The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 27, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
II r 1 1 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. PAGE TWO The Plattsmouth Garage TELEPHONE 394 For Service Livery Ail (lours! Best Mechanics to Look After Your Troubles Batteries Recharged! Radiator Repaired! On and after January 1st, we will do a strictly cash business. Positively 3m I ALLSE GERMAN ON THE THE BRITISH AERIAL SQUADRON SHELLS MANNHEIM AS KAI SER AIMS AT VERDUN SEVERAL FIRES IN THE CITY Teuton Guns Busy in West as Fresh Troops are Rushed to France from Russian Front. Increased cannonading in the re gion of Verdun, especially around iHmauraont, the Chaume wood and the Canriens wood, where a year ago were the theatres of some of the liercet't encounters in the war, in dicates apparently the intention of the Germans to keep the Frenca forces in this sector well occupied or might even mean a renewed ef fort to break through at this vital point. Bombs Rhine City. The allies, however, are evidently ON'T YOU THINK that Home IiuiMers' mortgages ought to be safer than mortgage loans which are made on any person's ap praised value of a property? Horn Builders knows the exact cost of every building on which it has a mortgage because we built it and we know just what the owner has invested. HOME BUILDERS' GUARANTEED Shares are secured by mortgages on new buildings, built to order the safest security known. You can invest a large or a small amount weekly or monthly, leave it as long as you wish and convert your shares into cash on short notice. . Send in ' your applicatiou today for one or more $1.00 shares. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., Fis. Agts. J-OME BUILDERS, Inc, OMAHA NEBRASKA E. P. LUTZ, Agent, Plattsmouth. see no RHINE 6 why ley ISSUE! Lund? When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every year. Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the. same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. We have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 80C acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass county people. Drive over to Sterling, Neb., and see us. Itslillil ' "LAND COMPANY, ' . ptfbne Red 65 Sterling, Nebraska Storage! Wo Credit! Prop. making ready for an untoward event and have taken the initiative in other directions. A British air squad ron has successfully bombed the city of Mannheim, the great Rhine commercial center ajid one of the most important bases for the revic- tualliug of the Germans on the western front. A number of fires were started in the city, a ton of bombs being drop ped. The British squadron had num erous combats with the German air planes in this expedition and one of the British machines was forced to make a landing. Transfer Troops to West. Simultaneously with the report of the German activity on the western front comes the news that the Ger mans are transferring great numbers of troops with all possible dispatch from the western front as well as to the southwestern Russian front. This has assumed such propor tions that Russian Foreign Minister Trotzky has called the attention of the peace delegation at Brest-Litovsk to this fact. MAKES WORKMEN A MERRY CHRISTMAS Fmm Monday's Pally. L. ('. Sharpe of the Western Ma chine and Foundry Company, is wish ing all his employes a Merry Christ mas, and to aid in the proper cele bration of the same has presented them with a $3.00 note as an ap preciation of their work, and the in terest they have taken on the busi ness and work at the institution. Mr. Sharpe has an excellent set of ma chinists as well as a fine lot of men and being pleased with them shows his satisfaction of the results cf their work in this manner. FLOYD RUMMEL VERY SICK. rrnm Monday's Daily. A telephone message received last evening from Beaver City, from M. J. Rummell. a brother of Will Rum- m mell, told of his son Floyd being very sick with but slight . hopes of his recovery. Floyd is about six teen years of age, and is very low with diabetes. This morning Will Rummell and his daughter Miss Florence departed for the west to visit with the young man, and if possible do what there could be done for his comfort. i UNCLAIMED MAIL. From Monfliv's railv. Thomas Blackett. Mrs. Abbie Brisby. Mrs. T. L. Breman. E. J. Keene C. D. Murray. Above mail unclaimed and wiil be sent to the Dead "Letter Office, Jan. 7, 1917. D. C. MORGAN, P. M i V . , :.i .' 4- i. P GERMANS CUT THROAT ( U. S. PRIS TEUTONS USE TRENCH KNIFE UPON CAPTIVE AND GASH THROAT HORRIBLY. AN EXAMPLE OF- SAVAGERY Lone Sentry Put to Death After His Capture in Manner Typical of Savage Philippinos. With the American Army in France, Dec. 25. German atrocities against American soldiers are official ly reported. An American sentry has been found with his throat cut and, it is officially declared, "he must have been killed after capture." Official Report Made Information concerning German savagery" has reached the troops ir one of a series of bulletins read to them by the unit commanders and posted on the bulletin boards. Here is what they heard: "After a raid by the Germans on trenches held by American troops, a lone sentry of infantry was found with his throat cut from ear to car He had been surprised by an over whelming force of Germans and must have been so killed after cap ture. Like Savage Warfare "Such brutality is familiar to old soldiers who served against savages in the Philippines campaign." Another bulletin tells the men hov. the Germans in occuplied sections of France and Belgium are turnin women and children out of their homes into the snows, the buildings being then given over to soldiers, horses and material. GREETING FROM ENGLAND From Wednesday's Da 11 v. The relatives in IMattsiuouth ol' the young men who are in the rcr vice and belong to that portij: known r.s the Rainbow division, con stituting state, and national guard i from Iowa, they being me&bcrs Vi the company which went from Glen wood and numbering eight, all told. from this city, has received letter; from them, on? of winch appears in the Journal in this iosuo. It is from Edward Ripple. J. D. Lair and M. B. Allen have also received letter? from their sons, Ralph Allen and Ralph Lair. They say they lik England very well, but it is not Iiin :j like the United States, which, in their estimation, is tne ie-t eotmtrv- m the world. CHRISTMAS EINNER TOGETIIE?. From Wednesday's Iaily. At the home of Mr. and Mr.--. P. K. Ruffner, yesterday way gat here.', most of the family for a reunion on Christmas day. Those present were Sperry and Horace Ruffner, sons cf Mr. and Mrs. Ruffner Mrs. M. C. Reed, who is a sister of Mrs. Ruffner, and her daughter, Mrs. Irma Hunt, both of Omaha. Mrs. E. A. Kirkpat- rick and husband, of Nehawka, J Irs. Kirkpatrick being another sister. and Robert Black, the only remain ing brother also were present. Need less to say, they enjoyed the social gathering and the Christmas dinner.: SOCIAL DANCE Given by the De Luxe Danc ing Club at Coates Hall Sat urday night, December 29th. Refreshments. A ladies' free check room. Music by Holly orchestra. Admission: Gents, 50c; spectators, 25c; ladies free: Come and enjoy it. s ;: GO HAVE A'LOOX! Vallery and Cromwell 'leave Plattsmouth every Saturday night at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase counties. They have the good level black soil that is raising all kinds of small grain, 'corn and alfalfa. Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been out. 17-swtf GOOD LANDS NEAR HOME. There are large and small tracts of land near home that you can buy right through the agency of Curtain & Mockenhaupt, of Sterling, Neb., as you will. sec by their ad in another column of this-paper. They have some very choice farms near Sterl ing, and will fake pleasure-in show ing", you the value, of the same if you will take a day and visit with them. tf-tf-tf FA ONER WRITES FROM CAMP PIKE. From Wednesday's Dally. Perry Iseill writes a very interest ing letter from Camp Pike, Arkansas, in which he says that he is vell pleased with -the climate there, It be ing a very pretty place for the camp, and that. there is plenty of shade trees. This might seem a little strange in this climate, but there a little shade does not go so bad. He aj's that the drafted boys are treat ed just as good as the enlisted. Per ry is a Sargent and is kept pretty busy as a drill master. WILL MAXE HOME HERE. From Wednesday's Dally. m. rhurber, who came here but a short time since, to work on the Burlington sewer, for the J. M. Rob erts coihpany, and who had formerly made his home in Fairbury, has de cided that Plattsmouth is a good enough place in which to live and this morning entered into a contract to purchase a home in this city, get ting one of Wm. Mutchelott, who re sides south of the Burlington shops. SPEND CHRISTMAS AT HOME From Monday's Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hassler. of Lincoln, arrived in the city today to spend Christmas at the old home and will be guests at the home of Mr. Hassler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hassler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hassler, of Osceola, Nebraska, ac companies! by Mrs. Hassler's moth er, Mrs. Sexton, of Lincoln, are ex pected in the city today, and will al so spend Christmas under the paren tal roof. The Ilassk-r boys have nianywery warm friends in and around the old home who are always pleased to see them. GIVES EMPLOYEES STAMPS Miihi'mv'.s Iaily. The M. :. Smith shin factory has delivered to it tp;p!oycfs a t;ub-;tan-tial Christina.- present, which should work a two fold help to those who are wirhoin:; to iav it being tliiift stamps, which make a moirt appro priate and r.iel''.;! presort, serving to teach a lesson in thrift as wll ?i showing appreciation for the services which their employees are render ing. Through C. C. Parmele of this city, each employee of the establish ment v.iis presented $r.2 in stamp-', while those- who had worked for tix months received -ST.. 0 0 i ml those over a year received $7.0!) worth. ALL BUT' ONE HERE. I Vt-tM "l'.i-;1: v's I t.iilv At the home yesterday of M tnd Mr?. George Lanrolncr, were as rembiod all ct their children with one exception, Bert Laiv.phaer of Chicago being present, for the day and returr.od to his heme at Chicago lapt evening on the late train. George w'io is hi the navy and located at the Great Lake- Training school was also present, and Henry and wife, who fire making jtheir home at Yankton, S. I). MURDOCX RED CROSS. From Wednesday's Daily. - Itemized statement of Murdock Branch Red Cross from July 21st, 1917 to Dec. 16. 1917. Cash Conations of .$1 Each. Mrs. A. J.. Tool $1.00 Mrs. R. D. Williams 1.00 Mrs. Geo. Melvin, 1.00 Mrs. Lacey McDonald 1.00 Mrs. Wm. Rushl 1.00 Mrs. O. E. McDonald 1.00 Mrs. H. V. McDonald. . 1.00 Mrs. Wutchinek. 1.00 Mrs. A. E. Lake! 1.00 Miss Lottie Colby 1.00 Mrs. J. E. Mcllugh 1.00 Mrs. Henry A. Tool 1.00 Mrs. II. A. Gutbmann 1.00 Mrs. Frank Buell 1.00 Mrs. Fred Creamer 1.00 Mrs. Wm. Langhorst 1.00 Mrs. C. S. Ellis 1.00 Mrs. 1.C0 Mrs. John Copple . 1.00 Mrs. John Creamer 1.00 Mrs. II. Gerbling J Z 1.00 Mr. Gus Bauer 1.00 Mr. Wm. Bourke 1.00 Mrs. Albert rool, 5.00 Mrs. C. Moomey .50 Mrs. E. T. Tool .50 Total $30.00 Christmas Donations. Murdock " $2 0.25 Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured with LOGATj APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of tho diseaao. O.'Uarrh ih a loi-ol dt3ease. srcatly ia-Jluenco-l by conalitulicnal cond! lions, and in order to ciro it. you must taice an inifciral remedy Hall's Catarrh XJdi cirfe ts taken internally ani acts thru 11:11 blood on tho mucous surfaces of the p.VKfcrn. Kali's Catarrh Medicine was prtvi -rilied by una of tho beat phyt;ieian3 hi this country for years. It is com posed cf sorno of U6 l-it tomca known, combined '.villi some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect comb: nation -oj the iijfrrcdier.ta in -Hall's Catarrh Merli- cinfc ia what proJuocs nuch v.'onderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for teslimon i ; j. free. " J. OH exev ic CO.. Prop3.. Toledo. O. LUUd iumiiy Tills for roDi!pation. Wabash . 15.25 j Girl's Candy Sale, July 28-$ 5.65 Program, Oct. 5th 9.05 Country Store, Oct. 13th 27.00 Five o'clock Tea,' Oct. 27th 11.10 It. N. A. Program, Oct. 30th 11.45 Gerbling's Sale Lunch 20.00 "Silent Appeal" Banks 8.03 Sundries 4.15 Expenses. Yarn ?72.7S Needles J 3.2 S Knitting Cotton - 1.00 Xmas Packages 40.67 Toweling 4.95 Sundries 5.09 Receipts ?1C7.93 Disbursements $127.75 Amount of work sent in knitted garments Nov. 1st consisted of 8 sweaters, 10 pair sox, 12 pair wrist lets. 10 mufflers. Hospital supplies sent Dec. 12: Box No. 1, 5 dozen wash cloths; 4 dozen handkerchiefs, 2 dozen nap kins, 13 knit wash cloths, 4 dozen crash towels," 25 10-Inch pillows, 50 cases. Box No. 2, 15, lG-inch pil lows, 30 cases; 10 12-inch pillows. 20 cases, 7 "pair knit bed socks, 1 doz.en handkerchiefs, 7 water-bag covers; 1 roll old linen; 1- feather pillow, 2 cases, 12 knit wipes. All s.ipplies are bought through our local merchants who let us have them at cost. Ed. Tingham donated auto hire for one-half day. H. A. Guthman took finished knit garments to Plattsmouth. Building for Red Cross meet in donated by Bank of Murdock. AhT equipment for rooms was donated. List cf Persons Doing Red Cross Knitting Mrs. Geo. Melvin Mrs. L. Lawton. Mrs. R. Williams. Miss Elis Law. Mrs. M. Sorrick. Mrs. C. Moomcy. Mis-, Miss Miss Miss Mis Mios Miss Lottie Colby M. Amrjuert. M To Mrs .Air? Mrs Wm. Rush. J. Mclkigh.' Henry Tool. L. Gillespie. M. Van Every. Johannsin. Eva May Sorrick Pick well I). IIeevf. Tool. Tool. Mr: Mrs Miss M. Sorrick Take Goehry.Mrn. Fred Creamer Mrs. Krause. Mrs. J. Leis. Mrs. F. Amey. Mrs. ( Creamer. Mrr. L. McDonald. Mr-. G. Pick-veil. Mrs. A. E. Lake. Mrs. Harold Toa!. Mrs. Lulu Hess. Mrs. Emma Davii. Mrs. John Gustin. Mrs. !I. McDonald. Mrs. C. Hite. .Mrs. E. T. Tool. Mrs. Wutchinel? Mis.-; G. Sorrick. Miss 1,1. Creamer. Miss J. Creamer A. .McDonald. Miss Mary Rush A. Van Every. Mi -a J. Melvin. Mr? Mrs Mrs Mrs M. V. Woods. Miss M. McDonalc'i Otte. Mica M. I. Tool Law I en. Miss A. VanEvry. H Mrs A. J. Tool. Mr. Cr.ri Bauer. Mrs. John Creamer. Mrs. H. V. McDonald is censor finished work. Mrs. C. Moomcy has charge knit ting. Mrs. Wutclrinck has charge ol cutting garments. Jhrvc appointed to act as weei.iv fund committee: Mrs. A. J. Tool, Mrs. -Lacey McDonald, Mrs. A. K, Mrs. II. V. McDonald. We wish to take up the Surgical Dressings after January 1st, and anvone wishing to take the training could be our instructor. MRS. H. A. TOOL, Chairman. MRS. J. E. McIlUGIL Sec'y. MRS. L. MCDONALD, Treas. Ready Now at Old Prices,. Fresh lots of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound are selling at before the-war prices." This puts this well known cough medicine, ready foi use, in homes at less than it costs to buy and mix the ingredients your self, and all bother and muss is avoided. There is no better remedy for coughs, cblds, croup or lagrippe Sold everywhere. itijt:u 'vo sinv.v caisk In the restrict Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska: In iif 111 :l 1 1 -1- of tilt" n'Milicattoti of HfninaUl II. Thorn. Ci-aniian of tho IVrson and JOstate of 'I'lorfiioo Thorp, a P.Iinor, for License to sell K-.-al K .tate: On iT-ailfritr and the; petition. .lulv verilU'd. of Kejjinald 11 Thorp, ('uanlian of the person and estate of Florence Thorp, a minor, lor license. to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: The I'lidividtd two forty-fifths (i'-45) of the Kast half of the Southeast ipiHitor or Section L':l, the South west ' quarter of Section St, the North half of the North half of the Northwest quarter of Section i:.". ami the North half of the North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 2fi, al! in Town ship 12. Kamxe 10, in Cass county, Nebraska; also the undivided two forty-fifths (2-4S) of Lot 2. Block 10. in South Jiend. as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass coun ty, Nebraska or. .so much thereof as the court may deem necessary and advisable, for the benefit of naid ward, for the purpose ..r investment in interest bearinfr se- r-iirlt ii'M or some nroduc-tivo stock falid r.f i lir. (! ne:i t ion and maintenance of said ward, and it appearing from said petition that the minor's interest in said real estate is a small undivided portion thereof and the same is too sm:ill to render the property desirable us an investment;' that said property can probably he sold at the present time for a fair value and that it is for the interest of her estate and for the benefit of naid ward to convert said undivided interest in real estate into cash anil invest the proceeds in interest bearing securities or some productive stock, or so much thereof PARMELE THEATRE, New Year's Eve and Afternoon MONDAY, R. M. HARVEY Lowery's Greater Minstrels 40- PE0PLE WITH Clarence Powell and Ed Tolliver and an Excellent Company with the Famous Creole Beauty Chorus PIECE BRASS BAND PIECE ORCHESTRA CREOLE BEAUTIES 16-8-8-7-6-4- UP-TO-DATE OLIO ACTS - FUNNY COMEDIANS .- QUALITY COMEDY QUARTETTE SINGING, DANCING, MUSIC SPECIALTIES AND COMEDIES This show is playing the best theatres in the largest cities in the mid-west. STREET PARADE AT NOON. Concert in front of theatre at 1 p. m. and at 7:30. p. m. PRICES: Bargain Matinee, Children, 25 cents; Adults, o5 cents. Evening, 35, 50 and 75 cents. See Your Last Show This Year and Have a Good Laugh! as may not he required for her main tenance and education. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of saiil minor and all persons interested in her estate appear before rne at el.amb.-rs in the Court House in the City of flattsmouth in Cass coun ty. Nebraska, on the 1 4 1 Ii day of Jan uary, 1 9 1 S, at 1 o'clock a. m., and show cause, if any there be, why license should not be siranted to said Kocrinahl II. Thorp, Uuardian, to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a cony of this order be personally served on said minor at least fourteen days be fore the day set for hearing, and that it l-e published once each week for three successive weeks in the IVj' Journal. a newspaper printed and published in said county of Cass. Dated a Cass this Jndav of d 1 7 -11 W ) t Chambers in said County of Hill dav of December. 117. JAJIKS T. li!5C,LKY. the liistrict Court in and foi Cass county, Nebraska. Mmi'K In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Lena Larson, 1'Iaintiff vs. John Ci:s Larson. Defendant. John Ous I-irson will take notice that on the 1st day of September, A. D.. 1SH7, Lena Larson, plaintiff herein, iV:ed her petition in the District Court of t'iifs county. Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of whkh are to scenic- a divorce from tho defendant, and the custody and control cf John Larson and Kusrone Larson, children of plaintilT and defen dant; Krr.iiiids lor divorce alleged in saiil petition are extreme cruelty, lack of support of herself and children, and habitual drunkenness. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the t'Sth dav of January. A. 1)., 191 X. LKXA LAP. SON. Plaintiff. KAYVLS, Attorney. By C. A dlO-sw lv. Minri; to uiikt tmi,i: In the Di.-rtrict Court of Cass countv, Nebraska. Virgil Mull is. Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Harper, et al. Defendants. To the Defendants. Joseph Harper, ami Jane A. Harper, his wife, the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of Joseph Har per, deceased : the unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all persons interested in the estate of Jane A. Harper, deceased: John W. Young and Amanda Young, his wife; the unknown heirs,-, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of John W. Young, deceased: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons sun LOB ranking mvSmy if mm CTl 'yH Increase wurdeposi . - Mte&Zr '' yu have ? BEES HAVE HONEY BECAUSE THEY ARE WISE AND SAVE YOU CAN HAVE MONEY BY JOINING OUR CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB. SO CAN YOUR CHILDREN. 10 CENTS, 5 CENTS, 2 CENTS, OR 1 CENT IS ALL YOU NEED TO START WITH. YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR DEPOSIT THE SAME AMOUNT EACH WEEK. IN 50 WEEKSj 10-CENT CLUB PAYS $127.50 5-CENT CLUB PAYS 63.75 2-CENT CLUB PAYS 25.50 1-CENT CLUB PAYS 12.75 OR, YOU CAN MAKE THE LARGEST PAYMENT FIRST AND OE l CREASE YOUR PAYMENTS EACH WEEK. OR YOU CAN PAY IN 50 CENTS, $1.00 OR $5.00 OR MORE EACH WEEK AND IN 50 WEEKS HAVE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FIFTY DOLLARS OR TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT. WE ADD 3 PER CENT INTEREST. Farmers' State .Bank I THE NEW BANK. - ; PRESENTS -40 -16 - 8 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 4 interested in the estate of Amanda 1'oung, deceased; A. J. Kerr and Julia Kerr, hi wife: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all persons interested in the estate of A. J. Kerr, deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Julia Kerr, deceased; Andrew J. Kerr; the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all , persons interested in the estate of Andrew J. Kerr, deceased: C. A. Jlarr: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and al! persons interested in the estate of C. A. Marr, deceased: CJeorge A. Marr: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of CJeorge A. Marr, deceased: D. Henry; the un known heirs, devisees, legatee, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of D. l- Henry, deceased: D. Karrand Henry: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of D. Karrand Henry, deceased: Khen S. Wheeler and Clara I'. Wheeler, his wife: the un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all persons interested in the estate of Khen S. Wheeler, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives, and all persons interested iti tho estate of Clara 1. Wheeler", deceased; K. S. Wheeler: the unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in" the estate of i:. S. Wheeler, deceased; i'lattsmoiith Land and Improvement company: the unknown claimants and the unknown owners of Lots II, 12, 1:1 and 11 in Hlock 1. and Lots 1, L 3 ami I, in Mock all in JJrownc's Sub division of Lot 17, in tin- NE'i of the NW4 of Section 12, in Township 1 2 North, Kan go 13 Kast of the tith 1. M. in Cass County, Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the 17th day of Decem ber. 1017. plaintiff tiled his suit in ti-o District Court of Cass conMtT-."fs" ka, the object and purpose of which is to quiet and confirm plaintiff's title in and to Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Hlock l', and Lots 11, 12, i:i and 11 in Hlot k 1. in Browne's Sub-division of Lot 17. in the Ni:',4 of the NW',, of Section l::. Township 12 North, Kane l:t of the 6th I M.f in Cass county. Nebr.. and to etijoin each and all of you from having or claiming any light, title, lien or interest, either legal or equl taMe, in or to said land or -any part thereof, and to enjoin you and each of you in any manner from interfering with plaintiffs possession and enjoy ment of said premises and for equi table relief. This notice is given pur suant to the order of the Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday the Uli dav of February. 191 S, or your default will be entered therein. VIHGIL ML'LI.IS. I'laintifT. A. L. TIDD, d2l-Jtsw. Attorney. Come Irt v ? if