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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1917)
PAGE TWO MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1917. PLATTSMQUTH SEMJ-WEEK JL Y JQURNAU. Er Soreltfliiscles Stiff Joints PRESIDENT h'OLOEN'S CIRCULAR LETTER ON THE LINE OF DEFENSE r. From Friday's Daily.' The following communication and circular letter from Mr. Roope to Supt. Baird, of the Burlington Shops in this city, is a matter of vital in terest to the employes of the shops and the general public, and to the Interests of our readers we are pub lishing the letter and ciriular in full: Lincoln, Nebr., Dec. 4th, 1917. AVm. Baird. I have received the following let ter from Mr. Thiehoff: "Your attention is called to circu lar letter of President Ilolden dated Oct. 23rd wherein he quotes letter written by the Honorable Newton 1). Baker, Secretary of War, to Mr. AV. H. Hays, Chairman of the Indiana State Council of Defense, and also quoting recent decision of the pub lie service commission of New Hamp shire. I urge that all employes as well as the public be acquainted with the substance of this letter." Copy of circular referred to is at tached. Will you please see that all concerned are informed of the sub stance of this letter. Yours truly, T. ROOPE. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & QUINCY It. R. CO., OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. CIRCULAR LETTER. Chicago, 111., Oct. 23rd, 1917. To All Officers: Incorporated below is copy of letter written by the Honorable Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War and Chairman of the Council of Na tional Defense, to Mr. Will H. Hays, Chairman of the Indiana State Coun cil cf Defense, dated Oct. 1st, 1917. October 1st, 1917. Mr. Will II. Hays, Chairman, Indiana State Council of Defense, India napolis, Ind. Dear Mr. Hays: The Council of National Defense has considered the question you raise in your recent Utter as to the attitude which should be taken relative to improvements, public and otherwise, which involve large construction work, and recom mends as follows: Every effort that this country is capable of making should be applied to bring the war to a speedy and successfully conclusion. The re sources of the country in a general way may be said to consist of men, money and material, and during the period of the war any new enter prise or undertaking should be tried and justified by" the text: Will the men. money and material so applied best contribute in this way to the winning of the war? New enterprises which are not fundamental to the efficient opera tion of the country's necessary ac tivities should not be undertaken. This will not result adversely upon business or conditions of employment because every man and every re source will be needed during the C k lly liy 'latino Land? When you can get staple land in South eastern Nebraska at very reasonable prices and on good terms, that will increase in value because, we raise the crops, every year. Take your car and drive to Sterling, Neb., and get back home the same day. Buy a farm near home that you can look after. We have tracts of land irom 5 acres to 300 acres; any size tract you want. We have sold several Cass county people. Drive over to Sterling, Nob., and sec us. E yacBsnnaiiB LAND COHIPAMY.,: Phone Red 65. war. All effort should b renter ed to help win the war. Very truly yours, NEWTON D. BAKER. Secretary of War and Chairman, Council of National Defense. Following is extract from recent decision of the Public service Com mission of the state of New Hamp shire: But above and controlling all oth er consideration, is the fact that this country is now. in a state of war, and among the most important in strumentalities for the , successful conduct of the war is our railroad system. Every effort is being made to co ordinate the railroads of the coun try into a single system, under a single head, in such wise as to make available for. each, as needed, the re sources of all. The strain laid upon the railroads by the demands made upon them for the transportation of men, m'aterials and supplies is stu pendous. It has come upon them at a time when their facilities and equipment have already proved in adequate for the handling of exist ing business and when all our pro ducers of the needed equipment and facilities are straining every nerve to meet the requirements of the Al lied armies at the front. And with us the situation is aggravated by the fact that this unparalleled strain has fallen upon a bankrupt railroad. We do not say we will in no case order expenditure by our railroads not directly promotive to the con duct of the war. Eut it should be understood that no long as the public receives a ser vice reasonably approximately that to which it was accustomed in times of peace, and where the public safety is not manifestly and imminently endangered, we cannot be expected to order our railroads to expend large sums of money on improve ments having no tendency, direct ly or indirectly, to enable them better to carry on what is now their supreme business, the business of war or to facilitate the distribution of food, fuel and the other necessi ties of life. Improvements desirable in times of peace, for the purpose of peace will have to wait until peace comes." The policy of the governmental au thorities, as so well expressed in the above, should meet with the hearty co-operation of all officers and em ployes of this Company. Transpor tation facilities of the country must primarily be devoted to the prosecu tion of the war, and every case must be taken to avoid unnecessary use of labor, engines, cars and mater ials. N It is also important that the pub lic be correctly informed as to our attitude and understand that im provements in depot facilities, in dustrial side tracks, increased pass enger and freight train service, and all other additions or improvements that are not essential to operation of the railroads must be deferred, not for the purpose of economy in money expenditure, but to conserve labor and materials. I hope that you will see to it that this is done. HALE HOLDEN, President. DEPART FOR THEIR HOMES. From Friday's Dally. John Lutz, of Twin Falls,' Idaho, and Phillip Lutz of Cordova, this state, who have been visiting here for the past few days, at the home of their sister Mrs. J. P. Falter de parted for their homes this morning. Mr. John Lutz who was visiting with his brother before coming to Platts mouth will visit for a longer period before returning to his home in the west. Subscribe for the Journal. Sterling, Nebraska n T n LAID TO REST AT OAK HILL CEMETERY The Mortal Remains of Edward Mo Culley Laid to Rest By Loving Hands. From Friday's Dailv. This afternoon at two o'clock was held at his late home the last sad rites over the mortal remains of Ed ward McCulley, who lost his life, in the Burlington sewer cave-in. of a few days since. The services were conducted by the Rev. II. G. Mc Cluskey, of the First Presbyterian church of which Mr. McCulley was a member, as he was also a member of the young men's bible class of that church's bible school. Many of the friends and relatives of the young man were in attendance, but his uncle Henry Zuckweiler, with whom he made his home during most of his life, was not able to be in at tendance, while Mrs. Zuchweiler and son Dewey and wife came yesterday. Mr. P. V. McCulley, the father, who lives at Ventura, California, was not able present. The interment was made at Oak Hill Cemetery west of the city. MRS. H. WAINTROUE RETURNS HOME From Friday's Da 11 v. Yesterday evening Mrs. II. Wain- troub, who has been at the hospital at Omaha for the past three weeks, returned home, after having under gone the operation for the removr of gall stones and been treated therefore since, Mrs. TVaintroub, while not as strong as she wou'd desire to be showed much vitality in being able to walk from away up in he Burlington yards down to the station, for a car. Her many friend.? ii this city will be pleased to .'earn that she is able to come to her home, ?r.d to know that she is on the road to recovery. Mrs. Charles Kinh. her drfughter-in-law accompanied her mother home, and kindly assisted her on her trip. A BRIDGE FOREMAN HAPPY. Fr'T Frldav'o Tanv. This morning notwithstanding the gloom on account of the snowstorm making things look dark, there was a ray of sun shine and it came from the countenance of Haywood Ellege, and all on account of a little girl, which came during the night to ask shelter, and a home with the Ellege family. This was given and there is much rejoicing-' -on- account- of it. Grandmother and grandfather J. B. Higley are taking a hand in the merrymaking, and this makes the whole household very pleasant. NOTICE OF SALE The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued by the County court of Cass county, Ne braska, in favor of the State of Ne braska and against Sherman Chin berg, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 18th day of December, A. D., 1917, at the south door of the county court house of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described per sonal property, to-wit: .One Cadillac automobile, taken as the property of Sherman Chinberg on said order. Dated this 7th day of December, A. D., 1917. ' C." D. QUINTON, Sheriff. NOTICE OF SALE The State of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order issued by- the Coun ty Court of Cass county, Nebraska, in favor of the State of Nebraska, and against Joseph Bozdell, and to me directed, I will, at 10 o'clock a m.on the 18th day of December, A. D. 1917, at the south door of the county court house of said county offer for sale at public auction the following described personal prop erty, to-wit: One motorcycle and attachments, taken as the property of the said Joseph Bozdell on said order. Dated this 7 th day of December, A .D. 1917. C. D. QUINTON, , Sheriff. Chamberlain's Tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are intend ed especially for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation, and have met with much success in the treatment of those 'diseases. Peo ple who have suffered for years with stomach trouble and have been un able to obtain any permanent relief. have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets arc also of great value for biliousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets and ob serving the plain -printed directions with each bottle. THE NEW SELEC TIVE DRAFT LAW From Friday's Daily. With the putting into operation of the new selective draft law there is being required a large amount of extra work, so much so that it is im possible for the force which the law has provided to do the work. The government is asking the legal and! medical fraternity to' organize and offer their services for the purpose of helping to get the work done. 'Both professions are supposed to be most in an advisory, but besides this there will be much work to do which will be of a clerical which Is very, heavy. President Wilson has recently ap pointed boards for the purpose of or ganizing the legal fraternity, and has designated as the board for that purpose in this county Mat hew Gor ing, chairman, and D. O. Dwyer of this city and C. E. Tefft as associate members. They are to organize the entire bar of Cas3 county for work, of which there will be a great vol ume to do. The county has been made into districts and as near as possible containing about fifteen hundred registrants. The medical fraternity is to be organized in the same way, which is to furnish assistance to 'the local exemption boards as they may re quire. Besides this there is a large amount of work to do which is of a clerical character. This the govern ment i3 asking its citizens to do where they can. The Local Boards have piles of blanks to do. which on? with an ordinary education can ; do and a (lav or so by those who can give will be greatly appreciated. For thi swork their is ro pay. jour gov ernment is depending upon your patriotism for the dclng of the work. Come to the court house a the of fice of the county clerk and offer your services for a day or something like that and a number .f persons .will in a manner help the work along nicely. There is to le about, sixteen hund red envelopes adaresiied, and that many blanks filled, out to ficcompany the Questionatre, besides reports and blanks to fill which makes the work so great that the force which is pro vided cannot do it. In the last page of the Questionnaire there is a:: a'Ji j davit which has to lie filled out by ! the one who swears to it. and in i their own band "writing, thk; has to ; be stamped with a rubber stamp on ; all of the blanks -which ;ro out and i ; this is a woik th;tt any one can D-?r. form. To those who have th time go offer this work to the govern merit, probably you can do this when you could do nothing ele. ! DIES AT MARQUETTE LAST NIGHT From Friday's Pallv- Word was received here this mor ning cf the deat kof D. E. Seiver at the ranch of V. Ji. l-Cev.ell. whore j Mr. Seiver had lived for the part nearly twenty years. Mr. Stive" had been operated upon for appendicitis 'on December first, and had not j shown the improvement that was de sired, and being sixty-six years of I age ul not rally strongly. Mr. Seiver is the brother of J. W Seiver of this city and is the father of eight children, of v.-horn Mrs. J L. Thompson who lives at Oreapolis and with her husband cares for the Pollock" Auto Bridge in one. Noth ing is'learned regarding the funeral, or where the burial will be. SO ACRES FOR SALE. iy2 mile west of PoL-lofliee. The L. Liner 80 acres, just west of city limits. For full particulars see, T II. Pollock, Plattsmouth, -Nebr. CASE AFTER CASE Plenty More Like This in Platts mouth. Scores of Plattsmouth people can tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills Many a happy citizen makes a pub lic statement of his experience. Here is a case of it. What better proof of merit can be had than such endorse ment? Mrs. Harry Kuhiiey, Eight & Pearl Sts., Plattsmouth, says: "I couldn't say anything but good words for Doan's Kidney Pills for I know from personal experience that they are all that is claimed of them. I use Doan's whenever my back aches and my kidneys are not acting as they should and they never fail to give quick relief. We use Doan's Kidney Pills in our home whenever necessary for kidney trouble and they always give good satisfaction." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney. Pills the same that Mrs. Kuliney uses. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. , VISITING IN EAST. From Thursday's Dally. I W'rt nio in rrr.i rvt c nf a panl frnm John A.'Daughty of Nehawka, who is visiting relatives and friends near Imperial, Pa., on which he states, they are leaving Imperial and will go to East Liverpool, Ohio, where they will visit for a time and then go to Wheeling, W. Va., before re turning home. He, also, states that they are having a good time, that it has been very cloudy, but not very cold. In the District Omit of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Lena Larson, Plaint ifi' V!. John (Jus Larson. Defendant. John Cus Larson will take notice that o:i tli-' 1st lay of -September, A. !.. 1!'17, Lena Larson, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition In the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against saiil defendant, the object and prayer of which are to secure a divorce from t lie defendant, and the custody ami control of John Larson and Eugene Larson, children of plaintiff and defen dant; grounds for divorce alleged in said petition Pie extreme cruelty, lack of support of herself and children, and habitual drunkenness. You are i;ejuired to answer said pe tition on or before the L'Sth day of January, A. D., l'JIX. LKXA L ATI SOX. l'laintiff. l!y C. A. II AWLS. dlO-.-wtw. Attorney. OHDKIt Ol' lUCAltlXU end Not ice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. 0 State of Nebraska. Cass To I!ess:'e M. Larson and interested in the Kstate of County, ss: all persons Kmnia Alia Johnson. Deceased: tn reading the I'etition of Mary H. Mcliride, praying a final settlement and nlhnvaue of her account tiled in this Court on the 1st day of December, 1017. and. for distribution of said es tate ai'wrilins; to the terms of the will of s:. id deceased.; It is hereby ordi red that you ami all . persons interested in said matter may, and, do, appear at the County Court to be liebl in ami for said eoun tc. on the 17th dav of December. A. D.. 1'JlT. at 10 o'elTxk a. m. to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed, ::nd that noth e of the" pendency of s;.i.; petition and the hearing thereof he vriven to ail persons interested in said matter bv puldis fnir a copy of this !!. t in the IVattsmoiilli Journal, a semi-weekly imv; paper pihited in said count v for one week prior to v of henrinir. In Witness whereof. I have hereun to set iiiv hand and the Seal of said Court, this 1st day of December, A. I . HIT. allkx J. r.r:i:sox. (SeaD County Judge XtlTK'K TJ 'Ui:!)lT!t.S -t ate of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty. - llie 'ritty Court !; the i.i;. iter of the IZ.-tatc of Julia Thorn. is. Deceased. To Hi.' i Tediiei s of said Kstate: a: st re herebr. i.otlliedf : TIpi t 1 will it at the Cf uutv Cuut roi.m in 1'lattS' mouth: in p.' tv."' on llifi 24tlv day of I t em'-i !. 1?M7. and the ?"th day if Mar'-h, VJIX. a! ten'oVloek a. m. of each t!av t ivet-ive and examine all ;lai;ns a train.! said Kstate.. with view to their adjustment and allow MTiit. Ti time limited for the pre sentation of ehtims atrn'n.-t said l'.:-- late is three months from the '4th day of Deeetiiber, A. t., 7, and the time limited tor payment ot debts i .vie ar from said Ith day of 1 e eel! -her. 1 f i T. Witness my hand am! the seal of ahl Co;,ntv Court, this L'L'nd day of November, 1017. ALLKX J. IIKKsiiy. (Seal i Cmnty Judtje. 1 :. l:. Windham. Attorney. MiTICK to c!:i::jitoi:s The Slate of Nebraska, Cass Coun ty, ss: In tUv Coiinlj- Court In the matter of the Kstate of Mary O. KdKerton, Deceased. To the Credittns of said Kstate: You are h-rebv notified, that 1 will vit at the County Court room in 1'latts- month, in said county, on the ISth day of December, 3 017. ami the 19th day of March. KHS. at 10 o clock a. in. ot each day to receive anil examine all 'aims airninst said Kstate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tiie time limited for the presentation of claims airainst said Kstate is three months from the lth day of Decern her. A. D., 11)17, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said l:th day ot December, l-ja. Witness in;,- hand ami the seal -aid .Coniitv Court, this ltli uuy of of November, 1917. ALLKN J. I5KKSON'. nl9-svlv. County Jutlso, .mith'i: to i:kiitoks The s;tate of Nebraska, Ciiss Coun ty, ss; 111 Tile 4MIVI1 tfliri - in 1 ntittiic if 1 lio l'!wl;ttf ft f X:in- All ill. lilt...- ' ......... . . ,.! t . .1. 1111,... I .. rt. 1 fj I'.ll.UHI'lll HIH-.i, inxu.v ii. TO Hie I.KIIUOiS Oi SiAl'l IVililll-. i . irt .i r ...111 imi are r.ereny ninmru, i sit at the County Court room in Dlatts moutli. in said eountv. on the ISth day r ..-.- 1 - . 1 1 1 111. W.ii. ff j eve in in i , j . 1 1 , iiini i hit win v.. v. rrb. mix. at ten o'clock a. in. of each lay to receive ami examine an claims airainst y.ii Kstate. with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The lime limited for prc.scma- . . . 1.1 1. ......... i . lion OI claims against saio r.Miui; i. three months from the Ifclh day of December, A. !.. Ktl7, ami the time i : . :.. f . v . w. -. - - A-- .r lil-tu its rtnn I i III I I t I lUl ouj Minn i v ? 1 : .1 -toil. -P Ttn.i.tnhnr VI -'ir 1ICUU frUlU lOLll ua yj . lL' tuiwvi, in 17. ..... . , . , . . .1 . , w liness mv nanii arm me m-,h i said County Court, this Uth day of November, l'.U7. tia-sw4v. County Judyc. Notice to non-resident Defendants, their Heirs," Devisees, Legatees. Per sonai 1 tepresentat ives, and all persons interested in. their estate. To S. T. w. Throp, lirst real name unknown, if livhif,, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all per sons interested in llie esiaie oi S. T. W. Throp, deceased: Mrs. S. T. W. Throp. wife of S. T. V.. Throp, first reul name unknown, if . living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi- spe;, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the estate of Mrs. K. T. YV. Throp, let-eased; Pioneer Savings and Loan Company, successor and owner ot ait richts. nrooerty and estate of Na tional Building Loan and Protective Union; National Ituihling Loan awl Protective Union: J. V. J lardy, lirst eal name unknown, if living, if de eased, the unknown heirs, devisees, egatees, personal representatives :ind all persons . Interested in the estate of .1. V. Hardy, deceased; Airs. V. Hardy, first real name un known, wife of J. V". Hardy, if living. f deceased, the unknown neirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa- P V i & 6 Depend on Red Crown Gasoline as ygm would on a true old friend.' Trust it to start your engine at the first turn on the coldest mornings ; rely on it to create motor-power enough to pull you through the hardest going; expect it to give you most miles per gallon, most comfort per mile. With a tank full of Red Crown you drive alonjr carefree at a bird.. No need of frequent carburetor adjustments if you use only Red Crown. There's hardly ever an occasion when you nerd to be satisfied with less efficient fuel. Because wher ever you are, whenever you need gas, you can get Red Crown. It's distributed from our numerous Service Stations and from good garages everywhere. Look for the Red Crown Sign. J'olarine frees motors from lubricating troubles. Flows freely, lubricates perfectly, in any weather. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) OMAHA lives and all persons interested in the estate of Mrs. J. V. Hardy, de ceased; Aid jah Harris, if livlnpr, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the estate of Ahijah Harris, deceas ed: Mrs. Abijah Harris, wife of Abi iah Harris, first real name unknown, if llvinjr. -if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons in terested in the estate of Mrs. Abijah Harris, deceased; A. K. AK-xander, first real name unknown. If living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested In the estate of A. K. Alexander, de ceased; Mr. A. K. Alexander, hus band of A. K. Alexander, first real name unknown, if living', if deceas ed, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the es tate of Mr. A. K. Alexander, de ceased: A. H. Townsend, first real name unknown, if living, if deceas ed, the unknown heirs, devisees, leg atees personal representatives ami all persons interested in the estate of A. 11. Townsend, deceased; Mrs. A. 11. Townsend. wife of A. H. Townsend, tirst real name unknown; if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons in terested in the-estate of Mrs. A. H. Townsend, deceased: Alfred U. Jones, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons in terested in tiie estate of Alfred D. Jones, deceased: Sophronia Jones, wife of Alfred 1. Jones, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in t lie estate of isophronia Jones, de ceased : You and each of you are hereby noti fied that George J. Oldham as plaintiff. on the !Kli day of ovrmbrr, ls17, hied his petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, wherein you and all of you " are defendants: the object and prayer of which petition is that the claim, interest, right, title and estate of each and every one of you in and to Lots one (1) and two (2) and that part of lots three CD and four (4) not occupied by Chicago Avenue, in r.Ioek one hundred sixtv-four (164) of the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska. That the title of said plaintiff In and to said real estate, and every part thereof be quieted as against you and eacli and every one of you, as against any and all claims of any person through or by you, and that it be ad judged and decreed that each and all of you whose names are above jet forth, If living, and if deceased, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of each and every one of you, have no right, title. claim or interest in and to aid real estate or any part thereof, and that each and all of said defendants, those named, and those whose names are un known and not stated, be forever bar red from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest or estate in and to sard real estate, or anv part there of, and for such other and further re lief as to the court may seem just and equitable. lou and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 7 tli day of January, 1918. GKOIvGK J. OLDHAM, , Plaintiff. C. A. RAWLS, nlO-swoOd. Attorney. Studebakers! Having disposed of ray interest in the General Merchandise, I now give tny entire time to the automobile business, and am in a position to serve you much better than ever. I have a good stock of Studebafcer and Maxwell Oars on hand and cau make you immediate deli very. "More car for the Dol lar," is the one motto the Studcbaker Corporation have kept in mind since their establishment in ISo-. Compare Studebaker in power, quiet ness, seating arrangement, upholstering, oversize tires, design and ac cessibility and you will be convinced our nearest competitors are priced $200 to $:W0 higher. " ' Studebaker 18 Scries 6 cylinder, CO b. p. - - - $lu5 18 " 4 " 40 b. p. - - - - 1050 Maxwell 25-17, 30 b. p. 745 i O. B. Detroit. Call or drop mc a card for demonstration. Goodrich and Lee lunc- lure Proof Tires and Tubes at 10 , under the market. French Auto Oils and Auto Accessories. Ford Specialties. Empire Mechanical Milkers carried in stock. J. F. Uv7LFF, Cedar Creek, USJUU'U U i JL Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stom ach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found anything fo good for stomach trouble and constipation as Cham berlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a health y condition,". writes Mrs. Ben jamin Hooper, Auburn, X. Y. LIST YOUR FARM. In just 22 days from the time it was listed, I sold the Adam D. Kraeger farm. I have a half dozen or more prospective purchasers. If you want to sell your farm call at my office and' list same. I can put you next to several purchasers. Ad dress A.L. Tidd, Plattsmouth,' Nebr. ll-27-lwkd2wkswkly. Rubber Boot and Shoe VULCANIZE JUST INSTALLED! in Plattsmouth Rubber Boots and Shoes Resouled and Repaired! AH Kinds of Rubber Goods Made Good as New! Reneiv Tire Go, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Nebraska