The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 21, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I Continued from Page 1)
denees in the first ward, costing
$210,000; 42 in the second costing
5230,000; 24 in the third costing
$85,000; 9 in the fourth costing
$50,000 and 6 in the fifth costing
$10,000, or in the city a total of 133
costiug $5S5,000. Adding to this
the money spent for repairs and city
improvements, the residence section
of Plattsmouth has contributed di
rectly and indirectely to the improve
ment and beautifying of the town
the no mean sum of $974,000. And
what hao been the result?- "Ten
years a?o," he said, "property could
be rented tor $3.00 to $10.00 per
month, whereas today it would re
quire from ?G to $30 to rent the
Fame places." Ten years ago he said
the delinquent taxes amounted to al
most $100,000, while at this time
they amount to only $3,200.
"Dury your hatchet," he said, "and
if you cannot say a good word for
. Plattsmouth, do not say anything at
Commenting briefly on the. talk of
21 r. Sat tier. Toast master Robertson
said that some years ago when Wm.
Ilaird came to this city as superin
tendent of the shops here he was
told to make the shops pay here or
they would be taken away, and i
w:is the fact that Mr. Baird mad
pood in his efforts that saved th
Uurlington shops with their hand
some payroll, from being moved else
where, complimenting Mr. Baird on
having done his part to make Platts
mouth prosperous
father M. A. Shine was next call
ed upon and in one of the most elo
ouent addresses we have ever heard
him make. raid tribute to the boy
who are defending Liberty, th
homes of our people, the flag w
reverence and adore that same flag
which, a.3 lie spoke, was in front, be
hind, overhead and all about th
audience. He said that the flag stood
lor Lite, Liberty and Peace and that
each color represented a high ideal
that the gray haired members of the
Grand Armv of the Republic had
made this flag glorious, handing
down to us pure, and it was, and is
our part to hand it down tq poster
ity clear, clean and rich in its rec
ord as the banner of a nation of de
termination and character. Whil
v.e are not paying the fullest meas
ure c i devotion that of giving our
life-blood which vies Avith the red of
the flag in brilliancy of color v.e
can do our share and it is up to us
to tlo it. Father Shine stated that
Germanv has been training for more
than forty years for this war, and
that thvi United States has had less
than forty weeks of actual prepara
tion, but, still, stands ready to enter
the conflict and will win in the in
evitable outcome.
He ulso said v.e have "jeen awak
ening more and more to the situa
tion in front of us. The government
:s asked of us the use of our money
and has offered to pay for such fa
vor. We have responded liberally to
th.- Liberty bonds, the V. M. C. A
the V. YV. C. A., the Knights of Co
lumbus and now to the War Savings
certificates and Thrift stamps. Now
comes another opportunity to help
lie said. i:i the income tax requesting
of all tlir.t they meet this issue, as
tl.oy hr.vo others, squarely and fair
ly. "If you have prospered," said
i -at per a nine, come torwaru and
pay jour proportion on the property
and monies which have been so lib
crally and generously given you by
Cod Almighty during the past year,
and. above nil. be an American."
Professor G. E. DeWolf followed
with an adress touching on the rela-
t';n of the School and the Commun
ity, bringing out the relative prosper
iy of the educated and the unedu
cated. Prof. DeWolf used a lot of
statistic to prove the importance of
the schools and their relation to the
every day life, and to the commercial
value of the property, and the suc
cess of all commercial enterprises,
for one who would be willing to trust
his or her affairs in the hands of
seme one v. ho did not know what to
do vitii the problems which might
fact them. "The trained man," said
Mr. DeWolf, "is always worth the
The next gentleman listed to. talk
was Dr. Edwin Maxey, who has been
Lore before and who ia' somewhat of
a humorist, but be was entertaining
an audience fomewhere else, and his
number was ommitted, much to the
disappointment of a number. Don
York, with E. II. Wescott at the
p-ro. sang "The Lind Which Never
Crows Old." and as a recall num
ber, "When Von and I Were Young,
T-Iairgie." ' Don 'r:rv .'-.truck a popu
Jar chord. ! '-very oni: was !iu.n
than plea-cd with the rendition.
Then followed Judge Paul Jessen,
of Nebraska City. Mr. Jessen stated
he had kept in touch with Platts
mouth and its progress during the
past years, and that he was more
than glad to know the tdwn had be
come a city. He said history was
being written for this day, and that
we people everywhere are helping
to write it. He paid a glowing
tribute to the Catholic church, say
ing at the same time he was not a
member, but that they had furnish
ed 35 per cent of the soldiers of the
present war.
He said that during the past one
hundred and forty odd years of this
country's existance the expenditures
of the nation for all causes had
been $29,000,000,000 and that dur
ing the last congress we had appro
priated $17,000,000,000 but that it
shall be worth even this momentous
price when we shall have conserved
the liberty of the world and made
democracy safe among the nations.
This sum might look extravagent,
said Mr. Jessen, but we are extrav
agent people. "I would advise that
you forego that pleasure car you are
planning to buy next year and in its
stead allow the overworked factories
to make Ited Cross ambulances or
trucks for use 'over there in help
ing to wia the war. Look after the
War Gardens a little more dilligent
ly this year than la6t. Remember,
that in that Flag which hangs before
you remains the last hope of Lib
erty for the world. Do your full
share, and if you are an. American,
you will, and that without a mur-
mer or a complaint."
The address of Mr. Jessen closed
the program i of speechmaking and,
led by , Don C. York, the assemblage
united in singing "America" with a
vim which put pep into all present
Rev. II. G. McCluskey then pro
nounced the benediction in a rcver
ent and devout manner and -the
Ninth annual banquet of the Platts
mouth Commercial club was at an
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. E. O. Furlong, who with her
two children, Ruth and Edward, of
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, travel
ed for more than a week in an en
deavor to reach here in time for the
Golden Wedding anniversary of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor,
finally reached here on the late Bur
lington train last night. Mrs. Fur
long says that there were five feet
of snow on the level at her home
when she left and still snowing, al
though the weather was not exces
sively cold. On the Moffit road over
which they traveled to rSenver, there
were five dead engines and nine cars
of stock covered up in the drifts on
top of the mountains. These had
to be dug out by hand. At one
place she was compelled to take a
stage for fourteen miles to catch a
train on another road, and there
were twenty-fcur men who walked
the distance, on account of there
not being means of transportation.
From Friday's Danv.
Misses Emma and Lizzie llirz, of
west of the city, were passengers to
Omaha this morning, and were ac
companied by Miss Alta Anderson, of
Omaha, a trained nurse, who has
been at the Hirz home caring for
Phillip Hirz. he having been critical
ly ill with pneumonia for the past
few weeks. During the past week,
Mr. Hirz has been showing consid
erable improvement and i now so
far recovered that the services of the
nurse can be dispensed with. The
many friends of this good man will
be pleased to learn that the danger
point in his illness is now past and
that he is on the road to complete
From Friday's Dally.
John W. Rodgers, who has been
working west of the city for some
tima . . . 1 , .
...mii i-aoi, ufuauie possessed or a
quantity of booze a few days ago,
and having more than was needed
for his own personal use, he con
tributed to the cheer of a fellow
whom he ran across during one of
the cold days. Today in the county
court, when brought in by Sheriff
Quinton, he admitted that the mat
ter was just a gift to the other fel
low and this ending the case so far
as the evidence was concerned. The
accomodating judge levied a fine of
one hundred dollars and costs, which
Mr. Rodgers adjusted and was given
his liberty, with an admonishment
never to do so again.
Between Cedar Creek and Murray,
ia Plattsmouth, one 30x3 Vi Fire
stone casing. Nercr been used.
'Milder plea - notify Rural Carrier.
J. 1 1. Hessei! flow. Cedar Creek.
lS-2tdlt wkly.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Here's quick relltf
from aches aad
pains of Rheuma
tism. Neuralgia,
Sprains and Strains.
No need to rub. It
The Members There are Workers, as
Attested by the Shipments of
Supplies to Headquarters.
From Friday's Dally.
The following is a report of the
Cedar Creek Red Cross Bandage
cjircie ending Dec. 30th, 1317 as
audited by the committee:
Cash Taken In.
July 9, 1917 $ 3.00
July 11, 1917 1.00
July 11, 1917 .S5
July 19, 1917 59.00
July 19, 1917 2.00
July 19, 1917 1.20
July 26, 1917 10.90
August 2 1917 53.20
August 9, 1917 5.35
August 15, 1917 6.35
August 29, 1917 1.65
September 13, 1917 28.35
September 2S, 1917 .35
November 15, 1917 1.40
November 15. 1917 11.10
December 6, 1917 8.60
December 12. 1917 2.45
December 13, 1917 1 2.70
December 22, 191 14.80
FT X A n
loiai ijh.jj
rhone calls, Mrs. LivingstonS .4 5
Phone calls, Mrs. Clark .25
Phone calls, Wm. Robertson .15
Cotton '. 1 .75
Material for work 38.56
Material for work - . i ' 12.50
Machine 5.00
Material G.50
Material 22.14
Material 24.39
The undersigned will offer for sale
at public auction at his home three
miles east and one mile south of
Weeping Water, six miles west of
Nehawka, five and one-half miles
northeast of Avoca, known as ' the
Simon Hansen place, on
the following described property, to-
One blaek mare, weight 1350 lbs.
OnebIack mare, weight 1400 lbs.
Two horse colts, one year old.
One mare colt, one year old.
One sorrel colt, two years old.
Two fall colts, one horse and one
Five Head of Cattle.
Three Red Polled cows.
One Shorthorn bull, one year old.
' One suckling calf.
Five Head of Hogs.
Three gilts.
, One red boar.
One Poland China boar.
One C-inch wagon.
One hay rack.
One drill planter.
One Deering mower.
One Tiger hay rake.
One New Departure walking culti
vator. One three-section harrow.
One Hoosier drill.
One walking lister.
One 16-inch stirring plow.
One set of harness and nets.
Four collars.
One riding lister.
One 16x16 disc.
One lister cultivator.
One grindstone.
Two loaders.
One harness greasing tank.
One cross-cut saw.
1200 bushels of corn.
Many other articles too numerous
to mention.
Sale Will Commence at 10 :00 o'clock I
a. isi. .Lunch. Will Be Served at Noon I
By W. A. Scott.
TERMS OF SALE r All sums of $10
and under cash? .on all sums over
$10.00 a credit. of from six to twelve I
months will be given, purchaser giv- I
ing bankable paper bearing eight per I f
cent interest. All property must be
settled for before being. 'removed.
. R. SHRADER, Owner.
Col W. R. Youner, Auctioneer.
Tkos. Murtey, Clerk.
I ihHsMatrtSia I
Material .41
Express 2.33
Knitting Needles 5.35
Yarn 25.20
Red Cross Stamp 2.52
Yarn .1.0.95
Express - 1.S3
Twine .20
Posters 2.00
Music for Dance 1 14.00
Membership 6.00
Bulletin . .50
Stationery .62
Cash in Bank, Dec. 30th, 1917 31.65
Total $214.25
Shipment of Surgical Dressings.
AUGUST 21. 1917.
Gauze packings, Pausements, Ab
riorbents. Compresses and Roll Band
ages 445.
NOVEMBER 20, 1917.
18 Comfort Pillows.
5 Large Fracture Pillows.
6 Small Fracture Pillows.
21 pair bed socks.
2 table cloths.
' 1 sheet.
2 spools thread.
SO Pausements absorbents 7x11.
80 Pausements absorbents 6x6.
380 Gauze Compresses 8 C. M.
620 Gauze Compresses 12 C. M.
50 Gauze Packings Yz Metre.
60 Gauze Packings, 1 Metre.
4 5 Roll Bandages.
2 Spools thread.
Knitted Articles.
JANUARY 7, 1918.
4 sweaters.
9 pair socks.
5 pair wristlets.
The Circle thanks one and all for
the assistance given in the past six
months and would be pleased to have
anyone who can, come to the meet
ings. MRS. P. H. ROBERTS,
MRS. GEO. E. SAYLES, President
From Friday's Daily.
W. H. Bunch departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where ho goes to in
terview the officers at army head
quarters regarding the matter of his
entering the service in some capac
ity. Mr. Bunch has served two terms
in the army, the last having been
some ten years ago, and is well able
to accept whatever position in the
service the officials at headquarters
may seo fit to ask him to.
From Friday's Dailv
lesteruay wilt s. Jean drove a
car belonging to C, C. Parmele to
Omaha and at South Omaha, Frank
Agnew, a stock salesman in the
yards got in the car with Mr. Jean,
nd they went to Omaha. While
Hearing a crossing where a large
number of school children were pass
ing, a. heavy truck came along, and
seeing the children Mr. Jean, was
careful to keep out of the way, that
none of them got' injured, and while
he seen there were but two things to
do. The one was to take the impact
of the truck which was a heavy one,
driven by a Cudahy driver, and be
wrecked and probably killed or di
vert "the car towards the stream of
children passing. Mr. Jean was not
long in making up his mind, for
setting his teeth he received the
shock which stood the car in which
the two were riding almost on its
end. only to drop down just in time
to be struck by the truck on the
other end which over turned the car
over rolling it, catching Mr. Frank
Agnew, and bruising and rolling him
badly. Mr. Jean was more fortunate
as he did not receive a scratch in the
spill out, coming clear of the wreck.
The car was a complete wreck, as it
was struck by the heavy truck on
both ends, and upset and rolled over.
From Friday's Daily.
II. M. Soennichson, by way of en
couraging his employees in the mat
ter of saving, and also helping the
country in its crisis, made a present
of a five dollar savings stamp to all
employees of the store. This lays
the foundation for future accumula
tions and should prove a valuable
start for them to lay aside something
for a rainy day.
Was Feeling All Run Down.
Louis . Buckner, Somerset, Va.
writes: "I was feeling all run down;
tired, with pains in my Jiack. After
taking Foley Kidney Pills I felt like
a new man." uacKacne, rneumatic
pains, stiff joints, sore muscles,
8wollen ankles, and sleep-disturbing
bladder ailments yield quickly to
this time tired-remedy. Sold every-
East of Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
4W4444WJ-!4- I
War Council Named by Wilson in
One Bill and Director of
Munitions in Other.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 17.
Framing of legislation contemplat
ing drastic changes in the govern
ment's Avar machinery, including
creation of an American war coun
cil similar to those of England and
France and director of munitions,
was begun today by the senate mili
tary committee.
Two bills one proposing the war
council of five members, including
the secretaries of war and navy and
three civilians appointed by the
president, and a second to centralize
munitions control in a director of
munitions were prepared today by
a subcommittee consisting of Chair
man Chamberlain and Senators
Hitchcock and Wadsworth.
Chairman Chamberlain announced
the committee virtually had agreed
upon the two bil'.s, in lieu of his
measure for a separate department
of munitions with a new cabinet
member. The attitude of the admin
istration toward them has not been
disclosed. President Wilson and Sec
retary Baker opposed the original
Chamberlain bill.
The plan of the committee for the
war council is to have it under the
president, but wholly independent of
the cabinet.
Our Jitnev Offer This and 5c.
DON'T MIS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with five cents to Foley
& Co., 2 S3 3 Sheffield Ave., Chicago,
m., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
I a trial Dackage containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, eclds and croup, Foley Kid-
ney Pills nad Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. Sold everywhere.
Journal Want-Ads Pay J
Having sold my farm I am going
to sell at public auction at my resi
dence, 22 miles northeast of Murray
6 miles south of Plattsmouth; '
mile off the K. C. road, on
the following described property, to-
8 Hsad of Horses! 8
1 matched team of bay mares,
coming 5-year-old.
1 sorrel mare, S years old, with
foal by a Jack.
1 smooth mouthed mare, with foal
by a Jack.
1 black horse, Z years old.
1 bay horse colt, 1 yoar old.
1 gray mare colt, 1 year old.
1 suckling mare colt.
14 Head cf Cattle ! 14.
3 No. 1 dairy cows, been fresh
three months.
2 No. 1 dairy cows, giving milk
now and will be fresh In April.
2 one-year-old steers.
1 yearling Ilolstein heifer.
2 heifers, fresh in April.
4" summer calves.
15 DUROC SHOATS, weight about
100 pounds.
Farm Implements, Etc.
1 Newton wagon, nearly new.
1 old wagon.
1 Velie top buggy.
1 new Century riding cultivator.
1 Jennie Lind walking cultivator
1 John Deere walking lister.
1 14-inch P. O. walking plow.
1 Moline sulky plow.
1 Acme hay rake.
1 Acme mower.
1 3-section harrow.
1 John Deere 1-horse drill.
1 bob sled; 1 steel watering tank
t scis oi work harness; 1 set of
single harness.
1 saddle; 1 Melotte cream scpara
tor, new.
1 Majestic range stove.
10 ton of alfalfa hay in mow.
A small slack of oats straw and
many other articles too numerous to
Lunch Wil Se Served at Noon by
W. A. Scott. Seep your Dogs
at Home.
TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10
and under cash; on all sums over
$10.00 a credit ot.from six to eight
months will bo iven, purchaser giv
ing bankable paper, bearing eight
per cent interest. All property must
be settled for before being removed
from the premises.
COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
w. G. B0EDEKER, Clerk.
ChsidreiB Cr
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which hr.s been
ia use for over thirty years, has borne the signature cf
' -y . sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
r.g3 is its guarantee. For mere than thirty yerTs it has
teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arfcicg
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aias
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
Ihc Children's PanaceaThe Kother'e Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have A!w3ys Bought
T m e rz e NTAUn company, nrv vook citv.
From Friday's Dailv.
Miss Minnie Klinger, eldest daugh
ter of Mr. George J. Klinger and
wife, who has been so extremely ill
for the past seven weeks is not so
far improved as she is able to be up
a portion of the time. Miss Minnie
was first taken with the tonsilitis,
and with trouble with -her kidneys,
caused a complication which kept
her in bed for a long time. She is
some better, and is pleased that she
can look forward to the near future
when she can be out again. Her
many friends will be pleased to know
of her convalescence and hope for
her speedy and entire recovery.
From Fr'day's Taiiy.
This morning while engaged at
his work in the Burlington shops.
Chas. Lynch received an injury in
one of his legs, from the end of a
railroad rail catching him, tearing
the clothing away, and cutting a
long gash in his leg. He was taken
to the company physician and the
member dressed.
Frorn Friday's Dan-.
W. J. Smith, of Pacific Junction,
Iowa, was in the city yesterday look
ing after the advertising of a pure
bred hog sale, which he is to have
in Pacific Junction on Tuesday of
next week. Mr. Smith has some very
fine hogs which he is putting on the
market, and makes a sale every vear.
having a reputation of handling some
of the best stock in the countrv.
Time to oil and repair harness.
$1.00 for oilins where we repair the
harness. John F. Gorder, Platts
mouth, Neb. 3 2-5-tfJ
One good milk cow.
Phone 327-1-18-lwkd
W. Joseph Sabatka.
Th n HP
rortege t
also the cheapest per mile as the following list will show:
(Two front and two back Tires)
PORTEGE $64.70
Sprague $82.40 Goodrich .... $84. 1 I
Ajax $97.37 Goodyear $90.08
Kellcy-Spg'fld ....$101.30 Pennsylvania $88.80
Fisk $105.54 Firestone $91.22
U. S. Tires ...$96.05
for .FSeicleer
has been made under his cer-
supervision since its infar.v.
oi:h;i i, mti( i:
To !Mai-y K. Jones. Oliver llml
fion ntnl wife, rol!ie Hmlson; Hat
t:j AVIittakc r nn, Clar
ence K. V!i it taker: JeorK Hud
son and wife. Marie Hudson: Jen
nie Anderson and liuslmnd, Arthur
Anderson: Sidney Hudson nd
wife, Ktiiel Hudson: Cora Vo-iu-l:er
and luishand, Klmer YoiinV:f:
ieorf?e Jones and wife Jennie
Jones: Mary ni-hartls and hus
band, Oliver liichards; Uncolii
Jones and wife, Klla Jones: Mas-
Kie Sponsler and husband
Sponsler: the unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, perscruil represen
tatives and all persons interest
ed in the estate of John Hudson,
deeeased: the unknown heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interest d
in Hie estate of William Jones,
deeeased; I-'vjt Jones, if living, it
deceased, her unknown heirs dev
isees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interested
in her estate' and C K. Wv-f.
occupants ami owners of Lot Five
5) in Hloek Nip
Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13) In
Hlock Klght (S) all in souti: r'ai iv
Addition to the Citv r. "'tts
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska:
You and each or you ai ..erehv no
tified that the und.rsipned, W. K.
Morse, on the Xth dav of November.
A. I.. 1 1 1 5. purchased for the ta-r-
thereon due and owinn lot Five
in Hloek Nine f and Lots Twelve J :.'
and Thirteen (IT.) in L!!ock KiKht M
all in South Park Addittion to the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Ne
braska. That said Lot Five ( ." in Niiv
(HI was assessed in the name of Ocorjci
J. Jones for the years 1 ! 1 :; and IVl 1,
and said Lots Twelve t li and Thir
teen !.' in Uloek Kitrht (S) were as
sessed in the name of Ieorg-e J. Jones
for the vears 1H0S, 109, 1!10, lyii,
19U 1913 and 1911.
That said purchaser has paid sub
sequent taxes thereon lor the vears
1915 and 191t;.
You are further notified that said
purchaser will apply to the County
Treasurer of Cass county. Nebraska,
for a deed to said lots on the l.'.th dav
of May, A. O., 191. if not redeemed
from such tax sale prior to such date.
jl'l-Sw) W. 11. MORSE.
Had the Grip Three Weeks.
With January comes lagrlppe.
Lingering colds seem to settle in the
system, causing one to ache all over,
feel feverish and chilly, tired, heavy
and drooping. Mrs. Lizzie Tylcs,
Henderson, Ky., writes: "My daugh
ter ha dlagrippc fo rthree weeks. I
gave her Foley's Honey and Tar and
now she is all right." Sold every
where. For Sale A number of
Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E.
ncr, isehawka.
Best let