The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1917, Image 1
Platte Neb State HUlorlosI Boe . omnu VOL. XXXV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMEER 20, 1917. No. 52. DC SAYS TERMI NAL ELEVATOR IS NOT NEEDED JOHN MURTEY OF ALVO WRITES REGARDING OPERATIONS AMONG FARMERS. RAPS NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE Says Solicitors Get One-Half of More Than a Million Dollars to be Paid for Memberships. Alvo, Nebr., Dec. 14, 1917. To the Editor Plattsmouth Journal: The farmer delegates from the Da kotas at the Farmers National Con gress at Springfield, Missouri, this year, were all opposed to having anything to do with the non-partisan league. They said their experience was that it always had been in the hands of broken down politicians. They have made themselves very obnoxious in North Dakota on ac count of their Congressman and Sen ator being continually against the Government and so radical and un reasonable in their demands that every loyal citizen opposed them. And now they have come to Nebraska and are trying to get the farmers of our State to join them, making the claim that they can get a member ship of S0.00O members at $16.00 a head. The solicitor alone to get about 50 per cent ot 8.00 from each farmer for taking down his name act ually giving these agents (or solicit ors) $040,000 of the farmers money, and the organization $640,000 more, i'rtv'if pica to the farmers appears to be that they will" build a terminal elevator at Omaha. (They don't tell the farmer that a million bushel terminal elevator can be built for $200,000.) What becomes of these collections of over a million dollars? Are they going to build an elevator with it? Oh, No! one-half of this has already been absorbed by the agents for chasing the farmer in jit neys, and the rest will be absorbed by the oragization. The cold facts are that there is plenty of money in Omaha to build more terminal ele vators if they were needed, and would pay. Unless a terminal ele vator is handled by experts it don't cav at all. the margin is so small and the expense so. large. The only reason there are terminal elevators in Omaha is that the railroad com pany allow a small elevation charge, about one-third of a cent a bushel for to get their cars unloaded and to provide a place for the surplus grain, so that it would not have to be kept in cars waiting for a buyer. Individ ual elevator men and farmers eleva tor companies operating at country stations can buy stock in terminal elevators already built in Omaha, but we could not ship but a small part fo our grain to a terminal elevator in Omaha, if we were stockholders. We have always shipped the bulk of our grain from Nebraska direct to mills ,to feeders to Kansas City, Topeka. .Oklahoma and St. Louis, and receiv ed in ore on track for it than a term inal elevator in Omaha can afford to pay us. It don't pay to ship to Omaha iand reship it back-to those points. When our wheat goes to Chicago or Minneapolis, we can bill at first to Omana, dui noi io iue ouuiu. There has never been a time in the past 30 years that an elevator at Omaha or Kansas City charged more . ViitcViAi Airmiacinft I man one " on wneat anu o-iu u u auu up to the time the present war com , menced. A feeder any wheer in the United States or mill could wire Omaha Terminal Elevator, and get any grade of wheat or corn they wanted shipped to them direct, and the only charge between the country elevator and the consumer anywhere in the United States, was not over one cent a bushel on wheat and 3-4c on corn. Since the war commenced the charges are about 2c on wheat and about lc on corn on account of extra expenses for office force, etc., and the fact that it took twice as much money to make the-transact ion. There are of course, terminal elevator men in Omaha and other points who have grown rich specu lating on grain. There are hund reds of others who have sons bretee I speculating on grain. The news f papers and the press generally pro- claim to the world the huge success . of the lucky speculator. The world f don't give the hundreds who fatl a I passing glance. It appears under ! the laws of our state those non partisan fellows are doing a per fectly legitimate business. They can collect a million dollars from; farmers at '$10.00 a head, and laugh all night. Our "Blue Sky" laws don't appear to reach them. JOHM MURTEY. RETURNED HOME FROM OMAHA. Prom Tuesday's Daily. George Ithoden of near Murray, departed this morning over the Bur lington for Omaha, where he is go ing to the hospital at that place to escort his wife to their home north west of Murray, after she has been at Omaha for the past several weeks, receiving treatment for blood pois oning, which resulted from a scratch on one of her hands which laler be came affected. Mrs. Rhoden has been having a serious time with her hand and her many friends will re joice with her in the fact that she is so far improved as to be able to re turn to her home. . VISITING IN PLATTSMOUTH. From Tuesday's Dailv. Mrs. Edward Miller, of Lincoln, and Mrs. Frank Raker, of Imperial, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans for some time past, and last evening Mrs. Miller departed for her home in Lincoln, while Mrs. Baker will re main for a longer visit with her friends here. WHAT THE WOMEN HAVE DONE. Fr"i Tndar' Dally. The Woman's Committee of the Nebraska Council of Defense has taken a census ofthe woman power of the state. In each of the 93 counties of Nebrakas. registration of women for war service has been suc cessfully conducted. This campaign has already cost over $,000. Only $500 was contributed out of funds of the Nebraska State Council of De fense for this work. The Woman's Committee conduct ed the first food pledge campaign without the financial aid of any gov ernmental agency. They materially assisted in the second food pledge campaign, giv ing freely of their time and effort. The Woman's Committee has seen to it that the compulsory school at tendance law was observed, and that child life was conserved in our state. Nearly 200,000 women are work ing actively every day In the Red Cross making bandages, surgical dressings and supplies for our Allies' and our own armies. The Depart ment of Home and Foreign Relief, of which the Red Cross is a part, is working directly with the Commit tee. The women are looking after civilian relief taking care of the "needy families of soldiers at the front. The Woman's Committee has or ganized in every county for the nat uralization of foreigners. This work has resulted in hundreds of women taking out their first papers, and in directly has brought scores of men to apply for citizenship papers. The Woman's Committee sold $1,- 500.000 worth of Liberty Bonds in the State of Nebraska in the second Liberty Loan drive. They will quad j next driye The Woman's Committee through its Educational Department is seeing to it that un-American literature is eliminated from the school text books; that more English is taught in foreign districts; that children receive an American education; that our flag flies over every school, pub lic and parochial, in our state. It has established a Speakers' Bu- rcau, auu win uaic n small ai-iuj ui , . , . f twominuie women prepared to give patriotic speeches at any public Bath- lugs. All the above activities require money. The United States govern- Kment asks that the women of each state carry out this work. Our state has provided no funds for these undertakings. The citizens of Ne braska mu6t do what the citizens ef other states have don. - They must supply the financial means to carry on this work. . j- Subscribe for tha Journal. A CHRISTMAS MORN ING MUSIC FESTIVAL TO BE PARTICIPATED IN .BY AMERICANS EVERYWHERE AT NINE O'CLOCK. To Sing "America" in Unison All . Oter the World Where There are Real Americans. From Tuesday's Daily. Christmas and hundreds of thousands of American fathers, sons and brothers away from home! Away from the music the laughter the Christmas love and the Christmas cheer! Here is a world-circling idea which music workers and music lovers can employ to bring all Americans all over the world closer to each other and closer to our glorious ideals at this momentous hour in our national history. It is simply this. Let us have on Christmas morning a chorus in which everyone who rejoices in the name American may take part a chorus that will sing itself around the world a Christmas morning music festival for all Araeicrans every where this festival to be held en tirely without erpense and with no more preparation than remembering it. At nine o'clock next Christmas morning, the day of all the year when American home ties are strongest, let all Americans, no matter where they are gathered together Around the Fireside On the Training Ground In the Chapel On the Battleship In the Trenches In the Hospitals On the Street " " " In the Cars Everywhere join in a great chorus or endless chain of choruses singing "America" until the thought of our blessings in the "sweet land of liberty" will ring around the globe. In what better way can we bring together in Christmas spirit those brave souls at home and in service? Is it not the glorious privilege of every music lover to work for this? Many will want to go on with some of the dear Christmas carols and songs which bring good cheer and rich promise on Christmas morn ing. Let every instrumentalist join in. Let the bells of every church ring out. Let all America sing as it has never sung before. Think what this will mean on Christmas Day. 1917, in thousands of American homes where there will be empty chairs chairs of heroes fight ing for you and me "over there." How can this be done? How can the glad tidings of this world-wide Christmas musical festival be spread 'quickly enough? First of all talk about it. Talk about it to everyone you meet. Tell them to watch the clock on Christ mas morning and at nine start to sing "My Country 'tis of Thee." Tell them that they are members of the great chorus of Christmas cheer that Is singing itself around the world to bring together on this Christmas the minds and hearts of all Americans. Tell them that it is to give courage and confidence to our boys over there" and joy and pride and com fort in the souls of all whd stay at home. Second Write or see the editors of your local papers and do your best to induce them to give abund ant space to inform their readers of the Christmas morning music festival for Americans everywhere. Urge this with all your heart. Third See the school teachers and the, local boards as well as all the clubs in your neighborhood and ; aa& luciu iu wane ouuuuulcuii:uio. I . . Fourth Have a talk with your J clergyman. His enthusiasm will be I invaluable. Ask him to have "the church bell rung for five minutes on : Crhistmas morning, at nine o'clock. . Fifth In every letter you write, whether to a soldier at the front or to an acquaintance, take a few lines to tell them that you will be with them : in the spirit of our American Christmas at none o'clock on Christ mas morning. . Sixth -Do it yourself. Waiting for someone else to do it means that it may not get done. Wak up in the morning thinking about it and do not go to rest until you have done something toward it. .Colossal optimism and undaunted courage is the need of the hour courage in the home quite as much as the field. This will be felt keener on this "Different from all Christ mases" than ever before. Musicians! You who may have been wondering what you can do through your art in the great hour of need, here is an opportunity. Let us pray that it will make every American heart stouter and more determined, that it will give us 'courage to so continue this great fight for a glorious principle of freedom, that "Peace on Earth," the real Christ thought, will be here in fact before another Christmas comes. With hearts thrilled with rapture and gratitude for the blessings that America has brought to all of us, though our eyes be Jeweled with tears, let us all join in this great chorus to exalt our ideals and our love of the homeland. May we nev er forget nine o'clock on Christmas morning or 1917. BACK HOME AGAIN. Dick Avard who has been at Lin coln for the past two weeks, assist ing the orchestra at "the Oliver theatre, has completed his contract and is home again; and with his sleeves rolled up for the work which is waiting. While away his partner Mr. John McLean did nobly in the working all the time to keep the work cleaned up, and attend to the sales. Now they can attend to the business with the two of them to do it. ARE VISITING IN PLATTSMOUTH. From Tuesday's Da Ilv. Mrs. John W. Chapman and little sou. arrived in this sitySunday after noon to visit the parents of Mrs. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John son, coming from their home at Bak er. Mont., near where they have a farm. Mrs. Chapman says that the weather was very cold and much wind in the west it being 37 below zero the morning she started home, and had been down to 40 but a short time before. She and son will visit with her parents and other relatives for some time before returning to their home in the west. IS MAKING GOOD PROGRESS. From Tuesday's Daily. R. W. Young from near Nehawka, who some time since had the mis fortune to fall from a tree while pick- ing apples, and who has been in a hospital at Omaha with a broken hip and leg since, and has been in a plaster case, is now getting along finely, and yesterday the cast was removed showing a nice healing of the injured parts. The physicians in charge think that he will be able to return to his homo by Christmas. Mr . Young has had a severe tussle witn the injury and his many friends will be pleased to know that he is on the road to nermanent recovery. i THE QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTION. From Wednesday's Daily. That the government of the Unit ed States foreseen the amount of work which the Questionnaire could entail, is evident from the fact that j ' . . , all the countries, to assist and coun- . . . sel with the registrants. The bar ...... . . . . . of this city are indeed busy, and no . . . mistake. Besides the advisory posi- tion some of the attorneys have sn to fil1 out the blanks, and others have their clerical force do it because they be come familiar with the forms, while it is new to every one of the regis trants. One attorney yesterday, af ter spending an hour and a half with one registrant, had to ' send his stenographer who is also a notary. . to the west end of the city to obtain an affidavit Another' attorney told us last evening that he had piloted four registrants through the mysteries of the Questionnaire, and it took him on an average of two and a half hours each, or ten hours for the four. There have but few been re turned to the local board, and it appears that with the present work ing force of advisory board, that they will be kept pretty busy to get the' Questionnaires returned "with - the specified time; allowed by the rulesi A want ad will bring yon a buyer. DEATH OF D. E. STIVER OCCURRED AT MARQUETTE WHERE HE HAD BEEN IN BUSI NESS FOR QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Former Plattsmouth Man Eulogized by Marquette Correspondent in The Aurora Republican. On Thursday night, December 6th, just lour days after an operation had been performed in the hope of sav ing his life, D. E. Seiver passed away. While the operation was successful, yet due to other complications and on account of his weakened condi tion, he was unable to rally suffici ently to overcome the shock. Mr. Seiver had been in a weakened phy sical condition for some time prev ious to his death, although he was around attending to his customary business and few in 'the community realized that he was in failing health. On Wednesday preceding the Sunday that he( submitted to the operation, Mr. Seiver was seized with a violent illness while attend ing to business matters at Aurora. He returned home on the afternoon train and placed himself under the care of a physician, but his condi tion was not believed to be especial ly serious until Sunday, when he be came so bad that an operation was decided upon as the only means of saving his life.. The news of Mr. Seiver's death spread rapidly over the community on Friday morning, and' to a great number of his friends and acquaintances, the news was a double shoCk, for it was not general ly known that .fee was ailing. Few men of the community enjoyed as wide an acquaintance over the coun try as did Mr. Seiver, and with that acquaintance went a universal re spect and confidence toward him. Mr. Seiver's life in this commun ity dates back to 1892, when in the spring of that year he removed his family to this place from Platts mouth and in association with Judge Newell and Mr. Parmele of that place, took charge of a ranch here and engaged in the feeding and sale of live stock. In the conduct of this business, Mr. Seiver had dealings extensively over the territory tribu tary to Marquette, and, as a matter of fact, over the state. In all of his dealings, he aws fair and just tend commanded the respect of alllren, Katheryn, Thomas, Clara, Wil- ith whom he had business relations. Mr. Seiver was actively engaged in' the stock business until a few years ago, when he felt it advisable to turn over the burdens. of the busi ness to a new copartnership, which admitteil two of his sons, Edwin and! j wmianu into the firm. since that he has nQt ,ed an inactive life, . . aflf1itioT, tn ,ip?n!r a r.minselor v,th- Ms gons cared for many r"e. (sponsiuie positions in iur i'umuiuiui and the county at large. For a num- :ber of years Mr. Seiver has been the assessor of this precinct, and owing to his judgment of values and his fairness of estimates, made returns skilled in that profession, having en that were pleasing to the county j tered it during his residence in Kan board as well as to the taxpayers. Hel also served as district . manager for the Hamilton County Telephone corn- i ipany, and was a member of the ex- i y A1 ecutive committee. Always working I for the good of the community, he . " . ... , neia nianv omces in local lougra auu 1 . organizations, uuu ai me iimc ui.uia death was a member of the board of trustees of the M. E. church. Even during the last year of his life, he was offered and accepted work with the council of defense and other or ganizations founded under, the -conditions of the country at this time. His acceptance of any position meant il luuiumciii iu nic caiciu ji uio Physical ability, and, regardless -of .his physical condition, he. carried to 1 completion several hard tasks. J curing tne years tnat jur. oeiver and his estimable wife have lived, in this community, the children have grown to manhood and womanhood. All are highly respected and reflect the influence of the father and mother,, who made home and the training of. their children. the prime consideration of their ' lives-. . -Mr. Seiver; was by mature. a very.. sym pa thetic man generous in the extreme, and .was worshiped by his sons .and daughters, who with the sorrowing wife will greatly miss his advice and guidance and the strength of his sup port. As death drew near, this good man expressed his willingness and readiness to meet his Maker and parted with his family in the ex pressed confidence that all was well. The funeral was held from the family residence at 1:30 p. -m. Sat urday, December 8th, where a short service was held. The procession then wended its way to the M. E. church, where public services were held. The house service consisted of a song which was a favorite of the deceased and a short talk and pray er by his pastor. Rev. H. J. Skeirik. In line with a conversation held with Mr. Seiver before his death, the pastor used the twenty-third Psalm as the scripture at the fam ily service. The church service was attended by a large assembly of those with whom he had acquain tance and friendship and was repre sentative of nearly the whole coun try as well as more distant points. Rev. Skeirik used as the text for the sermon the forty-fourth verse of the fifteenth chapter of First Corinth ians: "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is a spirit ual body." Comforting, uplifting and pointing the way to the eternal life, the discourse was alike con soling and inspiring to the family and to the friends assembled to pay their last respects. The touching songs by the choir, the beautiful floral emblems heaped upon the cas ket and the silent procession of friends viewing for the last time the well-known features of their friend, all of these were impressive parts of the service. After the funeral services the procession passed to the Richland cemetery, where the body was tenderly carried to the grave by the three sons and the son-in-law and were -lowered-to the last rest ing place. David Edgar Seiver was born in Crab Bottom, Highland county, Vir ginia, September 26, 1850, and died at his home near Marquette Decem ber 6. 1917, aged 67 years, 2 months and 10 days. His early life was spent in Virginia. At the age of IS he was married to Clara Fleisher and the year following moved to Kansas. There were five children by the first marriage, two dying in infancy. The three living are Gertie, Guy and Claudia. He moved from Kansas to Plattsmouth. Nebr.. in 1SS1, two years after the death of his wife. In March. 1883, he was married to Lou ise Shryock, of Weeping Water. To this marriage were born six child- ? liam, Edwin and Bertie, all of whom are living. In March. 1S92. he mov ed to Marquette, where he was liv ing at the time of his death. Mr. Seiver was one of a family of seven 1 brothers and seven sisters. Besides the wife and nine children there are two brothers and three sisters to mourn his death, they being F. S. Seiver of Salina." Kan; J. W. Seiver of Plattsmouth. Nebr; Mrs. Lucy Rex- road of Guthrie. Okla; Mrs. Emma Mauzy, of New Haniden, Va.. and Mrs. Abbie Brown, of California. The 'business of Mr. Seiver was principal - - V mat oi a stockman He became m The Best Christmas Gift! Why not give a Liberty Bond or a War Saving Stamp? We can deliver Bonds in $50,00 or $100.00 Denominations! 'wst National Baal KERENSKY ON WAY TO CAPITAL WITH NEW ARMY FORMER LEADER OF RUSSIA RE PORTED TO BE HEADED FOR PETR0GRAD WITH FORCE TO FIGHT REDS. Copenhagen, Dec. IS. The report that former Premier Kerensky of Russia, supported by some thousands of troops, has appeared in the vicin ity of Petrograd, contained in a dis patch from Haparanda. iu Sweden, at the Finnish frontier, to the Ber lingske Tidende. The Bolsheviki are said to have sent troops against him. Doubts In Denmark. All advices which have been re ceived recently regarding conditions in Russia have tended to show that the Bolsheviki were strengthening theif position and were encountering little opposition except on the part of the Cossacks in southern Russia. Under these conditions it appears hardly probable that Kerensky could assemble a force of any size and reach the vicinity of Petrograd. Cossacks Still Fighting;. London, Dec. IS. Reports on the Russian internal situation tonight indicate that fighting is continuing in the Don region and that reii. force- ments have been sent south from Petrograd. A Kiev dispatch tonight reports that during the disarming of the Maximalist units there the Vkran ian troops seized 7 2 cannons. 3.r0 machine guns and 5,000,000 cart ridges.- THE GIFT OF GIFTS. Give flowers that Christmas Day may be the fairest of the year. Among all the gifts at Christmas time flowers fill a place that noth ing else, no matter how rare or val uel. can usurp. They express the giver's personality as no other gift will. Prices of flowers and plants have not soared upwards as has the prices of almost everything else. We advise early ordering. Remembering that for carnations, roses, sweet peas, cyclamen and poinsetties. "We're as Near as the Nearest Telephone." L. M. Mullis. Florist, Plattsmouth. Neb. Phone No. 15. How to Check Croup Quickly. There is one reliable remedy for crop that every mother should know. Mrs. Sweet Clary. Ante, Va.. writes: "I think Foley's Honey and Tar is the best medicine I ever tried. My little son nearly had croup. I gave him one dose and it stopped him coughing in about '.ive minutes." Re lieves coughs, colds, lagrippe. Sold evervwhere. Christmas Cards from one cent up at the Journal office. j sas. He joined the Methodist Epis copal church in his youth and con tinued his membership until his death, and died in the living faith.