Watl worth cf New York,
who Ileney said was a s'ockholder
in. Swift : Co.. vans appealed to fcr
W. II. nl that, time chair
man oT the democratic slate com
mittee of Colorado, according to the
document, reported on the attitude
of various senators and congre-s-
Mdobdigt at:. Jan. Greater
avin-r ri :' ed wtll, i a aM-el T the
Vmcrieaa people by President Wilson
om-t rrow in a proclamation an-
t i..- iag the faid admniistration's
if. -arv it tan program.
Th" critical situation in the allied
outtirk-- and the rmoant of food the
"total Hti-.'e? i et Decied to ppare
1 e-.i r-.,.-, p t i". rtli in u preliminary
tat-o-ti t.avsh: by .M Aclminis
rato" !o ;--:r. "dio quo'cd a calde
ttrtr fr..rr. Lord lihrndda, the Drit
' f !: food Cert ro'kr. which said:
"Frloi- ; you are a Mo to send tbe
hies at least TMOro.000 bushels of
vhaad over and above what you have
xp-rtel up to January 1 rnd in
dditi oi to tbe exportable surplus
"r. m Canada I can not take the re
Tiori'dIr y of asr-r.ring i ur people
hrt t '?-.. will !r enough food to
"in the var."
Tercel Conservation.
Although Ida -od administration's
-Inns contempict" creating the ex
port sorrd-u largaiy by voluntary ef
'ort, some i- easo.res of forced con-
ervatioa wii? be employed, notably
n the conumpiirn of wheat flour,
vhich wilt ,e reduced -by arbitrary
means at least do. per c-.'nt. This
edrciion vsil! bo accomtdis!:ed by
dmiiing the sales of dis'ributors all
he way from the miller to the re
tailer. In giving tbe volume of exports he
hopes to supply to Europe, Mr.
Export All Saved.
Mr. Hoover replied to this mcss-
a ge :
"We will export every grain that
the American people save from their
normal consumption. We believe
our people will not fail to meet the
In addition to TMOOCMM) bushels
of wheat for the allies Mr. Hoover
says that Belgium must be given
1M.000.oC0 bushels and that Cuba
and other neutrals must be spared at
least 10,000,000.
"We estimate." says bis statement
tonight, "ihat the American people
have faved as much as 30. 000. 000
bushels out cf their last harvest and
if we are to meet the increased de
mands we must rigidly reduce our
wheat consumption to "0 per cent
below normal until the next harvest."
Europe's beef demands for tbe
next three months. Mr. Hoover says,
will amount to 70.000.000 pounds a
month, against a pre-war importa
tion from America of only 1M"0.000
pounds a month. A ten per t t sav
ing at home is asked.
Washington, I). C, Jan. Z7. Com
pulsory purchase of Liberty bonds by
property owners, with the alternative
of a pro rata tax on all propel f to bo
levied at the time of each loan, is pro
vided in ?. bill introduced in th
house today by Representative Gren.
Mr. P. T. Walton ilepartec- this
afternoon for Omaha, where he is
looking after some business matters
in the big city.
who have been putting elf buying that
Suit or Overcoat
better get busy." The styles will be the same, but same
grade of material will be much higher next fall. Our
advice is to buy it and lay it away if you don't need it
It vc haven't jutft what you want, ask for thrift
stamps they're just what you need.
Va closi at 6:00 except by appointment for sale
of thrift stamps.