MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1918. PAGE TWO PL ATTSM b UTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. i c j . a c t d t t P v ji c" fl d ti it r a i: a." J rt 1m t i: la v :a .s IK a rc c-c in ul se in ra r.l th lit ( J Don't Forget to Look at This Space for Specials JEXT rois MURRAY, CONVENIENCE IS WATCH WORD ON SNYGER FARM From Thursday's Daily. Bert Coleman and two other car penters, Fred Sydebotham and Her man Gartleman, are working on the horper bins of the new grainery, which they are constructing at the farm of Geo. W. Snyder. Mr. Snyd er is having the granery so arranged that it will save work for his men who has charge of the feeding oper ations, as all it will require in load ing a wagon, for feeding the stock, if to open a gate and allow the grain to run into the wagon, instead of getting intp the bins as heretofore and shoveling the grain out. CALLED BACK TO OTTUMWA. From Thursday's Daily. John Puth, the tailor who has been "in the -employe of Fred Busch for the past several months, was called back to his home at Ottumwa, Iowa, yesterday, in response to a message conveying news of the ser ious illness of his daughter in Ohio, which necessitates his wife making a trip to the daughter's bedside. Mr. Puth will remain at home until such time as his wife may return from Ohio, after which he expects to re turn and resume his work here. A native of Germany for many years, Mr. Puth is a well informed man on affairs in the 'Fatherland' and a staunch American citizen, whose sympathies are not with the Kaiser. The writer has enjoyed a rather close acquaintanceship with him and found him a most pleasing man to converse with. He is aiding the nation at war by the purchase of Liberty bonds and otherwise do ing his bit. "We should be pleased to pee Mr. Puth move his family to Plattsmouth when he returns to re sume his work here a few weeks . later. :-:-:-i-w--H--:- SOCIAL DANCE at the PULS & GANSEMER HALL January 17th Music by the Desduhdes Col ored Orchestra of Omaha. Given By MURRAY DANCING CLUB . You. know the good time that will be in store for you, so do not fail to come. Journal Want-Ads Pay! t iiyEtaee Land? When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every'year. f Take your car and dri ve to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. We have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 300 acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass county people. Drive overto Sterling, feb., and see us. Phone Red 5 WEEK!. Gansemer, NEBRASKA NOW TWO GIRLS IN THE CARL GARL6UR6 HOME From Thursday's Daily. Last evening as we went into Dovey's store where we met Carl Carlberg, we. were under the impres ion that spring had come, for the beneficient smile with which he greeted us was wonderful. As warm as the noonday sun, bright as the sparkle of Venus and pleasant of the salutation of Santa Claus, was the smile with which he greeted us. We were pleased, but just as we were going to ask the cause he said you did not get the 'Big Girl at our house. Then we knew what it was Well, why not smile? He has a right to and his good wife also, now that there are a pair of the little girls, and may they ever bless their parents. CHARGE IN CHIEF OPERA TORS AT TELEPHONE OF Fro:n Thursday's "Dally." Miss Laura Meisinger,. who has been the chief operator for the Lin colli Telegraph and Telephone Com pany, has been promoted to the posi tion of Toll Operator at David City and departed yesterday for her work at that place. Miss Meisinger who has been the chief operator in the Plattsmouth office for some time was well liked by the operators and the clientage of the company, hav ing especially made good in the posi tion, and is deserving of promotion which has come to her. The position which was formerly occupied by Miss Meisinger has been filled by Miss Felma Hamfen, who has been the chief operator at David City, and she comes to Plattsmouth with a year of good work at David City, with a determination to make good her position Vith the people here. THESE ARE TV70 FROM TODAY v From Thursday's Daily. Plattsmouth is the gainer of two families for today, this being the third of January, and if the clip can be kept up, her growth for the year should be satisfactory. Besides Le ander Bennett, who we have men tioned in another column, we have the family of C. W. Vosler, who comes to make his home from Ash land. W. C. Vosler, a brother having moved here some two months since All three of the families will work in the Burlington shops. The finest line of Box Papers a the Journal office. Sterling, Nebraska JUNK BUYER WITHOUT A LICENSE TURNED LOOSE From Thursday's Daily. At the trial of J. Jajger wiio was arrested for buying junk, without a license, some week or more since, and a cash bond taken therefore, was released by Judge A. J. Beeson, act ing as Polic Judge this afternoon. Mr. Jajger who is a junk dealer in Omaha, was in Plattsmouth and had been making purchases, and was rounded up by Chief Barclay on ac count of working-without a license as provided by the city ordnances. The county judge in the capacity of police judge turned the fellow loose. LIES. J. C. CUMMINS VERY SICK. From Thursday's Daily. Mrs. J. C. Cummins, mother ot Dr. Frank Cummins and Miss Kittie Cummins, is reported as being very sick, at her home in this city. Mrs. Cummins has a very severe attack of pneumonia. Every care is being given the good lady. Dr. E. D. Cum mins was down last evening from Lincoln, to consult with Dr. Flynn regarding the condition of his moth er. VISITING AT DAVENPORT, HEBE Prom Thursday' Dailv. John and Will Smith of KocK Bluffs, accompanied by their sister Mrs. William Sherca, and two child ren Erma and Faul. departed last evening for Davenport, where they will visit at the home of their sister Mrs. John Marquette and family. They will be away for about a week. PLATTSMOUTH GIRL WED DED ON HEW YEARS DAY From Thursday's "Daily. At the St. Paul's church after the New Year services had been con cluded and the congregation dispers eel, was performed the ceremony which united the lives of two of the young people of Nebraska,' Miss Min nie Born cf this city, the.accomplisli ed daughter of Leonard Born and wife, and Mr. Otto ChristofCerscn cf near Herman this stale. ' The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. U. Steger,-pastor of the St Paul's church. The bride was bora in Nebraska; and but a irilcs from Plattsmouth, where' s-iio ha." a host' of friends, and 'who wish, her and her husband long life, prosperity and much happiness-. The youn people will make their home on ?. farm not far from Herman, Neb. where they have a home already pro pared. The Journal with ethers ex tend to them best wishes for all the things which go to make up a suc cessful life. BUYS A FORD AUTOMOBILE. From Thursday's Daily. This afternoon Ray Hitchman, and Hallie Perry departed for Oma ha, and returned with, two touring cars of the Ford variety, one of which . has been sold to Herman Kichter, and who has been waiting for the car for some time. Every week sees a number of these cars go into the hands of the citizens of Cass and Sarpy county, as a portion of Sarpy county has been added to the territory of this- selling station. BOARD OF EDUCATION SELECTS NEW TEACHER From Thursday's Daily. . Mrs. Edna Dalton with the ending of the last term of the public school resigned her position as teacher, and departed for Manhattan, Kansas, thus leaving a vacancy in the ranks of the teachers in this city. A short time since Miss Mattie Larson was elected to the position and will oc cupy the position which Mrs. Dalton formerly occupied. Miss Mattie Lar son has been teaching at Hastings, where she has resigned to accept this position. Prefers Chamberlain's. "In the course of a conversation with- Chamberlain Medicine Co.'s representative today, we had occa sion to discuss in a general way the merits of their different preparations. At his suggestion I raKe pleasure in expressing my estimation of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. I have a family of six children and have used this remedy in my home for years. I consider it the only cough remedy on the market, as I have tried ncarly all kinds. Earl C. Ross, Publisher Hamilton County Republican-News, Syracuse, Kan. CARD OF THANKS. . The Library Board wishes to thank the people of Plattsmouth and the surrounding community for their generous donations . of money and books to the Soldier's . Fund. 1-4-ltdltwkly -" Journal Wart-Ads Pav! m 03 8 l-pi Sl tf' the remed v. It's helped II- u,. VWI reriturv record millions. Has a hah century recoru of use. First close brings renci. ry- rs f3 bold Dy an oruKS1013- s giiRa. v.k t m x. t Li ta ..z--- for Coughs s Colds "Keep Bowel Movement Regular Dr. King's New Life Pills keep you in a healthy condition. Rid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your complexion by keeping the Bowels regular. Get a 25c. bottle from your druggists to-day. Effective but mild. FORMER CITIZEN HEBE DIES AT AURORA, fiEEB. From Thursday's Daily. Mr and Mrs. Bennett Christ weis- ser and Mrs. Wra. Gilmour departed this morning for Aurora, where thej- go to attend the funeral of one of the former citizens of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Wra. Morrow. Mrs. Morrow passed away New Years morning at the home of her son, Andrew Mor row of that place. Mrs. Morrow was born in Missouri, her maiden name being Miss Artie Shaw and she was 76 years of age. From Missouri they moved to Iowa and came to Cass county, locating near Murray, forty eight years ago. She and her hus hand lived on the fnrm just east of Murray for a number of years, ar.d moved to this city som? year;; ago. After coming here Mr. Morrow died and Mrs. 'Morrow wont to live-with her children. The interment will al so be at Aurora. FROM V7KP'T TKS JURORS WILL BE DRAWN Froru ThrrstJnv's Daily. The county commissioners in ses sion at the court house have certified 'lip following names to the clerk of the district court from which he with tho sheriff will draw the jury for the coi"iL term: Tipton, Ed Doran, Auslin Trimble, A. W. Ncrris. Oreer.wood, W. J. Althauso, W. V.. Dcwd. Vi'it Creek, 7. C. Lcymer, Frank .Hurlburi, TJcr.ry Kleiser. Elmwood, Henry Ruhga, Henry Garbling, J. J. John-on. South Bend, B. F. Dill, Waiter J. Clousc. Weeping Water. Walter Harmer. C. C. Jackson, W. L. Hob fon. Stove Creek, E. W. Bornemeier, H. O. Miller. Center, John Iloutli. Charles Murpbey. Louisville. Geo. Richart. W. M. Hoover, Chas. Van scoye. Avoca. John Behrr.r. John Bates. Mt. Pleasant. Leo Switzer, F. A. Hansen. Eight Mile Grove. C. T. Peacock, Julius Hilflickc-r, John Wolf. Nehawka. Ceorge Hansen. H. F. Stoll. Liberty, John M. C!ia!fant jr., J. D. Cross. L. G. Todd. Rock Bluffs, 1st, John Lloyd. Ed. Leach, Dick Pitman. Rock Bluffs, 2nd. Win. Wchrbein. Alfred Nichols. Plattsmouth precinct, S. A. Wiles. Ed. Rummell.;Ed. Beins. Platts mouth City. 1st ward, A. P. Smith, J. Iverson. 2nd ward. E. M. Buttery, Jas. nebal. Henry aicMaken. .'.ra ward P. P. Meisinger, C. E. Haynie, Ed. Mason, J. A. Lieberthal.' 4tb ward, E. C. Harris, Gus Sv.-g.nson, A. T. Fitt. nth ward, Fred Majors, J. N. Elliott. Weeping Water pre cinct, W. W. Colson, G. E. Gibber son. VISIT WITH JESSE T0V7ER. From Thursday'.: Daily A number of relatives gathered at the S. L. Cotner home Tuesday, New Year's Day and spent the day together and for the purpose of en joying a visit with Jesse Tower of Fort Riley, Kas., who had been is sued a short furlough, in order that lie might be home with the folks once more. He arrived at 7:45 Tues day morning and returned to Fort Riley Tuesday evening on No. 14, over the Burlington. The relatives in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham and son Harry of Shenandoah, la., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Duffield of Oma ha, O. II. Tower, W. A. Tower, Henry Trout, Arthur Cotner, John Conrad, and Jesse Hanson, who motored up from Avoca. He was showered with wishes for a safe return as they bade him farewell at the train. Mr. and Mrs. Duffield departed for their home at noon and Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham yesterday afternoon, over the Missouri Pacifis. Are Your Sewers Clogged? The bowels are tho sewerage sys tem of the body. You can well imag ine the result when they are stopped up as is the case in constipation. As a purgative you will find Chamber lain's Tablets excellent. They are mild and gentle in their action. They also improve the digestion. For Sale A number of white Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E. Heeb ner, Nehawka. LOSES SIGHT OF ONE EYE AS RESULT OF A GOLD From Thursday's Daily, termination of the troubla As a termination which Edward Toman has been hav ing for some time past with one of his eyes, and which supposedly was started from a cold which he caught, Mr. Toman is now deprived of sight through the member entirely. Yesterday at the hospital, the eye ball had to be removed, as the dis ease was of such nature that the globe of the eye was decomposing and accompanied with this there was danger of the affection spreading to the other eye. The operation was very painful, but since the removal of the globe he haa been resting con siderable easier, and it is hoped that the member will now soon be well. Miss Josephine Toman, his sister. went to Omaha this morning to see her brother. Last evening when Frank return ed home after having witnessed the operation and stayed until his broth er had recovered from the effects of the anaesthetic, he reported Edward was feeling in very fair condition The many friends of Mr. Toman here will be pleased to know that he will in this operation have ended the suffering incident to the infec tion of the eye and hope he will ex perience no further difficulty. MAY LOSE SIGHT OF EYE 'roin Thursday's Daily. Fred Ohm, Sr., who is at a hos pital at Omaha, where he lias beou having an eye treated, which was in jured "at the Burlington shop; v,o;ne time since by a blow from ti piece of wood which he v;u; breaking in or der to remove a bolt therefrom, is reported to be in sucli condition th:l the? eye. Ho i-" r.ow ivabl."1 to ucoj with the injured rye at al! and li;-' Ic h:pi of regaining its -use is !: I out by the doctor:--. Mr.-.. E. K. 0!n: . vife of a sun who lives in Oniriha, fame down ki.'t evening to visit Mr: Oh".:. Sr., r.nd tbey together went to Omaha this afternoon to vizit Mr. Ohm at the hospital. with IS NOW WITH TilE BED GROSS OVEB IN FRANCE t-'rol.l Tin'yV 1 ;i ;lv. A k;trr ;';ui Wendell Horning, who IcH hero lr..:t rumnvr frr the -.c"t till!; went to California, tells nf bi:: having engaged in the lied Cross j v i K, and of be ing i-i France l hi i time working with that organization. M. Horning was 1:1 west f r lMiniber of year1'. :'i il aMo i.o.ri.- it 'i:-- time of :b. diili ut his jp.ik ; i;rj. Horning, ? ut went ;o !:' vpst again, who ? t rngagjl v':i the Red Cross work. Soon Over His Cold. Everyone speaks well cf Chamber lain's Cough Remedy after having usfiii it. TIrs. Crorge Lewis, Pitts field, N. Y., bar; this to say regarding it: "Last winter my little boy, five years old, was sick with a cold for two or three weeks. I doctored him and used various ccugh medicines but nothing did him much good un til I began v.sing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He then improved rapidly and in a few days was over his cold." XVl'ICi: TO UilKT TITI,i: In t ! i District Court oT Cass county, Nebraska. , Virgil .Mull is. Plaintiff, vs. .T.isi r-.i Harper, et al. Defendants. To tho Defendants. Joseph Harper, ami Jane A. Harper, his wife, the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of Joseph Darnel- deceased: the unknown heirs, dev isees, letratecs. personal renresenta- j tives. and ail persons interest..! in Go estate of Jane A. Jla.per. deceased; John W. Young and Aminda Young, his wife; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of John W. Young, deceased: the tm know n heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons Interested in the estate of Amanda Young, deceased; A. J. Kerr and Julia Kerr, his wire; the uaknown heirs, devis es, legatees, personal, reprcsen J;.tives and all persons interested in the estate of A. J., deceased; the unknown h-irs. devisers, legatee-, per sonal l -ci-rf scntaii ves and al! persons interested in the estate of Julia Ken deceased; Andrew J. Kerr; the un .known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives ami all persons interested in the estate of Ar.drew J Kerr, deceased: C. A. JNIarr; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, anil all persons Interested in the estate of G. A. Marr, deceased; George A. ilarr; the tin known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons Interested in the estate of George A. Marr. deceased; D. F. Henry; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, ami all persons interested In the estate of D. 1 Henry, deceased: D. Far rand Henry; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of D. Furrand Henry, deceaseel; Kben S. Wheeler and Clara 1. Wheeler, his wife; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, und all persons interestctl in the estate of Kben K. Wheeler, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all persons interested in the estate of Clara 1. Wheeler, deceaseel; K. S,. Wheeler: the unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees. personal representa tives and all persons Interested in the estate of L. - Wheeler, deceased; Plattsmouth Lanet ana improvement company; the unknown claimants anil the unknown owners of Lots 11. 12, 13 and 14 in Block 1. and Lots 1. 2. 3 and jJsiSi our CHRISTMAS "NSt C ml You can join Come In IT COSTS NOTHING TO JOIN AND IS THE ONE SURE WAY TO HAVE MONEY. YOU CAN BEGIN WITH 10 CENTS, 5 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 CEN-, AND INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. JN 50 WEEKS: 10-CENT CLUB 5-CENT CLUB ' 2-CENT CLUB 1-CENT CLUB OR YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST AMOUNT AND DE CREASE YOUR PAYMENTS EACH WEEK. YOU CAN DEPOSIT 50 CENTS, $1.C0 ORI5.C0 OR MORE EACH WEEK. WE ADD 3 PER CENT INTEREST. COME IN AND ASK ABOUT IT. Farmers' State THE NEW BANK. 4 in Ii U 'sill in llrovnic's : ..'i.i.;,,.. t.f Lot 17. in tlx.- XK',1 f -u li the N'W, or SiMti-.r. l::. in Township 1 Nortli, 1U lOast of the 6tii I. M.. in .';. County, Nebraska. You ami each of you are hereby m tiiitu lliiit on the 17th lay of Decem ber. 1 : 17. plaintiff liled his suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebras ka, tbe i.bjeet ami purpose of which Is to ipiiet ami confirm plaintiffs title in aiMi to Lets 1, Z and 4, in Block J. ;iTil Lots 11, l- IS and 1 in Block l" in UrowneV Sub-uivision of Lot 17, in the Ni:4 ot the NW'V of Section Township 1-' North. Ranse IS K.ast of the it'n I". M., in Cass county, N'ebr.. anl to enjoin each arid all of you from having or claiming any rifcht, title, li.n or interest, either lesal or eiui t:ib!e. in or to sail land or any part thereof, am! to enjoin you anil each of vou in any manner front interfering with plaintiff's possession and enjoy ment of said premises and for equi table relief. This notice is given pur suant to the order of the Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday the 4th uiiy of February, 191, or your default will bo entered therein. VIRGIL ML LLIS. Plaintiff. A. L. T1DD, d-J l-ltsw. Attorney. i.nui::: to mkiw cai'sf; Iii the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska: " In the matter of the application of Reginald II. Thorn, Guardian of the l'eison and Kstate of Florence Thorp, a Minor, for License to tell Ileal Ks tate: :i rending and filing the petition, duly verified, ' of Reginald H Thorp, Guardian of the person and estate of Florence Thorp, a minor, for license to s-il the following ui scri bed real estate, to-wit: The undivided two forty-fifths (2-451 of the Kast half of the Southeast quarter of Section 23. the Southwest quarter of Section 21, the North half of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section lT ami the North half of the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, all in Town ship 12. Range 10, In Cass county. Nebraska; also the undivided two forty-fifths (2-1.".) of Lot 2, Block lift 4.'.-y, '2- :i ; . J . 'SS' fa fa- how desolate it looks. Of 'ccif5e yovi expect io erect -a rrorirreTt there eone tirrve - Or service is atyoxir ciiopooaJ-Now- Vfite for c.iojac and corcvpkk "i. r,i-.vv . r; .-y (C u until ill o u it m nit - ;.'.j ... P BANKING CLUB' and have PAYS PAYS PAYS PAYS $127.50 63.75 25.50 12.75 ank 10. in South Ucjid, platted and recorded ty, Nebraska or. so much thereof a as surveyed, in Cass cow ii- i s t ho' court may neem necessary and advisable, for tlx benefit of said ward, for the purpose of inyestnienf In lntrof hn!jritir r ceurities or some productive stock and for the education and maintenance of said ward, and it appearing from said petition that the minor's interest in said real estate is a small undivided portion thereof and the same is too small to render the property desirable as an investment; that said property can probably be sold at the present time for a fair value and that it is for the interest of her estate and for the benefit of said ward to convert said undivided interest in real estate into cash and invest the proceeds ia interest bearing securities or some productive stock, or so much thereof as may not Le required for her main tenance and education. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of sail minor and all. person interested in her estate appear before me at chambers in the Court llruso i:i the City of IMattsniouth in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, on the 14th day of Jan uary. ISIS, at 'J o'clock a. m., and show cause, if any there bp, why license should not be granted to said Rerrinabl II. Thorp, Guardian, to sell said rel estate for the purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be personally served on said minor at least fourteen days, be fore the day set for hearing, and that it be published once each week for three successive weeks in the Plattsmouth Journal. a newspaper printed and published In said county of Cass. i?aien at Chambers in said Countv cass inis ntn clay of December,. JAA1KS T. liKis' iioKe oi me iistrict dl7-3w) Cass CAST For Infant In Use For i Always bears the Signature cf That Unmarked Grave B .t"-.-..--"5.'v.-'.-. . . ' -I -KWe . f A 'T' I Of -"ft" 4 i IIL y jk