The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 24, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattsmoutb founnal
KaUrrt at Pstofflc at Flattimouth. Ub.. a comd-eUa maU attr.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
tPMOiirnoji pbicbi
Only five more days.
Join the Ked Cross, and help.
One country and one lias forever.
The boys overseas needs the lied
Unles you are drawing a. salary
for it don't worry. .
Poor judgment is a blossom that
brings forth no fruit.
Too many men talk wisely and
live absolutely foolish.
. :o:
Occasionally every man is what he to be all the time.
Herbert Hoover needn't scowl so.
It hurts us worse than it does hini.
Sometimes a man who is other
wise, has strained his intellect by
trying to but in.
President Wilson's address might
provoke a revolution in Germany, if
it was allowed to be read there.
Eat corn bread.
And buy Christmas presents.
The war tax should be paid gladly.
And we'll practice what we preach.
There should be more membership
flags in Platsmouth windows.
What has become of all the sorg
hum molasses we used to make taffy
Will Secretary Baker have to walk
the chalk line? It looks very much
that way.
The Congressional Record will
again and soon help to fill the editor
ial waste basket.
Why don't people answer their
telephones promptly? That is what
they are there for to save time.
If the pen were really mightier
than the sword Germany would have
been whipped long, long ago.
Our idea of an ideal situation
If we were as speedy as congress would be to be paid a large salary
in setting through with our work,
we, too, could adjourn for two
A LonJon military expert declares
il left alone the Russians will right
themselves and put armies into the
field next spring.
for doing precious little work.
f .
Women are now entitled to pretty
much everything man is excepting
she draws the line at becoming bald-headed.
The brewers, it is expected, will
:o into court to try to stop the sub-
Tt w: s written tentv-:a4 a?o
long years before "Tiny Tim" was
ivnd in the fertile brain of
Charles Dickens. It was a world
classic long before the master printer.
Guttenberg, invented movable type.
It held as in magic enchantement the
minds of the little toddlers, the stal
wart youth and the tottering cen
tenarjan long before books became
as common as the leaves in the for
ests. It was written by a man who
was not a trained writer, and so
far as the world knows his literary
efforts were confined to two little
bits of historical writing. Strange
to say, this world classic was written
by a physician. And for beauty of
expression, terseness of style and
heart interest, the little Christmas
story written by Luke the Beloved
Physician has never been excelled. It
has come ringing down the ages, en
thralling humankind wherever the
story of the birth of the Christ Child
has been made know. No other
Christmas story is entitled to be
placed in the same class. It stands
alone among the millions of Christ
mas stories. Not until the last
gill a
This fifty year old remedy eases Sore
Throats and Bronchial affections;
soothes, heals and gives quick relief.
mm - 1,,. nil
mtf) cusiiA till ui U1010
for Coughs s Colds
protest of the state council of de
fense and the United States district
attorney. - ,
Otoe county, where Bleifernich re
sides, is the home of various poten
tial Germans who are not numbered
among those who have been decried
as "professional patriots." A few
clays ago the same witness against
Bleifernich who was fired at from
ambush just after the hearing before
state council was set upon and beat
en until both of his eyes wore black-
KeepyowStomach and Liver Healthy jencd, in which condition he present-
A vigorous Stomach, perfect working
Liver and regular acting Bowels, if you
will use Or. King's New Life Pills.
They correct Constipation have a
tonic effect on the system eliminate
poisons through the Bowels. 25c.
The vigorous steps taken to com
bat the spread of epidemics at the
army training camps are having
their effect. The communicable dis
eases are being kept within bounds.
Meningitis, which gained headway
at Camp Funston through the pres
ence there of "carriers" from dis
tricts in which the disease existed a
few years ago, is now declining. In
the middle of November, for instance,
Funston reported twenty new cases
trumpet blast of Gabriel shall an-1 ....... .
I of meningitis. There w ere only nine
new cases for the week ending De
nounce the ending of time shall its
equal be found. In these days of
war, when the whole world is ablaze
when men tremble for the future of
the race, this wonderful Christmas
story should be read and re-read, un
til its beauties shall have been im
pressed upon every human heart.
You will find this incomparable
Christmas story in the second chap
ter of the Gospel of St. Luke, be
ginning with the seyenth verse:
"And she brought forth her first
born son, and wrapped him in swad
dling clothes, and laid him in a
manger; because there was no room
for them in the inn. And there were
in the same country shepherds abid
ing in the field, keeping watch over
And, lo, the
Along with meatless and wheat- mission of the prohibition amend- j their flock by night
l.-ss days Xebraskans are getting in ment. , j Angel of the Lord came upon them.
h: mood cf to inaugurate Kaiserless
Speaking about succeeding in an
undertaking, did you ever observe
The kaiser is very anxious to get how that family clock gets there
. ft .1 1 ..JO
t. TN.'iio n bo nvn5 a niece nf uanu o eir iiauu .
days in the public schools.
property in that city that he hasn't
been able to collect rent from for
some time.
Somebody ought to remind Mr.
Trotzky that the early French rev
olutionists petted the Quilholine very
fondly when it was young, but it
grew up and outlived them.
v rank Gotch came very near
.achieving the impossible by almost
making a dull sport popular. And
now that he is dead, what will be
come of the rest of the professional
The life of Frank A. Vande-rlip
should be a warning to all young
men who would seek their fortunes usual ties tnat cal1 for Sits
A woman is always hoping that
the time will come when her hus
band will realize what her help has
always been to him.
The turkey market is not going
to be very extensive this Chitrmsas.
You ca put that down in the back
part of your day-book.
Some people who want to be lead
ers, wait until they see which way
the public is drifting and then try
to get in with the leaders.
and the glory of the Lord shone
round about them; and they were
sore afraid.
"And the angel said unto them,
'Fear not: for behold I bring you
good tidings of great joy, which shall
be to all the people. For unto you
is born this day in the City of DaYId
a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you;
ye shall find the babe wrapped in
swaddling clothes, lying in a man
"And suddenly there was with the
cember 7. The new cases of pneu
monia for the week ending November
16 numbered forty-five. The last
report showed eight. At Camp Doni
phan there have been only sporadic
cases of meningitis one or two new
cases in a week. The number of
pneumonia cases declined from thir
ty-one for the last week of November
to twenty-one for the first week of
The War Department recently is
sued a statement of the mortality in
the entire army since our entry into
the war down to Decemebr 1. The
death rate was about 2.5 per thous
and yearly. In the states that keep
vital statistics the death rate for
1915 was 13.5 per thousand. This
rate is more than five times as high
as that in the army.
Parents of boys in these training
camps may be reassured by the fig
ures that comes from the surgeon
general's office. Competent medical
men, with every device of modern
medicine, are safeguarding the health
of the soldiers. K. C. Star.
ed himself before the state council
of defense. The council has been ad
vised, it is unofficially stated, that
an ultimatum has gone out that the
Bleifernich partisans, who are pro
German, are going to run that community.
Obviously, the state council of de
fense ought to conduct a rigid in
quiry to ascertain through just what
influence Bleifernich has been lib
erated. It is useless to try to main
tain conditions of loyalty in Ne
braska if secret influences are at
work to secure favor for those who
are openly disloyal. It is useless to
maintain federal agents in this state
if their activities in behalf of the
government are to be nullified by in
fluences at the Washington end.
Knowing that efforts were being
made to secure the release of Bleif
ernich, the council of defense, it i3
unofficially stated, wired a protest,
and it has been stated that the
United Stales district attorney did-
likewise. If these unofficial state
ments are facts, the public ought' to
j know Just what influence is at work
to defeat justice and humiliate every
agencv in Nebraska bent on conserv
ing a united citizenship and senti
ment here. Lineoln Star.
is a
Motors become accustomed to one gasoline
run smoother and develop more power
when it's in the tankjust as a race horse
runs best when he's bri a steady diet.
Put your engine on a Ited Crown Gasoline diet.
It's the one brand that you can be sure of getting1
everywhere here or a hundred miles from here.
And it's always the same, always uniform and pure.
Iled Crown is ideal for winter. Vaporizes readily in
any temperature. Gives quick starts in the morn
ing or any time after the motor has stood idle for
hours even in the cold outdoors.
Get Red Crown Gasoline wherever you see the sign
either at our Service Stations or a good garage.
Oil your motor with Polarine. Get perfect
lubrication and greater power ia any weather.
(Nebraska) OMAHA
Though the soldier comes first in
the hearts of the Christmas buyers
the shoppers are not forgetting the
in Wall Street. Mr. Vanderlip once
worked for seventy-five cents a day,
but now lie only gets a dollar a
One reader wants to know what
-Ir. Hoover is going to do about the
fcod the housewives waste trying all
the new recipes the official suggest
ers send out. Easy. Mr. Hoover
makes the husbands eat it under the
irresistible title of "war food."
The record salmon catch in Alaska
is particularly fortunate since the
price they will command also prob
ably will constitute a record.
It is feared that the Russians
have gained an erroneous idea from
reading of independent school dis
tricts in the United States.
The result of the election in
Canada is a triumph for justice and
democracy. The Borden government
which put a conscription law
through the Dominion Parliament
Jait summer has been Tetained in
power with a mandate to compel the
s-lacker provinces to bear their share
of the war burden.
Emperor Wilhelm is reported to be
getting ready to make a peace offer
Christmas. lie will find Santa Claus
just as hard to fool as is the rest of
Who is responsible for the perni
cious interference with the work of
the state council of defense that re-
angel a multitude of the heavenly sultC(1 ,n tne turnins loose on parole
host praising God, and saying: of 1Ipnrv TiiPifrnirh nf Burr' Tht
Glory to God in the highest, is a puzzle tnat baffles the members
and on earth peace, good will toward of the council which SUSpects that
V"V X- A - Aii , V. J OL1U T 1 lU)aiU I UIO
On earth peace, good will toward loyal alien has its inspiration in
men!" Does the message ring mock- Washington.
ingly in the ears, now that ten mil- I Bleifernich's case is notable. He
The Senate investigation
high command. Of course Germany
will strain every nerve lo increase its
own production. But it cannot poss
ibly compete with the great indus
trial resources of the United States
when these once get into full opera
Germany isn't fooled for a minute
on the capacities of the United
States. It is a good guess tnat the
imminenece of the American air
craft program is one reason why
Germany is going to make a supreme
effort to end the war in the next few
months. Lincoln Star.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat 01 tne aisease.
'..tarrh is il local disease. Kroatly in-
"I'unced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to euro ir you must take an
internal remedy llall3 Catarrh Medi
cine U taken internally and acts thru
tl'e bleod on the muious surfaces of the
i-am Wall's Catarrh Medicine was
iy tseribod by oiis of iie best physicians
in this country for yars. It is com-
Chancellor Von liertling seems to
be verj' much disappointed by Pre
mier Lloyd George's recent speech,
which confirms our opinion that it
was just the right kind of a speech.
:o: r
Before closing one school to save
coal the government should close
all clubs, theaters, billiard halls,
bowling alles, cabarets, dance halls
and all amusement and unnecessary
Hey, shopper! look about you. In
p jEed of some of tho best tonics known. I looking for Christmas presents you
can't help but secure what you
rir.bincd Uh some of the bcBt blood
tho IngreGJer.ia m i o -
results in ct-tp-.irhal conditions, fiend for
j,mOHNEYl; CO., Props., Toledo, a
want right here in Plattsmoutb, but
not from those merchants who do not
lions of men are engaged in a death lives in a community which has ele
grapple upon the plain of war? "On ments that have not been found stal
earth peace, goodwill towards men!" wartly in support of the government
Do doubts come unbidden as we read Complaint was made to the council
the story of the heavenly host and of defense that Bleifernich was
turn to the grim chronicles of j worthy of suspicion; that he had dis
bloody battles in these early days J couraged the draft and that his home
of the Twentieth century? "On earth I in Otoe county was a rendezvous of
peace, goodwill toward men!" Can I those who were not disposed to sup-
it be that the story is merely a tra- J port. He was called before the coun
dition and that its promises are but J cil of defense, and denied these ac-
a hollow mockery? j cusations. but did not deny that h'e j
PdOt so. Out of the grim travail, I was formerly an officer in the Ger-
out of the suffering and the chaos, I man army, is a reservist of that army
out of the tears and the now and is -an alien. It was charg
shall come that blessed time, fore- ed also that he had persisted in dis-
told by the herald angels above the loyal utterances regarding the par
Judean village two thousand years ticipation of this government in the
ago. It has been a long and weary I world war.
waiting. But God reckons time by What the testimony was the meni
ages, not by minutes and hours; not bers of the council of defense arc
by days and weeks and years. The not permitted to disclose. After the
star that blazed abg,ve Bethlehem has usual lecture the council allowed
not been extinguished. It still blaz- him to go home, although it was
es serenely behind the dark clouds of recognized that he was an uudesir-
nian's ignorance and passions. And able.
in God'js own good time its rays will Soon after his return home the
pierce those clouds, will scatter them chief witness against him before the
as the rising sun scatters the mists council was fired upon by some un-
of morning, and mankind, redeemed known person. As a result of that
from its sins by the shedding of its incident Bleifcrnich'was arrested by
own blood, will come into that glad federal agents and has since been
day when peace shall reign forever- held in the Lancaster county jail,
more, and goodwill shall mark all He was released upon bond of $5,-
the dealings between man and man 000 Saturday upon oraers rroni the
and nation and nation. York Demo- department of justice. It is stated
crat. ' that this order was issued over the
shown how the ordnance bureau has
bungled a big job. Another side
of the picture will be shown, unless
all signs fail when the country learns
what has been accomplished by the
aircraft board, under General Squier,
chief signal officer, and his civilian
managers, Mr. Coffin, Mr. Deeds and
their associates.
So far as can be learned under
the veil of secrecy that covers so
much that is doing in Washington
the aircraft program is progressing
in excellent shape. The develop
ment of the Liberty motor, as Sec
retary Baker said at the time, was a
great achievement in American en
gineering. There have been repeat
ed rumors that the Liberty motor
has failed. These rumors are un
true. Apparently American brains
have created a motor of which the
Xation will have reason to be
Quantity production of such a
motor is not to be expected in a day.
An elaborate equipment of special
tools and machinery is necessary be
fore production can begin. But me
chanical problems are problems that
American skill is well adapted to
cope with and there is no reason to
doubt that these problems will be
solved and that when quantity pro
duction is well under way we shall
be buildinrr planes at a rate that
would hardly .oe conceivable 1:1
Europe. At present it is the opin
ion -of observer from the front that
the aircraft equipment of the two
sides -is about equal. Neither side
has had that preponderance of
planes that would enable it to sweep
the other from the air and under
take ambitious bombing expeditions
into enemy territory. When the
United States is in the field the bal
ance will incline heavily to the side
of the Allies and will permit aircraft
operation on a scale hithcrto imposs-ible.
A Resident Known to all Our Read-
ers Relates an Experience.
Readers of the Journal have been
told again and again of the merits of
that reliable, time-proved kidney
remedy Doan's Kidney Pills. The
experiences told are not those of un
known persons, living far away. The
cases are Plattsmouth cases, told by
Plattsmouth people.
Theo. Starkjohan, retired farmer,
Locust & Ninth Sts., Plattsmouth,
says: "For several years Doan's Kid
ney Pills have been used in our
family for backache and other sym
ptoms of kidney trouble and they
have always proved to be all that is
claimed of them. Whenever my
back feels a little lame and my kid
neys are not acting as they should,
I take Doan's Kidney Pills a few
days an dthey never fail to do me
good. Doan's can't be equaled and
anyone having kidney trouble should
use them, for they are reliable.
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that. Mr. Starkjohan uses. Foster
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
If the season of Christmas and
New Year shall be truly a time of
merry-making, an indispensable con
dition must be complied with; your
stomach must be in good order. If
it is affected, all cheerfulness and
good humor are gone. Triner's Amer
ican Elixir of Bitter Wine will pre
vent all stomach troubles. You can.
rely upon this best-regarded remedy.
It will free you from constipation,
indigestion, flatulence, headaches,
megrim, nervousness, etc. At drug
stores. Price $1.10. To combat the
rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago and
other similar pains, you must use a
remedy which penetrates to the root
of the ailment. Triner's Liniment
acts in this way and is therefore the
most dependable remedy for such
cases. It is also invaluable for all
sprains, strains, swellings, tired mus
cles and feet, etc. Price 35 and65
cents at drug stores; by mail 45
and 75 cents. Jos. Triner, Mfg.
Chemist, 1333-1343 S. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago, 111. d20.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
Chamberlain's Tablets are intend
ed Especially for stomach troubles,
biliousness and constipation, and
have met with much .success in the
treatment of those diseases. Peo
ple who have suffered for years with
stomach trouble and have been un
able to obtain any permanent relief,
have been completely cured by the
use of these tablets. Chamberlain's
Tablets are also of great value for
biliousness. Chronic constipation
may be permanently cured by tak
ing Chamberlain's Tablets and ob
serving the plain printed directions
with each bottle.
For Sale A number of white
Brahma Cockerels. Mrs. C. E. Heeb
ner, Nehawka.
Lord Northcliffc is undoubtedly
one of the best informed men in the
world on war conditions. Moreover,
he is not a man who is easily led
from the main issue. In .his state
ment printed in The Star last week,
he expresses his belief in the expan
sion of the aircraft equipment as the
most promising way to shorten the
war. The same statement in quali
fied form has come from the French
The Nehawka Mills
are now Rolling and Manufacturing the
Letter MP IF
"Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting,
For on the top shelf it now is roosting. v
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For thev know on the morrow they will have good
i . ...-iJi.
J. M
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
Drc. tVJaeh Ck Hach, Tt3 Dentists
Th UrgMt tod beat qippd dtnUl effloi In Omthfc. Specialists tm
. i t a - 1a ji & ' mtf A r 1 - - 1
jut like tooth. Instrumsnts eftrefully ateriiitd iter using .
Sand for rmmx mpl of Suil-Pyor Pjorrhta Trtmn(.
nsssssnsi 3rd Floor Pazton Dlock. OMAHA
wants p oumrim nme.rhi&r- tb&&- -
3. ,. -"VV"