The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 07, 1918, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    HOBDAY, JANUARY 7 19i8.
Huelilnann . and General Hoffman
Quarrel Openly Daring
Amsterdam, Jan. 4. A teicsrair.
from "Warsaw says that a special
train carrying the peace delegates
of the central powers has passed
through there on the way to Brest
Litovsk. f On the invitation of the German
foreign minister, Dr. von Kuehl
man, Prof. Emil Oplik, an. artist, will
go to Brest-Litovsk to sketch the as
sembled peace delegates.
Although the peace conference be
tween representatives of the Eolshe
viki government and the central pow
ers was due to reconvene Friday, no
news has come through indicating
whether the meeting took place.
;Xeither have there been any advices
whether the difficulties in the way of 5
'reaching- an agreement have been
surmounted, or in concessions by
rit'1,.er flue stalling possible further
nc totiatians -are intended.
Dissatisfaction with the proposals
cf ike central. powers apparently does
not obtain solely on tlie side of the
Bolsheviki government, but exists
-among the delegates of the central
powers as well.
Germany Domineering1.
Dirclosures cf details cf the Erest-I-itovsk
conference makes it clear
that Germany assumed a domineer
ing attitude, while Austria, Bulgaria
and Turkey were conciliatory and
disagreed with the arrogant position
of the Germans.
There were di fferences also among
the German delegates during the
meeting. Foreign Minister von
Kuehlniann and General Hoffman
elasaed openly. Germany posed con
stantly as a conqueror while its
three allies showed eagerness for
peace and a disposition to compro
mise. The attitude of the German social
ists against the demands of the cen
tral rowers, especially those provid
ing for the retention of Poland, Li
thuania Courland and other occu
pied territory,' has forced the imper
ial chancellor to refer to the situa
tion before the main committee of
the reichstag.
AN ENTER?? tcttjg
From Saturday's Daily.
Our avocation calls us to the Bur
lrngtcn station pretty often, and
there we come in contact of a crew
of Young American Newspaper Mer
chants, which would teach many a
ja good lesson. In the
-ey are all jolly good
" workers, and willing
nt, for the price it
. re not envious of
Oni .UCTIiIlin
to do each a
Two ...i t
mure. V j
the .. Five Re ey
:p occasion offers,
nd the bundles of
arrive all willing
and Vji"f P' in getting them ready
h.ttt, which if the public
whT'M -es to read them. The Bee i;;
handled in the moruing, and Mason
Wcscott has the allotting of the pa
pers to th? different carriers, who are
almost without an exception always
thrre. After the allotment, has been
mr.d. Mason picks up the strong
which they were bound with, and ev
ery, scr; p. of paper putting all in the
. waste basket, leaving the room, as
neat as possible. The station agent,
It. W. Clements allows the bovs to
2 TTfc'S
I be ri
Fer Service Livery ii 1 1 Boars!
Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles
Batteries Recharged!
Radiator Repaired! Storage!
On and. after January 1st, we will do a
strictly cash business.
PositiveEy Po Credit!
J. E. M A S
use the men portion of the waiting
rocxn for the dividing of the bundles,
and as a general thing they seem to
show their appreciation cf the favcr,
demonstrating their true American
geniality. "When they have received
their portions, out they go into the
highways, the byways, the business
marts, and the homes, calling, selling
and delivering their papers, feeling
that the world is appreciating their
effort, and that they are doing some
thing towards the general good of
mankind. So is the paper boys, with
the world before them, and a great
big future all his own.
Go after the proposition of life
and its successes my lad, we "know
you will win.
Whereas, the council of the city of
Plattsmcuth at a regular meeting,
in compliance with the request of
the United States fuel commissioner
to conserve fuel in every way poss
ible, did on the 2Gth of December
last vote to request the business men
of this city to take steps toward the
conservation cf fuel, and
Whereas, during the present
emergency unless immediate steps
are taken, our citizens may be with
out necessary fuel in their homes, I
John P. Sattler. Mayor cf the City
cf Plattsmouth therefore urge vrpov.
the merchants, and all lines of busi
ness in the city to get together and
agree on an early hour for closing
stores and places of business, and in
this way decrease the hours during
which fuel is used in your places vi
business. I offer ns a suggestion that
crccery stores and lines cf general
merchandise, close at six p. "m., and
hardware stores at the same time
Drug stores could easily close nr.
later than eicht p. in., soft drin'
places and billiard and bowling hall
between nine and ten. and all othe
lines close an hour earlier than their
usual previous closing hour.
As the chief magistrate cf t h!
city, I appeal to your patriotism ir
this time of our nation's peril, an1
"rge upon each of you, that you ow
it to your community to do all ir
your power, to aid in the saving of
"Witness my hand this Zth day of
January A. D. 191S.
Attest :
City Clerk.
FV'i'i Sji t imlnv's Daily.
Mr. Askwith superintendent of the
Nebraska Masonic Home, and Jame?
M. Robertson of this city were pass
engers to Omaha this morning, where
they are attending a meeting of the
Board of Control of the home, of
which Frank II. Young, who was re
ported as having been drowned in
the south a week since, was its presi
From Ratunliiv's Daily.
At the rate the blanks atv gong
ovi t' rre will be not left in a few
days for the local beard to send to
the i-c ; i-trants, as out of 170' w:ir,
ii'- c ..nty has there is not 1 4 r.r cf
on" n t. Today numbers f r ni i:"T.
to and inclusive of 1455 were issued.
Vallery and Cromwell leave
Plattsmouth every Saturday night
at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase
They have the good level black
soil that is raising all kinds of
small grain, corn and alfalfa.
Nobody has any lower prices and
better soils. Ask those who have
been out. 17-swtf
N, Fro p.
UrQTf IMP IQ 00111
Berlin, Jan. 4. Addressing the
reichstag main committee yesterday
Chancellor von Hertling said in re
gard to the Russian repectionof the
peace proposals dealing with dispo
sition of the occupied Russian ter
ritory: "We can cheerfully await the fur
ther course of this incident. We rely
upon our strcng position, our loyal
intentions and our just rights."
The chancellor announced that
Dr. von Kuehlmana has been in
structed to reject the Russian pro
posal to transfer the peace negotia
tions to Stockholm.
Chancellor von Hertling said he
greeted with satisfaction the oppor
tunity of the government and the
pecple's representatives of conferring
on the weighty and fateful decisions
which at the present time were be
ing discussed.
The government would take ad
vantage of this opportunity, the
chancellor said, to make communica
tions on the course the peace nego
tiations ro far have taken, and he
said he desired to receive sugges
tions from the representatives of
the people.
Count von Hertling said the for
eign secretary, von Kuehlmana, yes
terday, after a stay of only two days
in Berlin had returned to Brest-Litovsk.
rom Saturday's Oaiiv
It will be remembered that nearly
ten years ago, in li0S, that there
was a jewelry store robbed in Louis-
ville, by two men, whom it was sup
r.sed went in the direction of Weep
ing Water and there city marshall
Charles Ralston, endeavored to ar
."est them. The foremost cf the two
as he rounded a box car in the Mis
souri Pacific yards, shot and killed
Mr. Ralston who was constable and
ity marshall at Weeping Water.
The men made their get-away and
nothing was heard from them since.
Until the other day a letter wa? re
ceived from a man at Amorilla,
Texas, addressed to the ciy mTbnll
of Weeping Water, in which he says
that he has just been li'rp' 1
jail at that place and that he had a
ell mate a man who said in 190 5 he
'i?.d shot and killed the city marshall
of Weeping Water. The letter was
ent to Sheriff Quinton, who tcle
cra phed to hold the man, ind after
he termination of his sentence for
the offense for which he is in jail at
this time he will be brought to
Plattsmouth for trial for the com
mission of the crime which the man
testified he said he had committed.
Prom Saturc1aj''s Daily.
Deputy Organizer, W. B. Rishel
for the Woodman of the World, de
parted this morning for Gretna,
where he will install the officers cf
the camp, number 1S4 of the Wood
man of the World, tonight. Mr.
Rishel is kept busy these days in
stalling officers of the different
camps of that order over this por
tion of the state which composed the
district which he has supervision.
From Saturday's Daily.
Albert Birdsall, cf Hot Springs, S.
1)., who has been visiting at the
home of hir, brother Peter Birdsall
at Missouri Valley, Iowa, for the
past few days, and in company with
his brother Peter Birdsall, they come
to Plattsmouth last evening and will
visit with Harry Hinton near Mur
ray today as well as will visit at
Louisville with friends.
I'roin Saturday's Daiiy.
John Brady, who has tried this
plan and found it to work well, offers
is as a way to get by the hard propo
sition of high price and scarcity of
coal. He advises anyone to get a good
fire in the beginning and when so
done to make a cone of ashes in the
center of the Hre, which will pre
vent the heat from escaping out of
the chimney, and throw it to the
side of the stove or furnace, where
it comes in contact with the side, and
is thus utilized, where it would not
otherwise have been, and in this
manner a large portion of the fuel
can be saved and still the same
amount of beat obtained. When feed
ing additional fuel to the fire later,
scatter it about the edges instead of
placing it in the middle.
Eand-IIcNaliy war maps for tale
at the Journal oflce.
rY'-m Saturday's Daily.
Charles Snyder of near Murdock
was a visitor in Plattsmouth last
evening and departed for his home
f late last evening.
o. VI. Henncgar, of WeepitiT Water
wi- a business visitor in Pia-t uroi:!..
coming over to look after some busi
ness at the court house.
C. R. Bengen of Mynard motored
to this city yesterday to attend to
important business matters and gave
this office a pleasant call.
G. E. Young of Nebawka motored
to this city yesterday afternoon to
attend to some business matters and
was a pleasant caller at this office.
John Yardley was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last evening looking af
ter some business and returning to
his home east of Murray later in the
Everett Ward departed this morn
ing for North Tlatte where he is
teaching in the public schools, and
was accompanied as far as Omaha by
his mother Mrs. Robert Ward.
11. C. Miller of Alv V.' as ing
f:i?nds and attending to business
matters in the city yesterday nn.i
gave this office a very pleasant call.
While here Mr. Miller renewed his
subscription for another year.
Mrs. John Becknian and two small
boys, who have been visiting at the
home cf Mrs. Eeckman's parent's
John Wiles and wife, south of the
city, for the past week, departed for
l)-r home at Louisville last, evening.
Mrs. J. T. Baird of Cleveland,
Ohio, who is visiting at the home
of her mother near Greenwood, ar
rived in this city today and departed
for the home of her uncle George W.
Khoden, where she will visit for some
Wm. A. Wolf and brother Henry,
and two sisters from near Eagle were
nn me cny last evening idomuk auvr
some business and while in the city
mnde this office a pleasant call, and
arranged to have the Journal make
a call at the Wolfff home from nov
on. John Holka of Alvo was a visitor
in Plattsmouth this morning, where
he was looking after having hie
c.u est ion blanks filled out, and then
c'.opprted for Omaha, where he will
lock after some business before re
turning to his home at Alvo.
Miss Jessie M. Robertson who has
been visiting at the homo of her par
ents' James M. Robertson and wife
during the Mid-Winter holidaj's, de
parted this morning via the Bur
lington for Champaign, Illinois,
where she is attending the Univer
sity of Illinois.
L. G. Baker of Truro, Iowa, who
has been visiting in this city and
scuta of town for the past week
with his brother W. H. Baker, de
parted this morning for his home
and was accompanied home by bis
brother W. H. Baker who will visit
there and at Murray, Iowa, for about
a week.
From Thursday's Dallv.
Galen Ilhoden from near Murray
was looking after some business in
the city this morning coming in with
his car.
James Conn and Ed Kohrell, of
near Union. , departed this morning
for a visit with friends and relatives
at Lincoln.
W. F. Gillespie, the grain man
from Mynard. went to Omaha yester
day morning to look after some busi
ness and returned home last evening
over the Burlington.
George W. Snyder was a business
visitor in Omaha yesterday, going
on the Missouri Pacific train from
Mynard and returning on the Bur
lington last evening.
E. Wagcner, jr., of near Louisville,
was a visitor in Plattsmouth yester
day, looking after the filling out of
his Questionnaire, and attending to
some oilier business as well.
Miss Anna Rys, who has been
spending her vacation in this city,
at the home of her parents. Mike
Rys and family, departed last even
ing for her home at Louisville.
Mrs. Hip Tritsch, who has been
visiting in the city as a guest at the
Lome cf her mother, Mrs. J. P. Keil,
and other relatives, departed this
morning for her home at Percival,
I. L. Thomas and wira or near
Louisville, were in the city today
looking after the filling: out of Mr.
Thomas' Questionnaire, and also do
ing some trading with the local mer
chants. Mrs. J. J. Schneider, of Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in the city yes
terday afternoon and was a guest at
tire home of Mrs. E. J. Richey. She
departed last evening on the late af
ternoon train
Mrs. Dr. T. W. Pughlcy and two
children, who have been visiting at
the home of Mrs. Puguley's parents,
W. A. Taylor and wife, departed this
afternoon for Omaha, where she wil!
visit for a few days.
James Hesseuflow, the rural car-
We can't stop the high prices from coming
but we are doing our best to hold them back as long as possible.
We saved you some money last week on overalls. Here's where
we are going to give you another lift:
Men's good warm flat fleeced union suits all sizes at
present, but cannot duplicate. Each
Boys fine rib black stockings in sizes from 6 to 9 on sale
here at per pair
A Few Small Sizes co Close at 20 Cents per Pair.
Men's Kiki flannel shirts, well made, 2 pockets. These
cannot be duplicated. Buy 3 or 4 of them
rier on the Cedar Creek route, was for a long time at one of the hes
a business visitor in the city last ev- pitals in Omaha, where she was treat
euing, transacting some business ' ed for blood poisoning, is while s'le
withthe Plattsmouth merchants. Ha is around, still fur from having the
departed for his home later in the ! use of her hand and arm. It drops
Mrs. Peter Meisinger and son,
Balse Meisinger, came in on the
Schuyler train from their home near
Cedar Creek and are looking aftr
some business in the city, as well
as attending to the filling out of
Balse's Questionnaire.
W. H. Barker r.nd wife, with their
son, Flcyd. arrived in the city this;
morning from Louisville, where they j
have been visiting for pome time, J
and will visit at the heme of Roy
Howard west of Mynard for a short
time before going to their home at
Tekama. Mr. Barker and family will .
move to Raymer, Colorado, to make
their home in the sprrng.
rom Friday's Dai:-
J. A. Doughty, of near Xehawka,
was a visitor in the city today look
ing after some business at the court
George S. Smith pf near Rock
Eluf3 was a visitor in Plattsmouth
todry looking after some business
with the merchants.
Mrs. Charles Creamer and daugh
ter were passengers to Omaha this
afternoon, where they are looking
after some business.
Herman Beck from near Xehawka
was in Plattsmouth last evening look
ing after some business, and return
ed home late last night.
Mrs. J. D. McBride was in the city
today looking after some business
coming from her home in Omaha ov
er the Missouri Pacific.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was
a business visitor in the city last
evening coming up in his car, and re
turning home later in the evening
Mrs. Tabitha Thacker and daugh
ter Miss Lillian were passengers to
Omaha this morning, where they are
looking after some business for the
Phillip M. Meisinger of Benson,
arrived in Plattsmouth this after
noon, to look after some business in
the city and to visit with his broth
ers Wm. and L. A. West of the city.
Word from Mrs. II. Waintroub is
to the effect that that lady is improA -ing,
at the home of her son Charles
Kirsch, and that she will return to
her home in Plattsmouth next Sun
day. Mrs. M. Tritsch and little sou Mar
vin, departed last evening for Cedar
Creek, where they will visit at the
heme of John Hennings, who is the
father of Mrs. Tritsch.
Luke L. Wiles and wife were pass
engers to Omaha this morning, where
they will visit with the family of
F:;nk Wiles. a brother and will also
.oor after some business as well.
L. C. W. Murray of Weeping
Water who has been visiting at the
home of his son Guy Murray, south J
of the city,- was in Tlattsmouth yes
terday looking after some business at
the court house.
Miss Ruth Fitzgerald, of Louis
ville, who has been visiting in the
fity for the past few days, a guest
vA tne home of Mrs. T. E. Parmele
and Miss Nora Livingston, departed
for her home last evening.
Miss A'elma Elliott departed last
evening for Cedar Creek, where she
will visit at the home of Samuel
Hackenberg, and was accompanied
on her way home by Mrs. Hacken
burg who ha3 been visiting here for
some days past.
Harry Todd and wife from near
Union came up to Plattsmouth this
morning in their car to look after
some business and after having done
so were the guests at the heme of
Russell Todd's for dinner, returning
home this evening.
Mrs. C. C. Spanglcr with their
t:.ti i.-i,r. lmvn ion i-Jvitinc
in tbis city for the past two weeks,
wjth the parent's of Mrs. Spanglcr,
Mr .and Mrs. A. S. Will departed this
morning for their home near Angus,
where they are engaged iu fanning.
Mrs. George W. Ulioden, who was
almost uselessly at her side, but is
j showing a very little improvement.
I George A. Kaffenberger was a
j passenger to Omaha this morning
( where he goes to attend a fine stock
j sale at the south side market, at
which there is to be a large amount
of the Herfords sold. Mr. Kaffen-
j berger has been interested in Her-
fords for a number cf years, and has
bred raised and morke1ed many fine
Epecimens of thi3 noled variety 0f
Last evening George McDamei, re
turned from a trip to Missouri Val
ley, Iowa, where he has been visit
ing. Mr. McDanicl was called to
Omaha as a witness in a case of the
United States vs. Harry Mechanic, the
party to whom was sold the tin,
which was taken from the car on the
Burlington tracks about two weeks
since. Mr. McDaniel says that the
man, Harry Mechanic, has an at
torney looking out for his case, and
that when the plaintiff had rested its
case, that there were no witnossei
offered in the behalf of the defend
ant, but a bond was given for his
appearance to the United States Dis
trict court, which was furnished and
he was given his liberty.
It still remains to be ceen
the courts will eventually do
the case.
w it'll
Stcmach Troubles.
If you have trouble with jour
stcmach you should try Chamber
lain's Tablets. So many have been
restored to health by the use of these
tablets and their cost is so little, 2 3
cents, that it is worth while to give
them a trial. i
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
The S
You have been asked to conserve food.
You have been asked to conserve fuel.
Most every item which is used directly or indirectly
by the vast army which is in the making, Uncle Sam is
putting his thumb upon and asking you to save.
Our trade Journals tell us ve are preparir g for a war
of at least five years duration. One of the biggest essen
tials and the one next to food, for the successful terminus
of this war is clothing. A man is no more a man if ill
fed, than if poorly clad.
The government now advises the use of reworked
wool or 60 wool and 40c cotton, all this is to conserv e
wool in order to clothe an army fcr a period of years, no
one can tell how many.
Ultimately you must
the best clothing materials
1 f 1 . .
snop or gooa repute can sun sen you an an wooi suic at j;;
little or no increase in cost and stand right behind this (jj
parment as in normal times. W
Our appeal to you is an honest one whether you
buy here or elsewhere buy your suit or overcoat now
buy two of them if possible; the saving in the six men ths
to come will be no small one. And be careful GET
THIS be careful of the "Clearance Sale"- buy merchan
dise. Pay the price for it, but don't buy what is offered
at a cut price unless you are an expert judge of values.
We close at 6 p.
m. except Satur
day and Pay Day
From FrlJav's Dailv.
Phillip Hirz, one of Cass county's
prosperous and enterprising young
farmers and stock men, residing six
miles wes of here, has been suff
ering for the past few days with an
acute attack of pneumonia. He was
taken ill last Sunday evening and
the attack was very severe from the
start. While he has been a very
sick man he is not considered ser
ious and all hopes are entertained
for his speedy recovery to good
From Thursday's Diiily.
Mike Tritsch who is the Deputy
Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. will
go to Louisville Monday night, Jan
uary 7th, to install the offi
cers of that lodge, which have been
elected. The occasion will be one in
which there will be a large number
! of Odd Fellows. present. Mr. Tritsch
was initiated into the order in that
city in 1SS7. which is a little over
twr-r.ty years ago.
Besides being a good Indian." Mr.
Tritsch is also a good Odd Fellows.
There are large and small tracts
cf land near home that you can buy
right through the agency of Curtain
& Mcckenhaupt, of Sterling, Neb., as
you will reo by their ad in another
column of this paper. They have
some very choice farms near Sterl
ing, and will take pleasure in fchew
irg you the value of the same if
you will take a day and visit with
them. tf-tf-tf
East P.iley Kotel
Ccntcs B ock,
Second Floor
pay your share of contributing i
to the army. Any clothes j
-71 11 11 1 . . . ('(