THURSDAY, JAIHJATIY ? 10 J 3. PLATTSMOtTTH SFMLTOTCKLY JOURNAL. PAGE THREE. HV I I ft M MANLEY STATE BANK MANLEY, NEB. MURRAY STATE BANK MURRAY, NEB. BANK OF CASS COUNTY PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. BANK OF COMMERCE LOUISVILLE, NEB. FIRST SECURITY BANK CEDAR CREEK, NEB. to: :o:- -:o:- :o:- CAPITAL AflD SURPLUS $13,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SI 5,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $80,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $23,000 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000 -:o;- :o:- :o:- 9 r f t:. T.livi Lot - la r tllt CI Ult, ! - r the JCj 1 - OFFICERS FRANK STANDER AUGUST STANDER AUGUST PAUTSCH THOMAS E. PARMELE WM. J. RAU. GGM Fim Mon. lav's Pailv. . j. ... --.i.Mi.iui;er ot near cedar Creek was a visitor in Plattsmouth ' thi.5 morninsr. coroinir to Ir.nk nftor If 4 NEWS "f"n:e -business in the city. rr, -Wit on Parker cf Louisville was a l5i4fjT1--lIor in tho cit-v 'lhi morning. siooliins: r r.ftor soinv ' business for the Vay in th e count v seat.' Tyvry.f --lr. and" Mrs. William" "Fhipley of J.aPlaite were visiting in the city to u;iy at the home ot the frithnr of S2-.iDlev. 1). i . Or-iv,w IV .Ml i ,T. A L. )fvp.s a n. "Wehrbein of n?ar Murrav passenger to Omaha this morn- A. v.?t n?- w?re he is looking after some matters at the south .side cattle mar ket. rs. Robert Sherwood, of Omaha an'' soU Jack Sherwood cf Nebraska City. wre in the city for a Phort time today looking after seme busi ness at the court house. T. E. Parmelr. und wife accom- . . - - " v ' : : . I , itl (U mm VNis morning from a trip to Broken Jj - Pa?Ovlcre tne-v w-re visiting at the 't. Ranch near that place. . Miss Lb VY'M'-"- -t jLnir- v,il- Ua3 uoe lv- Farted i-,f ':rwtKas "iittayi.. t :r' lO IV-p lin oru. 4 , 1 "ur! Caching ascain ' ' wai ,e or .'.o iisvi, all in !f who have hfJn ? ar.i wire tome i;: ir oh r to ..'.!- to f rnoon ct" i f"or-tnet. " I , " -d in the ; a; i spent ( lt-"!;h a jl-ted ove - th a nr. this cfi Bur!int' ri-' Uenita Per . s r r . even'-.: le cf ,er parent's atism Til '.if-T! i i I. could V lii i, r .i . 1 t. .!.-. Lrakp- . m I'aila to Jack- iTfcfl of livliip." i'inv FMils adver ok s rr.o anil after .- tl. irousrhly cured i Ji.' r trouble, i Is v1 1 disappear .. .je oacr vne and rheu L, of Foley's Iviincy .r Ki-ir.eys Oorome rtive. a. -ips and nuns pear liVe raa.ic. T-'itMrsr t-. , lual tho rpnu. .11 b .; art r.- k idnpy or bladder cot ' . t-, fach of mw'ii-ir.Bj. Htin to 1. : Jul unii--. Tjv them. 'SOLD EVERYWHERE." ;ive tt. Si-:ar taintfrv s 's "Int ' ' 1 nail u:Ti L ! III ml ,t tin- -f ! $ i inl tli'J ' 1 to ; ! I in real li j niucly P i jo j fur 1. H r i ; H i 1 a i i i H ;'pr,'i. n z ' "urt. ' x o m '. z pi ,1 . i m !lll' " 1 1 i i v-N fizzy a n i TO BE GIVEN AT THE VlT I s 1 show! j Co ay, v", our COl; 1 uyiui u illumin; ds of! immense out" wh i the grot Xmas i the Z o'nemian National Alliance EVERYBODY WELCOME! 1 entire asj ies were J grea , jackie r jrvusic by the Plattsmouth Orchestrra f: of us wij J . back tr Aeate V that -Admission Gents DIRECTORS CHAS. C. PARMELE, President. FRED NUTZMAN. Vice-President. W. GLEN EOEDEKER, Cashier. ur Facilities Enable Us to Handle-Your Business in this Economically and on this Basis We Onvite Your W. P.. Porter and wife of Mynanl. and returned to her work at Omaha this morning. Little Misses Fern and Erma Stiv ers of Cedar Creek, who have been visiting in this city for the past week at the home of their grandparent's Simon Clark and wife, departed last Saturday afternoon for their home. Albert and Lloyd Hathaway of near Union, were in the city this morning looking after some business and' having seme matters to look af ter with Fred CI u gey who is the ad ministrator of the "estate of Wm. Stottl?r. Last Saturday M. Ilild, wife and daughter, Mrs. John Parkening de parted for Junction City, Kansas, where they go to see Mr. and Mrs. Ilild's son Enril J. Hild, who is at Camp Funston. They will be away about four days. Miss Pearl Barker, who has been visiting here for the past week with her many friends and relatives, de parted this morning for her home at Tekamah. where she takes up her teaching again on Wednesday, she f'eing or.e of the teachers of the public schcols of that city. The numbers telling of the issue of -the Questionnaires for today, show that inclusive 1051 and 1131, i is what is being sent out for today. This will make only about six hund red more, and will require about s?ven days more to send them out, ana another seven days before they fre all returned. From Wednesday's Daily Mrs. J. M. Patterson of Union was a pa.-senger to Omaha this morning where she is visiting with friends for a short time. Phillip Albert, who lives near Cedar Creek, was a business visitor in Plattsmouth today, having sot.? business to look after. Mi? 3 Laura Meisinger departed yesterday morning for Lincoln, where she will visit with friends and relatives for a short time. Mrs. Samuel O. Hackenberg, of Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city yesterday coming to visit with her friend Mrs. E. M. Godwin, and to attend the annual meeting of the Christian church. Frank Davis, of Weeping Water, was in Plattsmouth this morning, looking after some business and vis iting with his friends here. The scenic effects and costuming of the newest singing, dancing, fun and girl show, "Katzenjammer Kids", made from the original comic supple- Pence OKOL HAL January 5! Ik C. B. J. Society for the Benefit of 50c; Ladies Free nient cartoons, were selected especial care as to the color scheme and as a result all the stage pictures are a harmonious blending of beau tiful colors that will prove especially pleasing to the eye. Fred Carl Ftoll, of Nehawka, was in the city this morning looking af ter some business at the county seat, and also some matters about the city. Will T. Adams, the' teacher of the Jean School southwest of the city was a passenger to Omaha yesterday morning, where he was looking after some business for the day. Mrs. Peter Perry and grandson Forest Cook and wife of Myrtard motored to this city this morning for a short visit with friends and to attend to some business matters. Mrs. Walter Freeman, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Bockmeyer. for the past week, de parted last evening for her home in the east. Ben Dill, of southwest of Murray was a business visitor in the citj this morning, having some brsine? to transact at the court house aif al?o looking after some matters abou the city while here. ai Liooeim-'n, of near Un:on, wo a visitor in Plattsmouth today, com ing no this morning and looking af 'er soma business this forenoon. IV returned home this afternoon Wm. Kreager, of west of Mynard was a business visitor in the city to day, and also was looking after thr filling out of his Questionnaire. In being of the right age to be includ in the army draft. Dr. E. W. Cook and son Ilarrli Cock, were passengers to Omaha thi morning where they are looking af ter some business for the day and where they will visit at the home of Fred Hawksworth for a short time. R. J. Johnson of near Nehawka. were pns?engers to Omaha last even ing where they went to visit witl John Whiteman, who is at a hospital r.t that place being treated and hav ing undergone an operation. James Patterson, who has been visiting in Plattsmouth for the past week, at the home of his grand par ent's Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCauley and other relatives and friends de parted this morning for Lincoln where he will visit for a short time and then go on to his home at Arapahoe. WILL INSTALL LIGHTING PLANT. Frrvm Mondav's Dai? v. S J. Reamer, Otto Sprickt and John Busch, all from near Cedar Cedar Creek were in the city this morning looking after some business and departed on the early afternoon train for Omaha, where they went to purchase an electric lighting sys tem for the home of Mr. Spreckt farm home near Cedar Creek. Mr. Bufcch who had the system in his house for the past year, is well pleas ed with the way it works. Gets Good Results Quickly. The5e few lines from.J. E. Haynes, McAlester, Okla., deserve careful reading by every one who values good health: "I find no medicine which acts so mildly and quickly with good results as Foley Cathartic Tablets. They empty the stomach and bowels, giving all of the diges tive organs a healthy action." Sold everywhere. Eczema spreads rapidly; Itching almost drives you mad. For quick relief. Doan's Ointment is well recommended. 60c at all stores. OFFICERS CHAS. C. PARMELE JACOB TRITSCH THOMAS E. PARMELE R. F. PATTERSON. F. G. EGENBERGER ODD FELLOWS HOLD IN STALLATION GF OFFICERS from WdneFCa-3 Daily. Last evening at their regular meet ing, the Platte Lodge of I. O. O. F. No. 7 inducted into office, their offi cers elect for the coming year. The crder here is making good gains in membership, and of a good substan tial character, which is adding to the numbers of the members, and also of good citizens as well. The officers for the coming years, which were installed last evening were: E. G. Setz, Noble Grand. J. F. CUgey, Vice Grand, V. M. Mullis, Secretary, J. P. Sattler. Treasurer, John "What s Hit Name" P. S. N. G. ! ia, Seiver L. S. N. C. M. L. Johnson R. S. V. G. and W. If. the L. S. V. G. John FT Schutz, Ven?r.! V.'i.-ien. and T. E. Olson Inside Guardian. INJURED IN AN AUTOMOBILE. -nrrt Wed r. OP(i a vs Dnilv This afternoon Miss Myrtle Par 'ott of Peru, who is a teacher in the "ublic Schools at Cedar Creek, ar ived in Plattsmouth this afternoon, oming from her home and departed on a later traiu for Cedar Creek. where she will endeavor to take up her work again as teacher. Yesterday Miss Parriott, while ' -miner to the train, to come to her school, was thrown against the car by the reckless driving of the one unning the Taxi Service. When 'riving over a very rough portion of the road, the driver seemingly did n care how re-riuj he Jrovo. at.'! threw Miss Pariott against the roof f the car body, and then when she -ame down her face strick against the car rail on the back of the seat, "utting her mouth and lip in such a manner that the services of a physi cian had to be employed to sew up the wound. The wound is very nainful and will probably prevent the young lady from teaching her -chool for a few davs. vVJIL CONSULT A SPECIALIST. vnm Wednesday's Daily. Clarence Cctner who some time since received an injury while work ng in the Burlington shops, is not -bowing the improvement which is lesired. Mr. Cotner has a great deal WAITED!- Car Load of Live Poultry to be delivered at car, near Burling ton freight depot,- Plattsmouth, Neb., - , . - i , wt"4' uai ""V' , wC wm pajr iox vaii . liens l9c lor wflicn we wiu pay in casn: .19c Young Roosters 18c Old Roosters . 12c Ducks 17c Geese 16c Will be on hand rain or shine to take care of all poultry offered for Sale. OFFICERS THOMAS E. PARMELE, President. CHAS. C. PARMELE, Vice-President. PAUL FITZGERALD. Cashier. RALPH R. LARSON. Asst. Cashier. of pain in his head, and extending into his shoulders and back, which some times is of such violence that is hardly bearable. lie expects to go to Omaha in a few days for consulta tion and examination by a special ist. WILL TAKE AGRICUL TURAL COURSE From Wednesday's Daily. Arthur Wulph of Nehawka, son of D. Wulph of that city has departed for Ithaca, New York, where he will enter Cornell College, to take a course in Agriculture. Mr. Wulph is an ambitious young man, and a hard worker, has been a very apt student in all lines and has a particular lik ing for agriculture, having been raised on a farm, which will make the study more interesting and a bit easier for him to master. Miss Emaline Wulph, a sister accompanied her brother, and will teach at Dav enport, New York this year. GAVE A SOCIAL DANCE FOR VISITING FRIENDS From Wednesday's Dally. Mariel Streight gave a dance on New Year's eve in honor of five young people from Lincoln whom she was entertaining at a house party. I The dance was eiven at the M. W. A. hall and proved to be quite a success. The hall was decorated with Amer ican flags and the programs also carried out the idea of patriotism. Punch and wafers were served throughout the evening by Cather ine Schneider and Helen Wurl. The music was furnished by Kroehler's orchestra which the Lin coln guests declared quite as efficient as Chimbeck's orchestra. At a late hour the dance broke up and all declared they had a fine time. There were about 25 couple pres ent. The visiting guests were Miss Lu cile Cline, Messrs. Adeibert Cline, the editor of the Lincoln Tribune, Lional Burr, Edgar Holyoke, and Lee Solomon from Lincoln, Miss Ruth Fitzgerald. Louisville, Mr. Stoner, Des Moines, and Lieutenants, Trelstead and Krause from Fort Crook. The guests of Miss Streight depart ed yesterday afternoon at 3:20. . At 12:00 o'clock the orchestra played and the crowd sang America. SELECTING SEED CORN. More than 6rdinary care must be taken at this season of the year in selecting seed corn, according to the agronomy department of the Univer sity of Nebraska. If old corn is avail able, it will probably prove a better source of seed corn than the new crop. Corn cut before the early freeze -will also prove a good source of seed. After the seed has been selected, it should be dried out and stored where the air circulats freely. A common mthod is to hang the corn or strings in a shed. If convenient, it is not a bad practice to hang the corn in the house where there is added heat. STOCKHOLDER NOTICE. 0 nnnai mt n, MM vv WJb V U OVUV V holders of the Farmers Mutual Fire & Liye gtf)ck Insurance company of rnr. iT.i 1 1 i . . , , via3 uuuuiy, ineur., wiu oe neia on Saturda'y. January 5th, 1918, at the Taylor school house. District No. 37, at one-thirty (1:30) p. m., for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year-and transacting such other businero e9 may com y. T T TJt A T !' I Tl ounty Promptly and g Patronage.. The Plattsmouth Garage TELEPHONE 394 For Service Livery All Hours! Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles Batteries Recharged! Radiator Repaired! On and after January 1st, we will do a strictly cash business. Positively No Credit! J. E. .MASON, Prop. WILL VISIT WITH DAUGHTER. From Wednesday's Dally. Mr. Andrew Sipp, who came to the Masonic Home some two weeks since to make his home departed this morning: for his former home at Uni versity Place, where he goes to visit for a short time with his daughter Mrs. Minnie Schwitzer, of Sturga, Xew Mexico, who is at home on a visit at this time. Mr. Sipp has not seen his daughter for a number of years, and is rejoiced in this oppor tunity to visit with her. HOME GUARDS MEETING. From "Wednesdays Dally. There will be a meeting of the Home Guards tomorrow (Thursday) evening at the rooms at the court house, at which it is desired' that all of the members of the company be in attendance. This is the first meet ing of the New' Year and there is much business to be done. Jlow desolate It looks. - Of coirae yoi expeel lo erect a TToiineit there sorre tine - 0ir service is at your dispos&l-NOW- Vfiie for catalog ard corrpkk f 4 Sit Cass ( unit hi OFFICERS WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, President. W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President. THOMAS E. PARMELE, Director. Storage! GOES TO OFFICERS TRAINING CAMP Professor E. H. Hahne, who with his wife have been visiting in Platts mouth from Mitchell, South Dakota, where he was teaching in the Uni versity of South Dakota, and while here were the guests of the parent's of Mrs. Hahne. Mr. and Mrs. John Jess, departed for Omaha where Mrs. Hahne will visit for a shore time, and Mr. Hahne will go to Ft. Riley, Kansas, where he will enter the offi cers training camp at that place. QUESTIONNAIRES MAILED TODAY The Questionnaires which are be ing mailed out today, the first busi ness day of 1918, are those begin ning with Number lio2 and going to and including Number 1212. Those whose order number comes within this list may look for their blanks in the course of 24 hours. That Unmarked w 1 U. E. KEEfJEY Subscribe for the Journal. d26-3tw Secretary. v they A z1. fl : liatur