The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Xatrd at Poetofflce at Platttmouth. Neb.. ae ecoaJ-clas maU natter.
R. A. BATES, Publiiher
Sauta Claus knows his business.
The lid of the flour bin has rusty
He is coining the night before
Every little thrift statip has an in
come all its own.
If jour coal bin is full you are a
lucky man.
His sleigh will be loaded, with
everything for children.
People as a general thing, don't
go "where they are not wanted.
Cermany no longer regards our
Liberty Bonds as "Scraps of Paper".
What has become of all the
skighs? We don't hear the merry
jingle of 'sleigh bells, either.
The old gag about the first three
days in December ruling the winter
months turned out to be a frost this
We would like to get a view just
now of the oldest inhabitant who
predicted a mild winter, with ice on
the Missouri river nine inches thick.
The Buffalo School Board dis
charged, a teacher for being absent
without leave. And the unfortunate
girl's absence was unavoidable, too.
She was in jail with the suits at
After making two declarations of
war, the senate apparently wants to
find out if any war is being made
before declaring any more before
preparations arc being made to arm
our troops.
Tribute of the Journal to the late
Mrs. J. M. Roberts, one of the most
estimable ladies that ever resided in
Plattsmouth: "CJreen be the sod
above thee friend of my better days,
none knew thee but to love thee, nor
named thee but to praise."
The army has no machine guns
because the ordnance experts have
been arpart for years on the type
to be used, which recalls the man
who did of sleeplessness sitting on
the edge of his bed with a nightshirt
in each hand, but unable to make up
his mind which to put on.
One ton of rabbits were given
away to the poor of Denver the oth
er morning at the Sunshine Mission
by the pastor. The rabbits were
killed and shipped to Denver by the
llaxtun, Col., hunting club. This
club holds a 1-day rabbit hunt each
year and sends the results of their
marksmanship to the Sunshine Mis
sion. :o:-
The writer has no acquaintance
with Phillips Brooks, but the follow
ing is credited to him, which appeals
to the finer sentiment of life and
may be adopted by any and all to
whom it appeals: "To live, to work,
to help and be helpful; to learn
sympathy through suffering, to learn
faith by perplexity; to Teach truth
through wonder behold! This is
what it is to prosper; this is what it
is to live."
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in ordtr to euro it you must take an,
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
rino is taken internally and acts thru,
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Halls Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
ic tli country for years. Itis com
pcsel of some of the best tonics known,
combined with Somfl of the best blool
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the. ins.:eJi',ts U Hail's Catarrh Medi
cs n is 'Ahat pro!urfs auch wonderful
rosults in o.-upylial conditions. Send for
ir. ue. . .
' . CliVNk'V C: T).. rrops.. Toledo. O.
d :-i.:y I ills fo:- .-onstipaUon.
Both old and young should enjoy
People are carrying home coal in
baskets in Omaha.
Only seven more shopping days for
Christmas presents.
Just now money talks when it
comes to buying coal. '
It is Governor Neville yet, and
liable to be for some time.
Have you written to that soldier
boy yet? If not, why not?
Don't forget the poor children of
Plattsmouth during the Christmas
If you can't carry a gun, you can
at least lick a stamp for the War
Savings Fund.
Only six more days for Christmas
shopping. Don't put it off till the
very last day.
The December Sunday school les
son always seems to be the most in
teresting of the year.
Most of the ''eating apples" this
year are so small one would imagine
there was a war tax on them.
War industry workers who con
template striking while the iron is
hot may find it too hot for comfort.
The only thing they're certain of
in Petrograd is that there'll be some
body else in command in the morn
ing. to:-
The Seventh regiment is liable to
be placed where they do the most
good some in one regiment and
some in another.
The' cold weather still holds on,
but we are getting used to it, and
don't care so much now, only if there
was plenty of coal.
Make Teddy Roosevelt Secretary of
War, and we'll bet things will move
a great deal faster on the munitions
and arms propositions.
Most any child would like to in
vest in Thrift Stamps and the par
ents should encourage them to do so,
as it is good lesson on saving.
President Wilson, and in this hope
he was speaking to Russia as much
as to the people of his own country
in his address to Congress Tuesday.
The oldest inhabitant who pre
dicted a mild winteE hasn't been seen
since the cold weather blew in. He
no doubt is sitting at home by a good
fire these cold days.
- "Isn't our earthly existence cur
ious?" asks one writer. "Because
Austria tried to gobble Serbia, we
are paying threp cents postage." It
would be very curious, indeed, if
that were the real reason.
We are under obligations to Sena
tor Hitchcock for a copy of the "Con-
j gressional Directory," giving a bio-
j graphical sketch of every senator
and congressman and other informa
tion of importance. We thank you
benator, very mucn, for thus re
membering us.
Germany, by reason of some sort
of mental process we can't under
stand, hopes to win a big victory on
the western front and thus impress
the Allies with her argument for
peace. About all a big Teuton v vic
tory on the west front would do
would be to impress the Allies fur
ther that Prupianism must be
ground into the sod
The last week for Christmas ad
vertising. .......
The advertising merchants enjoy
ed a very good trade Saturday.
i :6t
"Frlghtfulness" in war wins with
victory nor peace. A peace founded
upon unlimited atrocities .would be
f rightfulness perpetrated.
:o: '
Protection is the policy of patriot
ism, of progress, of civilization a
policy that defends the weak against
the strong, and stands resolutely for
one's own against all assailants.
According to the Department of
Agriculture, rats and mice destroy
each year property worth more than
$200,000,000. equalling the gross
earnings of an army of 20,000 men.
Mr. Vanderlip's statement that the
hoarded dollar is a slacker gives a
mighty comfortable feeling to a lot
of us who have not aided nor abetted
any of these coins in their disloyal
ty. tor
Paris scientists are convinced that
the people on Mars are trying to
signal the earth. Our advice, how
ever, is not to go to any trouble to
communicate with them. They prob
ably only want to know when the
war's going to end.
Those who are looking for the
nicest, best and most desirable
Christmas presents will always go
to those merchants whose energy
prompts them to ask for the Christ
mas trade. They have the goods and
their prices are liberal.
"Keep your husband at home
nights with a pair of comfortable
slippers," says a Christmas advertis
er. That might do the trick in most
cases, providing the slippers are
gaily-colored, and the weather is bad
and his shoes hidden away.
tor- "
General Pershing, the American
commander in France, has sent a
message to the people of the United
States which ought to quiet the flut
tering pulse of any timid person who
may entertain doubts as to the out
come of this war. To Bishop Wilson,
who has just returned from a Young
Men's Christian association mission
to France, General Pershing saidt
"Tell the American people that
there is no ground for the heresy
that Germany cannot be beaten.
Germany can be beaten, Germany
must be beaten and Germany will
be beaten." '
That's the sort of talk we like to
hear. Tell it to Lansdowne, drum
it into the ear of Hillquit and shout
it in the senate of the United States.
That is the kind of talk which in
spires the men in the training camp,
which heartens the sailors ou the
destroyers scouring the danger zone
to rid the seas of the submarine
It is a heresy that Germany can
not be beaten and every red-blooded
American knows it. Arrayed as it
is against the civilization of the
world, Germany cannot win. It
"must" and "will be" beaten. The
only question, involved in the entire
situation is how long it will take to
vanquislf it, and the answer to that
lies with the allies to a great extent,
since it depends upon the efficiency
with which the war is conducted.
Intelligent, co-ordinated energy may
end it within a year; mistakes may
prolong it to Ave years. But in any
event the outcome is foreordained.
1 Pershing's message should be re
peated from every pulpit and blaz
oncd from every printed page until
'every man, woman and child in the
United States receives it, for it epit
omizes the American spirit. Tht un
flinching determination of the pub
lic to win this war at any cost, how
ever great, that the world may be
rid for all time of the threat of
Prussianism, is reflected in the
M-ord3 of the American' commander,
in France. Washington Post.
Don't wait till Monday to do your
Those persons who speak con
temptuously of "newspaper talk" as
something inexact and unreliable
are seldom newspaper readers. Nor
are those persons newspaper, readers
who habitually listen to and repeat
the sort of baneful gossip that just
now -is being so persistently circu
lated to the disparagement of the
American' government and its allies
in the war for democracy.
Newspapers not news organs
do not gossip. Their standing and
success are in exact ratio to their
adherence to the facts and their abil
ity to tell all the facts. Policy, if
nothing higher, dictates exhaustive
inquiry by them into sources of
news an da rigid truthfulness in the
presentation of news.
People who read newspapers and
do not merely buy them and skim the
headlines, people who steer temer
iously as far east as the editorial
page, are seldom or never caught
napping by whispered slanders and
poisoned innuendos such as recently
have been going the rounds to the
injury of America, its allies and the
charitable and other agencies of war
Do not merely buy newspapers
read them. It will repay you. Chi
cago News.
You can hardly have failed to
note the great number of golden
wedding celebrations all over the
United States since the spring of
1915. Thereason for these at this
period, it is understood, is that just
at the close of the Civil War 50
some years ago, the boys came home
and married the girls they left be
hind them. And now ft Is inter
esting to recall that there was no
great abundance of golden wedding
feasts in America in 1911, fifty years
after the beginning of the Civil War.
Why? Didn't hundreds of boys rush
to the parsonages when the call to
war came in '61, as they have been
doing in 1917? Doubtless they did.
in the same proportion, as time and
circumstances allowed. But many
of the boys .evidently did not sur
vive, and many of the marriages evi
dently did not survive. Many mar
ried in haste for a post-bellum re
pentance, beyond all doubt. Which
opens up the question again is a
marriage in wartime haste any diff
erent from one in peacetime haste?
Are all the marriages this year en
tered into with the view of a life
time partnership? One has only
to read the war bride news, or to
road the letters from the training
camps, or indeed to look about among
his own acquaintances, to know that
not all of the 1917 marriages arc
true love motches. Many of them,
we know, are after engagements of
long standing. Let us hope the war
gods are kind to these. In behalf
of the others, we must turn to Cupid,
and implore him not to desert them.
And then, perhaps, some of us may
live to count as many golden wed
dings In 1967 as there will surely be
in the few yeara following.
There are some men so obsessed
with the idea of German superiority
that they claim the kaiser will come
out triumphant In this .war, but he
can never win it. Even If he should
break through the defenses of Italy,
even if he should defeat France,
make peace with Russia and hold
all of the Balkan states, he will find
still facing him the United States,
Great Britain and Japan, and these
three can easily shut him from the
sea. These powers will have all the
resources of North and South Amer
ica, Australia, Africa and most of
Asia to draw upon and they can j
maintain an economic blockade un
til Germany and her allies are re
duced to poverty for want of raw ma
terials and lack of foreign com
merco. The United States and Great Bri
tain will never surrender to Prussian j
militarism. For more than a cen-j
tury our people have devoted their
energies to transforming a wilder-
ncss Into a land of plenty, filled ith
happy homes, and the work they
have done in that line has astonish
ed the whole world. The time has
come when they are forced, much
against their will, to turn their at
tention to war. They will make as
great success of this new business
of war as in transforming the wilder
ness, which was partly covered with
great forests and partly was arid
plains, but now is dotted with cities.
universities, churches and schools
It may be just as severe a task, but
there will be no flinching. The Ger
mans are transferring their troops
from the Russian front, and Lenine
may release all the prisoners, enor
mous in number, which the Russians
hold and they may be added to the
German forces in France and Italy
There may be some German success,
but the United States and England
will fight on until democracy pre
vails in the world. The Tiaiser can
never win. World-IIerald
No porject ever yet devised seems
so well calculated to encourage pop
ular thrift as the war pavings stamp
system now just getting into opera
tion through the postofiiccs of the
United States.
Every man who wishes to help his
government win this war is provided
with oportunity to lend that govern
ment his small savings in such a way
as to impose no hardships upon him.
but on the contrary irf a way that
will benefit him by an actual reward
in interest for the loan and a stim
ulation of the thrift habit in him.
By the purchase of savings stamps
with available savings, in sums as
small as twenty-five cents, and sav
ing these stamps until they can be
converted into savings certificates in
denominations of a progressive sys
tem of amounts above $4, the invest
or is enabled to receive at the end of
a short term of years a sum equiva
lent to the principal invested and 4
per cent interest thereon, compound
ed. These savings certificates are man
ifestly for the stimulation of thrift
among small investors, as no one can
buy mere than $100 worth of these
certificates at a time, and nobody is
permitted to have more than $1,000
of them. And yet the government
anticipates being able to borrow
through their use two billions dol
lars toward financing the war.
It is the baby Liberty bond, and
it is impossible to conceive of any
one so poor as to be unablo to pos
sess one or more, and profit from
having it or them: Full details of
the system may be had by any one
upon application to the postmaster
in any city or town.
One of the valuable fruits that
must accrue from this war is a
greater devotion to thrift upon the
part of the hitherto spendthrift
American people. The tremendous
cost of the war is going to make
greater economy necessary and along
with it will come a revival of habits
of thrift among the classes of our
citizenship that have drifted away
from the old ideas of thrift that
animated the American people. The
American standards of living have
long been only a polite name for
profligacy. If the war checks the
spirit of extravagance in this coun
try It will have other rewards than
the consciousness that we nave serv
ed the ends of humanity. Lincoln
3 Ilolstein calves, 9months old, 2
of which aro- heifers. Also C Barred
Plymouth Rock cockerels. Inquire
of Byron Babbitt, or call Phone No.
31-J. 12-12-4tdlrtwkly
Ready Now at Old Prices.
Fresh lots of Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound are selling at before
the-war prices. This puts this well
known cough medicine, ready foi
use, in homes at less than it costs to
buy and mix the ingredients your
self, and all bother and muss i.
avoided. There is no better remedy
for coughs, colds, croup or lagrippe.
Sold everywhere. ,
Gift Cards for every occasion at
the Journal office.
Farm Lighting Plants!
I can sell you accessaries from a Mazda lamp to
a complete electric pumping outfit; from an electric
iron to a washing machine, and I've got the very best
washer made. Drop me a line if you are interested
in an Electric Washer, which washes and dries the
clothes without a wringer.
Buy your wife an Electric Toaster, Percolator,
Vacuum Cleaner or one of a thousand and one elec
trically operated appliances to be had from
Phone D. 5093. 538 So. 25 Ave, Omaha, Neb.
From Tuesday's Dallr
Grandma Miukin, living near
.Murray, is reported as being very
Eick at her home, afflicted with a
cancer of the liver, and is suffering
greatly. Mrs. Margaret Midkiff, who
is well advanced in years, being now
nearly eighty, has been confined to
her bed for the past ten years, and
while in this condition, she has con
tinued patient and resigned to her
condition. Dr. B. F. Brendell and
Mrs. Midkiff's son, Edward, were in
the city this morning looking after
the obtaining of some medicine and
other things with which to minister
to her comfort. .
Kiorn Thursday's Paity.
The Loyal Workers, the Ladies Aid
Society of the Christian Church will
meet at the home of their member,
Mrs. C. A. Harvey, on Wednesday
afternoon at two o'clock, when they
will look after the business of the
society, and will be entertained at
luncheon by Mesdames C. A. Harvey,
George Goodman and Inez Stenner.
Extra Work for Women.
War conditions try the strength of
women. The overworked woman, in
home, office or factory, will find in
Foley Kidney Pills a great relief
from kidney trouble, backache, head
ache, rheumatic pains, " stiff joints,
swollen niuscles and that awful tired
feeling. They assist nature in restor
ing strength and vitality. Sold ev
There are large and small tracts
of land near home that you can buy
right through the agency of Curtain
fc Mockenhaupt, of Sterling, Neb., as
you will see by their ad in another-
column of this paper. They have
some very choice farms near Sterl
ing, and will take pleasure in show
ing you the value of the same if
you will take a day and visit with
them. tf-tf-tf
A handsome line of Christmas
Drepe paper, all colors and, decorat
ed, at the Journal office.
The E3ehawka Mills
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
Lsttor Hi
"Letter Roll" Flour needs no boosting,
For on the top shelf it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, vou know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
J. M.
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
Dro. Llach Q. Hach, Tha Dentists
im iarge ana mii equipped aeniai mou fa Omaha. Snesls.llta
oa&rg 9 oi su wots. Momaj uanaaQ.t.
just Ukt tootn. instrument carefully
8end for mi sample of Banl-Pyor
From Tuesday's Daily.
The ice house which has stood for
a number of years just west of the
home of Deputy Treasurer John Nem
ct2, and which for the past four or
five years has been subject to hap
hazard guesses as to" whether or not
it would be filled with ice, is now
going the way of the world so far
as an ice house is concerned. But.
the lumber which composed it will
be used for a barn on the farm of
F. H. Ramge south of the city.
Vith the removal of this building
an elegant building lot is uncovered,
which is easy of access, and a good
site, being but a short distance from
the business portion of the city. We
do not object to see- an ice house re
moved from the city, should it be
replaced by a beautiful home.
Vallery and Cromwell leave
Plattsmouth "every Saturday night
at 7:45 for Keith, Perkins and Chase
They have the good level black
soil that Is raising all kinds of
small grain, corn and alfalfa.
Nobody has any lower prices and
better soils. Ask those who have
been out. 17-swtf
DennisoiTs crepe paper at the
Journal office.
The simplest and best way
to stop coughs, is to take
Foley's Honey and Tar
You get the curative influence of fhe
pine balsam together with the mollifying
effect of the honey, aaj other healing
ingredients. It leaves a soothing coat
ing on the inflamed tickling throat,
raises phlegm easily and puts n quick
end to hard wearing coughs.
rR- F. Hal!, Mabc. Va.. writes: "One bortle
of Foley Honey and Tar stopped a trouble-
aome bronchial co-igh and irritation that had
bothered me for Mieen years." Your deaWr
aeMs it. Try it.
3 "
lalliu ta I
moaerate rTlcea. Porcolfcim
aieruueu alter usiag.
Pyorrhea Treatment.
' STOP w-nr
3rd Floor Paaton Clock, OMAHA