The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    I '-. " 4 --
Local Members of National Alliance
in Accord as Shown by -Telegram
Forwarded Wilson.
From TuesJav's Daily.
(Ed. Note. That the local Bo
hemians are eutirely in accord with
the sentiment expressed in the fol
lowing article from The Bohemian
Kevii w, is best shown by the recent
congratulatory telegram sent to the
president following the declaration
of war on Austria, which was re
produced in the Journal a few days
ajii. They're Americans all of
It had to come. The president was
sincerely anxious to avoid war on
Austria-Hungary, as he had earnest
ly tried for two years to avoid war
with Germany. All in vain. The
rulers of Germany by their defiance
oi the conscience of the world and
by tl.tir insidious attacks on Amer
ica itself, compelled Wilson to act.
And now the rulers of Austria who
in site of the president's forbear
ance, in spite of his implied invita
tion to break away from Germany,
have fold their very souls to the
German devil, these militarists and
jingoes of Vienna and Budapest with
their puppet emperor have finally J Wcodrow Wilson that Aus-tria-Hur.gary
will be good only af
ter it has been soundly licked.
Citizens of Bohemian birth wel-
lome with boundless enthusiasm the
decision of the president and its most
speedy ratification by congress. Pos
si'dy there is in their joy an ad
mixture of the feeling of satisfac
tion, the "I told you so" feeling.
President Wilson is an optimist in
so far as his faith in human nature
is concerned; lie hopes against. hope
that the wicked will turn from their
evil ways. We, who were brought
up in Austria and know the Bour
lm::s of Vienna who never change
and never learn anything, we who
know the pigheadedness and the
overwhelming conceit of the big gen
erals and of the Magyar oligarchs,
the real rulers of the empire we
could no.t share the president's hope
that Austria-Hungary might yet
break away from Germany. Now we
rejoice that the last chance of the
present rulers to save their power is
pone. The government of Austria
Hungary is now our enemy, and
America will negotiate only with
the representatives tf the peoples of
thfs empire.
It is worthy of notice that Presi
dent Wilson speaks of the people of
Germany, "but of the peoples of Aus
tria-Hungary. This slight grammat
ical distinction and a careful consid
eration of the whole tenor of his
memorable message give comfort to
the Bohemians who might otherwise
be discouraged at the president's
words, "We do not wish in any way
to impair or to re-arrange the Aus-
tro-Hungarian empire." President
"Wilson does not say that he favors
the preservation of" the anomalous
dynastic state; he merely refutes the
idea that America fights for its dis
memberment or for any other pur
pose except the freedom of every na
tion, large and small, to settle its
When you can get staple land in South
eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices
and on good terms, that will increase in value
because, we raise the crops, every year.
Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb.,
and get back home the same day. Buy a
farm near home that you can look after.
Wc have tracts of land irom 5 acres to
800 acres; any size tract you want. We ha ve
sold several Cass county people. Drive
over to Sterling, fSeb., and see us.
Phone Red 65.
own affairs. The president no doubt
knows that with the pressure from
above removed the peoples now sub
ject to the Harpsburgs will choose
Utn itnlni cnvnrwi irntioy far d f-
ferent from the present dual mon-
archy. When the Bohemians nave M,a3 been working in the Burlington
a free choice, they will set up alsn0pS here for some time past, ap-
Bonemian repuunu.
. i : I
Declaration of war against Aus-
ina nas, nueei, who
lives of Bohemians. in tins country,
those not naturalized will become I
lecnnicauy uuen eu(uu.
England, Canada, special measures ine came to this country he was 6b
have been taken by the authorities! years old, according to the fount in
to except Bohemians (Czechs) from
the restrictions applied to alien ene -
All - A ... I.
mies. ah ine ames na ictusun-
ed the Bohemian people to be a most!
friendly people. Let the United
States government do likewise.
nrnniC 11111 DftTDfllJI7C
T e oft-raised question of trading
. . S1 , Mtmt,
.1111 man uiuci uuuaca ui iran uui" i
5,,or unma imflKtrv rdd as it is. nrp-
Tt i. a
general fact that most Plattsmouth
people are in favor of home-buying.
if they are once shown that it will
be just as profitable. To some, this
may sound like a queer assertion, but J
it Via heeu urnvpn finite conclusive-1
lv in the past year.
"We have in mind the case of
women's apparel. A year ago there
was no place in town such merchan
dise could be bought and naturally
the attention of our people was di
rected to Omaha or perhaps they
bought through the channels of the
mail order houses. Two dealers are
now carrvine: eoods in these lines and I
their trade from the very start has
been most satisfactory. They have
disposed of almost one thousand gar-
menis in ine past ear. iu us, mis
is conclusive evidence that what peo-
pie can get at home they will gladly
purchase if given the opportunity.
But they-are mostly from Missouri,
and have to be shown. It is in this
capacity the generous use of news
paper advertising space can be ap
preciated. The public is discriminat
ing in its purchases, all of which it
has a perfect right to be, paying as
it does for the goods it chooses to
In substance, some one has said,
that conduct your business where
you will on the side streets or in
the byways if you but serve the
public well, success will be yours. We
add, that to he who studies the de
sires of the people of any locality
and caters to them, hiding not his
light under a half bushel, that same
success will come in unstinted meas
ure. Is it not so?
From Tuesday's Daliy.
Mrs. C. H. Vallery and grand son,
Hamilton Marks, departed last ev
ening for Hot Springs, Ark., where
they will spend the winter. Mrs.
Vallery has not been in very rugged
health for some time past and it is
thought the change in climate, to
gether with the benefits coming from
the baths there may renew her vi
tality and restore her health. Mr.
Marks will also take some baths for
the cure of rheumatism, from which
he has been bothered for some time.
Mrs. Myrtle Marks, daughter of Mrs.
Vallery, and mother of Mr. Marks,
is now living at Hot Springs, and
they will make their home with her
until such time as the birds begin
to migrate northward in the spring.
Christmas Cards of every descrip
tion at the Journal office.
H H 11
Sterling, Nebraska
mmm ran? nim
L,uis Tsokas, a Greek laborer who
peareu oeiore me iowi umh uucuu 1 1,
. . c . , i i i . r 11.. t.ri I
yesterday and made application to L
ue auueu .u jui.i ic auu,. mau.
various claims which would , not;
reconcile themselves. He said that
ne was uiu, .uat
I his native country, and that when
jhe was admitted at Castle tlarden
t C A n
his age was put uown as -j. uai&.
This was nine years ago and three!
years later he took out his first pa-
rpers, six years ago, according to his
statement. . - J
Tsokas claims to have registered
Tlinp rth ist. nnd savs that when
h ":r:a,!z:01:
pnysicai examiuauuu ne iau iiti
and had not since reported. He did
not speak English well enough for
the board to get any definite clue as
c n. nn,i
to me irue Slilius ui me auu
an interpreter was caned in wun out
little better success
The board finally decided to take
him to Ft. Crook, as that is what
the instructions indicate should be
done with men of this class, and
conseauently this morning he was
taken there by Sheriff Quinton.
From Tuesday's Tailv.
The J. M. Roberts Construction
conmanv has sent a check in settle-
late Edward McCullev and has al-
so forwartleil a cheCk in payment of
the first four weeks. compensation
, account of his death, as ner
the BCheilule mapped out under the
Nebraska Employees Compensation
t Tl , snecifies that two-
thir(ls of the. earnings of one whose
life is lost, shall be paid for a per
iod of 350 weeks, the maximum to
be not greater than $12 per week or
the minimum less than G.00. The
weekly earnings of Mr. McCullev
amounted to $19.50, two-thirty of
which sum would bring the com
pensation slightly above the maxi
mum amount of $12, which' will be
the amount paid weekly. The check
sent by the company was for $48.00,
in payment of the first four weeks'
compensation, figured cu this basis.
From Tuesday's 1 aily.
11. I). Gammon, recently o? Win
ner, South Dakota, arrived in Platts
mouth a few days ago and Hi as boon
visiting at the home of his uncle, J.
W. Haynft and wife, departing this
morning for Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. Gammon was born a few miles
south of Pacific Junction, Iowa, liv
ing there all his life until about
eight years ago, when he moved to
South Dakota, and has since engaged
in business some eight miles south
east of Winner. Lately he sold his
farm and all his belongings with
the intention of migrating to a
warmer climate. He is engaged in
the. sheep business and the country
there is so backward and the seasons
so short that he could not have the
crop of Iambs come before May. He
thinks he will go to southern Mis
souri, where probably they could be
farrowed as early as February, and
this would give nearly three months'
advantage, in addition to the amount
of time which he would also ha-ve
for pasturage in the fall. '
From Tuesday's" Dally.l
S. J. Reames, of Cedar Creek, ar
rived in the city this morning' and
with Isy Rosenthal, the Delco light
man, is busy installing an electric
(lighting system in the new home of
Thomas WTill north of the city. Mes
srs. Rosenthal and Reames are work
ing together at the installation of a
number of lighting plants over the
country and their work is standing
up well These lighting plants give
the farmer in his more isolated home
the same advantages as are possessed
by his more fortunate (or unfortu
nate as you look at it) neighbor
who resides in town.
Burn Kerosene instead of Gasoline.
Conservation of fuel Is of as much
importance as food conservation' and
will do even more towards the
winning of this-war.
Isy Rosenthal, Delco Light-Dealer,
and - advises and urges all users of
Delco Light in his territory to burn
kerosene in the Delco Light Engine.
In addition to conserving gasoline
this will save the user 60 per cent
on the cost of fuel and give him the
same efficiency;
i -
From Tuesday's Dally.
Everett E. tiuoding, who has been
taking a vacation from his work as
switchman in the Burlington yards,
returned home last evening
having spent some ten. days with
friends and relatives away fmmi
n,ib n,V !1v Vvornit visitP.1 at
. Kvf.plsiftr a'Drines. Mo..
parsnns. Kansas. wher
he had an excellent time and now
he returns with renewed energy for
hjj worfe which is his to UQ ouce
From Tu(,S(llv.e riaiiv
This morning Sheriff C. D. Quin-
ton sold on Main street, south of the
court housgj, the Cadillac automobile
and the motor car, which were cap-
tured by the sheriff and other olhcers
some time since, as the ones which
and for which the participants re-
ceived heavy fines The automobile
was purchased by C. Lawrence Stull,
- . . , . o r o a a
t m nnpp n.nn leinr 525(1.00. ailu.
" '
lut ",ulull-,uc f'vwov j ...
i j . i ir - v v ' i me ij.vvv iivi -ui w
of raaha' the price being $152.50
:ur. newey ciaimcu iu nae imu
mortgage on the motorcycle, being
the reason he was a bidder on it.
From Tuesday's Pall v.
Yesterday morning at the opening
of the High school, K. W. Dryan who
is a great admirer of the martyred
president Abraham Lincoln, present
ed a life sized picture of President
Lincoln to the High school. Mr
Bryan in a very neat and
priate speech made the presentation
and after Miss Hertha Driftmeyer c
the Hiiih School facility, and teach
er of history, gave a very nice brief
historical story of the life of Presi
dent Lincoln, which showed much
merit and familiarity with the life
of the great statesman. The ser
vices were ended by the tinging of
America, by the students :f the
Higb school led by Professor Spacht.
The picture will decorate the wall
of this High school, and will be an
inspiration to every student ti-r.iake
the most of the opportunities which
this life presents. They will keep
in memory the kindness as well as
Mr. liryan In thinking r.f the students
in presenting the picture to the
From Tuesday's Daily.
Theo L. Amiek lias not been lay
ing down on the Bale of cars bec::ns"
the weather w;i:; a little wintry, tor
during the past week he made three
. ales, -which is pretty good for one
week. While he is a worker v.-hen
It cotv.Oo to selling cars, he also lias
an excellent car to sell as well as
to use. He sold a new six-eylindcr-cd
Heo to John Kaffenberger, on
which ho accepted a Urisco'.-, which
he immediately sold to J. E. Mason.
Afterwards he sold a new four-cylin-(lered
Reo, making three cars during
ilfe week, and a pretty cold week it
was, at that.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Frank Hull, of ne;r Rock Ii lit lis,
who has been at Grant City, Mo., for
some time looking after some busi
ness and visiting oid friends, with
the idea in view of purchasing some
land there, returned home this af
ternoon. While in tdiat place lie
saw many old time friends of the
Editor of this papv, who made in
quiries about him, although it has
been many years since the Journal
editor was engaged in the newspa
per business there.
Cut This Out It is Worth Money
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co..
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clear
ly. You will receive in return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and
Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every
where. FOR SALE.
The late Andy Dill homestead in
the city of Plattsmouth, good house
and three lots. For particulars, call
or write B. Dill, Murray, Neb.
This Was No Joke.
J. K. Colver, 103 Labor Temple,
Lios Angeles, Cal., writes: "I have
had about 56 years of experience
with all sorts and kinds of cathartic
remedies- some good and some a
Joke. When I got, wise to Foley Ca
thartic Tablets fpr constipation, I
got in right., The best I ever used."
Do not, gripe; no unpleasant after-
'effects. Sold everywhere.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Iu the county court this morning
mi 1
a suit was brought uy Abraham auiu
of Omaha, but formerly of this city,
against Frank Foreman, of the Peo
ple's Grocery on South Sixth street,
for the sum of $55, alleged to be
wages due him at the time he re
signed and went to Omaha to work.
Nob being able to get this sum, Mr.
Adle has brought this rfuit to recov
er the-same. Mr. Foreman, through
his attorney, U. O. Dwyer, asked that
as Mr. Adler is now working in Om
aha, a bond for the costs of the ac
tion be required. I3y mutual arran
gement through the attorneys I). O.
Dwyer, for defendant, and J. M. Ley
da, for plaintiff, the hearing was con
tinued until next Saturday.
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order issued by the
County court of Cass county, Ne
braska, in favor of the State of Ne
braska and against Sherman Chin
berg, and t-o me directed, I will, at
10 o'clock a. m., on the 18th day of
December, A. D., 1917, at the south
door of the county court house of
said county offer for sale at public
auction the following described per
sonal property, to-wit: One Cadillac
automobile, taken as the property of
Sherman Chtnberg on said order. -
Dated this 7th day of December
A. D., 1917.
C. D
The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue cf an order issued by the Coun
ty Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
in favcr of the State of Nebraska,
and against Joseph Dozdell. and. to
me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a.
m., on the ISth day of December,
A. D. 1917, at the south door of the
county court house of said county
offer for rale at public auction the
following describe personal prop
erty, to-wit: One motorcycle and
attachments, taken as the property
of the said Joseph Eozdcll on said
Dated this 7tl day oT December,
A 117.
In tl
:.f 'as
1 ;t rii t i 'nrt of
I,aisi;. Plaintiff
the County
."!. n 'lus Larson
1 efenlaut.
John ;u.-- Larson will tak- imlix
that -:i t' 1st 'iav of Sept em Iwr, A-
I .. l'!7. I.i'iin i.a:-..on. hiinti:T herein.
:iU"l hi i- l tition in the listii t Court
of Cuss Miimty, N l.iiiska. against ail
.lof.-ii'lan;. the ehieei amt prayer ol
vhhli are t j sim tin- a divorce from
the i'cfi!!i!nt. anil the eustody and
eontrot f John Larson anl Ku.nene
Larson, chiilre;i of plaintiff ami r.efen
ilanf; jrounils for i!ivnr;o alheil iH
said :--lition are extreme cruelty, lack
of support of In rsi'ir aint children, and
hahitiral drunkenness. j '
You arc reonired t answer said pc
I It Ion on or he fore the -o'th day
January, A. I., 111S.
' 15y C. A. KAWLS.
d :i-sw i w. Attorney.
The State of Nehraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss:
In lie 'mi nl- Court
In the matter of the restate of Julia
j: Thomas. 1 nccased.
To th- Creditors of said Kstate:
Villi are hereby notified. That I will
sit uf the County Court room in Piatts
Mimth, in said county, on the 2 1th day
i" I x-ceiri her, 1!1T, and the 25th day
nf Jlareli, J1U, at ten o'clock a. m. of
(aili dav to receive and examine all
claims apainst said Kstate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims ayaiiist said Ins
tate is three months from the 24th
dav of Iieeemher, A. I).. 1!)17. and the
time limited for payment of debts rz
one year from said 2 Hit day of Je-
fiii lirr. 1 1ll 7.
Witness my hand and .the seal of
!i.l I'onntv Court, this 22nd day of
November, 111! 7.
A LL1 ON", J. 1 5 KKSl N
(Seal) 'County Jmlye.
i:. 1J. Windham, Attorney.
oiioi:u to snow cai si:
la the District Court of Cass coun
tr, Nebraska:
In the matter of the application of
Reginald II. Thoi p, tinsirdian of the
Person anil instate of Florence Thorp,
a Minor, for License to sell Keal Ins
tate: "
On reading and riling the petition,
duly verified, of PeKinald 11 Thorp,
Guardian of the person and estate of
Florence Thorp, u minor, lor license to
sell, t lie following described real estate,
to-w it :
The undivided two forty-fifths
(2-4S) of the llast half of the
Southeast quarter, of Section 22,
the Southwest ipiarter of Section
, 21, the North half of the North
half of the Northwest quarter of
Section 25 and the North half of
the North half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 2H, all in Town
ship -12. llange 10, in Cass county,
Nebraska; also the dndivided two
fortv-nfths 1(2-4.1) of Lot 2, Uloek
10, in South Hend. us surveyed,
'platted and recorded in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska
I or, so muen mereor as me rvui i jhu
deem necessary ana auvisauiv, mr ine
benelit of said ward, for' the purpose
of investment in interest bearing se
curities or some productive stock and
for the education and maintenance of
said ward,, and it uppearins from said
petition that the minor's interest on
said real estate Is a small undivided
portion thereof and the same is too
small to render the property desirable
as an Investment; that said property
can probably he sold at the present
tir.iA for a fair value and that it is
for the interest of her estate and . for 1
tin. benefit of said ward to convert
1 stud undivided interest in real estate
&ii VfrifrT.-rf
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Alvays Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 yars, has borne the signature of
p - and has been made under his per-
j-jSty-- sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Svuzf? x'CUcaAZ Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
X if tints and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR! A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing, Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its.
rge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Tvisd Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
i Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
'v'-'ATi- ( mmm - ir.T 1
into cash ami invest the proceeds in
interest bearing securities or some
productive stock, or so much thereof
as may not he required for her main
tenance and education.
It is tltfre?ore ordered that the next
of kin of said minor and all persons
interested in her estate appear bWfore
me at chambers in the Court House in
the City of I'iattsmouth in Cass coun-
ty. Nebraska,
nary, IH1S, at
lausc, if any
on the llth day of Jan
U o'clock a. m., and show
there be, why license
srrantod to said Keirinald
should not
II. Thorp, tluardian. to sell said real
t state for the purposes above set forth.
And it is further ordered that a copy
of this ordr tie personally served on
said minor at least fourteen days be
fore the day set for hearing, and
that it hi- published once each week
for three Micci-ssive weeks in the
Plat tsinout h Journal. a newspaper
printed and published in said county
of i Cass.
Hated at Chambers in said County of
Cass this Hth dav of December-, 1917.
Jude o the District Court in and foi
iU7-ov) Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice to non-resident Defendants,
their lleirs. Devisees, legatees. Per
sonal Kepresentatives. and all persons
interested in their estate.
Yo S. T. W. Yhrop, first real name
iinknown, if living, if deceased, the
unknown heirs. devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of
S. T. V.'. Throp. deceased: Mrs. S.
T. V. Throp, wife of S. T. W. Throp,
first real name unknown, if living-,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in
the estate of Mrs. S. T. W. Throp,
deceased; Pioneer Savings and Loan
Company, successor and owner of all
riKiits, property and estate of Na
tional Puildi.'tK; Luan and Protective
Cnion; National iJuihlin- Loan and
Protective Union; J. V. Hardy, first
real name unknown if livins. if de
ceased, the tinknown heirs, devisees,
lejrater-s, personal representatives
ami all persons interested in the
estate of J. V. Hardy, deceased; Mrs.
J. V. Hardy, lirst real name un
known, .wite of J. V. Hardy, if livinff,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons Interested in
the estate of Mrs. J. V. Hardy, de
ceased; Ahijah Harris, if living, if
deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives andull jiersons interested in
the estate of Abi.iah Harris, deceas
ed; Mrs. Ahijah Harris, wife of Ahi
jah Harris, lirst real name unknown,
if living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all persons in
terested in the estate of .Mrs. Ahijah
Harris, deceased ; A. K. Alexander,
first real name unknown, if living,
if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
150 Head of
Public (UKSooirD
1 Car of Good Feeders,
30 Head of yearling Heifers,
45 Head Yearling Steers.
Saturday,: December 22,
Terms made known on day of the sale. '
COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. E3GEDECKER, Clerk.
for Fletcher's
Signature of
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in
the estate of A. 11. Alexander, de
ceased: Mr, A. K. Alexander. , hus
band of A. K. Alexander, first' real
name unknown, if living, if deceas
ed, tho unknown lueirs. devisees,
legatees?, personal representatives
and all persons interested in the es
tate of Mr. A. K. Alexander, de
ceased; A. H. Townsend, tirst real
name unknown, if living, if deceas
ed, the unknown heirs, devisees, leg
atees personal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate
of A. .11. Townsend, deceased; Mrs.
A. H. Townsend. wife of A. 1 1.
Townsend, first real name unknown.
If living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs. devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all persons in
terested in tiie estate of Mrs. A. H.
Townsend, deceased; Alfred I. Jones,
if living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
representatives and all persons In
terested in the estate of A!fXd 1.--Jones,
deceased: Sophronia Jones,
wife of Alfred D. Jones, if living, if
deceased, the unknown heirs, devi
sees, legatees, personal representa
tives and all persons interested in
the estate of Sophronia Jones, de
ceased: You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that George J. Oldham as plaintiff,
on the JMIi day of .November, 1917, filed
his petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you
and all of you are defendants: .the
object and prayer of which petition is
that the claim, interest, right, title and
estate of each and every one of you
in and to
I,ots one (1) and two (2) and that
part of lots three 3 and four (4)
not occupied by Chicago Avenue,
in Block one hundred sixty-four
164) of the City of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska,
That the title oT said plaintiff in and
to said real estate, and every part
thereof be quieted as against you and
each ami every one of you, as against
any and all claims of any person
through or by you, and that it be ad
judged and-decreed that each and all
of you whose names are above pet
forth, if living, and if deceased, the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of each and
every one of you, have no right, title,
claim or interest in and to said real
estate or any part thereof, and that
each and all of said defendants, those
named, apd those whose names are un
known and not staled, be forever bar
red from claiming or asserting any
right, title. Interest or estate in and
to said real estate, or any part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as to the court may seem just and
You and each of you arc further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 7tb day of January. 1918.
nlD-swCOd. Attorney.
Fine Cattle!
. Cv'
; 1