T "iS TLII ' qsgg25S PAGE TWO 3 -t Ji'UaiW i x vw y- ss. i . 'fit i banking CLUD and have MOM Ev throughout Germany, especially in the more exposed parts, he says, ow ing to the reported intention of the Americans to invade Germany by air. The subject is discussed universally though efforts are made to calm anx iety by declarations about "American-bluff." The frequent explosions in muni tions factories, the correspondent adds, are causing the German mili tary authorities anxiety, not only be cause of the interference with the supply of munitions, but also be cause of unrest in the districts where the explosions occurred. The un rest has been acute since the advent of frost.' PLATTSMltH gP-MT-WKLT JOURNAL mericaSank IS SEI2D1H THE l-'TljSS CAPITAL IMAGER STIENS REFUSES TO 3IVE UP SYS TO v and is Arrested. he was P""- - lindor guard. "ic o were arrest- The banK aire. .. Tele- ed were excused i ---- city phone service tnro--m stopped foranhour. explains --- the In explaining the seizur -.w v.sciv said. banks. M. -u ago that WeiewL-::: reports ,ate baiiKs , Ktare uau Children Cryrr to i it 1 ii i WIRES GREETINGS TO DEAN OF THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS Brrch of Katiol City of New York -All Friv Banks Taken fcrer. pnvate um Thi3 waS weekly to tne eeK y. . rorts were IT" was turn 4eciaed to occupy the ban us, then sec OU can join Come In.. IT COSTS NOTHING TO JOIN AND IS THE ONE SURE WAY TO HAVE MONEY. YOU CAN BEGIN WITH 10 CENTS, 5 CENTS, 2 CENTS OR 1 CEN" AND INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN 50 WEEKS: 10-CENT CLUB PAYS 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 2-CENT CLUB PAYS ; 1-CENT CLUB PAYS OR YOU CAN BEGIN WITH THE LARGEST AMOUNT AND DE CREASE YOUR PAYMENTS EACH WEEK. YOU CAN DEPOSIT 50 CENTS, $1.00 OR$5.00 OR MORE EACH WEEK. WE ADD 3 PER CENT INTEREST. COME IN AND ASK ABOUT IT.. $127.50 63.75 25.50 12.75 From Wednesday's Daily. The following telegram was re ceived yesterday by the editor of the Journal,' from Edgar Howard, Lieu tenant Governor of Nebraska and a well known newspaper man, as well: 'Columbus, Neb., Dec. -31. Colonel M. A. Bates, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. . Dear Colonel Bates :-" It was my privilege to congratu-1 late you last fall upon arrival of your .seventh-fifth birthday anniver sary and now it is both privilege and pleasure to be wishing for the Dean of the Democratic press of Nebraska a very Happy Now. Year. Fraternally, EDGAR HOWARD, Liieut .-Governor. x : ir and ,viep their active, - rpsumed business in" in the Hands properly. Tiie k - Ue nf commissioner ColensM , or . bank, as are tne ' " , ., , r snldiers act- .nll ,.ave been sei. mograa , . ; F.n&nce document - Qf ing fiaer me auc The isanu " . last Jan- Comussioner Ienshinsk; - today wa. granted a licen la surronded and seuea - . u&ry to uegm uu- the banksin Petroyaa, iuw- wltll particuim . ctioU. branc, of The Rational City Bank of railroad conctxo of Nev York. ' Tb.e license given it aj i 1 m I nni h I i vv granie" i " - 2 7Zy-5-r-. , one to uetu . t Vvz SJ fus Imitations ana l , cr the !: -All nKfiYSino Tvitlx and cnd.tn cr Castoria is v Syrr.ps. "JJ." in. Drops Expen Infanta t anrJ IT? lac contains ucivJi i cunjaiV- rr1 Vi otioffor It. IV. to re- WILL ATTEND ANNUAL MEETING F atmers'State-Bank THE NEW BANK. PROTEST TO GERM A 'AGAINST -POUCY-OF-FRIGHTFUL-' NESS, SACRILEGE IN E0MB- ; ..... , , ING OPEN TOWNS. FURTHER DAMAGE AT PADUA Front of Cathedral Demolished and ' Santo Ortho Easilica Is Wrecked." Kome, Dec. Si: Popy Benedict, according to tlie Osfiervatore in addi tion to sending expressions of regret and sympathy to the bishops' of Pa tina and Treviso, has drawn the at tention of the governments of the central empires and of the Austrian emperor to the raids over those cities. The pkpe exhorted them " to ab stain -in the future from such acts which,' while' 'attaining 1 no military end, make innocent victims and 'dam age churches and are treasures and correctly are unjustifiable by inter national law. The facade of the Jadua cuthedral lias been torn down by bombs drop ped by enemy airmen, the war office announced. The bascillica of the Santo and the municipal and the museum have been damaged. Tadua was raided for a second time on Saturday night, three per sons being killed and three wound ed. The ancient earn) in I church, the church of St. Valentine and the pal ace, monuments and privates dwell ings were damaged. The Santo Antonio church, com- From Wednesday's Daily: J. S. Hall departed this morning for Marshalltown, Iowa, where he goes to attend ;the annual meeting of the Lenox Furnace Company, for which he is a traveling salesman. At the annual meeting each of the men .1 J.lninOI LU1 arresieu auu uuoi" time. j t Manv bank directors were arret ed. Several surrendered the keys n, va, but Stevens. fc t n wrieht. counsella . 1 1 O the American emDasp upon Mr. Stevens durir-gnhe afternoon. At the time for the banks to close, detachments of the Red Guard gath ered in the streets and barred the entrance. Later the banks were en tered under the leadership of M. Wenshinsky. Orders were given that work cease and that the banks sur render their papers and the keys to their vaults. In most instances no resistance was offered. Mr. Stevens declared his bank had no vaults, but only small safes. After Ins arrest ness in Russia since 1S79. kft J' 1 v A-waix - x 0m- Dgton, if- v... -.f vnni Titv bank, tne iNauo" . , . Flatulency, Washington, cials Diarrhoea nssim PUBLIC AUCTION! mouly called, thekSanto, is the sepul- on the road are supposed to 'furnish charal church of St. Anthonv of Pa dua, 'j It has f wo campanili and seven domes in the oriental style. This church lis- Tisited. ; fcveVy year by throngs of pilgrims. The municipal museum has a fine facade and stair case. It contains the civic library ana;collections of antiquities. f Padua,1 Dec. Zl': The 'third suc cessive night- air-raid last night scattered" Tiavb'c "among" the : famoxis chnrch 'ana axt?tnoriUmeht of-TaT riiditydaT Iikiif, " dua. The front of the sixteenth cen- f "Tie New Year's dav wt ideas which- will be for-the beneilt of -the company,: as they see fit, and covering the whole country as they do their knowledge of the wants of tlie customers. is-pretty general They will have a baaiquet. to which all' the men are to be in attendance and which the company is the host. LEFT HOSPITAL YESTERDAY. tury cathedral was demloished. . : The Santo Ortha basilicia of St: Anthony .lost its bronze doors and the sepulcher of St. Anthony . was missed narrowly by a bomb... Pona tello's famous equestrian statute of General Gattamelala, :which stood, in the square before the Santa, had been removed, to a place of safety; but the base, also the work of Dona tello, ivas damaged several'.- The paintings and frescoes in the Santo by Titian and other masters wer torn and scratched by the con cussions.": The rose windows and the renaissance stained glass wee shiv ered to fragments. . The building op posite the Santo where the guild of St. Anthony issued leaflets to be sent throughout the world, was destroyed. A pilgrimage to the seDUlcher of St. Anthony was in progress when the bombs struck the Santo. The ca thedral was struck-above the gable facade, th entire gable and the up per part of the facade falling in the street. .'. . . . . - The raiders came at three differ ent times, at S and 11 o'clock at night and at 3 o'clock this morning. Twen ty incendiary bombs were dropped. German People Nervous. 4 . London, Jan 1. Allied air raids over Germany are awakening the people to a recognition of their rulers' mistaken air ruthlessncss, ac cording to the Amsterdam corre spondent of the Times. There is great nervousness as one or gladness to Mrs. Harry Will of Au burn in that she was able to leave the hospital Where she has been for the past three weeks receiving treat ment. 'Monday evening Mr. Harry Will came to' Pla'ttsmouth from' his homo in Auburn, and stayed over night with F. W. Elliott -and fam ily, Mrs. Elliott, being a sister of his, and this morning departed fcr Omaha, where he accompanied his wife back to this place, and tocfay departed for their' home in Auburn. VISITING HERE FROM COLORADO. From Wednesday's Daily. Last Monday Loren Davis, who liv ed in Plattsmouth: many years ago. arrived in the city for a visit of a week or so with his sister, Mrs. Ras mus Petersen. Mr. Davis has been in the west now for a number of years and has been in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railway, in their shops located at Colorado .City, Colorado. Mr. Davis is well pleased with the rweet, and thinks there is no place like it. Still he makes it a habit to come back for a visit with his relatives and old time friends oc casionally. . . why Isis? Kama Unil SHOWING GOOD IMPROVEMENT. ; i From Wednesday's Daily. Lee Thacker was a passenger to Omaha yesterday, where he was visit ing with his brother-in-law, Lloyd Yonkor, who is in a hospital at that place, convalescing from an operation for hernia, which he underwent about. a week since. Mr. Yonker is reported as snowing good improve ment and it is hoped he will be able to return home in the near future. MAKING GOOD IMPROVEMENT. When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every year. Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. We have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 800 acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass County people. Drive over to Sterling, KJeb., and see us. From Wednesday's Daily. jiiawara won departed this morn ing for Omaha, where he goes to see Mrs. Worl, who has been in a hos pital there for the past month having I ine The undersigned will sell at Pub lic Auction, at my farm, in Eight Mile Grove, opposite Eight Mile Grove cemetery, 9 i. miles southwest of Plattsmouth, 6 miles northwest of Murray, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 15TH, 1918 uuuniMicins ai len o cjock a. m. the following described property to wit: Six Head of Horses. Consisting of One black horse, seven years old, weight 1350. One bay marc, three years old, weight 1350. One mare twelve years old, weight 1330. One team bay pcr.iet-, smooth mouth, weight 2000. One sorrel colt, two years old. Nine Head of Cattle. Three irrilk cows, giving milk, four years eld. One. cow, giving milk, three years old. One cow, will be fresh soon, three years old. One cow will be fresh soon seven years eld. One heifer, one year old. One cow will be fresh soon, three years old. One cow, eight years old. Ten Brood Sows, All Bred. Farm Implements. One Turnbull wagon, good as new. One wagon with good hay rack. One low wagon. : One spring wagon. One top buggy. Two sets of one and one-half inch harness. One set of one and one-fourth inch harness. One Sutley Riding lister and drill, combined. One Alfalfa disc, new. Two Pony Deering Binders. One Osborne mower. One Tiger hay rake, 11-foot. One 3-section harrow, lG-fool. One drill corn planter. One Badger riding cultivator. One New Departure cultivator. une iwo-noie corn shcller, with elevator. One Gear grinder. One hog rack. One folding sawing machine. One 35-galIou iron kettle. One Buckeye broadcast seeder. One Engate seeder. . One two-horse power gasoline eng Kew York auSflfiIe??35 dt.A ment today of the news that the Bol- sheviki government in Petrograd had seized its branch in that city and arrested its manager, R. R. Stevens. vord from Ambassador Francis is awaited, as the department prefers not to base any action it may take up on official reports in a matter of this kind, where a Question of life and death is not involved. Should it develop that seizure of the branch was illegal, officials think that for the present they could do no more than protest. The policy of the government is to go to any honorable lengths to avoid any Ibreach with the Bolsheviki regime just at this time. w f r." xtiiy and natural toic mucea Tlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALIVI a .1 Bears the Signature of j mm VI S7 si : The Kind You flaye Always Bos ; In Use For Over oU fearc IPA:' Egg -V-t.-.-S (i i I., v J.: Interested in tlie estate of G. A. Marr, j tition on or beforo t RETURNS TO H0I-IZ IX WEST. From "Wednesday's D;iily. iiHrry j. Likewise, wno Das been visuing in riattsmoutii tor the pas week with his relativeo and friends as well, departs to!ay for Iiis home at Fresno. California, where lie has been located for tome time past. Mr. Likewi.-.e is well pleased with the west as a place in which to make o;it)3 home, and also as a land afford ing innumerable opportunities lor the man who is -willing to try a M do something. He has a good posi tion in Fresno, attained solely thru doing his duty Ave 1 1, and the fact mai ue uas woi kcu up so tar sneaks well of his willingrcss and ability, REMEMBERED THE PRINTERS CHRISTMAS From Monday's Dai I v. rr" l m . ine journal lorce wisncs to re member the kindness of the firm of "Wescott's Sons, for their kindness in remembering tlie Journal force from the Editor in Chief to the man of all work, with a token of their kind U 1!.. . a 1 m- 'lecuiigs lowarus us. mat we were. remembered by this enterprising firm bhows their appreciation ot the things which we have a ways endeav ored to do tor the business interest ul me cuy in wnien tney are in tensely interested. JOHN TIGHE CALLS HERE. , John Tighe, who formerly lived in this city being sheriff of this county, 1. . . 1 1 . a l out iioiv living ai i'.ianiey was a visitor in the city this morning, look ing after some business matters in me couniy seat, ana renewing ac quaintances with his many friends hero. While in the city Mr. Tighe called upon the 'Journal and spent a dft-easeu: Cieorgre A. Marr; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of Cleorge A. Marr, deceased: D. F. Henry;. the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of D. F. Henry, deceased: D. Farrand Henry: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in tlie estate of I). Farrand Henry, deceased; Kben S. Wheeler and Clara I". Wheeler, his wife: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of Kben S. Wheeler, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tive!?, and all persons interested in the Mate of Clara 1. Wheeler, deceased; 11. S. Wheeler; the unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees. personal representa tives and all persons interested In the estate of K. S. y heeler, deceased; Plattsm'outh Laml and Improvement company: the unknown claimants and the unknown ov,nTs of I,ots 31, 1", IS and M in Hloek 1, and Lois 1, 3 and t. in HIock ' all in Urowne'.s Sub division of I.ot 17. in the XK'i of the NW1., of .Section l;:, in Township 12 .on:i, i;anere 13 Kast of the 6th 1 i?l dlr I'rtnufi- Vnl.i-fict.--i . - ...... ' , v i i I HIT in-1 VIM tilied that on the 17th day of Dec. K.,.. , n a . . , . ... ..." ... i.'i.. piaintin nica 111s suit in iir i-Mstrici court of Cass county. N'elfas ia, the object and purpose of vvhitfh Is to iuiet and confirm plaintiff's title in ami to jot.s 1. 1'. 3 and 4. in l!)nrir no 1.01s 11. l" ia and 14 in Hlmk 1, in Jirownes sui-livision of Lot 17 n uie of the XW"; of Section 1 on us 11 in I rsorth. Itansre 13 l'.:.s of the 6t!i J M., in Cass county, r.'ebr anl to enjoin each and all of you from lawns or claiming" any risht. title, neii or interest, either legal or equi table, in or to said land or am- iv.rf meieoi, ami to enjoin you and each of vou in any manner from Inloi-rnHmr "mi piainuu: s possession and eri.,- tT "jif f .... .1 . I . - ' ...v..t Raiu pieinives anu tor emii- .dun. iriii-i. j ins nonce is triven mir. 1 " t iu iiit- uiurr or i Fie i-ourr ion are reciuired to answov coi.i vi nciui u .lonoflv i hp it ii .1.... or i-ebn.ary. 191;, or your defanlt will ciiicitu nierein. V11JGIL MULL1S. , . l'laintiff. A. L. Tint January,. A. D., dlO-swlw. 151. LKNA I. i:y C A 1 Hi r oitii:u TO MHIH Court adini? and filii' it XOTKE In tna District Court of Cass. Nebraska Lena Larson, l'laintiff vs. John Gus Larson. Defendant of the County John Gus that on the Larson will take notice II 101" i , -- ntiuutT, .... rniiiiiui. uri till, petition in the District Court riled ,er iew monieius in pleasant COnversa- , :,f"" ,?,, ,V eln'a-ska. against said lore the day set for hea . I, fj lion with the Journal man. -ifb' U"..t' ",e ,,Jott "d Prayer of that It He published once ., Our Jitney Offer-Thi. aad 5c. i,?SS cV7t,r.ddte lnLmn rublIhhca tS DON'T MIS THIS. fut out this said pcYiUon re nrem-wf Dl at Chambers in said 7 P. enclose with five cents to Foley "",'!&& vX,: Co., L$.')5 Sheflield Ave., Chicago. You are required to answer said no hV-?1 thC 1'tillKt -oul 1 J i - , v v u m . I 1 j ' " ' ' 1 In the District ty, Nebraska: In the matter f t1 1 ReKinabl H. Thorp. . l'erson ami F.-tate a Minor, for License. tate: On re duly verified. o Kejlii. ' Guardian of th- pers-.'ii ; Florence Thorp, a minor, sell the following demerit , to-wit: Tiie undivided two i 2-iZ) the K.-ist I.. Southef t quarter of . theMut Invest qua rtc: tlie North half of "ijllf of the Northwest V 1 i ijia III'- tne .Norm ;:au or i;.e quarter of Section i'5. a I ship 1'. llanso lo. in Nebraska: also the uno forty-lift l.s (2-4i of L 10. in South Bend. .it platted and recorded ty, Nebraska or, so muck thereof (- ani- 1 i r y ti: u n ;s I S. l ani I ! i t t4'""- ! to tr I v ho in as tin Jvis deem necessary and benefit of said wan?, for t of investment in Interest 1 curitie.s or some productive for the education an-1 man.: said ward, and it appear::; petftion that the minoi s i said real estate is a small portion thereof and the sr small to render the proper! as an investment: that i can probably be sold at t. time for a fair value for the interest of her c.i the benefit of -said wan said undivided interest into I itin in nto cash and invest the j;. r ntercst bearing securities roductive ttock. or so nrn'JP is may not be required fcr '. iH prod i as tenance and education. It is therefore ordered ti .i- of kin of said minor n,i :i i . . i t , iineieeieu in Jier estate aPl'C. nie iii cr.amners in the Court the City of l'lattsmouth in C ty, Nebraska, on the 11th !; uary. 191 s, at 9 o'clock a. ni cause, if any there I.e. v should not be granted to si 11. Thorp. Guardian, to se estate for the purposes abov mi it is further orden a of this order be .personally said minor at least fom t....i 1 & 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs:, colds rrnd croup, Foley Kid ncy Pills nad Foley Cathartic Tah- lets. Sold everywhere. AOTICl-; TO tlKT TITMO undergone a severe operation and from the effects of which she is slow ly recovering.- Mrs. "Worl was ahle to sit upright in bed for a few mo ments, the first of the week. This is encouraging after the long period which she has been in the Institu tion. One circle saw. One cement miser. One pump jack. Seventy black locust fence posts. Eighty Oak fence posts. Sixty-five hedge fence posts. One Economy Chief separator. 4,000 feet of lumber. Household goods and other articles con at y. Joseph Croup at Midnight Well in Morning. to numerous to' mention LUNCH SERVED AT Nnnw a-iew ii ignis ago one ot my mm :;..fi&"&SD' OBSPAMY,'; Phono Rod 65. Sterling, Nebraska ago one of my pat rons had a small child taken with croup about midnight," writes M. T. Davis, Bearsville, V. Va. "They came to my store and got a bottle of Foley's 'Honey and Tar. "Before morning the child had entirely recov ered." Use only Foley's, for coughs, colds, croup, and grip. Sold every where. TJSKU3 OF SALE AH sums of $10.00 and under cash, airbver $10 a credit of from six to ten months will be given purchaser giving bank able paper bearing eight per cent from date. Air property must be settled for before being removed. A. B. KltAEGEK, Ovmer. COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer. K. P. PATTERSON. Clerk. In the District Court of Nebraska. Viruil Alnllis, l'laintiff. Harper, ct a I, Defendants To the Delendants. Joseph Harper, md Jane A. Harper, hia wile, the un known heirs, devisees, letfatees. per sonal representatives, and all persons interested m the t suite of Joseph Har per, deceased; the unknown heirs, dev isees, Ieg-atees, personal representa tives, and all persons interested In the estate of June A. Harper, deceased; Joim v . oinijf ami Amanda lounu- his wife; the unknown heirs, devisees legatees personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of John . ounpr, deceased; the un known heirs, devisees. legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Amanda VounBT, deceased; A. J. Kerr and Julia ?verr, his wife; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all persons interested In the estate of A. .T. Kerr, deceased; the unknown heirs, levisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons interested in tho estate of Julia Kerr, deceased; Andrew J, Kerr; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Andrew J. Kerr, deceased: O. A. Afarr; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all person Yet- Portege Tires Best also the cheapest per mUe as the following list will sh COST OF 5,000 MILES FOR FORD CAR (Two front and two back Tires) PORTEGE Sprague $82.40 T.u wwm i.ll . . . . . . .$97.37 Goodyear . . . . .$101.30 Pennsylvania . $105.54 Firestone.... ov Ajax , Kelley-Spg'fld Fisk U. S. Tires. . , l'annoi and ti u?g. TI our con illun.iu: . . $6' h iiirneiisi . $ $ FISH for PORTEGE TIRES PLATTSMOUTH . out wh t;ie roi entire a' n-s wer I ? gro I jackie r- ft of us w; hack tr Ocate t''v "thai mmmm they NEBRASI i.atuf w