The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1917;
J ir.
C. R. Jordan was in Lincoln Tues
here's something good!
Head lettuce, per head. . .15c California grapes, per lb. .15c
Cauliflower, per lb 20c Oranges, doz 20 to 60c
Celery, fine, per bunch. . . 10c Grapefruit, each 10c
Cranberries, per quart... 15c Bananas, doz 30c
Sweet potatoes, 3 lbs. . . . 25c
Cabbage, per lb 5c Dates.. 10 and 20c
Rutabagas, per lb 4c Figs, 2 packages for 25c
Squash 15, 20 and 25c Cluster raisins 25c
Pumpkins, each 15c Citron, per lb .50c
Potatoes, per bushel. . .$1.50 Orange and lemon peel. .50c
Heinz Mince Meat : (J7 sice's.
Curtice Pros.' Plum Puddings
Curtice Pros.' Boneless I lam.
t Lobster, Shrimp and Crabs for salads.
Yacht Club Salad Dressing.
Howard's Salad Dressincr.
J Jo
We Like to Serve.
Call Phone 53 or 54
-1 r v "-'r " -
J" (Special Correspondence.)
School closes Friday for a weeks
Miss Selma Brauchle spent Satur
day in Lincoln.
. Mr. Wm. Rush was in Omaha Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary Pierce will spend her
vacation at Sterling:, Nebr.
Misses Lea Smith and Marie Smith
were Omaha visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. til. Reeve and
family drove to Lincoln Wednesday!
Miss Maude Trault will spend her
' vacation in Lincoln with her par
ents. Miss Lottie Colby will spend her
vacation with her sisters In Lincoln.
Mrs. John Gakemeier and Carrie
Gakemeier were Omaha passengers
last Friday.
The II. S. Girl's and Roy's teams
of Murdock play basket ball at Alvo
Friday night.
Mrs. Emma Davis and daughter
returned the latter part of last week
from Avoca where she had been visit
ing her sister.
Mrs. Eula Long of South Bend,
Nebr.. was elected chairman of the
Murdock Unit. Women's Committee
State Council of Defense. Vice Chair
man, of the ten departments that
cover the work will be elected or
appointed later.
The following officers of the R. N.
of A., will be installed January 1st,
in th p. m. After which the hus
bands and "children are invited to j
enjny a 6 o'clock oyster supper with ;
Officers elect:
Mrs. Alice M. Tool Oracle.
Mrs. Anna McDonald Vice Oracle.
Mrs. Hanna McDonald Chancel
lor. Mrs. Edna McHugh Recorder.
Mrs. Lyda Lawton Receiver.
Mrs. Lacy McDonald Marshall.
. Miss Jessie Melvin Inner Senti
nel. Mrs. Lizzie Bauer Outer Sentinel.
The Christmas program of the M.
E. church will he given Monday
evening. December 24 at the church.
From Wednesday's Dailr.
We desire to commend those who
are so unselfishly working for the
Red Cross in this campaign as well
as have continuously striven to do
what they could in this direction all
along. Yesterday at their room a
large number of the membership
were eagerly working, doing" what
they could in making, arranging and
packirg thing3 for the shipments
which ere to go forward soon. Along
the streets we noticed the ladies
working, and the streets themselves
shows of their having been there.
Most every business house told of
their presence, some cards telling of
the advertising, urging to join the
society, which is good, while others
which have small crosses on, indica
tion how many have already joined
these are more affective in their solicitation.
Do your Xmas shopping
early - in the day.
It's much easier.
Fur Caps for
Gift Giving!
Despite the extraordin
ary advance in the cost of
fur, we have contrived to
-keep our prices of fur caps
down to normal level of value giving:
Hudson Seal Caps .... $4.00 and $5.00 ,
Elegant display of Winter Caps, .65
Knitted Caps for girls 1J25
Stocking Caps 65c and 1,25
Aviation Caps for men 1.00
A nice cap of any description makes an ex
cellent gift, but don't lose track of the fact that
they will keep your own head warm in the zero'
Store Open Evenings!
day. ,
John Skinner was in Lincoln on
business Tuesday.
Our depot waiting room is. being
refloored this week.
. Geo. Curyea was in South Bend on
business Wednesday.
Chas. Snavely autoed to Lincoln
Saturday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jordan autoed
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Sum Cashner was In Omaha Mon
day night and Tuesday.
Miss Marie Prouty was in Lincoln
Friday night and Saturday.
There -will he a Christmas party
at the school house Friday.
Wm. Taylor went to Lincoln on
business Wednesday forenoon.
The Misses Mable and Elsie Stout
were Lincoln visitors Thursday.
Frank Lynch of Lincoln took din
ner with his sister Mrs. J. P. Rouse
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coatman are
moving into their new home in east
Alvo this week.
Mrs. Chas. Bucknell was in Lin
coln to visit her sister Mrs. Clyde
Boyles Saturday.
Mrs. Belle Bennett and daughter
Mrs. Geo. Foreman jr., were Lincoln
visitors Wednesday.
Chas. F. Rosenow and family visit
ed Grandpa and Grandma' Rosenow
Sunday at Elmwood.
. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Braun will oc
cupy the Bucknell property recently
vacated by Roy Coatman.
Mrs. Sam Gove of Bennett visited
her brothers Geo. and Dean Kamm
from Friday till Monday.
Mrs. Pearl Prouty and children
went to Elmwood Friday to visit her
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Clites.
Mrs. Gillen came in from Lincoln
Monday and is sewing for Mrs. Sam
Cashner and Mrs. Geo. Foreman sr.,
this week.
Paul Frohlick was up to Lincoln
to see his daughter, Mrs. Clyde
Boyles who is getting along nicely
and xpects to leave the hospital Sat
urday. Joe Foreman was home between
trains Sunday and reported at 7
o'clock Monday morning at the
Aviation section at' Omaha, where he
has enlisted.
Mrs. Fred Prouty went to Univer
sity Place Saturday to spend a month
taking treatments. She will stav at
the home of her brother Oakley
Hurlburt and family.
Mrs. Geo. Foreman jr., and little
daughter Pearl of Valparaiso came
in Monday and will visit through
the holidays with her mother Mrs.
Belle Bennett and other relatives.
Mrs. Menima Curyea who was
rvisiting her son in Kansas, came in
Friday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Curyea until Tuesday, when Ben
Landis autoed over taking her to her
home at Waverly.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skiles of
Overton came in Sunday visiting
their aunts Mrs. M. C. Keefer until
Monday a. m. and Mrs. R. C. Boyles
Monday until evening when they
left for Omaha Mrs. Skiles is a son
of J. D. Skiles at Overton, Nebr.
The Alvo Telephone Co.', expect to
have their new switchboard install
ed by the last of the week and pat-
jrons can expect a couple of days of
snort service while the last part of
the work is being completed. The
new board will add a great improve
ment and surely be appreciated.
J. P. Rouse and wife and their
three daughters, Mr. Mart Nickel
and family, Mr. Orville Quellhorst
and family and Mr. Geo. Babbitt and
son spent Supday in Elmwood at the
home of the former's daughter Mrs.
Ralph Uhley and family holding their
j'Xmas reunion that day as they could
not all be together on Xmas day.
A letter from Mrs. Geo. Whitman
to her mother, Mrs. Geo. Foreman
from New Orleans, La., state that
they arrived there safely and are
well impressed with the country.
They visited Dr. Paul Thurreson and
family while in Chicago, III., and
found them well and doing1 fine.
Strawberries are up and gardens be
ing planted at New Orleans.
The boy's basket ball team played
Elmwood here Thursday night, the
visitors carrying off the honors.
Those playing in the Alvo team are:
Oliver Taylor, Floyd Dickerson,
"Ralph Connell, Boyd Edwards and
Walter Wood. Substitutes, Elmer
Rosenow and Chas. Foreman. Those
flaying in the girl's team, Dorothy
McKinnon, Blanche Moore, Fern
Dimmltt, Marie Prouty and Carrie
Peterson. Substitutes, Aurel Fore
man and Clara Dickerson. Both
teams played the Waverly teams
here week before last, our teams
winning. ;
From Wednesdfl.v'8 nailv. i r r -
Until this morning all "registrants
exqept those in the service already
have been sent a copy of the Ques-
Opening evenings
till Xmas.
Gifts for all the MetiSk.
Do Your
Sh opp ing Ea rly.
A comfortable house coat for that.
"homey" feeling $5 to $8
A good pair of warm cashmere hose
at 25, 40, 50 and 75c
Suspenders in Xmas boxes 50 and 75c
Garters in Xmas boxes 25 and 35c
Gloves of all kinds, knit 35 to 75c
Leather gloves at' from $1.50 to $5
Box pure linen handkerchiefs, 6 for-$1.50
Box Darnprobf hose, guaranteed. 6 pr.-QfJc
Bath Robes just the kind father
would like, at $3, $5, $7 anu $8
A good shirt, either flannel or dress
We have them at prices from $1 to $4
Munsing Union Suits $1.50 to $G
Pajamas, flannelette, silk trimmed at
---'-$1.25 and $1.50
Dutchess trousers, 10c a button
$2.75 to $G
Box Darnproof sox, guaranteed for
six months; 6 pairs 90c
Good sweater, with or without collar.
Knit Jersey vest, all wool, made
with pockets $4.75
Leather grips, in club or Gladstone
. style at $3.50 to $15
We liave been highly compliment
ed on the fine showing of useful tfifts
for soldiers. We have assembled lhese
to make selections easy. We also liave
made a window of Soldier Gifts. It's
worth your while to see it!
Regulation Army sweaters at
$3, $3.85, $4.95, $6 and $8
Regulation Army 'kerchiefs at
20, 25, 35 and 65c
Special, box with silk flag $1.25
Regulation Army necktie 35 50 an 75c
Special, tie. 'kerchief and flag card in
a neat box for 50c
Regulation Army scarf, all wool and
knitted. On 4ale at'$2.75 and $2.95
Regulation hand and wrist warmer,
all wool, knitted $1.50
Metallic mirrors in Kiki case 35c
Swagger sticks 50 and 75c
SoTdiers' garters j. 25c
Soldiers' suspenders in Xmas box -73c
A new suit large stock -$2.75 to $12
Billy Boy sets tie, 'kerchief, belt
and muffler 75c and $1.00
Boys' neckties, bright patterns25 and 35c
Boys' Kazoo suspenders' 5QC
Boys' stockings 25 to 40c
Boys' stocking caps 5Q and 75c
Paris garters in beautiful Christmas
box, at 25, 35 and 50c
Box of Arrow collars. He wants them.
Come G in box at $1.00
Christmas ties in Christmas boxes
all kinds 35 50, 75 to $2
A good sweater, worsted rope or Jer
sey. We have them 50c to $15
Combination set, suspenders and gar
ters. 75c to $1.25
A good mackinaw all wool, nobby
plaids, at $5.50 to $15
Bath Robes nobby Xavajo patterns,
a pleasing gift $3, $5, $7 an(j $3
Pure s'pun silk shirts in neat carton,
at $4, $4.50, $5 and $6
Cheney silk ties, non crush
.75, $if $1.50 and $2
Silk Sox, all shades, also stripes. A
large showing 50 and 75c
Silk handkerchiefs, plain and fancy
fancy border 35, 50 and 75c
Bath robes, with slippers to match.
Nothing finer for him.$5.50 to $8.50
Silk and silk knitted mufflers 75 to $3.50
Fur caps, coney or sealskin$2.95 to $10.50
Why Not Buy Mother, Wife or Sister a New Coat?
Eo Wescotts
tionnaire up to'32i, and this morning
eighty more were sent out,' begin
ning with -322-they were sent up to
401. Those between these numbers
may reasonable look for their copy
of the Questionnaire to come to them,
and in case it does not appear It
would be weUto make an inquiry
about it, foritjie days in which you
do not get them after they are mail
ed couflt against you for you will
nave to make the returns in the time
limit of the seven days. Do not be
in a hurry to fill the mout, but on
the. other hand do not be careless
about it, go after the proposition in a
business like way answer it after
having read it a sufficient number of
times to thoroughly understand it.
We will endeavor to print from day
to day the numbers inclusive of
those which are sent out for , that
Pupils and teacher of Kenosha
school district No. 8, will give a box
supper at the Lewiston church, Sat
urday evening, Dec. 22. Program
will start at 7:30. Everybody is in
vited. 12-17-2td2tw VBRA MOORE.
Journal Want-Ads Fay!
From Monday's Daily.
This morning a partial hearing in
the county court of the estate of the
late Wm. Stottler of near Union, who 1
died some months since, was heard,
and the recommendation of the ap
pointment of Fred Clugey as the
administrator was acted upon and
his appointment made.
A. G. Hackenberg and H. J. Sch
roeder, both from near Cedar Creek
were in the city this-morning look
ing after some business at the court
house having to do with the Ques
tionnaire sent out by the local
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mrs. Dr. E. W. Cook, of Rock
Island, 111., who has been visiting in
Omaha at the home of her brother
Fred Hawksworth, for a short time,
and her mother Mrs. D. Hawks
worth who has also been visiting
there for some weeks at the same
place, arrived in Plattsmouth yes
terday afternoon, Mrs. Hawksworth
returning to her home and Mrs.
Cook coming to visit with her and
her many friends in this city. Dr.
E. W. Cook will arrive in the city
Jewelry Gifts
When you think of Christmas gifts you naturally
think of Jewelry.
Let your, thoughts turn to our store, for here is to
be found the gift appropriate.
Special displays have been arranged showing gifts
for each member of the family. Look them over now
while the assortments are complete.
Bracelet Watches, Silverware,
Diamond Festoons, Cut Glass,
Ladies' and Gents' Rings, Ivory Goods,
Watch Chains, Fountain Pens,
Cuff Links and Stick Pins, Clocks,
Brooches, ; Victrolas and Records.
Big Ben Alarm Clock.
probably next Sunday morning or
perhaps a little sooner, and will re
main until after Christmas. He
wishing to visit with his friends here
and having some business to look af
E. P. Stewart, who was in the
city for some time on account of-Jiis.
health, and who returned home some
days since, is reported as making
satisfactory improvement at this
time. Mr. Stewart has so far improv
ed as to be able to walk to the city
from his home' north o ftown, which
is looked upon as a great gain-
Journal Want-Ads Pay!
A Christmas Suggestion
Js high-class in appearance and appointments. The seats are restful, and
deeply upholstered with cloth of high quality. Large doors give conven
ient entrance on either side; plate glass windows make it a closed car for
inclement weather and give fresh air when open. With high quality in ap
pearance and equipment there is the simple and safe control in driving.
A woman's car a family car for every day in the year. Ford Sedan $695
f. o. b. Detroit. ' ; "
Prompt Delivery if you give your order Now
We Can Now Make Prompt Delivery of Sedans and Touring Cars
RAEIAT0R COVERS Protect your radiator from freezing. -
JOHNSON'S FREEZE PROOF Guaranteed to not evaporate or injure the
HAND WARMERS For steering wheel. Operates off the magneto.
Also a Full Line of Tires, Tubes and Auto Accessories
Iring your Ford car to us for repairs. We're interested in seeing that every
Ford owner is satisfied with his car. Only competent machinists employed.
We have put in service two Ford Trucks equipped with Hog Racks and
will haul hogs to the South Omaha market at the rate of $10.00 per truck
load for any farmer within a radius of six miles from Plattsmouth and a
small extra charge for extra mileage.
T. H. Pollock Auto o.,-
FORD Authorized Sales and Service Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Sixth Street - - - Telephone No. 1
- - i
3 h U