The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 21, 1918, Image 1

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    Neb Statu Historical Soc.
No. 61.
Perf a-med at Home of Mr. and Mrs
H. E. Wescott in this City by
Rev. H. G. McCluskey.
From Thursday's Daily.
"Sunny Side." the beautiful home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wescott, was
the scene of a very impressive wed
ding ceremony last evening, when
Mias Flossie Bute and Lieut. L. W
Whitacre of Camp Sherman, Ohio
were united in marriage. Rev. H. G
McCluskey, cf the Presbvterian
church, a personal friend of the
bride, officiated. The wedding was
characterized by simplicity and was
a complete surprise to her friends,
being witnessed only by the members
of the Wescott and McCluskey fam
ilies. Mrs. Mae Morgan and her
daughter. Clara Mae. The bride and
groom approached the altar unat
tended und the beautiful Van Dyke
ring ceremony was used. The Amer
ican flag wus much in evidence.
Three large silk flags, draped attrac
tively over a double window, formed
the bridal altar, while boquets of
flags were advantageously placed
about the house. After the ceremony,
Mrs. Wescott served delicious re
freshments. Mrs. Whitacre's home
is in Hastings. Nebraska. She has
been employed as instructor in the!
commercial department of the Platts
mouth High school for three years,
during which time she has endear
ed herself to her pupll3 and a very
large circle of friends. Mr. Whitacre !
was a superintendent of schools by
profession and has since the war
began entered the officer's training
school at Ft. Benjamin, Tndiar.a, and
from there has obtained a commis
sion of First Lieutenant. He is now
stationed at Camp Sherman, Chilli
cot he. Ohio, with the C29th Infant
rv of the U. S. army.
He is in the west cn a twenty day
furlough and left this morning for,
other Tcir.ts in the rtate to visit his '
parents and sisters. He will return
next week on his way back to Camo
Sherman. Mrs. Whitacre will remain
here to complete the school year, but
beyond that their plans are not defi
nitely made. Their many friends
unite in wishing them a very happy
wedded life.
From Thursdays Daily. I
Forest Rennard. of Beaver City,
who has been visiting in this vicin-
ity and a guest at the home of his
brother A. L. Itennard, who lives
southwest of Mynard. and having
picked corn for Fred Beverage dur
ing the fall and winter, departed last
evening for Monmouth, Ills., where
he will visit for some time, at the
eld home where he lived before con
ing west some twelve yars ago.
From ThurRday's Dally.
The following instructions have
bwn received at Plattsmouth post
office: Office of First Asst. P. M. Genl.,
Washington, Jan. 14, 191S.
Acting under authority conferred
by the President in proclamation of
November 16, 1917. the Attorney
General of the United States has
promulgated general rules and regu
lations, dated December 31st 1917,
for the registration of German alien
enemies, and has f.xed tlie time for
sueh registration as the 4th. 5th, 6th,
7th. 8th and 9th days, inclusive, of
February 1918. from 6 A. M. to 8
P. M. on each of the said days.
The President's Proclamation pro
vides that:
"The Attornel General in carrying
out such registration is hereby au
thorized to utilize such agents,
agencies, officers and departments of
th TTnltwi States as ne may select
for ik purpM all ueli ateit?.
r.gencies, officers and departments
are hereby granted full authority for
all acts done by them in the execu
tion of this proclamation when act
ing by the direction of the Attorney
Copies of the "General Rules and
Regulations" prescribed by the At
torney General, forms of registration
affidavits, registration cards, sugges
tions or instructions to tne regis
trant, and other necessary forms will
be furnished by the Department of
Justice to all postoffiees serving a
population of less than 5000.
Signed. J. c. KOON'S.
First Ass't P. M. Genl.
From Thursday's Daily.
The county fuel commission met
at the office of the county attorney
yesterday to consider the objects for
which they were appointed. They
took up the matter of prices which
should be charged for the fuel of the
different kinds, and at the different
places, in order to make an adjust
ment cf the price, that justice might
be done to all.
While with religious fervor some
people are buying fuel in only nom
inal quantities, that all may have a
little and all be served that the en
tire city and community may get
thourgh. sacrificing, some to good of
all, there is a disposition of some to
buy to the limit, and to be profligate
with it after the purchase. There
were from out of the city in attend
ance at the meeting E. F. Marshall
of Weeping Water. O.
Noone also I
of that place and LaRue Frans of
Union, besides the chairman II. A.
Schneider and A. G. Cole of thi
From Thursday's Daily.
Last evening Frank Ronne of near
Wceping Water was taken via auto-J
mobile to Omaha where he entered 1
the Presbyterian hospital for treat- I
ment for trouble which he has had 1
with his stomach for some time. Mr.
?onne has been trying to get relief
from his trouble, which has seemed
very stubborn, and hard to get to
respond to the ordinury treatment.
fo he irnes at this time to see what
the specialists can do to render him
relief from the suffering which has
been his part for so long.
From Thursday's Daily,
Henry Stoli is reported as being
very sick at. his home near Xehawka
v.-ith stomach trouble, and is confined
to his bed. having been so for some
t Ti ,nc hi.rc of o?tip- oh tn I
get out again in a short time.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday Willis Hyde, a young
married man with two children, "'holso
had not been in the best of health
lately, shot himself with suicidal in-
tent at his home in Pacific Junction.
The young man, it seems was con-
siderably discouraged over the state
of his health and thought he "was
faking the best way of ending it all.
Mr. Hyde is a nephew of Mr. B.
C. Hyde, of this city, and a son of
Henry Hyde, of Pacific Junction,
and formerly resided in Plattsmouth,
where he was an enrployee of the
Burlington shops. Mr. B. C. Hyde de
parted this morning for Pacific Junc
tion to do what he could regarding
assisting in caring for the young
man. While pretty badly injured,
there are slight hopes of his recov
ery, and he was reported as still
living late this morning.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening at the German Home
was staged a game between the first
basket ball team of the high school
and the team from Murdock. The
game was a pretty fair one, but one
in which the science of the local team
won out over the superior strength
of the visitors.
The game was very interesting, as
was also the preliminary one between
the Freshmen and Sophomores, re
sulting in a score of 9 to 10 in favor
of the Sophomores. The team which
played the Murdock team last even
ing will again try issues with them
at Murdock this afternoon.
Paper Plates and Piano Bets at
the Jotiroal effiee.
Surrounded by Their Children and
Neighbors the Occasion Was
One to be Remembered.
From Thursday's Daily.
One of the happiest and jolliest .
crowds of Cass county citizens that
has gathered for many a day, assem
bled yesterday at the home of Mr
and Mrs. William Taylor to celebrate
the golden wedding anniversary oi
these good people. Everything seem
ed propitious for the occasion. It
was an ideal winter day overhead
the roads were like a boulevard and
some thirty to fifty cars seemed to
be on their best behavior. A little
after the noon hour about 100 neigh
bors and old time friends, relatives
and members of the family of Mr
and Mrs. Taylor, swooped down up
on them to celebrate with them the
fiftieth year of the marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were married
fifty years ago yesterday in Platts
l mouth and have resided in Cass coun
ty ever since. That they have been
highly honored and respected by all
who knew them was forceably evi-
denced by the company that gather- J
ed at their home yesterday to cele-
brate the occasion. -
After a couple of hours of happy, I
noisy and even hilarious interchange J
0f greetings, reminiscensee and good
wishes for the honored people of the
occasion, the crowd was served with
a Bpiendid dinner, only such as could
have been expected in a country
home of this character: indeed, it
would seem impossible to have been
surpassed for such an occasion as
called forth the service. After an
already happy and joyous crowd, the
dinner only served to add greater en
thusiasm and interchange of good
will. .There was only one table pre
pared, at which sat Mr. and Mrs.
Tavlor. with four generations of
their family; the father and mother
of each generation sitting at the ta
ble with their children.
There have been born to Mr. and
l . - . . e
Mrs. Tavlor seven cnuureu. out: ui
whom is deceased, five of whom were
present and the sixth, living out at j
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, at-
tempted to get here, but was blocked
in by the snow of the mountains.
There was a happy coincidence al
connected with the occasion
it with the Twenty-thiru weaaing
anniversary of their Hon, W. II. Tay
lor, of Plainview, Nebraska, who was
present tor the occasion. Others of
le children present were as follows
Charles Taylor, a son, and wife, of
Enid, Oklahoma; Grace Taylor-Pugs-J
ley, of Omaha and Evelyn Taylor-
stamp, also of Omaha as well as isa-
bel Taylor-Propst. of Ralston, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have sixteen
grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
After the dinner hour was over,
the company was delighted with mu
sical numbers by Mrs. Asch and oth
er of the guests assembled, and en
tertainment was given by the -children
present. Following this a spon
taneous offering was given as a me
mento of the good will of the as
sembled guests. First, the Social
Workers of the community handed
in as their offering $ 10.00 ; then the
assembled guests by spontaneous
contribution swelled this to some
thing like $50.00 and the six child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor added.
to this $50.00 in gold as a slight :
token of the loving memory they I
had for their father and mother. Mr. i
and Mrs. Taylor were seated in the
center of the large room of the home
and the guests gathered about as
the gifts were presented by C. A.
Rawls in a tribute to Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor on behalf of the friends pres
ent. Mr. Rawls also paid a high
tribute to old age. Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor were very much affected by
the gifts of their friends and child-
ren, ladened as they were with the;which wtm1d make fc
ffftl Will TO aUT. a inrv vjQtjAbfT tl't.
pressed a high apreciation of the re
membrance which their friends and
neighbors and citizens of the county
had demonstrated in assembling at
their home in their honor.
After another hour of happy in
terchange of reminiscences. ;;tory
and song. the company departed
leaving nemnu its hest wishes lor
the continued happy career of these
good people. The day will be long
remembered by all who were pres
From ThuipJay's Dully.
Carter Albin and son, Ezra Albin,
shipped a car of cattle from their
farm near Union lhis aorninp, Ezra
Albin going with the cattle, and re
turning this way. There are the
growth from the farm and feeding
yards at the Albin farm, and are
bringing a good price.
From Thursdays Daily.
George Hufter, of Albion, where
lie is engaged in farming, and who
has been visiting for ccme time past
at the home of his uncle A. L. Iluffer
southwest of the city for several
days, departed this atteruoon for his
home in the northwest. Mr. George
Huffer, is the son of "Billy" IIuiTer,
who formerly was an egineer of the
Burlington running through here.
Fr-iin TliurfiJav's Daily.
We were impressed this morning
at the Burlington station, ut a one
minute talk given by E. H. Schuhloff
as he was departing for his work at
Pacific Junction, Iowa. He said "It
does not require patriotism to par-
chase a Liberty Bond, it only requir
ed good business sense. When a
man pats himself on the back for the
purchase cf a bond, and credits him-
self with patriotism, he is trying to
tt paid twice, for the bonds are
good investments. Exercise gcod
business judgment. Then after that
be Patriots as well.
From Thursday's In:!v.
Charles Dovey, who has been "All
over the World," or pretty near ar
rived home last night from the east
coast, on a furlough for ten drys
duration. Mr. Dovey is now station
ed on the battleship Kentucky.
Mr. Dovey nas made a number of
trips to France, and was at Paris and
has setu a great deal cf the life on
the sea. Mr. Dovey likes the life
very well and will return to his
duties some time next week.
From Thursday's Daily.
On Tuesday of this week at the Ne
braska Territorial Pioneers Associa
tion at their twenty-sixth annual
meeting held in Lincoln, after the
banquet at the Liiulell Hotel. Hen.
Robert B. Windham conducted the
Campfire meeting, he being the one
presiding, at which many an apt
story was told of the early days cf
From Saturday? rily.
Laet evening Mrs. Lieut. L. W.
Whitaker, who has been teaching at
the High school departed for her
former home at Hastings, and was
seen off by a number of her former
pupils, at the Burlington station. The
girls had it in had to give the de
parting friend Mrs. Whitaker, form
erly Miss Flossie Bute, a shower of
rice, but as they were awaiting for
the train to pull out they were so
full of excitement, on Recount of the
way they were going to shower the
teacher, that they could not keep
still, and as they wiggled around and
changed the rice from hand to hand
the other passengers awaiting no
ticed It, and calling their attention
to grains as they shattered over the
siting room floor, the watchful eye
of the teacher became suspicious and
walkin& around to the end of the
feeat- found the floor strewn with the
said you would not. throw- rice at me
would you?
Just. then the train was readj-, and
they all climbed on the car and went
to Oreapolis with the newly wedded
teacher. What they did there we
do not know, but you can trust a
crew of girls with the life that that
dresses and Beautiful Decora
tions of Room and Tables
From Thursday's Daily.
Lai,! evening at the Hotel Wagner
was given the Ninth annuai banquet
of the Piattsniouth Commercial club
to nearly one hundred and fifty peo
ple. The committee having the mat
ter in hand is to be congratulated ou
the fact that it brought the affair to
so successful an issue. Before the
hour of serving had arrived, the lob
by of the hqtel was crowded with
guests who were actively and inter
estedly discussing the current top
ics of the day. The hotel had been
tastily decorated, the national colors
predominating in the scheme of dec
oration, and there were flags every
where, each a token of loyalty and
patriotism. A large flag hanging
from the ceiling in the lobby served
to screen on' the orchestra and at
the same time made a most beauti
ful appearance.
Throughout 'the hour of serving
music was furnished by an orchestra
composed of Dr. and Mrs. A. , D
Caldwell. Richard Avard. Ed Schuh-
and Clarence Ledgeway, with
Myra Senuer presiding at the piano
which ha1 retn kindly furnished by
the 5-tore for which she works tha'
of II. W. Knorr and wife. The mu
sic wes no small feature incidenta"
to the success of the banquet and a'
its sweet strains were wafted througl
into the dining room everyone en
joyed and spoke of the part the o
chestra was doing to help entertair
?.ud r-lcase the benquettcrs.
Passing into the dining room a"
the cal! cf rupper, one could no'
help but be struck by the decora
tion th'.-rein. Thc-re. also, were flag
in profusion, and on the east"
had been placed a design bearing tlif
letters "P. C. Club," done in very ar
tistic manner and which presented at
imposing effect.
When all were in readiness for the
seating, and while jet standing
Father W. S. Leete pronounced tlu
invocation in a plain-voiced, imprer
sive manner. Then came a socia"
hour, in which, to the strains of inn
sic by the orchestra in the lobby, tlu
banquetters did full justice to tk
feed which had been prepared fc:
them, by the Wagner Hotel chefs
The tables were decorated with rose
and cut flowers which added to the
At the close of the banquet, anc
after the cigars had been passe t
around, W. A. Robertson, who had
been selected as toastmaster. arose,
saying that he had come to this city
seme twenty years ago, and founu
the city without walks, the , store
fronts looking dingy, and with no
vision of the future, and that dur
ing the time he har. lived here he
has seen the town change into n
city, the stores undergo revolution
ary methods and the placing of side
walks and paving, as well, all over
the city.
Mr. Robertson called upon Mayor
Sat t ier, who spoke of the city, read
ing statistics which showed the im
provement the city has undergone in
the past twenty years, notable of
which is a large reduction in the
amount of bonded indebtedness. In
1900 this amounted to 1193.000 and
at the present time it is but approx
imately $131,000, with a new city
hall built in that time, and a prom
ise of another in five years which
should be a credit to .the citj
He called attention to the erec
tion of buildings worth w hile during
the past ten years,, such, as the post
office, the apartment building, the
public library, the Elks home, the H.
M. Soennichson store and the new
high school building and garages, al-
eo ctating that during that tim
there had been constructed 51 resi-
CemtixkiVti ea f&"je f.)
From Saturday's Daily.
Last Thursday evening as John
Rogers, was at the postoffice. Chief
of Police Barclay, who has been hav
ing him under surveillance for some
time, placed him under arrest, charg
ed with having and disposing of
whiskey. The suspicions of Mr. Ear
clay had been aroused for some time
by the actions of this man, and
awaiting until he had sufficient evi
dence to convict the n;an. Mr. Bar
clay placed him under arrest, and
he was placed in jail. They have
to be pretty smooth to get by the
chief when he one gets enough evi
dence to justify apprehending a per
Prrnn Satiir1av' Dnily.
Yesterday afternoon E. C. Hill, F
M. Bestor and George Luschinsky,
departed for Lincoln, where they go
to meet with the State Defense coun
cil which is meeting there at this
time. Mr. Luschiasky is also a mem
ber of the four minute men speakers,
and will meet with them as well.
Rev. A. J. Hargett departed this
morning for Lincoln, where he will
meet with the four minute men, who
are in convention at that place to
mm Saturday's Daily.
This morning M. J. Rummell de
parted for Omaha to visit his wife,
vho is at a hospital at that place.
and was accompanied by Mrs. Will
'iummell and daughter, Mis-s Flor
ence. bhould Mrs. Ilummell s condi-
ion be such as to make it advisable
Mr. Rummell will depart for his
home in the western part of the state
but in case it does not he will re
main near her.
rrpm Saturday's r-aiilr.
Last night T. L. Amick, Clarence
Mason, John Livingston jr. and Fred
Heil. who have been in the east for
some time, going to Lansing. Mich.,
vhere they took a course in the Reo
automobile school, and secured four
Reo Sixies, with which they started
ome some time since. They found
he snow deep, some places with the
-oads drifted full .from five to seven
"eet deep. They battled through with
l prat deal of difficulty for one hund
red and fifty miles, until they had
Totten to South Bend, Indiana, and
even assayed to come on, but about
ten miles this side of that place they
encountered drifts which seemed al
most impassible, and were compell
ed to return to South Bend. Here
they remained for four or five days,
thinking that soon they would be
able to get out, but finally had to
give it up and return without them.
r'roTi Saturday's rpilv.
Clee and Ray Wilson departed last
evening for Red Oak. Iowa, where
they will visit for some time at the
home of an uncle Elwood Wilson of
that place. Ray has been working
in the Burlington shops here for
ome time and . Clee just returned
from Kearney, where he has been
picking corn during the fell and
winter. They thought they would
ake a little visit before settling down
to work again.
Keep your valuable papers in one of our
Safety Deposit Boxes
$1.00 Per Year
Just received a limited number of boxes.
First National Bank
Our vaults are ABSOLUTELY Fire and
Burglary Proof,
Have Feed and Lance Alter the In
stallation List of Those Who
Installed is Given.
From Fri'lay's DaJlv.
Last evening at thtir hull tu thi.s
city the Degree of Honor of the A.
O. U. VV. held their installation oi"
officers for the coming year.
The Degree of Honor, notwith
standing the fact that the A. O. V. .
W. has been seeing some pretty har.l
times, has been progressing nicely ia
this state, and th? order in this city
has been especially prosperous. .
The installation of the officers last
evening showed a selection of cap
able and energetic workers as well
as conservative ladies for the posi
tions. Mrs. Mayme II. Cleaver. Grand
Chief cf Honor of the sta'e organi
zation was present from Lincoln and
conducted the ceremonies of induct
ing the officers into their respective
stations. The list of officers for th
coming year is as follov.-s: Mrs. Min
nie Pickard. Past Chief of Hoor;
Anna Ulerich. Chief of Honor; Mrr.
Alice Frickman, Lady of Honor; Mrs
Hernia Swoboda. Chief of Ceremon
ies; Mrs. Jennie Johnson. Recording
Financier; Mrs. Clara Knorr, Re
ceiver; Mrs. Barbara Snyder. Usher;
Mrs. Mary Kunsman, Assistant Ush
er; Llizabeth Bauer, Inside Watch:
Mary Hassler. Outside Watch.
rom Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. R. T. Mayfield who has been
visiting in this city called here on
account of the extreme illness of her
'ather John A. Monroe, departed this
afternoon for her home at Memphis.
Mrs. Mayfield has been here for the
past week, and has assisted in car
ing for her father. Mrs. S. C.
Stevens of Omaha, is with her fath
er now. assisting in his care. Mr.
Monroe has been showing some signs
of improvement . of late and it is
hoped that he will not continue to
gain, and soon be well again. He is
84 years of age and the sickness is
severe on him.
Prom Saru relay's Daily.
Will Evers and wife have moved
into the Coronado apartments, and
are now installed in one of the suite
of rooms, and Lave charge of the
building as the new Janitor cr care
taker of the place. Will is a fine
young man and should make good iti
this new position. Mr. J. D. Parker
who he is succeeding is one of the
best of janitors in the city and made
good at the apartment hou-se. Mr.
Parker does not as yet know what he
will do. but work being plenty he
will find something that he can do
some good work and receive good pay
as well.