The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THURSDAY. DECEMFEft SO, 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE THREE. CONGRESS TO PROBE WAR ACTIVITIES Murray Department Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All Tf anyoftlie readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in tuts vicinity, and will mail same to ibis office, it will ap pear under this lieadine. We want all news ite nan Eiutoh Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers y Give Your Child a U. S. Savings Stamp for a Christmas Present! Teach ynur children patriotism us well as thrift. Civ- liit-in ;ci a $" War JSj.vins Stamp for Christina?.. Tt-ll I!'.p children that while they are at home by the warm fire on Christmas night, our soldiers 'over there in Frui.ce are in a cold and flirty trench fighting for them. Kvery child who owns one of these stamps has loaned the government money to help make the std !ir;; comfortable i.nd give them guns and ammunition to fij. In cur enemy. Kvery "kiddie" who holds a $." government "baby bend" is sure to save and buy 2 5-cent Thrift Stamps to increase his fortune. We shall be glad to tell you about Thrift Stamps, and War Savings Stair. pr. which bear 4 per cent cnra pruind interest. Murray 43 - Mutt ay, You can now buy your Thrift Stamps at the Murray State Bank. Miss Pauline and Fay Oldham were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday cf this week. Dr. Gilmore was looking after some matters of business in the coun ty seat Monday of this week. W. Cl. Hoedeker has invested in another car, this time he purchases a second-hand Super-Four Ford tour- ing car. that will make a good busi- ' Less car and take the place of his ' family car when the reads are bad. Jesse McVey has been quite sick for t lie past week, suffering from a severe cold, and a threatened attack of ;T.euiaonia. lie is improving this week, and will poor, be restored to his former health. j Mrs. Glenn -Hoedeker, Mrs. T. S. : Pariows. Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and S.:ns will give the lunch at tl e ' Library on Saturday evening, Dec. j '2 2d. The usual good eats and good time i in rtcrs for all who attend. Cards have been received in and near Murray announcing the mar riage of Mr. I.oven lassie and Miss Florence Macy, which will take place at the home of the bride's parents, at Vermillion. South Dakota, on Dec. 2 4th. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Massie. of Mt. Pleas ant precinct, and is a young man of sterling worth. His many friends at the old heme will extend congratula t ions. w. R. young AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or ncsr. F.ATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR NO PAY! REVERSE ALL. CALLS Telephone 1511 Murray Exchange Appropriate eu 7 for We hrve anticipated year wants iii the way of merchandise useful for this occasion, and at prices which will be tempting. Tt:e ir.o?t beautiful line of Lauier. Handkerchiefs we have ever r.een. Put up three in a Xraio box 25, 35 and 50c Single handkerchiefs, neat edger. and designs 5, 10, 15 and 25c Men's neckwear, a great big assortment of new, staple siiks. large flowing ends Men' silk hose, colors champagne, navy, inacK. ana nenu. o.-int '.) pairs in Chri"rLi.":C3 Men's scarfs, all silk, in the very latest designs and very pop ular this season $1.00, $1.50 and $2.30 Ladies silk waist patterns, in beautiful stripe effects. Just enough for a waist. Put up in Xmas boxes $3.50 STTIOXERV The very newest to be had in this line, and seldom carried by any but exclusive stores. Per box 25 to 75c Xmas Cards and Booklets, each in an envelope ready for mailing, in "Each 3 for 5c 5c Each 10c Each o " r.Avr.a BOOKS BIBLES DOLLS lwio Hiatt & Tutt MURRAY, ff ! Nebraska. j Mrs. R. C. Ilhoden, from Didsbury, Canada, spent last week at the Old ham home. George Oldham spent a few days at the Oldham home in Murray the past week. Born io Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kronk an eight pound baby girl, on Mon day evening. Dec. 17th. Oldham's shipped eight head of weanlings last week. One pig crat ed and hilled for Colorado, objected to leaving the old heme, and just as the train arrived he broke the crate ar.d l;il:ed for home. J. T. I'orter, from near Xehawka. was visiting for a few hours with Murray friends Tuesday of this week, It setms mighty good to see John's old familiar face in and around Murray now and then, where he lived so many years and has a world of friends. AIrs D A Young. Mrs. Warren Wiley. Pauline and Fay Oldham and Albert Young prepared the feed at the Library last Saturday evening. The meat was rabbit. There were tihty people ate that evening, and the proceeds were $12.00. John Gilmore. of Hay Springs. Ne braska, was in Murray last Satur day evening and Sunday visiting with his brother. Dr. G. H. Gilmore and family, returning to his home Monday morning. Mr. Gilmore has recently disposed of his large ranch holdings near ITay Springs, and tak en up his residence in town. He still enjoys an occasional visit hack to the old home in Cass county. Condition Very Critical. Word from the bedside of Winn Frown at the (lark?on hospital on Wednesday afternoon. announces that he is very low, with but slight hopes for his recovery. His sister. Mrs. Rusterholtz, was summoned to his bedside, as he was growing weak er very rapidly, with a slight chance of living but a few hours. 50 and i OC i . i : box $1.00 5 NEBRASKA is CHRISTMAS'. Remember that you can buy thrift stamps at the Murray State Bank. i Mrs. O. A. Devis and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were Omaha visitors Monday. ; For Sale or Rent My seven room residence in Murray. Mrs. J. W. Berger. ! J. A. Scotton is a new addition to . the Journal's Murray subscript ion . list thi week. i James Tilson and A. L. Baker were Omaha visitors Monday eveu ; iutj of this week. ! James Loughridge was visiting . with old friends and relatives in Murray last Sunclay. j The Murray State Bank is selling Government Thrift Stamps. Now is the time to buy them. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Osborn has been sick for the past few days. II. C. Creamer was looking after some matters of b-usiness in the county seat Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. G. 11. Gilmore and Mrs. J. A. Walker were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday of this week. Miss Henrietta Creamer returned home from Omaha Monday, after a few days visit with friends in the city. Par Young has been suffering with an attack of yellow jaundice for the past few weeks, but is improving at this time. Dr. Will Brendel and Louis Mar quardt. of Avoca, passed through Murray Monday evening of this week, er.route to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Minniear, of Hartincrton, Nebraska. arrived in Murray last Friday and will spend the holiday season with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mutz departed Monday evening for Omaha, and af ter a brief visit with friends will leave for their new home in Colo rado. Grandpa Hiatt, who has been very Ill for the past few weeks, remains about the same as last week. He is still very weak and gains strength very slowly. Meek Davis, Dr. Jake Brendel and Roy Howard were passengers for Plattsmouth Monday evening, where they attended the meeting of the Masonic lodge. Dwyer Todd, Glen Todd, and Vance Todd and wife autoed down to Peru last Sunday, where they spent the day with friends. Mrs. Gertie Beckner. who was in the St. Joseph hospital for the past few weeks, suffering with an at tack of blood poisoning, is getting along very nicely at this time, and will soon be able to return home. Dwyer Todd was burned quite se verely last Saturday evening in re moving the cap from the radiator of his car, in which the eneririe had brought the water to a boiling point. Th'e burns extended to the elbow and was quite severe. Mrs. Gertie Becknerfi who was taken to Omaha on Wednesdav of last week and placed in the hospital for treatment, returned home Tues day morning feeling greatly improv ed from .the treatment, and will scon be restored to her former good health. AVinn Brown, who was taken to Omaha last week and placed in the hospital for treatment for blood poisoning, is reported some better this week, but still in a very serious condition. Hopes are entertained for his future recovery, but will re quire some time. R. A. Young, who is still confined to the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, suffering from the injuries received from the fall in an apple tree is getting along very nicely at this time, being able to be up and around a pcrticn of the time, and is'expect- , ed home in time to enjoy Christmas J dinner with home folks. I The Red Cross Dance given at the j Puis Garage building last Saturday evening was quite well attended, and everybody seemed to have a good time. The receipts of the evening were fully up to expectations of the promoters of the affair, and the so- j cial portion of the evening was j-greatly enjoyed by all. Hans Stoll j and Gus Hansen furnished the old j fashioned music. I The United Presbyterian Sabbath j School will hold a "White Gift" ser j vice next Monday evening, that is Christmas eve. The children will be given a treat, but all other gifts will be for Christ as he is repre sented by the National Service. Com mission of the United Presbyterian Church in its work among our sold- ' iers. Everyone, young and old will wish to give something to this good cause. There should be a good at tendance that evening. For Sale: Five Durpc boars. Old ham Stock Farm. Get your thrift stamps at the Murray State Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis and child ren and Mrs. Fred Lutz were Platts mouth visitors Tuesday. Next Sabbath at the United Pres byterian Church the Sabbath School will meet at 10:00 a. m. and the pastor will preach at 11:00 a. m. Un ion services will be held in this church at 7:0 p. m. when Rev. Hughes will preach. An invitation is given to all who can attend any of these services. Mrs. F. F. Sans sold her 2 CO acre farm east of Murray this week to Orlander Niday, of Randolph, Neb., the consideration being $30,000.00. Mr. Niday will take possession of his new home moving from Randolph about March 1st. The deal was made through the Murray State Bank, by its cashier, W. G. Boedeker. Mrs. Sans expects to move to Murray. Capt. Young and staff of hunters went out on the rabbit trail last Saturday, and succeeded in bagging twenty-seven cotton tails, that were prepared for the big feed at the li brary rooms that evening. The party was composed of Capt. Young, Dr. Gilmore, and son Walker, J. A. Scotton and John Campbell. Last Sabbath evening a good siz ed congregation attended the union service at the Christian church. Dr. Jackson preached the sermon. The service will be at the United Pres byterian church next Sabbath even ing, and the sermon will be by Rev. Hughes? of the Christian church, who anounced that his subject would be, "God's Plan". A full house is expected. There will be a masquerade ball given at the Puis & Gansemer hall in Murray, on Wednesday evening, December 19th, the proceeds of which will go for the purchase of Christ mas presents for the Cass county Soldier Boys. The music will be furnished by Dandesdures Colored band. The baud with the rag time solo. You are cordially invited to attend this dance. Suits may be ordered at the Puis & Gansemer hall up to and including Saturday even ing. There will be plenty of masks on hand. Make the date now and keep it. You will have a good time. 12-19. Important Notice. To avoid congestion of the mails: Begin mailing Christmas packages NOW. Mark the outside of the package. "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL XMAS". Have every package which is in tended for a Military Cantonment in the mails by not later than eight days before Xmas. Have every package which is in tended for an office in an adjoining state in the mails by December 17th and for distant states by December 14th. 2t RECEIVES INSURANCE MONEY TODAY From "vTeflnrstlav's Daily. Mrs. Mary Johnson who is the financial secretary of the Degree of Honor Star Lodge No. 4 of this city ihas received this morning a check of one thousand dollars for the insur ance on the life of F. D. Foster, who died some weeks ago at Otis. Colo rado, where he was putting in wheat The check which was fore one thous and dollars, was delayed on account of the many different divisions it had to go through before it could be issued. Mrs. Johnson will im mediately send the check to Mrs. Ida May Foster, the widow of the deceas ed, who lives at Tacoma, Washing ton. A household remedy in America for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, bruis es. 30c and COc. At all drug stores Subscribe for the Journal. jlHI. !! l..I..IMH4?' 4- 5- HOGS ON THE SHARE We j will put out a few pure bred J ! Duroc-Jerscy sows on shares. s Oldham Stock Farm, Murray. 4 CHICHESTER PILLS Vy- THE 1MAM&"1 BRANtt. a I.ttdic! Ab rour lruKrit far 14- i I'IMs in Krd and iia'.d metallic' .V'y' ''""ei. einl Willi Dhie Rilboa. feK waC i bLo other ISur f tmp 'I - 4f I'rrgirUt- .--k tor lli-4'lfKS.TEirS !! A it t'UtMt PIM.H. fcf v A .SOLD EY DRI'&GISIS EVERYWHERE ARMY AND NAVY, SHIP BUILD ING, FUEL SHORTAGE AND RAILROADS INCLUDED IN SEARCHING INQUIRY DURING HOLIDAYS. Washington, Dec. 18. Congress closed down today for a holiday va cation, leaving behind a series of j investigations to proceed during the recess. Both houses adjourned until Thursday, January when war leg islation is to take the forefront of the calendar. In the last day's business the sen ate took final action toward submis sion to the states of a national pro hibition amendment to the constitu tion, ordered two new investigations -into railroad legislation and the merchant ship building situation and arranged for disposal of the coal and oil land leasing bill. January 7. The house passed the resolution to remove doubt as to application 01 the new war excess profits taxes to congressmen and arranged for re newal of the battle for woman suff rage, January 10. To Probe Railroads. Efforts to rush through legislation authorizing the treasury to buy $100,000,000 of farm loan bonds be fore the adjournment failed. The senate passed the bill today, but it was held up in the house to be con sidered when congres serassembles. During the recess a half dozen of invstigations into war activities will be in progress. Heading the list is the railroad inquiry. An address by President Wilson with his recommendations for solu tion of the problem is expected soon after congress reconvenes. Senator Borah today failed in an effort to hold congress in session for consid eration of the transportation ques tion, a motion to "reconsider the ad journment plan being defeated. Several Other Invest witions. Other investigations, in addition to those of railroad problems and the ship building situation, deal with army and navy war operations, the sugar and fuel shortages and the al leged disloyal St. Paul speech of Senator La Follette. Some of the congressional commit tees will work during the holiday period on the enormous appropria tion bills under preparation and oth er legislation, including water power and other natural resource develop ment. VISITS BROTHER. From Wednesday's Dailv. J. B. Reeves of Union motored to this city this morning for a short visit with his brother, C. R. Reeves, who has been quite sick with pneu monia. While here Mr. Reeves call ed at this office and ordered the Plattsmouth Journal sent to Carl Nickels at Union. Mr. Reeves says his brother is much better. A LITTLE WATER WOULD HELP CLEAN THE STREETS KYom Wednesdav Dallv An Italian with a Gondola, or a Hottentot with a Mud Scow, would do a good business here at this time, the streets which are in the main kept nice and neat, could be im proved with a good flushing clearing away the dirt and coal dust which has settled since the snow fell. The Christmas shoppers add to the work of the ones who care for the stores, by being compelled to carry in the mud and dirt from the pavements. NOT ENOUGH TO GO .ROUND. It never rains but it pours is the saying, and that seems to be the case, in respect to the matter of the taxi service in this city. Some time there is, or has been in the past no one at the trains, and those who de sire the service, complain because of its absence. Now we have four cars at the stations at every train, and with not enough business for each to have a little. Q. K. Parmele is represented by Frank Andrews, Sam Smith by Frank Boetel, while John Botel and A. F. Hull are run ning on their own account. AN APPEAL FOR AID IN OUR CHRISTMAS MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN W e ask, we solicit, we beg you, , men and women of our city to HELP in this Red Cross drive for member ships. DO NOT SAY, its too near Xmas, or I've so much to do and to little time to do it in etc, etc, but come This is the wish we friends and MURRAY Hardware and MURRAY, to this rally meeting and show your are willing lo do your bit. By Xmas day the American Red Cross must have fifteen million mem bers. Lacking them, it cannot do all that the world is crying upon it to do and do quickly. Now if never before, all of you. Should belong to your American Red Cross. The American Red Cross believes in you. It asks you to believe in it. Never have the American people failed in a great cause. They will answer the worlds cry of utter distress. They will answer it, above all, at this season long dedi cated to thoughtful good will to works of love and mercy. The Red Cross does not ask at this time for large contributions, it asks you to become a part of it. So come to our rally meeting tomorrow evening and be a volunteer to help wherever you can in this coming campaign. WE WAlvi ana ask an who can and will, the Campfire girls, the boy scouts, everyone who will. COME to the Red Cross Rooms at S o'clock Monday night and you will be given instructions as to what to do. Let us lay aside something we really wanted to do "to help a Sammie's Life. Do it now, help the Red Cross, it wants YOU. IMPORTANT NOTICE. To avoid congestion of the malls: Begin mailing Christmas packages NOW. Mark the outside of package, "Do Not Open Until Christmas." Have every package which is in tended for a Military Cantonment in the mails by not later than eight days before Xmas. Have ever' package which is in tended for an office in an adjoining state in the mails by December 17th and for distant states by December 14th. That lady friend will appreciate r handsome box of stationery or corre spondence cards for a Christmas present. Get them at the Journal of fice, where you will find thousand of boxes to select from. Get your Christmas Boxes at the Journal office. IhirDS'Sinnisi for the Whole Family at the Store of Puis & Gansemer, Murray, A Complete Line of Goods for those seeking Gifts for every member of the family useful Gifts! Nuts, Candies and Fruits for the Children. Quantity Lots at Special Prices! Do Your Shopping Early! n aoasxneuc nseo. a cure guaranteea in every case accepted xor treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people w ho have been permanently cured. 0 DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building OH AH A. NEBRASKA extend to all our patrons. Implement Co., NEBRASKA WARTIME PLAINT OF A LOYAL AMERICAN My Tuesday are meatless, my Wed nesdays are wheatless, I am getting more eatless each day; My home it is heatless, my bed it is sheetless. All sent to the Y. M. C. A. The barroom is treatless, my coffee is sweetless. Each day I get poorer and wiser; My stockings are feetless, my trous ers are seatless, Mv God, how I do hate the kaiser. WILL HOLD SERVICES AT LEWIST0N There will be services at the Lewis ton Church, south of this city some eight miles next Shnday morning at 11:00 a. m. Rev. . Z. D. Holbrook pastor of the Methodist Church at Graham. Virginia, who is visiting with his uncle George W. Shrader, and other relatives here will hold services. Pass this word along the line and have the church filled. Rev. Holbrook is an able minister and an eloquent speaker, being consecrated to the work 6f the Master. Come and hear the sermon and help in the services. WAR MAPS. The famous Rand-McNally war maps will now be found on sale at The Journal office. These maps show all the big battle lines, on a large scale so that you can easily trace where all the big battles are being held. We have maps of the whole western front, also the Brit ish front, the French front, and the Italian front. They are 25c each. Get them at the Journal office. Christmas decorations at the Jour nal office. W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. t Cast of Riley Hotel. Coates Block, Second Floor T..T t, T..T..T. T .V l-l Nebraska Fistula Pay When Cured A mild Bystem of treatment that cores Pile. Fistula and other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, without a severe sar fiical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other genera. 1