PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1917. WELFARE RESO LUTION FAILED ON ROLL GALL CITY COUNCIL VOTED FIVE TO TOUR AGAINST PASSAGE OF THE MEASURE. HAD BEEN UP FOR SOME TIME Transacted Other Routine Business at Meeting Last Night and Then Adjourned. rri-m Tuesday's Daily. , ... The last councilman from the fur- therest removed district in thp city passed under the wire last night as the gavil in the hands of the Mayor tapped for order, and there being no objections to the minutes, the busi ness session of the city dads was formally opened with the reading of a communication from the City At torney, in which he gave his opin ion that in the suit filed by George J. Oldham against J. S. Straub, for the quieting of title to some lots on Chicago avenue, in which' the' city had been made a defendant, only in cluded one lot and on that the city Lad no claim, so therefore it did not affect the city in the least. The communication was ordered placed on file. City Clerk's Report. The report of the City Clerk was next in order, it being as follows: John E. Thompson, cemetery lot $10.00 Commercial Union, ins. tax 2.00 Neb. Lighting Co., busi. tax 30.00 P. Rosenberg. sale of furs, business tax 6.00 Cabaret Girls, show tax 5.00 Via. Hunter, side walk 7.28 Cass county, culve"rt 12.75 Nebr. Light Co.. grading 4.25 I. Gering, dog tax 1.00 Total $78.28 Of this amount there was 60 cents commission on the sale of lot and collection of taxes and the balance, amounting to $77. 6S was shown to have been turned over to the treas urer.. Next followed the Treasurer's re port which showed registered war rants to the amount of $44,342.65 and credits to offset the same of $11,- 117.94, including an outstanding loan of $5,000.00 to W. II. Rainey and $6,117.9 4 which is now due on the different paving district taxes Deducting this amount from the outstanding warrants shows a deficit in that account yet of $33,224.71 A summary of the various funds of the city showed that in some there vere credit balances aggregating a total of $19.S02.49, while in others overdrafts existed to the amount of $17,04 0.87. This leaves a net bal ance of all the funds amounting to 52,162.62. Report of the Chief of the Fire de partment showed thai two house roofs had been repaired but that no light had been placed in one as or dered. This together with his regu lar notation of the condition of the lire fighting apparatus of the city. "was placed on file. Police Judge Report . The report of the police judge showed lines collected during the month amounting to $36.00 and the costs collected totaling $2S.00. This made $64.00 for the month. The Judiciary committee asked for further time in the matter of the mule belonging to Peter Clause, and also the removal of the house, which it is claimed extends onto both the avenue and the alley. They offered a report in the matter of the claim Uiay liny he Landt When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every year. Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. We have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 800 acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass county people Drive over to i Sterling, Neb., and see "lis"-".. sebonGiQHBff: Q. mm LA WD;GOtVlPA W Yi Phone Red 65., Gtcrlinc Nebraska Of P. M. Welsheimer, stating mat the grading which was done had im proved his property in some places, and it Avould only require a small amount of work to fix it in others, recommending that his claim for damages be not allowed. This con troversy grew out of the lowering of the alley between the property Mr. Welsheimer owns and that of J. H. McMaken and Sons, on which their new garage is located. Councilman Luchinsky reported that, after examining the problem of the light on the Rock Bluff road, he considered it unwise to move it at this time as it is at a dangerous por tion of the road, and. when the street shall have been vacated, it might then be placed somewhere else, but not until then. lie also reported that there had been a string of poles run from the city to South Park, and that the wires would be strung soon so as to accomodate some ten families, it requiring forty-two poles to string the wires upon. ' The next order of business was re ports from special committees and under this heading the Coal com mittee through its chairman John son, reported, that one hundred tons of coal had been ordered four weeks ago, but that no acknowledgement had been received of the receipt of the order. He also reported that he had written to Iowa and Missouri firms regarding coal and had not re ceiyed any reply. Mayor Sattler replied that C. L. Sharpe had reported purchasing coal from this particular mine, and stated they never made any acknow ledgement of the order, but, when they could, they shipped the coal. The clerk had also written and had not received a reply. The Mayor re quested the committee to go to the Plattsmouth members . of the Cass county Fuel committee, who are II A. Schneider and-A. G. Cole, and as certain if more coal cannot be se cured by the dealers here, it being reported that there is but very little coal in the city at present. ' ' Bills Paid The following claims were allow ed and the clerk instruced 'to draw warrants in payment of the same Bruce & Standaven $100.00 C. Boetel, dog 1.00 Nebraska Lighting Co 217.49 John Zitka 22.00 Wm. Barclay iJui - 75.00 Alvin Jones 35.00 Weyrich & lladraba 1.64 M, Archer 30.00 Nebraska Telephone Co 3.00 Neb. Light Co., city hall 1.94 John Jessup 22.00 M. Lutz 37.00 M. Kearnes 52.80 James Wynn 22.00 Total $620.87 New Park Flag ' Harris called attention to the mat ter of there being a flag pole in Gar held park from which there was nothing floating and stated that good many had cited the fact to him and asked that the Park commission ers be instructed to place a flag up on the pole. This motion was sec onded by Councilman Beeson of the Fifth and promptly carried so a new flag may be expected to float from there in a short time. From the way many of the strings look which people have placed out as fiag3 some time back, they should have a cdm mittee get after them. Fine adver tisement it is for a city like Platts mouth, to have some one come here and see the dirty strings hanging to the staffs, while we call ourselves lovers of the National Colors. It looks like we had better clean house Vorndran of the Third called at tention to the matter of cleaning the walks of drifted snow, and the clerk was instructed to have the street commissioner have a notice insert ed in the paper calling attention to the ordinance which makes it com pulsory on the part of property ow ners to have the walks cleaned. Welfare Resolution Killed Then came the reading of the Pub lic Welfare resolution, it being a substitute for the Welfare Ordinance which a committee had offered some time ago. After the reading of the ordinance, it being the third, by the clerk, Mayor Sattler asked that the roll be called, and while the clerk was preparing for that action, Coun cilman Weber, of the Second said he would like a word before the voting was proceeded with, and he address ed the council in sum and substance as follows: I think we are a peace- loving community and that since the elimination of the saloon, we arc as peaceable and law-abiding people in Plattsmouth as you will find in the state of Nebraska. Especially did he emphasize and commend the fact that since the saloon has gone the people have all continued peaceable and said he thought there are no deeds against the dignity of the people but are now covered by state laws and city ordinances, it already being in the province of the Mayor and the police department to look after the things the resolution provides for. He. was followed by Johnson ofthe Fourth, who said that he. like Mr Weber, thought we are getting along well enough and that we should not find it necessary to attempt to crys talize sentiment into law, but should wait until the state passes laws and then conform our ordinances to the higher authority. He also gave it as his opinion that we have a much bet ter town now than existed when the saloons were running. Councilman Buttery, of the Sec ond, said that he understood certain portions of the proposed ordinances were to have been left out of the resolution and he thought that they should be out. It was explained to him that those obnoxious portions objected to had been left out. He said that when prohibition had been carried and the saloons eliminated from the city, the peace loving peo ple should be satisfied, but instead more laws were wanted curtailing the priviliges, and like Johnson, he thought that while the offices creat ed by the resolution were to be non salaried ones,v yet the execution of the ordinance, when once passed would entail some expense to the city, whereas in such times as these we should look to the conservation of our every resource. Mayor SaUIer said that the pass ing of the resolution would doubt less be of great value to the city and its citizens, he having in mind an in stance where the chief of police had been notified of a condition, and up on going to the place, they found woman with five children, the child ren being nearly naked, using a box for a table and with no bed, or cup noaru. ineir main article was an old steel range that had been given them and it was in a deplorable con dition. Such conditions as this, he said the arm of the law could not grapple with successfully, but when the particular matter he spoke of ha been turned over to a committee of ladies, such as the resolution sought to create, the family was given re lief and cared for. After this somewhat lengthy dis cussion of the subject, the roll call finally came on the resolution. The first councilman to respond was Pat terson, of The First, who hesitated for some little time and then cast his vote against the resolution. He was followed by Buttery who also voted against the resolution, while Mauzy of the First voted for it and Weber of the Second against it. Bes tor of the Third voted for it while Vorndran, of the Third, did not seem to know what he wanted to do about it, and passed without voting. John son of the Fourth voted against it, while Luchinsky supported the reso lution as did also Harris, but Beeson voted negatively on its passage. I his gave- four votes for the resolution and three against it, while lone was neither for nor against, or at least didn't so express himself, and the resolution was lost. There being nothing else to claim attention before the meeting the council concluded its labors for the evening. , - . . CEMETERY. We are now prepared to make your monument, markers and lot corners right at home. Cass County Monu ment Co., W. T. Wassell, manager. Hotel Riley block, Plattsmouth, Neb. GO HAVE A LOOK! Vallery and Cromwell leave Plattsmouth every Saturday night at 7: 4 5, for Keith, Perkins and Chase counties, v - They have the good level black soil that is raising all kinds of small grain, corn and alfalfa. . Nobody has any lower prices and better soils. Ask those who have been. out. Clifford Cecil, who has been visit ing at home over night returned this afternoon to his work at Omaha, where he is employed with the Phoenix Electric Company. NOTICE OF SALE The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued by the County court of Cass county, Ne braska, in favor of the State of Ne braska and against Sherman Chin berg, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 18th day of December, A. D., 1917, at the south door of the county court house of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described per sonal property, to-wit: One Cadillac automobile, taken as the property of Sherman Chinberg on said order. Dated this 7th day of December, . D., 1917. C. P. QU1NTOX, Sheriff. " NOTICE OF SALE The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: Notice is hereby given. that by vir tue of an order issued by the Coun ty Court of Cass county, Nebraska, in favor of the State of Nebraska. and against Joseph Bozdell, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a ni., on .the jsyi day of December, A. D. 1917, at the south door, of the county court. hoHse of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described personal prop erty, to-wit: One motorcycle and attachments, taken as the property of the said Joseph Bozdell on said order. Dated this 7th day of December A .D. 1917. C. U. QriXTOX. Sheriff. 111 the DislLiit Court f tiio County of Cass. Nf'ota.'k.t. LtMifi Larson. IMaintilT vs. .Joltn Cns 1. arson. 1 t !V-i.l;inl. .IdI.ti (ins (.arson will t;k not;. that n th.' 1st lav of S ;)t vuk r, A I .. If IT. I ars. .n. piainti'i iifiei.i. riled 1 r pftilion ::i Hi.- DNtrkt Court of Cass iininty, N-oi;:sUa. against said defendant, the l..i t and prayt-r of whiiii aro to .-e i a livore- froii tl'C I'enti.i lit, an. I 1 1 1 custody ami control of John I .arson anl Kuno Uiixm, children ol plaint ill' ::nd 1 fi-n-cani: grounds fo'. divorce aliened in said I'clitio-i arc i trtimi oru'-ttv. lack f support of lu-rsolf and children, and habitual drunkenness. You arc roouired to answer said pe tition on or l.cforc the 1 1 1 day Of January, A. 1IM. l.K.N'A I.AKSo.V. i 'lit in tiff, lly C. A. i:.WI-S, ,'M-siv !y. Attorney. mitici: to ( i:i:niT(tiis The Stale of Ncl.raska, Cass t'oiin ln fli eiMilv four! . ty. Jn tiie matter of Ik. Instate of Juiia i: Thomas, 1 et;eased. To the Creditors i,f said Instate: Vmi are hereby notified. Thai I wii! sit at ti-.o County Com: room in I'iatls I'lnutli. in said comity, on the J ! t 1 1 day of Kcccmher. 1:117. "iiiid the Tdh day i:f March, IDl"-, ill ten ocloc k a. m. ot each day to receive and examine all claims airainst said Kstai with : iew to their adjustment a ml allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims au'ilnst said Ins tate is three months from tin; "Jlih day of Heecmher, A. (., I'll 7, and the time limited for payment of dehts is nnc vear from said 1'lth dav of le- I com her. I!il7. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this Ji'nd day of November, 1117. AhLKX .1. KKKSM.V, (Seal ! County J ude. It. 1!. Windham. Attorney. MITICK TO ltr.!)ITOIlS The" statu of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: In i lie County Court In the matter of the lOslate of Mary J. IMkitUjii, l)eee,ased. To the Creditors oT said Instate: You aro hereby notified, that 1 will sit. at the County Court room in l'latts mouth. in said county, on th" 1Mb day of December. 1!I7, atid the 10th day rT March. I'JIS. at T o'clock a. m. of each day to receive and examine all claims against said Kslate. vt; a view to their adjustment n nJ a ' Iowa nee. Th" time limited for the presentation of claims against said Kstntu is three months from the ISth day of Dim em ber, A. D.. 1017, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from t-aid mil day of Decemher. 11(17. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this Utti day of November, 1917. ALI.KN T. i:i:i:so. nia-swJw. - County Jude. ,OTICI0 TO ( UKIUTOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass Cuuii ty, hh: In I lie otinly Court In the matter of the Instate of Nan cv KJizulieth Wiles, Deceased. " To the Creditors of said JOstale: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in I'latts- nioiith. in said county, on the imii day of December, 1917, and the 19th day of March. 1918. at ten o'clock a., m. of each day to receive and examine all claims against said Kstatc, with a view to their adjuslment and allow- nncf. The time 'limited for presenta tion of claims asaiist said Kstate. is three months from tho ISth day of December. A. 1 .. 1917, and tho time limited for payment of debts is one year from .said 18th day of December, 1917. Witness' my hand and the .seal of said County Court, tins Utli day of November, 1917. lilD-swtw. County Judge. Notice to non-resident defendants. tholr IKdrs. devisees. Legatees, Per sonal 1 "enresentatives, and all persons Liiteresled in their estate. To S. T. W. Throp, tirst real name unknown, if Hviny-. If Ueceaseii, tin; unkriown theirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives anil all per sons interested In the estate of S. T. W. Throp. deceased : Mrs. ts. T. W. Throt). AVife of .S.,-T. W . Tlirop, first real 'name unknown, if living. I? deceased, the unkVi&wn heirs, devi- im sees, legatees, personal - repi eeui-17-SWII tiveu and all persona interested In DAYS on oocis Hair G Regular $8.95 value $5.95 6.75 " 4.55 4.25 " 2.85 Some Special Values at $1.95 These are our regular Fisk, Gage and Edco Hats the best we can buy. Style always correct and Manhattan Hair Goods fully guaranteed. v Don't miss these values. From Our Beauty Parlar Manicure Special 35c flA Jt uji unjrAjy the estate of Mrs. S. T. W. Thrnp, deceased; i'ionecr Savings and Loan Company, successor jmuI owner of all rights, property and estate of Na tional liuihlin.r L.oan and Protective I'nion; National IJuihlinj; Loan and Protective I'nion: .1. V. Hardy, tits t real name unknown, if living, if de ceased, tho unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in I lie estate of .1. V. Hardy, deceased: Mrs. J. V. Hardy, fust real' name un known, wife of .1. V. Hardy, if livinjr, it' deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons inlcicstcd in the estate of Mrs. .1. V. Hardy, de ccasid: Abijali Harris, if livin'r' if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in I he estate of Abi.iah Harris, deceas ed; Mrs. Abijah Harris, wife- of Abi vli Harris, tiist real name unknown, if livhijr. if decease,!, the unknown heirs, devisee;-, legatees. personal, representatives and all persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. Abijah Harris, deceased; A. 10. Alexander, l:rst real name unknown, if livintr, if deceased, the unknown hfirs. devi sees, legatee, peisenal representa tives and ail persons interested jn the estate of A. K. Alexander, de ceased: Mr. A. K. Alexander, hus band of A. I-:. Alexander, real name unknown, if living, if deceas Joiitisoii s Bog F 42 Head of Extra Good Horses, Mules and Cattle I- api going west on a ranch, therefore I must clean up everything I have here, which will be sold to the highest bidder, o.i my j!acc, on what is known as the old Wiechorst farm, six miles south of Nehawka, cijlu miles from Eunbar, thre miles couth and five west of Union, twelve miles northwest of Nebraska City, cne mile north and Svc miles raest of Wyoming, or. fctsi'dliay- commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m. 1 eaci One Epan of dark mules, 7 and S ycitra old. One s-pan of two-year-old mules. One idack mule, three years old. Q:ie black team of smooth mouthed horses. O.'.e sian brood mares, 7 and S yrs. old, gray and black. One bay horse, nine One span of black geldings, j and 10 years old. Two suckling colts, One bay horte, seven years old. .23 Head of Qood i'our No. 1 luilk rows, freh. Three No. 1 milk cows, fretdi kooii. One two-yeur-oid steer." " Three cows, with ralvej. Tiireo yearling steers. Head of Good FolandChinaShoats! One new .John 1eere corn elevator. Three wagons, I'ain, Ktudebyker, truck. One wagon with hay rack. One new Velie buggy. One new John Deere binder, 7 foot. Two binders, Peering and Milwaukee. One I lousier press drill. One Janesville broadcast seeder. Two John Deere corn planters, one new. One single drill. One Pain mower. One new Avery stalk cutter. Two John Peere riding listers. One loose ground lister. One center stalk cutter. Turkeys, FREE All property, must be settled A. E. ST0CKEE, Clerk w W W tf - Special Holiday Prices DAYS! eason Trimmed ? ed, the unknown heirs, devisees, u.atcos, personal representatives :nd all persons interested in the es :.te of Mr. A. H. Alexander, de etsed; A. II. Townsend, first real iame unknown, if living, if deceas d, tin- unknown heirs, devisees, le ihts persona! representatives and ill pi rsons in ten:-ted in the estate, f A. J I. Townsend, deceased; Mrs. . II. Townsend. wife of A. II. fownsond, tirst real name unknown, f livinir. if deceased, the unknown ieirs, devisees. legatees. personal cprcscntat Ives rtnd all persons in crested in the estate of Mrs. A. II. rownsend, deceased; Alfred 1. Jones, f living, if deceased, the unknown ivirs. devisees, legatees, personal . rr pi ese'itat i ves and all persons in :erestcd in the estate of Alfred 1). .ones, deceased: Soph roil ia J ones, wife of Alfred I . Jones, if, if deceased. th unknown heirs, ilevl :ees, legatees, personal representa !ie.s and all persons interested in ihe ts!;ite of Sopkronia. Jones, de ceased: v You and each of vou are herebv noti fied that deorpi .1. Oldham as plaintiff, on the !lli day of nvrmlirr, 1917, tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you and ail of you are defendants: the object and pi aver of which petition is that tho claim., interest, right, title and estate of each and every one of you in and to sharp, and we mean SHARP. Come of i-iorses and Mules! One sorrel mare, eight years old. One bay mare, 10 years old. One brown horse, three years old. One sorrel marc, three years old. Two yearling heifers. Two spring calves. Two thoroughbred Shorthorn bulls, yearling and two A-ear-old. Farm Implements! Two "Uusy Jlee" riding cultivators. One "Go Like the Devil." Two walking listers. One sulkey plow, lG-inch. Two walking plows. Two good discs. Keystone, John Peere. One three-section harrow. One steel tank, 500 bushel. One, Pain hay stacker Two Pain hay sweeps One hay rack. One good Appleton wood saw, 20 inch blade. Two big watering tanks. One nearly new Pain grinder. One feed cooker, C5 gallon. Gccsc and Chickens! LUNCH AT NOON! for according to terms of the sale before being removed from premises. COL. W. R. YOUNG, Plattsmouth, Auctioneer. If Services are Needed, Call at My Expense any Time. Hats and Lots one tl) and two (2) and that part of lots three 3) and four (t) not occupied by Chicago Avenue, in Block one hundred sixty-four (16t) of the City of PlattFinouth, Cass county, Nebraska. That the title of said plaintiff in and to sail! real estate, and every part thereof be quieted as against you ami each and every one of-you.-as against .my and all claims of any person through or by you. and that it be ad judged and decreed that each and all of you whose names are above set forth, if living, and If deceased, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives atnl all other persons in terested in the estate ot each and every one of you, have no right, title, claim or interest in and to said real c-.Mate or any part thereof, and that each and all of said defendants, those named, and those whose names are un known and not stated, be forever bar red from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest or estate in ami to said real estate, or any part there of, and for such other and further re lief as to the court may seem jmst and equitable. You and each of you arc further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 7th dav of January, 191S. GliOHGli J. OLDHAM. l'laintiff. C. A. KAWLS. nl3-sw30d. Attorney. air mm 2IML Did? and See! years old. matched team. v attle! 9