THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. PAGE FOUR. FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. 'Chz plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEXI-WBEKLT AT PLATTSMOtTH, NEBRASKA. atsr4 at Postofflca at FUttamouth. Nab., as coad-claaa mall matter. R. A. BATES, RUBlCBIPTIOir PRICK I SUM Remember the poor of the city. :o:- "Whatever is, is in its cause just. :o:- Everybody enjoyed the Christmas spirit. :o: An ideal New Year gift a Thrift Stamp. -tor- Eight more years to chew the rag on prohibition. -:o:- The Christmas trade was good in the wind-up. fairly :o:- The kaiser's peace terms should be labeled "Joke No. S." While prices are being regulat ed all along the line the wages of sin remain as heretofore. to: Let the war be carried on that no other object may seem to be sought but the acquisition of peace. :o:- Another difficulty seems to be that the various war boards and bureaus imagine they are competing indus tries. tot- Uowever, we have heard no par ticular kick from La Follette on the condition of affairs in the ordinance department. , tot- What a privilege it must be to be a school boy nowadays, and have your school superintendent intern ed as a disloyalist. Some people seem to think that Uncle Sam can do everything at once, but then he can't and don't propose to try an impossibility. tot- As we understand it all parties are agreed on the desirability of peace. All that remain is to force our method down the throat of the ene my. tot- Suggestion to imitators who are at a loss for the moment for some thing to imitate. "Why not put a new make of phonograph on the mar ket? to:- The time may come when our easy-going method of conducting war without shooting spies will be abandoned in self-defense. Fremont Tribune. tot- The new order at Camp Funston that coffee will be sweetened in the kitchen instead of at the table here after will make a lot of married men homesick, some of them again. tor- All those speakers the War De partment sent out last summer "to awaken the West to the war" could have done quite a little valuable ser vice back where they came from, it appears. :o: Mr. Burleson says his postoffice de partment saved a "surplus"- of $9, 000,000 last year. And in the same breath he tells us that the depart nient lost money carrying second class mail matter. The pilot of Mr Burleson's logic seems to have butted into its caboose. -tot- Everybody can start figuring up his income tax right now. In doing this it will be well to remember that money spent for living expenses, for paying the principal of a debt for new building3, new machinery and other improvements cannot be de ducted from your income. tot Ere another issue of the Journa Christmas will have passed. And we take this oportunity to wish ev c ry one of our loyal citizens a Very Merry and Happy. Christmas. May prosperity and good luck attend them during the year 1918, and as nia,ny more years as possible. Publisher TKU TEAK UJ ADTANO THE RED CROSS DOLLAR. (By the Rev. John Hewitt, rector St. Mark's. Coldwater, Mich., former ly Lincoln, Neb.) Send me, send me, Do not hold me. Take and fold , In Red Cross kit To do my bit " As they see fit Who shall spend me. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. I'm a free man's gift. Bent on going Where "Glory" leads; Bent on doing ' What soldier needs In war-bled land; . Lending a hand, Giving a lift. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. Let me hie me; Don't deny me. My country calls, My brother falls. f To pay a debt I can't forget j A debt of honor Long overdue. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. Shot down by shell In foe-made hell In friendly France, . My brother bleeds And waits and pleads. My only chance To heal my kin And help France win I put my bit In Red Cross Kit. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. Don't say me nay, Our nation's way Is true devotion To each emotion Born of Liberty. Gives its Godspeed To each small deed That's done in love For Freedom's need. Is blessed Above I'm going. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. i My mission's high To amplify A soldier's care, To do and dare . ; Mid hot battle Rifle's rattle And cannons' roar. What both my purse And Red Cross nurse Can make much more. I'm a Red Cross Dollar. I'm glad first aid, Clothing, dressings, I'm all home made. Love-stitched blessings, Wool-knit sweater. Well wove letter For far off brother From sister, mother. Yes, I'm Surgeon's supplies Answering cries Of bleeding valor Mid war-made squalor. I'm going I'm a Red Cross Dollar. tot- Germany has stated about , all the possible peace terms except the right one, and 'from the manner in which the kaiser industriously dodges that one, we should judge he knows what it is as well as anybody. -;o:- When the mistletoe fails three years In succession, the young lady so Unfortunate will be an old maid But don't blame the mistletoe. : :ot Every home in Plattsmouth should possess a Red Cross flag. And he who fails to do so is right aud plenty under suspicion. f Santa will soon be here. tot- Last call for the resolution. tot The Red Cross still booms. tot Happy little hearts will rejoice. tot Remember Christmas comes but once a year. :o: The compiler of the Russian "Who's Who" has our sympathy. to: It is no longer a case of "a horse on you." It's horse on the table. tot Germany (to Russia) Come on, now, unut nurry up: uuess vicn leedle schell under dot fine peace iss, alretty! tot "Intern eleven aliens," says a headline. No longer can it be said that aliens come here to starve for lack of attention. tot The 20-?ent dollar got by without any or Its nianuiacturers oemg hanged, so now they are talking of making it twenty-five. tot We wonder why the price fixers call what they fix a "maximum" price. Do tney nave any luea mat a price won't reach the maximum? tot i Why was the recent quarrel be tween Doctor Garfield and Governor Cox of Ohio? Was the Governor about to achieve a distribution of some coal? certificates. tot - A correspondent wants to know why movie shows aren't eliminated along with the saloons. Well, for one reason, a man doesn't stand on the corner on pay night enumerating all the pictures to make sure that he hasn't missed any. tot FAULTY GERMAN LOGIC. It seems utterly impossible for the German scholars and philosophers to understand America and democracy. Lately they have-been . pouring out their wrath upon Wilson. One of the most eminent of them has this to say about him: 'Wilson wants the war and the prolongation of discord because he wishes to exercise his domination over the north and south of his con tinent, because he wishes to inter vene in Asia aird Europe, and be cause -he already glimpses, as the canonical right of his state, the di vision of all the goods of this world, while frustrating other peoples as much a spossible. All the measures which he is seen to take appear logical, if looked at from this angle." Why should Wilson want any of those things? He is simply an Amer- can citizen like the rest of us, and lolds his office for a certain period by vote of the people. If he were an hereditary ruler, then he might en tertain such ideas, but as he can have no different interest from the rest of us, it seems ridiculous to an American to attribute such ambi tions to him. If that were said of a kaiser, or of a family ruling by divine right and inheritance, there might be some plausibility to it. It appears that even the most highly educated German can think in no other terms than those of autocracy. The common people of Germany, having been schooled for forty years in the doctrine which the professors hold, will, without doubt, believe every word of the above ac cusations. The American purpose, whatever it is, is not the purpose of Wilson, but of the American people. That thing seems Incomprehensible to these German philosophers. They have been accustomed all their lives to know nothing but the purposes of the kaiser, and so they come to the conclusion that this war was in augurated by President Wilson and is being fought to satisfy his anibi tions. All the actions of Wilson, as is claimed, would be "logical" in an hereditary ruler, but when applied to the man who must soon go out of i power and become a' citizen on equal ity with every other citizen, they are preposterous. "World-Herald. BISMARCK'S THREE WARS. Germans, as well as others, have traced the present war to Bismarck, whose policies led to the growth of a German national philosophy that made peace in the long run imposs ible. Bismarck himself saw the trend and predicted a great war leading to world domination or downfall. At any rate, there can be no doubt of Bismarck's large responsibility for three former wars. Attention has been called again to the well known life of Bismarck by his secretary, Moritz Busch, who tells how Bis marck, a short time before he died, sat before the fire in the great room of his house at Varzin, being then in his eighty-third year, and threw one fir cone after another upon the open fire, saying at last after a long period of meditation t "But for me three great wars would not have been fought, S 0,0 00 men would not have perished, fath ers, brothers, sisters, widows, would not have been plnnged into mourn ing. I have settled all that with my creator. But I have gained little or no joy from all my work." It may well be that the aged statesman who deliberately brought about three great wars with the death of SO. 000 men and all the misery that followed in their train. thought that he had it all settled with his creator. But the ordinary man who loves peace and human brotherhood may well question whether Bismarck's creator may not have had in reserve a few words more on the subject. In this world or any other, most of us would prefer to take our chan ces with the record of a Howard or a Wilberforce rather than with that of a Bismarck. Minneapolis Journal. tot A LESSON IN ENGLISH. If we were instructing the young idea how to shoot in the way ,cf writing good English, we would call its attention to the story of an ad venturer at sea in the current issue of the Atlantic. The story is entit led "Torpedoed," and its author is Lieut. Albert Kinross. The unusual thing about it is the way it begins: "The first torpedo struck us at a few minutes past 10 o'clock in the morn ing." With that sort of a beginning who could resist reading, the roat of the article? You know you are in the midst of things at once. Most writ ers would have begun with a leisure ly account of the departure of the liner, and where the stateroom was located, and how many persons were on board, and hew they felt, and all that. . But Lieutenant Kinross instinct ively feels that his readers aren't in terested in those things at all. What they want to get at is the adventure that began when the "torpedo hit. So he starts them right off with that fascinating sentence, "The first tor pedo struck us at a few minutes past 10 o'clock in the morning." It is a rare gift in a writer to tell his story and stop when he gets through. Most persons " find the achievement utterly beyond them. They simply can't resistmaking an introduction and an ending. It used to be a set habit with a certain in structor in English to get his pupils to write a theme and then instruct them to cross out the first and last paragraphs and see how the compo sition was improved. v There used to be a minister in Kansas City with a delightful but rather prolonged literary style. So he yielded to a suggestion from some of his friends that he stop at exact ly 12:30, no matter where he might be in his sermon. He always had kis manuscript before him, and he never got to the end. He would caress the last few pages lovingly and then stop abruptly at the appointed time The curious thing was that nobody would have known that he hadn't come to the end of his discourse as it was originally written. K. C. Star The last day before. :o: Pass the horse, please. Well, thank God, out of all there "meatless" and "wheatless" and "sweetless" and "smokeless" days there will down finally a "Kaiserless" day. :o: After looking at Germany's Christ mas peace terms Russia probably will wish it had waited with the al lies for the inevitable offer Christ mas reductions. ret Don't forget the poor children on Christmcs. They will perhaps get no present at all, unless some charit able citizens take it upon themselves to remember them. -tot- A good husband will not ask his wife to relate all the day's misfor tunes the minute he gets home. She can make them a great deal worse if given a little more time. to: It would help the thrift campaign much, as well as those who partici pate therein, if the interest payments on Liberty bonds were at once in vested in compound interst savings tot- You can save coal by putting a thermometer in each room, the Bos ton Globe says. Just how docs that come about.' it just makes one more important article in the room to heat. to: THE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE. Firing from ambush at the state council of defense has become un popular and rightfully so. One who has been in close touch with the work of the council dreads to think of what conditions might have been n this state had not this determin- 'd organization for the promotion of atriotism been diligently at work since its creation. To nobody has it done a greater or more lasting service than to the scores of foreigners who had been slow about comprehending their ob- igations as citizens with reference o the war. Toward none of such las it assumed an attitude of hos- ility. Its appeal to them has al- vays been friendly, because it has een its purpose above all else to be friend them. That is why practicallv very man summoned before the coun cil has" gone home a better citizen and feeling better in his own mind than when he was summoned. Coming before this board with trepidation, due to the nature of the summons, most of them have come n fearing reprimand or other re buke. They have invariably been disappointed in that, for they have found everybody around them ready and eager to help them rather than hurt them. And a heart-to-heart discussion of their attitude and in clinations, their obligations and it erances, has always resulted in the establishment of a better under standing all round. As a result some of the most ardent, faithful and ef fective workers for the government's war activities are now men whom the council of defense had had occasion to call before it. It is a pitiable fact that some pro fessing Americans do not set foreign ers a good example. It does not win any support for our country's cause to have an American newspaper print on its editorial page an intimation taht the sinking of an American sub marine will elicit no tears in tliis country because the men who give their lives are manning a vessel of that sort. Such an intimation is much more deserving of stern rebuke than any of the things for saying which men are called into confer ence by the council of defense. Lincoln Star. :ot- This Was No Joke.. J. E. Colver, 103 Labor Temple, Los Angeles, Cal., writes: "I have had about 56 years of experience with all sorts and kinds of cathartic remedies some good and some a joke. When I got wise to Foley Ca thartic Tablets for. constipation, got in right. The best I ever used." Do not gripe; no unpleasant after effects. Sold everywhere. For any pain, burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. Two sizes SOc and 60c at all drug stores. V . lii'r - JBHiU IpwIiMThs Kind You Have -AU OIIUL 3 PfcH CKN1 tngilicSiGx-aoEtsaiidBwekrf Freinotcs DigcslfcnflacrfiJ r.css and ItestjCoct c&is ntta Cpiuni.Mcrplurie norMiacroL Nor Narcotic. Firankul Sjadm MxSrmn iir.v Still' frtrzjed Siigr Tm .la Apcrfcct Remedy forCoitsfljtt t ion , Sour Stosiarii .Dtantoa 'if - Yvcr ns .Cor.'alsicns.r evenso itss ondLoss or Sleep. TacSinifc Signamreof The Centaur Compact NEW YUl.'K. Exact Copy of Wrapper. KENYON RIDDLE GETS PLACE AS MANAGER OF XENIA, 0. From Monday's Daily. Kenyon Riddle today received an appointment from the city commis sion of Xenia, O., as city manager of that city, to take effect January 1, at a salary of $3,000. The town has 9,000 population and this is its first experiment with the new sys tem. Mr. Riddle was city engineer of Abilene for a time and since has been engaged with his brother in engineering and paving contracts. The position is a fine one and he will fill it with great credit. He will move to Xenia the latter part of the mouth. Abilene (Kansas) Daily Re flector. Mr. Riddle, wife and daughter are now visiting at R. B. Windham's, father of Mrs. Riddle, over Christ mas when they will go direct to Xenia, there new home. LIES. P. F. RHIN HOME AGAIN From Monthly's Daily. Mr. Phillip Rhin went to Omaha yesterday and today returned with Mrs. Rhin and the nurse, Miss An nas Steppat. Mrs. Rhin, who has been at the hospital for a number of weeks, returns feeling much better. though not yet as strong and well as she hopes soon to be. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is. home again and on the road to complete recovery. Extra Work for Women. - War conditions try the strength of women. The overworked woman, in home, office or factory, will find in Foley Kidney Pills a great relief from kidney trouble, backache, head ache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, swollen muscles and that awful tired feeling. They assist nature in restor ing strength and vitality. Sold ev erywhere. Journal Want-Ads Pay I !Ei2iT fc.uiM-.itpd under thefroodiui 1 1 M I IRfilsislkod TO BE GIVEN AT THE T. J. KL KIALL Monday, December 31st Three Cash Prizes are Offered for the Three Best Masked! FIRST PRIZE Q3.00 SECOND PRIZE-$2.00 THIRD PRIZE $1.00 Lunch and Refreshments Gervcd! Music by fho Plallcmoulh Orclioclra ADMISSION: , Gents, 50c; Spectators 25c; Ladies Free. TIBS o nl For Infant 8 and Children.: Bears the Signature of n Use For Over Thirty Years IB) 4 Ml TMC CENTAUR COMPANY. NCW VOM CITT. TURNS OVER WITH LOAD OF HAY From Monday's Daily. W. H. Seybert, who lives in the west portion of the city, was hauling a load of hay to his place last Sat urday, and when he endeavored to turn into the lane which leads to his place, just this side of the ceme tery, the load and wagon was over turned, and Mr. Seybert received some injuries in his knee and one hand, which put him out of com mission for some time. Mr. Sevbert has been trying to get the place where the wagon overturned fixed for some time, and has not been able. He feels as though the city ehould have fixed the place after hav ing had their attention called to it.. How to Check Croup Quickly. There is one reliable remedy for crop that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clarjr, Ante, Va., writes: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar is the best medicine I ever tried. My little son nearly had croup. I gave him one dose and it stopped hfm coughing in about five minutes." Re lieves coughs, colds, lagrippe. Sold everywhere. - '1j His Back Hurt When He Stooped Jat the en box of Foley Kidney Pill re lieved my backache. J. W. Etris, EtrU, Ca. "Last year I was suffering: with terrible backache," writes J. W. Etrla of Etris, Ga. "Every time IM lean or stoop over or to one side, I'd havs a painful catch in my back just over my kidneys. I tried medicines with no good results. I bought a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills, and Just the on box entirely relieved my backache. It has been some time since I took them, so I think I am well." Weakened, overworked, stopped-up kidneys causa stiff joints, sore mus cles, rheumatism, sleep disturbing; bladder ailments, biliousness and various other Ills. Foley Kidney Pills are a scientific medicine, compounded to clear the kidneys and restore them to healthy action by dissolving and drlvinc 'out of the system the waste products and poisons that causs kidney trouble and bladder ailments. Tou will like their tonic and restor ative action, ready effect and quick' ?ood results. "SOLD EVERYWHERE." 0 ft . ft if r r f n I 7 ' f 4 V t'i : i f 7! H .7 1