The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 24, 1918, Image 1

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No. 62.
J. H. Donnelly Home Ransacked &s
They Were Eating Einner m
Basement Eining Room '
From Monday's IkUIv.
J list after twelve o'clock today, ar
the family of J. if. Donnelly, who
live on Vine street, were at theii
.dinner in the basement of theii
home, a thief entered the house froir
the front and then proceeded up
stairs, where he ransacked the en
tire house, getting a two dollar bil?
from the pocket book of Miss Marie
Donnelly. Just as he was leaving
the hoiue. Miss Maggie Hodgerl
came in to make a small collection
and as she entered the house, she
was met in the hall by the burglar,
who held his head to one Fide tc
keep from being seen. Miss Hodgert
said "Good Morning," which was an
swered by a grunt from the man
When she had entered the room ir
which the family were'at dinner she
inquired who the man was, to which
the folks replied that they did not
know any one was there. When Misr
Marie went to get the pocketbook
to get the money to pay Miss Hod
gert.. it was discovered that the twe
dollar bill was gone, but the other
email change which had been left ir
the purse, was still there.
The police were notified but it
was impossible to get any clue of
the thief. The police have scoured
the entire town, but find no one an
swering to the description givin by
Miss Hodgert.
From Momlav's raily.
Somewhere in France, Doc. 17.
Dear Mr. Rriggs:-
Received your most welcome let
ter yesterday, and was sure glad to
hear from you. Here is hoping that
you and all the boys are feeling fine.
I am feeling as good as could be ex
pected, but sure I would like to drop
into old Plattsmouth for a short
time and see my folks and friends.
This is a pretty country a much as
we have been able to see of it. lots of
bridges and tunnels, in order to get
away from grader- and curves. How
are all the fellows about town, and
how are they all getting along? Tell
the beys hello for me. The houses
here are peculiar, all built of stone,
look a hundred years old. suppose
they are much older, not painted, but
make good homes jutt the same.
The little fellows, the French
hoys often visit our camp, and we
have some time trying to talk to
them. They do not understand Eng
lish nor can we speak French. It
would tickle you to see who we get
along with a conversation. Most all
the little fellows from ten years old
up smoke cigarettes. They have pe
culiar ways here. The French peo
ple seem very nice, social, hard work
ing lot of people, hare seemingly
peculiar ways. The old people all
wearing wooden shoes, and the child
ren wool felt shoes. Say will you
tell 'Bud Miller to write me a letter
when you see him.
We had a train ride of about one
hundred and fifty to two hundred
miles, and the country is fine, and it
is sure "worth any fellows time and
money to see it.
I will have to stop now and write
to my folks, do not forget to write
me a letter as soon as you have time,
with the best wishes to you and all
the boys of the Loyal Souu, ?l?ss T re
main. Your friend,
Somewhere in Frr.ncc
Address Prv. Ralph C. Lair.
Co. I lGSth U. S. Infantry.
A. E. F. Via New York. N. Y.
From Monday's Daily.
Last Saturday quietly at his home
in this city J. W. Johnson received
a number of his friends, who came I
to extend congratulations on the!
passing of his eighty-Third birthday
anniversary. Mr. Johnson Is having
pome trouble with his sight, and does
not Corn flmro ttrwn TtiuVh. Klnba thf
beginning of the winter. lie con
versed with his friends who he was
pleased to meet, and talked about
the current events of the tlay, and
did not forget to leave the distinct
understanding of his absolutely loj'-
al position to the government. Mr
Johnson was born at Leesburg, Ohio
January 19th. 1SH;". coming to this
country in 1S57, where he has lived
since. lie and wife, were united in
marriage January Sth, ISC", and are
making their home, the children all
have homes of their own. Mrs. John
hapman, their youngest child is
visiting with them at this time. Mr
Johnson was for three terms, which
comprises six years, sheriff of this
county, and was also police judge
and Mayor of this city in the years
which have gone by.
Mr. Johnson is a member of the
Grand Army post of this city, hav-
'ng served during the civil war in
the union army going from this city
among the first to offer their ser
vices to his country.
7rom Tuepflav'e Daily.
a way aown in Missouri some
years ago a couple were married and
to the union came three girls, aged
respectively at this time 4, 10 and
14. A few years since in Missouri
the father left the family, and the
mother with the girls moved to Ne
braska, is now living in one'of the
"ities of this county. Finding it ex
tremely difficult to make a living for
he girls, not that they were bad or
-more wild than ordinary children.
hut it was desired that they be sent
to Girls Reformatory at Geneva.
When the cose was brought before
he county attorney, he said no, I
hall use my office to prevent this
ror it is not right. You will have to
have some evidence which the laws
will compel the sending of the child-
en to the institution or I shall fight
their sending.
He took down the phone and call
d the General Foreman of the Bur
lington shops, asking if employment
?ould be furnished the lady, which
was answered in the affirmative, and
the arrangements were made for
hat and a time was Bet for the ex
amination, which one has to pass to
nter the services, which will pro
vide a means for the mother to make
a living for the children, and this haa
kept a household together. This
eems to be the better interpretation
f the law, for to benefit society is
he object of the law, not to ostracise
or punish one but to get them back
nto harmony with what is right.
"YriTTJ Tuesday" TJit
Mrs. Ada Bestor, mother of Messrs.
Charles and Frank Bestor of this
city who is spending the winter in
Su.mas. Washington, writes that the
weather is not exceeding- cold, but
rain falls every day, and when the
emperature drops below freezing,
hat everything is a coat of ice, the
continual freezing causes the tele
phone and telegraph wires to assume
the size and appearance of ropes or
cables. Mrs. Bestor was at church
n Canada a short time since they
living near the Canadian line.
She is enjoying good health and
her stay in the west very welh
rom Tuesday's Dally.
At his home on the south portion
of the city Wm. Burke, an old soldier
of the Civil War, is lying very sick
at present. He seems in the most
Intense agony, having pains in his
side and chest to that extent that
he cannot keep still or rest at all.
He was taken yesterday, and with
the pains "which is attended by con
siderable fever. During the past
winter he has not been enjoying
good health, but has been very
poorly. It is hoped his attach will
be of short duration, and that he
soon may be well again.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Judge M. Archer who was bo ex
tremely sick for so long, is showing
a marked degree of Improvement,
and is now so he is up and around
and thinks he will be able to be
down town the last of the week if the
weather is right, or not later than
the first of the following week. His
many friends will be pleased to learn
of his improvement, and wish that
he may be out soon.
Paper Plates and Ptendc Sets a
Unmasking Took Place Early So All
Might Dance As Uusual, a
Good Time Was Had.
From Wednesday's Dailv.
Last night at the M. W. A. hall,
Aas present a large crowd to enjoy
the masquerade dance given by the
ladies of the Woodman Circle lodge.
Not so many appeared in costume as
were expected, many pleading that
in this time of war there is other
and more profitable work to be done.
such as knitting for the soldiers, etc..
in preference to devoting time to the
planning and making of costumes for
one night's personal enjoyment, and
in this opinion we are glad to con
cur. As it was, however, there were
a number of both ladies and gentle
men in costume and thev were the
senter of attraction until the early
hour of unmasking came, when all
were allowed on the floor and danc-
ng proceeded until after midnight.
A committee composed of Miss
Mary Borne, Dr. Mary A. Zercher,
Ed Ofe, Cyril Kaline and Robert E.
3precker judged the costumes and
awarded the prizes as follows: First
o ladies, Mrs. George Gobelman; to
men, three soldier boys. Second to
ladies, Mrs. Hale; to comic, Mrs. Pete
Ierald. . ., , .
The music4 was furnished by a
four-piece orchestra composed of
Marie Fitzgerald, Mrs. Caldwell and
Messrs. Bajeck and Janda.
Fred P. Busch was in charge as
floor manager and, as in the past.
handled the crowd in excellent man
ner, making it a point to see that
everyone was enjoying themselves.
The Circle ladies have asked us to
express their appreciation to him and
o those composing the committee
that judged the costumes, as well
as all others contributing to the
success of the occasion.
Frnrn Wednesday's Dally.
This morning while R. L. Propst
was coming from the Missouri Paci
fic station, with one of his large
Paige cars, the street was wet from
the melting snow, and when round-
ng the corner, the car skidded, and
climbing the curb, went through the
bill board, the springs and wheel
striking the bill boards, clearing
them away, and did not leave a
scratch on the car, or do any harm
to the driver. The car being one
that is well built and substantial.
was a thing whioh saved it. The
billboards are much the worse for
the wear, but the car and Mr. Propst
are all right.
From "WAdnesdo v'm Daily
Along in October, Mrs. Lillian
Wood, who has been conducting a
hotel at Nehawka, who has been
weary of the matrimonial alliance,
with the husband Wood, had the ties
dissolved through the divorce courts,
and about two months since toclc
unto herself another spouse at St.
Joseph, Mo., by the name of Frank
Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson could not
get away from St. Joseph at that
time and not until a few days since
did he come, coming to visit his wife,
after having been away for so long,
he was in a hurry and forgot to take
out of his suit case some bottles con
taining that which intoxicates and
does not rebuild the human frame.
This was found by Mrs. Donald
son, and they like the pair in the
Garden of Eden both partook, with
the results that they both became.
well, the' street Arab would say,
"paralyzed" the conditions becoming
obvious to the people of Nehawka,
epeeial constable Forest R. Cunning
ham and W. B. Dale gathered them
in. Sheriff Quinton was telephoned
for anfl he repaired to Nehawka.
and as Mr. Prank Donaldson was
6-rtble hd waa brcniglit io Flatts-
mouth, where JSe resposed in t lie
county jail until this morning when
he was arraigned before the county
judge, by attorney Cole, charging
him of having and disposing of in
toxicating liquors .for which they
drew a fine of one hundred dollar
each, which with the costs mad.
$221.00. Mrs. Donaldson who was
not movable last evening had to have
two watchers over night, but was
able this morning to appear in court
where she was charred Mith being
drunk, and drew a fine of $10.00 and
costs which amounted to $21. ."0.
This she was able to pay, while Mr
Donaldson, has been negotiating for
the raising" of the fine and costs as
sessed to him. lie was still in the
hands of the officers and using the
telephone fluently in an effort to
raise the amount.
Yesterday there was joy and to
spare, today sorrow hath shrouded
their hearts, and cast a gloom over
the voyage of life and wedded bliss.
which they expected. Let us hope
the gloom may lift and their path
may be bright in the future. Still
we all must know that we have a
prohibitory amendment in this state
As a Worker with the Railroads. Sup
port the Bovs At the Battle
Interstate Commerce
Washington. January S. 191S.
To All Railroad Officers and Em
The Government of the United
States having assumed possession
and control of the railroads for the
period of the present war with Ger
many, it becomes more than ever
obligatory upon every officer and
employee of the railroads to apply
himself with unreserved energy and
unquestioned loyalty to his work.
The supreme interests of the na
tion have compelled the drafting of
a great army of our best young men
and sending them to the bloody fields
of France to fight for the lives and
liberties of those who stay at home.
The sacrifices we are exacting of
these noble American boys call to us
who stay at home with an irresist
ible appeal to support them with,
our most unselfish labor and effort
in the work we must do at home, if
our armies are to save America from
the serious dangers that confront
her. Upon the railroads rebts a
grave responsibility for the success
of the war. The railroads cannot be
efficiently operated without the
whole-hearted and loyal support of
every one in the service from the
highest to the lowest.
I earnestly appeal to you to apply
yourselves with new devotion and
energy to your work, to keep trains
moving on schedule time and to meet
the demands upon the transportation
lines, so that our soldiers and sail
ors may want for nothing which
will enable them to fight the enemy
to a standstill and win a glorious
victory for united America.
Everjr railroad officer and em
ployee is now, in effect, in the ser
vice of the United States, and every
officer and employee is just as im
portant a factor in winning the war
as the men in uniform who are fight
ing in the trenches.
I am giving careful consideration
to the problems of railroad employes,
and every effort will be made to deal
with these problems justly and
fairly and at the earliest possible
moment. There should be a new in
centive to every one in railroad ser
vice while under Government direc
tion to a'cquit himself with honor
and credit to himself and to the
Director General of Railroads.
The above circular letter had been
received by Superintendent Wm.
Baird, who is doing all he can to
have the men employed with the rail
road, do all in their power, to win
i this war for humanity. Not alone
is superintendent Baird doing all he
can, but the entire shop force to the
last man, are behind the government
in its endeavor for the cause of the
liberty of the world.
T. R. Smith of Belle Plain, Iowa,
th town which has the his flowing?
j well, some twenty-two years ago,
arrived In this city yesterday and is
operating as a general railroad audit
or for the BjerXiiiiW
Visited West Front in Company with
U. S. Congressmen But a Few
Weeks Ago and Saw It.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Last evening at the Parmele
Theatre, was gathered a crowd fill
ing the lower portion of the build
ing .and with a large number in the
upper galleries, called together to
listen to the description of the con
ditions as they exist in France and
Flanders, as seen by Hon. Ross Ham
mond, who but recently returned
from the battle front.
The meeting was opened by the
singing of "America" by a glee club
from the high school. numbering
about a hundred of the students.
Following this was a short address
by W. J. Sballcross, who was in the
city looking after the organization
of a Syrian and Armenian relief com
mittee. Mr. Shalleross who is a
very eloquent speaker, poke of con-
A'tions which exist in Armenia and
Syria, and the needs which is great.
and they are literally starving, and
their onl)' hope is the generosity of
America. He said in closing that
depending upon the help of the
United States, that "Armenia shall
not die."
Judge J. T. Begley, who ia presi
dent of the Red" Cross chapter, and
chairman of the meeting, then in a
few words appropriate to the occa
sion introduced the speaker of the
evening. lion. Ross Hammond. The
audience were appreciative cf the
character of the speaker and the
theme which he was to handle, and
patriotism sparkled for the enthus
iastic greeting in which they received
the speaker. In the beginning he
said that he would not tell anything
rew but it would be different from
other accounts as it would be told by
an eye witness of the places and
scenes which he should relate. Speak
ing of the opportunities, which he
had for knowing of the things, where
of he was to speak, he told of a strip
of 3 500 miies alonsr the battle front
in automobiles furnished the party,
by the government of France. The
party consisted of ten Congressmen
and four civilians, among whom was
Mr. Hammond. He told about their
getting away from the port of New
York at night, and the fear which
they had resarding an attack by
submarines and of their meeting cf
the convoys out from the coast of
Ireland, and their final arrival at
Paris. He paid a compliment to the
Associated Press, which since the re
moval of the censorship, issued re
liable reports as to the true status
of the war. He told about the news
gatherers occupying the first line
trenches in order to get the news,
which they faithfully transmitted to
the people at home.
Mr. Hammond said that the seas.
were the greatest barrier to us, giv
ing quick and forceful service in this'
war, and if we succeeded in render
ing it as we expected to do, we '
would have proven inefficient that '
security which we had always held t
that the seas afforded us. He said ,
that he had been a long life repub-
lican and that he had no complaint
or critici?m, for the government and
that he had always supported it and
expected to. He claimed the right
to criticise, but held the right in
obeyance, but as a citizen of this
great country he said that if he were
to suggest any changes which he
said all patriotic citizens should not
withhold for the good of the coun
try, and that if he were to suggest
any one for the position of secretary
of war. other than the one now oc
cupying the position, that man would
be Theodore Roosevelt, which was
applauded to the echo. He 'told of
the mutual relations existing be
tween this country and England and
took occasion, to disabuse the minds
of many, who thought that England
was not doing her share. He said
that England was not a slacir in
any tense ef th word, but was doing
hr full "quota. ' Citinff the kindly
feelings existing between this coun
try and England, he Called attention
to the 4.000 miles of boundary line
between this country and Canada,
without a soldier or a fort on it.
Regarding the battle line he said
that Verdun, which was a city of
fifty thousand people before the
war. has no population at all
nothing but piles of rubbish, and
that Rheims which h:id a population
of 123.000. now has but .".000, and
them living in wrecks of the former
homes. Ho had seen many kinds of
soldiers, with all kinds cf tiniforms,
but one he detected as being a little
larger, a little straighter, and a little
more intelligent looking, and they
were boys who wore the uniform of
the United States.
Praising our public school system
he said that, there were other schools
which taught other languages, and
whatever they were, German, French
Italian. Austrian, or what not, he
would have them all abolished, which
brought tremendous applause; con
tinuing, he said that he would not
allow a paper published which was
not published in the English lang
uage. What a spectatcle said he is
this we see young men studying Ger
man in order to do business in Amer
ica, with people who do not know
the England language.
Speaking of the losses, le said.
that at Verdun there had been 300,-
000 of the allies killed, while there
had been 500,000 during the battle
which has lasted a year. On the
area which the fighting had occurred
he sa4d 6ix men on the average had
been killed on each square yard, and
that a chemical analysis would show
from 25 to 40 percent of the upper
surface of the soil composed of hu
man flesh and bone.
Drawing a word picture, he said,
the foreign was like a lover who
came to this country to woo the
Godess of Liberty, and when she had
furnished the opportunities which
has guaranteed success, a good
wealth and honor, and that when the
lover, become recreant, a bayonet
should be placed close behind him
and he 'hastened back to his father's
house, signifying: that a German, not
loyal to this, his country of adoption,
should be immediately shorn of all
his accumulations and be sent back
to the Germany which he cherishes.
When the war is over, said Mr.
Hammond, and the final conference
is called for the settlement there will
be one delegate to that convention
who is there for justice, no plunder,
no added land, but sticking for jus
tice and right, and that delegate will
come from America, fighting for a
universal Democracy for rights of
man. The meeting came to a close
by the Glee Club singing. "The Star
Spangled Banner."
Wm. Baumeister, cf St. Francis,
Kansas, arrived in Plattsmouth this
week, from Chicago, for 'a few days
visit with friends and relatives
around the old home. He had been
in Chicago for the past few days at
tending the Farmers' Convention, be
ing held in that city. He says he
was in the windy city in time to ex
perience the worst of the big snow
storm. The Journal acknowledges a
pleasant visit from Mr. Baumeister
while in the city.
Dennison's crepe paper at the
Journal office.
Keep your valuable'papers'in one of our
Safety Deposit Boxes
' $1.00 Per Year
Just received a'limited number of boxes.
First National Ban'
- Out vaults are ABSOLUTELY Fire and
Burglary Proof-
Secret Service Secures Copies of In-
tials is Now Ordered.
New York, Jan. 21. Definite iu
formation said to have been obtain
ed by the government that German
agents have been instructed to u.e
all means to paralyze the effort to
move freight and clear ships, is un
derstood here to be responsible for
the doubling of guards Today at a!l
piers, ship yards and terminal:-.
Copies of the instructions sent to
German agents by the headquarters
of the German spy sy3tem are re
ported to have been obtained by the
agents o fthe United States govern
ment. Orders were received here
last night to take all precautions to
prevent attempts to do damage.
Guards of all kinds, military and
private, have betu doubled at all
points where shipping and shipping
interests are concerned. la addition
to extra guards, it was learned that
orders were aLso issued to scrutinize
with more than usual care the cre
dentials of persons seeking to pass
the barred 2one.
As a result numerous men promi
nently connected with shipping and
carrying government passes were to
day held at various piers until they
could be identified by prons quali
fied to vouch for them. The orders
came "from Washington and were is
sued by telegraph. It was ieurnf.l
they called for prompt action. It is
understood they applied not ouir to
Xew York, but to every port on the
Atlantic and gulf coasts.
From Wednesday's Da!lv.
C. 11. Lau and son. C. H. Lau. jr..
Frank Riester. John Scheel, and
Stephen Jochim, all from near Man
ley were in the city for a few hours
last Monday afternoon, and while
here paid this office a pleasant call,
Mr. Riester renewing for his paper
another year, and C. H. Lau. jr.. en
rolling his name for the paper. C.
H. Lau. jr., just returned from Oiu-bu
last Friday, where he had been in
the hospital for the past few weeks
recovering from an operation fur
appendicitis. He is getting along
Mr. Riester wore an exceedingly
bright smile upon his face this day
and seemed in an exceptionally good
humor, and in the course of our con
versation we learned that a fine baby
girl had arrived at his home a few
days ago, which was the cause cf his
happiness. We congratulate him.
and trust that the little lady may
live to be a great comfort to this ex
cellent couple in their declining days.
Mr. Lau. Jr.,, tells us that he. will
move in the earty spring to the
Henry Jochim farm, north of Man
,ley, where he will make hi3 future