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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1917)
MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1917. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MARRIED IN SENATE CHAMBER IN BOSTON JIarjorie As-new of This City Weds Lieutenant Reese H. Hastain in the Eastern City from Thurs Jay's Daily. . , Lieut. Kecse Hill Hastain, of the SlTth Field Signal gorps at Camp Peven?, Ayer, was married to Miss "Marjorie Agnew of riattsmouth, Ne- bravka. by Chaplain E." A. Harton, of the Senate at 11 o'clock last night. The ceremony, which took place in the Senate Chamber at the State 3 louse is said to have been the first eve- performed there. Both of the young people are na tives of Nebraska, ir. Hastain form erly making his home at Omaha. The wedding was to have been at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, but the train on which the bride was travel ing from Nebraska, was delayed more than 11 hours because of a w reck near Chicago. Miss Agnew ar rived in Boston just before 10 o'clock last night. The bride was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Nellie Parmele Agnew, Capts. John A. Murphy and J. M. Hiley of the SlTth Field Signal Corps and their wives; Lieut. Beau n.or.t and Borland of the same regi ment and Assistant Clerk of the Sen ate, William II. Sanger, were pres ent. Judge Powd waived the five day law for the couple, as the husband is likely to bo called away from Ayer at any time. Mrs. Hastain will live near Ayer until her husband is trans ferred from Camp Devens. The above is a clipping from a pa per published in Boston, the name or date of which we are unable to ascertain, but the marriage related has occurred only a very short time ago. The bride, formerly Miss Marjorie Agnew, was reared hi Flattsmouth, and a young lady beloved for her jnuny winsome traits of character. And the best wishes of our citizens go to her for a lifelong happiness, with the hope the bright wings of love may always soar over the heads of the young couple, is the wish f the Journal. BUILDING AN ICE HOUSE. Frm Thursday's Iaily. The Burlington Railway is just be ginning" at Omaha, the construction of an immense ice house, which will cover 23.S56 square feet, and have a storing capacity amounting to 14,000 tons. C. R. Frans who has been working for the company at South Sioux City, has been trans ferred to the Omaha job, in order to get it in readiness as the storing goes along. Mr. Frans was home last evening and departed this morn lug for his work at Omaha. THE COAL SITUATION HERE. From Tiiursilav's Daily. Just at this time with the winds howling like "The Furies" over our lieads, there is not enough coal in the city in the hands of the dealers to last the citizens' consumption for one day. True many of the people have their bins filled, and then again many are absolutely empty. One dealer is entirely out of coal, he has a little coke, another had a part of a car of coal, and the third one has just received a car of Illinois nut coal., this makes a very poor show ing for supplying about one thous and households. The coal which the city has offered, has not made ap pearance, not have they even heard from it. It might look in some phases of the question as though it was not the province of the city to flip into the matter of handling fuel, why iisy Chance Imi! When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every year. Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. VVc have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 800 acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass county, people. Drive over to Sterling, Neb., and see us. Phone Red 65. but at this very time the welfare of the citizens are at stake, thejmatter is such urgent necessity that com mercial etiquette should be brushed aside, and something done to care for the cases, which face lis. The local ' question is but the reproduc tion of what is happening elsewhere. Just a few days since there was re ported sixteen cities in Iowa with out coal. These occurrences, point to some other means than that which has prevailed in the distri bution of the necessities, and wheTe dealers prove themselves not compe tent to handle the situation the au thorities should take charge of the work. DISSECTING QUESTIONNAIRES. The committee of attorneys of this county, with Mathew Gering as the chairman, were busily engaged as Ave go to press dissecting the Question naires, which is a magazine of six teen pages, which is being sent out to all the registrants, and which cover the things necessary to know to determine to what class they will be assigned. x The Questionnaire, which is a sixteen page blank, is so complicated, and so extensive in its researches, that it requires some legal advice as to its Interpretation, and as the government has asked the Bar all over the land to give there counsel and advice, where necessary and that means everywhere, the at tbrneys are dissecting the blank, in order to arrive at a uniform opin ion as to just what the different por tions might mean. , Those in consultation with Mr. Gering are: Judge J. T. Begley, Judge Allen J. Beeson, County At torney Cole, C. A. Rawls, C. E. Tefft, R. B. Windham, William DellesDenier Bale Boyles, J. E. Douglas and D. On Dwyer. WILL ACCEPT THE IN VITATION FROM OMAHA From Thursday's Daily. The Omaha Odd-Fellow lodge num ber two, which is one of the strong est in the state, and most prosperous. will hold on tomorrow night their regular session, and will instruct a class in the first degree, at which time they will give a banquet, and have extended an invitation to the lodge at Plattsmouth to come and meet with them and participate in the festivities, and as the lodge here has a candidate for the same degree, Mr. Harry Eyler of the Western Ma chine and Foundry Company, he will be instructed with the class of .the Omaha lodge. Arrangements have been perfected for the going of about twenty-five of the members of the lodge from here to Omaha for the occasion. It is expected that the' will meet at the Perkins House tomorrow af ternoon, when they will go from there with automobiles, if the weath er is so that they can travel in com fort. Should the weather be so as not to permit this mode they will go by train, in this case the; will go on either the early or late Mis souri Pacific train. All who have not arranged to go, and so desire communicate with Muvt ; f?.att!er "." crtllit tHerrho'ie 400, do this before two o'clock to morrow afternoon, better arrange ths evening, and be certain of it. The members of the grand lodge will be in attendance, and. will -be on the program for the evening. DR. BLEICK. of Omaha, 536 World Herald build ing, will be at McElwain's jewelry store every first Thursday in the month. Eye glasses scientifically fitted. Consult me about diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Journal Want-Ads Pay! A n fill Sterling, Nebraska 01 Have this effective remedy at hand for croupy children. It's thankful relief. Pleasant to take. Mildly laxative. gloia oy an aruggi&is for Coughs s Colds ComsUpatioD Causes Sickness Don't permit -yourself to become 'constipated, as your system immediate ly begins to absorb poison from the backed-up waste matter. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. There is no better safeguard against illness-Try it tonight, 25c. All druggists THE DEATH OF MRS. J. M. ROBERTS IN MEMORIAM. From Thursday's Daily. Seldom has our city so generally mourned, as in the passing of Mrs. J. M. Roberts, at the Immanuel Hos pital in Omaha, Dec. 12th. Mary Catherine Roberts was the daughter of Judge V. H. Newell of this city and was born near Ports mouth, Ohio, Aug. Sth, 1SC9, and came west with her parents in 1870. She was united in marriage with Mr. J. M. Roberts, Oct. 9th, lS9i. One daughter Helen, aged 17, and a son Newell, aged fifteen are left to fnourn the loss of a mother. Eulogy is not needed for Mrs. Rob erts, whose keynote to her entire life might be summed up in the one word unselfishness but we cannot re frain from paying our tribute of love to her memory. There can be no lessening of the rricf of the devoted husband' and the motherless son and daughter, nor 'i::;ening of the aching void a '. 1 v: thstone, but the shining por. r. i hearthstone, but the shinny portals of the "Eternal City" will .seem much nearer to them now that their best loved one has entered therein. To her parents, brothers and sis ters, her life will ever remain as a benediction. But not alone in the home will she be missed. In the Presbyterian church there will be a conscious loss because her presence has gone from them, while to her S. S. class -her memory will be sacredly" held all "through the coming years." In her quiet, Unostentatious way she aided the needy, and her sweet smile and words of encouragement brightened many a discouraged path way. To her neighbors and friends the universal verdict, "She never spoke unkindly .of anyone" will bo a last ing thought and a lesson for good It does not seem a fitting thing that we should lay our sister to rest amid December snows. We would fain that June skies and fairest flowers should crown her resting place, but "God Knows Best, lie holds the Key" and sometime we'll understand. "Our loss is great, the cloud of woe Veil the faint-star beams from our sight. Yet look we forward, for we know She's in the light. - Our grief is deep, our aching heart Seeks for an anwser all in vain Yet on her brow repose is shed She has no pain." GOOD LANDS NEAR HOME. There are large and small tracts of land near home that you can buy right through the agency of Curtain & Mockenhaupt, of Sterling, Neb., as you will see by their ad in another column of this paper. They have some very choice farms near Sterl ing, and will take pleasure in show ing you the value of the same if you will take a day and visit with them. tf-tf-tf NEW BOOK ON CANCER This new book gives a most com prehensive explanation of cancer and its successful treatment without the knife. Based on actual experi ence of 20 years and laboratory re search covering hundreds of cases. This book will be sent free by ad dressing O. A. Johnson, M. D., Suite 530. 1320 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Send for a Copy today and learn the truth about cancer. o29 FOR SAXE. The late Andy Dill homestead in the city of Plattsmouth, good house and three lots. For particulars, call or write B. Dill," Murray, Neb. For Sale- A number of white Brahma Cockerels.." Mrs. C. E. Ueeb ner, Nehawka. ijSIIiniZZJ U. S. REPRESENTED IN THE JERUSALEM ENTRY London, Dee. 13. The United; States was otlicially represented at. the time the army made its formal entry into Jerusalem on Tuesday, ac-! cording to advices received from Cairo, Egypt. A military attache of the United States walked in the group of army officers that accom panied General Allenhy - when he entered the Holy City on foot. An armed guard has heen placed over the religious relics. NOTICE OF SALE - The State of Nebraska,Cass Coun ty, ss: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued by the County court of Cas5 county, Ne braska, in favor of the State of Ne braska and against Sherman Chin berg, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 18th day of December, A. IX, 1917, at the south door' of the county court house of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described per sonal property, to-wit: One Cadillac automobile, taken as the property of Sherman Chinberg on said order. Dated this 7th day. of December, A. D., 1917. C. 1. QUINTON, Sheriff. NOTICE OF SALE The State of Nebraska, Cas Coun- t y, ss : Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order issued "y Hi? Coun ty Court of Cass county, Nebraska, in favor of the State of Nebraska, and against Joseph Bozdcll, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a m.. on the ISth day of December A. IX 1917. at the south door of the county court house of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described personal prop erty, to-wit: One' motorcycle and attachments, taken as the property of the said .Joseph' Bozdcll on said order. Dated this 7th day of December, A .D." 1917. C. D. QUINTON. Sheriff. .mit it i: In ! Di.-tiut Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. i.ena l.;it:-iin, J 'Joint iff vs. John Cos lii.on. Defendant. J. .l.ti Cus Lirson will t i!;c I! ;.i An II... 1st !:i- of Sef.lelil ni.-r. -v. i. 1 n i t !...,-. i iri.i. iihiintiif herein tiled her petition in II." District Court ..i . ... nt j Nebraska, airainst said l.-fcii'lant, tin" !.,. -L-t and pi ayer ot w ii are to seen i- a ill voice ii'i i ' defendant. ;ir;l tl.t- custodv and I .. -'i il.l ri.ii nt' tiIm i nl i fi' and defen dant; irrounds fr i!ivr e aliened in said petition are exfiviiw- fuel t y, la k Ol NllllllOri I llflM'!! iJ.I!l 1111 . I'll. habitual drunkenness. ..I. i-..i-ii i in iiiisu'iM s.i it tie- tit ion on or before the 2Sth day of January, A. !., 11 IV L1-:XA L.AK.SO.V. l'laiiitiru C. A. KAWI.S. tlt)-swlw. Attorney. mth i; tii t iti;niT(i:s The State of Nebraska, Cass Colin- ty, ss: In tin- Con ily Court In Ii.- matter of ti:; K.-talc of Julia J" Thomas?, Deceased. To the Creditors of said ""state: Von are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said touniy, on the :.' Itli day of December. P.I 1 T, and the 2."ith day of March, PJ1S. at icn o'clock a. m. of each day to roecivo and examine all claims against said l.state. with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims iiK!'.in.-t said Ins tate is three months from the L'ltli (lay of December, A. !.. 1017, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said :Mtli day of De- foiti !i.r 1 ?I1 7 Witness my hand and the seal said County Court, thi '-'nd day November, 1917. ALLKX .1. P.KKSU.V. (Seal) ' County Jud- P. II. Windham, Attorney. or of oitin:tt tii show ct si; In the District Court ol Cass coun ty. Nebraska: In tlil' matter of the application of Keirinald H. Thorp, Onaroian ot the Perion and Kstate of Florence Thorp, a Minor, for License to sell Kcal ro tate: On readintr and tiling- the petition duly verified, of Ueitiabl H Thorp, Cuardian .of the person and estate oi 1M ore nee Thorp, a minor, for license to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: . The undivided 'two forty-iirths fl'-lT.) oT the Kst half of' the Southeast ouarter of . Section the Southwest quarter of Section ii. the North half of the North half of the North-west quarter of Section i' and the North half of the North hal' of the Northeast quarter of Section. id, all in Town ship 12. Panye 10, in county, Nebraska; also the undivided two forty-fifths (2-15) of Lot 2, Ulock 10. in South IJend. as surveyed, platted and recorded in Cass coun ty, Nebraska or, so muen inereor jij xue eomi m.i.v deem - necessary, a nd advisable, tor Hie benefit of said ward, for the purpose of investment In interest bearing se curities or some productive stock and for the education and maintenance ot said ward, and it appearing from said netitlon that the minors interest in said real estate is a small undivided nortion thereof end the same Is too small to render the property desirable is an investment; mat saiu properiy ean probably be sold at the present time for a fair value ami mat it is for the interest of her estate and for the benefit of said ward to convert said undivided interest in real estate' into cash and invest the proceeds In interest bearintr securities or some productive stock, or so much thereof as may not be required, for her main tenance and education. - It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of sahl minor and all persons interested in her estate appear before mo. at il.amhprs in the Court House in the City of I'lattsmoutli In Cass coun ty, Nebraska, on the 14th day of Jan uary, 1U1S, at 0 oYI .. k a. ni.. and show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted to said Keinald H. Thorp, Guardian, to sell faid real estate for the purposes a'oove'set forth. And it f further 'ordered that a copy of this order be personally served on aid minor at least fourteen days be fore the -day set for hearmu:, and hat it be published once each week for three successive weeks in the IMattsiiiii'ith .lonrnal. a newspaper printed and published in said county of Cass. Dated at Chambers in said County of Cass this 14th day- of December. 1SU7. JAMi;S T. LKGLKY, I u dare of the District Court- In and fot dl7-;lw) Cass county, Nebraska. Notice to non-resident Defendants, their Heirs, Devisees, legatees, Per sonal Kepresentativf s, and all persons interested in their estate. To . T. W. Thron, nrst real name unknown. If living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of T. Y. Throp. deceased: Mrs. S. r. W. Throp, wife of S. T. W. Throp, first real name unknown, if living. If deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the estate of airs. S. T. W. Throp, deceased; Pioneer Savfnss and Loan Company, successor and owner of all rights, property and estate oT Na tional Jtuildini Loan and Protective Union; National Building1 Loan and Protective Union; J. V. Hardy, first real name unknown. If livlnpr, if de ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all persons Interested in the estate of J. V. Hardy, deceased; Irs. J. V. Hardy, first real name un known, wife of J. V. Hardy, if living. If deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the estate of Mrs. J. V. Hardy, de ceased; Abijah Harris, If living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons Interested in the estate of Abiiah Harris, deceas- eTI; Mrs. Abijah Harris, wife of Aid- jali Harris, first real name unknown. if livinjr. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal r, preventatives Jind all persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. Abijah Harris, deceased; A. K. Alexander, first real name unkuown. -if living-, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, letratees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in tie estato of A. K. Alexander, de-c.-ased: Mr. A. I. Alexander, hus band of A. K. Alexander, first real name unknown, if living, if deceas ed, the -unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives nd all pi-i'sops interested in the es tate cf Mr. A. K. Alexander, de Censed; A. If. Tow useful, first real name unknown, if living, if deceas ed, die unknown heirs, devisees, leg atees personal representatives and a 1 1 pi i .oils int crest i.-w in the estate if A. II. Townsend. deceased; Mrs. A. 1 1. Townsend. wife of A. I!. Townsend, first real name unknown, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs. devisees. legatees, personal representative.-; .and all persons in terested in the estute of Mrs. A. 11. 42 Head of Extra Good Horses, Mules and Cattle I am going; west on a ranch, therefore I must clefin up ever thing I have here, which will be sold to the highest bidder, at my place, on what is known as the old Wiechorst farm, six miles south of Nehawka, eiiit miles from Dunbar, thre miles south and five west of Union, twelve miles northwest of Nebraska City, one mile north and five miles mest of Wyoming, on commencing at 10:03 o'clock a. m. 19 iHead One tipnn of dark mules, 7 and S years old. One span of two-ycur-old mules. One black mule, three years old. One black team of smooth mouthed horses. One span brood mares, 7 and S yrs. old, gray. and black. One Fpan of black cldin. 9 and 10 years old. One bay horse, seven years old. r I "our So. 1 milk cows, fresh. Three No. 1 milk cows, lYcsh soon. One two-year-old steer. Three cows, with calved. Three yearling steers. One ncwr John Peore-'corn elevator. Three wagons, IJain, Studebaker, truck. One. wagon with hay rack. One new Velie buggy. One new John Deere binder, 7 fout Two binders, Peering and Milwaukee. One Hoosicr press drill. One Janesville broadcast seeder. Two John Deere corn planters, one new. One single drill. One Pain mower. One new Avery stalk cutler. Two John Deere riding listers. One loose. ground lister. One center stalk cutter. All property must be settled A. E. STOCKEH, Clerk hnnnnnnn QUICK you open the throttle these are yours when the motor is running on Red Crown Gasoline. Red Crown vaporizes readily even when the motor is stone-cold. The cylinders draw in a full charge of gas that explodes at the first tiny spark. That's why Red Crown saves the batteries of your starter. And if you want a sudden burst of speed in dodg ing through traffic, or on a country road you'll get it if Red Crown Gasoline is in the tank. For every drop is full of punerr'and power. And every gal lon is like every other gallon dependable and pure. Get Red Crown wherever j ou sec the sign at our Service Stations and all goodjrarages. The best winter lubricant is Polarine. Flows freelj in zero weather; oils perfectly at any temperature. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Nebr.k.) OMAHA Townsend, deceased; Alfred IJ. Jones, if livinpr. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons in terested in the estate of Alired V. Jones, deceased; Sophronia Jones, wife of Alfred 1. Jones, if living:, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal represents tives and all persons interested In the estate of Sophronia Jones, de ceased : Vtiu and each of you are hereby noti fied that dcm-Kc .1. Oldham as plaint iff, on the !Mli day of .November, 1317, filed his petition in the District Court of 'ass county, Nebraska, wherein you and all of you aro defendants: the object and prayer of which petition is tl at the claim, interest, risht, title and eftate of each and every one of you n and to Lots one !) and two (2) and that part of lots three .1 and four (4) not occupied by Chit-ago Avenue, in lllock one hundred sixtv-four (161) of the City of Plattsmouth, iss county, Nebraska. That the title of said piaintir In and to real estate, and every part io)D(Di i? air Gin) sharp, and we mean SHARP. Come and See! of Horses and dHules! One sorreKmare, eight years old. One baj- mare, 10 years old. One brown horse, three years old. One sorrel mare, three years old. One bay horse, nine years old. Two suckling colts, matched team. 3 Head of Good Farm Gmplemenfs! Two "Busy Dee" riding cultivators. One "Go Like the Devil." Two walking listers. One sulkey plow, 16-inch. Two walking plows. Two good discs. Keystone, John Dccre. One three-section harrow. One steel tank, 500 bushel. One Dain hay stacker Two Dain hay sweeps One hay rack. . V ' One good Appleton wood saw, 20 inch blade. Two big watering tanks. One nearly new Dain grindr. One feed cooker, 65 gallon. Turkeys, Gccsc and Chickens! FREE LUNCH AT NOON! for according to terms f the sale ran mm m COL. W. E. YOUNG, Plattsmouth, Auctioneer If Services are Needed, Call at My Expense any Time. uuuuuuu BED CROWN GASOLINE easy starts in tne coidm winter weather and light ning-like pick-ups when thereof be quieted as against you and each and every one of you, as against any and all claims of any person through or by you, and that it be ad judged and decreed that each and all of you whose names are above set forth, if living, and if deceased, the heips, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of each and every one of you. have no right, title, claim or interest in and to said real estate or any part thereof, and that each and all of said defendants, those named, and those whose names are un known and not stated, be forever bar red from clairnine or asserting any right, title, intserest or estate in and to said real estate, or any part there of, and for such other and further re lief as to the court may seem just and equitable. You and each of you arr- Turther notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 7th dav of January, 1918. GEORGE J. OLDHAM. riaintiff. C. A. -TtAWLS, nl0-sw30d. Attorney. atfle! Two yearling heifers. Two spring calves. Two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls, yearling and two-year-old. before being removed from, premises. iaiaor mn uuuuuuuun ini 11111111 1 .J f