THURSDAY. -JANUARY 3. Lis. - PAGE SIX. PLATTSMOUTH SF3II-WEEKLY JOUKNAK WAR DELAY DUE TO GENERAL LACK OF FORESIGHT CONGRESSIONAL PROBERS POINT TO STUPIDITY IN ENTER ING THE WAR. Railroads are Blamed for Coal Short age Much Profiteering Dis covered Everywhere. Washington, Dec. 29. Lack of foresight caused the United States to enter the war backwards, in the opinion of congressional leaders to night, after two weeks of senate in . vestigations into war work. Summer! up, they show: "The army was called out before ships were ready to take it to Europe or adequate supplies were available for training here. "Coal and sugar are lacking in many communities and transporta tion facilities are such that raw ma terials cannot reach manufacturing plants fast enough to meet demands." The military committee has de veloped an astonishing situation in many training camps, the lack of clothing, arms and munitions being frankly admitted and in some cases denounced by Camp commanders, tes tifying on the stand. The probers developed that delay in purchasing wood cost heavily and resulted in production of uniforms and overcoats being months behind. Evidence of profiteering under the eyes of the national defense council and usurpation of the quartermaster general's power by the council. va5 revealed. " And while these conditions were being revealed the senate commerce committee learned that the wooden shipbuilding program is endangered by insufficient lumber supply and the steel ship program threatened by a lack of ' housing for thousands of workmen. At the same time testi mony showed rapid progress in con struction of fabricated steel ships, re pair of .enemy interned vessels and a substantial tonnage netted by the requisitioning of all vessels under construction in American yards, giv ing promise that America will meet all shipping demands. In investigating the coal famine, senatorial probers found a general inclination of witnesses to blame the railroads. The sole hope of improve ment lies in government control of those systems now in force, it is be lieved. , CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 "K 1IA.1H:I liRAM). A. DIED LAST EVENING AT LINCOLN From Monday's Daily. Last evening, death came to the home of Mrs. Agnes Chapman of Lincoln, when it claimed the bright young man Clement Chapman, just turned sixteen, and a son of Mrs Chapman. Clement had been sick with pneumonia, for some time and but little hope had been entertain od for his recovery. All which could be done by careful nursing, and medical science was done, but the disease had secured such a grip, that it could not be shaken and' the pat lent after a masterly fight for life succumbed, and last evening about six o'clock his life went out into that greater world, which awaits us all. The remains will be brought to this city on the noon train tomor row (Tuesday) and the funeral will be held from the Presbyterian church and interment made in the Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. Clement Chapman was born in this city, and spent the most of his life here, being known by most of the people here. With his. mother he went to Lincoln to live a few years since and had lived in that place, until his death last evening. ENJOY -VISIT IN CALIFORNIA. FroTi Monil.iv's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schaefer of Cedar Creek, who went to California several weeks ago, write friends in this vicinity, that they are enjoying their visit in the far west. They are nicely located at Long Reach and say the weather is most ideal, that the vegetables are growing and flow ers blooming. Mr. and Mrs. Schaef er were compelled to make this trip to California on account of Mrs. Schiefer's health, which has not" been the best for the past few months. They write that since their sojourn in California, that Mrs. Srhafer's Ilea ltli is very much improved, which will bo most -l easing news to her large circle of friends in this vicinity. HALF MILLION GERMANS IN U. S, MUST REGISTER WEEK OF FEBRUARY 4 SET ASIDE FOR CHECK ON ALIEN ENEMIES HERE. Austro-Hungarians Not Included in the Present Registration May Get Theirs Later On. DEPARTED FOR HIS HOME. From roi Mr. T .In v I. s D:li!v. Howard departed this morning for his home at Sac City. Iowa, alter having been visiting in the city for several days at the home cf his daughter, Mrs. Robert Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Howard arrived in the city some days since and have been the guests at the home of Mr. Haye3 and wife. Mrs. Howard the mother, will remain for a longer visit, while Mr. Ilov.ard goes home to look. after things there. l 3 Lntiiv! AU your Druepl.t fr U .111 F! U.K. .J.U TIi.--31ilC crc cl a.-.'.n I In? Ri!vo. Tuke no Her IJtiv of' toit iiA:i-r :;:.i rn.i.s, i,t years no w";rst.S:ife.r. Aiwa .I:v',;.i!,!( SO! ft RY fly' f-fK Flower Her Trouble Is Gone. Mrs. Thomas M. Davis, Montgom ery, Ind., says she had trouble with her bladder and had doctored for several months without relief, when Foley Kidney PilL wore reoomr.iend d and she using thm and gut relief. They relieve backach, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints and kidney trouble. Sold everywhere. Now For The old year leaves us pleasant memories and precious heritages; it has seen good things accomplished and greater things begun. The new year will be a new measure of progress, and its coming finds us prepared with pride and power and purpose for still greater accomplishments. We have indeed much to be thankful for, much to be joyous over, much to glory in. American material pros perity has long been a matter of world-wide comment, but this year we have been called upon to demonstrate that we also have spiritual prosperity. And sovhile we are ushering in Nineteen-Eighteen, let it be with pride in the past, power of the pre sent, and purpose for the future. We close at 6:00 J nilip ? VeJ' '1 ' Plattsmouth, Nebraska Washington. Dec. 30. The week ending February 4 was set aside by the Department of Justice today for registration of the half-million un naturalized Germans in the continen tal United States by police and post masters in pursuance ot President Wilson's alien enemy proclamation directing this action as a means of minimizing of the danger from enemy sympathizers. Registration will involve the gath ering of detailed information con cerning the business, relatives and habits of every German, together wjih his photograph and finger print ideiit ification. After registering he must carry a certificate card and may not change ins piace oi residence without ap proval of the police or postmaster. Violation of the regulations will be punishable by internment for the war. T'u1 orders do not apply to Ger man women, nor to any persons un der 14 years of age, because these are not classed as alien enemies by law. Subjects of Austria-Hungary are not required to register. WILL VISIT WITH FRIENDS. From Morula Vs Tn ilv. Last Saturday Rudolph Ramsell departed for Seward, where he will visit with his sister-in-law, Mrs. August Ramsell and her son Wil liam Ramsell, who formerly lived in Plattsmouth but who have been making their home at Seward for some years. After having visited there Mr. Ramsell will go to Colum bus, where he will visit with a niece, a daughter of Mrs. August Ramsell, formerly Miss Pauline Ramsell. now Mrs. L. L. Rewinkel who is a profes sor in the schools at Columbus. CLASS OF 1910 REUNION. From Morula v's Daily. Seven years out of High School, and school days not yet forgotten! Such was the spirit shown by the Class of 1910 of Plattsmouth High School Saturday evening, Dec. 29th, when they met at the "Hotel Wag ner" for their annual banquet, serv ed only as Mr. Wagner and his effi cient assistants can serve, with "Hooverized Menu" to help "Our Uncle Samuel." The tables were artistically decorated in the class colors brown and gold. ; Three former instructors, Mrs. Geo. B. Mann, Mrs. A. G. Cole and Mrs. U. I. Hayes were honor guests. A portion of the evening was spent in writing a class letter to Otto Lutz, who was formerly a member of the Dandy Sixth, but is now with the 12Cth Machine Gun Battalion at Camp Cody, and the remainder of the time was spent in talking over "School Days", refreshing memories with happenings of the pleasant years spent under the' 'Blue and White", where "Sizzle Sazzle", and "Chick-a-gorunk" are still the popu lar yells. The latter having been started by the class of '10, aided by Mr. Benj. Harrison, at that time the efficient principal. Gertrude L. Morgan was elected president for the coming year, suc ceeding Rachel Livingston, who has carried on the work since graduation days. Mattie Larson, Villa Gapen and Mary Peterson are the commit tee elected . to plan the meeting twelve months hence. Those present were: Rachel Liv ingston, Mary Peterson,' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O. Dovey, Marie Swoboda, Mattie Larson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Haney, Anna Snyder, Gertrude L. Morgan, Mrs. Geo. B. Mann, R. B. Hayes and A. G. Cole; Wayne Dick son and Francis Whelan, Omaha; Villa Gapen, Murray, and Mrs. C. O. Larson, Rock River, Wyo. .. Had the Grip Three Weeks. With January comes lagrlppe. Lingering colds seem to settle in the system, causing one to ache all over, feel feverish and chilly, tired, heavy and drooping. Mrs. Lizzie Tyles, Henderson, Ky., writes: "My daugh ter ha dlagrippe fo rthree weeks. I gave her Foley's Honey and Tar and now she is all right." Sold everywhere. The day of harsh physics is gone. People want mild, very laxatives. Dean's Regulets have satisfied thou sands. 30c at all drug stores. From' Monday s Daily Clifford Forbes,' who is stationed at Canip' Funston, Kas., was fortunate enough to hold one of those lucky numbers, ;which entitled him to a visit "with home folks for a few days. Clifford came to Omaha on the spec ial Saturday evening, which, had been arranged for the soldier boys at Funston and then came down to this city on the midnight train. When he walked in on the home folks, they were sure some surprised, as he had not had time to .write of liis com ing. - Clifford arid the home folks are sure enjoying their visit togeth er, this being the hrst visit home. Clifford has made, since going to Funston early in September. He will return to Camp Funston tomor row evening, going to omaha on the flyer over the Missouri Pacific, and going on the special from Omaha to Camp Funston. t mwm $ M gW'M v Start -'the New Year with a New Overcoat! If you knew how much you would have to pay for an "overcoat before 1918 closes you would hot-foot to this store and buy your full year's requirements. We are not joking. The advance has not struck here yet, but it's right at lhe door. We still have some dandy coats left at the old price. You better buy them Listen $15, $17. $21, $22.50 and $25.00. These prices will not be found on such coats again for a long, long time. Same can be said of suits. Buy now! We close at 6:00 P. M. except Saturdays cud Pay Days 3 1 1 1 1 - cor. m. -..-" 'EVERYBODY'S STORE." A few of those fast color, blue bib overalls left at $1.50. Better get yours. SURPRISE HOME FOLKS. JOHN R. BOARDMAN. John It. IJoardmim, community coun selor, who comes to the Lyceum courst this season, has had a big experience with men and affairs, -lie -was grad uated from the University, of Maine. For four years he was u newspaper re porter, editor and syndicate manager; for three years he. was general secre tary of Young Men's Christian associa tions; graduated from Harvard Theo logical Seminary ia 1S9S and was for four years a clergyman. Two years were spent In directing Small Town V 4 Subscribe for the Journal. Work for stale Y. M. C. A. committees. He, was a director of the Community Work Department of the International Committee Y. M. C. A. for seven years, financial representative Good Will Homes and Schools for three years. For four seasons he was a lecturer on Rural Community Leadership at Cor nell university, for one year at Massa chusetts Agricultural college. For one year he was a special field worker of the Boy Scouts of America. Some ex perience, Isn't it? And out of It have grown some great lectures, which are helping the small towns and "cities of America to find themselves. He ought to have a capacity audi-. efice when he appears here. 4th Number Lyceum Course Tuesday, January 8th. 4. w. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East ft Riley Hotel Coates Block, Second Floor J-M"! 'I I I 1 I I I '1"M"I-1 'tH ALV0. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all. Mrs. C M. Jordan was an Omaha visitor Thursday. School opened Wednesday morning after the holiday vacation. Miss Marie Appleinan visiied friends in Lincoln from Saturd I til Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vicker.s - of Duhuque, la., visited relatives here over Xew Years. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer took supper Xew Year's eve with Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Xickles. Mrs. Dale Boyles ana her mother Mrs. Hyder spent Wednesday and Thursday in Lincoln. Miss Grace Railey is teaching the 7(h and Stli grades in the vilhige schools of Greenwood. The Ladies Aid society met at Mrs. M. C. Keefer's Wednesday afternoon. There was a real good turn out. Mr. and Mrs. House had as Xmas guests all of their daughters and families except Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dabbit. The Misses Marie and Gladys Applemnn returned Thursday from Atlantic, Iowa, where they spent Xmas with relatives. Mrs. Geo. Vanscoy and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. Dan McCurdy before leaving for their new home in South Dakota. Mr.. and Mrs. Sam Cashncr return ed home with their son Sam Cashner of University Place. Saturday even ing visiting until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Wolfe came in from Omaha Sunday evening, where they had been visiting rela tives since their marriage in Lin coln which took place X mas day. The marriage of Miss Ruth Bailey and R. Clifford Appleman took piace in Lincoln Xew Year's day, the Rev. Howard B. Chapman officiating. Mrs. F. M. Grove returned to her home at Havelock, Saturday evening after visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo. Vanscoy and mother Mrs. Dan Mc Curdy. John Foreman and sister Aurel iiutoed to Lincoln Saturday evening returning home Sunday veiling,-Miss Blanche Clements of Havelrek ac companied them home, visiting Miss Aurel until Tuesday even inc. The Misses Pearl and Lois Keefer gave a watch party on Xew Year's eve 1 here being 27 guests present. Grimes were played and refreshments served after which the party pro ceded to Hast Alvo, where the charivari party surprised the bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Wolfe. Mr. and V.r. Chas. 11. Kirkpatrick celebrated their -tuth wedding anni versary XVvv Year's day. having as guests Mrs. Barrett of Texas and Mr. and Mrs. J. (.'. Pouse. Mrs. Geo. Babbitt and son Millard returned Wednesday from Albion, where Mie visited her husband since hi1 fore Xmas. She. found him doing fine and w ll p3eaed with conditions there. Mrs. Inez Gleason of Guide Rock and Mrs. Fay Xichol.3 cf Republican City, who have been visiting their pircnts 2Ur. and Mrs. Fred Clarke left th" latter part of the week for ilieir bonus. Christmas g-.icsfs at the Harry Apple-man home were Mr. and Mrs. L. Uptegrove. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Vppk-m'.in ;:n;l family and Mrs. S. Waldsch.lnger and son of Hannibal. Mo., the latter leaving for her home last. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Uptegrove and children left Tuesday evening for Lincoln to visit relatives after hav ing spent a week here with the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove and sister, Mrs. Harry Apple-man and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleman en tertained at dinner Xew Year's, Mr. and Airs. A. X. Young and son Farley Geo. Dayton, of Lincoln. Far ley Young is home on a furlough from the Great Lakes Xaval Train ing station for the holidays. A letter to Mrs. Geo. Foreman from Mrs. Lena Foreman at Los Angeles. Calif., states that her moth er, Mrs.' Wake was buried the day before Xmas. This next summer the body will be brought to Cozad. Xeb., and buried beside her parents. Weather fine out there. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wolfe, pioneer residents of this county, celebrated their golden wedding Xew Year's day at the home of their daughter Mrs. L. D. Mullen, which is also their homestead, where they settled fort -eight years ago. A sumpt uous dinner was served by Mes dames Mullen and DImmett to about thirty relatives and friends. They were recipients of many beautiful gifts and al! joined in wish- ' ing them many more years of happily married life. The only out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wolfe of Ashland, Nebr., a brother of Mr. Wolfe. A letter from Morgan G. McCurdy who had reached England in safety follows in part: On active service with American Expeditionary Forces, England, Dec. 9. IK 17, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCurdy, Alvo. Xebr., Dear Folks: I arrived here safely after a l." days trip across the ocean, which was very different from what I had thought it would be. We had two storms while crossing. I did not get seasick, but some of the boys did. It is raining here now and I am at the Y. M. C. A. rooms writing, some one is playing the piano and others are singing. I tell you the Y. M. C. A. is the greatest place in the world for us fellows. I just don't know what we would do without it. I wish I could be home Xmas to see you all again, and I don't think it will be long until I will be back homo again. Let us hope so anyway and please do not worry about me for I am doing fine. I wouldn't have miss ed this trip for anything. Saw some prc-at sights. Write often even if I don't. I am with the -80th Con struction Squadron A. E. F., via X. "Y. Your loving son, MORGAX G. McCURDY. GOOD LANDS NEAR HOME. There are large and small tracts of land near home that you can buy right through the agency of Curtain &: Mockenhaupt, of Sterling, Xeb.. as you will see by their ad in another column of this paper. They have some very choice farms near Sterl ing, and will take pleasure in show ing you the value of the. if you will take a day a them. GO KAY Vallery ar Plattsmouth at 7:45 for K counties. They have t. soil that is rai. small grain, corn Nobody has an) better soils. Ask been out. 1 i'Ci c- O: . ; mar : the and t. -'r . I N- ' i MCI. ; cist:, 1 1 II1 ' "' ' 1 rr. ; . lv-m..K.m . s . , V. . . COnir : litVk rfVrV .-'V : f,b1' tvSf rl ,i' , t z - t - . i Tj Lit.. t.jr.YA.... ,... ,.,. A ..; .. , . .. ) t ' 4 s V -I - , 1 A Bevey of Beauties with the "Katzenjammer Kinds" Cartoon Musical Comedy, at the Parmelc Saturday Night, January 5th. TD1 rot ! ir. D po 13.- JUtl j ipt i !rel , alt tOVi :iu Wee 'eat .Olli .vo It. M :h.l .ih . 'S' la'.f Mat 'irs- wo liirl oilri ifC ilisc )n 1 1, C; "tied P 1 that' and tent? T'i bl : who. 01 pj starv TP heel