The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1918, Image 1

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wk If
' I f
- j
cross is doin
. :
American . Red (
( V ...1.
- . M nura wo p
Trusting v-e mav
our appreciation
ross ?oci-
re so much in-
'"sS TO
Auruier show
Ioi n mi. .. .
J!10.Vt When " "
vn . " . '"e Con,es- I thank
" ' any ior my nwn
. '"fiTiiuiiy yours
i ft in.
('rent Lakes
-V. i;eavi.-i!C!
Hospital School,
"ve.s, Illinois
I Great Lakes Training Station
iefully Acknowledge Re
ceipt of Fi-esents.
rom Wednesday's Daily,
ly Dear Sir:
. vwish to express my gratitude for
'Christmas kit which I received
gh your chapter of the Ameri
ed Cross. It sure did help to
a Merry Christmas for one
Dewey. Great Lakes. 111.
r :
ivc?d the box of Christmas
Vons. I assure you words
iKxpress my appreciation of
nia-esent at such a time. I
Jcet. )?eii here two weeks. I
Mm detection all that time
and Expecting anything for
City, ye. always helped the
time tou I never before rea-
ness at t doing. So thankin
paniec' ROBERT T. STEEN.
his Reg, CanVj) Dewey,
Pes. Illinois.(
5i r:
.nave received your
Xinas eve. i am manuins
' " v" and the Cass
i,oar 1 -weritfan Red
I wish to thank . ' fr''
County Chapter of the A.
Cross verv much for the nic
I received last night.. Our Christmas
tree was certainly a beauty. The
decorations on it were some used at
the Panama Exposition at San Francisco.
This is my. first Christmas away
from heme and lor some reason it
seems more like Sunday to me than
Christmas day. My home is in Texas,
go you see I'm a full-blooded south
erner. The people of the North have
a great ueai oi tun ui my e.peus-.
laughing at the way I talk. But I
enjoy it about as much as they do.
I'm going home on a furlough next
Saturday, and I'm getting" anxious
for the time to come. If you or your
friends care to write, my address is
Co. B, Main Camp, Coxswain school,
U. S. Naval Station, Great Lakes. Il
linois. Wishing to thank you once
more, I remain, your friend.
a::d expect i
much good inj
The report lorn he S
tian Endeavor v.-a;
L-il Stone. It shq
condition in niis
n iLmeniber.shij
-''rs.c. i:. Whi.ker
on of accon.fisU-
he .Master's iuse.
i fll S . TDfim
MLL I ll SU i
read by IWii-.Pt'a-ed
a good jCalf h
kicicty and . gain
ri'iHi-Pil nil
SOCIAL TIME AND DINNER WASl1'"' Ju,lior 1:"ijor, whiciMms a
I)lili K.... I. :'
-....-iaiiip u se nleeu.
h:is done
;o:ne e
a.ii1 which
el lent
Reports of Different n.J
.:vw me cnurcJi to be in Ex
cellent Condition.
' jj -rViTfe gift which you send. Houini?
i li .5 DUt-Mr; judge James T. Hcgley aud
V'"''I-will meet some day, I am, a sailed
Dear Sir:
Am today in receceipt of your
splendid little Red Cross Christmas
package and wish to say that I am
truly grateful for your kindness.
I have been here now for two
weeks and it is the first time I have
received any mail from the outside
since I came.
I have written mv .pOTen twice.
" J V "Ur" T ..! I, .0
From AVednesday's laily.
As has been the custom of the
membership of the Christian church
of this city on New Year's day, they
met at the of the Modern Wood
men of America with well filled baskets-yesterday,
in spite of the H. C.
of L. and proceeded 'to, have one of
the most social and enjoyable times
ever participated in before, eating
their dinner in common together af
ter which they looked after the
transaction of business matters, lis
tened to reports and elected ollicers
for the coming year.
The dinner was called just before
noon, but was not concluded until
nearlv throe o'clock when the last
of the hungry multitude had finished
partaking of this sumptuous noon
day repast. Alter the ioyai oi k-
ers had finished gathering up the
fragments and had gotten things
straightened up once more, all re
paired to the assembly room, where
with P. II. Ilihn as clerk and Oliver
C. Hudson chairman of the official
board, the meeting was called to or
der to hear the reports of the var
ious auxiliaries of the church. Fiifct
1 t A it
came the Minuay scnooi i-tn, n
V.einrr read by S. S
wok dar
ing the past year. About t lit first of
November, a port i n of then think
ing they were yei ing too hrge for j
the Junior, were i-fiWiiv.. in orn:'.-
iiizuiy; a division ;-iciety, making an
liilermediate and Junior division
dividing c;i fh. iin.v i" . f
o tjijs was done the mem
liership increa-fl Until now the In
termediate division has :'.." members
and t!:e Junior about twenty.
The Loyal Workers society next
made their report through their sec
retary. Mrs. W. 11. Piekard. Prom
this report it waa gleaned that after
having don? their year's work, and
paying a goodly sum into the coffers
of the church proper, they now have
left on hand a larger balance than
existed a year ago. Her report of
the work accomplished was most
gratifying to th? v. emeers.
Following this came the reports
of the various officers of the church
proper, the first being that of the
clerk of the board, who also read
the report of the treasurer, dealing
with the financial problems, which
usually prove to be the one big bug
bear in church circles. This report.
showed financial conditions with the
church about the ratue as a year ago.
with the exception in the amount
due the Building and Loan associa
tion on the parsonage, that amount
lipimr nnnroximatrlv the only l'.c
, . . . , r i -
gain in finances.
Mr. Rhin reported next on tho
membership, his lo-rr sh.oTviustbil
Frtn Wednesday" Dully.
When Frank Steppat was required
to come to the city and tell -where
the whiskey came from which was
found in his automobile, he was not
found to have been in a state of
drunkenness, but said that he did
not know where the whiskey which
had been found in his car had been
procured. After examination and
giving what information he could
regarding the matter no charge was
lodged against him.
Officials Predict Old System is Now
Dead Forever Curtailment
is the Coming Plan
-tf - V
t .
Yours truly. 1
v Gunner School, Barracks ii, ' ;
A-'cA. A, Great Lakes, 111. ' ' '
Bear Sir: '
wish to thank you and the Cass
County Red Cross society in; general
1 A. .n. 1 1 ' X' r
for the magnificent euons u
Wide to show your appreciation oi
boys, in the service. I admire
Vir good jvidgment in seiecung ine
Articles', for each is a luxury as
i as a necessity.
K-4tin!r I shall not bore you with
I I shall give you. the setting
J distribution, of prerents ro
1 - l understand how we appre-
; . DTT1 .
e twenty thousand of us who
able to go home for Christ-
r-nati'irally a little blue and
f the ones Who could go.
the'niQn to whom your
were given.
y wonderful tree had been
.a,lis ,rrTrn-onTih. This showed
the grow ib of the school during the
hr-piet. together wuxrt nc an-m
T . . i ,m - ..-,.1
mupiaceu some way or unumc-i, amounts collected auu expenoeu. ai.
the balances left over.
Following this was a report of the
Primary department and also of the
new Home department nn.n w
been 41 addition
Vkar there hate
I.. t!:e church, and
number through dath
Past Grand Master of Nebraska Ma-
s sons Missing Since Last
From Wednesday's Daily
This morning Mrs. Lillian Baker,
departed for Omaha from where she
will go to Kearney taking with her
a little daughter Miss Blanch Baker,
who has been making her home at
Pensacola. Fla.. Dec. CO. Up to a
late hour tonight no trace had been
found by searchers for the body of
F. H. Young of Broken Bow, Neb.
Washington, Dec. 2S. The rail
roads of the United States passed in
to government possession at noon to-
- .1 .i : .....
day as secretary .'.ic.-ve.oo. ura;,uai-
ed bv President Wilson as director
general of the railroads, was delegat
!nir in the railroads war board the
task of operating them for the pres
eat. The board comprises five of the
count rv's foremost railroad execu
tives, who have been in supreme
charge of the roads for the last nine
months. They ' were called into con
ference at 1 1 o'clock to discuss plans
for welding all transportation lines
into a single government-operated
They left tho Treasury department
two hours later under instructions to
continue their functions, and to sub
rait immediately a plan of operation
to the director-general.
Tonight Mr. McAdoo issued his
first formal order designed to speed
up freight movement, telegraphing
all railroad presidents and directors
instructions to move traffic by the
. . . . j....
the Christian Home, and will have He has been missing since Jiuuuaj.
the little child placed in the Nebras- when he left his launch off Pensa
i, T..irii institute for treat- 'cola bar. intending to come to the
mint it is not thought that the (city for gasoline to replenish
little one actually has the disease supply on his launch.
He was pad-
but they are having treatment given
her in order that she may not de
velop it.
dling a canoe when last seen at a
point near Fort McRae.
He was accompanied by Alpha
Morgan, and they lett New urieans
for Camp Walton, a nsiung resort
thirty miles from Pensacola. Sunday
To reach the resort it is necessary
to pass this port. Vihn opposite
this place it was discovered that the
gasoline supply was insufficient to
complete the trip, and Young went
ashore, leaving Morgan on board the
launch. It was while walking along
the beach, it is thought, that Young
disappeared. To reach here from the
point where he landed he would have
to pass what is known as Big Lagoon.
From Wednesday's railv.
The funeral of Isaac Newton Wood-
ford was held in Lincoln today at 2
r. m at the familv residence. 2636
Garfield street.
i!ev Mr. John Andrew Holmes
oflieiated. assisted by Rev. Mr.
F. I. Hanford.
Mr. Woodford died early Sunday j an(j tne theory that is advanced by
morning of heart disease. He was J many is that Young wandered from
S3 years old.! He formerly lived at tne beach in an etfH&lp find a hhort-
Wecping Water, Teh.. coming there cut: to the electric line and became
40 years ago from Ohio. - I lost in the thick swamp.
tia Jo enrvivpd hv a widow and I r Ainrfrn n was loined by his
three children, Arthur Woodford, wtfe who came on from New Orleans.
Newark, N. J., Emma W.; Lincoln, in(j lhey have gone to Camp Walton.
mv parents were always too glad to
hear from their boy. I live way
down in the southern part of Kausr.s.
I will . close now thankins you
up-ain . .for your splendid gift and lmt recently organized and
would, be glad if at any subsequent is woruing with a dilligence in the
time we could further perfect our
distant acquaintance.
, ,. . -HARRY" II. HORNER.
First Regiment, C o. C.
Great Lakes, 111.
times have a good word for the lied
Cross of America.
Wishing you aud the members of
the Cars County cnapier a upi.
and prosperous New Year, I am
Yours truly.
Der.r Sir: v. .
Christmas is over and what.- a
mosr -memorable and happy Chrisi-
mn it was It is beyond words to Co. A, 1st Reg.. Barracks
I - . . I 1 IM
pvnrm nnr amoreciation to those 120 soutn. ureai mo, m.
who made possible this great under
taking. It is without a doubt one Dear Mr. Begley
dav to be remembered through life, j am very much pleased with the
and to the Red Cross society we wonderful Christmas present i -
are heartily thankful. f ceived from you through your Red'ing chosen
,-,,,r wt .u-ichps frr st nros-1 n-nca nhonior T had a very line
i a lo.-s o:
moving elsewhere and going into
government service. which latter!
alone has taken ironi the-church and
its' various auxiliaries about twenty
persons. L. A. Brown and wife have
taken their letters to deposit else
where. The Grim Messenger, Death,
has claimed during the year Mrs.
Alzada Crook. Mr::. Elizabeth Wiles,
John D. Tutt and M. W. Thomas.
Luther F. Pickett reported on the
collection of a fund which is known
ay the War Emergency Fund, and
which is being sent to the headquar
ters tor use in establishing houses
at the various cantonments and in
other places where the army may be
1 fnr the use and benefit of
members of the Christian church
After this came the annual elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year.
which resulted in the following be
most convenient and direct routes, and Henry L. Woodford of Omaha. Inhere they are waiting-word from
"'.o waine . tiniika-xjrdered, t heiI., Mr I. NVWoodford waa engaged in the searching parties looking for tne
to continue operation of their, lines
perous and happy New Year.
phil lange!nbahn.
H A 2 Hosp. Corps Training
School. Co. Al, Great Lakes, 111.
Examiner and tne iNonuj
."oniens Auxiliary club. At
va. Tuesday a bugle sounded
' great v winding columns be-
Mtiv nt nf thp irrow-
iiuiK " Ivonr elfts
-kness toward the spot where yo "
jmnany commander knew his j
ere to be placed. It seemed a
Q ,i ini' Kt ream'- of humanity
Christmas here today and your gift
made it much more enjoyable for
me. We had a splendid dinner of
turkey, cranberry sauce and things
like that. We have had no drill to
day and surely enjoy the Christmas
cf holiday.
From my heart I thank you and
in conformity with the presidents
proclamation, putting them under
irovernraent control.
There was no indication tonight
whether Mr. McAdoo intended even-
- .11 1.. " n Tni rd '
many io u.fcu'- t..r "I removing to Lincoln
with an organization of his own or:
the banking business for a number 1 missing man. Masons and other
of years and duly-removed to Lincoln j prominent fraternal and business or-
a few years since.' , Mr. Woodford ganizations are exerting every enori
has many friends in Weeping Water to find Young.
and Cass county. After having re- Both F. H. Young and Alpha Mor-
tired from business he lived a num- gan are prominent Masons in Ne-
ber of years in Weeping Water before h)raska. having held important posi-
their lodtrc. Mr. lout)
to. continue its organization lor . t!!e j WILL AXTEND BOYLES COLLEGE
duration of the war. . It was made
clear, however, that it will continue I Prm Wednesday's Daily
to perform its functions until the
director general decides J-bht a bet
ter system can be devised";
president and Mr. Morgan a trustee
o fthe Masonic home at Plattsniouth.
Mr. Young is also president of the
Custer State bank.
The two men were closely asso-
Dear Sir:
niT.rir.rr tn t li f t h oit trh t f u 1 ness
on the patade ground by the yourselfnd the organi2ation which
y'ou represent muchif the heartache the rass county Red Cross Chapter
which we all feel-on this day has . present, and I assure -you it
been dispelled, and it is with the has heiped me to appreciate Christ
deepest gratitude tnat we receive day
Yours truly.
Being a rsebrastan mysen mu ,if GlrORGE LAHKY
proud of the fact, the'gift was doub- Cq b 3rd Ueg f. Carnp Dewey,
ly welcome, coming as it did trom a Great Lakpg IH
VohroeVa man' . It shows that our
,y Jive P. m.. v. homes are behind us cheering us on M Tllf1tro
dark. All . , -J
and alone gpes iar iu maivc w T-e writer js tne happy recipient
Elders: Thomas Wiles. R. W. Bry
an Pliillin F. Rhin' and Luther F.
Pickett. -
Deacons: O. C. Hudson. C. Ik
Whitaker, Luke L. Wiles, Clarenw
Stenner, A. L. Connor. E. M. God
win and J. R. Bennett. .--' "
Deaconesses: Mesdames F I.t. God
win, Cl?rence Stenner. C. IT,' Whitak
er. A. L- Connor. L. L. 'les J- F
Bennett' and O C. jludsoij:
M S Briggs was elected trustee
i- ,
T ,
and it wa3 quite
,ly five the' bugle sounded a sain
' . i. . i i eVirit it t from kti:iit til iiul kv . ,
,v - idarKest moous.
home cf E. II. Wescott, where they
,ioHcri,tf n nrosrram'and music
from that 1!fe iswor,h wlule even 111 of Red Cross package, which 'you aJ f, framt,s nped gpeed the hours
From Wednesday's Dflily.
.The members ; of tno Lpworth
ue held a vatch meeting at the
were so very kind to donate.
! more swiftly. runtil the finger of time
rrl- r. l?ff? f'TORS and Y.I .w . ; ( .,-,t! " j. . - a a i. - .
. e .Mnriin? out - , iiappmess reisns upieu: in tninte(1 to tj10 arrival oi me uc
e great uJis oi uci., -o y ,niM(imis serve as al. . .. , ... i i.: e i , . . i
! " ttrr hreeze 1 1 1" Vy" --'"""-' ----- tonignt ann me uuys are munuis v err. Some one nan neen sianuueu
iiunt ' in tne sun t-vtu.n.0 ,J1 -i f ii-.ohcnrhpr hetween the . t a 1" . . . . . ....
. ... i c ... f.,.r hundred be-l1- 1 .c wara io a. piea&uiiL maa nfinwnu.. . . ,)t (le Meynoaist cnureu auu -nc
. Snflneled recrultahd rougher eages oi mm
san-equiy pwn, trnlnlnc and having once ex
We are being equipped and drilled
as rapidly as existing conditions per-
? Banner, everyone comm0 iu .01- . th. lack of these tokens of I t. . . c tn ot iT1tn tne
fA flan- hpenn slowly aesceno-i
7 1,7. ,T,i mnt-iin Moffet thoughtfumess. we now pyi thick of fightin
ing. Tlhomple ed Capta in Moffe t .lhe more fully and assure you I brinKin
and; tt-e. flag began slowly
ing. Tllis completed, Captai
Ki i.- (hro in the switch.
u,u,.r ur.. of appreciation.
illuminating, tne irt nn T.':.-,-i .inrpiv , .
ands ofUights and crowned by an '. 'n-
immense star. A. mighty cheer broke 7
- .1. . x t ci,ir Radio School.-Co. D2, ith Reg.,
out' which seenieu i kih. - .
.. , KTamp Perry. Great Lakes
111V (viiiui 1
ces. 111.
Xmasl carrols were sung
entire assembly. Then the compan-
Dear Mr. Begley:
It gives me much pleasure to ac
knowledge receipt of my gift through!
the Red Cross and I assure you it has
me. along with
and do our share
bringing the miserable des
pot of the German empire to ins
Thanking you again for your gift, j
I am, Sincerely,
Co. K, 1st Reg., liar.
Camp Dewey, Great Lakes, 111. -
: ' f, V
tlr momeiU arrived that a new year
-v&3 a born, the old bell peeled forth
the glad news, to those who were
awakerand aroused the drowsy ones
who had sought their peaceful couch.
Cr-incident almost with the-ringing
of fie Methodist bell was heard the
ptfs cf the St. Paul's Evangelical
ljs4J. and they-too rang -in unison
for- about ten minutes, and with the
V.ifTerent tones made a very beautiful
reeting for the year-1918.. -
ies were V marched one by one pas
tph grea i piles of presents and each
InnUia T-.fcr-ri i-cd two TiafltaEeS. EilCh
of vi-.L flS -aser-as a child to'-geUbeen appreciated by
7 . ...A4i. -the ret of the Company
baCE W, our oarracss . anu niy-- - - " remembered me, with
nr i i.m iititz u.iu uuv v Liia l ow v.j
Camp Cody, Deming, N
Dear Editor of the .Journal: ;As
I am confined in the hospital, I take
vii nin to thanlc the dear friends
ft j . . . v
gate tne parcels and ; t but while I was Presents at Christmas time.
iu rdinioinp' rrvnrC " - i- . .. . , -
Womai' loven ; a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Blood .Bitten i3
splendid for purifying the. blood.
! clearing the skin, restoring souna
digestion. .. All - druggists sell it:
Price $1.25. . .. ' . ' ' , ;, :
w w
., 'ona Af th f ortunate, I - thought u
AvsAmm inn --in .1 i r wi. ji iiu. -
:,,v coiiVd S. mJeed. Uf..rtr t rcn. to your Uind ,he w year.
children again, for,had not co-operation, and that I shall attain -
Very ' best wishes to all ? through
From Wednesday's Daily.
Vrsterdsiv -afternoon at 2:30 a
number of friends and old acquaint-1
ances gathered at the Presbyterian
Church. in attendance at the funeral
services of the late Clement Chapman
the youngest son of Mrs. Agnes Chap
man of Lincoln. The remains, ac
companied by the bereaved mother
brother Joe. sister Mrs. Helen Koontz
and Mr. Walter Stempel, arrived in
this city on the noon train. The
flower laden casket was conveyed to
the Presbyterian church, where the
remains laid in state until the fun
eral hour and during the hour of
1:30 and2:00 friends were permitted
to take a farewell view of their de
parted friend. The funeral services
were held at 2:30. A choir, com
posd of Miss Mathilde Vallerv Mrs.
G. L. Farley; Messrs. Lynn. .Minor
and G. L. Farley sang favorite
hymns, while Mrs. Henry -F. Goos
presided at the organ. Rev. II. G
McClusky spoke words of comfort to
the sorrowing ones and said that we
made various plans for our future
welfare, but sometimes God would
have other and better plans and
would interfere with our plans and
perhaps take pome of our loved ones
to his home. We are then prone to
feel discouraged but God knows. what
are the best plans, and what he does
for the best. The remains were
then conveyed to Oak. Hill cemetery,
where Clement was laid to rest. Har
old Peters. Mason Wescott, Robert
Kroehler, Cecil,. Chrisinger. Leslie
unit Ttnrold Smith, members of the
Sundav School class of -the Presby
terian church, of which Clement was
a member, when he lived here and
cons ot tne uoy ocuuis, i hj.
Clement to his last resting place.
Thus has passed to his just reward.
a young man. loved by all who knew
him. ,
. Ainmunttv. in 'which the
Chapman family resided for so many
This morning Ferdinand Hennings
accompanied by his two sons, Albert I ciatei in business, and were in the
and Herman came in from their farm habit of making a yearly trip to the
home west of Plattsniouth ana de
parted for Omaha, where they are
looking after some business for the
day. Albert Hennings will enter the
Boyles Business College, where he
will take a course in business. Mr.
Hennings and son, Herman returned
home this afternoon.
-rm Wednesdav's Da'ly.
C. L. Creamer, wife and children
leparted this morning for Ft. Omaha
where they went to visit with Jose
Creamer, who is taking training in
the Ballooning school at that place.
Mr. Jose Creamer is looking the work
thus far fairly well, and seems better
is he gets farther along with it.
gulf coast, where tney Kepi n
power boat for pleasure trips aud
kept up a cottage at tne nsnm.
grounds at Walton.
In a telegram to Grand t,ecreiarj
F E. White of the Nebraska A. F. &
A. M. last night, Mr. Morgan stated
that in his opinion Mr. Young had
been drowned, but that there was a
bare possibility that the missing man
had reached the mainland and might
still be found.
Time to . oil and repair harness.
. .oir tha
SI. 00 for oHing wnere e
harness. John P. Gorder,
mouth. Neb.
For croup or sore throat, use Dr.
Thomas's Eclectic Oil. Two sizes,
30c and 60c. At all drug stores.
1 2-r.-tfd
For Sale A number of white
Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E. Heeb
ner, Nehawka.
The Federal Reserve
System Helps You
It was created primarily . t
To help the business men and farmers;
To provide plenty of currency at all times;
To effect a steadier supply of credit.
The system merits the support of all good citi
zens; it must have yours in Order to reach its full
You can secure the benefits of this great system
and at the same time assise ai
reedy in developing it by depos
iting your money with us.
vparv' extend their sympathy to Mrs.
Paper. Plates and Picnic .Sets at Chapman and family during this sad
itlie Journal office. . . .--VvV" - '-,..
Tmi Ma&iaal Bain
Send for Booklet, ''How Does It Benefit Me?'
' f ' ' ' ' ' ; 1 'TrJ